#bunks? shuggy?
rainnbepourin · 1 year
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crystallizedtwilight · 6 months
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oz00ms2 · 2 months
Young Shuggy idea where Shanks touches Buggy’s hair for some reason (maybe he was untangling a fishing line from it or something) and realizes it’s super soft and starts trying to come up with new excuses to touch it. Meanwhile Buggy is like ???????????????????? is Shanks trying to kill me?
There is only one truth - and that truth is: Shanks is trying to kill him.
No other explanation makes sense truly, truthfully, and Buggy is not sure where it all went wrong.
That’s a lie. He knows. Can pinpoint the specific moment (location, place and time) where Shanks’ strange behavior manifested and became a dominant action in his (bitterly, but also lovingly) friend’s daily routine.
There was a fishing line and flailing and Shanks laughing and Buggy NOT CRYING because future amazing world renown and flashy pirate captains DO NOT CRY!!!
But there was a fishing line nonetheless and a shiny silver hook managed to wrap itself in Buggy’s hair one early morning and somehow it was completely Shanks’ fault. So it made sense for Shanks to untangle it. Awkward teen hands fumbling with ever-growing blue hair that tumbled and twisted into Buggy’s vision while he cursed and whined and still DID NOT CRY while Shanks took his flashy ass time freeing him of this humiliation.
Luckily it was early enough that the rest of the crew wasn’t paying much attention to the boys as they meandered along their usual chore routes or hangover nap spots. (Or so Buggy hoped because he would never live this down) and Shanks did manage to untangle the hair after some time and a few curses. But he was looking at Buggy strangely afterwards while holding a lock wrapped around his knuckles.Staring at the pale strands with a confused expression that Buggy had feared he’d ripped some of it out and they had to be separated because of course he had to defend his honor and punch Shanks then and there.
But Shanks had changed after that and Buggy was absolutely one hundred percent positive his (best, only, anything but) friend had decided to kill Buggy for some reason.
Shanks had always been touchy but now it was out of control. He’d wrap an arm over Buggy and pull him close enough to nearly smother him almost every chance he got. A hand firmly pressed into Buggy’s head, fingers twisting into long hair. Pratting on innocently about their day or plans or a dream he had while menacingly petting through Buggy’s hair while trying to suffocate Buggy into his shoulder.
He’d make it a point to chastise Buggy on how he was wearing his hats, then without question, run over and push his hands into Buggy’s temples. Pulling whatever hat he wore off and cradling Buggy’s head between his palms, rubbing locks of hair in a threatening manner. (But Buggy was too strong and quick and brave and smart to let Shanks CRUSH HIS SKULL BETWEEN HIS HANDS) and he would escape with a detached head and a swift stomp on Shanks’ ankle.)
Then!! At night!! When they’re trying to sleep - sharing a bunk since they were children because their bed was as big as their Captain’s bed - Shanks would pretend to be asleep and roll over. A hand would swim between the space into Buggy’s hair and twist like he was going to wrap it around his neck and strangle him in his sleep!!!
A truly devious minded brat, Shanks’ bloodlust and sudden handsy violence towards him became a daily distraction and Buggy was starting to become paranoid whenever (his) Shanks would appear. Hands extended and some excuse to grab at Buggy’s scalp quickly pouring out of his mouth before Buggy could defend himself.
Well. There was only one thing to do. Only one action an up and coming pirate king like Buggy could take:
He tattled.
“Shanks we've had the personal space talk already can you---ROGER YOU STOP LAUGHING RIGHT NOW! YOU ARE NOT HELPING!"
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Shuggy headcanons as per request Madame: Love me some „Shanks being in love with Buggy’s long hair“, but I raise you „Buggy absolutely adores Shanks hair and can’t keep his hands out of it“. Granted, Shanks doesn’t really take care of his hair. Shanks is a bit of a greaseball at times. Suits Buggy well actually. When they were teens that gave him a perfect reason to just be „Eugh! When was the last time you washed this?“ While grabbing a fist full „OW! My hairs fine! I washed it last week!“ „LAST WEEK? GOD YOURE GROSS!“ and nag him about it till he cleaned up. He could always pretend the detached hands that raked trough Shanks hair after this where just there to make sure his idiot best friend did a good enough job. Actually he needs to check up on this every so often because clearly Shanks can’t be trusted to look after his own head and Buggy would be DAMNED if this ginger brought lice into their bunk HOLD STILL. The rituals…Elaborate but stupid as hell.
Shanks doesn’t mind as much as he pretends, as long as Buggy isn’t pulling his head this way and that by its roots, and enjoys the little bit of extra attention when Buggys fingers scratch over his scalp. On quieter days when they are hanging out together Buggy will actually relax enough to play with his hair without the guise of checking for dandruff for once and just absentmindedly chop a hand of to run his fingers trough while he is reading or even just bitching about something unrelated. Shanks just turns to mush every time this happens. Complete zen mode achieved.
In a world where they get together as adults again those moments become a bit more regular, usually when they are in bed together and they are both still in the process of waking up. „Feels nice…You got a real thing for my hair huh?“ Buggy shoots him an unimpressed look and Shanks can’t help but roll his eyes fondly as he answers: „I’m just checking something. I think it’s thinning out. If you keep going at this rate you’re gonna go bald.“.
As I said, the rituals : intricate but stupid as FUCK
So cute and sweet and also a bit angsty because just add the PINING to it,,, They make me go wild. Like, it's noticeable how I've been talking more about Shuggy lately and things like this make me go fucking insane. They were so in love. Gonna jump off a bridge. Anyway!
This is so real. Because Buggy would always complain about Shanks not washing his hair properly (even if one day he does have an immaculate, perfect hair) only to have the excuse to touch it or just be closer to Shanks without actually looking like a needy, pining idiot (does he even realize he's in love with Shanks? He will never admit it). And, y'know, I think Shanks genuinely ends up trying to take care of his hair (more or less. He just doesn't care much and forgets about doing it. Like yeah! Gonna be clean from now on! And then a week passes and he hasn't showered because he's been too busy with adventure to worry about it, or something) because he kind of likes the praise that comes with it afterward. Buggy saying something nice to him doesn't happen often, and he cherishes it forever. But it doesn't happen a lot bc he always ends up forgetting to wash his hair.
I'm a sucker for Shuggy being each other's first kisses, and if it happens while Buggy is playing with Shanks hair,, I might die. They're just too much.
Also, when they're older Shanks still doesn't take care of his hair and Buggy literally drags him to the shower with him. Shanks won't stop making sexual jokes about showering together and Buggy literally and genuinely just wants to clean Shanks as if he were a damn stray dog he just found (kind of the same thing tbh). Then Buggy makes him go back to bed with him and cuddle because he just needs a moment of romantic bliss before fighting his husband again.
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usolu · 3 years
in my mind the buggy/shanks ship name is shaggy
that is literally so funny like their ship names have lots of potential!!
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oz00ms2 · 2 months
Shuggy fic idea: The Roger Pirates meeting the Galley La crew when commissioning their ship (ive seen people theorize about the roger kids meeting cutty flam and iceberg while tom is still around and maybe there being a little bit of jealously over one of the two having a crush on one of the galley la kids)
He’s too young to know what jealousy is, but not too young to suffer from it.
This aching breaking burning sensation that swells and chokes and scalds up Buggy’s throat. Like he drank from Rayleigh’s flash after being told not to and liquor was not kind to his young stomach. Watering his eyes and sending Buggy into a coughing fit that almost felt like drowning.
Shanks, of course, has never felt a negative emotion in his life. Or it seems that way when Buggy finds the world is still and he can only focus on his (best/only) friend. The way the world curves to fit in Shanks’ ever grinning gaze, always full of wonder and excitement - fearless. Loving. Buggy can’t mimic that quite right. He is always falling short in some way somehow…
But now, Shanks is looking at another boy with ocean hair.
Now Shanks is scrambling after someone else’s shadow instead of dragging Buggy along in his.
Now Shanks is babbling on and on and on about how cool this other boy is and it’s like the sunrise when Shanks smiles and laughs while he trails after another. Asking questions, getting in the way, watching with gleeful fascination as this young shipwright shows him the ins and outs of how to carve the shape of your soul into wood and snapping sails.
It’s like sunrise - and it’s like staring into the sun until eyes burn and your gaze is blackened with stinging needles and a nausea Buggy has never felt before.
“He said he’d build me a ship!” Says Shanks when the sun goes down and the bunk is cool and quiet. The only sound being Shanks’ bright breathing, the clatter of his laughter giddy and for someone else. The only other sound was something intangible gutting Buggy’s chest. “He could be my shipwright one day, imagine how cool it could be!” Dreamily, not even the dark could hide the warmth spreading over Shanks’ ears to match his red hair.
Always the opposite of Buggy’s blue heart.
“Your ship will be lame, just like you!” He bites out and Shanks, of course, laughs like a shield. Buggy knows his anger will never be taken seriously. “I hope you two are very happy together being un-flashy and un-cool!”
And without him.
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