#btw this isnt really a style change i just dont think my detailed anime style fits the iz universe
kamiitsubakii · 3 months
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Invader Zim OCs time!!
Some lore. Liz is Professor Membrane's ex spouse and the parent/mom to Gaz and Dib. They're obsessed with the unknown and very much influenced Dib. Nymph is a irken that was exiled and crashed into earth. They were discovered by Liz and taken. She does tests and experiments on them and they basically became her little pet.
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miamstix · 7 years
Using references is really important. References for a standard pose but also more complicated poses. I used to like redraw pics of people playing sports bc it showed motion. U can use other peoples art as a reference (i did, my sketchbooks from a few years back are full of shitty copies of jamie Hewletts art- dont do that) but i suggest using real life references since like all art is based off of an aspect of real life. Draw in a moderately consistent manner. I spend a lot of time every day drawing but take it from me, you SHOULD NOT do that. Ive always been like that though and it messes up my work ethic for everything thats not art. You dont have to do it more than once a week or even like a month if you dont want but i get anxious after even a day of not drawing something (thats not amiable btw spread out your interests)Also watch a lot of speedpaints for artists whose work you admire. See how they make art and copy those techniques. Its ok to copy a technique, thats how you learn. It isnt stealing, it isnt even close to stealing, since youre recreating the technique and not the outcome.Use multiple styles!!! I use multiple styles but usually only post art with one of them and thats fine. Your art shouldnt be focused on making your style more attractive through small details, it should be focused on gaining experience and making it easier to draw (im not really good at explaining but i mean like unless your art is realism your style should be a simplified version of what you can already do) and using just one style makes you feel uncomfortable and self conscious about it since youre drawing a similar thing each time. Actually thats a reason why I try to use diverse body and face shape.Dont just draw people. Draw animals and objects and other stuff too, so that if you draw a lot like me you wont get burnt out drawing the same thing over and over again.Your art doesnt have to be 100% anotomically correct. This actually really annoys me, how some things are overlooked and others arent when it comes to anotomical correctness. Fot instance, i see a lot of posts talking about how noodle arms are bad and unrealistic but if someone draws a character with 4 fingers instead of 5 nobody bats an eye. Dont try to copy other people in that respect if its because you think a change in your art will be more accepted by the public, do it for yourself.If you dont draw for yourself art feels like a prison. Dont draw something for other people exclusively and dont draw something with the immediate intent on posting it. Then its not for you, its for your followers. Even if you dont have a lot and you want recognision for your art dont do it because youll get stuck.Ive never taught art or been in an actual art class or anything so dont like, follow these bible or anything.
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