#btw I did this all on one layer. excluding another one for some little details. without sketching or anything 😏
francy-sketches · 10 months
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little meowmeows đŸ«¶
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daddyzarc · 6 years
Hot take: The Barians are the only innocent creatures in all of yugioh
You’re probably wondering what I mean by this, but I have a perfectly sound explanation.
Look at these comparisons. 
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Notice anything peculiar? Let’s look a little closer.
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That's better.
For those unaware, you may notice that the Barians lack a “mouth”. A mouth is “the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in and from which speech and other sounds are emitted.”
Why is this important? Well, because a mouth is an essential piece of the body part to engage in the act of Vore. Since Barians lack the ability to vore due to their own anatomy, they are unable to vore ever. In fanart or in the show, these angels are incapable of being involved in any of that stuff. They’re completely in the safe zone, they’re untouchable as far as the show puts them because you can’t do anything with these guys in THAT specific situation.
BUT WAIT, i hear yall typin away with a rebuttal
With the the introduction of Vrains, there exist another species of creatures without mouths—the Ignises. 
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Examining the images above, this other unique species also lack these crucial mouths, so you could argue that there are 2 Yu-Gi-Oh groups that are entirely sinless. And this is a fair argument without the context of what the Ignises could do.
But could that could they do exactly?
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These images say it all. They could absolutely do that within the canon of yugioh.
So without a doubt, Ignises have the wholly ability to vore other creatures with ease. And this isn’t a one-off thing either, like they did it once and that was it. Ai is shown to have done this on multiple occasions within LINK VRAINS, his homeworld, presumably in a natural form. It is safe to assume that the Ignises absorb data and dismantle prey like this.
Knowing this, Barians ARE the only creatures incapable of voring.
But I hear you screaming. “But Dyzarc, you cranky dragon you, whadda bout anal vore? Cock vore? Absorption! Plus they have HUMAN forms, too. WITH MOUTHS which means the Barians are fully capable of eating! Theyre no different than any other ygo char!”
You could make those arguments, but I also have several points to refute this.
First, the human forms.
You could say that their human forms exist so that they can vore in that sense. That’s a very reasonable assumption.
And yes.
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Yes, they could do that.
Yet, human form isn’t really Barian. It’s kind of off-canon, in a sense. They only took that form because Earth is hazardous to their bodies and they cannot maintain their true forms in that unnatural state. Within the closed system of their own environment (or Barian World), which is what I care about, the Barian species does not naturally have a mouth or a human body and therefore cannot partake in that act, canon or otherwise.
Furthermore, if a person wants to draw or write vore involving a Barian  as the predator, they simply cannot do it. They must turn the Barian into a human or face the simple fact that Barians cannot vore (or a third option*).
*Theoretically, you could slap a mouth onto them or imply that a mouth exists underneath their muzzle, which only reveals itself when the Barian needs it. However, this is no different than giving a snake tiddies or putting legs on a shark just to fulfill a kink.
Secondly, I’ll focus on the other vore methods by showing pictures of some raw Barian crotches.
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Now I may be blind as an olm, but they are clearly naked around the groin area. They lack any visible extremities that could be considered an anus or a cock too. Unless their anatomy works similarly to reptiles as in these organs are hidden behind a thin layer of rock around their crotch and only protrude when it is needed, they lack any organs that can perform cock or anal vore. 
Excluding their physical appearance, Barians are canonically born from a circumstance other than, say, laying eggs or live birth or asexual reproduction. Meaning if they DO have those body parts, it’ll be a vestigial structure with no other purpose than to sit there and look stalactitey, probably kinda gross-looking considering what they are. 
Of course a “cock” could function like the giant claw of a fiddler crab, where it’s mainly just for show to prove who has the biggest one (and so deserving of their territory, which is why Nasch is the leader. I’ll get into this later on why this could be the case) as well as to help them fight, find a mate, or exert their dominance.
Also, although I do not believe this image represent the entirety of Barian physiology
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It is most likely that their insides consist mainly of veins and a... heart?? A star fragment, ball of spike? Whatever the case, I don’t see a stomach pouch nor do the Barians have a reason to have such a thing. The lack of a mouth and stomch makes sense in the “overarching picture” of how a Barian functions. Think about it from a human perspective. Why do we eat? Humans require food in order to produce energy to survive, grow, and reproduce, plain and simple. 
Barians, on the other hand, live in a toxic environment void of life other than themselves. They do not need to eat for there is nothing to eat.
My personal theory is that they don’t require energy through consumption of food items like humans do. They either get it from photosynthesizing since their sun appears to be very close to their planet
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Or maybe the "heart” is some sort of radioactive material that supplies them with an ample amount of energy. This powerful energy surges through the body through the help of the “roots” and essentially fuels them with life without the need for the consumption of food. My assumption is that the Barian itself is the roots and hearts, while everything else is just a rocky mass separate from the actual thing (im not gonna go super in-depth into the mind-body dualism thing btw. Just think about as a hermit crab with a shell with the “shell” being made of minerals)
And if we bounce off the idea that the shell is composed of minerals, or a rock, thus being very susceptible to erosion and damage as seen in how Vector broke pieces of his body during one of the duels
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They most likely naturally regenerate their body parts by burying themselves deep into the ground so that the Rock Cycle 
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can repair and grow their forms. See, this process does not require food (which fits into their biology very well) and instead mandates that the Barian digs deep enough to begin the process of melting down its old, damaged body. The heart and roots will remain above the metling point of course; in fact, they play a crucial role in getting the Barian back into its proper shape. After reforming a new shell, the Barian emerges from the ground like a bunch of baby sea turtles, completely healed as long as the “molt” wasn’t disturbed. 
Furthermore, this molting cycle could explain the presence of any “cocks” found within the Barian. Molting is extremely energy-consuming and time-consuming; rushing a molt will result in an imperfect shell or other impurities, or death if the impurity is life-threatening. The hardness, body structure, addition of any extra parts, and safe resurfacing, or preventing their new bodies from being damaged as they emerge from the ground, also depends on how well the Barian could alter the temperature and pressure of its surroundings magma (molten rock) to result in the best possible shell. This means that the Barians with poor molts are young and inexperienced while Barians with the best molt are old and experienced. 
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(hey can u find a better pic, this one isnt a good example)
This also works with how a big “cock” (in an abstract sense) could show their dominance over the other Barians. Or, in this case, the cock is actually extra formations to show off what they are capable of. Regular and large racks, for example, showcase a Barian’s skill at creating a new shell, with the larger and more angular the rack, the more powerful or experienced they are. This is especially difficult to do at a consistence rate, so the Barians capable of carrying it off tend to be on top of the pecking area. Nasch’s abilities to create so many horns means he’s deserving of his spot as the leader. 
The Barian pecking order probably goes down the list on how complex—in that they managed to form a perfect, angular rack—their composition is. 
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Obviously, the chart simplifies what makes a great Barian. The Barian pecking order is much more complex than this.
For example, Mizael, despite the complexity in parts of the body like the face “mask”, is lower in the hierarchy than expected. Why? There is a lot to dissect about Barian physiology, but a peculiar detail is their carapaces. Unlike the rest of the body, which consist of a rocky formation, Mizael’s mask is a carapace. This could be easily seen when Nasch was briefly seen without these carapaces in this scene.
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As seen on bodies of these Barians, they appear to have many carapaces which are separate from their main bodies, such as: 
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These carapace could be involved in the pecking order. The fineness and sharpness of the carapaces gives the illusion of strength (notice that Nasch is covered in carapaces while Durbe practically has none) as well as adding to their maximum size.
But they could also play another vital role...  Defense Mechanism
It may sound strange, but I believe that Barians are built solely for defense.... 
Let’s take a look at a creature whose behavior and structural patterns mimics the Barians, the noble Hermit Crab.
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I like to compare these two species due to their essentially parallelism in terms of “form follows function” such as:
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(Marine Hermit Crab adding extra defenses to its shell using a venomous sea anemone; similar to a Barian adding sharp carapaces to its already tough, rocky exterior)
Comparing the likeness of the two, it could be assumed that the carapaces provide extra protection over the Barians’ main defense (rocky shell). The carapaces aren’t involved in the molting cycle, of course, due to their complicated build. It’ll be a massive waste to destroy them. Since a Barian could remove them at will, they most likely store the pieces above ground (or above melting point) and molt without them. After they finish molting, they retreive the carapaces. Again, very similar to the molting process of a hermit crab.
It may feel like I am going on a tangent of Barian anatomy rather than focus on their ability, or thereby lack of, to vore, but these details can be used to explain why Barians cannot vore from a historical standpoint.
They cannot vore because they are built like a prey. 
Like hermit crabs, they are “bottom-feeders” with no prey of their own—mostly in part due to the absence of food on their home planet. Instead of being designed like a predator with the capability to vore, a mouth, they are the exact opposite in that they have only the defensive capabilities to defend themselves against a predator.
So following this, if there is a strong need for defensive pressure, who is the offensive pressure? A creature cannot be so defensively driven (thick shell, regeneration, armor, etc.) without the presence of a harmful force.
If it isn’t obvious, their predator are the aqueous Astral Beings. 
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Astral Beings are the perfect Barian predator (perhaps co-evolution played a part in this, or y’kno eliphas just said fuck those guys, lets kill em). 
Moving along, not only are they armed with mouths, water is one of the natural forces that could heavily erode rocks, as seen along beaches, rivers, and cliff-sides, into a pile of sand and mud. Barians, with their outermost covering consisting of rock, are especially vulnerable to being broken down by the Astral Beings, exposing their sensitive cores to a likely death. 
Their main defense against this is either: 
(1) Regeneration, they can drop limbs and endure damage to their shell without fear of death, then repair any injuries during their molt
(2) Armor, the sharp carapaces (made of metals that can withstand water) can ward off potential attackers
A third defense that follows the how Astral Beings vore Barians in a predator/prey relationship could also be seen in the habitat of the Barians, or the presence of the Sea of Ill Intent. 
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Instead of being made of water, the sea is made of a very strong acid. Why is this important? For any of you that took a chemistry course, the proper technique of mixing acid and water (i.e the Astral Being), you must add acid into the water in that order. The flow of acid into water mixes the two better, preventing a reaction to occur. Adding water into acid, on the other hand, causes the water to react with the acid due to poor initial mixing, causing it to boil and potentially explode.
For this case, the rocky exterior of the Barian allows them to be submerged into the acid without risk of immediate death. Unless the Astral Being wants to harm itself by going into the acid to pursue its prey, they most likely will abandon the prey. If the acid starts to dissolve Barian’s shell (say, the Astral Being attempting to stakeout the Barian) they could regenerate the broken pieces during their next molt.
So not only Barians cannot vore, but they are hapless prey at that! 
They are far from helpless prey—in the same way a Rhinoceros is considered a prey animal—but there is plenty of evidence that lead up to the fact they are indeed a prey species. 
And the fact that they are the bottom of the barrel scavenger, harmless, unable to be a fearsome predator, only a potential prey at best...
They’re just innocent.
Now you say “Kay Dyzarc, ya made me read a longass analysis on the biology of a bunch of space rocks to prove some sickass vore fantasy of yours. Now what. What was the point.” 
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Welcome to Zarc n’ Pals, installment 1 baby, strap in for a wild ride
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Red Object Symbolism
Good morning All and Happy Saturday! How's everyone's week going? I feel like I've been really absent this week, despite getting quite a few theories posted/reposted. I've especially been neglecting my inbox, and I apologize for that. I'm going to try hard to get to a few Asks tomorrow.
For today, I wanted to do a post on the red objects. It's by no means a definitive or master post. I just wanted to list most of the red objects we've seen and say a word or two about them. I may very well be missing some of them, so if you see something in your re-watch, be sure to let me know and I'll add it. I tried to do these in chronological order. (And sorry, I know the numbering on the pictures is a little wonky.) Here's what I have so far:
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1. Glenn's car from S1, which he drove out of Atlanta. No idea if this was part of the same thing back then, but it could have been built on. (1x02) And, you know, Grady is in Atlanta, so Beth may be driving away from the city at some point.
2. The red cloak or robe-like coat in Beth's cell. (X) I've talked about this tons recently. (4x01)
3. Judith's cups. This one honestly doesn't fit the pattern quite as well as the others imo (I'll explain in a minute) but we've seen it more than once and I do think it has a lot to do with Beth. Especially given she was in this first scene with it. So I've included it. (4x02)
4. This is a scene from when Carl goes through the pudding house. He opens a bedroom door and sees a bird cage (which was also visible in Beth's cell) and a dead bird outside the open door. I've always thought it foreshadowed that Beth (songbird) would die when she tried to leave her prison (Grady). And no, there is no resurrection symbolism in this particular image, but it comes directly after. Carl closes the door and then is attacked by a walker which he shoots in the head, exactly where Beth is shot, and then the walker jumps back up again. Plus there are yellow scissors, shots of Carl's foot, he loses a shoe, and even marine/Oceanside symbols. Just saying. I included this shot because the bedspread is a deep shade of red. (4x09)
5. Then we move onto Coda. The red flag just before the prisoner exchange
6. And the firetruck, of course. (Remember that we've seen a lot of fire trucks, including several examples of toy ones in S6 (6x07, 6x08; let's just appreciate 6x07 is where Glenn is revealed to be alive). I didn't include them here for the sake of brevity, but I'm not excluding them either. I think they're just multiple examples of the same symbolism. (4x08)
7. Red Poncho Guy in 5x15. Obvious one.
8. Red balloon Rick sees at Alexandria. (5x15)
9. Stop Sign in 6x01. The street signs on top are also important. Redding is a time reference, and Marshall is a synonym for Sherriff.
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10. The car Sasha and Abe were in during Operation Lead the Walkers Away. (Remember they were proxies for Bethyl.) 6x01
11. The red mail truck in 6x06. I did an edit about mail truck parallels. It's an important symbol all by itself, and part of the Communication Theme/Theory, I think. But the mail trucks are not always red. In this episode, which we all know oozed Beth symbolism, it was very red. Then there's a blond walker with a similar head wound to Beth's standing in front of it. And if you watch the scene, when Daryl drives by her on his bike, he does this weird shudder thing. I've always thought that was all purposeful.
12. Red Car in the picture here. More Red Car Parallels for Sashraham in 6x06.
13. I put this shot here bc it's the right place chronologically, but this isn't by far the first or only place we've seen it. A lot of us wonder if all these red objects might be connected to the red bandana Daryl always keeps in his back pocket. That might have been built on to connect these things to Daryl and Bethyl.
Yes, I did give you a shot of Daryl's butt. Your welcome. (6x11)
14. Red Taillight Necklace and Red Taillights in general. More on them HERE. (7x14)
15. Dynamite. We specifically saw this throughout S7. Most of the red/green juxtaposition was done with red dynamite and green wires. No way it's a coincidence. (7x15)
16. Red Shoe Laces. Again, I used this shot bc it's the most recent, but we saw these all through S5 and S6 as well. And you know it's a symbol bc what are the chances that various characters in various places (Morgan also had them BEFORE he reunited with TF) would just so happen to find the same random, bright red shoe laces? Just saying.
17. Red Umbrella. The most recent symbol that was all kinds of rancom.
So here's the thing about these objects. I'm not at all satisified that I understand the symbolism behind them. I've always said I thought they represented that something was marked for death, or at least danger. Red could = blood, but blood doesn't always = death. Could just be injury or something.
I do still think the red means that, but I'm equally sure that's not all it means. I think the symbolism is more complex than that. I was thinking that perhaps it meant something that was marked for death, but would ultimately survive. A resurrection symbol of some kind.
And that KIND OF works, but not in all cases.
For Glenn's red car, I suppose you could argue that maybe his faux-death in S6 was built on the car, but that's a bit of a stretch to me. Not that Gimple doesn't plan that carefully, but they're too far apart to be plausible imo. BUT. In S1, the car was part of the group escaping a huge horde of walkers in the city. And while no one was bitten or seriously injured, Glenn and Rick did cover themselves in walker gore. So the blood and the narrow escape are both present. I think that's more plausible--that they built on that symbolism--rather than connecting the car to S6. I"ll come back to this.
Obviously for all things specifically around Beth, a close brush with death followed by resurrection would make sense. So that includes numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, and 11. (I know 11 wasn't around Beth directly but given all the Beth symbolism in 6x06 and the Sasharaham parallels, it's obvious to me that it was still part of Beth's symbolism.) And everything after Coda could be a throwback to that same symbolism, showing it after-the-fact as a way to foreshadow her return.
But let's look at some others: Judith's cups. This doesn't seem to work for Judith at first glance. My best way to explain it for a while was to say that the symbolism in S4 was for Beth, not Judith, and then they repeated it in S6 to, once again, foreshadow Beth's return and as part of the S6 retellings. (I do still think that is mostly true, btw. In S6, when we saw Judith with the cups, they were playing one of Rick's songs about a girl he left behind.) 
But for Judith herself, remember something else: she had a death fake out in 4x08. Rick and Carl thought her dead, bc they didn't know Ty had gotten her out. Even the audience believed she was dead and, BONUS, Kirkman confirmed it. But guess what? He lied. Which is why we don't believe anything he says about Beth or Bethyl in general. He's been caught in lies before to throw the audience off. Anyway, remember that Rick and Carl saw blood all over Judith's car seat. So this actually works for her as well.
Red Poncho guy is another one that it only kinda works for. Don't get me wrong: everything about him screamed that he was a symbol for Beth. But he really did die. He only "came back" as a walker. There are other things to consider, though. I don't remember who I was talking to about this recently (possibly @wdway?) but Daryl says the guy is using wild leeks to ward off mosquitoes, which is a real thing. Leeks also symbolically represent love and protection. So it was like he put a protection over himself not long before the wolves killed him. Even though he died, you can still see how it might have been meant symbolically. Plus mosquitoes are blood suckers, so they might have been a metaphor for walkers, which could feasibly feed into the bite/cure theory. Just saying.
There are lots of different interpretations of red balloon. I won't go into too much detail here. And I've said most of what there is to say about the stop sign in 6x01. Just also remember that a blond, Beth-walker led the pack of walkers in that episode. There are parts where she's walking directly behind Daryl. (X)
For Sashraham Red Car Parallels, I wanted to say that if this WAS partly built off Glenn's Red Car from S1, we would have multiple layers of symbolism here. If red car = brush with death and close call, and Sashraham is proxy for Bethyl
see how that works?
(Kinda off topic, but something else I thought of. While in the car in 6x01, the camera focuses on Sasha's speedometer, which is at exactly 70 mph. Bc of their proxiness, I was sure that meant we'd see Bethyl in S7. Obviously we didn't. In hindsight, I now think that wasn't a Bethyl thing but was specific to Sasha and Abraham's characters. It was pointing at S7 for something for both of them. So guess what that means? It was a death omen, showing they would both die in S7. Abe in 7x01, Sasha in 7x16. 
And in some strange, indirect way, even that points to the red car = death on some level. They were in the red car, which suggests their deaths, and we saw a 7, which perhaps suggested when that would happen. â˜č 
And granted, in S7 there was no narrow escape for them, which might suggest a hole in my theory. But at the same time, we didn't see red cars around either of them prior to their deaths in S7. We did see it constantly here in S6, and they narrowly escaped both the walker horde and an ambush by the Saviors in this season. Not to mention coming back to save Glenn and help save Alexandria from the walkers as well.)
so I won't say much more about the taillight necklace. Check out THIS post for more info. 
For Daryl's red bandanna, the only thing I can think of is more of the red/green juxtaposition. Beth, prior to Still, was constantly wearing green. In fact, I kind of chuckle at episode 4x03, when Judith spits up carrots on her. She changes a dark green tank top for a light green one. Like, is that the only color you own? For symbolic purposes, yeah I think it is. They really wanted to solidify green as a symbol of her, both because of her clothing and her name. She changed into yellow in Still, which is obviously a very important symbol, but with Daryl's red hanky and all the green around her, the red/green juxtaposition always screams Bethyl to me. That works for the dynamite we saw this season, but we've seen it countless other places too. I've also said in the past  that if red = death and green = life, it could also be showing a juxtaposition of those two, which could also be construed as a resurrection symbol.
The shoe laces are a bit harder to pin down, tbh. We haven't seen green shoe laces that I'm aware of. Maggie has had plenty of close brushes with death. In fact, we saw one when she climbed the ladder in 6x08 to get away from a walker horde, and in that case there was also a green cord in the shot. We also saw them on Morgan in 6x04, and he definitely came close to self-destruction before Eastman helped him. And there was tons of Beth/resurrection symbolism in that episode (i.e. Tabitha). But even so, there's nothing super compelling to me that ties the shoe laces to this theory. They're sort of a question mark for me.
And finally the red umbrella. TF definitely came close to death in 7x16. Negan came damn close to killing Carl in particular before Carzekiel and Shiva showed up, so the umbrella might have foreshadowed that. But then the Scavengers also used it to lock Alexandria's gates so they could escape. I’m positive there's more symbolism inherent in that, but I'm not sure what it is yet.
(Used in this way, it does suggest an imprisonment theme, which also works for Grady, the Sanctuary, and the show at large, but we haven’t specifically seen imprisonment in all the other cases. A few, but not all.)
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So, to reiterate, I'm not sure I entirely understand what this Red Object Symbolism points to. I'm sure it's more complicated than we currently understand. There are probably whole aspects we haven't thought of. So be on the lookout for more of these symbols as you rewatch, and I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts. Any interpretations that fit all these instances better than mind does? I'd love to hear them!
Okay, that’s all my ramblings on this subject for now. ;D Have a great weekend, everyone! ;D
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