#Tami Fountain
tamiisnthere · 5 months
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Since it's my birthday today, I have no other good ideas, so here's a long dead meme with Alty instead. 😅
Also I've actually had this Altaïr plushie for over two years, but this meme just recently came to mind.
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april-is · 1 month
April 16, 2024: Love Comes Quietly, Robert Creeley
Love Comes Quietly Robert Creeley
Love comes quietly, finally, drops about me, on me, in the old ways.
What did I know thinking myself able to go alone all the way.
Also by Robert Creeley: Oh
Today in:
2023: After Touching You, I Think of Narcissus Drowning, Leila Chatti 2022: Will You?, Carrie Fountain 2021: After Graduate School, Valencia Robin 2020: in lieu of a poem, i’d like to say, Danez Smith 2019: from The Invention of Streetlights 2018: Returning, Tami Haaland 2017: An Ordinary Composure, James L. White 2016: Verge, Mark Doty 2015: Reasons to Survive November, Tony Hoagland 2014: Unhappy Hour, Richard Siken 2013: Just Once, Anne Sexton 2012: Talk, Noelle Kocot 2011: Why They Went, Elizabeth Bradfield 2010: Anxiety, Frank O’Hara 2009: The Continuous Life, Mark Strand 2008: An old story, Bob Hicok 2007: you can’t be a star in the sky without holy fire, Frank X. Gaspar 2006: For the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu, A.M. Klein 2005: Other Lives And Dimensions And Finally A Love Poem, Bob Hicok
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gardenerian · 1 year
If all the characters collected something what do you think each of them would collect?
high as fuck and ready to answer this delightful question 😇 such a cute idea anon ily
fiona: racing bibs from her runs 🥰 also medals - more than ian has, actually, but who's counting? certainly not fiona 🥰
lip: when he rebuilds a garage for himself, maybe more vintage bikes? or he pivots, goes back to knitting, and starts collecting yarn. maybe he becomes a mug guy?
tami: she has a little collection of things fred brings her from their walks. little stones he found in the park, or lucky pennies he scooped right out of a fountain 😇
ian: old watches aksdfhsk oooooh or sneakers. also he has a lovely collection of mickey art and lip scarves :)))
mickey: zippo lighters 🔥 or matchboxes? knives???
debs: snow globes! and the glittery ones. i could also see postcards? especially ones with writing 🥺 also fancy candles
carl: little carl had doll's heads, post-canon carl maybe collects beer caps when he takes over the alibi 😇
liam: like. vintage campaign buttons? or i can see him graduating from those s10 jerseys into sportswear/pennants?
franny: inherits carl's doll heads. also quarters that uncle mickey has to give her every time he says the fuck word while babystting, according to uncle ian
fred: stuffed animals, kisses from his family right on the chubby lil baby face 😌
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hippodamoi · 3 years
for the ask game: ink/quill/history
VIII - INK - expensive fountain pen or chewed up biro?
XVI - QUILL - longest work you've written (whether academic or not) i have a fanfic that fills 38+ word pages, the other is my ba thesis.
XVIX - HISTORY - oldest book you own? Decameron by Boccaccio, printed 1964
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#5)
I made it to season 3! And I’m gonna try to post more often to keep it shorter: so here are my thoughts from 3x01 - 3x03:
-oh wow principal Tami Taylor? What a Dillon power couple.
-I just SCREECHEDDD ah this transition from coach Taylor’s “On the field or off the field, there isn’t anything Matt Saracen can’t accomplish” to Matt saying “ugh I can’t get this knot out of my shoe” 😭😂
-aww ok ok so Tyra, Landry, Saracen, and Julie are seniors now?! Fun! And Landry and Tyra really are that on again off again couple huh. They continue to confuse me and keep me from having strong opinions tbh
-wow Tyra really has a different hairstyle ever season huh
“I got just two words for ya: Jumbo Tron.” Definitely not two words, buddy but okay, go on.
“You ever seen two people engaged on a Jumbotron at a football game? I mean, just think about it, love and football are the two greatest things in the world.” Yo I hate Buddy garrity and if I were Tami I’d kick his ass right out my office.
“We’ve lost four teachers to budget cuts this year. You really think we need a Jumbotron?” -🔥 comeback by my queen Tami
-Wow billy and mindy are an item now? That tracks actually. Townie love.
“You’re a rebound from Jesus.” There’s something there about Riggins being godlike. Like, sexually. Amen.
-these teachers need a union! But I love Tami giving the teachers the floor at this staff meeting. But how fucked is education in the US that twelve years later the teachers’ union is dealing with the same issues of lack of funding and teachers having to buy their own supplies?!?!
-oh JD’s dad is an awful, controlling menace! Here we gooooo
-yooo this scene was classic
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-I am Tyra:
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-but also #growth that Mindy and Billy’s shall we say semi-disastrous and impulsive proposal then motivated Tyra to reach out to Tami for help to get into college! We love that.
“I gotta start living my life as Brian. I’m never gonna be Smash again.” Damn. That hurts.
“See I don’t accept that fate for myself and I’m gonna do everything in my power to avoid it.” - YES TYRA GO OFF way to stand up mediocre white man vice principal!!!
-yasss reallocate those funds from the Jumbotron to academics, you go, Tami!
-aww Tim is so endearing with Lyla damn. We always say it on Bodysuits For Bughead and it applies here: men caring is just sexy.
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When I tell you I CACKLED at this Buddy reaction
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-keep fighting the good fight, Tami! But yeah did you really think the press would be on your side, girl? Pitting a husband against a wife is just low hanging fruit for this town’s football press! little do they know, Tami, that your husband immediately offered to get you more wine so who’s really winning here
-yesss Tyra running for student council and Julie helping her pass out flyers, we love this
-HA Julie walking out of Applebee’s to find Matt Saracen kicking cardboard boxes out of frustration. I miss these two, I’m excited to see them interacting again.
-ohhhh shittttt Matt did the very painful thing of going to find his mom just to help his grandma, what a caring boy. He just loves his grandma 😭
-awww the old team came to practice with Smash for college tryouts?! my heart
-i PFFFTed out loud at the McCoys: “oh, Lyla is a vision, Buddy. are you sure she’s yours?”
-omg poor Riggins being uncomfortable af at the fancy dinner. class tensions~
-listen I’m honestly soft at the idea of Matt and Julie slowly becoming friends again, him offering her a ride home from work and telling her about going to see his mom and becoming an emancipated minor was so sweet and felt natural.
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My heart!!!
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-“you’re cute when you rant” agreed, Julie, and I respect your game!
-I’m sorry Lyla should not have to apologize for thinking a finding Nemo quote as Mindy’s wedding vows was a joke!! I would too. 😬
-usually I’m on Tami’s side but I think I’m on Eric’s side when it comes to these McCoys, I don’t trust em. Plus once I saw that valet service? Eat the rich.
-here for Matt and Julie flirting at the party and getting busted making fun of JD
-Eric Taylor grumbling “chocolate fountain” is a mood I DONT TRUST THE MCCOYS
-and like, I get that JD is talented, but Eric is right that he’s 15, new to the team, and a freshman! Like in high school sports that shit does mean something. Right?
-omg the silent background so you just hear saracen’s heavy breathing as he tries to win this game! (And fails.) oh my heart!
-ew jd’s dad is literally SMILING about Saracen’s failure? What is wrong with you sir?
-Julie waited for Matt after the game?!?! I’m sorry y’all I ship so hard! This is precious
-Aw Eric is so broken up about Saracen’s failure. And Julie and Matt are just walking along talking about anything but football. The Taylors ❤️ Saracen and so do I.
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yulissamoa · 2 years
Simplification Streaks to the Fountain of Youth Score
Simplification Streaks to the Fountain of Youth Score
Tami Bobo’s Simplification rebounded off a runner-up finish to White Abarrio in the Feb. 5 Holy Bull Stakes (G3) with a commanding score in the March 5 $ 400,000 Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth Stakes (G2) at Gulfstream Park. Trained by Antonio Sano, Simplification needed a late charge to finish second in the Feb. 5 Holy Bull Stakes (G3) following a bad break from the gate. That was not the case…
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teeneesanook · 2 years
Simplification Streaks to the Fountain of Youth Score
Simplification Streaks to the Fountain of Youth Score
Tami Bobo’s Simplification rebounded off a runner-up finish to White Abarrio in the Feb. 5 Holy Bull Stakes (G3) with a commanding score in the March 5 $ 400,000 Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth Stakes (G2) at Gulfstream Park. Trained by Antonio Sano, Simplification needed a late charge to finish second in the Feb. 5 Holy Bull Stakes (G3) following a bad break from the gate. That was not the case…
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roadkings · 7 years
Rome by ER (additions from NR)
While we were in Roma it was hot, but it was not as hot as in Paris. When we got to Roma the Millers (Fritz, Tami and their kids) were already there. We found our apartment, and when we got there the lady was there waiting for us. She let us in, and showed us around, and gave us a map, and then she left, and we got settled in our room. We found the restaurant where the Millers were, and we had dinner there, and well, it seemed that the parents really had a great time and they they enjoyed the food and so did the kids. Alex and I got a cheese pizza 🍕, and mom and Big D got several starters (apertivo). Then all the kids were done eating so we went to a gelato place Finn and Talia saw earlier. When we got our ice cream🍦 I thought Alex payed for mine, and we headed out until Alex said, “I handed him a €10 and I got €8 back.” So we noticed that he did not pay for mine; we went back and payed for mine and left again. We went back to the restaurant and finished out ice cream while the parents finished eating and drinking their wine. We walked around and there were people asking EVERYONE to come to their restaurants. I did notice that in the cracks in the street there were a lot of corks. We walked around, and on the way to our car we got a little lost but we weren’t that lost. We got to our cars, but Finn and Alex were TALKING A LOT!! so the parents agreed and the boys went with my parents and I went with Talia and her parents. We were on our way home but we stoped at two places with amazing views. The first place we got to there was a nice water fountain⛲️and there was a bridesmaid party. The second place there was a really wonderful view, but this guy started walking towards my mom, Mrs. Miller and me with roses, and I DO NOT like those guys. He comes to me and shoves three roses into my hand, but I keep saying, “No thank you,” and he says, “My gift.” and I handed them back. But before he takes them he pulled out a fidget spinner and shoves that in to my hand, and I say, “No,” and he takes back what he gave me. We left from there and went home, but on the way home we stopped by the Colosseum and took some pictures and then got back in the car. We could not get home. We went past the Colosseum three times and went on a bridge three times too. We finally got home and the dads went to go and put the cars 🚗 in the garage, but it took them a while to get the cars parked and they were going down these roads that did not even seem like roads. They finally got back after a really long time. We went to bed.
The next day we went to these ruins (first the Pantheon then the Forum), and we didn’t spend a long time in there because it was really hot, but we did have some water. Mrs. Miller was our teacher and read things about the ruins. After we were done in there we went to lunch. Finn, Alex and I got a margarita pizza, and Talia got ravioli, and the parents got similar things. Mom got spicy pasta, and Mrs. Miller and Big D got the same pasta and maybe Mr. Miller too. After we ate we went to the Colosseum and they said, “No water,” (on a recording as we passed security) but the security guard said it was ok to have water and that was a good thing. It was hot. We looked in the bottom and went the way that they said for visitors, and then we went to the second floor and we went to the book/gift shop and Alex and Finn got catapults and Talia was debating if she should get a shirt, and I got a note book. After that we were really far from home so we asked for an Uber. The Millers Uber came first, and it was a van and I mean our whole family could have fit in one because then ours came and it was also a big van. We got home and all took showers and hung around, and then we got ready to go to dinner. On the way there we saw a sign that said, “Uber is illegal and the fine is so and so.” I was fine with breaking that law as often as we needed to. We got dinner and all the kids got gnocchi and the parents—I have no clue. We didn’t find a gelato place so we were going to get dessert at the restaurant. Mom asked what desserts they had, and the waiter listed them from his memory and then she asked if there was a gelato place🍦 around us and he said yes, so mom said we will go there. And right before we left he bought a drink for the parents that tastes BAD to me (limoncello). We went to get some gelato and went home and went to bed.
The next morning I made eggs 🍳 just for me and my mom and I don’t know what the others ate. Then we went to St. Peter’s Basilica (and the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel) and we went on a private tour from 11:30 to 4:00. When it was over we went to get food because every one was HUNGRY, so we went to get food at this kind of outdoorsy restaurant and we ordered pasta and salads. Finn, Alex, Talia and I ate a LOT of bread, and then when we payed we had to pay for the bread. Mom felt over charged. Then Talia and her dad went home for a rest, and the rest of us went to the Ferrari store and when we got there we found out that the day before we walked right past it. That store did not have what Alex or Finn were looking for so we went to another store right by the Spanish Steps where we were going to meet Talia and her dad. After a while dad took me to the Steps, and we looked for an ice cream store because we were going to get ice cream, but the ice cream store was over priced and it was melted ice cream. So when we were heading to the Steps a man with the roses 🌹 tried to hand me one and BIG D told him NO. We found a place to sit on the Steps, and we found Talia and her dad. Talia told me that they were on the train to meet us and there was a super smelly guy beside her. Then mom and Mrs. Miller, Finn and Alex came and we watched these two couples take so many pictures of themselves, and then we headed to very important fountain (Trevi Fountain), and we threw coins backwards like we were supposed to do and these guards were blowing their whistles a lot and getting very mad. We got ice cream on the way. We went home and apparently the ice cream was dinner, so we stoped a grocery store and got food for when we got home. We got fruits🍇, cheese🧀 and meats. We got home and took showers and ate our dinner. Then soon after we went to bed.
In the morning I made eggs for everyone, and then the Millers went out and shopped and we went on an ANCIENT [like my parents] road (Appian Way). On the way there we took a bus and there was this couple that kissed SO MUCH. It was crazy, anyway…. I really didn’t want to go on a bike ride, but I went on it, and we stopped and got ice cream and went on. Half way through the ride I got something in my eye, and it really really hurt. We kept going, and we kept trying to wash the sharp thing in my eye out, but it would not come out. It was making my eye hurt, and I was not seeing clearly. Washing it out didn’t help, well at least from my perspective. We went a got a late lunch and right know I am a mess. We ate and every one got a Sprite and a panini. We went home the fast way, but I got really scared and my dad biked in the middle of the road to hold up traffic because I get nervous on open roads that cars drive on. Anyway, we finally got to the bike rental store and went to our bus stop. It was not a long time to wait for the bus, and when the bus came I sat down and closed my eyes. When we got off the bus the thing in my eye was out, but my eye was red and puffy. I was glad it was out. We got onto our next bus and went home. I took a shower and went straight to bed. I woke up to find my mom’s face right in front of my face. It wasn’t what I wanted to wake up to. I mean to a face, in my face, really close. When I woke up we ditched our reservation with the Millers because we were running late and I was asleep. I stand we went to the place were we had lunch the day before, but that place was PACKED. So I said, “Let’s go to the restaurant across the street.�� So we went there, and it ended up as a really good dinner and night. Our waiter was AWESOME 👏 and funny with us. We got dessert 🍨and then we went home. The Millers were home and they talked about what they did that day and so did we. Mrs. Miller got pope socks. Anyway after that we went to bed.
We all packed the night before because we were leaving the next morning. When we woke up the Millers had gotten pastries for breakfast, and then the dads went to go get the cars and we unpacked the house (took all the bags down), and it took the dads 30mins to get the cars. We got the cars, and we packed the cars, and we were off. We had trouble getting out of the city, but we did it after a few riskier moves with the cars.
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scarletmanuka · 7 years
Hey, @madnads I promised you some favourite New Zealand songs:
Try the entries on this Dreamwidth tag - they are all songs that I at least enjoy. http://mab-browne.dreamwidth.org/tag/nz+music+month
Some that aren't mentioned here:
Toy Factory Fire by Don McGlashan (the Muttonbirds lead singer ten years down the track, since you've tried Dominion Road)
Also Passenger 26 from the same album. Try and find the studio version if you can, since it's a touch demanding on Don's vocals. *g*
Anything by Mahinarangi Tocker. I tried linking to something once but it was region locked, so try your luck with googling her name if you'd like. She provided the title of my Dreamwidth blog, and my story 'Where Do We Grow To'.
The DW NZ music tag has Swagger by Greg Johnson, which is a favourite. Try also his song 'Hibiscus'.
Everything that Dave Dobbyn ever did. 'Welcome Home' is pretty representational.
Shona Laing is in my tags at DW.  Golden Horse. Phoenix Foundation. Bic Runga is not a mad favourite of mine but I love some of her songs. 'Something Good' has a lovely video set in a place I know well.  If you ever heard the story of Peter Jackson being a bit miffed about Elijah Wood peeing in a well-known Wellington fountain, that's the fountain in question. :-)
'Mr Moon' by Headless Chickens. This is one of their more, um, accessible songs. George is also worth a try, plus Cruise Control.
Strawpeople were a studio band, with most of their songs written by Paul Casserly and Greg Johnson who's mentioned above, although they did some gorgeous covers. You get three links here because I love them just that much.
Drive (as in the song by The Cars.) Bic Runga sings.
Under the Milky Way (originally by The Church), singer Stephanie Tauevi
Scared of Flying, which is a song I absolutely adore. Johnson is one of the writers and he did a quite different version. Basically, the joyful female vocalist is my Blair interpretation of this song, Johnson's quieter, more downbeat version is my Jim version. The vocalist here is also Stephanie Tauevi.
Submarine Bells by The Chills gives me, well, the chills. *g*
Give it a Whirl by Split Enz because that seems appropriate given these recs.
As before, this is all 'old people's' music, with the nineties and noughties predominating. Try Tami Neilson, and Aldous Harding for something a touch more updated.
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tamiisnthere · 5 months
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"Let him go, Tami. The most important thing is you want him to be happy, right...?"
(↓ Credits under Keep reading)
Programs: XNALara & Fire Alpaca
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Maria Thorpe © Ubisoft 
The Sims  Electronic Arts Games
Tami © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most Custom Content. These belong to their creators.
Altaïr’s Robes Model © LorisC93 (DeviantArt)
Lower part of Altaïr’s Robes © milance941 (DeviantArt)
“Altaïr’s” Head Model © carbint (DeviantArt)Note: This is AC3 Desmond’s model, which I edited textures on it.
“Maria’s” Model © raccooncitizen (DeviantArt) Note: This is Claudia’s model, which I edited and put Maria’s textures from AC2 instead on it.
Hideout © DecanAndersen (deactivated)
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april-is · 1 year
April 16, 2023: After Touching You, I Think of Narcissus Drowning, Leila Chatti
After Touching You, I Think of Narcissus Drowning Leila Chatti
How desire is a thing I might die for. Longing a well, a long dark throat. Enter any body
of water and you give yourself up to be swallowed. Even the stones
know that. I have writhed against you as if against the black
bottom of a deep pool. I have emerged from your grip breathless
and slicked. How easily I could forget you
as separate, so essential you feel to me now. You
beneath me like my own blue shadow. You silent as the moon
drifts like a petal across your skin, my mouth
to your lip—you a spring I return to, unquenchable, and drink.
Also by Leila Chatti: Waking After the Surgery
More poetry of desire.
Today in: 
2022: Will You?, Carrie Fountain 2021: After Graduate School, Valencia Robin 2020: in lieu of a poem, i’d like to say, Danez Smith 2019: from The Invention of Streetlights 2018: Returning, Tami Haaland 2017: An Ordinary Composure, James L. White 2016: Verge, Mark Doty 2015: Reasons to Survive November, Tony Hoagland 2014: Unhappy Hour, Richard Siken 2013: Just Once, Anne Sexton 2012: Talk, Noelle Kocot 2011: Why They Went, Elizabeth Bradfield 2010: Anxiety, Frank O’Hara 2009: The Continuous Life, Mark Strand 2008: An old story, Bob Hicok 2007: you can’t be a star in the sky without holy fire, Frank X. Gaspar 2006: For the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu, A.M. Klein 2005: Other Lives And Dimensions And Finally A Love Poem, Bob Hicok
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dubredofanfics · 7 years
Hit n Run [BONGLENI]
XXIV. You Changed Him
Leni has been texting Bongbong since the afternoon but he wasn't replying. She decided to visit him in his place to check if he was fine.
She entered his room and saw him sitting on his workarea. "Hey." He called as he saw her. "Napadaan ka yata?" He asked.
"Wala naman, di mo kase sinasagot mga tawag ko, pati sa text, nag-alala lang ako." She replied. He sighed. "Sorry, stress lang. May mga kapalpakan kase sa Hatchel." He apologized. She walked closer to him and gave him a back rub.
"Mahal... Alam mo namang kung may problema ka, nandito lang ako. Pinag-aalala mo naman ako e." She stated. He took her hand and kissed it. "Sorry... Ayoko lang na mag-rant pa sayo about how bad my day is. Ayoko naman sirain din ang araw mo." He stroked her hand with his thumb.
Leni sighed and sat on his lap whilst her arms around his neck. "Mahal naman... Kaya mo nga ako girlfriend 'di ba. Kung hindi man maganda yung araw mo, gusto ko nandito ako para baguhin yon. Kung hindi maganda yung pakiramdam mo, gusto ko ako yung mag-aalalaga sayo kaya kapag may problema ka, sabihin mo lang, okay?" She asserted, he nodded quietly. "Mahal..." She uttered and he looked at her in the eye she was smiling at him, it somehow relieved his bad mood. "I love you." She uttered and kissed him.
"I love you too." He smiled. "I love you more." She pressed her forehead against his. "I love you most." He kissed the tip of her nose causing the blush in her face.
"Pano ko naman matatalo yan?" She asked. "Hindi mo kaya because I love you more than you could ever love me." He bragged. "Hmmm! Sige na, pero i love you parin." She declared.
Bongbong felt so thankful for her being around him. She makes his day brighter effortlessly when he never thought it could get any better. She was like the light of his day and the love of his life.
"Di ko alam e, ayokong makagawa ng kahit ano na hindi niya magugustuhan. Ang lakas talaga ng tama ko e. I never felt this much emotions for someone before. It's a little scary." Bongbong shared to Martin. "But it's good." He added. "Masarap sa pakiramdam, di ba?" Martin replied with a grin. "Yeah." Bongbong smiled as he thought of Leni.
Martin couldn't help but be amused with how much Leni made Bongbong affectionate and caring. He never imagined seeing his best friend so in love to anyone as much as she made him love her and it was wonderful how Leni reciprocated the love he offers her. It was beautiful, their relationship is flawless. They were like a match made in heaven.
Leni was organizing Bongbong's dresser when he got back from work. "Grabeng pagod." Bongbong complained and sprawled at his bed. She looked at him and he was looking back.
"O, bakit?" She asked as she found it weird why he was looking at her that way. "Wala naman. Ang ganda mo lang kase." He felt so fascinated. "Asus..." She pursed her lips to conceal her blushing.
She laid beside him and started to cuddle him. "Kawawa naman ang baby ko, pagod..." She placed a couple of soft kisses on his face. "Kaya nga e, charge mo nga ako." He smirked at her, she looked at him for hints.
"Loko loko!" She punched his chest lightly in a joking manner. "Aray naman!" He chuckled. "Di pa nga tayo kasal nakakaranas na agad ako ng domestic violence." He made her laugh. "Ang kapal ha?"
As their laughs faded out, Bongbong gently grabbed and placed a kiss on her lips. They gazed at each other's eyes upon breaking from the sweet smooch.
He moved his hand beneath her shirt and cupped her bare waist. "I love you, mahal." He uttered with his deep and whole voice. "I love you too." She replied and pulled him closer by grabbing his nape and pushing him for a tender kiss.
"Mmm..." She mumbled interrupting the heat as she recalled something. "Bakit?" He asked. "Di pala ako pwede." She twitched her lips. "Ano... Active si baby making cells." She aimed to inform him in a pleasing way. He cackled with the way she said it.
"Okay..." He was still chuckling. "Bakit ka tumatawa diyan?" She blushed in embarrassment. "Wala! Bakit kase baby making cells?" He chortled. "Eh kase, sorry naman!" She turned red and laughed.
"Pero pwede naman cuddle ganon... Tapos touch touch ng konti?" She retracted her lips flashed a big smile at him. "Mmm, sige nga." He replied and initiated the deep kisses which eventually lead to make outs and passionate exchange of kisses until they've had enough and decided to sleep next to each other until the sunrise.
"Good morning." Bongbong greeted her as he felt her slightly moving. She was resting her head on his chest and hugging him tightly. She cleared out her eyes and looked at him with a smile.
"Good morning." She replied and hugged him tighter. "Boses mo sa umaga? Good morning talaga." He pulled her closer to him.
He took her hand and filled the gaps of her fingers with his. He loved holding her hands, it made him feel so contented and it was hard to explain for him how good it feels whenever their hands touch each other.
"Nilalaro mo nanaman yung kamay ko." She uttered as she watched him create different strokes on her hands. He tittered and continued holding her. "Di ko alam, ang sarap kase hawakan ng kamay mo... Parang may butterflies sa tiyan ko." He said as if he was floating. Leni held him back and looked at him.
"Then hold me forever." She replied as they stared at each other with their eyes filled with so much love.
It was so adorable how Imelda and Imee liked Natalia upon meeting her. As much as how Leni and Bongbong were like match made in heaven, their families liked each other so much.
Natalia loved Imelda and Imee as well and treated them like her own mother and aunt.
"Pwede ko po ba kayong tawaging mommy?" She asked Imelda. "Kase po kung mommy po kayo ni kuya Bongbong tapos parang mommy rin po kayo ni ate, e di parang mommy ko narin po kayo." She elaborated making them chuckle.
"Well, kahit di pa kasal si Bongets at ang ate mo, you can call me mommy already." Imelda replied ecstatically making them laugh. "Tapos tita Imee nalang po tatawag ko sainyi." She added making Imee blush. "Okay!" She agreed and hugged her.
"Napakasweet mong bata, para kang ate mo." Imelda complimented. "Ay. Thank you po!" Natalia blushed.
"Kelan po ba sila uuwi?" She asked. "Di ko pa sure e, muka naman they are enjoying at the resort." Imee replied. "Saan nga sila nagbakasyon ulit?" Imelda asked.
"La Carmela, ma" She replied.
"Oh!" Imelda exclaimed as she recalled the place. La Carmela used to be her late husband's favorite place to bring her to when he was still alive. It was a hotel with an ocean front. It was very romantic and peaceful. It's quite pricey but it is worth the stay. She could imagine his son and Leni being all passionate and in love with in the place.
"That is so romantic..." Imelda uttered as she daydreamed.
"Nako ma, nagrereminisce ka nanaman." Imee stated. "Naaalala ko lang kami ng papa mo kay Bongets at Leni." She smiled sweetly.
"Excited na po talaga akong maging tita." Natalia uttered randomly upon imagining Leni and Bongbong having a baby. Imelda and Imee chuckled.
"Gusto mo na magkapamangkin?" Imelda asked. "Opo, gwapo po si kuya Bongets tapos maganda si ate, for sure ang ganda ng anak nila. Cute yung mga baby!" She squealed.
It was common date day, Leni invited Bongbong to stroll around the Valentines day carnival of City of Dreams. They ate their breakfast at the hotel and continued walking around the place.
Bongbong was busy exploring the carnival with his sight. "Mahal." Leni called his attention. He looked at her and saw her holding a heart shaped cotton candy.
"For you." She pursed her lips and turned red. He chuckled at her sweetness and took the cotton candy from her. "Puso mo ba 'to?" He asked.
"Oo, puso ko yan. Iyong iyo na." She replied. He took a bite of the cotton candy. "Mmm! Ang sweet naman talaga ng puso ng mahal ko o." He smiled at her. "Ewan sayo." She blushed.
They continued walking around checking on each existing booth. Leni hopped towards the chocolate fountain and hooked in some marshmallows on her stick and fed Bongbong some of it. "Masarap?" She was giggling while feeding him. "Oo, matamis." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Wag kang magkakakain masyado ng matatamis, tataba ka niyan." He joked.
"Kapag ba mataba na ako aayaw ka na?" She asked. He curled his forehead. "Of course not! Whether your fat or thin, black or white... O kung ano man. I'll love you as long as you are Leni." He replied making her cheeks flush.
"Mmmm!! Ang tamis talaga ng dila. Saan mo natutunan yan?" Her voice's pitch escalated. "Ano ka, totoo kaya." He countered and hugged her tight.
Leni's sight wandered around. Her eyes grew, she pulled Bongbong with her and headed towards the ring toss game booth. "Uy laro tayo!" She exclaimed. "Totoo ba- o... Oh okay?" He took a few coins from his pocket and handed it over to the worker.
The worker handed them a few rings to attempt to ring it in at the red bottle in a field of many bottles. They had tons of attempt manifesting failures to win in front of each other brought happiness and laughters to them.
"Last na 'to! Kapag di pa 'to tumama ewan ko nalang!" He sounded so competitive. Leni hugged him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Good luck, mahal!" She cheered. He finally threw the last shot.
"Yeeeeeeees!" Leni cheered. It ringed the red bottle. Bongbong was startled in the moment. "Woah...."
"Congratulations, sir!" The worker cheered and took the huge bear as their prize.
He took it from the worker, still stunned by his win. "Lucky charm niyo yata yung kiss ni ma'am." The worker teased. Leni blushed. Bongbong looked at her with a smile.
"Para sayo yan." He handed her the huge bear. "Wo- wow! Thank you?!" She felt so flattered by his sweetness. He loved how happy she was that moment. Seeing her happy is the only thing he always wanted to see, it was his heart's food.
Meanwhile, as they were heading to the exit of the carnival, Bongbong paused from walking and looked at a certain booth. Leni wondered and walked back to him as she realized she was walking ahead. "Bakit?" She asked and trailed his sight.
Kissing Booth
He smiled flirtatiously at her. "Oy, Bong, ayoko. Nakakahiya!" She squealed. "Sige na! Daya naman nito, binigyan na nga kita ng bear." He pleaded.
"Hello sir! Try niyo po ni ma'am yung kissing booth." The worker invited them. "Ay nako, okay na po kami.." Leni replied quickly. "Uwi na tayo, mahal, go." She pulled him away.
"What? No." He cackled. "Sige nga po kami." He told the worker. He took Leni's hand and left her with no choice.
"Upo nalang po kayo sa loob pero pili po muna kayo sa packages?" The worker asked. "What are the packages?" He asked while Leni was hugging his arm and quietly listening.
"Package A gives you free eight laminated photo booth photos and two keychain with the photo of your choice for P450 po. Package B gives you eight photos, two keychain and two 14x14 pillow with the photo of your choice for P600.00 or you can avail Package C gives you the same items as package B but you'll get two mugs instead of the 14x14 pillow. All the package gives out free A4 sized photo of your choice, P550 naman po yon." The worker elaborated.
"You can also avail the individual items with your personalized photos though you can save up more with the packages. Two keychains are P300, two mugs are P495, two pillows po is P495 rin po, photo booth photos po is P250" The worker continued.
"Anong gusto mo, mahal?" Bongbong asked. "Uhm... Kahit ano, cute yug mug." Leni replied. "Okay..." He replied. "Yung package C nalang." He informed the worker.
"Osige po sir." He replied and set up the camera. "Eight shots po ha, the rule po is the last photo should be a kissing picture po." He reminded them. "Sige. Gusto niyo kiss ko pa siya every picture." He replied and chuckled upon looking at her.
"Okay... At three. One... Two... Three!" He queued.
Picture 1: Leni was hugging Bongbong while they throw in a big smile.
Picture 2: Bongbong kissing Leni's cheek with her eyes tightly closed and her mouth is pursed while smiling.
Picture 3: They were facing and glaring at each other in character.
Picture 4: Bongbong kissing Leni's nose while she's smiling.
Picture 5: Leni kissing Bongbong's cheek while hugging him tightly and he acts like he can't breathe.
Picture 6: Leni hopping on Bongbong's lap while he pouts his lips.
Picture 7: Bongbong and Leni's nose touching each other.
Picture 8: Bongbong and Leni sweetly kissing each other.
"Ang cute niyo po." The worker uttered after the picture taking ended. He started to print out the photos and handed them their items.
They laughed together as they looked at their photos. "Hala, tignan mo yung muka mo dito!" She teased. "Ito o!" He replied as they cackled together while walking.
"Uy! Ang cute nito!" Leni uttered as she looked at their printed mugs. "Cute mo dito, mahal. Walang mata." She remarked and looked at him.
"Ang cute cute talaga ng mahal ko o!" She pinched his cheek. "Cute ba? Sige nga pakiss." He grinned at her. "Sus, walang problema!" She replied and aimed to kiss his cheek but he moved his head making her accidentally kiss him on the lips.
"Huy, daya!" She faked a frown. "Kiss ops." He teased her. "Hoy grabe! Pisngi mo lang ikikiss ko e, humarap ka!" She defended. "Sus, deny pa. Gusto mo talaga ako i-kiss." He refused.
"Ang kapal, ang kapal." She chuckled. "Hindi, ninakawan mo ako ng halik, pahalik rin para mabawi ko." He demanded. "Ano?" She asked.
He abruptly kissed her lips making her stunned for a second. "Oy!" She uttered in surprise. "Yung totoo? Ninja ka ba? Hokage ka ha?" She joked. "Hokage at ikaw ang aking Konoha." He smirked as he took her hand while they continued walking.
He stole another quick kiss on her cheek. "Kita mo? Bilis 'di ba?" He uttered, she giggled with his cuteness.
Bongbong would always prepare a cute surprise for Leni during their monthsary days. He would prepare a cute dinner set up at his place and invite her in, he would wake her up next to a bed of roses, he would leave stems of rose at her desk, room, cabinet and everywhere with his little sweet messages, he has been very sweet to her. She was an ideal boyfriend and she couldn't ask for more.
During their vacation at Boracay beach inn, Leni and Bongbong went out to have a vivid sight of the sunset along with the fresh wind running through their skin.
"Grabe, ang ganda..." She uttered as she gazed at the view. He looked at the the view and looked at her next. "It is." He uttered. The strong wind rushed through them. She looked back at him and smiled. He moved and grabbed her waist as she strangled her arms around his neck.
"Thank you." She whispered to him as their foreheads were pressed against each other. "No, thank you." He retorted. "Thank you for loving me." He continued, a smile grew on her lips.
"You changed my life and made me a better person." He uttered sincere as he looked at her crystal clear green eyes.
"I love you, Leni." He kissed her and hugged her tightly like there is no more tomorrow.
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vincentlucy152 · 4 years
Digital Nomads – How They Fund Their Trips?
Can any place in the world be your office? While many people consider this concept quite strange, the digital nomads embrace all the possibilities. For example, maybe you need a funding your trip to Singapore or wish to discover the beauties of New Zeeland, well everything is possible, and people who traveled the world will show you how!
Content writing
You can wander the world together with Tami on Pinterest. Starting her job in Financing, Natasha has shifted to a freelance career while maintain an active blogging career. She lives in Dubai; however, her scratchy feet have taken her to various areas like Nepal, Australia, and Turkey. “I used to work in Finance and also initially dipped right into my cost savings for my journeys. Birthed in Zambia and staying in London, given that she was 13, Bianca currently functions as a Business Expert. Making use of the extremely well-connected airport terminals of the major city in the U.K., she manages to take a trip almost everywhere, both in business and also individual tours.
Young Woman Writing A Blog
I have formerly gained enough to travel free as well as remain cost-free. My most extended complimentary stay was a journey to HK for over a week”. You can check out Bianca’s travel images on her Instagram account. Federico has lived anywhere in Chicago, Belgium, Spain, and Australia, a significant instance of itchy feet.
Teaching English online
We’re additionally freelancers, we equate German/English and also educate English online. We additionally compose and also market our very own e-books (both traveling and un-travel relevant). We created an entire post on it.” Follow what Laura and also Tanbay have been sharing on Facebook. Heather is a part-time traveler that looks to incorporate luxury and a journey in a lot of her travels.
He currently has been to greater than 110 nations (!) and has managed to develop his brand as a leading travel expert and also a blog writer. “The cash I invest taking a trip comes mostly from my internet sites, and from several freelance online solutions, I attend to numerous travel-related firms.
I don’t utilize the cash from my other companies, so I need to function tougher to get money to travel while dealing with the internet.” You can likewise adhere to Joo’s experience on Twitter.
Up until after that, he blogs and also finds means to conserve as much as feasible. “I find flying to flight terminals beyond the city can lower the cost of a flight. There are generally comfortable as well as cheap transport web links in the city center also. I use Airbnb to rent out a less expensive location to stay contrasted to a resort room.
Woman Working On Her Laptop
Little things like carrying a water bottle with you so you can fill out at water fountains. Delighting in authentic street food as well as not eating in dining establishments.” An additional set of travel-crossed lovers! Megsy and also Tommo fulfilled in Denmark in 2010 and also been taking a trip together ever before considering that. They now manage to live totally as digital nomads.
Digital marketing
Affiliate sales. Sponsorship. E-books. Kirstie now lives the expat life in Sydney, Australia, after operating in Spain as an English teacher. Her job experiences permitted her not just to see the world but also to save money to fund her present travels.
In Spain, I taught English through the North American Language and Society Assistants, which gave me a visa and enough cash to live and travel regularly and just had me working 12-16 hrs. I after that involved Australia on a working vacation visa, which enables tourists to help as much as a year, an excellent way to money explorations of expensive Australia! I discovered a task below as an electronic marketing specialist and also have considering that been sponsored for a full job visa.
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tami-parables · 4 years
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homeappliances2020 · 5 years
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dougmeet · 5 years
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Lone Star Café (61 Fifth Avenue) | New York Rocker
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