socksboxsketches · 2 years
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flamingskull28 · 8 months
Neo 3 yawned, extending her weary limbs and receiving a satisfying crack in turn. Captain had asked her not to stay out all day, clearing but well doing three turned into just one more then another then just that sector.... then another.. yeah you get the idea.
"Hopefully Cap'n won't be too peeved." Neo enjoyed rambling to Terrence, her little buddy, he was such a good listener. "Though she's super hypocritical! Like she stays here for hours after a I've left!" Neo huffed slightly annoyed.
Terrence made a slight gurgling noise.
"Huh? You think she's just a workaholic like me.. well yeah, just..."
Buddy burlbed a slight bit more.
"Yeah I should be less harsh on her... she just takes her job seriously.. I should check on her, maybe invite her out for some turfing. I hope she isn't too tired, or lonely..."
Buddy makes an agreement noises.
Neo hurries her pace, Captain spends so much time by herself. Sure the sisters watch out for her but they have their jobs to worry about and craig was sent off for rehydration a while ago. Neo found the thought of captain not having anyone there for her sicking, sure they could be cold and scary but Neo saw she truly cared and was willing to go above and beyond for people she cares about.
Even more worrying was how Captain wasn't responding on the headset, she ALWAYS responded. Neos speed walk turned into a full sprint, she dove into the pipe and rolled out of it quickly arriving at the camp to find...
Captain was fast asleep in the arms of a girl she hadn't met.
Neo raised her gun "Who are you!?" Instead if suprise or feat, the girl slowly turned to her and smiled.
"Oh hey, you must be the New 3. I'm agent 4. Though do be quite, she doesn't get nearly enough sleep..." 4 spoke softly, slowly stroking Captains tentacles as they mumbled in their sleep then seemed to lean on 4 more, a small smile visible..
Neo puts two and two together. "Marie mentioned an Agent 4 before also are you two are... dating?" Captain didn't seem like the romantic type. Though that vision was faded since she was currently leaning on 4's shoulder drooling.
4 chuckled foundly "Yup, not surprised she hasn't told you. Always was shy about it, plus she definitely worries about you to much to have relationship conversations."
Neo tilted her head, confused. "She.. worrys about me? Why, I thought she just wanted to do a good job."
4 smiled and shook her head "She wants to make sure you're safe. It's why she stays here so long, to make sure you don't sneak back in and keep doing missions, like she did as an Agent." 4 sighed and lifted up her girlfriends hat and bangs, showing a noticeable scar. "Got struck pretty bad one time, I had to drag her back to base. While she was still bleeding..." 4 let the bangs fall back followed by the hat which dropped over Captains eyes.
"Oh....." Neo suddenly felt terrible about all the times she fought Captain tooth and nail, trying to stay and patrol more. She guiltfully gaze downwards, her heart sank knowing how distressed she must've made Captain feel. She'd been like a parent to her from the start, sure a quiet and edgy one but a parent nonetheless.
"Kid, eyes up and drop the frown." 4 ordered lightheartedly "We've all been reckless on the job, I've lost count of the times Captain or Marie has chewed me out while patching me up cuz I was being reckless ." She stared off for a moment, seeming to reminisce before snapping back to the moment "Anyway, it's late kid, Come here."
"Huh? Why? Shouldn't I be heading home..."
4 lifted the arm that wasn't wrapped around Captain and showed her squid sisters watch. "It's midnight, you or your little buddy will not be walking home by yourself this late." She patted the spot next to her, and her voice left no room for argument.
Neo hesitantly sat next to 4, only now did she realize how tired she was. How did she even manage to stay up till midnight and not notice? 4 was right, splatsville was dangerous and not exactly the safest place to walk around in when you're half asleep.
Absent mindedly Neo leaned into 4, she was oddly comfortable. She understood why captain looked so peaceful, any form of embarrassment was quickly stomped out by her dreary fatigue. A sentiment seemingly shared by Terrence as he happily chirped and curled up in Neo's lap.
"Rest now, its been a long day." 4's hand gently pet Neo's longer tentacle, she didn't think she'd ever felt this safe and comfortable. "Night kid."
"*yawn* g-goodnight... m-mom..." Neo drifted off, not even registering what she'd said or the surprised smile on 4's face.
4 chuckled looking over the slumbering inkling then over to her girlfriend. "Mom huh..? Guess we are Cap, guess we are..."
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princesscaliban · 5 years
10 with Sammy!!!!!!! Please!
10. a kiss on the top of the head
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She played with the band on his wrist as they stood side stage and watched Quinn XCII finish up his set at Lollapalooza in Chicago. Their group of friends randomly singing along, bopping their heads to the beat and enjoying a concert.
Her head was resting on Sam’s shoulder, she felt tired from her anxiety, “Tovi, this is your thirty minute warning.” (pronounced toe-vee)
She let out a groan, purely out of anticipation and the breath she had unknowingly been holding. “You good?”
“I’ll be fine.” She said it to him as much as she did to herself. “You stay here.”
“I’ll come with--
“You’re good.” She let go of his hands and blew him a kiss as she walked further backstage. 
She double checked the tie on her shorts after she changed, she double knotted the worn-in Doc Marten’s on her feet, adjusted her mic pack in her pocket and pushed her in-ears half way in. 
A full-length mirror stood before her and she touched up her nude lipstick, added a bit more of her favorite highlighter and ran her fingers through her hair.
It wasn’t Tovi’s first show but it was her biggest show. It was the first time she would be performing a few songs and she didn’t know how the crowd of (what could be) 20,000 people would react.
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Her girlfriends had been with her all week going over dance moves, picking out outfits for each other and most importantly: being her friend and promising her everything would go right.
Her boyfriend, Sam, had flown to Chicago for just over 48 hours to see her perform before he had to head back to set. A few of his friends had flown from Australia to see him and catch some of their favorite music together. It was all a plus that his girlfriend was a headliner and could get them all ARTIST wristbands.
She made her way back to the group that sang along to the last song. With no warning she hugged Sam, so small she fit perfectly under his chin and her arms met around his back. He could feel her shaking from her nerves.
“Come ‘ere.” He kept hugging her and walked backwards, “Come on.”
Tovi giggled against his chest as he guided them to a slightly empty part of the backstage area that was now bustling with commotion as Quinn’s set had ended.
Sam grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back a bit, “First of all, you look...” He spun her around, “Ace.”
She laughed at his slang as she always did, “Thanks.”
“Second, you’re gunna kill it.”
“No...not hopefully.” He pulled her in to a hug, resting his chin on the top of her had, “You are gunna kill it.”
Her reply wasn’t vocal, it was a tight squeeze around them and her still shakey hands and arms. She kept close to him but pulled one arm back to put an in-ear in completely to listen for her cue. 
Tovi looked up at him, her chin on his chest, “Did I mention to you that I’m singing two of the songs I wrote with Taylor?” Sam shook his head no, knowing she had helped co-write with Taylor Swift on her entire last album. “Well, I am. I asked her and she said it was okay. So sorry if I look at you a lot.”
“Sorry for looking at me?”
“I mean when a song’s about someone it’s hard not to look at them.” She smiled.
 “So I’m in for a surprise?” He laughed, “Oh god, now I’m nervous.”
“No, no, no you’re not allowed to be nervous. Only me.” 
“Okay, fine. I’m not nervous at all and you shouldn’t be either. Because you have a sparkly microphone behind you--” He grabbed his from her assistant, “And you’re going on stage soon?”
“Three minutes.” Her teeth practically chattered from anticipation. 
Sam grabbed her cheeks (lightly, he knew the make up rules) and made her look up at him. “Whatever happens, know that you’re biggest fan is here for you and only you.”
“And Post Malone later tonight.”
“No, I’m here for you, Tov. Promise.” He pulled her forward and kissed the top of her head. “Relax, you know the plan, have fun. I love you.”
“Trying to relax, will soon be having fun and I love you more.” She winked before running towards the stage, hiding behind a speaker until her cue.
@BTSofLOLLA: @tovi was seen getting a good luck kiss from her boy @sam_corlett who flew in from Canada to see her perform today. Apparently she has a few surprise songs for everyone! Any guesses?! #Lollapalooza
A large screen lit up in the background. An illustration of Tovi walked by, her name appeared after her and the crowd erupted in screams. ‘So far so good’ she thought to herself.
The synth from her first song began to play. One of her first radio hits that took her around the world. She could sing this song and do the dance without even thinking about it and once she stepped on the stage that exactly happened. (I’m going to link the songs in order of performance after/before introducing/talking/etc. about them.)
so good - zara larsson
“....you know my love is.” She finished, the crowd screamed, her band started going into her second song, she looked side stage and didn’t see anyone she knew. 
“This next song is one of my latest singles, about someone you meet... that you can’t get over.. and you just want to.... waste all of your time on them.” A few screams were heard, fans that knew what she was talking about.
waste - dove cameron
Half way through the song she found Sam, his friends, her friends and a few other artists that were set to perform tonight in a VIP gated area at the front of the general admission. Perfectly timed for her to end the song, she made eye contact with Sam: 
“....I wanna waste My love on you”
Tovi took a sip of water and let the crowd yell. Her band began playing a song as flames took over the background screen. “Raise your hand if you’ve ever been in a relationship... and it’s just gone bad... and you just want everything to go wrong for that person?” 
The crowd screamed, raised hands, tossed a couple beers in the air, “Well this song was written for an ex when I was really mad and I wanted it all to... hurt like hell.”
hurts like hell - madison beer
As a surprise, Offset came out and performed his part, ending the song with Tovi on the middle of the catwalk:
“I really hope it hurts like (oh) Like (hell), like hell”
“Give it up for, Offset!!” She clapped, backing up to let Offset have the attention. “I wish I had another amazing surprise guest like that, but this is close.” She teased the audience, “I have an amazing friend who is an amazing song-writer and woman and just an amazing person in general. And we wrote some songs together for her last album--
The crowd cut her off, they knew who it was and they were losing it.
“Well I’m sorry to say Taylor Swift is not here.” Tovi laughed, “But she did give me permission to sing a little bit of a few songs we wrote together. And the backstory to the first one is funny, to me at least.”
She sat on a speaker towards the front of the stage, right in front of her friends. “I was with Taylor at her house in Nashville and something had happened and I said four words and it was like a lightbulb went off in her head and she started writing down notes and chords and we go so into this song we were up until six in the morning, jacked up on tea and a fruit tray we found in her fridge. All because I met someone on a whim and once they left I realized I didn’t want them to leave.”
Her guitar player took center stage with an acoustic and sat up a mic stand for her. “I hope you don’t mind that I tone it down for a second, I promise the vibes are all up here from now. This is Come Back, Be Here.”
come back, be here - taylor swift 
Tovi had never seen herself as an emotional person but singing certain lines of this song were making her feel like she was about to cry. 
“This is falling in love in the cruelest way, This is falling for you when you are worlds away.”
Thankfully her back-up singer kept it going while she stopped, playing it off as just trying to catch her breath. She looked at Sam, his (now) puppy dog eyes looking up at her from the ground as his slightly intoxicated friends kept telling the crowd behind them that it was about him.
“I don't wanna miss you like this. Come back... be here. Come back... be here.”
"Ladies and gentleman give it up for Ricky on acoustic guitar!” She clapped and took a sip of water as her band came back on stage, “Now that’s enough of that sappy-stuff..” She joked, winking down at Sam. “But I’m going to take a poll... who has ever met someone that makes them feel like they’re in middle school again, sending text messages to your friends about how BIG of a crush you had on them?”
The crowd roared, apparently everyone knew the feeling.
“So... I met a guy...” She glanced at Sam and the crowd was catching on and laughed, “And.. don’t ask my friends what I said. But I kind of liked him.” She went down the cat walk, “And apparently I wasn’t good at hiding it.... so Taylor pulls me aside one day--
Interrupted by screams again, just the mention of Taylor could drive a crowd wild.
“Taylor pulls me aside at this little get together we were at and she asked if I had a crush and I said I did and she said he had a crush on me and I was like no he doesn’t and she was like yes he does and the next day we wrote this song off of some true events and it’s a SINGLE off her newest album. This is called, I Think He Knows.”
i think he knows - taylor swift
Sam’s group of friends looked like they were in a mosh pit as they jumped around singing to Sam: everyone knew this song was based of off his and Tovi’s relationship.
“I ain't gotta tell him I think he knows.’
“He does!” One of his friends yelled, receiving a laugh from the crowd.
“I wish I could stay here all night but I think you’re all ready for some... Marshmello?? or maybe some.... Post Malone?!” The crowd lost it, some had been waiting all day in the front just for Post, the last show of the night.
“Chicago you have been an amazing, amazing crowd and I couldn’t have asked for a better first Lolla performance and I hope there are many, many more to come!” She waved to each side and blew kisses, “I’m going to leave you with my newest single, T-G-4-M also known as, Too Good For Me.” Tovi turned and hit a pose with her dancers 
tg4m - zara larsson
“You're too good for me, but I want, but I You're too good for me, but I want, but I”
She bent down on the edge of the stage, singing right to Sam and her friends, 
“You're too good for me, but I want, but I You're too good for me, but I want, but I want you anyway.”
An epic boom ended her set as she waved and ran from one side of the stage to the other, “Thank you Chicago!”
As she exited stage she felt like she could collapse, but her two best friends were right there to hug her and unknowingly keep her standing up: she was exhausted.
“Tovi, Tovi, Tovi you fuckin’ killed it.” One screamed in her ear (I imagine this girl looking and acting like Sarah Baska lol), reminding her that she could barely hear a thing with her in-ears on so she pulled them out and let them fall to her shoulders. “Everyone was vibin’!”
“So it was fine--
“PERFECT” The both yelled at her, going in for another group hug.
Tovi pushed her body away from the two and walked between them, “Sammy.” She jumped into his arms, finally able to avoid messing up her makeup or spray tan.
“You were amazing, so, so, so amazing.” He said to her, ignoring her entire sweaty body and the makeup stains he knew he would have on his white shirt. “You went out and fuckin’ killed it.”
“Good. Because I’m exhausted, but that was so much fun.” She giggled, digging her face into his neck, “I didn’t realize that many people would know my songs. I thought like ten people in the back would and no one else but so many people sang along.”
“Everyone was, it was so good.”
“No time to relax.” Tovi had just remembered, “I only have forty minutes to change into a Posty outfit so we can go watch.” Sam sat her down on her two feet and she surprised herself by being able to stand up. “You go hang with your friends, I’m going to go change.”
“Not a chance.” He laughed, grabbing her hand.
“Tovie? Tovie! Hey Tovie, cool name by the way. I’m Austin, some people call me Post. Rad set, love the vocals on the last song. I had my manager talk to yours, maybe we can get some studio sesh’s in and get something going? I’ve got a duet song I’ve been working on.”
Tovie didn’t even have time to take in what was happening. First, Post Malone was there. Second, he knew her name and was talking to her. Third, he wants her to have a song with him?
“Sounds... awesome.. good luck tonight!” She waved as a group of press followed him down the hall. Right when he was out of sight, “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“Tovi this is... Post Malone wants to do a song with you!”
She repeated it back to him, still not feeling real, “And he knows my name!” She jumped, hugging him again. “Now I have to go change really quick so I don’t miss his set at all.”
All of Post’s set was spent in their little barricade singing every word and dancing like maniacs. Instagram stories were flooded and annoying everyone but no one cared. 
The end of the night Tovi posted a blurry picture of the Chicago skyline, a Lolla poster with her name on it, one someone had taken of her on stage and another of Sam holding onto her and swaying behind her when they were side stage for Quinn XCII. 
‘One of the best nights of my life. Thanks to all who made this possible. Somehow, all of my dreams are coming true. 💜’
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ann-stay · 5 years
𝓛𝓮𝓰𝓸 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮-𝓔𝓭 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓷
The storm rages inside and out. Tears spewing from her eyes, down her cheeks. The rain hitting hard against the window pains. Her screams drowned under the storm noise. No one could hear her outside.
A click of a door sounded through the apartment. Light footsteps followed the shattered red pieces of a broken heart. He opened the bedroom door to find his girlfriend crying, surrounded by pictures if her pet that just passed. He crouched beside her, putting his hand on her shoulder.
She looked at him before tackling him in a hug. The two fell to the floor, now hugging there.
“Shh, she’s in a better place now,” Chan explained to her.
“I know-”she sniffed “- it still hurts though.”
Chan sat up and pulled her into his lap. He hugged her tightly, not wanting to ever let go of her. She curled into his lap, resting her head on his chest, The soft beating of his heart calmed her. 
The tears slowed to a stop, her breathing regulating. No words were said amognst them. Just the storm outside that continued on. Time seemed to pas by quickly as they held each other. 
“Guess what I bought,” Chan said.
“What did you buy?” She asked.
“Come see~!”
Chan stood excitedly with his girlfriend He led her into the living room where a few grocery bags sat. He pulled her onto the floor beside the wooden coffee table. His hands reached for a bag. He opened it and pulled out a rattling box.
“Build a Lego house with me?” He asked, a grin plastered on his face.
“You’re such a dork...what if I mess up?”
“Then we’ll knock it down and start again, there’s always another way princess~”
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janareviews · 6 years
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I promise the spine is pink! I have a lot of pink spines, yet the covers have way less pink on them, oh well! . This is a fun story set in an amusement park, I’ll put the burlb in the comments for ya! . . . . #janareviews #bookstagram #romancereader https://www.instagram.com/p/BtybmfcANEz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bpc9u1dzcb11
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