icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
Muchas gracias for the tag, @pastelglitchesxx. I’m just now getting around to this because I just got my wifi back, and I hate having to use my phone for these sort of things. ✌🏻
1. Favorite Piece of Clothing
So the one time in my teen years that I had enough money to buy something from 5-7-9, I tried on a whole bunch of really cute purple tops. I could only afford to get one, though, so I had to decide which one would be the best use of my money. I ended up going with a white and purple striped tank top with a frill over the neckline. It was the perfect combination of cute, comfortable, practical, and affordable, and it’s lasted me several years now and I still love it.
2. Comfort Food
Cherry limeade chillers from Sonic. I tried one for the first time after the guy I liked started dating another girl years ago, and now I crave them when I’m really upset. Unfortunately they don’t make them anymore, so if I’m really bummed, I’ll just get a regular cherry limeade. My most recent comfort cherry limeade was bought the day they announced that Cisco would be leaving The Flash.
3. Favorite Time of Year
Fall! Love me some cool weather and pretty leaves.
4. Favorite Song
There is no way to narrow this down. But since it’s a banger and I’ve been listening to it a lot lately, I’m gonna say Kiwi by Harry Styles.
5. Do I Collect Something?
Teapots. I got a whole glass case full of them, and then some sitting in a box ‘cause I haven’t put my new(ish) shelves for them up yet.
6. Favorite Drink
Well this one isn’t going to come as a surprise to anyone, but iced tea.
7. Favorite Fanfiction
So there’s a whole bunch, but here’s a short list off the top of my head of fics that live in my mind rent free:
(Kurtbastian) How to Get the Hufflepuff by kurtsiehummel (it’s still a WIP, but every update makes me laugh)
Glad You Came by daftydraw and JWMelmoth (the whole entire dang Glad You Came-’verse, it’s a masterpiece--got some very triggering and very adult stuff in it, though, so it’s not for everyone, but I love it quite a lot.)
(Kamisco) Avalanche by Coolestjoy30 (also its sequel, which is still in the works)
(O.G. Team Flash gen fic) Home Wasn’t Built in a Day by Hedgi (pastel, if there’s any fic on this list that I think you personally would enjoy, this is it. Also maaayybe the next one?)
(Barrisco) Never Say Never by hawkeyedpeas
And I am going to tag @music-stories-and-lots-of-sleep, @xmeggiemoox, and @galaxy-creationz.
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backslashdelta · 2 years
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You are so lucky 😭😭 it’s scarring and very funny but at what cost
I opened Tumblr last night and my whole dash was people freaking out about this fic I had never heard of, and when I looked it up on AO3 I saw it's some 2-chapter wip with like 8 kudos so I assume I just so happen to follow the only people who know what it is??
Anyway I'm still confused but maybe that's just for the best at this point. I'm going to continue living in my happy place of crying as I reread ACITW because it's so beautiful.
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mdverse · 2 years
Your thing ™️ is very much the glee volleyball au :D (I adore the au so much, your art is absolutely beautiful btw <3)
It really is, isn't it? :)
To think it started out as a casual jock!uht au with some crappy art I never finished and now it's just... so much bigger than that! The growth it has gone through wows me lol
Send me my Thing™️
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For the assumption ask thingy: you seem like you’ve read an absurd amount of classic literature! :0
You give off english scholar vibes™️ 
adsfghghjk that's the biggest compliment ever and I'll take it lmao
in actuality, I own quite a few classics, but I've only read a handful (10/10 recommend Little Women tho)
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blog-carmex · 3 years
Anna, icon...please sleep 😟
Yes. But also at this point sleeping isn’t really worth it anymore. So I might just continue to watch grey’s 😬
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
If Arties full name is Arthur, and Sam is Samuels, does that make Finn’s Finneas 🦧
Yes. I accept and love that... that also gives me just another reason to believe that Jesse’s full first name is Jessica
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thescribblerqueen · 3 years
Heres a Kurtbastian ask! >:)) Sebastian one time tries to be romantic by throwing a rock at Kurts window, only for his window to be opened and the rock flies through🦧 so he just kinda stands there like, “😟” as he hears the crash. And Kurt is like, “if you were trying to assassinate me with a rock, it didn’t work.”
Omg, I can imagine Kurt giving Sebastian a hard time because he accidentally breaks something in his room and Sebastian just buying him an expensive and extravagant version of whatever he broke.
It’d be even better if Sebastian had been picking fights with Kurt until now because that’s his way of flirting but now he’s trying the way he thinks Kurt will actually notice but he literally just made it worse.
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therezastarman · 3 years
Character ask: Brody 🤭🤭🤭
sexuality headcanon: pan
favorite ship(s): brody x JESSICA (jesse)
brotp: idk 
notp: blaine x brody
a random headcanon: his deodorant smells really good
general opinion: tbh, don’t really have an opinion of him. he did make for some good kurt one-liners (”your boyfriend’s bare ass is on one of my vintage flee market chairs”)
send me a glee character and i'll tell you my opinions on them
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starpunchsoup · 2 years
OKAY, so like objectively your thing ™️ is blaine Anderson, or very funny glee commentary.
BUT I’m going to say very pretty and swanky embroidery, because I’m still amazed by your pants with flowers coming out of the pockets that you did 😭
we’re not gonna talk about how glad i am somebody thinks my commentary is funny :’)
and im so glad you liked it aaaahh!! im really proud of my jeans, i wish i had more opportunities to embroider because it’s super fun to do while i get caught up on podcasts haha
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icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
Top five flowers >:)
Ohh, this is a tough one. I love SO many kinds of flowers, and which ones I like more varies depending on my mood. But off the top of my head, here are some that are constant faves, in no particular order:
1. Hyacinths
2. Roses—idc what anyone says about them being basic and overrated, they are WRONG, roses are popular for a reason!
3. Phlox
4. Violets (the specific flower I'm referring to here is actually called a spider wort, but I refuse to call them that, so violets it is. They grow wild where I live, same with phlox.)
5. Wisteria, aka what I always thought the Hanging Gardens of Babylon looked like. Yeah, I thought it was a garden that was planted upside down, like on the ceiling or something, and I didn't know how that would work, but I thought it would be pretty cool. I was so disappointed when I found out that they weren't literally hanging gardens.
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backslashdelta · 2 years
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A SPECTACULAR DAY! :D you are such a kind person, and it shows within everything you do. You are also an amazing writer :D💖💖💖
OMG HI THANK YOU this is so nice ahhhhh thankyouthankuou 💗💞💖💜
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katyobsesses · 2 years
Right back at you! 💛
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homosandhomies · 2 years
every tumblr family tree should include bimbos and thembos,
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mean bisexuals,
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even meaner lesbians,
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and a he/they,
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a token straight that’s on thin ice,
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astrology bitches who has everyone’s birth charts memorized,
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and some short kings and queens
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@fettuccinecaterpillar @itstruthtime @brittelizzabeth @esperantoauthor @dilfdarren @backslashdelta @xmeggiemoox @thomas-the-goat-of-satan @sapphic-squid @nataliekabra @20xbetterthanu @blangsty-days @blog-carmex @tthankstoyou @daisychaindemon @lennerdmichael @mirkwood-princeling @oohbabycupcakes​
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post 10 songs and tag some people
thanks for the tag, @dreamalittledree!
Clouds by One Direction.
Slip Away by Luke Hemmings.
sad day by FKA twigs.
Thin White Lies by 5 Seconds of Summer.
Dirty Computer by Janelle Monae
Blue Monday by New Order.
i by Kendrick Lamar.
As It Was by Harry Styles.
Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks & Don Henley.
Love To Lay by The Weeknd.
tagging: @fettuccinecaterpillar, @xmeggiemoox, @romanticprometheus, @danisdreaming, @kkshowtunes, @robbyattorney, @20xbetterthanu, @blangsty-days, @multifandommessy, and @howardsperez!
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
Plot lines you wish there was more of? :0
We deserved at least ONE scene of Kurt and Finn doing idiot brother stuff, like “mom said it was my turn on the tv” or smthn like that idk. I just wanna see them being broooo’s. And this also goes for Sam living with the Hudmels. We got no scenes of them together as a family unit, whats with that? Like why isn’t Sam with them when they’re at the doctors in s5? Doesn’t he live with them, Burt is probably like a father figure to him.
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thescribblerqueen · 3 years
What are some of your favorite fics? 🤔 (doesn’t have to just be glee or Kurtbastian, but that’s up to you! >:))
Literally the second I read the ask my dumb brain panicked responded with with 404 not found which is my usual response when asked about my favorite anything. Time to scroll through Ao3 and wonder why they can't show me what I've kudo-ed without clicking it.
Okay, so all this revealed to me is that I’m bad at keeping track of the things I read, which is a problem because I read a lot. But that’s my problem, I’m just going to sick with The Flash & Glee for right now because looking through everything would be a nightmare. I also kept off some of the famous ones like ACITW , Glad You Came & such because I feel like they are givens.
These are all the ones that stick out to me at the moment:
100 Ways by Kicon ~ Thallen Fic 
"What happened with Iris?" Barry asked slowly, stepping out of the doorway onto the mat so they were on the same level.
Eddie took a rattling breath and closed his eyes. "She broke up with me." There was a weighty pause, and then Eddie looked up at him. "It's over."
There are 100 ways to say “I love you,” and when a grief-stricken Eddie shows up at Barry's door and says Iris broke up with him, they start to discover all of them.
A Regular Tuesday Night by Nevillesgreenhouse ~ColdFlash
Barry Allen, forensic scientist and volunteer Wishgranter at the Wish Making Association is your go-to man if you need to contact a supervillian to make a little kid's wish come true, not so much if you're a pesky superhero or an evil mastermind from the future.
a pre-flash au wherein Barry makes little kids smile, flirts with Captain Cold and keeps his cool under pressure, especially in situations involving kidnapping.
An internal affair by Nirejseki ~ ColdFlash
Leonard Snart, the CCPD Captain of Internal Affairs, is known as Captain Cold for a very good reason: He hates corrupt cops with a merciless vengeance, and once you're on his list, you're in serious trouble.
His next target?
A CCPD lab tech named Barry Allen who's developed a suspicious habit of disappearing at random intervals.
Could Have Been by BohemianRhapsodyinBlue
Barry finds out that Kurt committed suicide after the Klaine divorce. He tries to comfort Blaine but is blamed for Kurt's lack of trust. Barry feels terrible and accidentally goes back in time. Will this be a chance to change the future or will Barry make the same mistakes?
The Waiting by TotoroPirate
A story of life, love and loss. Kurt goes back to Ohio to be with his father as he goes through his prostate cancer treatment and bumps into the last person he expected to see at the oncology ward: Sebastian Smythe.
(Let's give them) Something to talk about by  MemeKonGlee
“I need you to—”
“I heard you the first time,” Kurt interrupts, putting his fork and knife down on his plate and pushing his half-finished pancakes aside. “What I meant was: what the hell?”
He points towards the neglected pancakes, trying to stall in the face of Kurt’s reaction.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna finish that first?”
The look in Kurt's eyes tells him in no uncertain terms that no, he doesn't want to finish his pancakes, Jesus.
And so Sebastian has no option but to take a deep breath in, exhale slowly through his mouth and just… get on with it, internally cringing at how unbelievably ridiculous it all sounds when he puts it in words, all out there for the world (and more importantly, Kurt fucking Hummel) to judge.
It all boils down to: I fucked up and I'm too proud to deal with it the mature way.
Pipe Dream by elle_delajoie
S3+ AU starting during "Never Been Kissed".
Kurt's first brief meeting with Sebastian at the Lima Bean when the new lead Warbler is having coffee with Blaine leaves Kurt questioning a lot of things. How will Sebastian's statement that Kurt's desire to attend NYADA is 'pipe dream' affect Kurt's life?
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