#bungee jumping. putting on skis and tying yourself to a giant kite.
thesinglesock · 9 months
Norwegians are fun because everyone has at least dabbled in some kind of extreme sport and no one knows how to small talk. So you will meet the sweetest, most unassuming woman who works as an accountant for some tech company and when you ask her what she likes to do for fun she will get a wicked spark in her eye and say "glacier climbing. I know it's dangerous and there's always a chance I won't make it back alive, but that's a risk I'm personally okay with taking." or you might be chatting with someone you don't know that well, and suddenly they'll drop a bomb like "at least you can't fuck up any harder than I did back when I lost the 200 cattle I was supposed to be herding across the Australian Outback". No buildup. No warning. They don't mean to derail the conversation, but you're free to open that can of worms if you want. I swear everyone is batshit under the surface and they will gladly share their wild stories if you ask. It's great.
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