#btw I decided to show the blog for browsing again :3
ventiaoo · 2 years
;Where to read Enstars! Mainstory/Events/Scouts stories
Because I am a bit bored today and doesn't have the motivation to get back writing, I decided to share this a little information where you can read the Ensemble stars english translations that were taken down due to some copy-right and shit. I am fully aware that some of you must be absolutely devasted as hell, especially the newcomers who is still new to Ensemble stars. You will be grateful for the assistance I am about to give you, saving you the time it would take to search Enstars english translation, Anyhow- shall we get started fellas?
(1) Okay, In order to find the English translations, you must first search "Wayback Machine" this is where you are going to be able to read the translations (You can also read Enstars!! here, however the translations hasn't been finished because it got removed)
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(2) Once you are on the website, the next step is you should do is search for "Ensemble stars wiki fandom" the english one okay? not that one from japanese one etc. Ehem- after you've done the search, the next thing you got to do is copy the link
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(3) After that, you simply need to paste the link into to the search bar like in the image above. Then, for obvious reasons, you must click "Browse History."
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(4) The moment you click it, you will be directed to this. It will display the years, months, and days that the Enstars fans updated the English wiki, along with any translations.
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Step Five: Click the year 2021
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(5) Scroll down to August, after that. the next thing you have to do click is day 18.
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(6) Once you click the day 18, you will see this. then the next thing you have to click again is- 00:33:08. Please click the top option, okay??
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(7) Blah, Blah, Blah. Once you've clicked '00:33:08' this will appear on your screen, click story, then click Ensemle stars(!) or Ensemble Strars(!!) Then it will show the mainstory, Event & Scout story and so forth. At that point, you could read the entire english translation of Enstars! with your heart contents, there is no need to struggle and hurriedly seek the translations on Google, pretty neat :DD
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It will show you this when you clicked the Main Story
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And then it will show you this if you clicked the Event & Scout story, all events and scouts are complete in Ensemble Stars! I think? Oh and btw you can read the Reminiscence event or scout in "Timeline"
(Note): That's all I have for now. I hope this was helpful and that I was able to explain it well. Let me know if you have any more questions. Please feel free to enquire in my blog. Goodbye!
(Edited Note): In all honesty, you don't need to follow all of these steps considering that I've provided the Link, Lmao. How stupid of me~ By the way, when you have a poor wifi connection, Way Back Machine frequently takes a long time to load. therefore I advise you that you need to have a high-speed internet connection.
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youknowmymethods · 6 years
Content Creator Interview #5
Welcome back again folks! This week in our fifth interview @vermofftiss chats to @mizjoely about her love of lists, her fantasy season five finale, and reveals the truth about who really writes her stories...
Hi, @mizjoely here, chatting with @vermofftiss about my sherlolly writing and fandom experiences, and answering some questions submitted by a few other folks. I’ve been involved in fandom in one way or another since the early 1980s, which is also when I started writing fanfiction - for classic Doctor Who and Star Trek in its various incarnations.
@vermofftiss here, putting forward the aforementioned questions. I’ll also be trying to weasel some advice out of @mizjoely that I can use for my own writing, which has been a casual ongoing thing since I published my first sherlolly fic in 2014.
Vermofftiss: I think our first encounter was in the Sherlollychat in the fall of 2014, around the time I got onto AO3. Which means series 3 was five years ago. How does it feel knowing that series 4 was already two years ago? What’s changed in the time since it aired?
Mizjoely: Oh, I miss the sherlollychat, or at least I did until Channy came up with the discord version! It’s hard to fathom that so much time has passed since I joined the fandom! (I became active on tumblr in November 2013 after discovering Sherlolly earlier that same year, btw.) Series 3 was five years ago. Series 4 was two years ago. Crazy!
As for what’s changed since then, I’d have to say one positive thing is that the fandom wank has calmed way the hell down since S4…. Another change that I’ve seen is probably common to all fandoms over time - new writers and content creators have joined the fandom while (sadly) many others have moved on to other fandoms. Of course, that’s to be expected when your show is essentially over, but it’s still kind of sad to lose folks completely to other fandoms.
V: Which series was your favourite to play with as a writer? When did you really get into writing Sherlolly?
M: I would have to say Series 4 has definitely been a great series to write for - so much angst! The I love you! Mary Watson’s very sad death, Rosie Watson becoming a character, Mrs. Hudson showing us what a badass she is, and of course Eurus Holmes entering the picture. We might not have gotten as much Molly Hooper as we wanted, but the scenes we did get with her were tremendous and gave so much inspiration to me and many other writers.
I really got into Sherlolly as a ship after seeing TRF, as I’m sure is true with many folks - especially the “what do you need” scene. And it was so much fun to dive into the possibilities of life after Sherlock’s ‘death’ between Series 2 and 3, I consider that a real golden age of Sherlolly writing. My first published Sherlock/Sherlolly fic was “Conversations With A Dead Detective”, set Post Reichenbach, which according to fanfiction.net I published on 04/11/13 (so I’m nearly at my five year Sherlolly- versary, woo hoo!).
A quick look at my spreadsheet (don’t judge me, I love my lists) shows that I wrote or at least started 37 fics that year (one of which I’m still working on, yikes! - The World As We Know It, a vamp!lock fic). I’m currently sitting at almost 500 fics for Sherlolly, which still amazes me, that I could be that inspired by a pair of fictional characters! (For comparison, my second most prolific fandom is Doctor Who, for whom I wrote a total of 25 stories over a period of 20 years. And of those 25, only about a dozen were for my main ship, Five/Tegan).
V: A couple of questions from @ohaine - 
1) Based on the sheer volume of your work, I have this theory that you’re actually some sort of artistic collective rather than just one person, please tell me I’m right!
M: You have discovered my secret: I'm actually four raccoons in a trenchcoat! Seriously though, until I was bitten by the Sherlolly bug, my output was much, much lower, even though I've been writing fanfics since the early 1980s. For example, I love the Zutara ship for Avatar: Last Airbender, but I only wrote three fics for that. I wrote about 25 fics for Doctor Who, and about the same amount for the various Star Treks (not including Khanolly). Nothing set my writing muse afire like Sherlolly, and I doubt anything ever will again.
and, 2) You write a lot of AUs, and I’m wondering what inspires them?
M: Considering that I started off as a strictly Canon Universe/Canon Compliant writer in all of my other fandoms, it still seems funny to me how much I enjoy writing and reading AUs now. I started reading them after finally running out of canon compliant fics to read and discovering how much fun it was to transplant the characters into a different universe. And that, of course, made me think about what sort of AUs I could fit Molly and Sherlock into.
In fact, the very first BBC Sherlock story I started to write (never finished or posted) was an AU because I was nervous about trying to write Sherlock and figured no one would complain too much about him being OOC if it was a fantasy setting. (I ended up taking the plunge on a canon universe post Reichenbach fic and posted that and a lot of other canon universe fics before returning to AUs.)
Wait, that doesn't answer the question! What inspires them? The same things that inspire all my writing: wanting to read a specific kind of fic and not being able to find it; fics that other authors have written that make me itch to put my own spin on the idea; dreams; books I've read or movies or TV shows I've watched...inspiration is everywhere when you really, really, really love a ship. (Gawd that's cheesy but it's true - no love, no writing fanfic, period end of paragraph.)
V: This past spring I finally got the nerve to start working on my first proper AU (not CC, CU, or UA) after sitting on the idea for about 3 years. Have you ever had to wait to be “ready” to start working on a concept? How much do you need to know about a project to get going on it?
M: I have absolutely had to wait to be ready to start working on a concept. My very first attempt at a Sherlolly fic (never finished or published) was going to be an AU because I was so intimidated by the idea of writing Sherlock Holmes in the canon universe set up by Moffat & Gatiss. I was terrified I wouldn’t get his voice right, that he would be too OOC for folks, that I wouldn’t be able to make him clever enough or that I’d mess things up a dozen different ways. So I started writing the AU instead, and in doing so (over a course of several months), I finally realized that no, I wanted to start off in the canon universe. Just trying to write him at all, in any setting, made me a little less intimidated by him. But I might never have written anything if I hadn’t started that abandoned AU. (And I look forward to seeing your AU when you’re ready to post it!)
V: Does reader feedback ever impact the plots of your stories or the building of your AUs?
M: It absolutely can, especially when someone leaves a comment that makes me think about my story in a different light. I won’t go so far as to say comments have caused me to redo anything on a larger scale (such as change the ending) but certainly I’ve thrown things into the fic or expanded on ideas expressed in a comment to make the story that much richer.
That’s one of the best things about being active in fandom - the interactions between readers and writers. Of course, the reverse can also be true - I remember needing a LOT of fan-friend coddling when some folks were unhappy with the ending of my story ‘Abandoned’ (i.e., my Molly let my Sherlock get off too easily). But you have to have thick skin to be a creator, and remember that not everyone likes the same things. And you also have to be able to say yes, I could have done this better, or if I had to do it over I’d do it differently. It’s all part of the creative process.
V: Are there any scenes or aspects that were cut from a story that you regretted leaving out at the end?
M: Not really. Most things that I cut have been vetted by my betas (shout-out to ALL betas for being willing to help you make your story better!) and jettisoning those things has always made my stories better. (Plus I keep a folder of scraps that got cut and periodically review those scraps to see if I might be able to salvage them.)
V: On top of being one of the better-known Sherlolly writers in the tag, you’re also the single person behind the Sherlollbrary. As much as I love to organize my life and everything else I can get my hands on, that’s not something I think I’d ever actually want to do. So what made you decide to start cataloguing Sherlolly fics?
M: My love of lists. Seriously, that’s it. I love making lists of things - like, how many stories did I write in 2013 for Sherlolly (37, as you now know!), how many one-shots have I written vs. multi-chapters, how many were prompts...and then I started seeing people doing lists of various tropes. The one that made me decided to start my Sherlollilists side blog was one put together for Sherlolly omegaverse stories. As more and more lists were created, edited, and added (I’m currently at 140 official lists, with more than a dozen unofficial lists), I decided it would nice to organize them all (not realizing quite what I was getting into!) as one spreadsheet, with other tropes and tags and keywords for folks to help narrow down their searches. It always give me a little thrill when I open the library and see folks are browsing, so I like to think it’s a useful tool (although I am looking forward to finishing it someday!)
@writingwife-83 asked: You work tirelessly to organize all the multitude of writing this ship produces, but how do you feel that affects you as a writer? Does it make you less interested in writing your own fics? Or does it tend to help get the wheels turning and inspire you?
M: I have to admit, sometimes curating the lists can completely put me off writing, simply due to feeling oversaturated. This is especially true when I am reading or skimming over fics that are, shall we say, not the best of the bunch. Or the times when I'm just pushing myself even if I'm not really enthusiastic about doing it. Those times, I've learned to just step back, which is why sometimes the lists don't get updated very quickly.
On the other hand, rereading a favorite or a forgotten gem can really get my creative juices flowing. At times like that, I fall back in love with the ship and the fandom all over again.
V: When you’re stuck with writer’s block or just a lack of motivation, does it help you more to reread an old fave or to go back through some of your own works? Have you noticed your style has changed much?
M: It does help, absolutely. It reminds me why I love this ship so much, and helps me reconnect with others in the fandom. People think of reading as passive and writing as solitary, but to me it’s an interactive process. Reading great fics, new can old, helps feed your creativity. And nowadays the internet helps so much as well - there are awesome resources and fandom spaces to talk to other folks about their works and your own, reminding you that you’re not creating in a vacuum. (And I REALLY love the cheerleading section of the Sherlolly Discord site. That can help unstick my creativity like nobody’s business!)
As for my style changing - yeah, it definitely has. I feel like my writing has become more streamlined and less clunky since I first started. I still do a lot of semicolon abuse but at this point I’ve decided that’s just my style and will likely never change.
Thanks for the excellent questions and for letting me ramble on!
V: I’m sure we can do a lot more rambling if left on the trail. How about one last one: In the currently hypothetical series 5, how would you continue the story from where it left off?
M: Oooh, good one! If I was in charge we would see that Sherlock and Molly are continuing their relationship, culminating with a wedding at the end of the third episode. But since I’m not in charge, I’m thinking that Mofftiss would give us some subtle hints, like John casually mentioning to Sherlock that he and Rosie can’t join ‘them’ for dinner that night for whatever reason. And maybe some small changes to 221B to show hints that someone else spends time there other than Sherlock and the Watsons - a cherry patterned pillow, perhaps? A Bart’s ID card with a woman’s picture to show that no, it isn’t one Sherlock nicked to get access to a place he otherwise couldn’t get to? A woman’s coat hanging next to Sherlock’s? Something like that. And some private smiles between Sherlock and Molly, little things like that. Enough to give us hope but not enough to give us proof! They do like to tease that way!
Non-shipwise, I think Eurus would make a return because come on, how do you leave a character like that catatonic? I also think they would return to ACD canon to revise a few more cases for the modern age, and maybe (maybe!) have John start dating again (especially if they’re so married to canon that they killed Mary off - since John seems to have been married at least twice, they would probably explore that option).
I know, that last part is a bit vague but honestly? I hope they surprise the hell out of us in a good way if we ever get that fifth series!
Next Week, Friday March 22nd, @ashockinglackofsatin talks to @sunken-standard
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asterlizard · 5 years
SF cherry blossom festival 2019
Sorry this is a month late! I had almost no time to write this earlier because of school.
(This is also a rough draft journal entry because my current cosplay blog is not up to date yet, and I don’t have all of the photos I want to share from the event yet, but I wanted to get this journal out there in the hopes of maybe connecting with people)
I cosplayed as Snufkin btw!
I went with a friend who didn’t cosplay (In retrospect I think she should have cosplayed Little My because she had red hair at the time, and we could have been mischievous siblings together). She recently went to the UK and she remarked to me how different/weird the UK is compared to the US, and I smile knowingly (but for the reverse reason)
Funny enough, there were a couple of cosplayers at the BART station we started at (which was almost the furthest station away). I hoped they would notice us, but they kept walking away...
The Civic Center where the parade started had an outdoor exhibition on Holocaust survivors (argh I wish I had a proper look at it)
There weren’t as many cosplayers as I had been used to in previous events I attended, but there were a lot of cool ones
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An awesome Tokoyami cosplay (but I felt bad for him because it was a hot day and he was wearing a dark outfit)
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Jedi Elsa!
At one point, a couple of pikachus showed up, and a bunch of small children ran up to hug them, it was adorable (the children were from another part of the parade)
Unfortunately I didn’t get much of a chance to interact with others this time, as I stuck with my friend pretty much the entire time. Since we both watched BNHA, our recurring joke of the day was Iida’s arm gesture thing, and scolding people for sitting on desks while making the gesture.
We also wandered about the place to pass the time, and we found a separate section of the parade devoted to shiba inus
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As we finally lined up for the parade (I remarked in the past that everyone would start ‘amoeba-ing’, but everyone was more cooperative, possibly because there weren’t as many people?) I brought up Hetalia at some point and how I wouldn’t expect anything related to it anymore (ngl, I kinda miss the years when it was more popular), and one of the cosplayers overheard us and actually talked with us very briefly about it. I’m glad my expectations were wrong! ouo)b
Parade antics:
Moving a very short distance every 10 minutes while the rest of the parade progressed ahead of us (’Hooray! 5 feet!’)
A drill sergeant routine (someone in the background made a comment, and the ‘drill sergeant’ replies, ‘WHAT THAT GUY SAID’)
Chanting about cosplay (I couldn’t shout because my voice was already half dead from shouting above the noise on the train and such :’D )
Joseph Joestar losing his hat from a gust of wind, and a loud ripple of ‘OH NOOOOO’, ‘OH MY GOOODDD’, ‘SON OF A BIIIITCH’, etc. ensued for like half a minute (I haven’t seen the series, but I admire the outfits)
The megaphone girl being very genki and cheering us on
The parade was almost done, and my feet were hurting, and it was hot and I was hungry. I got a couple of cheers from the audience who recognized my cosplay :D
When our section of the parade ended, we dispersed (Tokoyami was nowhere to be found at this point). I try to weave through the crowds and meet up with my friend and then we ate dango :P Although the food was cold, it wasn’t enough, so I got a shaved ice to combat the heat of indoors (it worked!)
Meanwhile, I’ve seen like 4 Dekus, 3 or 4 Todorokis, an Uraraka, another Tokoyami, and a Toga. There was also a little girl dressed as Froppy (cute!)
My friend and I decided to wander around outside Japantown, and we eventually wound up at the Peace Plaza where we got to watch some of the performances (I hadn’t done this before!)
Ahhh, my heart warms seeing open celebrations of other cultures.
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These three dubbed themselves the ‘Birthday Boys’ because it was their birthdays that day. Their routine was very entertaining, the audience got to participate in a hayashi kotoba, in which we repeat chants from the singer.
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We also got to learn the Awa Odori dance, which is incredibly simple to do. (Armed with these skills, I’m prepared for any spontaneous chanting or dancing!)
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And of course, Detective Pikachu was there. His hat kept falling off, and everybody responded like it was a tragedy.
There was a cosplay segment where we got to see all of the cosplayers who entered for this segment. The theme was ‘heroes and villains’, and everyone dressed for their side accordingly. Coincidentally enough, there were an equal amount of heroes and villains. My personal favourites were the Jedi Elsa and Samurai Darth Vader, though I kinda expected BNHA to show up at some point, considering (y’know) the theme
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It was getting late at this point, and we needed to leave fairly soon, so we left to go eat okonomiyaki (because we were short on time, I planned on quickly shopping for Japanese snacks as soon as we ordered our meals, and then returning, but what I was looking for wasn’t in stock :< )
After eating, as we were leaving, I saw Samurai Darth Vader eating at the restaurant hours later, which is a funny visual to me for some reason. We very briefly browsed the shops (the manga shop as well, of course) another person recognized my cosplay, and we briefly talked about Snufkin.
Even though we just ate, my friend wanted a crepe, and while we were waiting for it, someone else said they liked my costume (I got a total of 5 acknowledgements? Considering how obscure the character is, I’ll take it! More than my last visit!)
When we were done, we now had to find a way of getting home. We didn’t want to walk all the way back to the BART station that was next to the Civic Center (we’re sore from walking, and it was suspicion hour), the bus would have taken just as long, but a Lyft was our fastest option (I never did it before!)
I saw the two cosplayers were still at Japantown by the time we were leaving, and I hoped we could coincidentally ride home on BART together again, but I don’t think that happened, oh well...
Eventually we got back at around 8pm, and I got home at around 9pm.
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Recap and Notes: Heracles!Stiles Ch. 1
find the chapter here
So, wow, I actually posted it xD Originally I’ve always planned to start posting the chapters once I finish the whole fic (as of the time I’m writing this I have three left, even less considering that I have some of their parts already written and planned out, so don’t worry!), and that’s it’s anyway going to be before the show ends.
Three years later and I didn’t mange to do it as I really wanted- with writing blocks, other fandoms and life in general interrupting me a lot, and I really wish I could blame it on the huge amount of research I’ve done.
But yeah, now it’s here and there’s no way back (even though I want to scream thinking about it T-T) and hopefully I’ll be done with the three left soon enough- and surely before I finish editing the rest of the chapters.
And the editing process (and when I say editing, keep in mind that I’m not a native English speaker, and it’s only done with the best of my abilities so it’ll at least being able to be understood even when grammar isn’t right; can someone tell me again why did I choose to write in past tense??) is a much bigger project than what I anticipated- I had to stay up two whole nights just to be done with this chapter, which is currently the shortest of all the chapters (though I really wish I could keep them all around 8k).
So, without further ado, let’s start with some background of the fic itself:
After getting into the Sterek fandom in 2014 (I’ve watched the show since the fisrt season but was not full on shipper like today), I found this post while browsing through the 2014′s Sterek Week tag. It really caught my attention above any other post I’ve seen about them for some reason (because not only the characters really fit their roles, but I love the Greek myth in general, even more so after reading the Percy Jackson series; I’d include references to it, but decided against it for the sake of my friend, who’s the biggest fan of the series), and after daydreaming about it for a few days- the idea of writing it according to the original Greek legend popped into my head, and I decided to try it out (btw, I was embarrassingly surprised to find out how different it was from the film, along with the fact that the Roman name is more famous than the original one).
As I was taking it more and more seriously (at my first few months in the fandom I was so excited about the unending amount of posts about them that I spent my free time basically stalking many old posts in random blogs xD), around 2015, I translated what I’ve written to English and finished the chapter. As I started reading about the legend in general, I found out these interesting points that drove me more than anything to write the fic, because now I had answers to why I was so instinctively drawn to this AU, why it felt so right (can also be read as: the amount of times I fangirled because of my own stupid AU >< ) :
1. His canon real name, Mieczysław, means “fame by swords”- with name Heracles meaning “fame by Hera” (and now I’m really glad I’d waited until this name was revealed, instead of only using Alcaeüs, which supposedly means “strength”, as his lone first name like I’d planned). As we know Stiles, though, neither of them is needed in order for him to reach glory :P
2. According to the original legend, Heracles actually has an average size body, and isn’t as well-built as the Romans fantasize him to be and as we imagine him to be today.
3. Heracles’ preferred weapon was a club, which is as close as it can get to  Stiles’ modern bat lol.
4. Like Stiles, some of Heracles’ most known features were being vengeful and preferring to kill anyone who stood in his way (though Stiles only suggests it) but also struggling a lot with guilt. He used his cunning skills in some of his labours, too.
5. In this interview with Jeff Davis, he stated that not only the show is inspired by Greek mythology, but Stiles itself is inspired about non other than another Greek Hero, Perseus (Heracles’ ancestor): “...He needed to be Perseus, given a sword and shield by the Gods, but he has to rely on his own wits when he faces the monster, in the same way Perseus chased Medusa and used his own wits to show her own reflection and turn her to stone. That is Stiles. You give him mountain ash, he can spread a circle around it, but he has to rely on his own wits as well.”
* mind you, I’d still write the thing even without Jeff proving that the legend fits Stiles and the Teen Wolf universe to perfectly, but as a real Sterek fan I take whatever little good he does leave to us and make the best out of it. In the end I didn’t even write him as Perseus, because it was Heracles’ legend that inspired me in the first place, and I preferred to give Stiles to go through the most legendary journey of them all (which is also why I didn’t go with the “legend repeating itself” trope). I did use the comparison in some instances in the fic, though, as the most known feature of both of them is cunning. 
But when we leave the plot aside and focus on the ship that really was the cause of it all (and fair warning: THIS FIC IS AS SLOW AS A SLOW BUILT CAN BE)- I’m a sucker for stories where a character’s mentally doesn’t for with the level of his power, and with that I could write the best story I could give to Stiles and Derek.
So with that’s done, let’s get to the chapter itself. ^^”
Myth and Historical Overview
Alcaeüs is the name Heracles was born with, before it was changed later on in his life to Heracles- though no one knows at which point it happened. A less common name that is associated with him is Alcides.
The story about Stiles lifting the car doesn’t represent anything in the legend of Heracles, who, unlike Stiles, was always aware of Zeus being his Father.
General Recap
Additional car scene to the Magic Bullet episode! :D This is the first scene I’ve written to the story, though I translated it after originally scrabbling it to myself during my time off at the office in Hebrew, my native language, before translating it later when I got it on my computer: 1 2 (HOW COULD I THOUGH, IT’S NOW SO WEIRD TO ME TO READ IT LIKE THIS XD also, there isn’t a good translation in Hebrew to the word “Dude”).
Poor Derek, though- everything crushes around him and he’s about to die, but he still had the patience to let Stiles take his time while telling about the tough parts T-T 
So yeah, in this universe Stiles finds out that Deaton knows stuff, but still prefers to treat Scott’s condition after the bite on his own at the beginning.
I find that scene with Scott to be adorable, and presenting what I wish their relationship will always be like in the canon, but don’t get your hopes up for something similar to that to happen again. I may write the story from Stiles’ POV, who is led by his incredible loyalty, but I don’t like Scott or his friendship with Stiles in canon, so prepare for subtle criticism at future parts.
The “incident” will be explained further in the story.
Fun Facts
The idea for the aura that Stiles came from S3B, where Derek sees Kira’s. It doesn’t have a shape like her for Derek to know what Stiles is, though.
Reading the first draft, apparently I planned for Stiles to know he is connected to the Greek Deities somehow- probably scene Heracles has always known about it according to the legend. I’m glad I changed that, though, because if Stiles knew enough to be aware of that- he’d figured out already about being a Demigod, and it could ruin... the drama, I guess? “XD
And that’s all for this time, since I don’t really have anything from the legend or history fact being used in that one. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and that you will with the rest too! ^^
And if you want to ask anything, feel free to send me!
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saeranoppa · 7 years
Hey! Do you mind doing the RFA+V+Saeran reacting to MC being a YouTuber? Thank you and I love your blog!!
sure thing! and i’ll just drop my channel so that y’all check out my like.. 3 videos lmao
i’m doing this with the prospect of being a normal youtuber. like, not a big one, just a chill small channel with a decent following lol.
He’s actually so amazed!
You had yet to tell him because you weren’t sure if you were ready to do so.
You were a bit self-conscious about it.
But one fateful day, he came across one of your videos because they appeared in the suggestions.
His s/o’s a YouTuber!? That’s so awesome!
He burst into the living room, where you were casually watching a movie while eating some snacks.
You shot up the couch, cheeks all red, and looked away bashfully.
“I wasn’t sure you were going to like them…”
“Are you kidding!? I love them!!! Let’s make a video together one day! Let’s make a channel together!”
He was so supportive of you and your hobby/job.
He was pretty impressed because he’s a big personality in showbiz and tbh he would be pretty excited.
Waits for you to tell him, but you just… don’t. 
Eventually you guys are having take out (a miracle bcs that rarely happened) and he asks you about your channel.
You almost choke on your soup.
“I-I… W-Well you see.. it’s just a hobby! Nothing serious. Not that good, to be hone-”
He cuts you off by pressing a kiss to your forehead and grinning. 
“Will you include me in one of your videos?”
You were about to reply before he, once again, interrupted you.
“Because I bet you’d love it if your channel had even more beauty on it, since it already has a delicious babe in every video.”
You grab the nearest throw pillow and chuck it at his head, your blush spreading like mad across your face.
“I’ll think about it.”
But obviously you would let him.
You’d let him do your hair and he would let you do his, you’d actually been planning it after the first party ended. 
Tbh, she wouldn’t so impressed. 
She just thought it was unexpected, since she never even saw you with your cameras around. 
And she rarely had time to browse YouTube. 
But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t supportive of your dream/hobby/job.
When you told her, she asked you if you could please show her all of your videos.
Every time you turned around, there was a cute little smile on her face.
And a blush.
And she just looked so cute that you wrapped your arms around her and gave her a quick kiss.
“So, do you like it?”
She pulled back from the embrace, a pink hue visible all over her cheeks, before fixing her glasses.
“Of course I do. You look adorable in all of them, I even read the comments. And I think some people are a little bit too friendly for my liking.”
You had to show him your channel as well because he was such a klutz with technology.
When he noticed the quality of your videos and the size of your audience, he immediately offered to sponsor your videos.
He also noticed how good you were at what you did, he was surprised.
You knew better than outright refusing his offer.
To him business was something serious, and this was obviously business related. 
So, you knew that if you refused right away, without thinking it through, he would go and lecture you about the importance of rare business opportunities.
You were quiet for too long though. 
“So? (Y/n), what do you think? Yes, no? I honestly think that it’s a great opportunity for both your channel and the company. YouTube is a great way of doing publicity and you would obviously benefit from C&R’s publicity.”
You noticed the fierce gleam in his eye.
He was serious.
He also looked very cute when talking about business. 
You couldn’t help but offer him one of the smiles that always and without fail made him melt.
You also felt guilty, because you felt like you were just taking advantage of him.
“How about this, baby? You sponsor some of my videos? I just… I honestly don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you. I hate the prospect. And I know this is business and that I should think logically, but I don’t care. I have a moral code I must follow and that’s that. What do you think?”
You were blushing. 
It always made you flustered, talking business with him.
It was overwhelming and also slightly hot.
He just smiled at you and grabbed your hand, his thumb brushing along your knuckles. 
“We have a deal, my love.”
“And I have one more condition?” you continued.
He raised a single eyebrow, smile still present on his lips. 
He knew that tone of voice, you wanted to get away with something.
“I… I want you to be in one of my videos!”
He was taken aback. 
“Take it or leave, Mr. Han.”
Mr. Han… 
You were pinned against the couch in an instant, his lips hovering over yours.
Obviously, he already knew about your videos.
He thought you were adorable and sexy and perfect. 
And he constantly created bots that left loving and supporting comments on your videos. 
Once Saeran settled in his house and was used to you, he decided to bring it up.
Because you had stop uploading videos ever since you joined the RFA.
He knew the reason. You were too busy with the organization and helping him. 
He loved you so much.
“Huh? Oh…” you rubbed the back of your neck, a sheepish smile on your face, “Yeah… Um, I guess I do have a decent following and I’ve been reading the comments asking me to upload but… I’m pretty busy.”
“I’ll help you.”
You looked at him dead in the eye.
A video with Seven. Now that would be something.
A creative spark lit inside of you and a grin started spreading on your face.
“Would be willing to wear a paper mask and be in one of my videos?”
That was easy.
A devilish smirk appeared on his face before nodding once, already plotting the weirdest most random video, fitting for your comeback. 
He’d help you blow up, just like he helped Zen. 
Of course, he’d ask you first. 
“And you know… Along the way… we can make some other type of video.. In which we do thinks like fuc-”
You threw your slipper and it landed right on his face.
He also knew you were one.
He chose you after all.
(This is after Mint Eye btw, he’s on the road to recovery)
And I think that this baby would binge watch the videos he didn’t already while helping himself to some ice cream.
But he wouldn’t create supportive bots.
Instead, he’d look up at the negative comments, trace them, and suddenly the owner’s laptop would have a strange virus. 
No one messes with his angel.
He’d low key be your fan.
This nugget underwent surgery and when he watched your videos he was astonished. 
The way you handled the camera and edited your videos as A+++++.
He’d offer to help you with the filming process. 
And offer to pay him.
But he REFUSED. 
Why would you even offer that? 
“I’m doing this because I genuinely want to help and want to make you happy.”
Bless this sweet baby. 
I lost inspiration at Saeran and V aslfja sigh. sorry this was shitty.
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sh-lan · 8 years
better late than never winter break 2k16
Season’s greetings and best of bangtan came out i’m deceased
started watching goblin. forgot how real actors make me feel. <3 also that ost with punch and chanyeol gets me every time. (ha omg i accidentally made a punch reference LOL who am i)
i was gonna give up on weightlifting fairy but then the end of ep1 got me like. FUCK GOTTA WATCH THE NEXT EP EDIT: still currently trying to finish it...
that moment when you forget about the ab flash from we are bulletproof and you rewatch performances and just
To quote leighton: “Your teef are shifting and you will be uglee" One week without retainers… EDIT: but like yo my teeth actually shifted and ow ㅠㅠ
Ok so i made a sideblog for my bts feels so hopefully this main one wont be splashed with too much bts lol EDIT: it’s still splashed with a lot of bts let’s be real here
So like the past two days there were lives from v and rapmon so i was like ok what are the chances that someone will do a live? So i actually woke up to check my phone pretty continuously from like 7am and what do you know. I woke up around 20 minutes in to eat jin + chimchim + kook and i was as ecstatic as someone could be at 8am. But the connection was terribad and they ended it prematurely but OH WELL Then after waking up at 11...i went on twitter and was smacked in the face with not only jungkook but multiple other members. Ahhh what a good morning. Also this bitchass tagged the nochu shit AGAIN smh
New snow filters got me shookt esp jimin’s facetime call one I fckin cant
december 15th I AM SO SHOOKT BTS I AM COMING FOR YOU OMFG #goodbyenewcomputer #goodbyenewphone EDIT: omg i’m literally trying to see my loves on the day of my love’s birthday #whoami
Omg that moment when i rediscover the letter from my korean shadow and then i’m like ??? He has a brother in YG i totally forgot about AND THEN AFTERWARDS I TELL VANIA AND YURI. THEN VANIA SHOWS ME AN ARTICLE WITH POTENTIAL YG BOIS AND I WAS LIKE HAHA NO WAY HE’S GONNA BE THERE BUT ????? Kim joon gyu. My shadow’s name is kim jin gyu. And i just. THEY LOOK ALIKE BUT DIFF? Oh my god IT HAS TO BE HIM???
Ahhh here goes another rejection. But that’s ok because too many good things cant happen to me right?
Visited a wonder of the world! #butgotlike6mosquitobites #chickenpizza cancun for a week in the middle of winter break felt...really weird because i went from 50 degree weather to 70 degree weather BUT it was fun nonetheless. although i missed some awesome scuba diving experiences due to mother nature, it was just quality vacation time. also got a massage at a beach with ma. what a wonderful experience lOL and ziplining was fun too! so that’s an experience for the books. but honestly all inclusive hotels are so dangerous i swear i came back from cancun 5 pounds heavier -_-
Why are there still so many things to take care of when it’s break smh
hnngh omg what to buy and going broke and money and omg no
Finally fixed my roots on december…26th? Man my hair grows really slow but damn pudding hair
Struggle is real when you cant drink han and i went to the sunset brewery for our anniversary and i ate a lot of food but also i suck at drinking and let’s just say it ended with me throwing up but that’s ok. so i just took a bath and went to sleep LOL
i just freed 6gb of memory because that’s how much memory virtualbox was taking up. hello???!?!?!?!?!
need buy army bomb need buy presents need buy more presents what do what is money EDIT: but actually wot is money doe
Went to a barry’s class today and it was fun!! Expect i’m sore now *cries*
Omg january 1st in the morning of ungodly hour of 2:30am, i open tumblr to be greeted with all the photos from the gayo daejun and I’M FUCKIN SLAYED BY ALL THE JUNGKOOK PICS FML WHO IS THIS CHILD I AM DED
Omg i saw this suggested post but i lost it and now i can never find it ever again smh why
Someone tell me am i going through puberty again because i have at least 6 pimples on my face omfg
but like why do i like so many of the designs for the bts stuff? like the HYYH era had such quality packaging and graphic designs and wings is so simple yet great and then there’s covers like dark & wild and 2 cool 4 skool looking angsty af but also just creative? wot is life how to work for bighit
Gotta watch yuri on ice and haikyuu
Honestly im really sad that there arent any uniqlos in sd because I LIVE AND BREATHE THAT STORE WHEN I HAVE IT AROUND ME *cries*
have i been living under a rock or did i just happen to forget that WJSN is under starship??? wtf wait…
why is school already emailing me pls stop
i can’t believe i haven’t jumped on haikyuu until now, 2014 me what were you doing
The wind and rain is pretty crazy right now ;___;
ok but like every time i try to type “btw” i end up typing “bts” lol…
Y'all i’m so shookt i cant wait for jungkook’s new cover release I live for this
ok but like how did i forget that i booked a 9:35am flight back to sd especially when i can’t even get up in the mornings i thought i booked a 3pm flight…
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that kageyama slams two buttons on the vending machine because he cant decide which drink to choose I thought he was just being stupid But This is lifechanging for me i’m going to do that forever
okay but all the year end performances were alfjeklajfeiwajfeiowa bts <3 ALSO CAN I JUST MENTION THE SEVENTEEN PERFS. LIKE. OMFG. WONWOO SANG. HE SANG. I REPEAT. HE SANG.
andddddddddddd that was winter break? this was the last winter break that i’m probably every going to have *cries* but welcoming in 2017 was nice! we all had a smol celebration while watching countdowns from around the US before actually having our own little countdown at home. we ate at that one malaysian restaurant in chinatown, went to whole foods to grab a bunch of food before heading home and enjoyed champagne and cheese! then han went to countdown for a bit before coming back...lol. and the rest of us just played bang for like 4 hours straight before heading into bed for the new year. it was fun!
and i really can’t believe that we had 1 month for winter break - which i thought was just a little too long. but i guess in retrospect, it was nice to end my college career with a month long winter break. LOOKING FORWARD TO 2017 (even though we’re already like 2 weeks in because i’m late in making this post...lol)
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tamiisnthere · 8 months
Tumblr media
Here is a small Altami concept in the Farm AU since I play Coral Island constantly. 🥰
Altaïr is in TS4 style to better fit in the same universe.
(↓ Credits under Keep reading)
Programs: XNALara & Fire Alpaca
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad © Ubisoft 
The Sims © Electronic Arts Games
Tami and TS4 Altaïr's Design © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most Custom Content. These belong to their creators. Some of them are edited by me.
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