#btw I’m diversifying my reading these days and I’m reading more books from other countries and races but also I’m a white gal so sue me
gorgxoxus · 2 years
What are your top five favorite books? :D
Hi Meggie 💗
Top 5 favourite books:
1. A Waltz For Matilda by Jackie French. This was the first big book I was given as a 10 year old (it’s four hundred and something pages so it’s definitely long). It continues to be one of my favourite books and Jackie French continues to be a fabulous author. I’m actually reading a different Jackie French book right now for context.
2. The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson. It’s such a comfort read for me. It’s a book about two trans friends and it fills my heart with such warmth.
3. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. This is the first book on this list that’s a recent read, but it’s definitely deserving of this spot!! I read it on kindle and then actually bought a physical copy of the book because it needed to be on my bookshelf!!
4. Red White Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston. I was thinking of a book that has stayed with me and this is the one from the last few years!! I reread it in January and it was just as iconic on a reread!
5. Am I Normal Yet? By Holly Bourne. Actually shoutout to the Spinster Club books, they are all great! Am I Normal Yet? Is definitely my favourite. The main character has OCD, but she also has friends, love interests, other hobbies and a full life. I also love the friendships developed in the Spinster Club books.
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