#btw i was just working on the next chapter of strings played against his throat today it's coming dw dw
peridot-tears · 4 months
WIP Wednesday: Di Feisheng is an MMA fighter and Li Lianhua is his chiropractor. They're in the Wild West.
“I’m Li Wenhao,” the man offers. He’s dressed in the style of this neo-city: His hair has been stitched into a long braid, and he’s donned leather boots and gloves. There are even spurs on his boots. But he hasn’t abandoned the curly bangs, long silver earrings, or the comfortable black T-shirt and jeans. All-in-all, he looks like a K-pop idol and cowboy were smashed together like Play-Doh.
“Di Feisheng,” says Di Feisheng.
The K-pop cowboy with the Qing Dynasty queue smiles awkwardly. “That’s a name. Were your parents literati?”
“I have no clue, but they didn’t give me the name,” Di Feisheng responds, taking a sip of his drink. Johnny Walker. Isn’t that from Scotland? That’s not very “Wild West” of this place.
“Well, it’s a nice name,” the man continues, only mildly nonplussed.
Di Feisheng quirks an eyebrow. That’s always a good sign. Mildly nonplussed is good. Perhaps this could lead somewhere after all.
“What brings you to Lao Xi?” he asks, gesturing for him to drink.
The man opens his mouth, starting on a, “I came to…” when the swinging doors to the saloon fly open, revealing the silhouette of someone wearing the most ridiculous Sheriff Woody cosplay in the world. He’s so tall, Di Feisheng could swear it’s Liu Yuning in the flesh.
The sillier the outfit, the stronger the fighter!
He leaps up to be the first to fight this new challenger with a muttered “excuse me” to his now-abandoned date, as Woody Liu roars out the custom invitation to brawl: “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us!”
Di Feisheng plants himself before him, shoving all potential MMA pilgrims to this place out of the way. Mine, mine, mine, his inner voice chants with single minded focus.
“I’m Di Feisheng from Jinyuan Alliance,” he declares.
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kl4us4 · 7 years
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Song: Control - Halsey (for Murphy)
A/N: okay so here’s chapter 20, tell me what you think! this is NOT the end of TRS btw 
masterlist // TRS masterlist
Murphy’s law states that anything that can possibly go wrong, will. It all felt like it went in slow motion. As soon as you walk into the dropship, the large, metal door begins to close with a loud screech. You didn’t expect any of this to happen and when you asked Murphy for help, you didn’t think he would take it this far. 
 Murphy trailed behind Bellamy with the biggest and slyest smirk you had ever seen on him. His eyes caught yours and with a small nod towards the entrance, he made you follow him in. And now, you stand here with wide eyes wondering how the hell you’re going to get out of this one.
 As soon as you entered, Bellamy looked up at you with confusion laced in his big, brown eyes. Just like you, he wasn’t quite sure what was going on. And you’re still trying to wrap your head around it. 
 Murphy stands in front of Bellamy, who kneels under the pressure of the gun against his temple. Fear swallows your words as you meet Murphy's brave eyes. He’s unafraid - completely in control - in this situation. 
 “So glad you could join us, Y/N.” He muses, noticing how you can’t tear your eyes away from his steady hand, wielding the gun, “Wouldn’t want you of all people to miss this.” 
 “This is why you asked me in here?” You grit your teeth. The silence and tension in the room weigh down on your lungs, making it hard to breathe. 
“Don’t act innocent.” Murphy smiles, letting out a menacing laugh, “You’re not on his side, anyway.” 
 Furrowing his eyebrows, Bellamy looks up at you to meet your eyes. “What do you mean?” He wonders, confusion obvious as he thinks back to how you said you trusted him; even if it was just a little bit. 
 You ignore Bellamy, knowing that it’s Murphy’s intention to get into your heads. John wants you on his side, to overthrow Bellamy, and he’ll do whatever it takes. “I don’t know what stunt you’re trying to pull here, Murphy.” You shake your head, tiptoeing around your words with nervous care, “Just put the gun down and we can go over everything.” 
 “Why?” Murphy furrows his eyebrows as he holds back a laugh, “Are you scared I’ll do this?” He fires a bullet and the noise makes you flinch. Your eyes shut and you squeeze them tightly as you begin to breathe heavily. “Open your eyes.” 
 “No.” You mumble, shaking your head at Murphy’s orders, “No…” He’s dead. He’s killed Bellamy, you know it. Despair fills your chest like a sharp pain, making you want to scream out loud until you can no longer speak. Bellamy’s dead. Murphy wasted no time in putting a bullet through his head and- 
 “Y/N,” the voice is a soft calling to which you snap open your eyes rapidly. You turn to Bellamy, who kneels in the same position he was before the gunshot buts fed your eardrums. 
He’s alright. He’s alive. At this realisation, your chest falls quickly but there is no relief that comes with it. Murphy has Bellamy in his power and there’s nothing you can do about it. 
Murphys laugh rings out through the room loudly, echoing off the empty walls. “You really thought I…?” He chokes out, taking a step back as he laughs. All you do is look at Bellamy, wishing every thought that’s running through your head were going straight to his. “Wow. You do care about him, huh?” 
 Quickly, you snap back to Murphy with a glare. “What do you want?” 
 He saunters around, waving his gun around slightly. It makes you feel on edge, like you should run away from him. But you stay rooted in place, the only thing following him is your eyes. 
 “I want you to tell him what you did. Tell him what you did today.” Murphy walks up to you, anger filling his emotions at your stupidity, “Go on.” He pushes, not needing to point the gun at you so you talk. Of course, you know what he’s talking about. And of course, you know what he wants. Murphy thinks you’re on his side. The side that hates Bellamy. And he wants him dead. 
 “I let Lincoln free.” You state stoically, looking directly at Bellamy. “Your sister asked me to.” 
 “So!” Murphy exclaims, making you jump slightly, “You’ve been actively working against your own leader?” He tsks, walking around you in a circle. His chilling voice makes its way from one ear around to another, making your skin crawl. “Bad girl.” 
 You clench your jaw slightly, wishing you went to someone else instead of Murphy. Now you know why you had such a bad feeling about this. Before Murphy can talk again, the radio emits a static noise and he quickly reaches for it. He holds it up for all to hear as the voice speaks through it, “Bellamy? What the hell was that gunshot?” 
 "Do you want to answer? Or should I?“ Murphy teases, giving you an amused look. He then holds the radio up to his lips, sighing before he begins. "Yeah. He's a little busy right now. Don’t expect the shots to end, though.”
 "Murphy?” Finn's voice makes its way into the Dropship through the crackling radio, "What the hell is going on?”
 Ignoring him with a scoff, Murphy throws the radio to the side before walking back over towards you. “I think we know how this ends for both of us.” He states. You stay silent. “If he lives, you just go back to being barely second in command." 
 Suddenly, you know the hand you have to play. Murphy walks over to you and instead of walking back, you just look at him. “So,” you announce, taking in a long breathe, “What do you want me to do?”
  Watching from the side of the room, Bellamy feels his heart sink. Is this really the end for him? He watches your lips, how they give Murphy a small smile. When Murphy’s hand makes its way to your lower back, Bellamy pulls himself up. 
This makes Murphy back away quickly and raises the gun towards the leader. "You like her a bit too much, don’t you think?” Murphy tilts his head, his expression neutral. “Tie those seatbelts together.”
“Now!” Murphy shouts, cutting Bellamy off before he could try to reason with him. The radio screeches loudly from its place on the floor and Murphy groans loudly. "Get it." He scoffs to you, not caring about the radio as he taunts Bellamy, who can only glance to you wondering if he’s really lost you for good. You roll your eyes when he can't see you, walking to the radio and holding it up to your lips. 
"Finn?" You speak out. 
 "Y/N? We were wondering where you were. What's going on?" Wells speaks out, his voice full of worry. You didn't know that he would even want to talk to you after finding out about what you 'did' to get on the Dropship. But here he is. 
You pause, looking around the room. When you speak into the radio again, your eyes are glued to Murphy's. He watches you back, his hand fiddling with the trigger of the gun to remind you who's in charge. 
 "A gun accidentally went off." You furrow your eyebrows, fully realising how stupid you sound. Not letting the button go, you continue. "Listen to me clearly, we need to work on a few things since the storm has passed." 
 "Okay." Comes Wells reply, sounding completely sure that he knows what's going on. 
You hope he actually does. "Is Raven there?" 
 "I'm here." 
 "Good. You can both start working on that idea we had for going underground." You state, blinking as you catch a glimpse of Bellamy who has a tuned out Murphy shouting at him to hurry up. Luckily, he isn't fully listening to your conversation. "Do you understand?" 
 Raven's brain works as quickly as a fire spreads through dry land. She nods, holding the radio to her mouth with a dry smile, "I understand. It'll be done soon." 
Placing the radio down, you hope you were clear. Ravens an intelligent person, you know she might understand your code. If they go underneath the Dropship, they could find a way to open the door via the wires underneath. 
 Quickly a bump from underneath the floorboard is heard and you look down with a feigned expression of shock. Murphy pauses, walking over to you with a suspicious look. "What did you say to them?" 
 "All I did was tell them to begin rationing the food now that the storm has passed." You shrug, giving him an innocent look.
 Murphy nods once, looking down at the ground. "It would be a shame if someone were down there. It would be a shame if you tried to call for help." A shot rings out and you jump back. 
There's a bullet hole in the ground, smoking. You look at it wide-eyed. It's next to the dropship doors. They must've been just entering the bottom when he shot. "Yeah." You look back up with an unamused gaze, "It would be." 
 When he catches your eyes, he gestures for you to come over. "Come here." He orders. You listen to him. “Tie one around his neck." 
 You pause. No. You couldn’t have heard him right… right? Then again, it is Murphy. Who knows what could be running through his mind. All you know is that he's testing you and you don't know if you can pass. 
 "Come on," Murphy encourages you, getting up to hand you a seat belt. As he ties it into a noose, you feel your own throat tighten. Are you really going to do this? "Prove to me you're on my side."
 "Y/N,” Bellamy speaks up, his eyes wide and confused. He wants to say so much but no words come out, he just watches you.
“Don’t.” You tell him, gritting your teeth together as you wonder how everything can keep going downhill.
Bellamy feels his breath quicken as chills run down his back. "Y/N, you don't have to do this. I know you don't want to-" 
 "Enough! Let her choose for herself." Murphy shouts, gripping the gun in his hand. He places the noose in your hand, giving you no choice. If you refused, he would realise you're only acting like you're on his side. There would be no other way out. But if you do it, there may still be a chance of getting Bellamy out alive. 
 The noose in your hand in heavy, weighing you down with each step you take towards Bellamy. When he looks in your eyes, he doesn't feel afraid. He thought he would step back or cower in fear but like your eyes, he feels like he could greet death like an old friend. 
 He takes in a deep breathe, straightening his back as you stand before him. He's done talking, he stands silently. "It'll be over soon." You tell him, leaving your statement to interpretation. You're on Bellamy's side and you want to let him know without making it obvious. The tears feeling like they're going to burn your eyes, "I promise, Bell."
 There's that nickname again. The name he hasn't heard you call him since the first time you had kissed each other. Bellamy didn't realise how much he missed it until he hears it roll off your tongue. 
 Bellamy feels an insane amount of relief and admiration pound through his body, replacing any doubts or disappointment about you. His voice is as quiet as yours, inaudible to Murphy who watches Bellamy with a glare. 
 "I trust you." He whispers back, making your chest ache in pain. It's the same thing you told him before you freed Lincoln. You're not sure why it hurts so much. He gets the message. You're on his side. What if you can't save him? What if ultimately, you end up killing him? 
 With furrowed brows, you lift the tied noose over his head slowly as you hold back strong tears. When it's over his neck, you connect it to the other seat belts Bellamy had been tying. Just seeing him like this sets off an alarm in your head but you fear there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
TAG LIST: @doctorwhoandrory @feelins-fadin @jaib2-blog@justacrush @cainismyname @the-grounder-girl (if you would like to be added to this for TRS, message me!)
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