#bucky barnes x jeneva lebeau
A Day at Coney Island
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Nonnie’s Request: “Could I request all your OCs going to Coney island together? Maybe with Bucky and another of the boys as a chaperone? 😲😲😲”
A/N: I can’t believe how excited I got for this request. Thank you, Nonnie, so much. And just know that my OCs are ALWAYS open for any requests ya got. This was amazing and the highlight of my day. :) Also, for this shot I basically plucked all of my characters out of their worlds and threw them in a new one. XD
Summary: It’s not every day that these guys can catch a break, but go big or go home, right?
Word Count: 3128 words
Warnings: This is tooth-rotting fluff. How could I make this angsty?? Seriously - It’s meant to brighten your day. But there is cussing. There’s always cussing. XD
Nothing could ever compare to Coney Island. The feel of the sun warming their skin? The smell of too much salt and sunscreen? Obnoxious laughter and carnival music ringing in their ears? Truly, there was nothing like it.
“Roll the window down! Roll it down!” Marie’s urgency and beating against her thighs was enough to earn a laugh from Jeneva.
Pulling up next to their second vehicle, Jeneva rolled down her corvette’s window. Aviators hid her glowing eyes as she watched the other car’s window disappear. She was met by Andie’s beaming face and Sam peeking around her from the driver’s side. “How did y’end up in the front seat,” she asked Andie, knowing very well that meant Shuri and Bucky had been crammed into the back. Both had wanted to ride with Jeneva instead of the mom-mobile minivan, but Marie had won rock-paper-scissors.
“Same way Marie won your ride,” Andie told her. The passenger doors opened automatically with people piling out. Bucky was grumbling about being crammed in the backseat yet again as Jeneva pulled her keys out of her car.
Sarah rolled her eyes, unable to fight her smile as Typhanie wrapped her arms around Sarah’s shoulders. “He was whining the whole way, Jen. Can you take him next time,” the blonde asked as Sam locked the minivan.
Marie pouted. “No way. I don’t want to ride in that thing.”
“But you made me,” Shuri reminded her. Marie’s ears turned a bright pink as her best friend teased her. It really didn’t matter what that girl said, it was too easy for her to fluster Marie.
Bucky came up behind Jeneva, amusement glittering in his eyes as he watched the younger Lebeau act like such a teenager. She could break into almost any network, rewrite codes as if she were singing her ABC’s, and yet Shuri simply talking to her was enough to make her awkward. “Remember,” he said, giving a pointed look to Andie and Jeneva. “No powers.”
Jeneva waved him off. “Y’no fun.”
“Come on!” Shuri grabbed Marie’s hand, interlacing her fingers and quickly pulling her ahead. “I don’t want to spend the whole day in the parking lot!”
Andie giggled as she ran after them. Really, the idea of going to the beach was her favorite part. She loved sunbathing and that ocean was practically screaming her name.
Sam came up beside Bucky. Them and Jeneva lagged behind, watching his kid and Steve’s quick on their feet. He glanced at Bucky, raising a brow. “This is going to be a mess of a day, isn’t it?”
“Oh, for sure,” Bucky told him, noticing Jeneva roll her eyes even behind her sunglasses. He flicked her hat before spinning the bill around, nestling it on the back of her head. “Let’s get there before they kill the whole park.”
While Coney Island was naturally a busy place buzzing with people and energy, the group had brought another sort of life to it. They were so used to their chaotic lives that days like this were rare indeed. But still – if they were planning a whole day here, they had to choose their moments wisely.
Arcade games during the day.
Crazy rides at night.
“And the little lady is a winner again!” Andie smiled far too innocently as she won the sharpshooter game. Again. Bucky looked from his water gun to hers and then to that dimpled smile she had. The silent look on his face said it all. How? How did she do it?
“I think we have a new sharpshooter,” Sam teased Bucky as Andie was handed a massive stuffed giraffe.
“Oh, shut it, Birdbrain.”
Typhanie, Sarah, and Marie were playing ski-ball, albeit all in their own way. Typhanie would shoot hers back to back, consistently hitting the center and second holes. Meanwhile, Marie was using her computer brain to calculate the precise angle needed for countless high scores. The top two holes were hit over and over again. Marie never missed.
Both women were on either side of Sarah, teasing her endlessly. This was clearly not her game. She was lucky to get the lowest ones and sometimes even managed to send the ball flying back her way.  A yelp shot out of her throat as the skiball flew towards her head. She ducked, looking over her shoulder just as Jeneva caught the ball. In her hand and in Shuri’s were caramel apples.
“Y’gonna injure someone, petite.”
“Sorry,” Sarah muttered.
Electricity crackled around the ball as she tossed it into the air, catching it again. Sidestepping Sarah, she took her shot. The ball landed in the middle hole, short circuiting it. Ticket after ticket poured out of the machine as Sarah’s eyes grew to the size of saucers.
“That’s cheating,” Shuri reminded Jeneva, whacking her arm.
“Oh, c’mon. It’s a game.” Jeneva laughed when she saw how big Sarah was smiling. “’Sides,” she whispered to Shuri. “The fille needed help, ca va?”
Shuri glanced at Sarah as she gathered up the tickets. “Fine, klepto, but Bucky did say no powers.”
Typhanie looked up, snorting when she heard that. “You’re kidding, right? He’s still pouting because Andie beat him at the water gun thing. I think he’s ready to declare it rigged.”
“Sounds ‘bout right,” Marie commented, not looking their way. Shuri grinned, a sneaky glint flickering in her eyes.
“Hey, Miss Marie.” She planted a sticky-sweet kiss on Marie’s cheek moments before the ball flew from her fingers. Beat red, Marie watched as her last ball landed in the gutter. Innocently, Shuri asked, “Was that my fault?”
“Uh – I -- “ Marie huffed, ducking her head. “Non. That was ‘cause o’moi.”
A warm pair of arms wrapped around Jeneva and she felt a chin rest on top of her head. “Heard y’lost a shootin’ game,” Jeneva teased, not bothering to look up as Bucky’s arms squeezed her gently.
“Shush you.” Bucky grabbed her wrist and brought the caramel apple to his lips.
Jeneva yelped, squirming in his grip to try to keep the caramel from dripping on her. “Can’t y’get y’own?”
He shrugged and released her wrist, munching on the treat. “More fun this way.”
Andie came over, struggling to keep her arms wrapped around the giraffe. “This thing is awesome.” Typhanie came up, running her fingers through the cheap fuzz that made up the giraffe’s fur. “We all need to leave here with giant stuffed animals.”
“Hell yes,” Typhanie agreed. “We could get a huge photo of them on the beach.” She looked at Sarah. “How does that sound?”
“I’m all for it, but not the shooting game. I suck at that.”
Typhanie whipped her head around, searching for something that would work. “What about that one?” She pointed and Sarah followed her gaze. There was one of those games that was kind of like ring toss, but it was set up with little plastic balls and fishbowls. Sarah smiled.
That would work.
“See you guys in a bit!” Sarah grabbed Typhanie’s wrist, earning a squeal of laughter before the two were heading towards the game.
“Gotta admit,” Bucky told Sam, noting the tension in his shoulders. “They’re cute together.”
“Yeah,” Sam mumbled begrudgingly. “Still don’t have to like it.”
Andie rolled her eyes. “Jeez, you’re such a dad, you know that?”
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing I am one then.”
“Alright, y’guys,” Marie spoke up, finally finding her voice again. “If we’re gonna make this photo happen, we should probably find more games. Where to next?”
Two hours passed and finally everyone had their own stuffed animal. Even Sam and Bucky. Since this was Andie’s and Typhanie’s idea, the pair were currently lining up the animals near the water, trying to find the best angles. Andie’s giraffe and Typhanie’s bear were on either end. Sarah’s elephant was propped against the bear and Shuri had managed to win an octopus that was delicately placed next to the giraffe. Not that anyone but Marie really noticed. Jeneva’s long-armed monkey and Bucky’s wolf were propped in the middle, separated at Sam’s insistence for his goofy looking goldfish with way-too-big eyes.
“Alright, perfect!” Andie jumped to her feet, pulling out her phone. “No one touch anything!” Her jeans were rolled up as she stepped into the water, attempting to get a good angle. However, the way the wind was blowing kept knocking her hair in her face. As much as she tried to get it out of the way, it wasn’t willing to work with her. It took Sarah pulling her hair into a messy ponytail for Andie to finally get her photo.
“That good for you,” Bucky asked. His metal arm glinted in the sunlight. Because they were closer to the water, he’d taken off his jacket and let Jeneva wear it. Was it necessary? Maybe not, but he knew it made Jeneva more comfortable about being closer to the ocean.
Andie stuck her tongue out at him. “Yeah, Old man, that’s good for me,” she mocked as the Lebeau girls snickered. She shrugged her tote off her shoulder. It was woven, painted to look like a rainbow. Inside was her beach towel and some sunscreen, but still plenty of room for all their prizes. “Alright, toss ‘em in.”
One by one, each stuffed toy was crammed into the tote until only the giraffe head was peeking out. Andie looked out at the water, noticing how pretty the sky was starting to look. As much as she wanted a chance to lie in the sun, she had to admit. She was having more fun spending time with her friends. “So…we did the arcade games,” she said, looking back at her friends. “What’s next?”
“HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIII – “ Bucky’s scream carried through the air with ease as they whipped through the Cyclone. It might have been Steve who had thrown up the first time they rode the crazy rollercoaster, but there was a true possibility that it would be Bucky this time around.
He collided into Jeneva, pinning her into the side of the cart. She laughed, her sunglasses tucked safely away and eyes glowing their pretty gold. “Fuck, y’heavy,” she shouted over the roar of rumbling wood and metal.
“Everybody, hold on,” Shuri said, not even bothering to listen to her own advice. She threw her hands into the air as Marie attempted to shrink in her seat.
“Fuck! Shit! Damnit!!” The slurs weren’t enough for Marie. She quickly switched to her French tongue as her thick hair waved frantically in the wind. “’M gonna die, ‘m gonna die!”
“God, you’re no fun,” Sarah shouted at Marie as she and Typhanie slammed into one another around the curve. The ride was old. And creaking. Half the terror that came from the ride was due to the sheer curiosity of whether or not it would stay in one piece.
And being the thrill seeker that she was, Sarah loved it.
Typhanie yelped as her ribs slammed into the metal bar. Oh, that hurt. She twisted slightly, clinging to Sarah as their cackling filled the air. That alone was the reminder for the group that this was certainly their idea.
“I’m picking the next riIIDE!” Sam shouted from behind as Andie cackled next to him.
Half of the team were heroes, used to training and fighting against the bad guys. But facing the Cyclone? That was a whole other beast.
Stumbling off the ride, Bucky leaned heavily against Jeneva as she attempted to put her sunglasses on. “Homme, y’a super soldier! A coaster ain’t gonna send y’t’ya knees.” Bucky chuckled. Apparently her comment was enough to send his mind reeling. He leaned forward, whispering something in her ear that earned a bright pink tinge to her cheeks. Huffing, Jeneva elbowed him in the stomach. The obnoxious grunt that came from him was enough to satisfy her. “Behave y’self.”
“You’re no fun, Doll.”
“How ‘bout somethin’ a petite calmer,” Marie asked, her hand clinging to the crook of Shuri’s elbow. “Sil vous plait?”
Shuri gave her a small smile. Marie was definitely calmer than Jeneva. She didn’t thrive off of energy, something the other Lebeau had to do because of her powers. Marie preferred staying tucked away in her computer lab, exploring a world in technology that no one else had really understood before the two had met. Brushing some of Marie’s tangled hair out of her face, Shuri asked, “What about the Wonder Wheel?” She looked at the others, seeing them all share a look that meant they were on board.
“Wonder Wheel,” Andie said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. “Here we go.”
It’s a much calmer experience than the Cyclone had been. Everyone piled into their own passenger cars. The lights flickered, glowing against their skin. “You and your friends picked a good time,” the attendant told Typhanie and Sarah. “The fireworks should be starting soon.”
“Cool,” Typhanie tugged Sarah in, laughing when her girlfriend stumbled into her seat. Sarah huffed, running a hand through her hair as the attendant closed the door. “Aw, you’re pouting,” Typhanie teased, poking her cheek.
“Shut up,” Sarah muttered, throwing her legs across Typhanie’s lap. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I could say the same thing to you.” Typhanie tugged her legs closer, forcing Sarah to get tucked into her side. Knowing Sarah wasn’t really upset, she gave her a sweet kiss.
Sarah giggled against her lips. “I thought the tradition was to kiss the girl at the top of the Ferris Wheel.”
“When do we ever follow tradition?”
Their laughter bubbled up, carrying to Marie’s and Shuri’s passenger car. They were sitting across from each other, the car gently rocking as they looked out at the water. It was a beautiful sight with the moon reflecting in the waves. “Merci,” Marie whispered, fingers playing with the ends of her hair as Shuri turned to look her way.
“For what?”
“Pickin’ this ride. It’s exactly what I needed.”
A small smile tugged at Shuri’s lips. She knew she wasn’t supposed to move around in the car. Not when they were in the air. But it couldn’t be helped. She moved quickly, noticing the way Marie sat a little straighter, and plopped into the seat next to her. “I like you.” Shuri noticed the panic flashing in Marie’s eyes. “A lot. And I know you’re freaking out, but I also know you feel the same way. You aren’t subtle.”
Marie bit her lip, eyes flicking and searching Shuri’s face. “I – I – “ She felt like she couldn’t talk. Taking a slow breath, Marie admitted, “I don’t understand romance. Or fallin’ in love. I’m not like mon famille who just dives in headfirst. I’m awkward…And I like when t’ings make sense. Romance and love don’t. And that terrifies moi.”
Shuri was waiting for the but. There had to be one. Surely, she hadn’t been imagining what was happening between them. Right?
“But I do. Like y’, I mean. I’m just really bad at understandin’ what that means.”
Shuri felt giddy. She didn’t mind the need to understand that came with Marie. It just meant that they had to work together. Intertwining their hands, Shuri gave a gentle squeeze. Marie shifted her gaze to their hands. It fit so well. “Maybe,” Shuri offered, nudging her with her shoulder. “We take it slow? And figure it all out together?”
Marie smiled, looking back at Shuri. “I t’ink I can get behind that.”
Jeneva had been watching from above, peering over the edge and trying to hear everything that was going on. She couldn’t help it. She liked making sure that Marie was okay.
“Get over here.” Bucky looped his flesh arm around her waist, tugging her back into his chest. “She’s a big girl, Jen. Let her figure it out.”
“I know,” Jeneva grumbled as she turned towards Bucky. He pushed her sunglasses on top of her head, smiling when he saw that liquid gold flickering in her eyes. “I just don’t want ‘er t’get hurt. That so bad?”
“No, it’s not,” Bucky assured her, his thumb running along her cheek. He watched as electricity ran under her skin, chasing after his thumb and making her skin glow. There was a time when he had thought those powers could only hurt people. Now…he knew that sometimes her powers had a calming effect. They could provide warmth and an odd feeling of fullness that he had come to love. Just like he loved her. “But we’re at the top of the Wonder Wheel,” he told her just as the ride pulled to a stop. “And I’d like a bit of your attention before you force me into that minivan again.”
Jeneva’s jaw dropped, a shocked laugh filling the air. “I didn’t! Marie won fair ‘n’ square!”
Bucky grinned. “Whatever,” he said, not fully believing that she would have forced Marie into the minivan.
The crackle and pop of fireworks grabbed their attention. Jeneva settled in on Bucky’s lap, resting her head on his shoulder as the sky lit up. Though her eyes watched the glow and show intently, his gaze was focused on her. The way her eyes flickered a little brighter with every new firework. How warm she felt because of the electricity coursing through her veins. The way her steady heart always made him feel calm. Pressing a small kiss to her forehead, he rest his cheek on her head, careful of the sunglasses, and looked back to the show she was so entranced by.
“How much you want to bet that none of them are actually watching the show?”
Sam glanced back at Andie. She had that same old, knowing smile on her lips. He scrunched his nose. While he and Bucky were supposed to be the chaperones for the day, he knew that Bucky would slack off since Jeneva was there. But still…
He didn’t need to picture it.
“I need you to keep those thoughts to yourself. One of them is my kid, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” Andie grinned like the cat that ate the canary, cuddling into her giraffe as another firework burst in the air. “That’s why I said it.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “You’re as mean as Barnes, you know that?”
Andie laughed. “Careful. Imagine if I was his kid.”
He shuddered. “Nope. No, that’s worse than the idea of all of them ignoring the show.”
Andie’s laughter, though drowned out by the fireworks, was filled with warmth. The type that could only come from a day like today. A day with friends. With family. A day at Coney Island.
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Where Did It All Go Wrong?
Summary: Jeneva had to admit, she’d gotten lucky when she crossed paths with Barnes. But it seems that luck has decided to run out.
Word Count: 1156 words
Warnings: Cussing?
“Ow!” Jeneva grunted as she was slammed into the wall. That was going to leave a mark. Taking a slow breath, she opened her eyes. Emerald green met endless blue. “Really?” She knew he wasn’t using all of his strength. There was no way. Still, the feel of his hand wrapped around her neck was not something she was a fan of.
Through clenched teeth, “You’re following me.”
Breaking his hold, Jeneva pushed him off of her. Bucky was unfazed by his back hitting the opposite alley wall, but he was surprised by her strength. He studied her, waiting for an explanation. “Ya ‘bout t’have a bunch o’people after y’ass.”
“What are you – “
“You’re bein’ framed. The only reason I know you’re innocent is ‘cause ‘m standin’ in front o’ ya.”
Bucky shook his head. He didn’t want to hear this. There was no way. No one could have found him. He had been so…so careful. “You’re lying.” He turned away from her, pulling his hat down. Bucky put several steps between them, needing air. He needed space. Whoever the hell she was, it didn’t matter. She was lying.
Jeneva clenched her jaw. She pushed herself off the wall, turning towards him. “Why would I lie?” She gestured around them, laughing. “I have no reason t’be here. None. Except that I made a promise t’your ami. Steve.” He froze. His back to her, but he was unmoving. She took a step closer. “He wants y’back in his life, Barnes. And if y’get pinned with that bombin’ – it won’t be a nice welcome that you’re gonna get back.”
“I don’t need to go back.”
Jeneva’s shoulders slumped. He didn’t bother looking her way. Bucky just kept walking. When he rounded the corner, she let her frustration out. A nearby street light popped, glass shattering as she closed her eyes tight. Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
How did it get worse?
“Lebeau, tell us you’re on your way.”
“I’m not an Avenger, y’know.” Jeneva maneuvered around the oncoming traffic. Her job had been done when she found Bucky. She had no reason to feel responsible for this. Jeneva had given him a warning and he had ignored it. So why did they need her help? “Technically, this isn’t m’job.”
“Technically,” came Sam’s voice. “It’s not theirs either.”
The grating sound of their voices over the coms was enough to make Jeneva want to turn and leave. But she couldn’t. It wasn’t because of her respect for Steve or that she owed them anything. It was because Sam had managed to weasel his way into being her friend.
But god, she wanted to turn around.
So why not?
Jeneva rolled her shoulders, forcing herself to push aside that particular voice. That was an old lifestyle. One that had gotten her stuck in the Raft. She needed to let it go. Revving her bike, she sped past the rest of the cars, jerking to the left. She leapt over one of the openings, landing inside the tunnel the guys were in. She grunted as her motorcycle took most of the hit.
But then she was off again.
Ahead, she could make out Steve running. But it wasn’t just him. Further ahead, there was a man decked all in black. The glint of silver claws sent a shiver down her spine. That wasn’t a good guy. Not in this situation. And even further ahead, the guy she’d been hunting for too damn long. Barnes.
“Startin’ t’miss that ol’ cell,” she muttered. Ducking and weaving around thick, cement columns, she saw Steve take charge of one of the vehicles. Well, at least he wasn’t running anymore. She sped past him and noticed that, at the rate they were going, Bucky was going to get caught.
This man was running off pure rage.
She sped past him, slowly gaining on Bucky. What did they put in that serum? Before she had a chance to really question it, her motorcycle lurched. Looking over her shoulder, Jeneva grimaced when she saw the masked figure. “Desole, mas this ain’t a free ride.”
He moved to grab for her, but Jeneva was faster. Her hand clamped around his wrist. Lights shattered above them, filling the tunnel with darkness. The electricity made her eyes glow even through her helmet and her hand lit up. Shoving him off, she glanced back and saw multiple surges of electricity running over the suit. That would keep him busy for a bit.
Now, for Bucky. The roar of her motorcycle caught his attention. He looked back at her, confused because where did she come from? She held out her arm for him to take and finally it clicked in his head. This was one of those moments where he would just have to trust.
His metal hand grasped her forearm as he jumped onto the back of her ride. Neither of them realized how large he was compared to her until he was taking up most of the bike. “You’re that girl.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement.
Before she got a chance to comment, they were distracted by sirens. Always the police wanting to get in the middle of everything. Jeneva yanked off her helmet, more lights bursting above them. Bucky looked up before his gaze shifted back to her. Electricity was practically glowing under her skin, running like liquid gold. The helmet lit up, electricity licking and cracking at the plastic before she threw it behind them. It exploded against a cop’s windshield, sending them driving into a wall.
Bucky swallowed. This was the same girl he had thrown up against a wall, angry because she’d been following him. He thought she’d been some idiot, a weakling. Seeing that…he wasn’t so sure his first impression had been right. Glancing down at her, he saw the power running through her move a little faster. A little brighter. It flickered, practically acting as if it were portraying emotions.
“You alright?” he asked over the roar of everything.
Jeneva didn’t like that his words sounded underwater. When had that happened? She knew she was using more of her powers than she had in a while, but still. She used to have more strength than this. A small tremor ran through her body. Another light flickered above them. Her heart skipped a beat. The light shattered.
The bike lurched.
Jeneva took a slow breath, shaking her head. Her eyes were practically pulsating. Aching.
Everything happened to fast.
The pop of the tire.
The motorcycle toppling.
Bucky moved instinctively – reaching for Jeneva.
The two tumbled and rolled.
A heavy weight against her back. Bucky?
She willed her eyes to open. Everything was a blur.
Jeneva saw Bucky being forced to his knees. Then his stomach, cuffed.
Sam’s feet walking towards them. Steve being cuffed.
Jeneva willed herself to look a little farther. The man in black. His helmet was removed. She recognized the phrase ‘your highness’. Royalty. That was new.
Something heavy against her neck. Damn it.
A collar.
“Congrats, Cap. You’re a criminal.”
And then everything went black.
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Have either of your OCs met each other? If not, how would they react to one another?
And it takes four months for them to meet.
The two actually live in different timelines. But there is a Jen in Andie’s world. She’s a little different.
Jeneva spends every other year in New Orleans, training with the Guild. As she gets older, she chooses to spend more time down there. Don’t get me wrong, Jeneva loves both of her parents, but she adores New Orleans. And being a thief is far more up her ally than being a hero. She barely misses when Andie first comes to Xavier’s.
Andie and Jeneva Masterlist
It was the first big storm since Andie had moved to Xavier’s school. When the power went out, her skin moved like scales, rippling rainbows trying to bring some sort of comfort. Bucky used to always remind her that rainbows came after storms, so they couldn’t possibly be so bad.
Reaching for her phone, Andie knew she could call either of her parents if she really wanted to. They knew the reason she was scared of the power outages had little to do with the rain and more to do with the dark. Specifically what memories came from it.
Andie huffed when she stared at a black screen. Her phone was dead. It wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be last. She was forgetful like that.
Crawling out of bed, Andie grabbed her sweatshirt and tugged it over her frame. She was careful not to wake her roommate. The last time that happened, Rahne’s wolf form wasn’t exactly the friendliest.
But that aside, Andie just wanted to go downstairs and get some water.
The roar of thunder and flash of lightning earned a couple whimpers from the teenager as she came downstairs. She hated how childish it was to fear something so simple, but she couldn’t help it.
“Didn’t expect y’to be up this late.”
Andie halted in her tracks at the sound of the woman’s voice. She had been midway down the stairs when she heard voices coming from down the hall. Peeking out between the railing, she spotted two figures by the entrance. Who else would be up so late?
“Ah didn’t expect to see ya tryin’ to make it in this weather.”
Andie recognized that voice. Sam Guthrie. He was one of the older teens – an X-man from Kentucky. But she didn’t recognize whoever the other person was. She craned her head, barely catching sight of gloves, a zipped-up raincoat, and high rainboots. It looked like the person had done everything within their power to stay dry.
“It wasn’t rainin’ cats and dogs ‘till I got to this neck o’the woods.”
Cajun. That was what the accent was that Andie had been having trouble placing. Only one other person in the whole building sounded like that and it was Gambit. This wasn’t him.
“Yeah, well,” Sam laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “Ah’m gonna head on up to bed. Ah’ll see ya in the mornin’. Night, Jen.”
Andie watched the two part ways. The girl – Jen – was walking towards the kitchen.
Jen looked over her shoulder as Sam called her name. “Your room should be ready for ya. Your mom and dad made sure none of the new students could get it.”
Jen laughed. “Merci, I’ll remember that.” She waited until Sam was out of sight before turning her attention back to the stairs.
A startled gasp filled the air when Andie realized she was looking right at her.
“Y’nosy, petite?”
Andie gulped. “Uh…no.”
Another laugh and it was just as obnoxious as the first. She didn’t hold back, instead gesturing for Andie to come downstairs. “’Fraid o’the storm?”
Shoving her hands in her sweatshirt pocket, Andie found herself hesitating to answer. No, she wasn’t scared of the storm. But was that less childish than being afraid of the dark? She fell into step with Jen, following her into the dark kitchen. Occasionally, it was lit up by a flash of lightning, but it faded as quickly as it appeared. “Not exactly.” How the woman moved around the room and found everything so easily, Andie didn’t know. She acted like she could see so perfectly in the dark, never blinded by the abrupt light that would interrupt her routine. “Are you a mutant?”
Jen glanced up in the midst of her filling a mug with milk and cocoa powder. “Oui.”
Andie watched her mix the powder, curious why she would try and make hot chocolate if there was no way to heat it up. “So is your power being able to see in the dark?”
“Non. Not exactly.” She paused for a moment, setting down the spoon and leaning against the cold tile counter. “That what you’re scared of? The dark?” Biting her lip, Andie allowed herself a small nod. “That’s an easy fix.”
“Not with a power outage.”
Jen smiled, her eyes flashing a bright gold and glowing in the dark. Electricity danced off her cheekbones as she looked up. The ceiling light flickered on as the hum from the fridge filled the silent air. She glanced at the microwave as it beeped, the inside light blinking on. “Better?” Looking at Andie, she snorted when she saw the pure shock written on her face.
“You control electricity?”
Jen shrugged, nodding her head as if that would be a suffice enough explanation. “Sorta, kinda – not really. But it works as a good ‘nough explanation.” Taking the mugs, she put them in the microwave and set the timer. “What ‘bout the fille sneakin’ ‘round in the middle o’the night? What can she do?”
Andie shifted in her chair, not quite sure how to explain. She held up a hand and Jen watched as it shimmered in rainbows before turning invisible. Her brow shot up, clearly surprised. But it only got better when she saw Andie’s hand then turn to diamond. She couldn’t hold it long – only a couple more seconds before it was back to flesh and bone.
“Pretty sparkly, ain’t ya?” The blush on Andie’s cheeks told Jen that maybe the kid wasn’t used to friendly faces. At least not ones who understood what it was like to be a mutant. “Somet’in’ tells moi y’got a story behind all that.” Hearing the beep of the microwave, Jen took out the mugs and sat beside Andie, passing her one. “What’s your name, petite?”
“Andie Barnes.”
Holding out a hand for Andie to shake, she properly introduced herself, “Jeneva Lebeau. So…looks like we got a while ‘fore the storm passes. What got ya at Xavier’s?”
Andie giggled, taking a sip of the warm beverage. A hot cocoa moustache appeared as she asked, “Have you ever heard of the Avengers?”
Thanks for sending in the request! I LOVED writing this!!! XD
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