#bugboy duo
teknikolor-walters · 5 months
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
For cicada but also scarab but also kinda the two OI cicaderations but also-
Them damn bugboy friendship bracelets!!!!! I definitely think it works as a reminder that he's cicada, even when he's done horrible things and doesn't think he deserves the label cricket made that bracelet for him and put his name on it. He's still cicada. He'll always still have cricket
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parkeryangs · 6 months
hmm. orpheus & eurydice but cicada is orpheus and cricket is eurydice something something something
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my contribution btw
#waving my hands about madly#the vibes are there even if the text cant quite get them through#cascarab/pr1cada/grandpa duo is all about. like. the idea of being constantly on edge and constantly at risk#relationships where at least one person in the party has asked the other to kill them#and the other has (largely) obliged#something about the dangers of how thats how little it takes#something about animals finding one another#cascarab/bugboy is like. nothing can convey that. but#its something about leaving and its something about how you cope#something about relationships snapping in half#and leaving you with the remains#and what you do and what you think#with all this grief you have nowhere to put down#because theyre not dead; theyre doing /well/. theyre doing better than you. they deserve better than you.#how are you supposed to deal with that?#and cicadas so right its also about branding to me#but its about branding because its about what you have left once everythings over#be that a brand or a fraying bracelet or a broken nose#and what the hell you do with that. do you hate it? resent it? treasure it?#its all youve got left of someone who loved you. maybe that makes you feel worse about it. but its all youve got.#get rid of it. heal it. hide it. whatever. the person you love still isnt coming back.#this is probably also wildly incorrect (i did as much research on the topic as i could in like two minutes)#(which is not much)#so im sure theres something ive missed or forgotten or got wrong#and for that i am sorry#please correct me about it and i totally wont take this as a chance to sneakily learn more about yalls ocs (lies x3c)#cascarab#someone's grandpa duo#it feels weird only tagging two but i dont have enough tags left to tag them all noooooooo
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 6
So, who’s ready for chapter 6? We get to see all of temp heroes. (Brielle, Alicia and Bellamy belong to @soap-lady and her lovely fic “Fashion Upgrade” go give her some love).
Anyways, onto the fic.
You’ll notice minor edits, such as Kim’s hero name. He went through a very minor edit after I discovered the Vietnamese zodiac.
Renarde Véloce looked at Alicia, her Miraculous, a yellow circle with the Leo star sign, hung against her chest, before nodding. “Say Mullo get squeaky to activate the Miraculous. When you’re ready to detransform, without your timer being up, say piailler.”
Alicia nodded and smiled, bouncing on the pads of her feet and shaking out her hands. “Mullo, get squeaky.” Alicia was consumed in a sardine gray light and when it disappeared  she was no longer Alicia.
Standing in her place was a hero in her own right. Her hair was piled atop her head in a beehive, her hair was an ombre of violet to pale purple to gray. She wore a white long sleeve jumpsuit that was tight around the arm but loose fitting after it reached her waist. Over her jumpsuit she wore a green shawl with a thick white ribbon along the top edge that ended just before her waist. Her hands and feet were covered in a thin skin coloured material to give extra protection. She had a thin green headband a few inches away from her bangs and an even thinner ribbon wrapped around her waist three or four times. She had a pale yellow-green veil around the bottom of her face with a purple masquerade mask which had light purple details.
Renarde Véloce smiled and twirled her finger in a circle. “Turn around.”
She spun in a slow circle before finally facing Renarde Véloce. “What do you think?”
“Very good. What’s your name?”
“...Sournoise.” She responded before tapping her cheek and nodding. “Yeah. Sournoise.”
“Cool.” Renarde Véloce smiled and grabbed Sournoise’s hand. “Let’s go.”
Trâu looked over Bellamy, his Miraculous, a thick leather arm band, seemed to give off a puff of steam, before a tiny smile grew on his face. “You say Longg bring the storm to transform, clear skies to detransform before your timer runs out. Have at it.”
Bellamy smiled. “Longg, bring the storm.” He was consumed in a crimson light and when it disappeared, he was no longer Bellamy.
He had a large straw hat atop his head with a thin white veil around the brim. He had a red tank under a dark brown robe tied with rope around his chest and upper arms. The rope was tied with a smooth white stone in the shape of a club or a mushroom. He had three red claw-like marks on each shoulder and fanciful designs in the same red up his neck and across his face. He had black on his eyelids and his lips while his eyes were slitted like a dragon’s. His eyes glowed golden through his veil, an unimaginable heat radiated from his pupils.
Trâu nodded, stretching his arms over his head. “Punaise will want you to have a hero name. Have you thought about it?”
“Colchis, it’s a dragon from mythology. I figured, being a dragon and all, that I’d do a little bit of research.” He smiled and bounced on the balls of his feet, despite the fact that he wore geta.
“Cool.” Together, Trâu and Colchis went off to train.
Althaeban lazily watched Brielle fret over her Miraculous, a yellow and brown striped scrunchie around her wrist. “You transform by saying Pollen buzz on and detransform before your timer runs out by saying buzz off. The team and I wouldn’t have chosen you if we didn’t think you would be able to handle it.”
Brielle nodded. “Pollen buzz on.” She was consumed in a warm yellow light and when it disappeared she was no longer Brielle.
She wore a long-sleeved loose-fitting yellow jumpsuit with a red-orange sash wrapped around her waist. She had an orange shawl wrapped around her shoulders which covered her entire back. She had gauntlets on her forearms similar to Poulain Rouge’s but yellow with orange bands around her wrists. Her feet were clad in brown flats with light brown socks. She had a chunky red necklace around her neck with a bee on the pendant which hung against her chest. Her hair was pulled back into a ballerina bun with brown streaks throughout it. Her face was obscured by a brown mask which stretched from her cheekbones to her forehead with black hexagonal patterned eye lenses and three black dots between her eye lenses. Two of the brown streaks in her hair stood up as though they were antennae.
Althaeban flicked her eyes over her suit and nodded. “Cool. What’s your name? BugBoy’s gunna wanna know.”
“Bumble Bee.” She smiled and did a quick twirl. “Let’s go.”
Thana shouldered her bag, a soft brown faux leather computer bag, filled with her emergency supplies. She grabbed her suitcase, a black twenty-one inch hard shell modeled after Batman’s suit, and left her room. “Bye Sabine. Bye Tom.”
Thana left the bakery and smiled at Chloé’s limo, which would be taking her and her friends to the airport. She loaded her suitcase into the trunk, beside Chloé’s white twenty inch hard shell suitcase. She closed the trunk and slid into the back seat beside Chloé. “Who’re we getting next?”
“Our boys had a slumber party last night so we’ll get them first before we go to get the Pinkette and Adrikins.” Chloé smiled at her friend and tapped on the divider between the driver and the back. “To the Lê Chiến residence please.”
The girls sat in companionable silence in the backseat, their phones plugged in to finish charging.
Kim and Nino were waiting on the sidewalk outside of the building. Kim had a navy twenty inch hard shell suitcase while Nino had a green twenty inch hard shell suitcase. After Kim loaded the suitcases the two boys joined the girls, plugging in their phones as well.
“It is too early to have make up on Chlo.” Kim grumbled as he laid his head in the blonde’s lap.
“Why are you so awake Chlo?” Nino asked as he grew comfortable in Thana’s lap. “It’s like three in the morning.”
“You think all of this happens naturally?” Chloé scoffed goodnaturedly. “Agreste Manor please.”
The four friends rode in silence, the two boys slowly falling back to sleep.
Adrien opened the door as Alix loaded their suitcases into the trunk, his was identical to Nino’s but red while hers was bronze.
“Hey guys.” Adrien greeted.
“Everyone wrote the address for Chloé’s dad’s hotel as the return address on their luggage tag, right?” Alix asked as she slid into the car and laid her head in Adrien’s lap.
Chloé nodded. “If your luggage tag falls off we have back ups,” she gestured to the bag of neon orange circle tags with a picture of part of the earth on them, “but try to keep track of them.”
Chloé’s carry-on bag was a yellow tote bag, Kim’s was a red backpack, Nino’s was a blue backpack, Adrien’s was a green backpack, and Alix’s was just her gray and pink sports bag.
Thana smiled at the informational representative as she placed her suitcase on the scale. “M. Bourgeois has kindly offered to cover the checked luggage fee for not only his daughter but also for myself and our three friends while M. Agreste is paying for his son’s.”
The woman behind the desk nodded. “Of course.” She smiled and motioned Thana on. “Find your gate, and the rest of your party, and wait for the boarding call. Have a nice flight.”
“Thank you. Have a nice day.” Thana went in search of the gate, grimacing as she found the rest of her class in the waiting area. She rolled her eyes and sat down in a chair a short jaunt away from the class, but close enough to overhear their conversation.
“-of course when I asked Bruce he just,” Lila snapped her fingers and smiled, “snapped and made it happen. He would do anything for me.”
“You see, that’s funny. Since I’m the one who wrote the essay and submitted the essay.” Adrien approached the group and smiled at Thana. “Hey Thana.”
“Adrien.” Thana waved. She went back to her Instagram feed, watching soap making videos and getting ideas for what to give her uncles and aunts for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Ōmisoka.
Chloé, Kim, Nino and Alix joined the duo soon after. The six friends calmly waited for the boarding announcement for their flight, continuing to shoot down all of Lila’s lies about how she’s the one who got them the trip.
Thana took a deep breath of the polluted Gotham air, the slight hint of familiarity soothing her. A small smile took over her face, and she adjusted her red hoodie, pulling the hood over her hair, as she stood just outside of the airport with her suitcase next to her waiting for her friends to collect their luggage. She looked to the rooftops, hoping to see her brother but knowing if he was running with the Bat then they were probably back in their cave, before a tap on her shoulder made her turn to look at Kim.
Kim gave her a smile, a sad smile but a smile. “Looking for him?” Kim draped an arm across her shoulders and gave her a light squeeze. “According to the email that Wayne sent Adrien, one of his sons will be guiding our tours while another one of his sons will be acting as a bodyguard.”
Thana nodded. “He’s got four sons, one’s our age and the other is younger. Best case scenario, Dick will be the guide and Jay-Jay the bodyguard. Worst case scenario, Tim will be the guide and Dick will be the bodyguard.” She shrugged and looked for their friends. “We should get on the bus before Lila and her court get the good seats in the back.”
Thana looked up at the building, her eyes filling with tears. “Kim. Kim, I can’t go in there. Before this was a hotel, before Wayne bought the building, I got shot at in there. I’ll give you my luggage, put it in Chlo’s room and I’ll just, I’ll just sneak in change before the morning headcount but I cannot sleep in there overnight.” Her voice was low, barely above a whisper, and it cracked with emotion, pulling a deep frown from not only Kim but also Chloé.
“Of course Fragolina. We’ll cover for you.” Chloé grabbed Thana’s hand, giving it an affection squeeze, before helping their friends form a wall to allow Thana to slip away from the group and fade into the crowd rushing past them.
Jason paced his apartment, trying to decide if he actually wanted to do this favour for Bruce before remembering the possibility that his sister could be amongst their ranks. He sighed and shook his head, he’d just do what Bruce asked him to do.
He turned away from his windows, unlocked with the curtains open to give his siblings easy access to his apartment if they need to crash while they’re out, to walk into his kitchen. He set to work making a lunch for Damian, reminding himself to toss in a couple extra snacks because Damian was going to be out with Ed and John for the day tomorrow. He wrote a little note for Damian in Arabic and tucked it inside the lunch bag before putting the bag in the fridge. Jason had some business to attend to, some Red Hood business, that he couldn’t bring Damian on so he’d asked Ed and John to take him because all of his siblings were going to be busy tomorrow.
Jason in his full Red Hood gear, stood in the alley across the street from the dumb building Bruce bought. He’d renamed it, of course, to the Wayne Enterprises’ Kaya Hotel but that didn’t take away the memories he had. Bruce had only cared because he knew Jason had gotten shot at in there, he hadn’t cared that it was the nth time that jackass had shot at kids nor did he care about all of the other kids who’d gotten shot in there, namely Thana.
Jason tightened his grip on the can of spray paint and waited until more people had cleared out of the way. He double checked that no one was going to see him as he sprinted across the street to the side of the building. He grit his teeth and he surveyed the side of the building, he needed to make it big enough to memorialize all of the people but small enough that Batman wouldn’t know he was the one who did it.
He pulled the top off of the can of spray paint, a metallic silver, and began throwing up the rough shape of several bullets, one bullet for every kid who was ever shot at in the building, while keeping an ear out for the sound of one of his look outs letting him know someone was approaching.
He smiled as his vision was coming to life, the silver bullets getting a black outline before he numbered them in a matte fire red. One of his look outs, a twelve year old girl named Taylor, alerted him to the incoming presence of the authorities. Taylor’s siblings, Jesse and Morgan, who were located closer to his position because they weren’t quite as loud, let him know when they were closer.
Jason collected his supplies, remembering to grab the spray paint caps, before he ran off. He’d come by later to cover the bullets in a waterproof sealant to protect it from the weather. He smiled as he scaled the side of a building, going back to the rendezvous point to wait for the trio of siblings.
He tucked the cans of spray paint into his bag, waiting a short five minutes before the three siblings appeared. He smiled and tossed them a wad of cash, the exact amount unknown. “Payment for standing around and keeping an eye out for pigs.”
Taylor smiled at him and nodded. “Thanks.”
Jason sat in the coffee shop again, a cup of black coffee in front of him as he waited for Harvey. There was a second cup of black coffee waiting for Harvey, accompanied by a blueberry scone. Jason tapped his fingers against the table, his nerves getting the best of him.
Harvey walked into the coffee shop, his eyes landing on Jason’s black and white hair before he made his way over. Harvey sat down in the chair opposite Jason with a small smile. “Mr. Todd, what can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if you knew any really good private investigators. It just, there are some sketchy circumstances surrounding my sister’s relocation and I wanna look into them.” Jason batted the handle to his cup between his hands before looking up at the other man. “If you don’t know anyone personally, do you know anyone who would?”
“I might know a guy, and Cobblepott might know a guy.” Harvey sipped at his coffee. “Selina probably knows a few.”
Jason nodded. “Okay. Thanks. Do you have his card?” Jason looked at Harvey, his green tinted blue eyes boring into Harvey’s blue orbs.
Harvey passed over a business card and smiled. “Give him a call after you talk to Selina and Cobblepott.”
“Thanks Harvey.”
Jason took a minute to finish his coffee and shoot a text to Ed, who was more likely to have his phone on him than John.
Jason frowned at his phone and sighed. He shook out his shoulders and walked up to the counter. He smiled at the barista and waited for her to finish doing her task. “Hi. Can I get a venti caramel brulée crème frap to go for Selina?”
“I’ll get right on that.” The barista smiled as she started Selina’s frap.
Jason smiled and slipped a twenty into the tip jar before swiping his card to pay for the coffees he had ordered. He graciously accepted the frap from the barista and smiled at her. “Thank you so much. Have a nice day.”
Jason slowly jogged to Selina’s apartment. He had a few hours to chat with the woman, who for all intents and purposes was his mother, before he had to go talk to Oswald. He caught the door as a resident left the building with a smile directed at the resident, who just scoffed at him.
Jason climbed the stairs and when he stopped outside of Selina’s door.
“-come on Lina! Come out with Red and me! We’ll have fun.” Harley’s voice sounded from within the apartment.
“Selina! Come on. We never have fun like we used to.” Pam’s voice sounded from close to Harley’s.
“Girls.” Selina’s voice washed over Jason, she had always been his favourite of the women his sister claimed as aunts, letting her have the other two. “Do you two want to be in Arkham when Thana comes home?”
Jason knocked on the door, which caused all three women inside to freeze. Jason gave a tentative call of “Mom?”
Selina seemed to stumble over herself to rush to the door. She flung it open, not hard enough for it to bounce off of the wall but rather forcefully. “Oh kitten.” Selina wrapped Jason in her arms, before pulling back to look at his face. “What’re you doing here?”
“Mom, I called you. I um, I brought you coffee.” Jason held out the cup to Selina and watched as Harley and Pam peaked around the corner.
“Oh kitten, thank you.” Selina accepted the cup and took an appreciative sip. “What’s up catnip?”
“Harvey said you might know some guys, some PIs. There was some sketchy circumstances surrounding Thana’s departure from the city and I wanna look into it.” Jason looked at the floor. “B’s making me act as the class’s bodyguard while they’re in town and I, I just need to know if he had anything to do with her being removed from the city. After I leave here I’m gunna go talk to Oswald, see if he can give a couple names. I figure, the more guys searching, the better the information will be.”
Selina looked at the boy who was practically her son and felt dignified rage well up in her being. Rage at her on-again off-again boyfriend and his stupid morals. “I swear, if he had anything to do with getting Hatter’s girl outta Gotham, I will break up with him for real.” She took a breath before glancing over her shoulder at the other Sirens. “You two need to make sure you’re not in Arkham. Stop Jerome from whatever plots he’s got so he isn’t in Arkham when she gets here.”
Pamela nodded while Harley glowered at the floor. “We got that.” Pamela pulled Harley out of the open window.
“Mom, you’re friends are so extra.” Jason smiled.
Jason waved at Selina, who was waving at him from the window in her apartment, as he walked to the Iceberg Lounge. He had a lot of things he still had to do.
Jason walked into the lounge, waving to the bouncer posted at the door as he passed, and started looking for Oswald, Pere or Gale. He passed by several people he recognized, giving only a nod in recognition.
Jason spotted either Pere or Gale, he never could tell them apart, and started making his way over towards her. “Hey. Can you direct me to Cobblepot?”
She nodded, the grey moon on her forehead the only clue of who she was, before incling her head to indicate that Jason should follow her. She walked back to Oswald’s office and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Oswald’s voice burst from the room.
Jason followed either Pere or Gale into the office, where she bowed and ducked out of the office.
“Hey Oswald.” Jason greeted while he sat down in the chair across the desk from Oswald. “Harvey said you may have-” Jason was cut off by his phone ringing, prompting him to hold up a single finger as he pulled out his phone. He sighed and answered the call. “John? I’m kinda-”
“Do not. Jason, we have a situation. The Bat is out and about.” John cut him off. “Ed and Itty Bitty are in a restaurant.”
“I’ll shoot Mom a text. She’ll take care of him.” Jason sighed. “Keep me updated.” Jason hung up the phone and shot a text to Selina. She shot him back a text letting him know the Sirens were covering it. He looked back to Oswald and smiled. “As I was saying. Harvey said you may have a couple PIs in your pocket.”
“Of course. In regards to Hatter’s girl.” Oswald nodded and pulled open a desk drawer. He rifled through the documents within for a moment before pulling out several business cards. “Any of these guys, they owe me a favour.”
Jason sat on the couch in his apartment. All of the business cards were laid out on his coffee table, Tim, Steph, and Cass sat on the opposite side of the coffee table while Damian was asleep on Jason’s lap. “Everyone pick two or three?”
Tim shrugged while Cass nodded. All four of them grabbed a few cards before the other three shoved them at Jason.
“Okay. Everyone grab a drink and a last snack. Then it’s time to go to bed.” Jason grinned, he piled the chosen cards close to the corner of the table and pulled Damian to his chest. He stood up and carried him to bed, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Jason went around the apartment to clean up a little before stopping in the two other rooms to press kisses to his siblings foreheads. He knew that everyone would be fine as long as they stuck together.
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118
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goji-pilled · 5 years
I'm rewatching Reflekdoll,again,and tbh I can say for sure this is by far my favourite episode ever.Here some thoughts since I'm a little late to that party lol
-The talk between Chat and Ladybug is like this mix of friendly teasing and joking and a very serious topic (at least that's how I see it lol)But honestly the parts I love so much come after that so skip that
-Juleka and Luka sibling moment.I mean we finally got to see what their realtionship is like and I couldn't be more happy with what we saw.Luka engouraging and supporting his sister and her dreams?Fuck yes that's some really good content
-What else I like about this scene is that I can personally relate to Juleka a lot,not only in Reflekdoll but also in Reflekta.The fact that she didn't want to bother Marinette or how insecure she is is something I did/said/felt too (or well still do/say/feel)Like this feeling that you're all alone,that noone cares or notices you?That hurts,a lot.And it's something I know all to well.And honestly it's super important to show children that these feelings exist because it might help someone
-Juleka not being able to handle a compliment?Yep,absolutely relateable.I swear I'm going to protect Juleka 'till the very end
-Alrighty this is the part that makes me slighty salty:Alya pushing Marinette into things that clearly make her uncomftable.I mean yes she means well and want to help her best friend but seriously,pushing her like this and forcing her into uncomftable situations with Adrien is the absolute wrong way to do it and the girl just doesn't seem to get that.Fucking hell Marinette pretty much begged Alya to not invite Adrien but she is just like "Fuck it!" and disrespects Marinette's wish.
-After 'Ladybug and the Miracubros' we present to you:'Adrien and the Girlsquad'
-Juleka getting more nervous untill it's an actual panic attack.Again I can relate a lot to this,even though I wouldn't say that I have panic attacks.It's more this feeling of becoming so nervous that it feels like you have a knot in your stomach,your throat is dry,you feel super uncomftable and all of the sudden your thoughts are worst case scenarios;"What if I mess up?","What if I'm not good enough?","What if they laugh at me or hate me?",etc.I have these thoughts more often than I like to admit since I was 6/7 years old.It just makes me kinda happy that a show for children shows this topic
-Marinette trying to comfort Juleka is something I loved too.Like Marinette is very understanding here and tries to help Juleka calm down which shows us a bit of their friendship and I just really apprechiate that
-And Alya is at her bullshit again dear god.Honestly Alya sees that Juleka is having a panic attack and all she thinks about is getting Adrien and Marinette together.It's just wrong on so many levels.Not only does she keep disrespecting Marinette but she also head on ignores Julekas situation,which is rude and disrespectful.Like seriously that's so not okay and she should've been called out for that.
-Adrien sweetie thanks for trying.It's good to see that he wants to help Juleka in this situation.
-ALYA GODDAMNIT.And again she is being pushy.Yes Marinette said she's gonna do it herself but in a way where you can tell she wanted to help Juleka and remove the pressure,plus Marinette never said she would never consider Juleka as a model again so there is that!But of course a certain Blogger had to be pushy and forceful about it again.And Adrien didn't even want to model,he just wanted to help.Oh god the way Alya told Juleka to give her suit to Marinette is just...no.Juleka is upset and honestly does Alya notice?No.And Marinette's clearly uncomftable oh god why.
Alya:"I care about all my friends equally!"
Alya reading something from her arm:"And uh...Julia?"
Honestly I could go on with this but let's refocus on the positive stuff.
-How the fuck does noone hear or see Adrien and Marinettd talk with Tikki and Plagg????
-Adrien and Marinette in that Partnerlook just expanded my lifespan for 100 years
-"He's too hot-I mean I'm overheating inhere don't you????"
Mari please you need to calm down oh god please someone save the poor girl-
-Julerose.Julerose.JULEROSE.I swear everytime Juleka and Rose interact my hesrt bursts.Also thank god for Rose and Marinette,it's these two who try to help Juleka (just like in Reflekta).Also Juleka bot wanting to bother others with her feelings?Yes hello I'd like to say that this situation is relatable.
-That soft look Juleka gave Rose after Rose kissed her cheek is just...so adorable and it shows how much Juleka loves Rose
-God Juleka talking herself down?Almost crying and super upset by herself?Probably even hating herself?Yep again,this is all too familiar to me and it feels so good to have a chrachter to relate too.
-"Yet again my young prey fails to be the center of attention."Your "young prey"???Seriously????Gabriel what the fuck-
-No honestly Nathalie's transformation is so amazing.It's simple but in combination with the amazing theme this transformation is by far one of my favorites.I'd go as far as to say my second favourite transformation(Together with Luka's)
-I genuinly love the whole scene in the lair.I can't even tell you why because I don't know but I just love it.
-Them sending off an Akuma and an Amok?Loved it.
-Petition to let Gorilla adopt Adrien
-Also Gorilla is so soft for these kids
-I loved the scene of Juleka's akumatization.Like the purple maskoutline being a combination between Hawkmoth's and Mayura's looks so fucking cool
-Reflekta is back bitches!Honestly Reflekta has always been one of my favourite akumas and I'm happy seeing her again!Also her design is so fucking amazing holy shit
-I'm not fan of Miraculous' english dub but Juleka's voice actress is amazing.Lots of love to her.
-"I'm gonna show you what it feels like to be me!"Honestly that's such a great line on many diffrent levels.Not only does she say it because she's a villain right now but because she obviously has some kind of selfdisliking and ugh can you make Reflekta even more relatable too?
-"Juleka is no more,I'm Reflekta!Everyone always forgets about Juleka anyway..."Honestly this is again a pretty deep line and it shows more of her emotions...And I can relate to certain dagree.It feels like people just forget about you,that you're not important,don't matter,sometimes you want to be someone else so badly...Honestly Juleka truly is one of my favourite characters
-Reflekta turning Marinette into a Reflekta and saying:"Perhaps you'll understand me better now that you're in MY shoes!"It's another line that shows how Juleka(or at this moment Reflekta) feels.She feels misunderstood and wow same here haha...
-Tikki and Plagg's interaction earlier was great and Plagg reassuring Tikki is so adorable.Honestly these two need more screentime together
-"Rose!Where are you my BFF!"Juleka has the 'She's just a friend' desease,we all know what people in this show mean when they say:"She's just a friend".And since she said BFF they're probably married
-Plagg calling for Chat Noir and then almost casually telling Marinette his identity is gold.
-Honestly all Plagg/Marinette interactions are gold.I love this chaos duo.They are the best part about Kwami swap AUs.Also Plagg looks and sounds so soft when talking to Marinette I love them
-Marinette taking the ring like:"Fuck it"
-I love the detail that the Miraculous changes to it's wielder
-LADY NOIR TRANSFORMATION.I absolutly loved everything about it and it's my favourite transformation with Roi Singe's
-Lady Noir is giving me gay thoughts
-Lady Noir said fuck Reflekdoll rights
-Tikki is just like:"Oh god no the choas duo finally found eachother-"
-Adrien not introducing himself,rude.
-Adrien taking the earings:"Fuck it I always wanted to do this"
-MISTERBUG TRANSFORMATION.I love his transformation so much,he's an adorable Bugboy.Honestly his version of the Ladybug theme sounds so great holy shit
-Adrien sweetie why do you have a Reflekta head agi-oh never mind it's gone
-Hot take:Marinette does the Black Cat transformation better than Adrien,while Adrien does the Ladybug transformation better
-"M'lady Noir" I love it
-Adrien did the Orgins-Ladybug move with that yo-yo
-Lady Noir helping Misterbug out even though she sounds a bit rude gives me life
-The Lucky Charm scene is amazing I love it,them arguening and teasing like a married couple god just kiss already you dumbasses
-Again Marinette is explaining how the Lucky Charm works even though she may sound a little harsh she means well but she didn't have to hit him.......well it was funny...haha
-"Why don't you help me instead of making fun of me?!"...Adrien...she explained you the lucky charm the whole time...she tried helping you and teased you....you pun and tease her all the time...your still an adorable bugboy and I love you
-Marinette is so extra when summoning her cataclysm...I love it.Though she could've thought about the idea of cataclysming a sentimonster a bit longer...she's still a queen and I love her
-Adrien getting to explain cataclysming a sentmoster is a nice contrast to her explaing the lucky charm
-That wink Lady Noir gave Misterbug that just gave me a lot of life
-Reflekta is the first Akuma to ask for help nakwsnkwwk
-And again she helped him by reminding him to catch the akuma in a teasing tone
-Idk why but Adrien catching an Akuma and saying Marinette's catchphrases was so awesome
-Adrien admitting and understanding why LB never jokes around is some character developement we stan!Untill the writers decide to take that way that is but y'know
-Marinette admitting that she's happy to have a little less responsibilty for once hurts my heart like the girl has so much responsibilty and stress an in the end it always depends on her to fix thing and she just needs a break and a hug...
-Them working our a plan was great.It showed how well they work together and just ugh,kiss already you idiots!
-Gabriel goddamnit why are you letting her use the damn Miraculous god jesus
-Dusuu is absolutely adorable and I love her
-oh...rip Nathalie
-Oh the reunion with their kwamis was so sweet holy cow my heart is gonna explode
-And here I go again becoming salty,like Marinette should not have been the one to apolagize.It should have been Alya,to both Juleka and Marinette.Alya way the one being rude,pushy,disrespecrful ans inconsidered.But oh well of course it's always Mari's fault...
-Adrien and Girlsquad are the Brotp
Anyway overall I love Reflekdoll so much.It absolutely is my favourite episode.From Juleka/Luka sibling moment,being able to relate so strongly to Juleka,Mayura's transformation,the Kwami swap untill the end I loved the episode,despite being salty here and their but you can't expect me to watch a mlb episode and not be salty
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teknikolor-walters · 6 months
These two posts are holding hands and drenched in venom together btw
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teknikolor-walters · 5 months
ask as promised. there's a musical about the van gogh brothers i've loved for yeaars now and every few months i rediscover it and listen obsessively, ANYWAYS. "a new horizon" from the starry concept musical is soo bugboy duo
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parkeryangs · 7 months
thinking about how cricket digs himself so deeply into a pit of his own grief that by accident he makes cicada into a sort of god. something to cling to, something to revere, something to be devoted to so that the hardest days feel like they may someday become worth it. cicada never asked for that and cricket would never admit it, because he doesn't believe in god. he doesn't believe in god but he does believe in cicada and they've gone so far beyond reason that, in cricket's eyes, it's almost impossible to distinguish one from the other. and promises are sort of like a prayer, aren't they?
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teknikolor-walters · 7 months
Bugboy duo was made to lie awake in bed and think about cricket being so fucking tender to cicada and being so tragic about it. hope this helps
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teknikolor-walters · 7 months
Broke: Bugboy duo is toxic because cicada keeps trying to manipulate cricket
Woke: Bugboy duo is toxic because cricket wants to protect cicada At All Costs even if it means becoming the thing they need protecting from
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parkeryangs · 8 months
after cicada leaves, cricket starts writing them letters. he isn't sure why—they're gone, and he isn't, and he wouldn't have the first idea on how to go about getting them back. so every week they sit down at the too-small desk shoved into the corner of their quarters and write until their fingers ache and are stained with ink, then sneak down the hall and shove them under the mattress of the long-empty bed cicada once stayed in.
they wrote the first letter after ty questioned them. in all fairness, it made sense; cricket had been warned before about getting too close to the subjects, letting affection and warmth for cicada distract him from the flinchite's work. now rhat cicada was gone, he couldn't even blame ty for suspecting he had anything to do with it.
the second letter, after he'd caught some kind of beetle that managed to make it into the compound and had tried to live in ty's office. he kept it, though ty didn't know that, in a little tank next to his bed, snagging extra fruit from the compound cafeteria to feed it. cricket tells cicada that he wasn't sure what species it was, but that he thinks they would've liked it.
the third and fourth include messy, rushed sketches of cricket's pet. they're not an artist by any means, but the drawings are recognizable enough, complete with little atars scattered around the beetle. he doesn't name it—he asks cicada to do so, in the fourth letter, as if the other was ever going to be able to read these letters, let alone respond. cricket mentions that the other employees, even those he once called friends, are wary of him now. wherever he goes, cricket spells trouble. not that cicada ever minded.
the fifth letter, they burn. cricket wants to forget every word he wrote.
the sixth letter is an apology. he says he's sorry for whatever happened and that he hopes cicada is safe, somewhere. cricket isn't sure if they should still find a way out on their own, or give up and return to being the mindless soldier ty wanted them to be, lacking any of the heart that sparked their friendship with cicada in the first place. he says he misses cicada, and hates himself, at least a little bit, for not even trying to do anything to fix it. for lying down and rolling over and giving up. one corner of this letter is charred, smudged with ash and wrinkled by teardrops in a few places.
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teknikolor-walters · 4 months
there's a very specific kind of cricket/cicada/jimmy angst that just gets to me... it's hard to put into words but its very ship of theseus-esque. like. there's these two people that cicada spent such a meaningful part of their life with, these two people who they look up to more than anything, and then suddenly they're just gone. what is he supposed to do with himself? who is she now that the two people who shaped her more than the people who were consolidated to make her disappear? she starts h1ve and meets other people and once the goal shifts from "escape with your two best friends and run away" to "keep your time travel organization afloat" can she even be considered the same person? they're the reason she knows to love and trust so deeply but when that love and trust is pointed to other people, does it even matter? and if it doesn't matter than what does?
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parkeryangs · 7 months
thinking about cricket who just needs someone to care and then decides he will tear apart the world for anyone that ever does. and he's not a fighter but now there's so much blood on his hands. he isn't exactly sorry but he knows he'll never be proud. he's just trying to survive and take care of his own even when it means firing a gun. ...
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teknikolor-walters · 3 months
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You WILL look at these messages parker sent me NOW!!! he's so true and correct always #1 cicada knower
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teknikolor-walters · 6 months
Something about cowboy cricket and scarab. Tbh
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teknikolor-walters · 6 months
yknow i think parker was joking when he said everything is about bugboy duo and its written in the cosmos but i mean. it kinda is. cricket is what made cicada into the creature we know wing as today and without that. h1ve wouldn't eixst rp1ze would still be playing on his own jessica would still have been on her own scarab coudlve never been turned into a soldier and therefore wouldn't have wanted to break out in the first place. scarab wouldve never met castiel. cricket sherwood do you realize your impact
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