#built up a buffer yall!
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New update! I love these kids so much
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phantomqueen · 5 years
okay listen so idk which (if any) of yall are actually into jane the virgin and care about being spoiled for season 5 so im covering all my bases and putting my thoughts about a major plot thing under a read more and also letting u know u can blacklist “#pq vs jtv” if needed okay?? okay
heres some buffer space
bc i suddenly cant remember
if read mores work on mobile
i think they do right? 
i kno this is like...soap opera & telenovela stuff but this “michael comes back” storyline is starting to irritate me like it was fine at first but after michael got his memories back and restarted that love triangle it just felt so disrespectful to janes growth & grief on a narrative level, not to mention disrespectful to the audience’s grief & memory of michael. i still dont really know what the writers thought they would accomplish with this. im sure there would’ve been better ways to throw a dramatic wrench into jane & rafael’s relationship. besides im sure jane/rafael is gonna end up being endgame anyway bc hes the father of her child and they rly built a great family dynamic. it feels disrespectful to all of them to dredge up this miserable love triangle bullshit all over again. remember when seasons 1-2 were mad irritating sometimes bc of them fighting Like That??
also rose as the major big bad supervillain again? yawn. do better
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aethermage1 · 2 years
Ydelian- part 2
because i am stretching this out bc i need a buffer. And bc i am procrastinating. absolutely. "Excuse me sir.." A young man had approached the merchant, orange gaze locking with his, "I lost my map...could I borrow yours for a moment?" Antonio nodded, quickly handing the stranger a map, "How did you end up losing yours if I may ask?" "..A few gnolls raided my camp...they fled..however they took my supplies with them. Which happened to have my map." Antonio nodded, regarding the stranger curiously, "..Y'know. Gnolls here are known for worse, being from Hogger's pack. You should head to Lakeshire, you can't miss the bridge that leads to it." Antonio took the map when the stranger handed it to him, "Thank you then. I'll head there." "You may wish to place a warrant for those gnolls as well. I doubt you're the only traveler who has been attacked...what is your name by the way?" "Call me Yaven." The young man waved as he walked away from the merchant, heading towards the location on the map. "Strange traveler." Antonio shrugged as he made his way down the familiar road, noticing a scorched camp nearby, gnoll tracks leading away. And, on a nearby rock, what remained of a map, likely the traveling mage's spell had gone awry. -- Yaven made his way down the path, noticing a large stone-built bridge. Humans were at least talented, even if dragons were far more powerful. Hopefully, those gnolls wouldn't attempt to blow his cover again, he had given them a good enough scare earlier. Revealing his true form momentarily, that merchant didn't seem to have noticed what happened, however. A guard stepped forward, eying the stranger warily, "What is your business here traveler?" He questioned, "...Supplies. And I intend to stay at the inn for a while.." the guard glared momentarily, before moving back into his position, "I apologize...you cannot be too careful these days.." Yaven nodded, stepping passed the guard, "I can imagine, the king only returned recently after that dragon's attack after all. By the way...call me Yaven." The stranger entered the town, heading directly to the inn. After some rest, the plan would have to go into place to redirect the supplies to Blackrock Mountain. Enjoy yall! ihavetoadmitydeliansfuntowritethough
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