#burns hilanders
burnsoregonphotoblog · 8 months
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Burns Union High - October 2023
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conkniving · 1 year
july 6, hiland mountain correctional facility cellblocks ft. @becomedecay ( rei )
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"get out." the apparition of an ebony-haired silhouette propped a temporary elbow upon the threshold in a manner much more casual than the statement that left little room for argument. in the cell, another inmate accompanied the singular person in the whole fucking place that fallon gave a shit about, and she wasn't about to waste another breath on anyone else. it could have been a combination of factors that bade the visitor to listen; be it that they were bastards, or the nature of their convictions were enigmatic and therefore hard to estimate them, or fallon had already bitten off more than she could chew with the confrontations she already wracked up and yet never backed down. whatever the case, the outlier shuffled from the cell with a brusque shove to the arm that partially and purposefully blocked the entrance from the hand upon her jutting hip. she could feel the eyes burning holes into the side of her face, but she didn't spare them another ounce of attention. with rei alone, fallon strode over and collapsed beside them upon the less-than-luxurious cot. if it hurt the tailbone upon unceremoniously seating, she too didn't let it show. so much of her life had felt like survival, but if that was the condition, prison was the gauntlet. the only reprieve were the rare moments fallon could steal to be alone with her partner in crime. ( literally. ) "sorry about throwing out your new friend. feel like we haven't had much of a chance to talk since the trial." straight to the point. even before this, it had been that way. something about not needing to put up airs or hold rei at an arm's length. now more than ever, they were bonded. she lolled her head to the side so that her gaze could fall squarely on the other, reading her expression as she asked, "how you holding up? and don't bullshit me. you've never had a poker face."
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robotpoetry · 2 years
If The Age Of Prey Brummond
Peace Burning Bright Nothing Disillusioned
And Spreads His Heavy Mane Plaines
Them All No More If Bains
Head In The Night Hover Ago
Er Beguiled And See Undergo
Er Is Yet I A Bohland
Bird St Thou Shall Be Hiland
0 notes
mvage-blog · 7 years
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■ネクストブレイクはこのバンド。RO JACK 1718、傾向と分析と無責任な優勝者者予想をしてみました!
■mvageコメント 昨日まで弊サイトで4日にわたって注目バンドをまとめ続けてきた「ROJACK for COUNTDOWN JAPAN 17/18」ですが、一旦の締めとして入賞者予想をしようと思います。
当然mvageが予想する「RO JACK選考基準像」なため、前回同様、実際の結果とは大きく外れるおそれも充分に考えられるので、「おお、俺ら入賞できるってよ!」「私の推しバンド優勝するんだ!」というご反応はめちゃくちゃありがたいですが、ぬか喜びをさせてしまうことのほうが多いと思うので、あの、なんかすみません。
【2015年冬】 ●入賞アーティスト Atomic stooges、或るミイ、犬人間ニョンズ、上野大樹、KAKASHI、ジオラマラジオ、shimmer、sui sui duck、The Stone That Burns、トカゲロウ、豊島こうき、TRY TRY NIICHE、ナマニエルボーイズ、Nina lovegood、ヌ・シャボンヌ、眠らない兎、HILANDERS、ファジーロジック、flower in the vasement、HEADLAMP、メランコリック写楽、ヨルニトケル、わたしのねがいごと。
●優勝アーティスト I Promised Once、響心SoundorChestrA、GrandStand、ゴードマウンテン、Takaryu
【2016年夏】 ●入賞アーティスト アイビーカラー、Omoinotake、午前四時、朝焼けにツキ、THE COLT GOVERMENT、シップストーリー、(thee)things as they are、The 3 minutes、清野りな、ゼノ、DALEN、Tequeolo Caliqueolo、TRiFOLiUM、にゃんぞぬデシ、ネコゆくえしらズ、ベランダ、The White Waltz、ミシェルメルモ、リコチェットマイガール、The Rouges
●優勝アーティスト おいしくるメロンパン、NINYOACT、MixoL'e
【2016年冬】 ●入賞アーティスト 安頭、OSMO、キリクと魔女、CRAWLICK、恋は魔物、小島ゆうすけBAND、shellfish、stockholm sea side、chietoyts、Take mind's place、デフォルメニッポン、tokyotender、ナトナキュラ、猫を堕ろす、ハイカラユース、プールと銃口、the brownies、奮酉、popoq、マチルダにおねがい
●優勝アーティスト uguis、SEKIRARA、ニトロデイ、betcover!!、Mr.EggPlant
【2017夏】 ●入賞アーティスト the unglazed、34、シバノソウ、スロロリス、ザ ドーベルマンション、とけた電球、Novelbright、ハンブレッダーズ、planeta、Marie Louise、ムノーノ=モーゼス、MAKE OWN LIFE、MORATORIUM、YOOKs、lilil、レイラ
●優勝アーティスト キイチビール&ザ・ホーリーティッツ、The Songbards、春ねむり、Blume popo、ユアネス、Rollo and Leaps
さて、ここからは選考傾向の分析を、私なりに行いたいと思います。前回のROJACK予想記事(http://mvage.tumblr.com/post/160077803918/)では9つの枠があるのでは? と思いそれぞれにバンドを当てはめるやりかたで予想を致しました。詳細はリンクをご参照頂けますと幸いですが、以下9枠。
・パートナー枠 ・ヤンチャ枠 ・感性ぶっ飛び枠 ・ソロアーティスト枠 ・ロキノンスケベ枠 ・ロリコン枠 ・90年代回帰枠 ・盤石枠 ・外国人枠
●見直す枠を考えてみた。 キイチビール&ホーリーティッツにsongbardsと時流を汲んだ選出で新陳代謝の活発化を図ったように見えた前回ROJACK。となると、脱ガラパゴス化の為の救済措置として考えていた「ロキノンスケべ枠」は外して良さそう。
そして「90年代回帰」は大きなトレンドとして徐々に増えてきてるとは思いますが、音楽性からメロディセンスからモロなバンドはいなかった気が。今回は除外します。 それから、年数を起点に考える「ロリコン」「盤石枠」はなんとでも言えてしまうなーという反省もあったので、予想の参考にはすれど、枠としては外します。
●エレクトロ系アーティストの増加 RIJ2017の時よりダンスミュージック系のアーティストが多めに選出されているように感じました。私が選んだ100組中にも結構エレクトロ、もしくはその要素をプラスしたバンドが多かったイメージ。野外と屋内という違いからか、フロアーを沸かせることに特化したアーティストが求められているのでは。より変化を持たせるために、ソロのDJプレイ的な人を持ってくる可能性はあるように思います。
●いわゆる「シティポップ」への接近は続く そのままですが、ここ数年のトレンドであるシティポップ系への接近は続くように思われます。そもそもの定義が曖昧なので、シャムキャッツやネバヤンなど東京インディの中でもフォーキーな音像とメロディラインを有しているバンドとざっくり切り取ると、日々追加される129組の中に5組は放り込まれていた覚えがあるので、全体としては5%くらい。文化としては成熟してきているので、あとはどれだけ音楽ファンだけでなくお茶の間に浸透させられるかがカギであり、キャラクター性を打ち出せるバンドが強そう。
●ロックンロール/ガレージ勢の急増 これもシティポップ勢と同じくらいかそれ以上選出されていたように思われます。海外で見られたロックンロール・リバイバルなサウンドや日本のフォロワー勢に思春期に触れていた世代が自らの血肉としてアウトプットしだした結果かとも思いますが、それにしても多いので誰かは優勝させる気があると思います。
●ラグジュアリーなスケベバンドが増えた ロキノンスケベより更に身も蓋もない言い方ですが、アダルトなムードのブラックミュージックを貴重としたバンドが増えたなと。海外との同時代性を考えるとおかしくないのですが、前回よりこなれたというか、日本語ロック/ポップスとのブレンドのされ具合がより自然になってきている印象です。
●インディ好きのスタッフがいる可能性 これは一次予選の選出傾向というよりも、昨年末の「RO69JACK for CDJ」の入賞者を眺めていてchietoyts、tokyotendor、popoq、stockholm sea side、the browniesが一気に選ばれていることから「なんか、美味しくお酒を飲めそうな人がいるのでは……?」と思っただけなんですが。夏に「もしかしたら選出する人が夏と冬で違うのかな」という疑念が微妙に残っているので設けてみます。
ということで、 ・パートナー枠 ・感性ぶっ飛び枠 ・ソロアーティスト枠(兼ダンス枠) ・ロックンロール/ガレージ枠 ・シティポップ枠 ・スケベ枠 ・海外インディ大好き枠 ・その他
mvageによる、ROJACK1718 入賞者予想
■パートナー枠 Kawaru Gawaru、chelovek.、EatScene、tonetone、the paddles、まちがいさがし、或ナグラム、Gum Girl、Day on Umbrella
■感性ぶっ飛び枠 レベル27、Mathematica Space Laboratory、午前三時と退屈、無敵キャンディ
■ソロアーティスト枠 レイミ、パンのみみ、ぼっちぼろまる、THE BOY、beek why yet、ZORRO
■ロックンロール/ガレージ枠 THE LITTLE BLACK、殺し文句を、あの娘に、Outside dandy、ぷりてぃがあるず
■シティポップ枠 austins、Blueglue、浪漫革命、The Tallyhoes
■海外インディ大好き枠 SESAME、Transit My youth、Oh No Darkness!!、APPLE MEETS BAZOOKA、Freebee、Tree Tree Tree
■スケベ枠 向こう側、キリマンジャロピーナッツ、Arc Land City、Petra Dancer、宵待、fish in water project
■その他 いつまでもそのテンポで、くだらない1日、ダグアウトカヌー、楽団モーケロン
●のび太の7年越し連覇 映画版のタイトルみたいになった。大会のレギュレーションがあるため、未だかつて誰も成し遂げたことのない連覇。優勝バンドが解散して新バンドでさらに優勝となると話題も物語性も充分なので、あり得るのでは……というか、あって欲しい。もう特定のバンドのことしか言ってないですが、やっぱりそういう主人公感があります。
●浪漫革命の総ナメ ライジングサン、サマソニで4大夏フェスのうち2タイトルを獲得した浪漫革命に総ナメへ王手をかけさせる展開もアツいです。Lastrumのコンテストでも優勝していて、来年夏には「今さらROJACK出るの?」ってくらい売れている可能性もあるので、今回が時期的にもベストだと思います。
●2バンド同時優勝 川谷絵音所属バンドの同時メジャーデビューの驚き的な。右肩上がりに人気が出ているTRY TRY NIICHEのフロントマン、ヲクヤマさんヴォーカルのDay on Umbrella、chelovek.の2バンドが同時優勝というのもストーリーとしては美しく、ぐっとくるものがあります。
……と、このあたりが考えられるかなぁと思います。それとスケベ枠と海外インディ大好き枠のどちらにも置けるfish in water projectと、女性ボーカルでインパクトが頭ひとつ飛び抜けていると感じた午前三時と退屈が加わって6バンド。
■優勝 ※各バンドのYoutube開かなかったらこちらから再読み込みを試してみてください。TLBは画像のみです。
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Day on Umbrella
fish in water project
あとは楽曲、演奏の平均値が高いBlueglueやtonetone、楽曲の方向性を変えて武器を増やしたEatsceneにKawaru Gawaru、爆発力では随一のくだらない1日あたりが次点でしょうか。
ジャンルでくくりきれないため未知数の楽���モーケロンとか、当日の持ち時間が1曲でオーバーしちゃうTHE BOYとかが悩みどころでしたが、結構まとまってる感はあります。
さあどうなるか! 結果が楽しみです。
1日目(1/5)(2/5)(3/5)(4/5)(5/5) 2日目(1/5)(2/5)(3/5)(4/5)(5/5) 3日目(1/5)(2/5)(3/5)(4/5)(5/5) 4日目(1/5)(2/5)(3/5)(4/5)(5/5)
聴けるまとめ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目
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campingconsole · 5 years
Best Propane Camping Heater for Outdoor Use
 4.8/5
Martin Portable Outdoor Camping Infrared Propane Gas Heater Parabolic
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#1 Top Rated Product
 5/5
Texsport Portable Outdoor Propane Heater for Camping
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 4.6/5
Texsport Sportsmate Portable Propane Heater
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Outdoor camping and cold weather are not made for each other. You will either love one or hate the other. You would hate the cold, especially when you begin being uncomfortable and fidgety. But you don’t have to complain and worry now since there is a way you can love both and feel comfortable and at ease, be it in your tent or cabin. A propane camping heater provides the needed warmth when camping.
 4.4/5
Portable Gas Heater Outdoor Warmer Propane Butane Camping Heater
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 4.2/5
Portable Gas Catalytic Heater, Camping Heating, Foldable Legs
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 4/5
Stansport Portable Outdoor Infrared Propane Heater
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 3.8/5
Mr. Heater Portable Little Buddy Propane Heater
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 3.6/5
Hiland LP-195C Portable Tank Top Propane Camping Heater
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Reviewing Propane Camping Heaters
The primary purpose of a portable propane heater for camping is to generate comfortable warmth for everyone who happens to be in the same room or space. There are two conventional heating methods used by such heaters. These are convection heat and radiant heat. The former is how fire warms the air present in the room. Heat rises quickly, and you have to stay close to the heater to feel the heat. Warm air rises, and cold air falls. This movement disperses the warmth throughout the room or any enclosed space. The latter type, radiant heat, works by transferring heat to objects rather than the air. This heater type can immediately give off warmth that you can feel through the warmed objects. One example of radiant heat is generated by our sun. 
The 8 Best Propane Camping Heater Model
1. Texsport Portable Outdoor Propane Heater for Camping
The Texsport Portable Outdoor Propane Heater is the standard among similar equipment if you are into hunting and camping during cold weather. It works for campers and hikers alike and can be used to heat individual persons or those in a small group. You can use it in your home, cabin, or tent all through the winter season, providing enough warmth to be comfortable and be at ease. Some campers who always find themselves with nearly frozen hands have set it as an excellent hand-warming station.
 5/5
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The materials used for its reflector is aluminum with a stainless steel burner. The safety grid is made of plated nickel. Its large paddle foot base is constructed from durable plastic and provides dependable stability, especially for this type of burner. The single adjustable burner is capable of producing heat up to 2,890 BTUs using a basic disposable propane cylinder. Its automatic shut off valve takes care of the unit in case it flames out. It provides comfortable heat to open tents of up to 10 x 10-foot size.
Durable and will last for years due to its efficient design and durable materials.
The standard propane cylinders you use for fuel are disposable and are readily available.
It can be used indoors and does not pose any health hazards. 
A one-pound cylinder provides warmth for up to six hours.
It is lightweight at less than two pounds, making it an ideal portable heater for camping anywhere.
2. Martin Portable Outdoor Camping Infrared Propane Gas Heater Parabolic
This Portable Outdoor Camping Infrared Propane Gas Heater Parabolic from Martin with its thermal output of 3,100 BTUs is capable of providing radiant heat for any of your sporting activities, including hunting, camping, and ice fishing. It is a piece of excellent camping equipment you need to add to your camping essentials. It uses a standard one pound disposable propane cylinder that you can get from any market near you. You can use this for up to 7 hours, even at its highest setting. It has a safety grid and an auto shut off fuel valve that ensures the heater turns itself off in case the flame goes out.
 4.8/5
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The Martin portable propane gas heater has adjustable and simple to use heat control. It is easy to turn it on and off, adjust to low, medium, or high. You can focus the heat where you need it to be through a metal dish installed for this purpose, making it an economical local heat source. The heater has an expandable cylinder base made of sturdy plastic for stable operations.
This catalytic propane heater, does not produce heat with an open flame.
No fumes, and thus it does not emit dangerous CO2. 
Ideal for use in a closed camping tent or camper.
3. Texsport Sportsmate Portable Propane Heater
If you are fond of playing golf in cold weather but can’t stand being in your golf cart freezing your golfing hands-off, then Texsport Sportsmate Portable Propane Heater is your ideal golf mate. It is also handy for other outdoor sports activities such as fishing, duck, or deer hunting. You can bring it along in your duck or deer blind, where you can keep yourself warm while waiting for the perfect target to come. The Texsport Sportsmate will save you quite comfortably warmed up in your fishing boat long before the first fish bites, and you get the one that didn’t get away.
 4.6/5
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The Texsport Sportsmate Portable Propane Heater has a durable stainless steel burner. It has a pressure regulator control valve that allows you to adjust the burner with a thermal output of up to 3,000 BTUs. It uses a disposable propane cylinder that can be securely placed in a molded plastic cup holder/adapter and a large paddle foot base made of hard plastic. You can rest assured in your golf cart, fishing boat or duck blind since even if the flame goes out, you are protected with an auto shut off valve and prevents unlit propane from flowing out.
Dependable in both cold and windy weather. 
It has an automatic shut off valve to prevent flameout at the slightest movement. 
It also has a thermal-couple installed for added safety. 
The reflector with safety grid is made of steel. 
Generates 3,000 BTUs of thermal output.
4. APG Portable Gas Heater Outdoor Warmer Propane Butane Camping Heater
The APG Portable Gas Heater Outdoor Warmer Propane Butane Camping Heater is made of top choice, quality materials to ensure long-lasting service. It is easy to bring along in your camping trips and has safety features to keep you and your companions from worrying about staying warm but not toasted.
 4.4/5
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The different components of this portable gas-powered heater are made of aluminum alloy, copper, and stainless steel. It can be easily mounted to a gas tank, or you can use an adapter for use with propane cylinders. It has an adjustable safety valve that you can use to control gas flow and thermal output. With the right setting, one gas tank can last you the whole night.
This heater can be used safely in camping tents.
It can be used with a propane tank with a MAPP adapter.
A medium tank can provide heat for up to 3 hours. 
It is easy to light.
5. Portable Gas Catalytic Heater, Camping Heating, Foldable Legs
The Portable Gas Catalytic Heater, Camping Heating with Foldable Legs, employs a catalytic heating system that produces flameless heat. It delivers a thermal output of up to 3,000 BTUs. One standard propane cylinder can last up to seven hours because the catalytic heater system uses less fuel while providing optimum heat. Each unit of this heater is subjected to rigorous quality assurance testing to make sure that the heater you are getting is a quality product that can last for years in your service.  
 4.2/5
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A 1 lb propane tank can last up to 7 hours, producing up to 3,000 BTUs of thermal output. Its catalytic system can efficiently burn fuel up to 99.98% compared to flame heaters, which burn 45% of the available fuel. It is as fuel-efficient as it is economical.
It is safe and has clean-burning capability.
The radiant heat it produces is comforting without having harsh effects on the body. 
The heat spreads through your tent, and it doesn’t fill with too much condensation.
6. Stansport Portable Outdoor Infrared Propane Heater
Nobody would like to leave the cozy warmth of their home, especially during the cold winter months. But with the Stansport Portable Outdoor Infrared Propane Heater in your possession, you don’t have to stay at home and miss the incredible outdoor adventure your friends are having without you. With its 3,100 BTU thermal output produced by this radiant heater, you will keep your self warmed up in your tent, ready to spring to action when the adventure starts. 
 4.2/5
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It has a 4 step setting so you can adjust the heat to the level you only need to be comfortable. It can be set to low, medium, and high heat. It has a rear cage and automatically shut off to ensure safe operation. It produces 3,100 BTUs, a thermal output that you can optimally use every time you turn it on.
Portable with a convenient handle, makes it easy to carry.
It produces radiant heat using a 1 lb propane cylinder for a fuel source. 
It has a metal dish that allows you to focus heat anywhere you want.
7. Mr. Heater Portable Little Buddy Propane Heater
The Mr. Heater Portable Little Buddy Propane Heater is the perfect camp heating solution, especially for small tents of up to 95 sq. ft. It is one of the most portable heaters available thanks to its integrated handle. A simple push and hold of the ignition button is all you need to do to start and enjoy the radiant heat it provides. It uses a disposable 1 lbs propane cylinder, available in markets everywhere. It is quiet, easy to use, and with an updated clean and odor-free operation.
 4/5
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It is equipped with an accidental tip-over safety shutoff system to ensure that even if you accidentally cause it to tumble, it will not cause a fire. It also has an automatic low oxygen shutoff system for added protection. 
You can use it to heat your campsite, garage, or workshop.
It has a thermal output of 3,800 BTUs capable of heating up to 100 square feet. 
It is constructed with a heavy-duty wire guard.
It can easily be carried using its built-in easy-grip handle.
8. Hiland LP-195C Portable Tank Top Propane Camping Heater
The Hiland LP-195C Portable Tank Top Propane Camping heater is a dependable camping companion. You can easily carry it with you in any of your outdoor activities needing a heater. Too much cold can clip your enthusiasm and make you lose the courage to go on. This propane camping heater can make sure you stay put and motivated to triumph over the elements.
 3.8/5
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It is made using durable and sturdy materials such as steel and aluminum. It can generate 3,000 BTUs of thermal output that can be controlled variable. It can use a 1 lb disposable propane tank that you can buy at your local market. It comes with a stable removable cylinder base and an anti-tilt switch for added stability. 
Durable and dependable in the long run. 
Portable. You can take it anywhere, where you want to stay or for the group to gather around and keep warm. 
It is safe for almost every use and activities. 
Why You Need a Portable Propane Heater for Camping
Camping is an outdoor activity that you can enjoy by yourself or with family, friends, and like-minded individuals who don’t mind a little discomfort but expect tons of enjoyable experiences. However, you can’t have those amazing memories if you can’t stand any degree of cold when staying in the forest, by the beach or the mountains. You might tolerate a little cold, but eventually, you will call it quits and head home. If you want to enjoy such outdoor activities, you need a portable heater for any of those activities that require you to spend outdoors while staying in a tent, a fishing boat, or a golf cart. It has to be portable so you can carry it easily everywhere. It should use a propane or gas tank that can easily be attached, fuel-efficient, and has enough thermal output to provide warmth and last the whole time you expect to stay out in the cold.
Can you Put a Propane Heater in a Tent?
Propane heaters are easy to use and operate. For this reason, many outdoors people prefer to have one on their outdoor activities during the cold months. Most of them stay in a tent, and a heater is the best option for their heating needs. However, you should be cautious and should understand the inherent risk of using them. Not all propane heaters are made equal, and you should be aware of the one you have in mind is applicable for use. Propane or gas heaters are suitable for outdoor use but burn fuel rapidly, which gives you high thermal output but less time. It is also likely to burn fuel incompletely, and when that happens, it produces poisonous carbon monoxide. You don’t want that in your closed tent.
How do you Safely Heat a Tent?
There are propane heaters specifically designed for indoor purposes and are equipped with standard safety features that make sure that accidents don’t happen. Foremost in your mind, when using heaters, should be the presence of mind, safety, and caution. While you want to enjoy your outdoor life, you should also be mindful of your environment and the interior of your tent. You wouldn’t want to fall asleep while the heater is on. It is best to turn it off entirely before you go to sleep. The same applies if you are going to leave your tent for any length of time. In any case, transfer it to a safe place where it can’t cause a fire as it will still be hot after being shut off. 
Advantages of a Heater for Camping
The alternative for using a heater for camping is using firewood. It could provide enough heat throughout the night, but you can’t bring it inside your tent. It is not easy to find logs or twigs for this purpose, and it takes some effort to start and maintain the fire. Having a heater for camping solves a ton of problems as it is easy and simple to operate. Many heaters sold now have safety features designed to make your campsite worry-free and safe.
Characteristics of a Camping Propane Heater
Camping propane heaters can withstand use and abuse while camping outdoors. They use propane for fuel as it is readily available everywhere in disposable 1 lb cylinders that can be attached to the heater itself. It should be portable yet durable, made of materials such as stainless steel, aluminum alloy, and sturdy plastic. Being a possible source of an uncontrolled fire, it should have automatic safety features that would prevent fuel outflow when the flame goes out and should have stabilizers to prevent tipping. Its thermal output, measured in BTU, should have enough power to warm the intended users, be it for one person or several. It should function as a hand warmer as well.
Are Propane Heaters Safe Indoors?
With the proper caution and safety in mind, any responsible person who enjoys camping should be able to use propane heat indoors. Bearing in mind that you should not leave it on if you intend to sleep soon or not leave it on if you are going out of your tent for any period, you should be able to survive the length of stay in your shelter and go home safely.
The invention of the propane camping heater is a boon for all outdoor enthusiasts. It serves its purpose and makes outdoor life easier and more enjoyable. Those who thought that camping in cold weather is only for those who can tolerate cold are being left behind and cheated on this beautiful experience. Propane heaters are available for all types of outdoor sports that require a source of warmth while engaging in sports such as ice fishing, duck or deer hunting, and golfing. You don’t need to miss doing them due to cold weather, ever.
The post Best Propane Camping Heater for Outdoor Use appeared first on Camping Console.
source https://www.campingconsole.com/propane-camping-heater/
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w0lfmaan · 6 years
Sled Dog Film Review
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Sled Dog Film by Fern Levitt
Review by Wolfmaan December 3, 2018
I have been fortunate enough to get a private screening of the 2017 documentary by Fern Levitt called "Sled Dogs: The Cold Truth about Mans Best Friend". This movie was created with the help of
Search Engine Films
, the
Documentary Channel
, and the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) 
 The documentary wanted to show some of the extremely rare, sad, and sinister things that happened in the dog sledding industry in North America.  
Before you begin reading this article, it's important to understand my perspective. I have been working in the outdoor industry for over a decade and have a long list of professional credentials. I own my own sled team, and run my dogs recreationally any time the temperature is below +10C. I have worked for dozens of outdoor recreation facilities including some portrayed in this documentary. I have a passion for dogs and strongly believe that dogs should have the opportunity to do what they are built to do. My dogs are like my children. They live in my home, sleep in my bed, and get chauffeured around in their own bus. Yes, a bus. They receive the
every month, and are cared for similar to human children. I am very much and shamelessly pro-working dog, and anti-abuse. The majority of mushers commercial or otherwise feel this way. Humans have a passion for dogs. It's in our genetic makeup. Scientists have discovered that when early humans began tens of thousands of years ago domesticating dogs for hunting and protection, they became a part of our humanity. Dogs could run faster, smell better, and protect us in ways we couldn't do ourselves. In return we gave them food, and shelter and love they desired. It has always been a symbiotic relationship. Scientifically speaking humans are genetically coded to love dogs, because those who did not love dogs, and tried to live in caves alone - died. If you didn't have a dog to help you hunt, your family would have starved. If you didn't have a dog to watch over you while you sleep, your family may have been eaten by bears, sabertooth tigers, or slaughtered by other tribes. Dogs helped us survive. Dogs have been everywhere on the planet humans have gone, including into space.  
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Dog on Russian Space Station in Microgravity
  For tens of thousands of years dogs have been built and bred for specific purposes. Some dogs are best suited for hunting, herding sheep, and of course hauling loads. Some have been trained to detect bombs, illegal drugs, oncoming seizures and even cancer. Most dogs were bred to have specific working traits, Be it pointing for Pointers, Retrieving for Retrievers, or pulling for Arctics and other sled dogs. Sadly with extreme human domestication, living in cities away from wilderness life, many of these dog traits are no longer needed. For example few people in the western world adopt a Jack Russell Terrier to run around their apartment and kill rats. The Northern breeds such as Siberian Husky, Malamute, Northern Inuit Dog, and Akita have been bred to withstand extreme cold temperatures as cold as -60C and often haul heavy loads for long distances. Studies have shown their foot pads reduce blood flow in the cold and allow them to go "barefoot" over all terrain and weather. Something few humans can comfortably do. Indigenous people in many northern climates such as Siberia and Northern Canada still use dogs for their day-to-day travels as part of their cultural heritage. Often times dogs are capable of accomplishing tasks that machines cannot.
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RCMP Officer with Sled Dog Team
  With a deep and rich history, it's no wonder that sled dog sports have flourished over the past decades. People see the beautiful crystal blue eyes of the Siberian Husky, and hear the yipping of their pack members on the dog line. People who have visited dog mushing facilities watch as the dogs try and pull the sled, even when it's anchored to a tree or vehicle. The dogs are always raring to go. Most mushers will tell you "These dogs love to run! We can't make them run. Making a dog pull a sled is like trying to push a rope".  You can see it in the dogs eyes, and feel their energy when near them. They truly love to run and pull. What could sound better than a dog with over 11,000 years of breeding to run and pull, get that exact life. They get to live in the wilderness, get food better than us, and enjoy their passion. For most sled dogs, and mushers, this is precisely what happens.
Every single musher in the world has a passion for dogs
. No one gets into dog sports because they dislike dogs. Mushing and handling dogs becomes an unhealthy obsession. We wake up in the morning and feed and run our dogs. We go to work and think about the dogs. We go on dates with new potential love interests and speak of our dogs. We reluctantly go to social events and leave our dogs, only to speak of our dogs to everyone who will listen. We wake up at ungodly hours to feed, water, and race our dogs. We buy specific vehicles just to move our dogs. We are often surrounded by statues and "stuffies" of dogs in our homes and vehicles. Dog sports consume mushers. Sadly not everything is as beautiful as it seems. There are large, commercial operations around the world who need to keep hundreds of dogs in order to supply demand from consumers. Most dog facilities take immaculate care of their animals. The documentary Sled Dogs: The cold truth about mans best friend delves into a few of the bad apples of the bunch. It shows the good, the bad, and the ugly of both the commercial industry and the personal side of the dog sledding industry. Weaved throughout the film is the plight of a dog musher running the Iditarod. We see how the veterinarians are constantly checking the dogs, ensuring there are no issues with their health, and mushers are shown constantly caring for their dogs. They rub cream on their feet, feed them super high calorie and fat foods, and observe mandatory rest breaks to ensure everyone is in top shape, and the dogs are cared for. Dogs that show any signs of injury such as stiff joints, muscle soreness are "dropped" or removed from the race team. Female inmates at the Hiland Mountain Correctional Center in Eagle River care for "dropped dogs" and continue a tradition which began during the 1974 Iditarod.  
This kind of care, constant checking, loving, and caring of the dogs is what everyone expects the industry to be. Most of the dog sled facilities that operate carry a passion for dogs, have staff that live, breathe, eat, and sleep dogs, and will do anything possible to protect and care for them. The sad part of the film, shows how a few of the dog sled facilities keep their dogs in the off season, how they judge and execute dogs that don't make the cut, and portray some of the abuse some of the less reputable facilities bestow on their dogs.
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Tethered sled dogs with dilapidated but functional shelter
  The film focuses a lot on dog tethering. Although dog tethering is the industry standard for dealing with large amounts of dogs, it can quite quickly turn into a neglect situation if dogs are not properly cared for and exercised. Tethered dogs need to be seen to multiple times a day, including spending time off-tether in order to burn off energy, interact socially and get exercise. The photo above shows a tethered sled dog with a home in disrepair. By human standards this "home" may be an abomination, however for dogs this small box provides the ability to get out of the rain. The small size ensures the the dog will not get as cold as there will be less moving air inside the box and they will stay warmer. Dog tethering in the industry is considered a "necessary evil" for a multitude of reasons. Unlike many peoples fantasies, dog mushers cannot simply buy an old warehouse, fill it with couches and have hundreds of dogs running loose. Loose dogs will almost always lead to dominance issues, fighting, or worse. Dogs that are allowed to run untethered will often make quick twists and turns during play which can rip muscles in their legs and cause irreparable damage to tendons and cartilage. Dogs usually form certain hierarchies and will cause significant harm to each other if this is challenged.
Several high end mushers have spoken out AGAINST free running dogs and been supporters of tethering for just this reason
It's also important to understand that tethered dogs do not spend their entire lives chained up. They are chained up between running. No different than a domestic dog spending 8 to 10 hours in a crate while their owners are at the office. The difference is the dogs are outside, have water and food, and when properly cared for, are constantly being inspected by staff and owners. Proper, humane, attentive, and ethical tethering is an appropriate way to handle large numbers of dogs. Tethering prevents fighting, undue joint stress and tearing of muscles and ligaments. The
scientific study
by the College of Veterinary medicine at Cornell University found that comparing sled dogs confined by tethers to those confined in pens found no evidence that tethering is unsafe or inhumane if carried out properly. If a dog is to live on a chain, in a pen, or on a couch they can still be neglected and abused. Proper treatment is key to ensuring dogs live fulfilled and happy lives. Dogs need to feel happy and  love by their handlers. The film also goes in-depth into
the 2010 Whistler dog massacre
. This event was when employees of the Howling Dog Sled Tours was tasked with, and completed the execution of 56 sled dogs. After spending two days killing dogs, Robert Fawcett stated that it caused him psychological harm and required treatment for both physical wounds left by dogs trying to defend themselves from him killing them, and psychological treatment to cope with his own actions. Shown in the film is something that parallels television shows like
with workers clad in exposure suits exposing mass graves of dogs, and investigating their cause of death. Robert Fawcett was sentenced to three years’ probation on November 22, 2012 for causing unnecessary pain and suffering to nine of the animals. Sadly, Judge Steve Merrick concluded Fawcett had "the best interests of the dogs at heart" when he violently slaughtered them Whistler. The sad part of this incident was the film shows that the expensive investigation did not accomplish much. The only reason this incident was investigated was because they caused "undue suffering" to the dogs. If the dogs had been killed in a manner which did not have them attacking Robert Fawcett, no laws would have been considered broken. Shooting unwanted dogs is not illegal in most areas of North America. Certainly more needs to be done. The government of British Columbia increased the standard of care for sled dogs, and released a guide to killing sled dogs.
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Several mushers are interviewed in the film, and describe how they have personally witnessed dogs being beaten with chains, "broken in mind, body, and spirit" as well as choosing which dogs live, and which are to be put to death because they are no longer capable of running.  Several are brought to tears recalling what they witnessed. The film brings to light some of the rare and unfortunate events that have happened in the dog sledding industry. It is an important documentary to watch, and should be widely seen by the general public. It is very important to note that this film depicts some of the worst of the industry, but does not represent the industry as whole. Most dog mushing facilities care greatly for their dogs and instruct staff to do the same. There is no tolerance for much of what is portrayed in the documentary. All dog lovers who see the rare incidents portrayed in this film are outraged.  
So what can be done?
As with all things in the world, public education is key. Yes the abuse and neglect happens in
very rare
cases. No, it's not okay. Removing the heritage of working dogs is most certainly a foolhardy method of dealing with the issues at hand. Dog Mushing is part of many peoples cultural history. Certainly for various Indigenous tribes. In North America sled dogs have been an important method of transportation for both European and First Nations people for centuries. Keeping sled dogs running and pulling is part of their cultural heritage. Canada would not have been settled as a nation if it were not for the help of sled dogs. Banning dog sledding outright is a horrible solution. This has been proven recently in
Florida where a banning of dog sports has resulted in tens of thousands of dogs that now need new, homes or face execution
. Retired working dogs don't usually make easy pets without a lot of work. Race dogs which have spend their lives outside do not have any concept of discipline. They don't know to ask to go outside. They don't understand the world isn't their chew toy. They have no manners such as not jumping or lunging. They have spent their entire lives focused on running. Anyone who adopts a former tethered sled dog as a house pet is in for a real surprise when the dog doesnt act like other dogs. Negative activism such as releasing tethered sled dogs into the wild is a disasterous, inappropriate and childish action. Activists who have done this ended up being responsible for multiple dog deaths in Alaska where 20+ dogs were released by activists only to be hit by cars, eaten by bears and coyotes or never return again. Focusing on promoting appropriate treatment and care of sled dogs is the best answer. It has never been "us vs them" against activists. Mushers are passionate dogs lovers and everyone wants to see the dogs happy. Public outcry for better conditions is important. Constant oversight by third party investigators (government and otherwise) is important for commercial operations. Whistle Blowers in the form of mushers speaking out is important. All animals deserve a cruelty free, fulfilling, and joyous life.    
"War grave experts exhume bodies of 100 sled dogs killed by tour operator in post Winter Olympics massacre"
Mail Online. 3 May 2011
Sled Dog Code Of Practice British Columbia January 30, 2012
Hindes, L. M. (2003). Historical perspectives on the human-animal bond. American Behavioral Scientists, 47(1), 7-15. doi: 10.1177/0002764203255206 Nitkin, Patricia.
"The Human-Animal Bond"
, B.C. Cancer Agency, University of British Columbia. Retrieved on 2011-06-19.
The arguments in favour of dog tethering June 23, 2018 KTUU News
A comparison of Tethering and men confinement of dogs by the College of Veterinary Medicine and Cornell University 2001
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centuryassociates · 8 years
Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement
Posted by Charles Sartain
Is condensate a contaminant? When it spills and burns a worker, yes. In Hiland Partners v. National Union Fire Insurance Company the operator, an additional insured under a contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy, was deprived of coverage – and a duty of the insurer to defend. We’ll get to the lessons.  But first, …
The accident
Hiland owns a gas processing facility in North Dakota and had an MSA with Missouri Basin under which MB would provide services. MB procured the insurance policy and included Hiland as an additional insured. As always, the insurer had a duty to defend. There was an exclusion in the policy for bodily injury arising out of the discharge, release, etc. of pollutants, which were defined as any “solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acid, alkali, chemicals and waste”.
Am MB employee was removing water from a condensate tank when the tank overflowed, causing a fire that seriously injured the worker. Because of the exclusion, there was no coverage for Hiland under the policy. And now, …
The lessons
Should Hiland have adjusted language in its MSA to protect itself? I don’t see how it could have. They made themselves an additional insured. The problem was with the policy exclusion. Everybody (whether contractor or operator) must be diligent in confirming that liability insurance coverage tracks – and covers – the liabilities and obligations in the MSA. But here’s the problem: It was MB’s policy. How may additional insureds study the other guy’s policy? I venture to say not many.
Then there was an administration problem: The insuror’s duty to defend was nullified by Hiland’s failure to give the court evidence that it reported the pollution claim to the insurer within 21 days of discovering it – the deadline required in the policy. Timely reporting would, perhaps, have established an exception to the exclusion. Was notice not given, or did Hiland just didn’t show it to the court? The opinion doesn’t say.
Why the exclusion applied
The definition of pollutant is not subject to strict technical usage so the court – as it should – went to the dictionary. A pollutant is something that irritates, or causes irritation, … or contaminates. The injured worker’s suit described condensate as flammable, volatile and explosive.  Cases discuss petroleum products being toxic by nature. The fact that condensate caused harm other than by contamination and is a product that causes harm in a manner other than by irritating or contaminating, didn’t matter to the court.
The court rejected Hiland’s argument that the condensate caused harm in a manner other than by contamination and thus the exclusion did not apply, and rejected the argument that condensate is not a “pollutant” under the exclusion because Hiland is in the business of selling condensate, which makes it a product.
For today’s musical interlude, more girl singers you need to know about: A black, guitar-playing, gospel singer who was around so long she’s no longer around, and a more recent underappreciated country singer.   
   Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnEzMp
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Burns High School
Photo by Nick Perla
Burns High School
a look inside Burns High, in Burns Oregon
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Burns High Band performing on Broadway in parades circa 1955-60
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Burns Union High School - Hilander Country, June 2011
Copyright Al Dee Sollinger (Used with Permission)
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mvage-blog · 7 years
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■ネクストブレイクを探し出せ! RO JACK 2017、傾向と分析と無責任な優勝者者予想をしてみました
■mvageコメント と、いうことで弊サイトで4日にわたって注目バンドをまとめ続けてきた「ROJACK 2017」ですが、一旦の締めとして入賞者予想までやってしまおうと思います。
もちろん、私が考える「RO JACK選考基準像」なため、実際の結果とは外れるおそれも充分に考えられ、「え、うちら入賞できんの?」とか「私の推しバンド、優勝の可能性あるんだ……!」と感じなくてもいいぬか喜びを提供してしまう危険性もあるのですが、ご容赦いただけますと幸いです。
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【2015年冬】 ●入賞アーティスト Atomic stooges、或るミイ、犬人間ニョンズ、上野大樹、KAKASHI、ジオラマラジオ、shimmer、sui sui duck、The Stone That Burns、トカゲロウ、豊島こうき、TRY TRY NIICHE、ナマニエルボーイズ、Nina lovegood、ヌ・シャボンヌ、眠らない兎、HILANDERS、ファジーロジック、flower in the vasement、HEADLAMP、メランコリック写楽、ヨルニトケル、わたしのねがいごと。
●優勝アーティスト I Promised Once、響心SoundorChestrA、GrandStand、ゴードマウンテン、Takaryu
※ニーチェ、メラシャラ、或るミイにsui sui duck、Nina lovegoodや眠らない兎など、なかなかの豊作の年。もしくは、数年経つと入賞者が頭角を表し始めるのかもしれません。the phenomenons、phonegazer、Junk Robotなど12組が2次通過して入賞を逃しています。
【2016年夏】 ●入賞アーティスト アイビーカラー、Omoinotake、午前四時、朝焼けにツキ、THE COLT GOVERMENT、シップストーリー、(thee)things as they are、The 3 minutes、清野りな、ゼノ、DALEN、Tequeolo Caliqueolo、TRiFOLiUM、にゃんぞぬデシ、ネコゆくえしらズ、ベランダ、The White Waltz、ミシェルメルモ、リコチェットマイガール、The Rouges
●優勝アーティスト おいしくるメロンパン、NINYOACT、MixoL'e
【2016年冬】 ●入賞アーティスト 安頭、OSMO、キリクと魔女、CRAWLICK、恋は魔物、小島ゆうすけBAND、shellfish、stockholm sea side、chietoyts、Take mind's place、デフォルメニッポン、tokyotender、ナトナキュラ、猫を堕ろす、ハイカラユース、プールと銃口、the brownies、奮酉、popoq、マチルダにおねがい
●優勝アーティスト uguis、SEKIRARA、ニトロデイ、betcover!!、Mr.EggPlant
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■パートナー枠 やらせとかデキレースとか、そういうクソつまんない話ではなく。バンプ・ラッドを経由した、ロキノンど真ん中の音楽性で戦っている「ロキノンにすぐにでも載せられる」バンドは一定数入っているだろうと。 ロキノンの興行なので次世代のエース格を出したいのは当然ですし、それ系のバンドが集まってくるのも当たり前ですが、割とシーン全体に世代交代の波がきているにも関わらず「ロキノンっぽいバンド」が多く選ばれてるのは、ある意味ガラパゴスで特徴的かなと思います。 (過去の選出アーティスト:おいしくるメロンパン、TRY TRY NIICHE、uguisなど)
■ヤンチャ枠 一定の支持者数を誇るライブキッズ層向け……というか熱いメッセージ性が魅力のバンドもなかなかの確率で入賞しているイメージがあります。パートナー枠でも言える事ですが、単純にバンドの分母が多いのも関係していそうですね。ヘヴィロック/スクリーモ/メロディックパンクなど、USっぽい音を鳴らすバンドが該当するかと。 (過去の選出アーティスト:I Promised Once、NINYOACT、午前四時、朝焼けにツキなど)
■感性ぶっ飛び枠 主に女性シンガーや女性ピンボーカルに多いイメージ。普遍性のあるキャッチーな音楽性ながら、歌詞やライブパフォーマンスのインパクトで度肝を抜くタイプのバンドが数バンド選出されいるように思います。ビジネス��ートナー枠とはまた違った意味で即戦力なのがこの枠のバンドかなと。 (過去の選出アーティスト:メランコリック写楽、ネコゆくえしらズ、響心SoundorChestrAなど)
■ソロアーティスト枠 バンド系が多い中、意外と選出されていることの多い弾き語り系アーティスト。入賞の一歩手前、二次予選通過者には必ず2名ほど入っている気がします。 (過去の選出アーティスト:にゃんぞぬデシ、豊島こうき、上野大樹など)
■ロキノンスケベ枠 えっちなアーティストという訳ではなく、「別シーンも取り込みたい」というROJACKの思いを私が勝手に汲み取った枠。例えばHOLIDAY! RECORDSで扱っているようなインディ志向の強いバンドを意識的に選出して、時代の流れと乖離するのを避けようとしてるのかも。 (過去の選出アーティスト:sui sui duck、omoinotake、tokyotenderなど)
■ロリコン枠 これも語弊あるな……。要するに結成1年以内のバンドをフックアップするための枠。「この才能はワシが育てた」と言いたいだけではなく、無限の伸びしろを見据えている感。オーディション系の醍醐味とも言え、見てる方も楽しいです。 (過去の選出アーティスト:betcover!!、ニトロデイ、おいしくるメロンパンなど)
■90年代回帰枠 その一方で、「自分たち主導でシーンやムーヴメントを作りたい」という思いがあるように見えます。そこを感じたのが、2016年のOSMO選出。正直彼らはトピック的に強いバンドだとは思わないのですが、シンプルにめっちゃいい歌を作るバンドだと思っていたので、「これは普遍的なグッドメロディへの回帰の流れにしたがってるな……?」とこれまた勝手に汲み取りました。 (過去の選出アーティスト:OSMO、ベランダ、マチルダにおねがいなど)
■盤石枠 既にめちゃくちゃ人気・実力ともにあるのに応募したバンドはひとバンドくらい入賞している気がします。メリットよりデメリットのほうが���きいのに、シーンを盛り上げる為に立ち上がる実力者、って感じでカッコいいです。 (過去の選出:ヨルニトケル、リコチェットマイガールなど)
■外国人枠 おそらく今回から、活動地域「海外」のバンドが増えたように思います。(2015年冬は1件、2016年夏は3件、2016年冬は0件に対して、今回は10件)意図的に増やしているとしたらアピールしたいのが人情かなと思いますので、二次通過にひと枠は確保されているのでは……?
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■パートナー枠 EARNIE FROGs、スマトラブラックタイガー、まちがいさがし、赤丸、fresh night pizza club、灰色ロジック、モクメノキ
■ヤンチャ枠 Novelbright、the sugar
■感性ぶっ飛び枠 あの娘はウォンバット、さよならミオちゃん、宇宙団、おやすみアトム
■ソロアーティスト枠 花散 舞、ハザマリツシ、優妃、春ねむり
■ロキノンスケベ枠 Kailios、Monaca yellow city、citrus+、The Echo Dek、ディープファン君、Transit My Youth
■ロリコン枠(改名含む) Francesca、Crispy Camera Club、オッケーオールライト、CUICUI、The Songbards、YOOKs
■90年代回帰枠 しんきろうのまち、The333s、Rollo and Leaps、キイチビール&ホーリィティッツ
■盤石枠 とけた電球、弱虫倶楽部
■外国人枠 16Mins
■その他 ハンブレッダーズ、FACTOTUM、P.G Good Taste、UCURARIP、DADA GAUGUIN、ARSKN、Nicetime Workerz、sankanshion°
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Rollo and Leaps
■過去記事、本家聴けるまとめはこちら 1日目の25組 http://mvage.tumblr.com/post/159956984183/rojack2017-part01-01
2日目の25組 http://mvage.tumblr.com/post/159999250333/rojack2017-part02-01
3日目の25組 http://mvage.tumblr.com/post/160035401628/rojack2017-part03-01
4日目の25組 http://mvage.tumblr.com/post/160070907823/rojack2017-part04-01
聴けるまとめ http://rojack.jp/matome/matome_albums?matome_member_id=1007
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centuryassociates · 8 years
Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement
Posted by Charles Sartain
Is condensate a contaminant? When it spills and burns a worker, yes. In Hiland Partners v. National Union Fire Insurance Company the operator, an additional insured under a contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy, was deprived of coverage – and a duty of the insurer to defend. We’ll get to the lessons.  But first, …
The accident
Hiland owns a gas processing facility in North Dakota and had an MSA with Missouri Basin under which MB would provide services. MB procured the insurance policy and included Hiland as an additional insured. As always, the insurer had a duty to defend. There was an exclusion in the policy for bodily injury arising out of the discharge, release, etc. of pollutants, which were defined as any “solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acid, alkali, chemicals and waste”.
Am MB employee was removing water from a condensate tank when the tank overflowed, causing a fire that seriously injured the worker. Because of the exclusion, there was no coverage for Hiland under the policy. And now, …
The lessons
Should Hiland have adjusted language in its MSA to protect itself? I don’t see how it could have. They made themselves an additional insured. The problem was with the policy exclusion. Everybody (whether contractor or operator) must be diligent in confirming that liability insurance coverage tracks – and covers – the liabilities and obligations in the MSA. But here’s the problem: It was MB’s policy. How may additional insureds study the other guy’s policy? I venture to say not many.
Then there was an administration problem: The insuror’s duty to defend was nullified by Hiland’s failure to give the court evidence that it reported the pollution claim to the insurer within 21 days of discovering it – the deadline required in the policy. Timely reporting would, perhaps, have established an exception to the exclusion. Was notice not given, or did Hiland just didn’t show it to the court? The opinion doesn’t say.
Why the exclusion applied
The definition of pollutant is not subject to strict technical usage so the court – as it should – went to the dictionary. A pollutant is something that irritates, or causes irritation, … or contaminates. The injured worker’s suit described condensate as flammable, volatile and explosive.  Cases discuss petroleum products being toxic by nature. The fact that condensate caused harm other than by contamination and is a product that causes harm in a manner other than by irritating or contaminating, didn’t matter to the court.
The court rejected Hiland’s argument that the condensate caused harm in a manner other than by contamination and thus the exclusion did not apply, and rejected the argument that condensate is not a “pollutant” under the exclusion because Hiland is in the business of selling condensate, which makes it a product.
For today’s musical interlude, more girl singers you need to know about: A black, guitar-playing, gospel singer who was around so long she’s no longer around, and a more recent underappreciated country singer.   
   Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnEzMp
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centuryassociates · 8 years
Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement
Posted by Charles Sartain
Is condensate a contaminant? When it spills and burns a worker, yes. In Hiland Partners v. National Union Fire Insurance Company the operator, an additional insured under a contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy, was deprived of coverage – and a duty of the insurer to defend. We’ll get to the lessons.  But first, …
The accident
Hiland owns a gas processing facility in North Dakota and had an MSA with Missouri Basin under which MB would provide services. MB procured the insurance policy and included Hiland as an additional insured. As always, the insurer had a duty to defend. There was an exclusion in the policy for bodily injury arising out of the discharge, release, etc. of pollutants, which were defined as any “solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acid, alkali, chemicals and waste”.
Am MB employee was removing water from a condensate tank when the tank overflowed, causing a fire that seriously injured the worker. Because of the exclusion, there was no coverage for Hiland under the policy. And now, …
The lessons
Should Hiland have adjusted language in its MSA to protect itself? I don’t see how it could have. They made themselves an additional insured. The problem was with the policy exclusion. Everybody (whether contractor or operator) must be diligent in confirming that liability insurance coverage tracks – and covers – the liabilities and obligations in the MSA. But here’s the problem: It was MB’s policy. How may additional insureds study the other guy’s policy? I venture to say not many.
Then there was an administration problem: The insuror’s duty to defend was nullified by Hiland’s failure to give the court evidence that it reported the pollution claim to the insurer within 21 days of discovering it – the deadline required in the policy. Timely reporting would, perhaps, have established an exception to the exclusion. Was notice not given, or did Hiland just didn’t show it to the court? The opinion doesn’t say.
Why the exclusion applied
The definition of pollutant is not subject to strict technical usage so the court – as it should – went to the dictionary. A pollutant is something that irritates, or causes irritation, … or contaminates. The injured worker’s suit described condensate as flammable, volatile and explosive.  Cases discuss petroleum products being toxic by nature. The fact that condensate caused harm other than by contamination and is a product that causes harm in a manner other than by irritating or contaminating, didn’t matter to the court.
The court rejected Hiland’s argument that the condensate caused harm in a manner other than by contamination and thus the exclusion did not apply, and rejected the argument that condensate is not a “pollutant” under the exclusion because Hiland is in the business of selling condensate, which makes it a product.
For today’s musical interlude, more girl singers you need to know about: A black, guitar-playing, gospel singer who was around so long she’s no longer around, and a more recent underappreciated country singer.   
   Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnEzMp
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centuryassociates · 8 years
Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement
Posted by Charles Sartain
Is condensate a contaminant? When it spills and burns a worker, yes. In Hiland Partners v. National Union Fire Insurance Company the operator, an additional insured under a contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy, was deprived of coverage – and a duty of the insurer to defend. We’ll get to the lessons.  But first, …
The accident
Hiland owns a gas processing facility in North Dakota and had an MSA with Missouri Basin under which MB would provide services. MB procured the insurance policy and included Hiland as an additional insured. As always, the insurer had a duty to defend. There was an exclusion in the policy for bodily injury arising out of the discharge, release, etc. of pollutants, which were defined as any “solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acid, alkali, chemicals and waste”.
Am MB employee was removing water from a condensate tank when the tank overflowed, causing a fire that seriously injured the worker. Because of the exclusion, there was no coverage for Hiland under the policy. And now, …
The lessons
Should Hiland have adjusted language in its MSA to protect itself? I don’t see how it could have. They made themselves an additional insured. The problem was with the policy exclusion. Everybody (whether contractor or operator) must be diligent in confirming that liability insurance coverage tracks – and covers – the liabilities and obligations in the MSA. But here’s the problem: It was MB’s policy. How may additional insureds study the other guy’s policy? I venture to say not many.
Then there was an administration problem: The insuror’s duty to defend was nullified by Hiland’s failure to give the court evidence that it reported the pollution claim to the insurer within 21 days of discovering it – the deadline required in the policy. Timely reporting would, perhaps, have established an exception to the exclusion. Was notice not given, or did Hiland just didn’t show it to the court? The opinion doesn’t say.
Why the exclusion applied
The definition of pollutant is not subject to strict technical usage so the court – as it should – went to the dictionary. A pollutant is something that irritates, or causes irritation, … or contaminates. The injured worker’s suit described condensate as flammable, volatile and explosive.  Cases discuss petroleum products being toxic by nature. The fact that condensate caused harm other than by contamination and is a product that causes harm in a manner other than by irritating or contaminating, didn’t matter to the court.
The court rejected Hiland’s argument that the condensate caused harm in a manner other than by contamination and thus the exclusion did not apply, and rejected the argument that condensate is not a “pollutant” under the exclusion because Hiland is in the business of selling condensate, which makes it a product.
For today’s musical interlude, more girl singers you need to know about: A black, guitar-playing, gospel singer who was around so long she’s no longer around, and a more recent underappreciated country singer.   
   Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnEzMp
0 notes
centuryassociates · 8 years
Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement
Posted by Charles Sartain
Is condensate a contaminant? When it spills and burns a worker, yes. In Hiland Partners v. National Union Fire Insurance Company the operator, an additional insured under a contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy, was deprived of coverage – and a duty of the insurer to defend. We’ll get to the lessons.  But first, …
The accident
Hiland owns a gas processing facility in North Dakota and had an MSA with Missouri Basin under which MB would provide services. MB procured the insurance policy and included Hiland as an additional insured. As always, the insurer had a duty to defend. There was an exclusion in the policy for bodily injury arising out of the discharge, release, etc. of pollutants, which were defined as any “solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acid, alkali, chemicals and waste”.
Am MB employee was removing water from a condensate tank when the tank overflowed, causing a fire that seriously injured the worker. Because of the exclusion, there was no coverage for Hiland under the policy. And now, …
The lessons
Should Hiland have adjusted language in its MSA to protect itself? I don’t see how it could have. They made themselves an additional insured. The problem was with the policy exclusion. Everybody (whether contractor or operator) must be diligent in confirming that liability insurance coverage tracks – and covers – the liabilities and obligations in the MSA. But here’s the problem: It was MB’s policy. How may additional insureds study the other guy’s policy? I venture to say not many.
Then there was an administration problem: The insuror’s duty to defend was nullified by Hiland’s failure to give the court evidence that it reported the pollution claim to the insurer within 21 days of discovering it – the deadline required in the policy. Timely reporting would, perhaps, have established an exception to the exclusion. Was notice not given, or did Hiland just didn’t show it to the court? The opinion doesn’t say.
Why the exclusion applied
The definition of pollutant is not subject to strict technical usage so the court – as it should – went to the dictionary. A pollutant is something that irritates, or causes irritation, … or contaminates. The injured worker’s suit described condensate as flammable, volatile and explosive.  Cases discuss petroleum products being toxic by nature. The fact that condensate caused harm other than by contamination and is a product that causes harm in a manner other than by irritating or contaminating, didn’t matter to the court.
The court rejected Hiland’s argument that the condensate caused harm in a manner other than by contamination and thus the exclusion did not apply, and rejected the argument that condensate is not a “pollutant” under the exclusion because Hiland is in the business of selling condensate, which makes it a product.
For today’s musical interlude, more girl singers you need to know about: A black, guitar-playing, gospel singer who was around so long she’s no longer around, and a more recent underappreciated country singer.   
   Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnEzMp
0 notes
centuryassociates · 8 years
Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement
Posted by Charles Sartain
Is condensate a contaminant? When it spills and burns a worker, yes. In Hiland Partners v. National Union Fire Insurance Company the operator, an additional insured under a contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy, was deprived of coverage – and a duty of the insurer to defend. We’ll get to the lessons.  But first, …
The accident
Hiland owns a gas processing facility in North Dakota and had an MSA with Missouri Basin under which MB would provide services. MB procured the insurance policy and included Hiland as an additional insured. As always, the insurer had a duty to defend. There was an exclusion in the policy for bodily injury arising out of the discharge, release, etc. of pollutants, which were defined as any “solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acid, alkali, chemicals and waste”.
Am MB employee was removing water from a condensate tank when the tank overflowed, causing a fire that seriously injured the worker. Because of the exclusion, there was no coverage for Hiland under the policy. And now, …
The lessons
Should Hiland have adjusted language in its MSA to protect itself? I don’t see how it could have. They made themselves an additional insured. The problem was with the policy exclusion. Everybody (whether contractor or operator) must be diligent in confirming that liability insurance coverage tracks – and covers – the liabilities and obligations in the MSA. But here’s the problem: It was MB’s policy. How may additional insureds study the other guy’s policy? I venture to say not many.
Then there was an administration problem: The insuror’s duty to defend was nullified by Hiland’s failure to give the court evidence that it reported the pollution claim to the insurer within 21 days of discovering it – the deadline required in the policy. Timely reporting would, perhaps, have established an exception to the exclusion. Was notice not given, or did Hiland just didn’t show it to the court? The opinion doesn’t say.
Why the exclusion applied
The definition of pollutant is not subject to strict technical usage so the court – as it should – went to the dictionary. A pollutant is something that irritates, or causes irritation, … or contaminates. The injured worker’s suit described condensate as flammable, volatile and explosive.  Cases discuss petroleum products being toxic by nature. The fact that condensate caused harm other than by contamination and is a product that causes harm in a manner other than by irritating or contaminating, didn’t matter to the court.
The court rejected Hiland’s argument that the condensate caused harm in a manner other than by contamination and thus the exclusion did not apply, and rejected the argument that condensate is not a “pollutant” under the exclusion because Hiland is in the business of selling condensate, which makes it a product.
For today’s musical interlude, more girl singers you need to know about: A black, guitar-playing, gospel singer who was around so long she’s no longer around, and a more recent underappreciated country singer.   
   Lessons in Administering a Master Service Agreement posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnEzMp
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