#btw carmen had a better “finding your origins” arc than adora did
Petition to reboot She-Ra again, but on that time make Adora a little shit
She's a troll, she's out there to humiliate her enemies and crush them with her sword while making witty comments like Spider Man, she's flirty, she's sexy, she's a actual adult and she have a loving partner who isn't her adoptive sister. I want Adora to be sardonic, to make fun of people and for the love of god, make her smart as fuck!
She's a good observer, she notices things most people don't and she's funny as hell, like "drunk old man in a tavern" funny! She would definitely be someone to go in a tavern
That's the Adora i want for 2024!
honestly from what i've seen of the 80s she-ra, this was what adora was like in that show. she used to roast the hell out of all her enemies and drove catra crazy. she was also pretty calm and composed, and not the “dumb blonde jock” stereotype that spop tried to create.
yeah, it would have been nice if adora had a more compelling personality. i don't think she's a bad character but i do think that she was way too submissive, especially towards catra.
if i were to rewrite spop, i would make adora a bit like carmen from the carmen sandiego reboot. cunning, quick-witted and teases the hell out of her enemies.
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