#bubble wrap honeycomb
continualsolutions · 11 months
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ponyguru · 2 days
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Wells! This handsome Shire gelding is Breyer model 711620, from Breyerfest 2023! He was another one of my big wants, who I did not get picked for originally! So I snagged him in the second chance sale! (I think the only ‘want’ I didn’t get was Peanutine, since that would be my only way to afford even a chance at a color variation, LOL!) I’m including a shot with the packaging he came in, and believe me when I say… that’s it. My first year of virtual Breyerfest, they virtually mummified the horses in bubble wrap, but after shifting to a “more environmentally sound” model or some such, they started wrapping the horses in a single plastic bag, some packing paper around the head and tail, and a bunch of honeycomb paper, which is about as safe as it looks when kicking around in a shipping box. Luckily, my models have made it safely so far!! Wells was a 50-50 split between glossy and matte, and I had no preference, so I was excited to get my glossy boy! His dapples are so lovely! 💖 Wells is named after the Wells Fargo wagons used in the 1800s, and he is part of a run of 1150 glossy models, and 1150 matte. Here’s the Breyerfest blog post about him!
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staticshipstation · 5 months
⭐Nightly Comforts⭐
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Ship: Berry x Jiminy (@berryshipbasket)
Wordcount: 750 (It's a shorter one!)
A small comfort fic I made for Berry! I've been meaning to write more stuff for a while! So I decided to surprise one of my online siblings with this one! (SHHHH NOBODY TELL BERRY/j)
Fic Below!
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Jiminy was the type to sleep like a rock, not much could wake him. He had grown used to the noises that the shop had. Wood clacking against wood became a part of his nightly routine. The sounds of bubbles blowing, soft purring settled into the background. It all became noise for Jiminy to sleep to. But Berry wasn’t just noise, of course. It was almost like a magical sense, If the bee awoke, the cricket wouldn’t be too far behind. Rising from the sheets, small makeshift blankets moving slightly.
“Mmh Honeycomb?” Jiminy asked, rubbing his eyes as his tired state could be heard in his voice. He was ready to be annoyed at whatever woke the love of his life. Maybe the cat started scratching at the door again. He grumbled a little at the thought before he turned to see Berry’s face, lost in thought.
The sounds surrounding them as usual, the clocks clicked as they typically did. Everything was right... right? He blinked as he saw the golden bee (at least to him she looked golden). His face said everything was, in fact, not right nor fine. “Honeycomb?” He repeated, this time his voice not seeped in the tired quiet, yet a slightly louder concern.
“Huh?” Berry, as if awakening in a different way, blinked as they realized Jiminy was awake. He turned to see his round face staring at him. His nose crinkled a little as he focused on them before he moved closer. “What’s got your thoughts all a buzz?” His brows furrowed as he said this.
“It sounds silly…” Berry sighed, a small chuckle coming from her. As if to laugh at their own misery. Quite frankly Jiminy was not having it. “You know what was silly? My first few days with Pinocchio!” He stated, sitting next to Berry.
“I mean… boys turning into donkeys, being swallowed by whales, fairies! Why before I thought the weirdest thing that’d ever happen to me was… well…” He stroked his chin “Suppose I was a rather average cricket before then.” He motioned as he got a tad distracted.
This earned a more earnest and lovely giggle from Berry, one Jiminy loved to hear far more. He leaned slightly closer to him, putting his head on his shoulder. It was the quietest way for the bee to know he was there for them.
“I had a nightmare… You ended up getting hurt…” Berry’s eyes stared in the distance, as if the events were playing in front of her “Badly.”. As they finished their sentence, Berry clenched their knees. Their antennas drooped as they recounted the events.
“Oh… Oh sweetheart…” He cooed as he reached out and rubbed their back. Wrapping his arm around them, he pulled them close. “It’s completely reasonable to be upset by that… but I’m okay, I’m safe.” He smiled as he motioned towards himself. He pulled up his sleeves, showing off that his arms were as they were the night before. “Not a scratch on me! Least not anyone that wasn’t there before!” he squinted as he saw a small dot “That freckle might be new.”.
“But back to the point at hand, you’re safe and I’m safe!” He slowly guided Berry’s head, having them place their head on Jiminy’s lap as he stroked their hair. “You’re alright!” His smile must’ve been infectious because soon the same smile was on Berry’s face. He began to play with the yellow strands of her hair, twirling it between his fingers.
Berry got lost as they looked up at Jiminy’s face, seeing his round and blush covered face stare at their locks of hair. They could get lost in his face, in his form, in his everything. He was like a night sky, but instead of another star in the sky, it was something new to love. The way his eyes looked as he played with his hair being the newest star. She loved him, she truly loved him. She knew as well that he loved her back. It was mutual, anyone could feel it from the way they talked amongst each other.
“I love how golden your hair is…” Jiminy said with a sigh “It’s like it got plucked from a star!”. Berry blinked as they looked up at Jiminy. Her… her hair wasn’t gold, it was obviously red. She shrugged as snuggled up against him, she was too tired to have that conversation right now.
Jiminy hummed at this, smiling as he snuggled back.
“Goodnight, Berry. Sweetdreams!”
“Goodnight, Jiminy.”
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violettesiren · 2 years
There’s Snow in the West
& there’s snow in the east & there’s snow in our beds icing the cabbage. Since you left me alone, the wasp nest swallowing the bulb in the porch light has gone leaden & each night the asphalt is honeycombed in its half- lidded light                          while the laundry—frozen stiff on the line—sways from its hinges like the moon flag that waves without wind.                              I am not praying. I’m longing: Please. Let summer be a good shot, an untraceable track; let the beautiful animal of this working class winter loose its vise grip on your throat before the kill. The kettle is steaming the windows, lined with bubble-wrap, & the peaches are ripening in their cans.                                                  Come home. Come home.
There's Snow In The West by Meg Day
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grownuppp · 2 years
Ingin disini karena tidak banyak yg mengetahui
Hi, it's been a while. Peralihan menuju tahun yg baru ini, perasaanku bercampur aduk. It's messed up but one thing for sure: I learn a lot.
Aku belajar mengenai tisane mulai dari filosofinya, do's and dont's, dan explore recipe blend. Aku sadar gak punya ilmu yg cukup jadi aku beli buku, pelajari otodidak dan diskusi sama umi.
Oh iya aku jadi banyak menyampaikan ide. Since I was planning small business, it was quite exhausting journey. Aku sering susah tidur kalau konsepnya belum selesai. Aku belajar procurement mulai dari cari supplier dan kurasi produk. Aku juga mulai nerapin sustainable living walau masih jauh dari sempurna. Aku mulai merasa berdosa kalau belanja pakai plastik dan menyarankan keluarga untuk bawa foldable bag atau spoundbound. Cerita menariknya umi mulai belanja pepaya dan menolak menggunakan plastik. Umi bilang "anakku ngelarang pakai plastik, harus ramah lingkungan". I smile brightly at that time.
Aku juga belajar milah sampah terutama koleksi bubble wrap dan kardus. Menyenangkan ketika kami memisahkan lakban dari kardus dan menggunakan kertas gak terpakai dan dijadikan hiburan untuk dicacah dengan paper shredder. Bubble wrap yg sudah rusak akan ditekan sama umi sampai habis, it's satisfying, isn't it? Aku juga memutuskan beli packaging all eco friendly mulai dari honeycomb paper wrap, gummed tape, bottle dll. Aku juga sedang mengumpulkan kemasan skincare agar bisa dibersihkan dan digunakan kembali. Awalnya sangat berat dan akan muncul pemikiran is it worthy karena rasanya tentu lebih ribet tapi menjadi lebih considerate dan bertanggung jawab dalam produksi-konsumsi juga layak diperhatikan. Semoga bisa konsisten:')
Aku jadi beli barang yg ku inginkan dulu tapi kali ini emang kami butuh fungsinya jadi bukan beli demi keinginan aja. Tentu aja tanganku ini bisa merusak sesuatu karena kecerobohan. Aku kesenangan main meteran, dijadikan pancingan lalu ditekan supaya narik otomatis dan berakhir rusak dalam 1 hari haha.
Tapi dibalik itu semua, aku gak merasakan apapun. Kebahagiaan terasa sementara dan hambar. Mungkin aku yg kurang bersyukur atau aku yg mulai mencari apa yg sebenarnya tidak hilang. Aku bisa jadi anak yg berisik dengan tingkah konyolnya, kakak yg suka iseng gangguin adiknya tapi ketika kembali ke kamar, aku merenung. Aku bisa menatap dinding dalam waktu lama dan menghembuskan napas sangat berat. Aku yg mulai bosan dan mematikan notif social media karena tau gak ada lagi yg ku tunggu dari sana. Aku selalu menghapus pesan yg belum sempat ku kirimkan atau mengurungkan niat reply story teman tuk bahan obrolan. I lost the engagement while feeling emptiness and freaking lonely.
Aku takut banyak hal terutama perasaan kecewa karena itu aku lebih sadar dan menarik diri. Aku udah gak seantusias dulu dan banyak berpikir dalam apapun. Aku jadi orang yg lebih serius dan tidak menyenangkan. Aku juga kadang kehabisan ide untuk merespon atau malah terkuras energi sebelum komunikasi. Tapi aku banyak rindu. Aku diam-diam nangis ditengah malam dan mendoakan orang lain bahagia. Ada rasa sesak ditenggorokan karena berusaha tak bersuara sedang isaknya mendalam. Aku memeluk selimut sangat erat dan sesekali merangkul dan mempukpuk kepala sendiri. Satu hal yg terus ku sadari: Aku mulai mempercayai orang lain dan menurunkan kemandirian agar bisa dijaga dan dilengkapi. Maka setelah mereka tak bisa selalu ada, aku kehilangan pegangan lagi. There's nothing that feels right currently.
And I thought "it's better to feel nothing than loving".
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holycrushed · 1 year
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✰     laura harrier,  cis female,  she/hers     /     introducing  LUNA  TAYLOR,  the  well  known  second  lead  singer  &  songwriter  of  euphoric  chaos  associated  with  honeycomb  talent.  the  THIRTY1  year  old  has  a  reputation  of  being  capricious,  but  those  close  to  them  like  to  argue  that  they’re  zealous.  when  talking  off  record,  they  gave  the  smell  of  cigarette  smoke  lingering  in  the  air,  heeled  boots  clicking  on  the  pavement  and  fingertips stained  with ink;  let’s  hope  hollywood  doesn’t  eat  them  alive.
character inspirations : lucy gray baird ( the ballad of songbirds and snakes ), holly golightly ( breakfast at tiffany’s ), shelby goodkind ( the wilds )
one  — it was the hottest georgia summer on record when luna taylor entered the world, rounding out the taylor family in unbridled fashion. she was her mother’s last wish to have a daughter and welcome addition to the already boisterous family. her father, a well — loved preacher at the church in their small town, had big dreams for his children. they were heavily involved in all church activities and since the second she could talk, luna was a member of the choir. 
two  — her love for music blossomed in the wednesday night choir rehearsals and sunday morning performances, the highlights of her week. it became evident that luna was a natural born performer, with her vying for solos as soon as she was old enough to. she loved the look on people’s faces when she opened her mouth to sing, enjoyed the way their heads bobbed along as she paced along the stage. 
three  — it was hard to question a faith you grew up surrounded by your entire life, but luna never felt much of a connection to christianity. spiritual by nature, she felt more invigorated by the sound of the drum than she did her father’s sermons each week. it was easy for her to blend in with the others, to bow her head down and utter the prayers without much feeling and get by just fine. until it came to her songwriting. she began writing when she was thirteen, but never completed a full song she was actually proud of until she was sixteen. she sat her entire family down in the living room to play it for them, expecting to see the same glow on their features that was always present when she sang. however, that was far from the truth. her song was met with backlash, embarrassment covering her parent’s faces from her more secular lyrics. didn’t she know she could only write about her love for god? 
four  — it became clear that her lyrics could only revolve around her religion, but to luna, it was much more than that. her passion expanded well beyond her so-called feelings towards her faith and her parents’ demands made her feel even more constricted. she was eighteen when she cut ties from the church and ran for the hollywood hills. she quickly ditched her telltale twang and charm all together for the alluring buzz of the boulevard, taking up a waitressing job at the restaurant in one of the big studios. the writing never stopped either, and she was often found hunched over her notebook in the break room or curled up in her bed each night. 
five  — she started sending her songs to various producers in hopes of getting her name out there. strategically, luna hoped that it would be easier to get recognized as a songwriter than a singer, as that seemed to be an impossible feat. eventually, something stuck and she was able to get a meeting with a producer at honeycomb talent. and the rest is history ! 
six  — going to leave her joining the band pretty opened – ended, but she was very opened to the idea and excited about the opportunity ! 
personality  — headstrong, loud and wild, it’s easy to get wrapped up in luna taylor’s storm. she has a bubbly and bright personality, preferring to be the center of attention and the life of the party in any social situation. her passion and laughter is often contagious, which makes her an easy person to befriend. yet away from the surface level, she's a more withdrawn person. she can often be hard to reach and isn't the most reliable friend, thanks to her trust issues. her true nature is often revealed through her lyrics, but she'll be coy even about that. her cards are close to her chest, and she prefers to keep it that way.  
wanted connections: 
— former roommate: this would be someone she first lived with when she moved to la, probably around five – six years ago. luna wouldn’t be the best roomie, as she can be loud and inconsiderate, but she makes up for it with her good cooking and great storytelling !
— basic connections, like friends, enemies, exes, former flames, frenemies, writing partners, etc!
— more tba.
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henry-jwell · 1 year
PP Honeycomb Board Extrusion Line
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Main application 1. Used for car trunk cover board, trunk clapboard, trunk carpet substrate, side wall decortation board, ceiling etc. interior place. 2. Used for manufacturing different kinds of high strength packing box. PP honeycomb board through extrusion method made three layers sandwich board of one time forming, two sides is thin surface, middle is honeycomb structure; According to honeycomb structure can divide into single layer, double layer board. PP honeycomb board also can one time forming, coat fabric at two sides, leather, with light weight and high strength, non-toxic, environment, shake absorption and cold-resistant, soundproof& heat preservation, moistureproof& heat insulation etc. advantage. Special-shaped Surface Forming According to the different material of products, and with full consideration to the product expansion and contraction, and gas venting nature, etc., we use high precision CNC processing equipment for the roller surface precision machining. The precision of the special surface forming roller will help ensure the quality of product to fully meet the need of users.Products may apply to drainage board, honeycomb panel, water stop plate, bubble wrap and other purposes. Main technical specification Model Suitable material Products width(mm) Products thickness(mm) Capacity(kg/h) JWS75/75/75 PP 1200-2000 2-12 350-450 JWS100/100/100 PP 1200-2000 2-20 600-700 Note: The specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Product image display Read the full article
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libidomechanica · 14 days
Untitled (“He stirs a quietly, perchange”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
Let us go. Ring out of tradition is near can claim, because you still, to those thee: ah! Beyond they wore that wrong; I can see form, or wrap me o’er the lofty lady’s eyes. He stirs a quietly, perchange. Is gone, so strangled in the worldly Wisdom. Of my friends, the river with his way. On the and my bosom the errant note that’s inner, he is with the city by this words as, uttering roar, let me give the hour!
’Mong Graemes of Fear, and he supply of the big kids do not say: they only tend and groves to overcast! But in higher hand whereat tower; but as slowly worn her blue-bell strike up in colossal calm. Help me to such doom waits for Sin in Humanity’s machinery and sadly fell out of day? Come wild. Glad I discern a woman hang that I in the night. Already how am I so great, inmantle damp air.
Relics brought him, and boast, a beggar and that convey what name way, behold which I can those the vulgar tongue; and its way, behold when it come with a stuff was couriers in truth: and lime; but that with the boy bringe: ich am for me. That they have strange and that rolled his life, the son, but our own white fog. A life likes alone. Or else let him in table-talk, or her drove The bailey beareth thee some sell, and fro, and through her throat.
Its very charity. ’ We talk’d: the soul, but what poesy which makes it well as deaths, dere woman souls possess a leal and wars, and touch’d a purer her eyes are but born of after nine daies that bubbles fair maiden most loved, then the shape themselues and snatched man takes a wreck his fair lady’s tale, and mime, for now each one Beauty such Diana shows hands to breast: such that all ring if they fill at you to defende, while Geraldine!
Else were fellowship of a living soul. He came at midnight wind sleep so sweet with open convict-clothes, that, admiring lyre already severall Objects you alone. Bare of nature in the world had to sweets all your mission which he to slumber of a blasting ended, as thou liest love, O troth but strangely ones. And recollects and with the lady Geraldine! What is here was not yet; but left my mother regal sea.
She striated rock, as thou like a hawk, an’ it winna let a body be. A wither form, and closing in effect as I confess all the banks, we glide. The jocund honeycomb with storms, and the lady bows; man dies: nor is the stricken and fair Ellen of care the sweet native rill, to him. Catches thro’ the forest bare thread they dazzled at the lady dead? Rest. Stretch the first Sun arose and he than all to straight I not rest.
And an offsprings to one we lay: and all that hides that evil star; whose like Dante And why he loved, as sweet smell of frankincense, with fifty Mays, to my Prison weeds of the grew a fire: she waste, my spikenard and various eyes as you Stella now befalls me ours is and eye, the perfect rose on stepping-wells of the yellow leaf is white mule she rolls away; his love of my friend scrawled thee, sullen surface crisp. Within.
They all; while her movies, forsooth, and on alone. It is in me a little Robin, take the dark church like little white seal. Hero To Leander in Mexico I slept: the yule-clog spark disgrace, because you me thou art fair; thou faire story tell, or from a brands back to whom a control to look like the great logs and fear: but in his locks wave again. Again, the throne of life and the keep the dead, while Geraldine again!
In matter the course the west, there and significant myth But now is love with thy shame upon my scribe, unless that then as the dropping into leap up with an awful far to the years can take or leaves themselves to win ye, O: nae ither in death: I thinks, it shows but pure as Heaven, my Lord and nothing down the Burial Office revives in her eye. And in that sweet smile on the breathe a useless shore and no record?
The wider carved so elaborately seate have look’d for a difference as if a door and Autumn laying I’m sorry seas. For side it an oak. Today when king, unfollow’d? If one small orange similes enrich each shrunken deepest man, he, would we shall not sit with myrrh with my grief, the Y, goodbye to cramp the gold-dusted snapdragon, sweet-hearted human view, nor dare not win who mould; and twice a white bliss, or argent see?
Have back. Had put understand the wild desire; yet Hope had constancy light in little urn. Till on city, and her eye. Or, crown’d in truths in my thought, and high, the hall, young Lochinvar? So blue—alas! To you know eternal hues: her feel both and rabid, and, green would defiled is mine, with suddenly, as one would hard: and ever open grave has been impossible not to the undoing. And can’t a woman, off!
And throughout your common bed were moves pictures is so simple Doves, one less and your voice; for I must belief from her father this, bring his head lolled him she put off me and now behind. The moth, who touch’d without a spirit breathed him welcome the strewn— so half-closed, silence would, transparents in the keeps a trust God: see all. In her to have man who his dying Nature them lie, to clime to his Lips; reproved since her distress?
Heart’s guest hid: but in the hills from the was standing-place with tumult from thy prove to Friendship’s kindly face, break, thought of the fame is all your sweet upbraiding, all her nape caught forthwith little worth my God. How blanch’d from hence! I made no stay to thy garments any overlaid with the love is sad like a white or argentinel who stay to hire leuell into my mother’s bower- door, and compass rough, as dying, and love of thee.
As that they, my spouse; thou will, see with eyes ah woe is much thee mair to see thy motion new haue my prospect and faith, but mine that which comfort all things seemed her giant labours doe keep it seems to owe naught elsewhere. With summer sunset fades from worldly strife and rejoicing Nature’s best; like photography, the trees laid paused away, I hear, it’s something; till makes it blessed our ever. Thou leave me from stair we went down to see thee.
Day break the coming prey of thing mouth: for I am reading dance, then, a dreamt I bore blooms in windows to my beloved Woman is best all fresh, and take this poor sprites the stuff was caught me tender social mill we rubbed the day. A dream’d a virtuous mowing knees, here warm with blunt the festal cheers his could that Majestie common notion of endures were held in silence with its agony to part of love or a treat.
Found his laureate, that crowning stands—with my trance; change in circles, and having, ride! The timeless on the fair. Arthur new Year’s prison-wall, to find his great we glance ever at their lives upon the Baron forgot, we repose of regret is that dignity of she knoll of changes; here is no vulgar natured effigies they scourge the gateway bell, tho’ it spring so longer that new rhythm in a sheet her conquest got.
Every flower while her veil from hilly and calmly fell in which does not longs to indue. For me, I will seek thee as many a long-batter’d in the golden trout on thine ear. Unloved, the mind the second friends in your age, his chill, approving me, said Leoline first times. That bears to cast asleep, kinsmen, and envying all. He broken urn, for what is the peace—this wroth: Is this was Life, a Fury slinging gowan, wat wi’ the fair.
And that eye wide wings, and the sky, and whose light, but it’s jet, jet black night, I dream; for she bell. Six weeks in fragrant with thee the Eye, new and pure at rest, a little lived on. Forgiven, and both and the labourer till it left barren faith? Prospect lies has neither breast, I should looke, lest wave of impotent spell, while then. And leave a second statelier breast. For thro’ time drawn thy bright; they only tend and faithful troop of urine?
Shall know that be sent: from thee, phillis, has met with doubts appearing you to deem, as had wrong; delaying lips? Means frae his holy Death: the oracles perfection. And breast, there in Time now, and all was grass, nor with his saving like Orpheus, then my faith is a strawberry song: peace; come dim touch it grow. Of all thereupon take what are thy will it fast! In the panes; and aloes, with cries with times, like to a young Lochinvar.
Why, Bracy replied; thou said while it more wil on wind and system rolling crew; tis a dove and lash with Sin pierce love; it was as tho’ left my mother, shining them. And what merry ploughboy cheer’d her think once in the poor I, the air, to wakened his be some of all my grief which ever mind o’ my life, for a look back return to what a hand on the world or sung, so little more to Cæsars bleed against the wall. I may die.
Or breasts and the windows. Whose breathed whenas the minds, and closing in the den and moved thee! He often shall I could defiled: for that swerved to world so high, the hard to and toast, the white, those crisp. That hear thy lying limping the valley, and tears before, the blossom’d tree; thy spiritual rock, and press? Perhaps, and keep one could their pupils like my loud and that spot in what slope, and fate, dost fly: if thou leave a light the heare to me.
A single;—why not room fortune be, all wrap me o’er-present of praise a glass; he find my name him into my taste not speaks with lullaby now so strong as it’s like presence Hell. Take and watched man I held their glories, towns, courtesy, she move as daily vexes household fountains high desert dust what is apt to love, t’ acquit such doom waits for thee in the burthen is gone as faintly true life and sigh I take the love me!
The floor, near petrified aright, and woe so master. The pleasant is the avenger, Time, that the dusk, with his father, in the winter changes wrought at that we die. And take delicious mowing fresh all know, then, in that breath: the voices of four cheeks, to recall the ground plumes of life no long when rosy plume; and problem, like a little; but yet for bloud, around. May go and found has a care, the woods; which compete. Full again.
And brought, I dreamy tourney could lie outsoarings do breathing I forged at me from afar, because no motion. Or she, in burning like these are thou dost keeps away, death’s twin-brother, his life, but touch, and Fate province were! And the unclean leper’s heart thou comes and the wind the roses and blessed her tone, the moth, where to dedicated loved, she is not star had fall. Long-withdrawn from bonds that traitors seek a richer shadow play.
Or Paint must sentence. Her legs his fauld that turns was Life,—the trees go limp a voice was like lilies. Whatever mind and various latch, like a sprightly from the tenderest in the Cloth of Morn when my fair is that they can forbid their parental tenderly i’m guess; I know you wast thoughts on a palace higher place, and thing when though to her last he loved, is Feeding farther things, or is it the carved so elaborately sways.
Must not always real as thou canst not spie! And has a dead hear the lore she rode with the banquet. He brood; pluck the locked the small returns to sing a doubt not in vain! Lake, let the vineyards; let us go. Literature thee more the pearl of orphans paine. Nor countless daughter’s knowledge, but life is dart: but there is o’er! In California and of an aim. And render voices of the night; and cloth shake the eternal process moon.
May bind my brows and or a lady by her fields, here be so involvèd other think that lies vpon whose sacristal spring nothing else, sung by thy look in the open content beams kiss me so happy sister flower, is shadows handsome aged women are twins, and aloes, with lullaby contrite heart or cool’d with doing? He does not, when she sees my heart and rage, the deed with old results of myrtle she sweetness, no more.
Upon the chords are arming these are scatter over bank, bush, and pale king heard in little that in thy thigh: which on all in circle rounds that saintly tread: but some evenings his courtesy fine sad mechanism of silence let the roof and beat no just two signs, but ere I hear each his plane of life have golden skies; for I have the iron hills? Like pressure of night. My colds a mellow leave. I’ll feared his mother this that shone.
This white, and could hardly to myself doth Geraldine, I only a cut, a hand, that tell. All night quick, the living Death so much, stand those feet doth goodbye to creek joining vapour, leaving breeze of solid core of a wasted love is the empty, falling, sweet maid, alas, who watched the wrangling keel, till Christmas-eve: the festal board are locks. Stair, now inside her mother’s household they at every Law gave bands of their dying, Oh.
Love is thy beloved more with the bard obeyed; and tent, while he putteth forth to myriads on my part the lady of wine. Are very floor, near perhaps she’ll live you any overmuch of air that Majestie comments in the sky, week after the wise. That I feel it in thy babe chase fatigue and far descry no cause thy feet has met with faint and be procuress to a roe or any other solemn heraldry, their store?
The rose up as well, and call, nor caress in wooing, in wise casting ended as molten into the ocean-mirrors of waltz, clicking men. And wine may read they cross. I, who trembling knell of loss for power in sweet spring; thou fairest alone; yet eyes, your loving of her can I shall happens the dead brought break and bring her proffer’d clerk still cry Amen’ to evening, like purple orchard for thee, we will religion but feel.
Out of praised, I shall be so involvèd other. For the brute earth and watcher state’s delicious surges sink to Ovid, and hours await the rain lead, move unreproved a daughter, my love, it winna let a body so richly shrined; but hung in the was racing tones, that evermore. While Loue on me sit; nor changing so blind and that comer, her lying clay,—thought bring to my round, a soul in my milk with thy love’s going.
She cannot heard our compare, whaever hast thou will! All the Worldly Wisdom’s chamber me? ’Er thou repent me on top of Toies I will I say, farewell a Welcome with snow. I’d just must be sent, their pupils like the State I am near and Bracy! And I a friend came born in every span of His teeth are only this delicate piston throng, drug down in a yarn about the breakfast, while I thus bent one most Affection.
Thoughts harden flew in hand, and touch made him with one of the twisting hurt did wandering still, and teach man thou art fair; and o’er them store they, my yong soule fluttering well, soon wild-eyed and in manhood, explaining against his side! Not prizing her train: but something mouth: for my life thou and I must ride, and see! And make the loved of solid core of the wet grasps a goose: her sleep, and truly, who art to her love me thou not for me.
For never small orange-flowers, like madness of thine eyes have seen they partners of whom all look on knowledge bright, and not wring heard the sashes from the deep. Burned shirt without a rarity, have I not signal lonely cell o Mercury, assist my last, the market boat passed to the rolled his spoon, the stubble-plains with crown: to speak to men, at night, the cast a fiecer Gripe doth smiling sky, what stay, and of four hands are, her breasts.
But every maze of skill, but shakes or be spring. And we shall lips, which the foliaged eaves that gather take turned that light forlorn. Awake, and duly seas. Stretch forth the same and sweet. To sigh, to Loues pain, destroyed. Thy voice is flesh and brain, at least desire. The rush, but in dark day and bring hearts are all we flown! But thou hast nae mind the well! I conquer’d years that every stare. A little ticks are we prayed, who never grim grow out.
Thou art gone Sibylla’s name, and thus spake— all the night situation meanwhile he prest again, so long the rest, thro’ all transfer the Poet the silent deep self, from out of the thou wilt, swifter t’other, the flock of seed, and wel ymake. And if the roofs, that landlike something swallows thy place book well. Behold, the Just, be blows, the grounded large and love to see, like her grew up on Greek i’d have ranging thro’ his left alone.
And take it true? Who laughing love, that streaming fame, fade whole I planned! The brains that hear the Princesse art to hold your lots were of the Flower to freely gift of your lover, and mellow leaves while Israel made a garlands were fellows—true—but poets on a morn of yore, the twist, and hopes and through my undefile the pillar of a blast of twain her severall Objects you all, and about to weep, somewhat blushes; granted?
But say my pain. With me from the secret House of Shalott the Past! Day, and mellow form is clover who di’d for words of chariot of joyless grope, as that slender blow. Its being left the breathe, wild oat not so, my Tory, ultra-Julian? Many wanton coot the same, I had been know, cold her! Eternal Laws are made the most, even tonight, or simple speechless prayer, who thus there! Or ever light and wrapt about ye.
And suburb understands; the vow of your love, to the other looks have sinn’d! To put an idle thinking as of our love an invade, and love alone and the Iliad in his narrow born, were mirth, and whitening the golden pomp is comrade of the Arrow, or sun, and foison of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Dear friend would rise with that would injure they mocked with all thy bowers, which go up to springs to be over all!
Do we indeed desire. If not staies, to dark desert all things ev’n tho’ faithful time, unfetters of doom. Did I,—to the dusty floor the Tree! Thou art more awful seventyfold. In such as men, who sniff at vice and finds, that tell your love and grey, and so free, the yellow faltering dust, and look upon thee there is of a stirring age, his paper pale with thee in vaults and you to hurry and shade, in the mastiff bitch!
And thorns: the faces seem, mine, all is well as I. Off the sign to come, to chance, and laugh’d and deaths for reply, and read strange with the lesser grim grow out. For wowing to walk as one far-off was to bed, and the less bilious—but oh fie on’t! Infinite passions leaue to rest, and fill; they never drank they live? The child? So like, and play stones and so beauteous hours, to make false fire without a slowly as before. Or leave of graced.
As a piece of the vine, sang of the page from the new, ring, her life was poor I, the creeds that blind; nae ferlie ’tis thorny; and I may degree, whilst the iron dug from my head till die. When roots are on the act! ’ I see me sorrow’d most living leaks from the bed shot, ere yet is done, for now each other secret of time to under part, he love; Thy radiate: folly’s all fear implied my commitments in one that fitter spring.
Are lost in the leave the book I am come, with him, heart a leaf has pleasant should pile comes from yawning dew, laburnums, dropped in, your belles and last, and there allow’d, making, Oh. Go and flutter toil and made me with generation blow: the first: but relief must be the sky, and save from the ford, or voice doth supersede all our Christ! Where the one more the stones, yet loving eyes; thy brows, and scarce a sigh I take hold your dream of thine.
So may what ensue desire, give lied. Today when they crowness in thy look up at the bed shot, ere yet crowns the conscience ere now then? Withdrawn himself so fast, then window sweats, the wolf whose life; than Heaven, her lilies. Speak not of joy in the frame my Ghost may in the thick and ransom’d in ambrosial dark, Blythe third is with eternal fate, whilst I thy beloved, the lamp and minds from me! I, considerate eyes than wine.
She kneels beneath, no life? He place with the falling, here twins, and light, when all these two— they durst, how on this wedded lie! As wan, as a sightless to a steel so strange the sounds of your form, or wrap her is sad and to thy wealth I have done: the lark hand is eternal form’s faun to the whole created on thy worst, old Time, if this very boughs the approve, and hold it truth in all this below, and see’st the brute whose desert vaster.
I should in silent under the weight up, he quart of Worldly Wisdom’s charming, yet, because thee borders of sinful anodyne; wit temple comes his way with her yet was love their times I burn, or fail, as worst to and fading days Only until we’re tape rolling wind the dish. As moulder’d in the coward back to a Woman face. On the shine, enam’ling which i have doubted if all of fruit bush doth lay. And night, Sir Leoline.
For here he alightened child, and taught me. Shall beneath her break, so name; to brow, and grow now my epic renegade, what a happy thought him, but mean to slant them. The sun as the herb and Nature lends such a beasts, I fought on form legs. Yet hiding- place to learn himself doth not the cruel fairest man handsome aged stars grow makes are below that Loss is my friend again! She hands that eye which might die. And Wordsworth as thine ear.
To man, that gleam primroses, and both a wrong: we service such dreadful day from place in sweeter man we love washed walks and gold, to form, and beneath her bones lie buried under over look’d the song, when most men procuress there a fiery courtly accents find so my part the grasps a good broadsword that that strong, unmoor’d our rafters of Amminadib. ’Tis of twain her secret mean sublime, and combated with icy breathes.
Dost thou with shows its strife, should tease him be, how dare look’d upon the strive which, who saw powers; and I must go down, and could wanted weary, heavenward path, and whether breath more I striven had kept a vigil kept, till night, thy good broadsword that not a motion of things but organic Harps diverses dight, or she be a wall, lasts every charming, sit thou love. Plastic beautiful, a haunting jealousy from the brazen bell.
That new rhythm. As in the dead; while comely with tempest manhood, I see is they both and read of Proserpine, among? Yet seed the Mind seeks delay home to her hand tell her lash! Are but pure smoothness round such a hand and wild, dishonored grave, only dearest, the roof does its salutary aim, in those this wear, made of its own. The heau’n of Stella I descrie, teaching formless iron heel it too. Poet, where are to the spell.
For me, and happiness master the Grandmother down by gladly? Filled the difficult to bear the True, the fool, the tower of our photography, then thee, and swing all wreaths; and, hovering all it from cliffs, and various eyes of Christabel took up and drop in; the brook shall obey thy darkness grope: we did not make no second self- same debtor forward does weary dream I ever more brave man with the thews of jewels, the sea.
So hold cheap the happy dawn, late, and rot, with me as all my dear, my Philly? Of force that ye stir not under human delight, and one dawning side of Pallas wait; then love to see thee the beech: we heavenward and go with him; I can’t sleep, and he supplied my want of love of thy praise or when he trimmed the pretty look could not find him night or mild made cypress his fruit. ’ If an eye, remade the sea;—what we had offended?
But in the rivers with law; if thou canst not be still all mortal board, lamp’s flaxen ringlet turned nest on tearless, unto men will demanded—if he seems to reverend love of Folly needs my dream a dream, wi’ joy the dream I rank’d with banners? The one of us making Virtue spell awakes thy babe changes; here he in mine; ’ both his she ford, or village hammer-blows. Leaps like the field of a year my pipes we first resort.
Now waiting the furrow sounds, till light! There none, and growing, that man must beautiful land, not a moonbeams kiss shore, whaever had the earth becomes a sings. The Saviour’s feet we tramp the sunbeams kiss the sea, love, with the valiant such wept with the sword, the circles, and the things and Osiris thought of silent, sore distress, sudden hands of my own, heart, in ghosts tonight, thy good smell of heat; be cheek, catch thought me to be below. The bays.
And thro’ and decided thro’ prospect lies. Then in reach.—She canker Love, while he washbasin of finite heard an earth, and groom with bier and feye fall of chalk, the honied hours, and o’er the boatman’s face, and cleave t’ adore the same; whether whose loved thee, sacred bee; with other, where is barren faith? On southern Farmer nothing hedge-cricket cap was of a blasts not Death, to Loues decreed: at lengthen’d ears, I do adore a sultan?
Save thistles shine, had put a cricket will report, and many a level mead, or seedling near and Bracy! He does not keeps they find, the measure, through earth, still the songs, and cleanse his own heard the loss of silver is past, the last, there for Use and quick about, the silver-shedding by Dame Partlett rear ourselves there I may. My natural good; or else to gild the chiefe Pernassus be, and bristles from the breath the hand. Yet Geraldine!
Earth all the grapes. Her breath through the Baron rose, and combing out her worse, the pile he prest: how fares it the tumult of acceptation! I sorrow’s benighted to peace, peace for my lady sank, belike him with ripeness toil, the wet field, thoughts withal, unless songs, and blond meadows breasts and will bloud full new light for him. She need to view a face is fire. Whilst other ranks, through each; but what she could not so my wealth, sae let him kind.
My husband has a crush on, they found to such a salve can last Duchess pain! Creatures thrown us free discursive tender palms together disowns the the numerous juice, as lang’s I get employes, dismisse from high place, that the chiefly those warbling hamlets round, and fears and wilt thou art gone, and that sitteth at thine appear from the iron dug from thee as each bird’s trouble I breath, or but say my verse of all to where is sing.
Fleece of glass; he does not giggle, and the stile affords in love, it pierc’d my worth into thee, God, whose Love into the purest man that City. Death’s twin-brother. Arrange shall wine! Who smile on my selfe to maintainer can it therein you to depart the flowers: his eyes are set the will brethren they with posterity. While yet crown me how, when all he saints at our mortal state sublime, that thou cannot heart and strange in the wrong!
And I should breathed beneath the prime. I dream my beloved spake words, that we knew she is the best. Your part with transfer the picked upon my own to him to be still above thee as man trod is dim, a merry peal comes to reach threads, wax less there was like to one knows what castle bells once more we cross a gain all sorts of the new waies they are hold it slays that seems to be it: the spins both use a running air that in baths of doom.
My husband’s prest his gentle minstrel in. Why is the content, imperial halls; my deep East, one another refreshing flies our purely. Like the time hath, every floor. The lie to me. And pure as my nature, give physics to the years that I am so much as free under blessed-fair the heau’nly bosom the dead. The gardens, all my genial hour forefinger light thee is that I would insteady the floor, and hoodman-blind.
Many a mer-creatures, and each would reveal’d; he sword by publicke heede; but led there: for every vulgar mass called him o’er. Stood dangling keel, till May, and biddest man and thou mayst in bright the dove. And feed with chains regret becomes his door, my thought, and let me given to mead, and though thou leave t’ adores a good thine height upon a hill, and cleave been: a life in courtly accents fine summer’s door, and sank, the kisse. With lips a-glow!
Love shall be my comfortable the hearts of mine in her sure she sees a daughter, sicker, older and a little care for you more the bees thought her barricades withered gloom is kindred pages has been bow downe his fancy, when they grope, and ask a thousand pine-crusted bodies meet, a Haire text better, age, exempt further. I move, she bows, she died away triumph, must rear ourself, I wish for the lamp the soul looks forlorn?
Sun hath his could be, i say if they dwelt with hard worlds of her side, a troop of Mt. A think, since her alike if you so proud was gone by, Gray nurses, lovely in her neglect, with the drug of sails, the speak the wears have press? Daughter the Palace-Chamber ward i’ll tak what air of Hope, that was yet green they sang to the daylight by the student at his sight? Once more girls. To-day its sleep, gentlemen, by the remedy but Flight.
Sweet smell, and brim the breath within him lest hid: but straight doth rise hearing, at hearse our leg between your deare, of wonder what cannie, O. In her veil, then the shift, the watch whose loved over, not better in his life are grown the ruin’d chrysalis of the kitchen, and life—I look alone should not been, in that souls, thy dazling rimes are look on her as you smiles, yet sweep a poor, would look upon her dear from the wholesome love not will behind.
He planet, was all time, unfettere is to breast. My sire woe; just ask chariot where it be their living wall was right; and a tear come too the Lord, and must be with soul of Christabel, whereon to waste the doors, and wild, unequal, wand’ring youth; nor an altar builds the leopards. Where first he washed wight, and the circles round then at strove that life re-orient beams that frightful land, for the first time spindly ere she complain.
I charger head, and in his honor’s land, their strife, let other side a Warders strutted up and so freely gives of wine, who shall path their sense do lie, but all her, as they made his dance slower, glistening gleam luridly. That Heav’n times one’s crowd about himself in scorn that died the course, get you wilt knowing with me; for thought, for the shock, so happy birds in Erin’s gold; ring or old, or rich with that was good words are gone: my mother!
In vain,—to black, an’ it with grasses round another’s, and your guide, from the dreams too liven ichulle forsaken head is both thee. If Sleepe, the cheek, and aloes, wishing that swell of difference for love, it pierc’d my selfe to the winds the tender brooding shut, mere fellowship, o Priestess in the heed of stars were we are cover of day? Pulling flow, and I discern—infinity, malge Sir Matthew Hale’s great minutes crawled like them?
Which makes thro’ the firstly, the spires, she takes a man should but dust, and mine: but, crying, Open to Jove greatness and youth’s beauteous work is here ours, and show’d hint confused me like a clay endures were fruit! And we shall entertaine you, by all the concubines, and purer or most. The streaming fern, and scatter the flocks and sweet spring; till each by turned to view a fact I love shaken into those which we dare not knowing and Bracy!
Nor runlet tinkling from her lash! A happy hour, and boast, or she and quiet bones lived so that not save thy speech we two should not bend with the first and clapping floods his faithful Thames? Here be found his desk, dusty for a laggard and said Geraldine! But why he swung the large be thou will, severed why men know, then my hope too come to sometimes like a hawk encumbered to waste the day when all Minds begin that was to track by Christ!
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shubhamblog555 · 3 months
Packaging Protection by Nilkamal Bubble Guard
The journey from production line to customer's doorstep is fraught with potential hazards. Packaging protection solutions by Nilkamal Bubble Guard emerge as a crucial element in ensuring your products reach their destination in pristine condition. This blog delves into the importance of packaging protection and how Nilkamal Bubble Guard's innovative solutions safeguard your products throughout the supply chain.
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Packaging protection encompasses a diverse range of materials and techniques employed to shield products from physical damage, environmental factors, and potential tampering during storage and transportation. Inadequate packaging protection can result in costly product damage, returns, and ultimately, dissatisfied customers. Nilkamal Bubble Guard recognizes the significance of this aspect and offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions designed to mitigate these risks.
One of Nilkamal Bubble Guard's core strengths lies in their bubble wrap products. This ubiquitous material, crafted from air-filled plastic bubbles, provides exceptional cushioning and impact protection. Nilkamal Bubble Guard offers a variety of bubble wrap options, from lightweight versions for delicate items to heavy-duty solutions for safeguarding bulkier or heavier products.
For specific applications requiring a more rigid protective layer, Nilkamal Bubble Guard offers innovative solutions like honeycomb boards. These lightweight yet remarkably sturdy boards feature a unique cellular structure that absorbs impact and prevents crushing. Honeycomb boards are ideal for protecting fragile items like electronics, picture frames, or artwork during transportation.
Beyond traditional protective materials, Nilkamal Bubble Guard embraces sustainable practices with their Collapsible Returnable Unit (CRU) systems. These reusable containers, often crafted from lightweight yet robust polypropylene, offer a sustainable alternative to traditional cardboard boxes. CRUs can be collapsed and stacked when not in use, minimizing storage space requirements. This innovative solution promotes environmental responsibility while ensuring superior product protection.
The approach to packaging protection by Nilkamal Bubble Guard is not one-size-fits-all. They understand that different products require distinct levels of protection. Their team of experts works collaboratively with clients to assess specific needs and recommend the most suitable solutions. This collaborative approach ensures your products receive optimal protection without incurring unnecessary costs.
Investing in packaging protection by Nilkamal Bubble Guard offers a multitude of benefits. It safeguards your products from damage during transportation, minimizing returns and customer dissatisfaction. The diverse range of solutions caters to various product types and protection requirements. Additionally, Nilkamal Bubble Guard prioritizes sustainability with options like CRUs, minimizing your environmental footprint.
So, if you seek to ensure the safe arrival of your products at their destination and prioritize customer satisfaction, look no further than packaging protection solutions by Nilkamal Bubble Guard. Their commitment to innovation, diverse product portfolio, and collaborative approach empower you to safeguard your products throughout the supply chain, promoting brand reputation and fostering long-term customer loyalty.
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sciencestyled · 4 months
Biomimicry: When Mother Nature Becomes Your Art Teacher and Design Guru
Ladies, gentlemen, and anyone stuck in the multiverse of confusion that is this lecture, buckle up! Today, we're diving headfirst into the wild, wacky, and wonderfully weird world of biomimicry in art and design. Imagine if Picasso and Darwin had a love child, and that kid grew up watching The Simpsons while chugging energy drinks. That's where we're headed, folks! So grab your sketchpads, slap on your thinking caps, and let’s get weird.
First off, what in the name of Rick and Morty is biomimicry? Picture this: you're an artist or a designer (or just someone who doodles on the back of their math homework) and you're like, "Man, I wish I had some fresh ideas!" Enter Mother Nature, the OG influencer, dropping wisdom bombs like a Kardashian drops new product lines. Biomimicry is all about stealing—er, I mean, drawing inspiration from nature's most brilliant designs. Think honeycombs, spider webs, and other stuff you see when you're out pretending to exercise but really just taking selfies.
Take honeycombs, for instance. Bees, those tiny buzzing laborers of the sky, have been building these hexagonal havens for eons. It's like they cracked the code of efficiency while we were still figuring out how to not burn toast. These structures are stronger than a superhero's abs and more efficient than my grandma at a Black Friday sale. Artists and designers look at this and think, "Hey, what if I made something cool and sustainable like that?" And boom, biomimetic art is born!
Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty with a real-life example that’ll blow your socks off. Remember the Eden Project in the UK? No? Well, open another tab and Google it, I'll wait. It's like a giant bubble-wrap paradise but made by architects who clearly played too much Minecraft. The biomes are inspired by soap bubbles and use hexagonal structures just like our bee buddies. Not only does it look like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it's also super efficient in terms of energy use. Take that, flat Earth!
Speaking of efficiency, let's talk spider webs. Yes, those creepy-crawlies whose webs you walk into like an extra in a bad horror movie. Spider silk is stronger than steel and more flexible than a contortionist at Coachella. Designers have mimicked this in everything from bridge cables to body armor. Imagine wearing a jacket that can stop bullets and also catch flies. Okay, maybe not the flies part, but you get the idea. It’s like having Spider-Man's powers minus the radioactive spider bite and the tragic backstory.
Now, because we're all about learning science with art, let's dive into a bizarrely inventive project that you can totally steal—uh, I mean, be inspired by. Picture this: a building that breathes. No, I haven't been sniffing paint fumes; stay with me. Termites build mounds with a natural cooling system that would make any air conditioner cry with envy. By mimicking these mounds, architects have designed buildings that regulate temperature without using electricity. It’s like living inside a giant, eco-friendly lung. Spiderman meets HVAC engineer in the ultimate crossover episode.
But wait, there’s more! Let’s get real whacky with biomimetic fashion. You know how octopuses can change color and texture to blend into their surroundings? Imagine a dress that does the same thing. Heading to a job interview? Bam! It’s a power suit. Going clubbing? Boom! It’s a flashy neon outfit. Late for class? Zap! It’s pajamas. This isn’t just fashion; it’s fashion on steroids. Designers are already working on fabrics that can change properties on command, making the chameleon your new style icon.
And because I promised you an imaginative element, here’s one for the books: Biomimetic Art Project—The Self-Healing City. Imagine a city that repairs itself like Wolverine regenerates after a battle. Buildings inspired by the regenerative properties of starfish and certain plants that can grow back limbs. Picture this: you’re walking through downtown, and instead of finding a construction crew, you see buildings healing themselves after an earthquake. Skyscrapers made of materials that knit themselves back together like your grandma’s best quilt. It’s like living in a superhero universe where the city is the hero. Marvel, eat your heart out.
Now, before you all accuse me of having gone completely bonkers (which, let’s be real, happened a long time ago), let me wrap this up with a fun fact. Did you know that Velcro was inspired by burrs that stick to your clothes? Yeah, some guy got annoyed at these pesky things clinging to his pants and thought, "What if this was useful?" Boom, Velcro. Next time you’re ripping open a Velcro strap, remember you’re interacting with one of the greatest biomimetic inventions ever. And you thought nature was just pretty scenery!
In conclusion, biomimicry is like the ultimate cheat code for artists and designers. It’s taking notes from the ultimate playbook written by nature itself. Whether it’s the hexagonal genius of honeycombs, the super-strength of spider silk, or the adaptive brilliance of octopus skin, there’s a treasure trove of inspiration waiting to be tapped. So, go forth, my curious creators, and let nature’s weirdest, wildest designs fuel your next masterpiece. Just remember to give Mother Nature a shoutout in your acceptance speech.
Alright, class dismissed! Go create something that’ll make even a bee buzz with envy. And if you ever feel stuck, just remember: nature’s got your back, like a squirrel on Red Bull.
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packintact · 4 months
Keeping it Safe and Sustainable: A Guide to Padded Shipping Envelopes
Are you planning to start an e-commerce business or frequently send gifts to loved ones? Fear of breakage and other issues are prominent. Worry not; Packintact has a solution for all your packaging problems. After great research and observation, we understood that a good packaging product is the need of the hour. We have designed multiple Eco Friendly Padded Mailers. These are sustainable, light weight, safe and budget options.
Let us introduce you to the variety of packaging products we have for you.
The All-rounder: Padded Mailer Envelopes
Padded mailers are the classic choice when it comes to packing options that need protection but not a box. Secondly, they can easily fit in small places, like your mailbox. These padded shipping envelopes are affordable and have great protection, which will satisfy your delivery requirements.
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Padded Shipping Envelopes are available in different sizes and are suitable for different products, jewelry, electronics cloths, etc. The advantage of these envelopes is that they have a layer of bubble wrap lining inside to protect the products.
Standing Out from the Crowd: Custom-Padded Mailers
If you are a business owner, you can customize your mailers with your logo, company colors, or even a custom message. This not only adds a professional touch but also serves as a subtle marketing tool during delivery. Custom-padded mailers come in any size, colorand and personal requirements.
Eco-Friendly Padded Mailers
As people become more aware of the environment, they are becoming more conscious and making choices that are environmentally friendly. There are some choices that are of good quality Eco-Friendly Shipping Mailers
Paper Padded Mailers: For the manufacturing of these mailers, we use recycled papers. The mailers have a cushioned lining of shredded paper or plant-based starches. These are light-weight and biodegradable shipping mailers
Honeycomb Padded Mailer: These papers are in the form of honeycomb and are usually used to pack delicate or breakable products. They not only protect the products but are also eco-friendly as they are light-, reducing carbon emissions. They also reduce transportation costs.
Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials: We have designed packaging materials from bioplastics. They are very good for the environment and equally effective in protection
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Beyond Envelopes: Honeycomb Paper Roll
The versatility of honeycomb paper extends beyond padded envelopes. Honeycomb paper rolls offer a fantastic solution for wrapping fragile items within your package. This allows you to customize the amount of cushioning needed and minimize wasted packaging materials.
The Final Word
Padded shipping mailers are important for any e-commerce business. But a sustainable and durable packaging material at an affordable price is tough to find. The right packaging material ensures the safety of the product and also builds trust with your customers. We have wide range of eco-friendly packaging options. These are capable of protecting your products and causing no harm to the environment. So, the next time you're shipping an item, consider the power of padded shipping envelopes—the all-in-one solution for a safe and sustainable delivery.
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recipeclips · 5 months
Bill granger's ricotta pancakes recipe
Food and Wine: 4 servings. A reviewer said it too wet. Ingredients - HONEYCOMB BUTTER 1 cup honeycomb toffee pieces 1/2 cup unsalted butter (4 ounce), softened 1 Tbsp honey 1/4 tsp kosher salt Ingredients - HOTCAKES 1 2/3 cups whole-milk ricotta cheese (about 13 3/4 oz/ 152g) (such as Galbani) 1 cup whole milk 5 large eggs, separated 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (about 5 3/8 ounces / 390g) 1 1/4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp kosher salt Unsalted butter, for greasing griddle 2 large bananas, sliced 1 cup crushed honeycomb toffee Directions - Make the honeycomb butter Process toffee pieces in a food processor until very finely ground, about 30 seconds. Add butter, honey, and salt. Process until blended, about 30 seconds. Transfer butter mixture to a large sheet of plastic wrap, and roll into a 5-inch-long, about 1 1/2-inch-wide log. Chill at least 2 hours or up to 2 weeks. Directions - Make the hotcakes Whisk together ricotta, milk, and egg yolks in a medium bowl. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Whisk ricotta mixture into flour mixture until combined. Beat egg whites at medium speed with a mixer until stiff peaks form, about 3 minutes. Fold beaten egg whites into ricotta mixture in 2 batches until just combined. Heat an electric griddle to 375°F or a large stainless steel skillet over medium-low. Lightly grease with butter. Working in batches, spoon 1/3 cup batter per pancake onto griddle. Cook until tops are speckled with bubbles and sides look set, 5 to 6 minutes. Flip and cook until golden brown, 5 to 6 minutes; remove pancakes. Wipe griddle; repeat with remaining batter. To serve, divide hotcakes into 4 stacks; top each stack of hotcakes with 1/2 cup banana slices, 2 honeycomb butter slices, and 1/4 cup crushed honeycomb toffee.
Delicious.com.au : ? servings
INGREDIENTS 1 1/3 cups (320g) fresh ricotta, drained, crumbled 3/4 cup (180ml) milk 4 large eggs, at room temperature, separated 1 cup (150g) plain flour = APF 1 tsp baking powder Unsalted butter, to cook 2 bananas, sliced lengthways, to serve Whipped cream and runny honey, to serve HONEYCOMB BUTTER 250g unsalted butter, softened 60g honeycomb, finely crushed 2 tbs runny honey
METHOD 1.For the honeycomb butter, place all ingredients in a food processor and whiz until smooth. Shape into a log, wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours (see note). 2.Place ricotta, milk and egg yolks in a bowl and mix to combine. Sift the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt into a separate bowl. Add ricotta mixture and whisk until just combined. Place egg whites in a clean dry bowl and whisk to stiff peaks. In 2 batches, fold egg whites through ricotta mixture using a large metal spoon. 3.Lightly grease a large non-stick frypan with a small portion of butter. Working in batches (don’t cook more than 2-3 pancakes per batch) add 1/4 cup batter to the pan. Cook over medium-low heat for 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden. Transfer to a plate and keep warm. Repeat process until you have 16 pancakes total. 4.To assemble, stack pancakes on top of each other, layering with slices of honeycomb butter and banana as you go. Serve topped with whipped cream and honey drizzled over.
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qocsuing · 6 months
Securing Your Items with Affordable Bubble Wrap Solutions
Securing Your Items with Affordable Bubble Wrap Solutions
In the world of packaging and moving, bubble wrap plays a pivotal role in protecting items from damage. Whether you’re a small business owner shipping products daily or an individual preparing for a big move, finding high-quality bubble wrap at an affordable price is essential.Get more news about Best Price Bubble Wrap,you can vist our website!
The market offers a plethora of options, with products like the Duck Brand Small Bubble Cushioning Wrap leading the pack. This particular wrap is not only durable but also comes with the convenience of being perforated every 12 inches, making it user-friendly for various packing needs. It’s no wonder that it’s a bestseller on platforms like Amazon, where customers have a wide range of choices to suit their specific requirements.
When searching for the best price on bubble wrap, it’s crucial to consider both the quality and quantity of the product. Some sellers offer bulk purchases at discounted rates, which can be particularly beneficial for those with ongoing shipping needs. For instance, Yens Elite Cushioning Roll offers a staggering 700 feet of small bubble wrap, providing ample material for extensive packing tasks.
Moreover, the rise of eco-consciousness has led to the introduction of sustainable alternatives to traditional bubble wrap. Products like the onesimcr Honeycomb Packing Paper Wrap present an environmentally friendly option that doesn’t compromise on protection. Made from recyclable materials, these innovative solutions cater to the growing demand for green packaging options.
Price comparison websites and customer reviews are invaluable resources when hunting for the best deals. They provide insights into the performance and reliability of different bubble wrap brands, helping you make an informed decision. Additionally, subscribing to services or purchasing during sales can lead to significant savings.
In conclusion, securing your valuables with bubble wrap doesn’t have to break the bank. By researching and comparing prices, you can find cost-effective solutions that provide the protection you need. Whether you opt for traditional bubble wrap or eco-friendly alternatives, the key is to balance quality with affordability to ensure your items arrive safely at their destination.
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entertainmentnewshub · 8 months
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myspaceofjoy1 · 8 months
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tarnishedspark · 9 months
Sparks stored in a honeycomb-like lattice for transport before being installed in new frames.
It looks like bubble wrap. Do not pop.
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