#builders norwich
frankbuild · 1 year
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Builders Norwich
If you're looking for a team of experienced builders who can turn your vision into reality, look no further than Frank Build Ltd. We are specialists in bespoke home renovation, new house construction, brick-laying and more. We take your requirements seriously and tailor a plan that perfectly matches your taste and needs. Call now!
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tabbycasto · 2 days
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major-mads · 5 months
Thorpe Abbotts Airbase
Places of Interest in Masters of the Air
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The Thorpe Abbotts Airbase/Airfield is located just outside of the village of Thorpe Abbots in Norfolk, England. It was specifically built for the 100th Bomb Group when they came to join the war effort. Flyers with the 100th were set to start arriving in June of 1943, so the engineers and builders had to even out the ground, lay miles and miles of concrete, and build the intricate roads and buildings of the base very quickly.
Many locals did not support the building of the base because it encroached on their farmlands. While the British were happy the Americans were joining the fight, there were definite feelings of animosity towards the 'yanks' (as they call Americans), but most of those faded when the Brits met the airmen who occupied the base.
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Donald Miller: Masters of the Air, pgs. 1-2
"Thorpe Abbotts, an American bomber base some ninety miles north of London and a short stroll from the Norfolk hamlet that gave it its name. Station # 139, as it was officially designated, with its 3,500 fliers and support personnel, was built on a nobleman's estate lands, and the crews flew to war over furrowed fields worked by Sir Rupert Mann's tenant farmers, who lived nearby in crumbling stone cottages heated by open hearths. Thorpe Abbotts is in East Anglia, a history-haunted region of ancient farms, curving rivers, and low flat marshland. It stretches northward from the spires of Cambridge, to the high-sitting cathedral town of Norwich, and eastward to Great Yarmouth, an industrial port on the black waters of the North Sea. With its drainage ditches, wooden windmills, and sweeping fens, this low-lying slice of England brings to mind nearby Holland, just across the water. It is a haunch of land that sticks out into the sea, pointed, in the war years, like a raised hatchet at the enemy. And its drained fields made good airbases from which to strike deep into the German Reich. A century or so behind London in its pace and personality, it had been transformed by the war into one of the great battlefronts of the world, a war front unlike any other in history (Miller, 2007, pgs. 1-2)."
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tag list: @ronald-speirs @footprintsinthesxnd @georgieluz @sweetxvanixlla @coco-bean-1218 @gloryofwinter
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list! <3
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mihrsuri · 1 year
Some more about the discovery of John Norwich’s papers. Ellie belongs to @nocompromise-noregrets
They should all agree that there is no way on earth this can be kept quiet and they all do, by and large. Except, unfortunately for Debbie, who thinks they should just push it all away to someone else, somewhere else. Maybe just hide it in the archives released but not released. 
“Think of the drop in revenue - no one is going to want to get married here when they read about all this - why don’t we give it over to where it actually happened?”
“Because it does not in fact, exist any more. As in, the house was levelled and the whole place is now something completely different - of course I’m sure they’ll place a plaque and a memorial there, but we cannot actually hide away a major historical discovery Debbie.”
“And that’s not even getting into the fact that the foremost expert on The Triad was the one who authenticated this - and I’ve got Ahmed coming down to triple check - he already emailed me something that essentially says ‘yes this is real, yes this checks out with Norwich’” 
Ana, the Deputy Curator holds up a hand to quell the discussion. 
“Debbie, we definitely cannot hide this - it would be worse if we did in the long run - and yes, I know it’s not going to be fun for you to manage this but it was found, we need to deal with it. I’ll get Yasmin to draft up a press statement and then release it tomorrow morning - Ahmed will be here this afternoon to confirm in person - she’ll see if Ellie and the builders want to be identified as the discoverers by name.”
Yasmin Magdhara, Welles Hall public relations officer closed her eyes for a moment to find some kind of calm. She has an idea of what she is going to say, but she knows she’s going to need to look at the material or at least, a summary of the material to know how bad it is and she’s absolutely not looking forward to that conversation. 
Her meeting with Dr Ahmed Khan, the foremost expert on John Norwich confirms it - though she usually loves talking to Ahmed. 
“The obsession with Ancient Rome and Greece - oh that’s absolutely the foremost reason to confirm that this garbage is Norwich - the identification with himself with Caesar, with Augustus and the ‘spoils of victory’ - that is him to the bone.”
The press statement is to the point. Somewhat. It starts with Major Find In Welles Hall Archives
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arh2000scf · 1 month
'I'll meet you there"
( a brief history of gathering places from Stonehenge to Santiago de Compostela) 
The thesis I would like to focus on is to analyze the spirit of togetherness, kinship, and the desire to be a part of a community with shared values that has always characterized the human species and how this desire translated into magnificent gathering places. These gathering places were used for different purposes, from religious to civic life and entertainment.   How each end every one of these places was simultaneously a testimonial and a mirror of the societies they served. 
Chapter 1 "Stonehenge"
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June 20, 2400 bCE . "I'll meet you there! Tomorrow is the Summer solstice and the sun is going to rise lining up perfectly with the shadows of the stones. The whole village will be there, and people from the other villages too". If we can imagine a conversation between two prehistoric people, somewhere where modern-day England is and where Stonehenge is situated, that's probably what they were saying. Stonehenge, a structure whose purpose is still an element of debate, was used as a ritual place during winter and summer solstice, and as a burial ground even before,probably since 3100 bC(Pitts 102). The site was built with a combination of bluestones and sandstone boulders, called sarsens. The sandstones came from relatively nearby, but the bluestone arrived all the way from Wales.This is one of the most iconic places of England, a testament to the ancient civilization's need for gathering together , to celebrate the beginning of the season, the passage of time, the burial of the dead. Across centuries and millennia, we strive for the same, united by our shared values and the spirit of togetherness. 
Chapter 2 Persepolis
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September 12, 485 BC. "I'll meet you there!"- "Where?" "In the Apadana at Persepolis! King Xerses the First is going to make a great speech! Thousands of people are going to gather!". If you were a citizen of Persia in the fifth century BC, you might have participated yourself. The ruins of this place show us a complex citadel designed with a precise function: to serve as a center for ceremony and governance activities. (Gates, 186-7). The fact that the Apadana at the center of the complex could host thousands of people tells us about the importance that this society gave at these events. The complex is an example of the Achaemenid style, which, like Persian civilization, was an eclectic fusion of many other cultures, including Mesopotamian, Assyrian, Egyptian, and Greek. This complex well reflects its society, where the King was the center of power and ruled with absolute authority. All the civic participation that the citizens were allowed to do was to celebrate the figure of the King. Nonetheless, the continuous contact with other cultures led the Persians to be a highly refined civilization, and the structure and decoration of Persepolis are a testimonial to this greatness.
Chapter 3 The Parthenon
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August 20, 401bC."I'll meet you there!"- "Where?"- "At the Acropolis, right by the Parthenon. Socrate is going to be there; you should listen to his speeches! Fascinating stuff!" The Acropolis and the Parthenon have become symbols of the beginning of Western culture and democracy. Imagine being a Greek citizen of the era and engaging in the civic, intellectual, and artistic life of the city just by strolling around the Acropolis. The Parthenon, originally conceived as a temple dedicated to Athena, is perhaps the first structure that comes to mind when we contemplate the concept of democracy. It has been hailed as the 'culmination of the Doric Order,' a testament to the architectural prowess of its time. Doric Order." The refinement of this building is legendary, especially considering the counteracting that the builders did to avoid the optical illusion of bending lines ( Norwich 69). Unfortunately, as often happens to many great buildings of the past, the statues and decorations that originally decorated the Parthenon have been looted by colonial powers that took control of the area over the centuries and now display, controversially, at the British Museum. Nevertheless, the sequence of statues that used to adorn the East Pediment ( now displayed in London) gives us a glimpse of the splendor of these magnificent buildings. The Athenians were right to be proud of their achievements and ideals, just like their beautiful buildings, which are a reflection of one of the finest civilizations of the past.
Chapter 4 The Colosseum
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April 20, 79 AD: "I'll meet you there!'-"Where?"- "At the Colosseum! Tomorrow is the Great Inauguration! Emperor Titus promised one hundred days of games and entertainment! They say they will even flood the stadium and have ships battling inside! There will be a sold-out crowd! Fifty thousand people! I'll meet you there!". Imagine the excitement of being a Roman citizen during the Flavian dynasty, one of the greatest periods of the empire. The old and wise emperor Vespasian just died last year, and his son, Titus, is ready to inaugurate his father's legacy public project: a fifty-thousand-seat stadium where all kinds of entertainment will be displayed. The Flavian Amphitheater was built with travertine and tufa blocks and concrete. Its exterior was decorated with worked stone, and the engaged columns flanking the arches had a different architectural order for every level. Unlike many other gathering places of the past, the Colosseum was built not for religious purposes or civic ones. It was a place to entertain the masses. The fact that the arena floor was covered in sand to soak up the blood of people and animals tells us what kind of entertainment it was. It was a mirror of the Roman society of the time: an Empire built on the military's strength and the engineers' genius.
Chapter 5 Hagia Sofia
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February 27, 532AD. "I'll meet you there!" Where?" "At the Church of the Holy Wisdom! You should see its dome! It looks like it is floating in the air!" When the Christian faithful entered this Church in the early Middle Ages, they saw something never seen before. The marvel that struck them was the enormous dome that appeared floating on a void. Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus achieved this effect thanks to four gigantic pendentives. The piers supporting the pendentives were skillfully concealed in the aisles, and to add to the dramatic impact, forty windows at the base of the dome would let natural light reflect on the inner gold decoration. The Building is the finest example of Byzantine architecture, rebuilt by Emperor Justinian after the destruction of the Nika riots. Never like in the Hagia Sofia, the history of the Building reflects the history of the city it is in. Born as a Christian church, after the great east-west schism of 1054, it became an Orthodox church. From 1204 to 1261, when Crusaders occupied Constantinople, it was converted to being a Catholic Church, and after the Crusaders' expulsion, it was restored to being an Orthodox church. In 1453, when the Ottomans conquered Constantinople ( and changed the city's name to Istambul), the Building was converted into a Mosque. In 1935, when Turkey, under the leadership of Kamal Ataturk, was going through a period of secularization, this magnificent place was converted into a Museum. Then again, in 2020, under pressure from the religious, political right wing of the country, it was once again converted into a Mosque. Something nonetheless never changed about this Building: its magnificence and the sense of wonder that inspires everyone gathering on this site.
Chapter 6 Kaaba
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November 11, 978AD. "I'll meet you there. "Yes, God willing." Faithfuls of the Islamic Religion could have exchanged these words for centuries, referring to Mecca's Holiest site, the Kaaba. Quite surprisingly, the actual building predates the establishment of the Islamic faith. Kaaba, meaning "cube" in Arabic, was a holy site even before the birth of the Prophet. It is a simple cuboid, and in its eastern corner, there is what many believe to be a meteoritic rock set in the wall. Muslims reveal this rock as a relic. The pilgrimage to Mecca called the Hajj, is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith. Every year, millions and millions of Muslims undertake the journey to reach the place. It is a transformative trip for the faithful, comprehensive of many precise rituals and many staggering logistical challenges. Nevertheless, pilgrims are not discouraged and keep on coming in huge numbers. The Hajj is one of the best demonstrations of the spirit of togetherness and community that pushes humans to gather in the same place. Islamic faithful arrive from different corners of the world, with different backgrounds and social and economic statuses. They often speak different languages and have different dreams. Yet, they gather and pray in peace and brotherly love, demonstrating the importance, in human experience, of those magnificent gathering spaces.
Chapter 7 Duhram Cathedral
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December 24, 1133. "I'll meet you there!" Where?" "At the Cathedral tomorrow, for the Christmas Mass." Those words could have been exchanged between two friends on a cold winter evening at the beginning of the twelfth century. We are in the far North of England, at the border with Scotland. The village is a fortification against the Scottish enemies just north of there, and the works are just finished on what is now considered one of the masterpieces of Romanesque architecture: the Durham Cathedral. Built on the ruin of a previous Saxon Church destroyed by Viking raids, this Building was designed by William De St.-Calais ( Tatton-Brown 29-29). Durham houses some of the earliest examples of the ribbed vaults on the nave and is, therefore, considered a precursor of the later Gothic style. Like many religious buildings of the era, the Cathedral preserves reliquaries of Saints, in this case, Saint Cuthbert, and was the destination of many pilgrimages from the surrounding areas. As often happens to many historic buildings throughout the centuries, its fortunes ebbed and flowed. In 1650, after the battle of Dunbar, this church was used as a makeshift prison for Scottish prisoners of war, many of whom died of cold and starvation. The prisoners destroyed much of the woodwork of the Cathedral for firewood. A series of restorations and renovations gave this place its status today. An inscription on nearby Prebends Bridge describes the place as "Half Church of God, half castle 'gainst the Scot". It remains one of the greatest cathedrals of Europe and a place where people gather; fortunately, those times are in peace and quiet admiration.
Chapter 8 Notre Dame de Paris
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March 28, 1345. "I'll see you there! - "Where?" -"At Notre Dame for the Easter Mass". The Catholic faithful have gathered in this magnificent building for many centuries to celebrate the festivities. It is considered one of the masterpieces of French Gothic architecture. The construction began in March of 1163, and the extensive use of rib vault ceilings and flying buttresses made this building quintessentially gothic. This new technique, especially the flying buttresses, was an engineering revolution. Those buttresses, an external supporting structure, now controlled the weight of high vaulted ceilings (115 feet) and their downward and outward pressure. Doing so allowed for grand openings on the walls, where magnificent stained-glass windows filter the natural light, creating spectacular effects of lighting and color on the inside. Despite the Church always being a symbol of the Catholic faith of French people, during the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1802, it was deconsecrated, its interior and exterior seriously damaged, and used as a warehouse (Chavis 2013). In 1802 was finally rededicated, under Napoleon. Parisian gathered in this Church throughout the history of the city: during the coronation of kings, at the coronation of Napoleon in 1804, and to celebrate the liberation from the Nazis in 1944. In 2019, the people of Paris and the rest of the world watched in horror while a fire ravaged inside and seriously damaged a significant portion of the Church. The image of everyday people crying while watching this magnificent building being seriously injured by fire is a testimonial of how we tend to identify and love our gathering places, the symbols of our faith, our city, and our communities. Notre Dame is scheduled to reopen on December 8, 2024.
Chapter 9 Santiago de Compostela
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June 6, 1425. "I'll see you there." This time, a person of unwavering determination could have uttered these words hundreds of miles from the chosen gathering place. For this place is the endpoint of one of the most physically demanding and awe-inspiring pilgrimages of Christianity, The Way of Saint James. The journey, a true test of endurance, traditionally commences on the French side of the Pyrenees mountains and traverses the north of Spain, culminating in Compostela in Galizia. The Cathedral, a symbol of triumph and resilience, awaits pilgrims at the end of this grueling journey. It has witnessed numerous renovations, and each facade displays now a different style. The interior, however, remains a sanctuary of Romanesque architecture. The nave and the transepts boast barrel-vaulted ceilings, while the main altar houses a golden reliquary containing the sacred remains of Saint James, both hallmarks of Romanesque churches. This place has been chosen as the final gathering place for millions of pilgrims undertaking a spiritual journey . Pilgrimages are ancient rituals, a way to feel closer to the Divine. Since the ninth century, Santiago de Compostela has embraced the pilgrims with open arms.
The magnificent places described in this project symbolize the human need to gather, be together, and pray together. Analyzing their history and architecture, we witnessed different cultures and societies. We traveled across many miles and many centuries. Despite all those differences, we recognize that the human spirit is united in the desire to join our fellow humans. The majesty of those buildings bears witness to this desire. To be human is to be together.
Works Cited
Pitts, Mike (8 August 2008). "Stonehenge: one of our largest excavations draws to a close". British Archaeology (102): 13. ISSN 1357-4442.
Gates, Charles (2011). Ancient cities: the archaeology of urban life in the ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome (2nd ed.). London: Routledge. pp. 186–187. ISBN 978-0-203-83057-4.
"Parthenon". Britannica Library, Encyclopædia Britannica, 10 September 2021. Accessed 16 July 2022.
Tim Tatton-Brown and John Crook, The English Cathedral pp. 26–29.
Chavis, Jason. "Facts on the Notre Dame Cathedral in France". USA Today. Archived from the original on 23 October 2013. Retrieved 3 August 2013.
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sidewalkstamps · 1 month
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Southern California Home Builders (Photo taken by Rachel Hughes in 2023 around Silver Lake in Los Angeles, CA)
They owned property in Los Angeles, El Cajon, San Diego, and Tulare County.
Apparently this legal understanding stems from the California appeals court case Southern California Home Builders v Young: "the right of the corporation to recover from those to whom corporate assets may have been unlawfully transferred does not affect the statutory liability of the directors who made the unlawful distribution, unless the corporation, in the exercise of the first right, causes the replacement, in whole or in part, of what was taken from the corporation. In that event the liability of the directors would be diminished proportionately or expunged, since the corporation would be entitled to what was taken and no more. "
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In 1913, they placed an advertisement selling shares of the business in the Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe New Mexican, January 28, 1913, pg. 3, New Mexican Printing Company, accessed via the University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository).
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This photo, entitled "Building a new bungalow" is from the Herald Examiner Collection held by the Los Angeles Public Library. It shows the "construction of one of five new bungalows built in one week on Eighty-third Street, by the Southern California Home Builders."
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As of 1917, the Southern California Home Builders had their headquarters at 321 Walter P. Story building, at the southwest corner of Broadway and Sixth streets (610 N. Broadway) in downtown Los Angeles. They only paid $50/month for rent, which also included the use of the telephone and the "valuable services from an experienced manager, Sydney B. Brown" (born in Carthage, Missouri on January 15, 1884). Pretty crazy that would be included, so I feel like I must not be understanding correctly. He collected rents, handled insurance, kept houses in good condition for rental or sale, and handled the "payment of taxes, assessments on properties, interest payments on mortgages, renewals of mortgages and collection of payments on trust deeds and other collections." Brown was also an agent for so many other companies in the Story building, including New Jersey Insurance Co of Newark, NJ; British & Federal Fire Underwriters of Norwich, England; Southwest Farming Co.; Repubilc Casualty Company of Pittsburg. It seems Brown ran all of these operations out of his own company, Sydney B Brown Co. with several employees: a telephone operator (Laura V Small, who lived on Laurel Canyon), a secretary (Mrs. Minnie T Leavitt, who lived on N Normandie Ave.), and someone else who worked in the insurance department (Lolah Boal of Alhambra). While the company's phone number was "Bway 24," his home phone number was 10783 (Los Angeles Director Co's Los Angeles City Directory, The Los Angeles Director Company, Los Angeles, CA, 1921, accessed via the Los Angeles Public Library).
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They "closed a deal whereby a nine-room residence at 1527 Hayworth avenue, in Hollywood, was sold... to Margaret Robinson. Sydney B. Brown had charge of the deal." However, when they rented Burbank Hall to hold an annual meeting, they couldn't because the secretary had the flu and "there was not sufficient stock represented." At that time, the president of the company was named Charles A. Sessions, McCullough Graydon was VP, M. T. Leavitt was secretary, R. N. Earl was treasurer, and E. Fossler was director. Later that year, the company had an "assessment sale" and apparently it "showed the largest percentage that had ever been paid at any stock sale... The company is now considering the increasing of rentals" - I have no idea what that means. Nonetheless, I know the business wasn't doing too well in 1919. It was already "the second time that most of this corporation's assets were wiped out."
Quick interlude from some information about Sessions. He was born in 1843 in Michigan and died in 1933; he is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, CA (Findagrave.com). He was married to Mary Ellen Jay and had a son named Horace, who was a Private (though I don't know in what).
Another tangential person is Thomas Chalmers Vint. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1894 but had moved to Los Angeles, CA by the time he attended high school. He went to UC Berkeley and graduated with a BS in Landscape Architecture in 1920. He had also spent a semester at the Ecole des Beaux Arts at the University of Lyon, France and studied city planning at UCLA in 1921. He eventually had a four-decade career with the National Park Service! But, while in school, so I assume around the same time as the above folks where involved, he worked for A. S. Falconer, who designed bungalows for our company of focus! He had also worked as an assistant to Lloyd Wright.
The below are advertisements they took out, which show they both built homes but also underwrote insurance policies for fire and automobile. You'll also see their logo which is in their contractor stamp - rare to see a logo like this in a stamp!
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Another fun find is this war bonds advertisement, which was partially paid for by Southern California Home Builders.
I don't know what ended up happening to the company. But many decades later there was a (seemingly unrelated) Southern California Home Builders Association.
Sources not listed in-line:
Albuquerque Morning Journal, February 9, 1913, Journal Publishing Company (1913), accessed via University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository.
American Globe: Investors Magazine, Volumes 15-16, 1917
The Codes of California: As Amended and in Force at the Close of the Forty-third - forty-fourth Session of the Legislature, 1919-1921, Bender-Moss Company, 1922.
The Credit Crunch and Reform of Financial Institutions: Hearings, Ninety-third Congress, First Session, United States Congress House Committee on Banking and Currency, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973.
Pioneers of American Landscape Design II: An Annotated Bibliography. Bimbaum, Charles; Fix, Julie. National Park Service. 1995. Clemson University Libraries.
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rhetoricandlogic · 3 months
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A HISTORY OF VENICE by John Julius Norwich
RELEASE DATE: April 29, 1982
Published in Britain in two volumes, this massive but modest tome claims only to be ""a straightforward record of the main political events of Venetian history, for the general, non-academic reader""--and that's all it is. Aside from the occasional appreciation of a major building, you won't find cultural textures here. Also, as Norwich himself admits, you won't find--with a few exceptions--personalities. What you will find, however, is chattily readable prose, a dry sense of humor (""Eunuchs, as everybody knows, are dangerous people to cross""), and the author's engagingly qualified admiration for the Venetians--their unflagging self-interest, their state-imposed discipline, their secular, non-intellectual activism, their flexible ability to live more or less under a constitution for centuries. Here, then, is Venice from 5th-century beginnings as a refuge from barbarians to a loose, autonomous association of island communities under the Byzantine Empire circa 800 (her ""very submission"" assured independence and greatness); from a trade-centered Republic, fighting wars and pirates, to the builders (circa 1150) of an overseas empire (with a boost from the plundering Fourth Crusade) and a world-power circa 1300; from a Machiavellian peak of war/trade/diplomacy to, after Vasco da Gama (""Overnight, Venice had become a backwater""), a steady decline--with external entanglements and internal ""sickness."" Here, too, are the 100-some doges, the ups and downs of the elitist oligarchy and the Council of Ten; the problems with Popes (Julius II is perhaps the strongest character in the book); the role of the condottieri; the pros and cons re Venice as a police state. (Norwich, dearly something of an elitist himself, argues the relative freedoms and huge benefits of Venice's system.) And here, too, is conspiracy after conspiracy, war after war, a few floods, the Black Death, and the acquisition of a patron saint (""History records no more shameless example of body-snatching""). Most Venice-lovers, of course, will miss the esthetic cross-references. Serious history lovers will look vainly for deep, broad analysis. But, for those who share Norwich's more narrow enthusiasms: a lucid, companionable pageant.
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oliviabaker3115 · 9 months
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Best Kitchen Renovations in Horsford
Are you looking for a Best Kitchen Renovations in Horsford to help you achieve your dream kitchen or bathroom fitting in Norwich? then Call OJW Building Services today, quality domestic builders serving Norwich and the surrounding areas.​​With years of experience working on everything from kitchen refurbishments to faux fireplace installations.
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ainews · 10 months
For centuries, Caen stone has remained a popular choice for architects and builders alike for its beauty, endurance and affordability. Found abundantly in France, Caen stone has served as a construction staple throughout Europe and beyond in some of the world’s most iconic monuments and buildings, from Dover Castle to Westminster Abbey.
This unsung stone is made of calcitic limestone that is found in a bed of near horizontal layers up to three feet thick just beneath the surface near the city of Caen in northwestern France. The quarry of Caen stone has been in business for 800 years, though stone has been quarried from there since the ninth century.
Crucial to its popularity, Caen stone is incredibly durable and is noted for its weather resistance due to the dense packing of its crystals. Its use for prestigious buildings such as Westminster Abbey, Chichester Cathedral and Norwich Cathedral confirms its standing in the building industry.
Moreover, Caen stone is not brittle so it can be easily worked to fit any shape or design without shattering. It also absorbs little water, making it less vulnerable under harsh weather, and when polished its beauty is accentuated. Unlike other cut stone, the lime in Caen stone develops a patina which softens the perceivable colour and wears very little, ensuring that its beauty remains intact for centuries.
Thanks to its attractive pale yellow colour and long-lasting durability, Caen stone is continuing to gain timeless admiration and recognition from the modern building industry, particularly in restoration and renovation projects. Its affordability and ease of installation often make it a more attractive choice rather than going for bricks or concrete.
In short, it is easy to see why Caen stone is still a popular choice for building projects and one that is continuing to stay timeless and appealing.
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bachwarner71 · 1 year
University of East Anglia Recreated on Minecraft During Lockdown
University of East Anglia recreated Minecraft Minecraft during lockdown
22 May 2020
Students have recreated their campus in response to the loss of university life during the Covid-19 lockdown.
The University of East Anglia (UEA) fresher Sophie Johnston, 19, searched for planning applications to create the grounds by playing the video game Minecraft.
She was assisted by her three housemates Rebecca Bystry, 20, Tom Greensted, 19, and Matthew Wright, 19.
The "campus" has been visited by more than 200 students. It is still being constructed.
Ms. Korobi Johnston said that she agrees that universities are missing the social aspect, which allows people to meet and get acquainted with people from different backgrounds.
"The server has allowed us to keep in touch with each other as well as meet people we would never have encountered in real life. This has been beneficial for us all mentally during lockdown."
The students have built locations like the Ziggurat accommodation and main square. LCR music venue, UEA(su) and the library of the Norwich-based university.
The four students who act as admins for the server all have different roles, with Ms. Johnston and Ms Bystry creating the structures, and Mr Wright responding to player queries via text chats and voice calls, with Mr Greensted, who has mastered coding himself as well as being in charge of troubleshooting.
The Minecraft creative mode provided unlimited access to Minecraft materials This meant that the campus was constructed by students.
They are currently working on the interiors of certain buildings with the assistance of other players.
Ms Johnston stated that "Since our first years haven't been in any of the buildings, it's been essential to use the help from staff, students, and alumni who've donated photos to help us- there's been lots of recalling!"
Builder gives away nearly PS1m to non-privileged students
31 October 2019
Uni ups support after student death
13 March 2019
University of East Anglia
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Structural Engineering CAD Services Provider in USA
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Silicon Construction Detailing Company gives best services of Structural Engineering Outsourcing Services. Structural Engineering Consultants Services work closely with architects, contractors, and builders to ensure that buildings and other structures are structurally sound and meet building codes and regulations. Residential Structural Engineering Services typically involve the design and analysis of structures such as houses, apartment buildings, and other residential buildings. Structural Building Design Services typically include designing the structural framework and components of a building or structure, analyzing the loads and stresses that the structure will be subjected to, and ensuring that the design meets safety and building code requirements. Connected with US for your next Structural Engineering CAD Services.
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tabbycasto · 2 months
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University of East Anglia Recreated on Minecraft During Lockdown
University of East Anglia recreated Minecraft Minecraft during lockdown
22 May 2020
In response to the Covid-19 lockdown students have rebuilt their campus.
Sophie Johnston, a University of East Anglia (UEA), fresher was 19 when she began looking through planning applications to recreate the grounds using video game Minecraft.
She was assisted by her three housemates Rebecca Bystry, 20, Tom Greensted, 19, and Matthew Wright, 19.
More than 200 students have visited the "campus", which is still being constructed.
Ms Johnston said she is of the opinion that the university has lost the social aspect that allows people to meet and get to know one another from different backgrounds.
"The server has helped us keep in touch with one others, and also get to know people we never would meet in real life, which has been beneficial to everyone's mental health during lockdown."
The students have designed and built places such as the Ziggurat accommodation, main square, LCR music venue, UEA(su) and the library of the Norwich-based university.
The four students who serve as server administrators have different roles. Ms Johnston and Mrs Bystry create the server structures. Mr Wright answers player questions via texts and voice calls. Mr Greensted who has studied programming is in charge of troubleshooting.
The campus was constructed in Minecraft's creative mode which means the students had unlimited access to the materials the game provides.
With the assistance of other players, they are currently working on the interiors of some buildings. Minecraftservers.host
Ms. Johnston said: "Since we're first years and haven't been to some of the buildings, we've had to utilize the help of staff, students and alumni who have provided pictures to aid us- there's been a lot of talking about the past!"
Builder leaves nearly PS1m to non-privileged students
31 October 2019
Uni ups support after student death
13 March 2019
University of East Anglia
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londondiaryonline · 1 year
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acidrefluxuk · 2 years
Boat Builder Job in Wroxham, Norfolk
Boat Builder Job in Wroxham, Norfolk
Apply for Boat Builder job in Wroxham, Norfolk in Manufacturing/Surveying. Job Description: Our prestigious, manufacturing client, based close to Norwich are currently seeking a Boat Builder, to join their a highly reputable company. This is a full time, permanent position, based in Wroxham. * Do you have a keen eye for precision and quality? * Can you take responsibility for meeting deadlines…
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