chiara-lobosca · 2 years
Location: Hogsmeade Date: December 20th Time: Early Evening Closed for @burkeandblops​
Chiara and some of the other wolves had gone into Hogsmeade together for supplies. She had been put on lookout while they went into some of the shops to commander some supplies, and she was secretly grateful for being put on lookout duty. It was still hard for her to steal sometimes, not just mentally, but she just...wasn’t as good at it as the others. She had gotten caught a few times, but thankfully was able to talk herself out of it before they called someone in to arrest her. But she knew that she could only get away with it so many times before she got into real trouble.
Suddenly she sensed someone hovering, and Chiara’s defenses immediately went up. Glancing up from where she was standing, she spotted Eustace Burke standing nearby, watching her. Chiara’s defenses immediately went down, and a smile formed on her lips. It had been two and a half years since she had last seen him she suddenly realized. There had been a time when she had gone to the hospital regularly, for check ups, for uncomfortable tests, and while Chiara had hated it all, Eustace Burke had always shown her kindness, had treated her with dignity, and she was happy to see him.
“Mr. Burke!” Chiara exclaimed. “I can’t believe that it’s really you. How are you?”
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