#btw ​shout out to Crunchyroll for a sick dub! prob wouldn’t have watched this show otherwise
sakiyaki-sashimi · 6 months
Fuck so I just finished Trigun Stampede and this ending touched me.
The desperation and awfully tragic characterization of Knives clashing with Vash, the themes of duality and “sides” throughout the show coming to a head beautifully.
I like the nod to the first Trigun anime in Vashs haircut in the big cube fight with him and Nai, I thought it was a nice touch! Also Milly will be in the second season? Cool! I’ve heard lovely things about her character!
God the animation was beautiful, not one for 3D but it really worked here!
Okay, final questions: Is Vash dead??? I know at least Wolfwood or Roberto is dead cuz of the picture and the cigarette memorial, but I don’t know who, hopefully not both!!! My guess is Roberto since they’re prob gonna replace him with Milly and have the core characters of the original Trigun in the second season? I think lol
Last thoughts: absolutely wonderful show, already itching for more!!! The characters and story were amazing, though a bit complex for me to get at times lol! The animation style really grew on me as time passed, and this show has an amazing knack for getting me to care for characters I really haven’t known long! Wish the pacing was a bit better, but that might just be my desire to have these people be happy for 2.5 seconds before destruction occurs yet again lol
Though I am not an old fan of Trigun, far from it, as I’ve literally just written my first full experience with it, but I can already see this this is a complete love letter to fans of Trigun
Amazing watch, so happy to have had this experience!!
If you want a list of all my Trigun watch thru posts (can’t imagine why, but still), here they are!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
(Part 7 is this post lol)
Wow, didn’t realize I had this much to say XD
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