#btw u can fully imagine lena as s2 morgana
sarcastic-pun-master · 7 months
wip supercorp royalty fic lol
There is a searing pain coursing through her entire body. Kara wants to scream, but there is hot, viscous blood coming up her throat. 
She falls to the ground, choking and gasping for air. 
The pain doesn’t subside, but eventually, Kara begins to feel a coldness spread through her. She knows what this is. She closes her eyes. 
Kara wakes up in her childhood bedroom. She is fourteen years old.
Alex was just as she remembered. Kara fell into her arms, letting out a breath. She shuddered, almost crying.
“Kara… my dear, sweet Kara,” Alex whispered, kissing the top of her head, “I’m so sorry.”
Kara finally pulled back. Eliza was standing behind Alex, a look of worry on her face. Kara bowed to her. Everyone around stared in shock. Kara was a princess, no, she was the Princess of Krypton. And yet, here she bowed to a Count. 
“Countess Danvers… If you would accept, I would like to become a ward of your estate.”
"I gave up my right to the throne to Kal-El. Until he is of age, my aunt Astra shall be the regent. My only wish is to remain with the Danvers.”
Kara stepped towards Eliza. “My mother always brought me here for a reason. She never told me explicitly, but I’m sure you’ve realized, she trusted you and Alex with my life implicitly. She knew you were good people. I would like to spend the rest of my days with you. If you’ll have me.”
Eliza stepped forward, wrapping Kara in a hug. “Of course we will, dear. Of course we will.”
At night, Kara dreamt of green eyes and a cruel grin.
She woke up in a fearful sweat, her heart aching.
I won’t fall for your tricks again, Kara.
You lied to me. Over and over!
I can’t believe I ever loved you. 
Kara clutched her chest, wishing she could stop these memories. But the harder she tried to suppress them, the more they seemed to come back.
She saw her smile, I love you. 
She saw her scream, I will never trust you again. 
Kara cried. She allowed herself this small mercy, to cry her heart out in the darkness of this night. When it was just her, where no one else could see her. She sobbed for hours over her heartbreak that no one could understand. By dawn, Kara had no strength left. She opened the curtain to let in the sun. 
Kara steeled herself with the breeze coming in through the window. No more tears. 
Kara began re-writing her life in her head. She would not cry over the things of the past. She would not be used as a pawn in this life. She would not be so easily manipulated. Never again. She would live her life the way she wanted to, spending her days with Alex and Eliza by her side, away from all matters of the court. 
I will not keep a hold on things of the past. I will not allow it to dictate my actions in this new life. 
Kara told herself this over and over again, every day and every night. To let the past go, to forget it as if it was a bad nightmare. 
But she knew that those green eyes would haunt her forever.
Kara hadn’t seen Kal-El in this lifetime since he was a baby. 
He looked the same as he did when he was a prince, although, he didn’t have that same air of arrogance about him. Kara had made the right decision, not ceding her throne to his father. It seemed that without the pressure of Jor-El, Kal-El had grown into his own man.
“Princess.” Kal-El stood tall, but there was a worry in his eyes. “We’ve lost the war against the Luthorians.”
Kara pretended to be shocked. She knew how tenacious and ruthless Lena could be, it truly was no surprise to her that she’d won. Kara was curious as to why Lena had decided to wage a war in this life, when she’d never been tempted to before. Lena had no interest in what Krypton had to offer, aside from their science - which Krypton was happy to share with the Queen who had married their Princess.
Sometimes Kara wondered if that was the only reason Lena had stuck with her for so long.
“That is… unfortunate,” Kara replied to Kal, “But, Your Majesty, did you come all this way simply to inform me about the war?”
“Princess,” Kal grimaced, sighing. “As I’m sure you know, the winning side has a right to demand spoils of war.”
“Of course. What has Queen Luthor demanded?”
“...Kara, before I tell you, I need you to know. There was no other way. I am grateful for everything you did for me. I know I would not have this position if it hadn’t been for your grace. And I tried to protect you as much as I could, but neither I nor the court can see a way around this-"
“Kal-El,” Kara said with authority, disregarding titles for the moment. “What did you give them?”
Kal-El looked at her with remorse.
“You, Kara.”
Kara had to take deep breaths as she entered the tent. 
Green eyes. 
Kara knew she was staring, but seeing her again, it seemed to knock the wind out of her. 
“Your Majesty,” Kara finally said, bowing. “It’s an honour to meet you.”
“You say that as if we have never met before,” Lena said, crossing her legs and smirking at Kara. “Don’t you remember our times spent together as children?”
“That was then, Your Majesty, and this is now. We are no longer children. A certain decorum should be expected.”
Lena hummed, leaning back in her chair. “I take it you’re here to accept my proposal, then?”
“Yes. Although… I do have my conditions.”
“Conditions? Princess Kara, I don’t believe you understand the situation we are in.”
“I know that it seems the alternative to me rejecting your proposal is our kingdom having to kneel to you. But I have a proposition. I will marry you, but I want a divorce.”
If that caught Lena off guard, she didn’t let it show. Her jaw clicked as she repeated, “A divorce?”
“Yes. Marry me, and divorce me a year later. In return, I will give you my lands.”
“What use do I have for your lands?”
“Though I renounced my throne, I still retained the lands my mother’s family kept. We have mines rich with gold and libraries full of knowledge no other family in Krypton has access to. I will give it all to you, on the condition that we divorce a year later.”
“Why?” Lena asked. Kara picked at her fingers behind her back. 
“I do not wish to be held as a hostage.”
“Hostage? I have no intention to keep you as a prisoner.”
That confused Kara. “If you are not taking me as collateral to ensure no retaliation from Krypton, then why send a proposal at all?”
Finally, Lena seemed to flinch. She turned her face away from Kara, sighing. Lena didn’t answer her question, instead she called for someone to bring her a pen and paper. 
“I’ll accept your conditions, Princess Kara.”
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