#builder's box
sapphire-rb · 1 month
Accidentaly found a new piece of Malroth dialogue.
So you can actually go back to Malhalla if you edit your save. I tried it because I wanted to break my save file, but it did load, and Malroth was on my party when I edited it so he came with too.
I wonder what he has to say in Malhalla...?
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Alright then
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chambers003 · 1 month
mumbo’s grown into such an amazing builder ♥️♥️♥️ he’s so cool ♥️♥️
he’s always been better than he thinks but he’s really grown into it now. like i remember looking back that . in season 5 his seaside town project. it wasnt. great. like we knew what it was but… it was so bland. very 2017. part of that was the biome, sure, and it was also very much a secondary project at the end of the season, but the megabase was all prismarine and quartz and clean lines. geometry. hard to detail - except for the storage system and the aquarium and he popped off with those. but he didnt get time or really.. have the skills? to grow it all to its full potential.
and then in season 6 everything was all hypermodern/futuristic clean lines again that detailing isnt really possible with. he did well with what he could detail, but everything was so smooth, it was hard.
and season 7 it was basically.. just one big build. again, he did really well with it, but it was such a monolith that it was hard to add these tiny details to it. and there was no easy way to look closely? no real places to add them. the golden heart is the exception here.
season 8 we saw the start of something incredible, with the arm chair mountain. the tiny houses on the cliffside were there to provide colour. but they were… empty. again, i get why, and i dont know how to add something to them other than to maybe up the scale and that wouldve been REALLY hard.
we didn’t see much of him in season 9, but he fell back on the geometric designs and clean lines. it looked good! i loved the colour scheme. but the most detailed part of that build was the moat. the screeching crevice. and no one really looked at that after it was all built up.
but he didnt lose the skills from s8. in fact, he improved them.
because now we’re here and he’s making concept art and detailing with shadows and odd block choices and. i honestly think. if he puts his mind to it and keeps this up. we’ll have another heavy hitting builder. this build feels alive. it feels real.
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bortmcjorts · 10 months
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[ID: a drawing of travis the tractor from bob the builder, smiling. a lot of the coloring and shading is very scribbly. end ID]
travis is my favorite 🚜👍
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Random Crack Idea
Alright so in IDW (i think) Ultra Magnus actually has a little bot called Minimus inside him and Ultra Magnus is basically just the giant mech suit Minimus wears so he can do his job and get some respect. With that in mind I wondered, what if TFP Optimus (in some alternate universe) is actually just a giant mech suit that Orion Pax (or the Pax sized Optimus) is operating from the inside?
He still has the Matrix and all that, but perhaps due to an injury effectively crippling him in combat or maybe just out of a desire to not be shredded by Megatron, Orion Pax operates the giant Optimus suit and no bot knows about it. How he gets away with no bot knowing? No idea. Maybe Alpha Trion hooked him up or something, or perhaps Shockwave got involved somehow. Whatever the case, I think the chaos that would come from this when his true status is eventually revealed would be hilarious.
I mean, think about it. The great and glorious Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, last of the Primes, and absolute unit... is actually travel sized when compared to his big body. He is certainly no minibot, but Optimus being roughly the same height as Ratchet underneath all that armor would be great.
The hilarity would be even better if Optimus's secret wasn't discovered during some great emotional moment, but instead at like 3am when he got out of his suit for a cube of energon. Or better yet, Smokescreen is just chilling at night, maybe coming back from night shift and then finds Optimus taking off his suit and hopping around on one pede trying to get his giant boot off. Smokescreen would be completely flabbergasted and Optimus would just look at him and say "No one will believe you" before gathering up his suit and hurrying off.
The team would be let in on the secret eventually, but I can see Optimus just freaking leaving one of his boots laying around just to scare the scrap out of whoever stumbles upon it. Poor Bumblebee thinking his dad has lost a leg and then seeing Optimus out of his suit chuckling around the corner. Or Optimus gets himself stuck in a part of his suit and looks super disproportionate until somebot helps him free himself of his suit.
And imagine Megatron finally figuring out that he has been fighting the same little Archivist throughout the entirety of the war. At some point Optimus just yeets one of his gloves at Megatron as a distraction and goes to save somebot from getting killed and Megatron just stands there watching Optimus run off with one itty bitty arm like: "What the fRAG!?!" And then just kinda stares at the arm/glove on the ground in front of him wondering if Prime just cut off his own arm or something because he is a self sacrificial idiot or what.
He would be emotionally scarred and stuck having an existential crisis until during a team up, Optimus just takes off his suit and casually goes to collect some energon or something. Every single Decepticon would be left questioning their life choices once the news of Optimus's true size reaches them.
The best part of all (at least to me) about this crack idea is the thought that Optimus, the Pax sized, only slightly taller than Bumblebee, Prime becomes an absolute beast the moment he gets suited up. He goes from this regular sized bot to a terrifying force in under a few minutes and it scares his whole team.
Like, imagine him putting on his big mech suit:
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nannerism · 1 year
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"It's been so long, hasn't it?"
Hello again! This is BETA Wally! He is very polite, and truthfully just wants to get out of wherever he is!
He is not entirely alive, unlike his counterpart (I think?). He can think and he can move his eyes (and eventually obtains a voice box so he can speak!) but he cannot move!
He's a little messed up, a little dusty... ("a little" may not be the best description... He has been lying there for a few years!) But that is okay! I think he is silly anyway!
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cxs-workshops · 9 months
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I was listening to my Kingdom Hearts playlist and had a vision 🤩
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
Any headcanon for Unsuur? Maybe when he's dating the builder 😽
🪨Unsuur HCs🪨
-he’s a bit more alive behind closed doors with the builder. More comfortable and relaxed. He doesn’t have to question his words or try reading the room due to nerves he’s gonna misstep.
-he WILL let curse words slip here and there when alone too. He takes on a lot of work and both he and Justice are sick of the backlash the Civil Corps keeps receiving when they’re the ONLY TWO officers for a whole town that’s got a LOT OF SHIT going on. He’s comfortable with the builder to vent calmly about it but he’s gonna swear every few sentences.
-his smile is actually stunning. Truly. It looks expensive like he’s had braces and has taken care of them. It’s rare to see him smile but when he does, time really does pause for a moment. Perfect teeth with pretty canines. Wanna become entranced? Catch sight of a breathless Unsuur as his mouth parts and his bottom canines poke out as he tries to catch his breath.
- pls pls pls play with his hair. He loves it and it’s one of the most calming things in the world for him with his stressful job and having to socialize daily. Any tension he has will slowly melt the further the builder’s fingers weave and tangle through his hair.
-habitually feeds the builder’s pet(s)
-baby actually silently sulks around when he’s upset. Gets into a fight with the builder? (AHDJRNEJ RARE )He won’t talk or continue arguing, but he doesn’t like straying far from builder. He’ll literally be sitting right next to them, arms crossed and lip just silently jutted because he wants to speak but he also doesn’t want to. Unsuur still wants the builder’s attention- but like, there’s a principle here.
- doesn’t flirt, but compliments with an overwhelming and heart aching amount of sincerity and love.
-while he doesn’t flirt, he DOES sound like he often does given how blunt and truthful he is. It takes awhile to figure out but amuses others nonetheless.
-he doesn’t look it, but he literally sees so much. He sees everything the builder does and worries for them. Sees the continuous efforts and their creations and is in awe, his respect growing each day. There’s a shift in their mood? He knows. He’s not great with people or picking up social cues all the time, but he’s well versed in the builder the further the relationship progresses. He picks up on the patterns. The causes and effects. The little things.
-the builder is truly the one person Unsuur knows like the back of his hand. And he loves that. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
-Unsuur really values and relies on communication and honesty. He may become well versed with his builder, but he’s not all-knowing. He needs conversation and for the builder to say what’s on their mind. He struggles with people in general sometimes or his bluntness cuts through his chances of learning with others. Unsuur needs their trust and understanding if he’s to be with them.
-he’s not big on dates or the idea really. But he enjoys his time with the builder, even if it means leaving the house. He’s down for it and lets go of the idea of his work being tied to the interactions. It’s Unsuur and the builder. That’s all that matters and it’s all he needs to keep in mind.
-he has more expressions than most would think. Like, he smirks, glares, sulks, smiles, etc. The rest of the town, the world, doesn’t know though because Unsuur lets go of his well fastened mask only when he’s with the builder. They may catch glimpses of these expression, but they’re more minute. That doesn’t take away from the pure nature of them or their authenticity. Unsuur just like, operates at half power if he’s out with the builder in public. Mindful of prying eyes for the builder and the robotic deputy.
-Unsuur spends important holidays with the builder’s family in Highwind, feeling like he’s one of them. He’s the builder’s mom’s favorite. Not that she said that but she did-
-if the builder is ever the one most angry from the rare fights and Unsuur is left waiting for them to simmer down a bit before apologizing (again. He apologizes rather quickly but always has to wait a bit before doing it once more if it’s a particularly bad mood the builder is in) they can find him out past their house, stacking rocks.
-Unsuur doesn’t deal well with emotional stress. He pretty much abandoned that sort of thing when coming to Sandrock. Living his life of simplicity and trying to limit the complications outside of his work life. Because of that, when anything happens to the builder or with them, it turns Unsuur inside out. He lacks his barely there filter. He snaps and is a lot more blunt than before. He becomes jaded and more stoic than anyone thought possible. But because the builder is his person, his prime source of comfort, his nerves twist and gnaw at him to make up or go to them. The closer he gets to them the more vulnerable, the more he starts feeling like he’s shaking and exhausted. He doesn’t handle it well.
-Drunk Unsuur is Justice’s worst enemy. It’s like an alter ego he takes on but it’s not a drastic change. Just snide remarks, biting comments, sarcasm, and some resentment slips out. Unsuur loves his friend, but there are times where Justice makes him feel like he’s nothing more than his insubordinate that doesn’t even hold a proper rank. And Justice and Unsuur work an awful lot, but Unsuur does get tasked with far more than one should get. It drains a person and while Unsuur normally wouldn’t let his thoughts linger on the things Justice says or does to him, his subconscious spins it around on replay until the moment the deputy in training gets drunk or buzzed and then it slips out.
-having the builder know to be on the lookout for Unsuur drinking saves the man from spilling his resentment and insecurities to his friend. It’s not easy to hear his slurred rambles because, well, Unsuur actually has a LOT to say that’s been building up and affecting him, but there’s a one of a kind trust he has with his significant other to be the one he spills it to. That’s why he asks them to intercept and cart him out if he ever ends up intoxicated quicker or easier than he thought he’d be.
-he actually loves affection! He didn’t get it at first because it was never with those he felt a connection with or that desire to belong to, but he does now. He doesn’t care about PDA or being embarrassed by it. He gets shy and sometimes it’s rather odd how he does. But he’s all for holding hands, surprise hugs, or greeting/parting kisses in public. He human and others should know that by now.
-he never considered a future at all beyond earning deputy or making the news. He also didn’t think he’d live a life outside his work. Meeting the builder and falling for them actually throws him through a loop and he’s helpless as he follows after them as their friend while he painstakingly waits for the day where he finds out if they could be more.
-hurting Unsuur and betraying him causes the man to fully shut down. He really does become a robot then. His trust with intimacy, affection, insecurities, etc- it doesn’t come easy and he had a hard time bringing down his walls. He loses a desire to do anything he truly likes and he won’t find anyone else to love because what he gave the builder was unconditional and everlasting. (Personally think Unsuur is one of the demiromantic/demisexual people of Sandrock) Any damage dealt is permanent and reminds him that he was better off as he was before he met them.
-breaking away from that sad part: Unsuur likes being close when sleeping. He’s the one to gravitate first if they fall asleep without touching. His body subconsciously seeks his builder always.
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cheeryconspiracy · 1 year
I literally NEVER use tumblr except to stalk my fixation tags but I know that the my time series has a relatively sizeable fandom here so I thought I’d use this opportunity to share my My Time at Sandrock ocs! I love sharing stuff like this so if anyone ever wants to share infodumps abt their ocs or just the series in general I’d love to meet more people into it! <3
Anyway here r the ocs 🥳 I’ll introduce them individually under a read more (I think that’s how tumblr works? I don’t use this enough)
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Clarice is a 26 year old Sandrock native. While her parents are originally from Walnut Groove and Vega 5, they moved to Sandrock in the peak of the relic rush era and decided to stay, even after everyone else had packed up and jumped ship. Clarice herself is an aspiring opera singer, who loves all sorts of old world music. Her life goal is to travel across the free cities and perform, but for now she remains in her hometown, and the Blue Moon’s guests remain her most loyal audience. Clarice is the type of person who it’s easy to get along with - she’s a good listener, kind and gentle, and treats everyone with respect, even when she disagrees.
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Calliope is a 23 year old acolyte of the Church of the Light. She was born in Meidi, to parents who were both extremely devout followers of the Church. Technology was strictly banned for her household, as were any sorts of old world paraphernalia. Growing up, Calliope became very interested in the old world, indulging in her interest in secret. After training under the Church in Meidi, she made a request to be stationed in Sandrock - the most accepting city state of old world relics, and is currently on a three year service. Despite not believing in the church’s teachings at all, Calliope is very devoted to her job, although it’s her dream to be a professional ruin diver. She’s very cheerful and tries to get everyone to be the best person they can be, even if sometimes she comes across as a little pushy, and doesn’t really leave a lot of moral support for herself.
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Topher is a 29 year old Civil Corps Officer. Raised in one of Atara’s more wealthy families, Topher is used to having everything handed to him, on a silver platter no less. As he grew up he became much more spoiled and developed a lot more of an attitude. Unable to cope with his attitude, his parents were able to pull a few strings and get Topher enlisted in the Sandrock Civil Corps, in hope that Sandrock’s harsh climate and more dangerous jobs would straighten him out a little. Despite this, he still manages to be as pompous as ever, often redirecting all of his jobs to Unsuur when possible.
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Adelaide is a 28 year old builder! Born on the border of Lucien, she was caught up in Duvos skirmishes from a very early age. After losing her mother at war, her and her father packed up and headed to Highwind. Adelaide learned to toughen up from a very early age, knowing that if she had to return home for whatever reason, she’d have to do it a lot stronger than she had been. She lives a relatively comfortable life, impulsively switching up on jobs every few years. At the moment, she’s on a building kick, and moved to Sandrock on a complete and total whim - who knows where she’ll end up, though? She tends to be snarky and overconfident and a bit of a bastard, always picking fun at people. Despite her short height, she’s incredibly feisty and always aims to prove how strong she is! She’s shipped with Pen :> gotta draw them at some point
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And then there’s Hestia! A 24 year old builder who serves as my self insert for the series! (I still made up backstory for them tho cuz. Ofc) Hestia was born in Portia but due to her parent’s wanderlust was moved around constantly - every few months or so - until he and his parents eventually settled in Highwind East. Her builder father passed away in a co-gliding incident soon after, and her botanist mother, as a response, went into a workaholic frenzy, often forcing Hestia into her work with her. Hestia got to visit Sandrock multiple times in his youth as a result of this, though it wasn’t until he ran away from home several years later that she’d return for good to become a builder. She’s shipped with Fang, bc he’s my favourite :>
If you actually read this far, first of all I appreciate you so much. Second of all hi! Have a good day <333
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Went to Target during a trip to the next state over with Mom so we could have a fun day out, and I found DC Comics Manga, and this Joker one is so tempting to grab an ebook of
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This sounds like a typical fanfiction plot idea and I'm all for it
Also, found some cute Lego polybags, which is a nice bit to add to my Lego collection I'm rebuilding, as I'm mostly grabbing small bags and bricks from thrifting
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A cute farmer with a scarecrow and a bunny, and a "birthday train" micro build.
Also, I decided to finally try a minifigure blind box, since my Lego are gonna need some people for them, and golly, they've changed since I was a kid
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I got an Olympic runner guy with running blades prosthetics and a Harpy with articulated wings! I found out that they're making minifigs now that includes some wild fantasy elements and disability representation. I really want to find the dog groomer one with the Afghan hound and has a cochlear implant, the dog is cute and since hard-of-hearing runs in my family, that has a bit of a personal sentimental concept there...
Anyway, my Valentine's day was pretty cool. Nothing but good luck, people were very polite and friendly, and absolutely nothing went wrong this year. 🥹
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sapphire-rb · 13 days
This image is so funny to me
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'Whitebones! Status report!' 'Well sir, we captured a builder from Cantlin. She transmutated some kelp into a car and drove off the edge of the ship. When we dragged her back on board she started counting, like a weird incantation thing, and then she started teleporting around- Then she somehow turned herself into a dancing girl and jumped off board again- and next thing we know there's 3 black holes on the ship.'
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saturngalore · 1 year
i’ve been trying to fight making only no cc builds but build/buy cc is sooo cute like now that i have build so many houses now im tired of the same furniture 😭
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foolishgamers · 1 year
honestly seeing the dragon foolish is making get bigger and more complete over the past couple of qsmp streams has been really cool ^.^
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scarepackage · 4 months
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I need to get a set designer to come fix up my apartment to look exactly like this
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battywitch · 1 year
Idk if we've just had exceptionally bad luck across more than half a dozen brands and 2.5 years, but I am desperate for black tea that actually has flavor 😭
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ghcstcd · 1 year
i absolutely FUCKING ADORE how you draw aether and his body type. gnawing on dry wall. thats all <3
Thank you! Drawing Aether like that is helping expand my knowledge of anatomy and people, and it's really nice. I'm glad other people are enjoying it too!
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
*kicks down door* Alex from Discord here- give me headcanons for my main duo, Qi and Burgess. I need to know about them. I need more fuel for the fanfic fire.
-Burgess gets antsy with leaving the task of watering the plants to anyone else and WILL make sure they do it by sneaking around and hiding behind shit
-one of Burgess’ favorite things is when Miguel asks for his help with weeding and planting new life near the church grounds. It’s one of their bonding moments
-Burgess’ favorite song is You Are My Sunshine. He sings it for various moods, and it alleviates his nerves just a little.
-it’s not something he tells the builder, but rather they find out on their own because he subconsciously does it. Singing it to him or when he’s around gives him this strong sense of peace and comfort. He doesn’t like to make a big deal about it but he appreciates it an overwhelming amount
-taking long walks around town and looking at the thriving plant life is one of his favorite things to do. Suggesting it as a date will make his entire day and he’ll think back on it for the rest of the week
-start pressing flowers in books with him! He starts to worry about those that are frail and weak. The ones that are helpless as soon as their stem is near snapped off and can’t be fixed. Start a journal where you press flowers in it and write about where it was from, the day the builder and him found it, what it symbolizes
-start looking into what flowers symbolize too! It’ll become a new hobby to share with one another
-pet names are great and all, but nothing is gonna make him feel more loved than calling each other by a flower as well. Like “My daffodil”, “my rose”, “blossom”, etc
-he won’t admit it, but he secretly wishes to have Macchiato for a pet. She’s just so cute and her fur is so pretty when she sunbathes between blades of grass. He’s got such a soft spot for her and unlike Banjo, she doesn’t eat at the plants.
-he actually surprisingly likes to link arms more than hold hands! There’s a certain closeness to the body it provides and feels more intimate. He’ll hold the builder’s hand, ofc, but he’s not prone to linking fingers together as one would think.
-he enjoys picnics between the small collected trees not too far from the builder’s workshop! It’s peaceful and shaded with the few plant life around
-just, just get an unlimited supply of tea.
-when he desperately needs sleep and is too preoccupied to truly notice anything, switch his mint tea out for chamomile. Literally, he’s too distracted to actually know
-he loves to talk about space and theories and all that when given the chance and time. The builder doesn’t have to know exactly what he’s talking about. But just listening and watching him makes him feel like the most important person alive
-keep an eye out for any data discs that are actually movies! While he prefers sci-fi, he’s actually really fascinated with the Old World and is willing to watch anything “for the sake of science”
-waltzing in during the mornings with a cup holder filled with hot steaming tea actually brightens his day significantly and guarantees a more approachable Qi
-he won’t admit it for years, but he just loves when the Builder comes in with a book and settles in while he works. It’s that peaceful silence he can bask in because he’s got their company to tune into.
-having the Builder close by alleviates a portion of his stress. When his mind feels too rattled with information and hypotheticals and equations. Even Qi needs a break sometimes. Having the builder within view for when his eyes drift up is a weird sort of peace he’s come to love.
-asking him what he’s doing and then the five W’s and “how” actually helps him refocus when he’s losing track. Sometimes it helps with a breakthrough.
-making him rice helps him throughout the day, but he still needs proper meals despite not requesting it. A lump sometimes forms in his throat though when he turns suddenly only to find a plate of food there that he hasn’t noticed before- a sudden burst of love flooding him as he eats because he has someone to do that for him now
-the Builder can convince him to go to a fireside meeting- he’s just gonna make it their problem by being a loveable frustrating little shit
-Qi actually knows when he’s getting on their nerves sometimes and does it purposely when he’s getting bored with his work. There’s something about seeing the fire in his significant other’s eyes that triggers the need to work even harder so he can pay attention to them fully afterwards
-if he’s stressed, the sudden presence of their hand in his messy hair loosens him up and prompts him to stop for a second, letting him breathe. The gentle movements and threading of their fingers eases his nerves
-believe it or not, if he were to own a pet, it’d be CoCo. He’s utterly fascinated by the owl and respects the bird more than the majority of the residents of Sandrock
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