#btw i have strong feelings about the kid bc i don't want her to die or turn into a zombie
top-rhaenyra · 4 months
In regard to Rhaenyra/Harwin it was random and out of nowhere in the show as they didn’t develop one of the most important relationships Rhaenyra’s had.
There’s been a lot of debate as to why this was but I think the honest truth is: Harwin Strong is a massive character flaw on Rhaenyra’s end.
For all the writers’ talk of nuance and moral ambiguity that is far from the case. They’ve turned Aegon II into the comical love child of Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsay Snow, a sadist who likes to rape children and watch them fight to the death. On the other side is Rhaenyra who they intentionally brushed any flaws under the rug e.g. ordering Vaemond’s death and feeding his corpse to Syrax. Even when she demands for Aemond to be “sharply questioned” this is quickly overshadowed by Alicent’s dagger scene.
The writing in HotD is painfully black and white, no matter what they try to say:
Aegon II = evil child abuser.
Rhaenyra I = misunderstood heroine.
This version for Rhaenyra would’ve worked perfectly if it wasn’t for Harwin Strong. There is no way to justify having THREE sons with him, she handed Team Green the perfect legal grounds to take the throne on a silver platter. Team Black can try to jump through as many hoops as they want to justify it but there aren’t any, it was dumb decision.
Having children with a man who looks nothing like your husband makes for an interesting character. Through this relationship Rhaenyra’s arrogance is on full display, she genuinely sees herself as above the law. But whilst it makes her more interesting it doesn’t make her perfect.
So the writers response was to brush over it: Ryan Corr had 5 minutes screen time, and minus one or two lines in 1x07 Harwin is never mentioned again. I honestly believe if it wasn’t for the fact it’s such an important plot point that they couldn’t ignore JL&J would’ve been written to be Laenor’s kids.
i fear that this is like...incredibly dramatic.
look, i usually don't feel the need to cape for writers and showrunners, but both aegon and rhaenyra are much more complex than you are making them out to be. they will be even more fleshed out in s2 and beyond.
harwin and rhaenyra's relationship is underdeveloped, yes, but i believe that is more so a fault of the time jumps than anything else (sidenote: bring back 13-16 episode seasons please). its hard to show their dynamics when the entirety of their relationship was skipped over in the timeline.
its not that the writers didn't want to show rhaenyra's flaws or whatever lmfao. rhaenyra's relationship with harwin is a "flaw" in the sense that it is a horrible political decision, but rhaenyra is always striving for love. it is, imo, one of her more important character traits. it is what makes her enduring love for alicent a) more painful and b) make sense in general.
also, i'm not quite sure i understand your argument here. you complain that rhaenyra is being portrayed as perfect and aegon as evil......but then also complain about one of her very real character flaws. alicent literally calls this out by saying having joffery is an "insult".
the writers are only given so much space to work with, and seeing as harwin has to die before the war even begins, it makes sense to gloss over large portions of their relationship. they were also never going to make jace, luke, and joffery true-born velaryons, stop it.
finally, as much as it sucks to say, while harwin may have been one of rhaenyra's most important relationships personally, it is not even close to her most important relationship for the purposes of the show and the plot. her relationship with alicent, daemon, viserys, and even the velaryons take precedence in the story being told on a macro level.
her relationship with harwin doesn't need to be shown bc tbh it doesn't matter than much overall. only the fruits of it do, and thus the consequences. (the consequences of which, btw, are very important. everyone knows her kids are bastards which creates problems for her. it is like.......a large part of her and jace's characterization)
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inhiatusfromlife · 2 years
first 10 minutes of train to busan and i am already way too invested for my comfort
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wiinevelvet · 2 years
things that I loved in season 4
Eleven trying to find herself : It was really good to see her discover her past, discover what links her to the upside down. The huge screentime she had during the show developed her character so much and I think we really needed it. Tbh, I was surprised because I thought, at the end of season 2, that we knew everything we had to know about her and guess what ? absolutely not ! this season shows us that Eleven's character will always be enigmatic and I enjoy this. However, I'm not a fan of what they did to her relationship with Mike but you already know it.
Will being the sweetest boy of the show : like, he is the sweetest,the kindest. He always puts himself on a side to help his friends facing their struggles… it was heartbreaking to see him debasing his feelings towards Mike and pushing him to confess his love to El. just think about it : Will loves Mike since he's a child. try to imagine all the pain he must have felt when mike confessed to El in front of him. Will could have dissuaded Mike to do that in order to keep Mileven separate. But he did not. He encouraged his best friend to confess. I find it beautiful but at the same time, it makes me so upset. Moreover, he asked Eleven if she was okay when he sees her again, he listened to everything Mike was worried about and tried to reassured him, he also worried about Jonathan's mental health (it was obvious Will didn't like the fact that his brother smoke some weed yk). nevertheless, I hope Will will be more selfish during the last season because he deserves to be happy. I don't want him to sacrify his happiness once again.
Jonathan being the only one who really cares about Will. yes, it's sad, bc in season 1 Mike was claiming he was the only who cared about Will ; I guess the show decided to move on lol. I cried a lot when I watched the last episode, because Jonathan was here when Will needed him and it was so moving. I missed their relationship sm in this show. also, I thank Jonathan for being the only one who noticed that Will was in love with Mike. he was so real for this.
New characters being as interesting as some protagonists : I'm not even kidding. while Mike was absolutely boring this season, I appreciated Chrissy, Eddie, Jason (not bc I like him but bc his character is complex), Eddie's Uncle, Argyle, Enzo… Eddie had an amazing development btw. he also helped Dustin to evolve and I enjoyed watching it.
Lucas, Max and Hopper having a huge development is the best thing of the show : I mean it was really cool to see Hopper talking about his past. tbh, I didn't even think he went through so hard things like war, addictions… he really is a deep and sensitive man. I liked the fact he needs Joyce and Eleven to evolve and not the opposite. concerning Max, I loved how her traumas have been tackled in this season. it felt realistic (I wish we had the same for Will's traumas but… anyway lol I'm done of how the Duffers always forget about him). imo, Max is the protagonist of this season and I couldn't stop crying at the end when she repeated « I can't die, I'm not ready »… so heartbreaking ! Lucas was strong and he even found himself in this season which is a good thing because we barely see him in the previous parts of the show.
The way most of the characters are developed by evolving themselves : it's pretty hard to explain but in this season, even if the characters are split in different groups, I think that this time they evolve alone because the threat Vecna represents forces them to face their doubts and their insecurities.
The music : even if I criticize this show a lot, the music is always perfect and makes the atmosphere richier. It's modern but retro at the same time. I love the way music producers mix the synth and the strings in a lots of soundtracks. Well done ! Anyway, that's all for this post but I'll probably write a second part bc I have so much things to say lmaoo
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dongsooks · 8 years
Dating Mark Tuan(Got7)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Hope you like this! I want to say sorry in advance incase this is weird I might rewrite this bc I am on too much caffeine right now and a little hyper in general today
okay let's start way back when he started crushing on you
You'd start off as friends
but then one night, let's say three a.m y'all got some burgers
Caps, hoodies, facemask and everything, not looking fine at all
you stuffed your face ugly eating your burger
ending up with a little sauce in the corner of your lip
and he was like “C'mere I got u”
and then he was looking at your lips
a napkin in your face
initally trying to remove the sauce but damn your lips looked kissable
and you're just like
“Bruh u done or?”
and he suddenly blushed and was like “wtf Mark” to himself and just laughed it off
”I was just mesmerized by how chapped your lips are. Use a chapstick smh”
”You're not Jinyoung stop trying”
so and after that he would look for more physical closeness but if anyone commented on it he would get all defensive like
*puts arm around you*
“Aww Markie-Pooh is hugging his crush”
and suddenly he drop kicks Jackson to the ground and is like
“Ew!!!1! Crush??? on thEM????”
cue awkwark silence and whimpering from injured Jackson and everyone is just like “wtf Markus”
and he would always stare at you for longer than necessary and think about how pretty you looked and how he'd like to trace your face with is fingers and how your lips look so soft
and suddenly he would just shake his head and mutter under his breath and everyone is concerned because he be acting like a psycho
and then he would tell Youngjae some night while they were laying in their room
and because it is Youngjae he would just kind of scream and be like
and the whole dorm heard it
great Youngjae now Mark is annoyed and embarrassed :/
So then the whole band knew and pressured him to tell you
and he did
he just took you out and was like
“I like you”
and you were like “lol ok. I hope the fuck you do”
but he was serious an suddenly you were like “oh”
but then you told him you liked him too and he was like “GRReAT LET  ME TAKE U OUT ON A D8?”
and you went to that burger place and then he asked you to be his gf and you said yes
fast forward:
there's dead silence or you two laughing like dying seahorses
nothing in between
”are you ever jealous?”
”Mark don't”
”Every lady wants a piece of me”
”One more time and I will break up with you I am not even kidding”
when you two fight it's like
are you giving each other the silence treatment or just chilling already?
no one knows
sometimes you don't know
and then other times
especially when he messed up and you ignore him
he'll just
take off his shirt hug you from the back and whisper
”I know you want me, let's start talkin”
and you don't know wether to slap him bc what a fuckboy or well...fuck him
both if y'all kinky
I’m so sorry
Papa Tuan loves u probably
also probs send you baby pics of Mark
or tells you things you can use to roast Mark
like 'little cock'
”Hey little cock how you doin' today?”
”I'm good how ab- HEY”
“You sure weren't complaining bout that cock being little last night ;)”
he is very possesive of you
and gets jealous easily
”Did he just look at you?” while throwing his arm around you
”Mark he was like 8 and we're at the candy isle”
leaves so much of his stuff at your place
not his shirt so you can wear it but like
his socks
”Mark I am sitting next to you, you could hug me instead of Jinyoung”
~insert sassy Jinyoung comment abt you being jealous~
having a cuddle threesome bc Jackson
”Stop bullying Yugyeom. No wonder he is becoming just like you, Jesus”
as he said he wouldn't want to annouce his relationship until he got married most of your dates would be pretty lowkey
neither of you would mind though
If you two are alone at the dorm or your place and you see a spider it's over
”We should call JB”
”Or you could be a strong woman and go get that spider”
”Why me?”
hearing him swear
like... very often
”if I die I want you to date Jinyoung”-You
”if I die I want you to live alone with your 6 cats”-Mark
always slapping your butt
and grabbing it
and squeezing it
and stroking it
and you get the gist
gives you his hoodie
”I'm not even cold”
”Take it that's romantic”
then when you put it on he pulls the strings of the hood until he only sees the tip of your nose
and laughs and you're just like
”Wow very mature Mark” :/
but it's funny tho
according to the members he farts the most so you're probs comfortable farting around each other
burping contests
he’d be proud when you win
”Hey Mark can you bring Coco next time you come?”
loving Coco and giving her all your attention
”Yeah now that she is here you can leave btw. Love u. Bye”
having some reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaally inconspicuous couple item
like rings
but like silver rings that could be from H&M that have your initials on the inside
no one will ever know or suspect though
romantic Mark
like when he got you said rings for your anniversary
fuckboy Mark
”Hey lil lady, wanna play Titanic? You'll be the ice berg and I'll go down” ;) ;)
”Hey babe, my parents aren't home”
”Mark you live in a dorm with ur band members what are you on?”
being able to tell he spent too much time with Jinyoung when his disses get better
baking together
”Let's start being healty”
”Does homemade burgers count?”
watching movies together
”Mark I don't want to watch a horror movie!”
*slowly puts the movie on staring u dead in the eye*
”I will pour Sriracha into your anus while your asleep. Try. Me. Little cock”
Suddenly a sappy movie seems like a great idea to him
asking you if the selfie he shot is too hoe to post on Instagram
”If that's what you think I will post it :*”
posting really lit or racy pics when you want to see him suffer
or make him jealous
but when he sees thru your lies he'll be like
”if ur tits are falling out of all your shirts I can buy you new ones babe ;)”
buying wigs for the two of you so you can have dates outside
”My handsomeness is so striking even if they don't know I'm an idol they want to know me because I am so beautiful”
teaching you how to skate
laughing when you fall
throwing your shoe at him in return
”I wanna bang you on the table”
”But it's stuffed with my paperwork”
Pouty Mark
”And it's where we eat”
poutier Mark lifting his Shirt
*sigh* “FINE”
”I wanna have sex but I don't wanna move”
”We could nap now for half an hour and then commit later?”
”Sounds realistic”
no it doesn't y'all sleeping through
Overall: Having a lot of fun with each other and feel no need to have constant conversation and you two are loving towards each other in your own way that no one else needs to understand
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