#( location. hogsmeade )
ryllen · 4 months
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just a boy with his house elf
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yeoldecorprusarium · 4 months
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Hogwarts Legacy [15/??]
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yorkshirepage · 6 months
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Bridge at Goathland Station, better known to some as Hogsmeade Station in the Harry Potter movies needs repairs / replacement. The famous North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR) that runs it, and has had other parts of their heritage line appear in other Hollywood movies including Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones is appealing for donations to get the job done.
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andrmedatonks · 2 years
Where: Artisan Tent When: Harvest Festival Who: Andromeda and Open
Ted and Dora had gone to go apple bobbing, leaving Andromeda on her own to go and brose the different vendors in the Artisan Tent. She was hopping to get some homemade jam or something of the sort, and perhaps a necklace for Ted’s mother. She was so helpful and Andromeda always tried to find little ways to repay her for everything that she did for their family. She was glad that Ted had suggested that she go off on her own for a little while. Dora would have been bored if Andy brought her to the tent, and she was certain that it would end in something breaking. No matter how much Dora tried, the girl was just so clumsy. She was like a manticore in an antique shop. It was endearing sometimes, but Andy tried to keep her away from lots of breakable things. 
Moving from vendor to vendor, Andromeda reached out to pick up a necklace off of one of the displays when someone else’s hand reached it at the same time. “Oh! I’m sorry, you should take it,” Andy encouraged, finally glancing up at the person standing there.
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chiara-lobosca · 2 years
Location: Hogsmeade Date: December 20th Time: Early Evening Closed for @burkeandblops​
Chiara and some of the other wolves had gone into Hogsmeade together for supplies. She had been put on lookout while they went into some of the shops to commander some supplies, and she was secretly grateful for being put on lookout duty. It was still hard for her to steal sometimes, not just mentally, but she just...wasn’t as good at it as the others. She had gotten caught a few times, but thankfully was able to talk herself out of it before they called someone in to arrest her. But she knew that she could only get away with it so many times before she got into real trouble.
Suddenly she sensed someone hovering, and Chiara’s defenses immediately went up. Glancing up from where she was standing, she spotted Eustace Burke standing nearby, watching her. Chiara’s defenses immediately went down, and a smile formed on her lips. It had been two and a half years since she had last seen him she suddenly realized. There had been a time when she had gone to the hospital regularly, for check ups, for uncomfortable tests, and while Chiara had hated it all, Eustace Burke had always shown her kindness, had treated her with dignity, and she was happy to see him.
“Mr. Burke!” Chiara exclaimed. “I can’t believe that it’s really you. How are you?”
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lambmary · 2 years
Where: Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks When: Harvest Festival Who: Mary and Open
Mary had worried that the festival would be too...childish, but she had been pleasantly surprised that things were actually quite nice. She had plans to meet some friends from the Ministry at the Three Broomsticks for the live music and some drinks. She had gotten there a little bit earlier then she had planned to, and she had walked into the crowded bar, glad to see it so busy. It always felt like Hogsmeade was forgotten about unless you were one of the students at Hogwarts, so it was nice to see it busy. She was making her way towards the bar when she thought that she saw a familiar person standing a few feet away.
Nicolai Mulciber. 
Her heart started racing, and she froze, feeling someone bump into her, she mumbled out an apology. The person looked towards her, and she realized that it wasn’t him, it was just someone that looked like him. She heard someone talking behind her, and she told herself to keep moving, that she was fine, but it took her a few more moments to collect herself.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized again, glancing at the person that had been talking to her. “Can...can you repeat that?”
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lumosfm · 5 months
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𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎:  𝙝𝙤𝙜𝙨𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙚
Hogsmeade Village, or simply Hogsmeade as it is more commonly known, is the only all-wizarding village in Britain. Founded by Hengist of Woodcroft, it is a picturesque little village of cottages and shops found in Scotland, known for having enchanted candles hanging in the trees during the holidays. It is also near the location of the train station used by the Hogwarts Express. Below the cut you will find a list of the known buildings and shops within the village of Hogsmeade, and a short description of each.
Dervish and Banges is located hear the end of the High Street in Hogsmeade and is a wizarding equipment shop that sells and repairs magical instruments and other types of items including sneakoscopes.
The Dogweed and Deathcap is a small, privately owned Herbology store that sells all sorts of exotic plants and flowers, including the death-cap.
The Music Shop is run by the well known musician Dominic Maestro and can be found in the heart of the Hogsmeade Village. In the store you can find a variety of musical instruments, both magical and muggle-made.
Gladrags Wizardwear is a clothing store that was founded in 1750 and run by Gladrags Wizardwear Group Ltd., with branches in London, Paris and Hogsmeade. It is full of quirky merchandise and appears to specialise in strange and unusual socks, including those that have been charmed to scream at the wearer when they are needing washed.
The Hairdressing Salon (Unnamed) is across the street from Honeydukes sweet shop for the local witches and wizards.
The Hog’s Head Inn is a slightly disreputable inn and pub in the all wizarding village of Hogsmeade. It is located one or two streets off of the High Street, the Hog’s Head Inn has been a fixture of Hogsmeade for several years. The Inn is owned and operated by Aberforth Dumbledore. A worn-out wooden sign hangs over the door, advertising with a “wild boar’s severed head leaking blood onto the white cloth around it”. It’s known for its cheapness, at least relative to the Three Broomsticks down the street, and according to Albus Dumbledore attracts an interesting clientele
The Hogsmeade Post Office is the official post office for the village and is a building in the centre of Hogsmeade that houses at least two–to–three–hundred owls.
Hogsmeade Station is a “tiny, dark platform” where the Hogwarts Express ends its journey north from Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters. The railway station that serves both the village of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Honeydukes is a marvellous wizarding sweet shop located on High Street of Hogsmeade. It was first established in 1641 and is owned by Ambrosius Flume and his wife, and is filled with “shelves upon shelves of the most succulent-looking sweets imaginable”.
J. Pippin’s Potions is a chain of apothecaries established in 1753. J. Pippin’s sold “potions for all ailments”. There are branches in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade.
Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop is a small tea shop located on a side road off the High Street in Hogsmeade Village. It is owned by Madam Puddifoot and has been described as being the haunt of happy couples.
Ollivanders is a wand shop founded in 382 B.C. Owned by the Ollivander family, their first shop was set up in Diagon Alley, however they also have a smaller shop that can be found in Hogsmeade.
Ceridwen’s Cauldrons is a shop located on the High Street, in Hogsmeade, that specialises on cauldrons. The store window is known for featuring a Self-Stirring Cauldron that can be purchased in store.
Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop is a writing supplies store in Hogsmeade set up by Scrivenshaft. It sells various quills, parchment and stationery needed for students at Hogwarts. The shop stock includes stationery such as rainbow ink and extra-large quills.
The Shrieking Shack is an abandoned house in Hogsmeade. For many years, villagers thought it was haunted because they often heard screams coming from inside, and Albus Dumbledore encouraged the rumour, as he was the one who commissioned it, due to Remus Lupin’s Lycanthropy.
Spintwitches Sporting Needs is a shop in Hogsmeade that is known for selling sporting goods and Quidditch supplies.
The Magic Neep is a magical greengrocers located in Hogsmeade, where shoppers may purchase all of their fresh fruits and vegetables.
The Three Broomsticks is a popular inn and pub in the village of Hogsmeade and is often frequented by students from the neighbouring Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The inn is often warm, crowded, and a bit smoky, but clean and welcoming. A mirror behind the bar reflects the cosy atmosphere, and drinks such as Butterbeer and Firewhiskey are served in glasses and in foaming pewter tankards, as well as gillywater, mulled mead, red currant rum, and even cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella. The Three Broomsticks is owned and operated by Madam Rosmerta.
Tomes and Scrolls is a specialist bookshop located in the Hogsmeade village. It was established in 1768.
The Wizarding Wireless Network (usually abbreviated to WWN), is a popular generalist wizarding wireless station. It features music programmes, such as Witching Hour (hosted by Glenda Chittock), interactive programmes like Toots, Shoots ‘n’ Roots (hosted by Tilden Toots), and news bulletins like the Wizarding Wireless Network News.
Zonko’s Joke Shop is a favourite place for Hogwarts students to shop on Hogsmeade trips as it carries “jokes and tricks to fulfil  the students wildest dreams.” Such products were: Dungbombs, Hiccough Sweets, Frog Spawn Soap, Sugar Quills, and Nose-Biting Teacups.
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bettysupremacy · 3 months
can u do something w james potter? a transfer student from america comes to hogwarts and he’s all love at first sight😭❤️do anything u want w it :)
Short n sweet but a good way to get back into writing<3
Your new friends are splayed in the room in front of you. Sirius is sprawled over Remus on the couch, watching him, very lackluster, doing his homework. Mary and Lily are squished into an armchair across from you and James, tangled limbs and giggles as Marlene lay on the rug in front of the fire with Dorcus, tired after supper feast.
The Scottish highlands were a drastic difference from the America you knew. The shops, the people, the boys. Everything seemed so hard to squeeze into. Your accent pushed you away from the people, and your culture pushed you away from fitting in. But they helped. The silly band of tired teens in front of you never once let you stand outside the circle of friendship they’d had formed years before your arrival.
“I could take you to hogsmeade? You know, to look around.” James looks up at you from where he leans against your arm. You sit higher than him, leg draped across his own. It makes his skin tingle.
He’s been a nonstop stream of words ever since supper, only pausing to stuff dining hall food into his mouth. He swears he doesn’t know what he’s going to do when he graduates, the dining haul being a necessary location in his schoolboy life.
He adds factually. “You know they actually have-“
“James,” Sirius snaps, a rubber band stretched too far. “Please.”
Sirius only sighs. He doesn’t mean to be cruel to his closest friend.
James’ eyes flit around the room self consciously. All of his friends stare. Very unimpressed.
“What?” He repeats again, a little more desperate, a little more whiny.
“James,” Remus says gently. “Let her breathe.”
James looks to you suddenly, flames coloring his cheeks in the hue of orange light flickering off the grand fire.
It’s apparent James is embarrassed. His silence works its way into the cracks between Mary and Lily, the lulls in conversation between Remus and Sirius, until it becomes too much to handle. Sirius feels bad, he really does, but the way Remus shakes his head disappointedly fills him with something stubborn.
The vibe of the room is ruined subsequently. The boys go up to the dorm, Mary and Lily slip into their own room, shared kisses following, and you find the tangle of girls In front of the fire asleep, Marls arm tugging Dorcas closer.
“It’s okay,” you rush once everyone’s gone. “Hogsmeade sounds fun.”
“Are you sure?” James is insecure, quiet now, away from his friends ears.
You nod adamantly. “We didn’t have anything fun at Ilvermorny.”
He’s out of it now, heated in the face and embarrassed. He doesn’t mean to turn himself away from you, but his friends gnaw at him. They were well-meaning, but that doesn’t stop the green rumble of insecurity coursing through his body. He feels it so intensely he fears he may need to slip upstairs and go to sleep.
“Hey,” You murmur quietly searching for his eyes. When he gives them to you, you look up at the flushed boy through your eyebrows. “Just you and me?”
He stutters for the first time since he met you. “Yeah- uh, yeah, just me and you, sounds cool.”
You nod, leaning over to kiss the side of his mouth sweetly. He reels.
“Don’t be embarrassed.” You whisper, slipping out of the armchair.
“I’m not.” He insists.
You smile, squeezing his arm. “I know.”
He watches you walk up to your dormitory, a hunger in his eyes and a part in his lips.
“We’re not asleep.” Marlene grins. Dorcas snores and Marls opens her eyes. “Well, maybe she is.”
James flinches harshly. “Oh, fuck off.”
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sissyisawitch · 9 months
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Relationship: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Summary: After leaving everything behind and starting a new life almost three years ago, MC returns to Hogsmeade for Christmas Eve. Little does she know that her brief return will be enough for her past to catch up with her…
Word Count: ~9.4k
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol in the beginning? Otherwise it's just pure pining and fluff
Author's Note: Special one shot because I just love Christmas. It should've been even longer, but I had to shorten it, or I'd never have managed to post it in time for Christmas. Anyway, I had a blast writing it, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did!
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas!🎅🎄 Lots of love💕
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“Oh, MC, I can’t get over how much we’ve missed of each other’s life. You can’t imagine how much I’ve missed you!”
MC and Poppy sat in a cozy corner of the Three Broomsticks, whose dim lighting and soft hum of conversation provided a comfortable backdrop for their reunion. Excitement and laughter had been echoing for the past hours, as the two best friends shared their numerous respective adventures, and reminisced about the wonderful times they shared while at Hogwarts.
“Life sadly took us on separate journeys after graduation, there was no other way… But I'm so grateful that we haven't lost touch.” MC said as she took a sip of her third Butterbeer of the afternoon. She had never realised how much she had missed the sugary drink, especially after being away from Hogsmeade for so long. It tasted of the good old days when she spent the entire day shopping with her schoolmates, before going for a collation to relax and forget about the homework they had to do.
After Hogwarts, Poppy became a renowned Magizoologist, following in her grandmother's footsteps, like she had always dreamt of doing. As for MC, she had taken a very different path. Barely a few weeks after graduating, the girl had decided to leave everything behind and embark on a life full of travel and adventure. She never stayed in one location for very long. Her aim was to discover as many places as she could.
Now, the only thing left of her former life was her best friend Poppy, and the letters they regularly exchanged. It was for her that MC had exceptionally returned to Hogsmeade, to see her on this Christmas Eve.
“Merlin… I didn’t realise it was so late already.” MC sighed as she looked out the window. The evening sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow through the pub windows.
Poppy grimaced in response, as if a bittersweet realisation came to her, “Time flies when you’re having fun. I wish I could stay longer... but Gran hasn't been well lately, and I've already left her on her own all afternoon...”
“Don't worry, Poppy. I totally understand.”
“I'd love to offer you a place to stay, especially since it’s Christmas Eve… but as I said, it's complicated at the moment.”
MC offered the girl another genuine and reassuring smile, “It’s okay, I don't mind. I've managed to find a room in an inn for a couple of days.”
“I'm glad to hear that.” Poppy smiled back, although ruefully.
After paying for their drinks, the two girls made their way out. They stood on the porch on the Three Broomstick in contemplative silence, the air thick with unspoken emotions. The time had come to bid farewell once again.
Poppy took a deep breath, as if to get rid of the lump in her throat, before breaking the silence, "MC, it's been wonderful catching up with you. I wish we could freeze time and stay like this forever."
A wistful smile played on MC's lips. "Life moves on, though. We have our own journeys to continue."
Poppy hesitated before uttering her newt words, “…Don't let it be another three years before our next reunion."
“It won’t. I promise.” MC replied weakly, having to bite the inside of her cheek to hold back her tears. She had never been very good at goodbyes.
Maybe that was why she had never said one to Sebastian.
With a lingering hug, they exchanged a few more words, promises to stay in touch, and expressions of hope for the future. It was nightfall when Poppy finally disapparated, leaving MC alone on the village streets, which were neither crowded nor deserted. Most of the people still outside were on their way home, or off to enjoy a late drink with their friends.
MC walked for a while, before stopping at a vantage point overlooking the quaint village which was bathed in the soft glow of Christmas lights that shimmered like a galaxy full of stars. Tremendous decorated Christmas trees could be found on every street corner, perfectly matching the garlands of fir branches that linked the roofs of the various cottages. It was even possible to find some snowmen that were bewitched to fill the air with the enchanting melodies of Christmas carols. The whole scene resembled a holiday postcard brought to life, especially with the thick blanket of snow covering the village.
It was magical. Literally.
As MC gazed at the picturesque view, memories started flooding her mind. The charming village setting reminded her of the spirited Christmases she used to share with Sebastian, spending the best part of their day at Zonko's trying to find a way to prank Ominis, before heading off to Honeydukes to buy Chocolate Frogs, just in case the blond ended up sulking for too long. The inseparable duo then made it back to the Great Hall just in time for the big Christmas feast, where they joined Ominis. The smell of roasted turkey, and the sound of familiar laughter echoed in MC’s thoughts.
After dinner, the group of friends used to return to their common room and sit down by the fire. She could almost hear the crackling of the fireplace, and feel the camaraderie that accompanied their joyful exchange of gifts. After that, Ominis fell asleep very quickly, and MC and Sebastian usually took the opportunity to get a little closer. If she closed her eyes, she could feel the sensation of his shoulder used as a pillow against her cheek, while his woody cologne invaded her nostrils.
MC could never escape these kinds of memories, especially when she was in Hogsmeade.
Everything always led back to Sebastian in Hogsmeade.
That was why she had refused to set foot there for so long.
To forget the insurmountable heartbreak of never having her feelings returned by the love of her life, MC had decided to start a new life. She had wanted to move on, to forget her feelings for Sebastian, but she had known that this would prove to be impossible with him in her life. She had therefore decided to make a clean break – because she knew that bidding Sebastian farewell was not a skill she possessed – and to disappear brutally. To make her plan even more effective, she had also cut ties with Ominis, seeing as he was Sebastian’s best friend, and MC had felt awkward to put him in the middle of her drama. The only thing MC had kept from her old life was Poppy... now her one and only friend.
MC had then spent years travelling around the world, searching for a place where she would feel comfortable enough, and that she would love enough to want to settle there for the rest of her life. The goal to her quest was to find a place that felt like home.
After almost three years, she still had not found her home.
“Ow!” MC suddenly exclaimed. Someone forcefully colliding against her back disrupted her reverie.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am. I didn’t see you.”
MC turned at the sound of a deep masculine voice. Indeed, the man could not possibly have seen her, for he was carrying a large pile of children's toys in his arms, up to his eye level, thus blocking his field of vision.
The man shifted the pile of toys into one of his arms instead of both, moving them away from his face to take a look at the unlucky person he had just unintentionally bumped into.
Next thing MC knew, before she could even realise it, MC found herself face to face with none other than Sebastian.
His chocolate eyes widened in recognition as they locked onto hers. An amalgam of shock and bewilderment flashing across his face, washing away his previous apologetic look. He was so flabbergasted that he forgot about the packages in his hands, which began to wobble. MC rushed closer to him, to put the parcels back upright, and prevent them from shattering on the floor.
“…MC?” He asked hesitantly, never tearing his gaze away from her, just to make sure he was not dreaming, that his former best friend was well and truly standing in front of him.
“Hi.” She smiled softly at him. She could not believe that she had not recognised what had once been the only voice capable of soothing her even on her worst days. To be fair, it had changed remarkably. It was more intense, manly... even sexy.
“You’re back?” He questioned eagerly, a beaming grin breaking through the initial stupor.
MC nodded in response. She could not bring herself to tell him that it was only temporary, or even worse to admit to him that she had not come back for him, that she had never had a single intention of ever seeing him again. She could not be the one to wipe that gorgeous smile from his tantalising lips. It would break her own heart all over again.
As she kept staring into those familiar eyes, a rush of emotions overwhelmed MC. The old crush she had once harboured seemed to reignite with an unexpected intensity. It was unbelievably insane that just one glance at him was all it took to make her flamboyant feelings for him resurface. She thought she had managed to eradicate them, but she had actually only been able to bury them deep inside.
However, with that also came the horrid realisation that Sebastian was carrying a large number of toys in his arms. As MC looked once again at the eye-catching bundles in his arms, reality struck her like a cold breeze.
There, nestled in his grasp, was the object of the rude shock that life had evolved without her, in ways she never could have foreseen. Obviously, these toys were for his children, meaning that Sebastian was also married and had a loving wife waiting at home for him.
MC, still quite in denial, racked her brains to find another rational explication, but there was none. There was no other option because Ominis always said he never wanted kids in order not to pass on his ‘cursed Gaunt genes’. As for Anne… well last time MC had heard of Anne was the day Solomon Sallow died. After that, she had severed all contact with everyone except Ominis, who had promised her not to divulge any information about her whereabouts.
MC’s heart sank as her mind kept repeating itself that Sebastian had moved on, embracing a world that now included the joy and responsibility of raising a family.
“Merlin, MC! I thought I’d never see you again! You’ve missed so many things, there’s so much I need to tell you! Do you live here now?” If Sebastian had ever held a grudge against MC for disappearing without warning, no trace of it was visible. His excitement was taking over completely.
“I have a room at the Hog’s Head.”
“What? The Hog’s Head?” He exclaimed in horror – rather dramatically if you asked MC – “You can't possibly stay in this dodgy shithouse!”
MC was surprised by his crude words. She was used to his outspokenness, but she had not expected to hear it again so soon after such a long time. She could only shrug sheepishly, “I don't really have much choice... Sirona didn't have any more rooms available for me. Everything was booked up… you know… with the holidays.”
“Ah... Well, I can't exactly let a lovely lady like you sleep there. I've got room at home, you can come if you like.” Sebastian puffed out his chest, putting on his false air of chivalry.
MC tried her best to conceal the blush creeping up her cheeks, but alas, she could do nothing about her nervous stammering, “Oh… Oh, I… I don’t wanna bother you. Besides, the Hog’s Head’s not that bad…”
“Don't say no. Please. Really, I insist. We could spend the evening drinking and catching up… What d’you say?” Sebastian gave her the sad puppy eyes, and MC could feel all her resolve slipping away at the same second.
Thinking about it twice, the Hog's Head was truly, absolutely dreadful. The few times MC had been there, she had been catcalled far too many times for her liking.
So yes, she knew that staying with Sebastian, his wife and their children was going to be pure torture, but MC still preferred that to the risk of being mugged or assaulted by one of the Hog's Head patrons.
“Okay.” She ended up saying, forcing a smile that masked her internal turmoil.
“Brilliant!” Sebastian looked so excited that it would not have surprised MC if he had started jumping up and down. “Have you got any luggage you need to pick up in your room before going to my place?”
“No, I've just got this." MC replied, pointing to her small rectangular shoulder bag, barely large enough to hold a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. “I travel light.”
“Perfect! Well then, if you will follow me, my lady.” He offered her his arm with a wink, and after a brief moment of surprise, she accepted it.
Sebastian made it so effortless to fall back into their old dynamic, that it made it just as natural and easy for MC to do the same. It was like they had never been apart.
They walked together, sticking close to each other, in the same way they used to do when they were still teenagers. As they strolled through the streets of Hogsmeade, MC assumed Sebastian was taking her to a Floo Flame. The girl was therefore genuinely caught off-guard when he stopped in front of her. a small house typical of the village – made of stone with an excessively pointed roof – and took out a key to open the front door.
“Ladies first.” Sebastian's face lit up with pride and joy, while he let MC in first, still the perfect gentleman as usual. Even married, he could not help being flirty.
Before entering, MC took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves, in anticipation of meeting the woman who had succeeded where she had failed, the woman who was better enough than her in Sebastian's eyes to have succeeded in stealing his golden heart.
However, instead of coming face to face with her nemesis, MC found herself immersed in an intimate reflection of Sebastian's essence, overwhelmed by how homey it felt. The house was truly cosy, but a little small for a family in MC's opinion. But then again, it had to be remembered that Sebastian was used to small spaces, having lived in his little one-room cottage in Feldcroft for most of his life.
The living room had the charm of disarray, with stacks of well-read books scattered on the coffee table next to empty mugs, suggesting that Sebastian had not lost his messy habits. The smell of the fireplace and coffee intermingled, creating a comforting atmosphere that reflected precisely the way Sebastian always managed to put MC at ease.
MC guessed that the upstairs, which was in fact a mezzanine, must be the bedroom. She did not dare go upstairs to respect his privacy, but from the ground floor, she could see the top of bookshelves reaching up to the pointed roof, proof that Sebastian was still as thirsty for knowledge as ever.
All these little details showed MC that, although his life had evolved, the man standing a few steps away from her was still her beloved Sebastian.
Sebastian, observing MC's reactions, could not suppress a grin, "It's not much, but it's home. You can have the bedroom, and I'll sleep on the couch.”
On further inspection of the house, MC came upon the kitchen, which was open to the living room. She could not help noticing that the worktops bore the marks of failed culinary experiments. Some pans with burnt bottoms were abandoned on the counter, and dirty cutlery had accumulated in the sink. In short, the kitchen was a mess, just as Sebastian could be in other people's lives.
However, what stood out most to MC was the absence of signs of shared living. There were no visible traces of another person – no stray belongings, no indications of a partner or children. It was as if the whole house resonated with Sebastian alone, as if his whole person had become woven into the fabric of his environment.
As MC continued to stare in silence at his topsy-turvy house, Sebastian scratched the back of his neck nervously, “Don't pay attention to the shambles, please. I didn't clean up... since I wasn't exactly expecting any guests.”
Instead of reassuring him as she would have liked, MC's curiosity was quicker to take over her next words, “Where’s your wife?”
“My wife?” Sebastian frowned.
“Yes. The woman you married.” She added bitterly. Her curiosity slowly lowered its mask to reveal its true self of authentic jealousy.
He looked away, but MC could still see that he was biting the inside of his cheek to keep a straight face, “I’m flattered you think I’m charming enough to get a wife, but I’m afraid there’s still no Mrs. Sallow. Besides Anne, of course.”
“Oh?” Sebastian chuckled at her enigmatic reaction.
“I thought the toys were for your kids…” She admitted shyly, pretty embarrassed after making so many wrong assumptions about him.
“My kids? Bloody hell, MC, you sure have high expectations for me!” Sebastian exclaimed, clearly amused by the situation. “But no, I don't have kids. The toys are for my niece.”
MC was gob smacked, eyes wide and mouth agape, “Your… niece? You have a niece? Anne had a child? Wait, did she get married? With who?”
“That’s a lot of questions.” He smirked playfully at her, while looking for a bottle in one of his cabinets. “But I think you can guess the answer to the last one.”
MC looked down at her feet, taking a moment to think, when realisation hit her like a bolt of lightning. She turned her head back to Sebastian so fast it almost gave her whiplash, “Ominis?”
“Bingo.” Sebastian replied casually, uncorking a bottle of Firewhiskey. “And he took Anne's name. He's Mr. Sallow now.”
“No way!” She gasped, letting herself fall limply onto the sofa out of utter stupefaction.
“Yes way.” He laughed wholeheartedly, sitting down next to her and pouring two glasses of alcohol for each of them.
"How? When?"
"Apparently, after fifth year, they did more than just keep in touch."
MC took her glass in hand, but did not drink from it. She had far too many questions on her mind to take the time to have a sip, "But how did they deal with Anne's curse?"
"It disappeared once you killed Rookwood, since he was the one who cursed her. Apparently, magic disappears with the caster. I learnt all this a few months after graduation, when Anne got back in touch to invite me to their wedding…”
Sebastian suddenly paused in his explanations to down his glass of Firewhiskey in one gulp.
“She wanted to invite you too… I had to explain to her that you'd disappeared without warning." He continued, looking pained, and MC suspected it was not just because of the bitterness of the alcohol.
"I'm sorry." MC winced at her own words. She was pathetic to listen to, using the most clichéd and basic phrase. But it was all she could muster to respond, because it was exactly how she felt. She was profoundly sorry. Sorry to the people she cherished the most, for abandoning them without looking back. But also sorry for herself, because she now had to accept the bitter realisation that she had been absent for so many crucial milestones of their lives.
Sebastian only shook his head, avoiding her gaze and preferring to stare at his empty glass, "Why did you do that? Why didn't you say anything? I was worried sick ‘cause I thought something bad had happened to you, that some Ashwinders were still out there, and had kidnapped you. I spent months looking for you... I'd even asked the Aurors to search for you.”
MC sipped her drink slowly, using the alcohol as a distraction from the painfully heartbreaking explanations of the man sitting next to her
“…They eventually found you overseas. In perfect health... and in perfect company so I've heard. That's when I realised that you hadn't been taken away, but had gone away of your own free will.” Sebastian poured himself another glass before throwing it back again.
“I'm so sorry.”
He scoffed bitterly, “I don't want to hear that you're sorry. It's no use. I just want to know what you were thinking when you left.”
This time, it was MC's turn to down her glass before pouring her heart out in the most honest way possible, "I just needed to get away from everything, from the past. I just wanted to start again."
Against all odds, he nodded understandingly, "Wish I could stay mad at you for it... but I won’t say that I don’t understand."
What he did next surprised MC in the most pleasant way. Sebastian reached out towards her, placing his large hand on top of hers, which was resting on the brown leather of the sofa. Even if his hand was calloused and weathered by time and experience, MC was amazed by how perfectly it fit around her own.
"What matters is that you're here now." He offered her a tender smile that warmed her heart in the most appeasing way. Only he could do that to her.
"I am." MC smiled in return, even more brightly. It was contagious. She turned her hand over and intertwined their fingers together.
As their conversation died down, MC could not help but steal a moment to observe the transformation in Sebastian’s appearance. The once-adorable teenage boy she remembered had blossomed into a handsome man. His features, chiselled by the passage of time, sculpted a strong jawline that added a touch of rugged refinement to his countenance. The shadow of a beard adorned his face, giving him a distinguished and slightly mysterious air. Sebastian's tousled hair fell with a casual elegance, framing a face that bore the subtle imprints of life's experiences, such as a scar on his eyebrow arch that MC had never seen before.
The only remaining trace of the boyish charm that MC had cherished years ago, was the constellations of freckles that beautifully decorated his face. They had always made MC weak in the knees, but the butterflies in her stomach were multiplied tenfold now that they were highlighted by his light tan.
MC internally begged herself to stop ogling him before she fell further under his spell (if that was even possible, considering how head over heels she was for him).
She poured herself another drink and cleared her throat, “You said you wanted to catch up over drinks, right? Go ahead. Tell me about yourself.”
As Sebastian spoke, MC found herself captivated by the way he carried himself – his confidence unaltered after all these years, and the assurance with which he gestured. There was an understated magnetism in the way he spoke, a reflection of the man he had become since they last parted. As he easily recounted all he had achieved, MC marvelled at the beauty of the journey that had transformed him into the person sitting in front of her.
And so, MC listened attentively, desperate to know everything she had missed about him. She thus learnt that, after Hogwarts, Sebastian had joined the Auror recruitment programme. His first reason was that it was a profession he was passionate about, and that allowed him to do what he loved all day long. The second reason – and perhaps the most important – was because he knew that this career would help him to achieve noble things. In other words, it was his way of making amends for all the mistakes he had made in the past, in the hope that Anne would eventually forgive him too (which had taken a long time, but eventually worked out).
After having been accepted into the programme, Sebastian knew that he would not be able to stay in Feldcroft, firstly because the cottage held too many painful memories, but also because it was now Anne and Ominis' shared home. Consequently, he had found himself a small studio in London, not far from the Ministry. However, even after spending several months there, it just never felt like home to him. He resented the lack of green space, and the fact that he always had to check that none of his Muggle neighbours noticed that he was a wizard. So he moved again.
Looking for a place that was both in the heart of the Highlands and still bustling with life, Sebastian found only one possibility: Hogsmeade. The small, all-wizarding village met all his expectations, and the Ministry was easy to reach thanks to the Floo Network. And so, Sebastian moved into this small cottage, perfect for his life as a bachelor.
“So Auror Sallow, huh?” MC said playfully. “Well, can Auror Sallow win a duel against Ancient Magic Prodigy MC?”
“He sure hopes he can, since it’s supposed to be his job.” Sebastian laughed along with her.
“Do you want to put yourself to the test?” She cocked an eyebrow at him mischievously.
“You know I never shy away from a duel.” He replied with the same spark of deviltry in his eyes.
Without wasting any more time, Sebastian stood up, then turned to MC, holding out his hand to help her up. It was a simple gesture, but it was enough to make MC's cheekbones turn pink, as would any act of affection she received from Sebastian.
The two took their positions, taking a few steps apart before facing each other. It had been years since they last engaged in the exhilarating dance of magical duelling, a pastime that had once defined their youth, especially after being named Crossed Wands champions for three years running.
"Ready?" Sebastian grinned, the confidence of experience illuminating his eyes.
"Always." MC replied, wand at the ready, and they prepared to rediscover the thrill that had bound them together in shared laughter and friendly rivalry.
Ever the perfect gentleman, Sebastian let MC commence hostilities.
“You're off to an easy start.” Sebastian laughed after brushing the attack off with a simple Shield Charm. “Confringo!”
MC deflected the spell just as easily, smirking right back at him, “You're off to a predictable start.”
A symphony of lights ensued, as sparks and spells flew, and the air shimmered with the energy of their magical prowess. MC’s spells were fluid and controlled, a testament to the skill she had honed over the years. Sebastian, however, moved with a newfound grace and precision, his every movement reflecting the growth and mastery he had attained thanks to the Auror training.
The duelling only grew in intensity as the two friends weaved intricate spells, each trying to outmanoeuvre the other. Laughter and teasing remarks echoed through the night as memories of their youth resurfaced in the midst of their magical exchange.
After several long and intense minutes of competing against each other, Sebastian unexpectedly directed his wand away from MC, aiming instead at the ceiling, and more precisely at the chandelier hanging from it.
“Glacius!” The candles obviously failed to resist the ice and were instantly extinguished on contact, plunging the room into semi-darkness.
Distracted by the newfound refined strategy established by Sebastian – which he had no doubt learnt to put in place at the speed of light during one of his courses – MC did not notice Sebastian disappear under a Disillusionment Charm, which was all the more effective as there was hardly any light in the living room, apart from the orange flames crackling in the fireplace.
With a final, masterful flick of his wand, Sebastian cast the final blow, “Depulso.”
MC found herself propelled to the floor, her back slamming against the sofa. Judging by the underwhelming low force of the impact, it was easy to guess that he had restrained himself, so as not to hurt her.
“Looks like I've had my long-awaited revenge for fifth year. I've finally bested you in a duel." Sebastian, breathing slightly heavier but grinning ear to ear, extended a hand to help her up.
MC, refusing to admit defeat, grabbed Sebastian's hand but only to make him fall to the ground beside her. She rolled them over until she was astride him, holding him firmly down.
She grinned down at him, “Really? Because I actually think I’ve won.”
He barked a laugh, “And I think you've forgotten the rule that you're not allowed to use physical violence in a wizard duel.”
“Since when do we play by the rules?”
Their gazes met for the umpteenth time that night, but this time was different. It was as if time had come to a standstill, as if the world had momentarily stopped spinning for them, just to let them savour the closeness of the moment.
MC kept staring into Sebastian's chocolate eyes, and was truly taken aback by what she saw in them. His eyes, once full of youthful curiosity, now sparkled with a different kind of radiance. They shone with a brightness that seemed to reflect the happiness and contentment he had found in his life. The laughter lines around his eyes only enhanced their glow, and as MC looked into those bright, expressive eyes, she could not help but feel a sense of joy for the man who had evolved from the adorable teenage friend she once knew, into the confident and content individual currently lying on the ground beneath her.
In those eyes, she saw the echoes of the genuine happiness that had transformed Sebastian into the person he was meant to be, the person she should have met from the very beginning of fifth year, if only Anne had never been cursed by Rookwood.
But now Sebastian was completely fulfilled with every aspect of his life. It was as plain as the nose on his face. And the feeling was made all the clearer by the fact that his lively eyes were perfectly matched by his wide toothy grin, which shone brightly even in the middle of the darkened living room.
After eventually snapping out of her thoughts, MC pulled herself away from Sebastian and helped him straighten up, “I’m proud of you, Seb, of what you’ve become. The future Mrs. Sallow will be very lucky to have a capable man like you by her side.”
Sebastian sat down next to her on the floor, facing the fireplace, and back resting against the sofa behind them, “She’ll never be as lucky as Mr. MC will be. I hope he’ll realise he’s got the most brilliant witch of the world by his side.”
MC grabbed his arm and hugged it close to her chest, while hooking her leg over one of his. Their limbs were tangled together, clinging to each other. Sebastian seemed to have no objection to this new positioning. In fact, he seemed quite delighted as he wrapped an arm around the shoulders of the girl next to him.
“What d’you think he’ll be like, my future husband?” She asked quietly.
“He’ll have to be right for you.” He replied all too solemnly.
A small laugh escaped her, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means it has to be someone who will know how to take care of you, and give you everything you need to be happy, without a single shred of hesitation. It will be someone who's worthy of standing by your side and will be able to protect you from any danger… so basically someone who'll be able to defeat me in a duel."
"Seems like I'll be stuck with you for the rest of my life, then." MC continued to smile, but it was no longer in amusement. It was something more akin to contentment.
Sebastian mirrored her expression, "Perhaps you will. I can’t imagine it'd be too bad, would it?"
"Apart from your occasional bad temper, I think I could take it." She rested her head on his strong shoulder.
MC was not sure whether it was the fatigue accumulated from her perpetual travels, or the feeling of being in a warm, comfortable home, or even the fact of being reunited with Sebastian (it was probably all three), but her eyelids became heavy without her even realising it, leading her into a peaceful sleep.
“I'm going to celebrate Christmas at Anne and Ominis' house tomorrow. You're coming.” Sebastian declared out of the blue, without realising that the girl had started dozing off.
“What? No, Seb, I can’t do that. I can’t just barge in when I wasn’t invited.” MC mumbled groggily.
“You don’t need an invitation, MC. It’s you. You’re always welcome.” He retorted instantly, as if it was the most common fact to ever exist. “Plus, they miss you, so they’ll be the happiest people in the world if you show up.”
“I won't even have a present to give them...” She muttered like a pouting small child, which made it impossible for Sebastian to hold back a chuckle.
“You're back. Believe me, that's better than any present you could buy.”
Sebastian's fingers subconsciously started tracing invisible shapes on her arm, effectively lulling her back to sleep.
The next morning, MC was woken by the few rays of winter sunshine that the curtains had failed to hold back. Keeping her eyes closed to enjoy a few more minutes of rest, she rolled onto her stomach and was pleasantly surprised by the feel of soft sheets against the skin of her face. But what struck her most was that she could smell Sebastian's perfume all around her, as if she were immersed in one of the bottles.
Completely enveloped by the sophisticated fusion of woody undertones and hints of vetiver, and the enigmatic charm it carried, MC opened her eyes and realised that she had indeed spent the night in Sebastian's bed. On seeing this, MC let herself think that Sebastian had slept in the same bed as her, and that perhaps, with a little bit of luck, he reciprocated her feelings.
A flutter of anticipation flickered within her, one that prevented her from staying in bed any longer. Without wasting any more time, MC descended the mezzanine stairs to the living room, where Sebastian was already sitting on the couch, Daily Prophet in hand.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Sebastian greeted her with a smile when he noticed her standing at the bottom of the stairs.
MC realised he must have been up for quite some time, for he was freshly cleaned up – the lack of stubble which had been present the previous day was testament to it – and already dressed up for the imminent Christmas reunion. He was clad in a tan windowpane shirt, coupled with a gingerbread brown vest matching his tailored pants. The choice of colours could not have been more perfect. All those shades of brown brought out all his most majestic features: his unruly yet soft hair, his freckled skin, his warm and reassuring eyes…
Sebastian was making it humanly impossible to tear one’s gaze away from his god-like appearance, and MC could not resist making a comment about it.
“Morning, handsome.” She smirked playfully back at him.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Better than ever.” MC admitted, a discreet pink tinting her cheekbones. “Just a question, though. How did I get up there?”
“I carried you, of course. Couldn't let you sleep on the floor. What kind of host would I have been?”
“And… you slept…?”
“On the couch. Just like I told you I would.” Sebastian smiled tenderly.
And with these few simple words, reality dawned on MC. Disappointment settled in, like a gentle snowfall dampening the warm embers of her previous hope that Sebastian harboured feelings for her.
The truth was that he had chosen the sofa over sharing the bed with her, a sign that he still viewed MC as nothing more than a friend. The girl felt her heart tug, like a reminder of why she had chosen not to be part of his life any more.
MC took a deep breath, “I'm gonna go and get ready, so we don't arrive late at Anne and Ominis'.”
“Anne likes us all to be dressed up for Christmas. We can go and buy you a dress at Gladrags, if you'd like–”
She immediately shook her head, “No, no, it's fine. Don't worry, I've got everything I need.”
MC took out her wand and pointed it at her small shoulder bag on the floor. With a simple flick, the object grew tenfold in volume until it reached the size of a suitcase. MC opened it, revealing that the bag had been enchanted to be bottomless, and she climbed inside it before disappearing. All that could be heard was the sound of her footsteps, and her bustle as she went through all sorts of outfits.
“Talk about travelling light.” Sebastian snickered.
A few moments later, MC emerged back from the suitcase as if climbing a ladder, wearing an ankle-length cotton mahogany dress. The corset hugged her waist perfectly, and highlighted her bust with its square neckline and short puffed sleeves. The dress was nothing extravagant, but the fact that it fit her like a glove was what made it so charming.
“Is this dress all right? Think it'll be nice enough for Anne?” She gave it a twirl, so that Sebastian could see it from every angle, before putting on a black cloak to protect herself from the winter cold.
“It looks great. You look great. Well, not great, actually. I mean– More like stunning. You look stunning, you do. We’re even matching. The colour, I mean. Because obviously you look better than me.” Sebastian stammered awkwardly, his cheeks tinged with a hint of shyness. “Merlin, this is awful. I need to learn to shut up.”
“It’s alright. I understood what you meant, that's the most important thing.” MC could only chuckle at his new bashfulness. She found it absolutely endearing.
Sebastian took a deep breath before speaking more clearly, “What I’m trying to say is… You're beautiful. You’ve always been.”
“Thank you, Seb.” She met his gaze, a gentle smile playing on her lips.
He tried to divert attention from his nervousness by slipping on his long black coat, and grabbing the wrapped gifts for his niece, “Ready to go?”
MC nodded in response, waiting for Sebastian to apparate them. She expected him to grab her by the arm, but instead he wrapped an arm around her waist. He brought her small figure close to him, as if he wanted to make sure that she would be comfortable during the apparition, that there was not even the slightest chance for her to get splinched.
With a loud crack, the world began to spin. Next thing she knew, MC was standing in the middle of the snowy village of Feldcroft. As she tried to right herself, she staggered slightly, dizzy from the apparition, whose effects were far more brutal when someone was doing it for you. Fortunately, Sebastian still had an arm wrapped around her waist to cradle her against him. With his other hand, he grabbed her elbow to steady her.
Once Sebastian was certain that MC was all right, he guided her towards the Sallow cottage, which she had not seen for years. From the outside, it looked much bigger than she remembered, particularly because it had an extra floor. Sebastian explained that he had helped Anne and Ominis enlarge it after their wedding, so that they would have enough room for their future family.
Sebastian was the first to set foot on the cottage porch. He hid MC behind him with his body, to create an effect of surprise, then knocked on the door. It was Anne who answered, appearing in the doorway wearing a sublime ankle-length midnight-blue velvet dress adorned with cultured pearls.
"Sebastian! I told you to buy only one present! She's going to end up spoiled rotten if this keeps up." Anne exclaimed without even greeting her brother.
"She's my only niece. Who am I to spend my money on if not her?"
"How 'bout your sister?" She raised an accusing eyebrow at him, while clearing him of all the packages in his arms.
"Ah, but I've brought a surprise for you too. Look what I found last night…" He intoned with amusement, and stepped aside to reveal MC. "A lost soul who wanted to spend Christmas alone at the Hog’s Head!"
"Oh my, MC!" Anne swiftly pulled the girl into a bear hug. "Ominis, come here!"
"What is it, sweetie?" The blond man called from afar, carrying his daughter in his arms.
Judging by the way he had stopped dead in his tracks, coming to an abrupt halt, MC knew that he had sensed her presence thanks to his sentient wand.
Sebastian decided to take his brother-in-law’s daughter off his hands, so that the two friends could reunite peacefully, "Hey, little monster! Wanna give a hug to Uncle Seb?"
Meanwhile, MC approached her old friend and spoke softly, "Hello, Ominis."
Knowing that Ominis was not very comfortable with physical contact, especially with people he did not know well, MC was not sure how to greet him. So it came as a great surprise when he made no hesitation whatsoever and took her in his arms, holding her tightly.
"I should be telling you off for disappearing... but I'm not going to. Not today." Ominis whispered in her ear.
She chuckled lightly, "I'm happy to see you too."
"Let me take your coat." He offered after pulling away.
MC untied the ribbon from her cloak, and handed it to Ominis. She then turned to Sebastian to pick up the toddler in his arms, so that he too could remove his thick winter coat.
"Hi, little princess. I'm a friend of your mummy and daddy, and your uncle Sebastian too." MC cooed in a honeyed voice. She could not help noticing that the little girl in her arms was the perfect amalgam of her two parents. She had all her mother's features, but with meadow-blonde hair and grey-blue eyes like her father.
"Unkie! Unkie!" She pouted and made big gestures with her arms to indicate that she wanted to go back to her uncle. She truly was an uncle's little girl.
"I'm here, baby.” Sebastian immediately took her back into his arms, after giving Ominis his coat, to cradle her. “You don't have to be scared of MC. She's really nice too, you know."
"Auntie?" The one-year-old asked hesitantly, reaching out to wrap her hand around MC's index finger.
"That's right, that's Auntie MC." Sebastian encouraged her. It was impressive how he naturally had his way with kids.
It may have been silly, but something as simple as being called Auntie by a child she had just met, as well as by Sebastian, awakened something in her, a sense of belonging that had been dormant for a long time. She truly felt like a fully-fledged member of this family.
Anne suddenly let out a sigh, "I'd love to be able to celebrate the reunion with you, but I've still got lots of things to do in the kitchen. Sebastian, can you look after the baby while Ominis lays the table?"
"I'll come and help you, Anne." MC declared.
"Thank you, MC. You're too kind." Anne exited the living room, followed by MC.
“So… You and Ominis, huh?” MC started once they were alone. She was sitting across from Anne at the small kitchen table which was covered in food stains from preparing the meal.
Anne immediately shook her head, “Oh, no, no. We’ll have plenty of time to talk about my marital life later. Let's talk about how you ended up here with my brother after all these years."
"We ran into each other last night in Hogsmeade. He offered me to sleep over, and we basically spent the better part of the night talking." MC shrugged.
"And?” Anne pried impatiently. “What happened?"
"Nothing. What do you want to happen?”
“Nothing. It was just a random question.” Anne replied coyly while she finished icing the Yule log. “So, update me as well. Where are you in life? Have you met anyone?”
“No, not at all. I haven't really had time for that.”
“That's a shame.”
“What – uhm – What about him?” MC did not look up from the kilted soldiers she was preparing, in an attempt to appear nonchalant. Needless to say, it was a failure.
“Who?” Anne feigned ignorance.
MC heaved a sigh, deciding to finally meet her friend's gaze, “Sebastian. Has he met anyone recently?”
Anne bit the inside of her cheek, "I think you should ask him directly."
"I'm scared it'll be awkward…"
"Well… if you want to know everything, he hasn’t courted anyone since you went away. He claims that he's not interested in dating, that he’s focusing on becoming a proper Auror first. He always finds an excuse to avoid admitting that he's already got a girl on his mind, but is too much of a coward to act upon it."
MC felt her heart skip a beat. A cold realization settled over her, making her stop everything she was doing. Her heart sank, the weight of unspoken truths pressing upon her, and she forced a tight-lipped smile, concealing the ache within as she navigated the sudden revelation that someone else was in Sebastian's heart, and it was not her.
MC swallowed thickly, "Has he known her for long?"
"Several years."
"And is she a good person? Does she treat him well?"
"He's never been happier than when he's with her." Anne admitted with a sincere smile that contrasted drastically with the unsettled look that MC was unable to disguise.
"Who is it?" She asked weakly, not entirely sure she wanted to know the answer.
"I fear that’s too much information, and that's not for me to tell. Just ask him."
Without another word on the matter, Anne gracefully pivoted, excusing herself to go back to the living room and announce that the meal was ready. MC took a moment to compose herself, swallowing the bitter pill of disappointment before joining the others in the living room.
Seated at the table, surrounded by the warmth of holiday decorations and the aroma of a festive feast, the four friends engaged in a pleasant chatter. The clinking of cutlery and laughter created a veneer of normalcy. They reminisced adventures from their time at Hogwarts, shared stories about their jobs, exchanged anecdotes about Anne and Ominis’s little one, and indulged in the delights of the Christmas meal.
“So, MC, what have you been up to during your travels?” Ominis asked as he had just finished feeding his daughter.
MC swallowed her mouthful of turkey before replying, “Well, you know, trying to explore the world and discover new places. Honestly, I’ve just been searching for a place that makes me want to stay, that feels like home.”
“And have you found that place yet?”
MC was silent for a moment. How was she supposed to explain that she had found this special place years ago, but had fled far away from it, just to search the world for something similar? Because if MC was willing to face the truth, she knew that her home was wherever Sebastian was.
Sebastian was her home.
It was quite ironic that he did not feel the same way about her…
“I… I’m not sure.” MC finally said.
“…Does that mean you’ll be back on the road again?” Ominis questioned again, but this time with caution.
“Yes. I leave tomorrow morning.” MC replied resolutely.
The clatter of dropped cutlery echoed like an unintentional punctuation to the tremendous silence that followed. Eyes widened, gazes met with uncertainty, and an unspoken tension pulsed through the room.
Anne was the first to break the palpable unease by raising her voice, “What? But you just came back! You can’t leave so soon.”
The next sound came from Sebastian's chair legs scraping the floor as he stood up abruptly and threw his napkin on the table, “Excuse me. I need some fresh air.”
His eyes did not meet anyone's as he left the table. Without even grabbing his coat, he stormed out of the house. The door slammed behind him and echoed through the deathly hush inside.
"What’s up with him? Did I say something wrong?" MC asked, disconcerted. She was completely unaware of the weight of her revelation, which had hit her friends like a tidal wave.
Anne huffed in irritation before shouting at her, "Of course you did, MC! You're supposed to be his best friend! Can't you see how cruel you're being to him?"
Ominis rested a hand on his wife's shoulder, "Calm down, sweetie. It's not her fault MC is dense."
"Hey!" The girl exclaimed indignantly, but Ominis ignored her.
"Let me put it simply for you, MC. We were all hurt when you left without saying a word, but Sebastian's been a complete wreck ever since. The usual cheerful Sebastian you know was nowhere to be found for years… until today. And that's only because you came back.”
“And now, you've just brutally told him that you plan to disappear tomorrow, and take his happiness with you! Again!" Anne insisted, determined to keep rubbing it in until realisation eventually hit the girl.
Fortunately, it worked quite quickly, but now MC did not know what to do with herself, "I... I didn't know that... I thought he’d just forget about me and move on."
"I thought you knew him better than that. Haven’t you yet realised that you're everything to him? Because it's more than time you do!"
“I… need to talk to him. Excuse me.”
MC, in turn, rushed out of the cottage, only grabbing Sebastian's coat in her haste.
The freezing air greeted her as she stepped outside, snowflakes landing on her hair and the bare skin of her arms. Thankfully, it did not take her long to spot Sebastian, who had moved slightly away from the house to lean against a tree, his shoulders hunched slightly against the winter chill.
She approached him slowly, but with a determined step, the snow crunching under her feet. She knew he had heard her by the way he straightened up, even though he seemed intent on ignoring her.
“Seb, come back inside. It’s freezing, you’re gonna catch your death.” She implored him, covering herself with her arms to protect herself from the icy wind.
“What’s it to you? You won’t even be there to see it.” He replied even more coldly than the weather, without even turning to look at her.
“…Put on your coat at least.” She insisted, extending it to him.
Sebastian took the coat from her, but instead of putting it on like expected, he draped it over her, so that she would not get cold. His hands lingered on her shoulders, which were now protected by the thick felt.
At last, he met her gaze, his eyes silently pleading with her, “Am I not good enough for you to stay? Not good enough for you to notice me?”
MC grabbed his wrists as if by instinct, “Seb, of course you’re plenty enough. You’re my oldest friend–”
Sebastian sighed in annoyance and pulled away from her, “But can’t you see it’s not enough for me?”
Sebastian reached into his pocket, retrieving a small velvet box. He had always imagined giving her this gift with a broad smile, but now he was opening the box with a rueful frown, to reveal a delicate ring.
“I wanted to give it to you a little after we graduated. I wanted to give it to you to confess my feelings. I wanted that ring to be a symbol of my devotion, and a promise to always remain loyal to you… Turned out life had other plans because you left the day I bought it.”
“Sebastian…” MC croaked out, doing her best to fight back the tears that threatened to fall as she stared at the magnificent jewel that was the poignant representation of all the missed opportunities and lost time.
"Now’s a good time to give it to you, I think. If you’re going to leave again, might as well be honest while I have the chance, before you run away like last time." He said acrimoniously as he placed the ring on her finger.
"Wha…” The shock took away MC's voice before she could even finish her sentence. Her eyes were riveted on the golden band. “What about the girl you like? Anne told me you were interested in someone."
"The girl I like?” He laughed humourlessly. “MC, I've been ridiculously and irrevocably in love with you since fifth year, since the day you kicked my arse in Hecat’s class. You literally knocked me off my feet. I know I didn't always show it well, but it's true, it's always been you.”
MC let out a pained grunt and hid her face in her hands in shame, "Oh Merlin, Seb... I've been such an idiot."
“Why?” Sebastian frowned.
“I've always loved you too. But I was so miserable thinking I'd never be anything more than your friend, that I decided to disappear to try and forget you.”
“And? Please, tell me it didn’t work.” His words came out desperate, almost begging.
She took his face between her hands, and lovingly caressed his cold cheeks, “It didn’t. How could I ever forget you? Being away from you only made me miss you more.”
His hands came down to rest around her waist, bringing her close to his body, in search of both solace and warmth, “It's all right. We're together now. You don't have to leave anymore. All's well that ends well.”
“Well… Not exactly all. You gave me this beautiful ring, and I have nothing to give you in return.”
“I finally have the witch of my dreams back at my side. I couldn’t dream of a better Christmas present.”
Suddenly, MC and Sebastian were interrupted by a cracking sound coming from above them. They looked up and saw a branch of mistletoe sprang out of thin air from one of the branches of the tree they were standing under, its delicate white berries shimmering in the soft glow of the surrounding lights.
Sebastian looked back down at MC, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, “Actually… I’ve just thought of a gift you could give me.”
The snowflakes descended gracefully around them, creating a magical scene that mirrored the fluttering emotions in their hearts. In that enchanting moment, with the world cocooned in a quiet hush, MC found the fiery courage and desire to close the thin gap between them. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, and their hearts were set alight, for the moment they had dreamt of most in their lives had finally become reality.
Out of enthusiasm, Sebastian tightened his grip around MC, with his arms completely wrapped around her petite frame, enveloping her in such warmth that she completely forgot they were both covered in snow. He pressed and secured her tightly against him, and lifted her off the ground. Out of reflex, the girl's hands travelled up to wrap around his neck to steady herself. Her fingertips grazed his soft curls, sending shivers down her spine.
Unfortunately, their winter wonderland moment was abruptly interrupted by the joyful cheers of their friends inside the house. MC and Sebastian reluctantly pulled away from each other, and turned in the direction of the commotion to see Anne and Ominis glued to the window to spy on them. The wand in Anne's hand was proof enough that it was she who had conjured up the mistletoe.
MC giggled, looking back at her boyfriend with stars in her eyes, and her hands resting in his chest, “Merry Christmas, Seb.”
“Merry Christmas, darling.” He answered softly before leaning in to steal another kiss from her.
MC sincerely hoped there would be another Mrs. Sallow other than Anne next Christmas, for she had finally found her home and never planned on leaving ever again.
Part 2 : Christmas at Home (link)
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flusteredmoonn · 3 months
when emma falls in love; james potter
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summary: "when emma falls in love, i know that boy will never be the same," in which she lights up his whole world, and everyone can tell, – the points in james' relationship where everyone can see he was utterly besotted.
tags: (SFW), fluff, drabble??, fast paced, implied gryffindor!reader, implied pre-existing relationship, she/her pronouns, third person y/n.
words: 700+
speak now tracklist. request.
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their relationship had been fairly new. they hadn't even knew one another that long, and everyone was convinced that she was a distraction for the boy, away from his infatuation with lily evans. the relationship was destined to be short lived.
and so the girl didn't get her hopes up.
but she had been having a bad day, and she hadn't seen her boyfriend all day. nor, had she seen her friends, or anyone she could truly reach out to. the girl felt stuck, like she was trapped in a never ending cycle of classes and overcrowded hallways.
until the clocktower had chimed for lunch. she was able to make a swift exit from her current class, and dart toward the openness of the great hall. yes, there would be chatter and she would likely be equally as overwhelmed, but the space wasn't as constricting.
she had reached the hall, stepping through the threshold of the large oak doors. her shoes clicking across the flagstone as a particular group of gryffindors had watched her enter.
"uhm, james.." peter squeaked anxiously, gathering the bespectacled boy's attention rather effectively.
"yeah, pete," the boy brushed off, still picking at the food on his plate.
"is that, uhm, your girlfriend? by the door?" he asked, gesturing with his head in the vague direction of the entryway.
james might as well have given himself whiplash with the haste which the boy turned his head around, a goofy smile dancing on his lips. pushing himself away from the gryffindor table, he bound over to her, a spring in his step as he oozed with excitement.
as he approached, he could see the discontent on her face, his own mirroring her expression in an attempt to locate the cause.
"heya y/n," james excitedly exclaimed, opening his arms to her as he became at arms length. she jumped at the opportunity to hug the boy, resting almost her entire bodyweight on him.
"hey jamie," she mumbled into his shoulder, released an exasperated sigh as they continued their embrace. "are you alright?" he pulled his head away from her slightly, to examine her face, a mild look of annoyance still present on her features.
"yeah, today's just been a lot, sorry jamie," y/n used the nickname once more, which further instilled his worry toward her. he ushered her back to where his friends were situated, putting food on her plate and making sure she ate, deciding to try to unpack her feelings later in the day.
however, once staying in his presence over their lunch period, the girl felt herself relax. and his friends observed as the boy became equally relaxed upon seeing her calm.
rain pattered rhythmically on the cobbled stone pathway as james and his friends began to make their way back to hogwarts castle from hogsmeade. his arm was slung over y/n's shoulders as they dodged the open air underneath the awnings. the boys laughed with one another, referencing several of their inside jokes.
the village was a ghost town, each of the people of hogsmeade were taking refuge in their houses as they waited out the rain. the only people who appeared to be out as the street lamps flicked on were themselves, and other students who had stayed out slightly too late.
the music shop stood across the road. string instruments charmed to softly play a melodic rhythm to match the sound of the rain. y/n began to sway as she walked through the village, matching the beat of the music she played.
stepping away from james, she grabbed his hands, and swung them in time with her swaying.
it didn't take long for james to understand that she was trying to dance to the music, and he removed himself from the conversation with his friends.
he pulled her out from the safety of the awning, and into the pattering of the rain. he moved his hands down to her waist, and clasped her hand with his other, swaying her gently in a slowed waltz. his friends noticed their sudden silence, sharing a laugh amongst themselves for a beat, before continuing their walk back to the castle.
the pair continued dancing with one another romantically, in the rain, the tempo of the charmed music changing to match their rhythm as their surroundings faded away and all he could see was her.
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short one to get back into writing
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soleilars · 3 months
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summary: in which you and sirius black end up being together but not the in way you expected
paring: sirius black x fem!reader
warnings: kissing, probably language(?)
part one || part two
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3. what if the way you hold me it’s actually what’s holy?
“you can’t possibly be serious,” your chin had fallen to the floor at what had just been said “you gotta be kidding me”
“I’m not! come on [name] can’t you do this for me?” sirius pleaded
“I won’t to do this. ask your brother he’s his housemate after all”, you said “no more talking about this”
“period, sirius. I already told you go ask your brother or one of your cousins”
james, remus and peter walked in the common room by the end of your speech suddenly curious
“why do this looks like an argument?” james asked sitting down between you and sirius at the couch
“I don’t know! ask your friend here” you said exasperated, making james raise an eyebrow
sirius sighed “I just asked her for a favor and she freaked out”
“what favour?” peter wondered making remus murmur something along the lines of yes please tell us. you brushed his sarcasm off, already used to it
“oh you know, just asking snape if he has a date to hogsmeade” you finally said earning chuckles and no ways from your friends
“hey hey, hear me out,” sirius begun “snivellus has been flashing that scary smile of his all around the hogwarts for the past week and hogsmeade is this weekend so it must have something to do with it”
when he met his friends gaze he was sure they all thought he was delusional. he knew he had to play low so they would believe him, or at least give it a try
“maybe, prongs” please work please work, sirius thought “evans gave him a chance after all. who knows?”
james eyes widened at that as remus expression was pure disgust and peter’s and yours pure confusion
“now you’re just being stupid, pads. we kissed three days ago at the party, there’s no way she gave him a ‘chance’” james said confidently
“it could have happened before the party, who knows james? maybe sirius has a point” peter added
“you guys are insane, lily needed to be out of her mind to something like this,” you quickly countered “right remus?”
you tried to have your friend’s help in this situation in which you were the one getting fucked by asking snape if he had a date to hogsmeade. it would look like you wanted to go out with him. you got goosebumps just at the thought of it
just when you were sure you knew what betrayal felt like remus gave a new meaning to it
“I’m sorry to break it to you [name] but maybe sirius is right”
oh no.
4. I choose you and me… religiously
the plan was done. remus explained it to you in your way to hogsmeade earning lots of huffs from you in disagreement with what you had to do with it in the first place. all of them where answered with you’re one of james best friends so he wanted you to help
once you met the rest of the boys in front of three broomsticks, where lily and snape where supposed to be having their date soon, james made his last notes about what you were supposed to do
“so, let’s recap,” he began “peter, you and me will go to the bookstore, [name] and sirius you two will stay here at three broomsticks and accomplish or list of the most unpleasant things people can do at a public place so both of them get out of here as soon as possible and remus you’ll follow them around in case they don’t go to the bookstore and warn us about their location in real time. everyone understood?”
between nods and making sure everyone knew exactly what to do another time you guys split in groups and started to work on your roles
- 🌪️ -
“I don’t see them anywhere sirius” you said one butter beer later
“me neither, maybe we should~” sirius began but you quickly interrupted him as you spoke
“shut up they’ve just arrived” you lowered yourself into your seat, trying to cover your face in hope none of them having noticed you or sirius “we have to be quick, pull out your list before he puts his ugly hands on lily”
“you’re sounding like prongs right now” sirius said. you only glared at him while he took a piece of paper out of his pocket
“alright, first off all we need to make this place warm”
“are you kidding me? this is what your list is about? make them get cozy?” your comment only made sirius roll his eyes
“not cozy warm, I mean hell is empty and all the devils are here hot” he said
you furrowed your brows as answer before casting a spell in the nearest fireplace, making it’s effect amplified the room would start growing hotter in some minutes
“quoting shakespeare are we?” you teased as sirius shrugged at your side. you two were now seated at the balcony so you could have a better vision of lily and snape
“my strategy to pull pretty ladies. let me know if it’s working, I’d like some feedback”
you were glad you had casted that spell a few seconds ago so you had something else to blame for the flush rising in your cheeks than his words.
“and me thinking chivalry was dead,” you said rolling your eyes “how about after this we-”
“kiss me.” sirius said, his turn to interrupt you
“‘m sorry, what did you just said?” you asked, confusion palpable
“snivellus is coming just shut up and kiss me”
and with that his hands found their way to cradling your face. somewhere between shock and surprise your brain reasoned. sirius black was kissing you so snape doesn’t see the faces of neither of you two and walk away from the bar. sirius black was kissing you. you were so screwed
when you kissed him back sirius was sure his heart skipped a beat. was this necessary? no, it wasn’t. did this checked one of the items in the list? yes, it did. did this also checked one of his personal interests and desires? the answer is also yes.
he didn’t thought lily was going to agree to go out with snape in the first place when he asked her or that all his friends would collaborate with his plan to get you two alone. his ego didn’t let him simply confess to you. he needed something more. something that made the moment special. maybe this wasn’t the best way to have your first kiss but if he did things right it would be the first of many more.
merlin he was so invested in you it was almost embarrassing
when sirius pulled apart you swore your lips almost ached at the lost of contact. who would’ve guessed? everyone but that’s not the point
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-”
you kissed him again. the second kiss in a lifetime ahead of you full of them
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bonus - the so called list !!
too cold
too warm
couples showing lots of pda
noise making
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tags: @d1lf-loverrr
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urwhorecrux · 9 months
omgg leo!!! i was freaking out 'cause i couldn't locate your cedric's works, especially that one dark!cedric headcanons i requested. i literally just discovered you accidentally nuked your account 🙃 any chance we'll get a repost of your old works (and make stalker!cedric blurbs/headcanons perhaps 🤓)?
hii yes ofc <3 trying to update somee of my old works but i’ve also been working on a lot of new ones!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤!𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
warnings. smut, sfw + nsfw headcanons, obssesive/toxic behavior, stalking, yandere themes.
pairing. dark!cedric diggory x fem! reader.
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(before dating)
— he always noticed when you were in one certain spot, always sitting close by, watching you carefully.
— always makes sure you get to your classes safely, wether he walks behind you or with you.
— though he’s already noticed that you’re not seeing anyone, he still asks around, asking if you were with anyone in your dorm last night, assuring himself that you’d be all his once he asked you out.
(after dating)
— you want to go out to hogsmeade alone? he follows you on the marauders map or insists he comes with you.
— he’d hate to have you be somewhere alone, where you could possibly end up in trouble or if he couldn’t be there to protect you.
— every time you try a new hobby he’s right there with you, interested in whatever you’re interested in too, he dosen’t want you to be there without anyone supporting you or leaving you out.
— he’s very clingy and sometimes more than that, always by your side, listening to every word you utter, needing to be by you or physically touching you in some way.
- you’re the only he promises to whisper sweet praises as he eases inside you, making it clear he’s all yours and that you’re only his.
— over the holidays when you both go your separate ways back home, he can’t help but wait outside your window where he see’s the smallest peak through, you in your sleeping set that hugged all the right places perfectly.
— his cock trembled at the sight of this, with precum glistening across his tip he was sure he would think about this later as he gets himself off.
— he loves showing you how needy is for you, how much he craves your touch, and the feel of your warms legs and walls clenching around him.
— when you’re both away from each other for some time he’d take dirty polaroid photos of you. ones showing a view up your skirt, one showing you changing, and one of thick white cum filling you.
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I'm really curious about what job options are in the wizard world!! In the movies & books they show so little, like aren't there other professions besides working at the ministry, owning a shop, or being a teacher?
I was so so curious about this as well before I shifted.. so I am glad to answer!
thank you so much for the ask <33
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something unique about the wizarding world is how common it is for the average wizard/witch to work a main job and a side job (usually creative). Arthur used to work two jobs, one at the Ministry and one at an antique artifacts office in Diagon Alley, but he doesn't go there as often to spend more time with the family!
because the wizarding population is so slim, many people are not afraid to show their skills and try different things, as we rely on each other in our secret little world! for example, many of my friends have wizarding parents who have written a book, sometimes about commonplace things or about research topics or art, even!
I definitely wasn't expecting this, but the wizarding world loves to share information through magazines, books, plays, etc. they have bookstores that are always releasing new books, and there are many popular magazines that have whole teams of people who work on them every day! so being a writer is definitely very common in my DR
there is also a rise in radio hosts and commentators, and there are many shows you can tune in to on certain days of the week. there are also many wizards / witches who go to quidditch games worldwide and their job is to commentate and keep radio stations informed on the games. when I went to the League cup, there was constant chatter of radio hosts broadcasting to worldwide quidditch channels!
on a different note, many people choose to go down the research / conservation scientist route, and this is usually paired with authoring a book or documenting with the Ministry. Cedric's mom (Kelley) goes on many trips to Scandinavia and those regions to document magical plants and their properties, and she comes back and writes artistic books under the pen name Kellory.
many witches/wizards will collaborate with magical governments worldwide to better help wildlife in different locations and preserve the wizarding culture around them! this also comes with people who work with animals / beasts, and there are breeders, tamers, and caretakers. these jobs need lots of training and experience, but they are so vital to the care of magical creatures.
working at inns, bars, and restaurants is also very common, and for some people that is their only job. take Rosmerta in the Three Broomsticks for example... she works and lives there, and these roles are incredibly important in small wizarding towns like Hogsmeade. this also comes with cooks, and when the barmaids and the bakers come together, absolutely ICONIC restaurants are born and food really ties us all together so it is PERFECT!
there are also traditional jobs like being a broom-maker. this is kind of a dying art with mass produced racing brooms becoming the norm, but many wealthier families will pay for customized brooms and sometimes the artists hold teaching workshops. I went to one at the beginning of summer, and I made my own broom from maple and apple branches with my dad. the broom-maker and his team did help us with enchanting it, though, but it didn't cost as much as I thought it would and I am so glad I got that experience!! wand-maker is also a very similar job! I love folk arts <3
I forgot about actors, musicians, and singers too! there are so many littler bands in the wizarding world, and it is pretty easy to gain an audience (at least for a short amount of time). a lot of popular musicians will also go on to write books too, so double whammy!
AND ALSO HEALERS—— any type, people are obsessed with wanting to become a healer in my DR! St. Mungo's is the most popular workplace, but there are also private healers who go to wealthy households and healers who work around quidditch games! it always requires schooling after hogwarts, but it is a very common route!
honorable mentions include herbologist, farmer (who tends to magical plants and sells them), greenhouse owner (similar to farmer, except more "pretty" plants), professional quidditch player / substitute player, magical photographer, traveling saleswizard, magical translators, and being a psychic medium!
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I hope this helped!! if you have any more questions about any of these jobs in depth, I can try and answer to the best of my ability!
all I do in my DR is study the world around me... I am just so fascinated by it! i love rambling about these little things :,)
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hogwartslegacypics · 1 year
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If you didn’t see my recent post, I discovered an audio file of Sebastian saying, “I actually grew up near here. Not sure I appreciated it when I was younger,” which confirms he and his parents lived somewhere in the Highlands in a location accessible to us. I’ve since thoroughly explored all of the hamlets with Sebastian in attempts to trigger the line, initially suspecting it was something he’d say as a companion near the location, but unfortunately had no success. I also checked every single house in those hamlets for cellars and only found one.
It’s possible his parents’ house isn’t in any of the hamlets, and is a random house in the middle of nowhere we have yet to find, or (if his line was completely cut from the game early enough in game development) the house itself was never put in the game.
It’s also possible that the house I found with the cellar was their house, and the devs just chose to cut Sebastian’s line for whatever reason (or it was never a line intended to be spoken by him as a companion, keep reading). The house is Mary Portman’s house in Aranshire with the spider infested cellar. If true, it’s sad to think that’s what became of their house, but at least MC eventually clears them out.
Considering Sebastian’s quote, the location genuinely does make a lot of sense. Now that he lives in Feldcroft, so far away from Hogwarts and Hogsmeade (basically in the middle of nowhere), he realizes that he didn’t appreciate getting to live so close to all the action when he was younger. Another reason the location makes sense is because his parents were Professors and Aranshire is so close to Hogwarts. I now believe that the quote was cut from the Hogsmeade quest since it would make sense he’d say that as he’s walking us to Hogsmeade and telling us about the school and the surrounding area. He sounds very cheerful in the audio clip too, and he was in a good mood that entire walk. It really does sound like it could have been taken right from that quest. EDIT: Also the word “actually” in the quote makes it seem like it’s not something he randomly says out of the blue but it would have to be during conversation that’s already happening, like the Hogsmeade quest.
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If we go inside the cellar, it seems like it could have been used as a library/study (“cellar library” as Ominis told us). Mary Portman even left a note implying she never utilized her cellar before the spider incident. It was almost like she suddenly remembered she had a cellar when she was wondering where to raise her spiders. Because of that, it’s likely those books in there belonged to the previous owner, and the cellar was completely untouched until Mary moved her spiders in. As you can see, they’ve since wreaked havoc in there.
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hollowwrites · 8 months
💚 Ominis Masterlist 💚
✨ Main Masterlist ✨
🔞 Ominis Headcanon 🔞 - Headcanons for everyone’s favourite Gaunt Part 2
(Chronological Order check me out all fancy)
Welcome to Slytherin - Rewrite of The Common Room
How Charming - Little Bridge between DADA and Charms
To Hogsmeade - Rewrite of visiting Hogsmeade with Omi
An Unbeleafable Day - Ominis sulking and getting vaguely jealous in Herbology
A Recipe for a Bad Day - Ominis going insane over the new fifth year in Potions
Did you just come from the Undercroft?! - Rewrite of the Undercroft Confrontation
Room of Reconciliation - Aftermath of the Undercroft Argument
Putting the RIP in Scriptorium
Putting the RIP in Scriptorium - Part 2 - Rewrite of the Scriptorium quest. With extra fluff. Part 2 is the aftermath
Ignorance is Bliss - Ominis confronting Sebastian about Ignorant-gate
In the Light of the Relic - Alternative quest for siding with Ominis in ‘In the Shadow of the Relic’
The House Cup - Ominis worries about returning to his family after fifth year
Summer of Sixth Year - Ominis coming back to Hogwarts after forcibly spending the summer with his family
Company - Eve keeps falling asleep in the oddest of locations...sound familiar
Blindsided - Link to Wattpad
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17
- My little sloooow burn Ominis fic. Very fluff, Much cute. With spice 🌶️
(Separate Ominis Stuff that isn’t really canon to my other stuff)
Medusa’s Vipers - Ominis and Sebastian being protective of Evelyn
Do you see What I See? - silly Drabble for what Ominis is like as a boyfriend
Sibling Affection - What I think happened between Sebastian and MC at the end of the main story
Love is Blind - Sequel to Sibling Affection. Ominis being a salty baby
Once a Coward, Always a Coward - Ominis dealing with Duncan
The Fox and the Rabbit - Ominis being OMEGA flirty on arrival
Of Naps and Nightmares - Ominis’ little nippy naps…but make it sad
What do you propose? - Ominis proposal fluff
Blinded by Beauxbatons - Unused idea for my fic
‘There you go’ - Ominis being tall and sexy I don’t know…
Repressed Memories - Ominis discovering MC is who he cast Crucio on as a boy.
Little reference for my Omi
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lazerdash · 8 months
Harry Potter
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photos from Pinterest - collage made by LazerDash
Summary: Spending time with the HP characters!
Word Count: 880
Warning: fluff, wholesome, cedric being a hopeless romantic, cuddles, kisses, hand holding, draco being draco.
A/N: I love the idea of how each of these characters act and just wanted to give my shot into making them! I hope ya'll like it.
-----> ☆
• he will hang out with you anywhere to be honest
• you want to go to hogsmeade? He'll pay for whatever you want (boy is rich, don't forget that)
• he'll hold your hand the entire time to hogsmeade
• or he'll have a hand on on your waist/hip
• don't wanna go to hogsmeade?
• that's okay too!!
• he'll take you back to his dorm and hold you
• honestly he probably uses you as an excuse to not study or do his work sometimes
•though he will deny it if you ever bring it up
• he just wants to spend time with you! what's so wrong with that? right...?
• he might even let you try his glasses on if you ask lol
• he loves to make you laugh
• the jokes between you two is so wholesome as well
• he'll get all blushy if you call him cute too
• and deny it ofc and call you cute instead
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• you + her = library
• just kidding... Well, not entirely.
• she definitely would love to show you her favorite books! (if you two have the free-time)
• she loves to read to you.
• and if the two- you weren't caught up on school work, she'd be there to help you.
•maybe she'll even cut you some slack if you haven't been feeling well lately.
• Besides that, you two might go hangout at Hogsmeade (she likes the three broom sticks)
• again, whenever she is free... she can't have her grades- or yours! Being interfered with.
• she may love you, but she also wants to make sure both of your education is well taken care of.
• she'll want to share all of her favorite places with you, that includes the library.
• it makes her happy that she can trust you can take you to those private locations
• once she trusts you enough she will take you to all of her favorite locations when she was a kid
• she may even make it a whole special day planned out for the two of you
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• this lil shit-
• he will presist for the longest time that he doesn't want to spend time with you
• for you to get him to hang out with you, you have to make him think it is your idea-
• and plead with him.
• "reluctantly" he will agree...
• be aware he will totally be complaining the whole time
• don't worry, he'll shut his mouth once you hold his hand
• he doesn't want to admit it but he secretly likes it (shhhh-)
• if you take him to the three broom sticks he will complain at first
• since he is so use to having some "actual" food
• he WILL be the one paying for the two of you though (so that's a plus)
• if you even suggest going anywhere near the forbidden forest-
• he will refuse
• he can't go be getting himself dirty.
• plus he has some bad memories associated with the forbidden forest (and dat bloody chicken!)
• so no Hagrid's hut or forbidden forest.
• if you two are looking for some more quiet time he will take you back to his dorm room where you two can just hold eachother.
• he doesn't want anyone to see you two in public or even to see him being so lovey dovey in front of others
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• Loves holding your hand
• kissing your cheeks, head, hand
• he is a huge romantic!
• if you like more private locations then he'll cuddle you in his dorm room (he'll even sneak you in some food if you're hungry)
• but if you enjoy more outdoors or just wanna be social!
• He will take you to the three broom sticks (he will not let you pay)
• he will also take you to honeydukes! if you like sweets, he will be getting your favorites
• he will make this a whole day planned just for the two of you
• wether it is because the stress of school has been weighing on your shoulders
• or just because the two of you haven't had some time together lately
• he might even introduce you to his friends some time
• just so you two can hang out together more often and be apart of the same friend groups
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• You guys would totally be hanging out on the edge of the forbidden forest (or in it)
• basking in the sunlight and hanging out with the theastrals
• if you can't see the theastrals then she will tell you all about them.
• she might even take you to some other magical creature that you can see
• i swear all of these magical creatures just automatically love her (does that also make us a magical creature?)
• if you guys happen to be not be in the forbidden forest, you'll be hanging out next to the black lake
• sitting together as you talk about how your days have been
• if it is a special day or you guys just don't wanna hang outside
• she'll hangout with you inside the castle! she'll even point out the nargles floating around in people's ears
• not yours though (you're too pure to have nargles, I guess?)
• though, she prefers nature and the creatures
• if you two get hungry in sometime between then you guys will go sneak some food
• or you could just head to hogsmeade and grab something to eat there
• she also likes to hold your hand and walk beside you!
• and don't be afraid to tell her she is cute!! she'll thank you
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do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or republish my work on another platform
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