#busan saturi
busanienne · 2 years
Comment dit-on « Il y en a partout ! » en dialecte de Busan ? / How to say "It's everywhere" in Busan dialect? - 천지삐까리/천지빼까리
Comment dit-on « Il y en a partout ! » en dialecte de Busan ? / How to say "It's everywhere" in Busan dialect? #coreen #korean #hangeul #saturi #busan #ilyenapartout #saturi #dialecte #apprendrelecoréen #learningKorean #busanien #busanienne #learning
Coucou tout le monde ! 🙂 Alors, aujourd’hui je vous apprends un mot en dialecte de Busan, soi-disant « 부산 사투리 Busan Saturi » ! ─── ୨୧ ─── Hello! 🙂Today I let you know a word in Busan dialect, so called “부산 사투리 Busan Saturi”! 🌼Les mots ou les expressions que je vous apprends aujourd’hui peuvent être utilisés entre amis ou entre membres de la famille. Toutes les expressions traitées dans ce…
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Imagining Peter Quill not speaking proper English is hilarious
Whenever Peter starts using Earth proverbs and stuff when explaining things to the rest of the guardians
I sometimes imagine him starting to talk in Korean (because there’s this thing called dubbing, and it does wonders to imagining Peter not being able to speak English), with Korean rural accents, using slang from that area
and it’s hilarious to me
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bootyful-seventeen · 6 years
Quick Korean tip: the Korean you learn is the international Korean, which no one uses. Most Korean spoken in Doramas and Korean things is the Busan and Seoul saturi, which means annyeunghaseyeo is NOT HOW YOU SAY HELLO ON A INFORMAL CONVERSATION IT'S FUCKING BAMUKEOSEO OR BAKMUNAH OR AT MOST ANNYUNG FOR FUCKS SAKE ANNYEUNGHASEYEO IS LIKE GOING AROUND SAYING 'greetings my friendly accompanions it is I your partner' ~Gay Anon 🌈
LOOOOOOOL you probably get so triggered from seeing things like that so often. I’ve migrated to YouTube for some video to teach me about informal and formal stuff so I don’t fuck up and do something dumb and disrespectful to an older person. But I should probably getting back into the language learning mind I had in October when I started
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guccisvt · 6 years
Don’t be sorry! I’m glad you cleared that up though. You learn something new everyday. But I feel like whether he’s a sub or dom, he’s such a cocky little shit just UGH. -M
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got7-texts · 7 years
Hi how are you ? Japanese lunch etc remember ahah ? It's for a question : I'm watching RealGOT7 and a lot of times they talk about dialect ? Like, they can't talk in dialect ? I don't really understand it. Thanks if you answer me ! ♥️
Of course, how could I forget~?
Before I start, let it be known that I’m not an expert, so some of this might be wrong (and if it is, please feel free to correct me). Whenever they talk about dialects, they’re referring to the different style of speech (not just an accent) that people who are from different places in Korea have. 
Just like other countries, Korea has different regions (I think there are 8 provinces? ) and each region has it’s own different dialect with different speech patterns and accents. One of the most well known dialects is satoori/saturi which is spoken in Busan (I think?). I don’t speak Korean very much at all but a lot of people I know say that satoori sounds like ‘tough’ Korean. 
So when GOT7 is talking about dialects, they’ll often times try to sound like they’re from a different region of Korea with a different accent and speech pattern.
Once again, I got most of this information from the internet, so please correct me if I’m wrong and we can all learn more about Korean together~
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busanienne · 2 years
Comment dit-on « toi et moi » à Busan ? / How to say "You and I(you and me)" in Korea and Busan ? - 너랑 나
Comment dit-on « toi et moi » à Busan ? / How to say “You and I(you and me)” in Korea and Busan ? – 너랑 나
Vous écoutez de la K-pop ?Si oui, vous connaissez la chanteuse coréenne 아이유(IU) ?Si oui, vous connaissez sa chanson intitulée « 너랑 나 /neo-rang na/ (=toi et moi) » par hasard ? ─── ୨୧ ─── Do you listen to K-pop?If so, do you know the Korean singer 아이유(IU)?If so, do you know one of her songs called “너랑 나 /neo-rang na/ (=you and me)” by any chance? Je vous le demande parce que le mot…
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busanienne · 2 years
[Coréen/Korean] Le sommeil me vient ! / Sleep comes to me! - 잠온다
#korean #learningkorean #coreen #apprendre #language #hangeul #sleepy #jamonda #jollyeo
Ce matin, de bonne heure, en sortant me promener avec ma sœur, je me suis dit : « 아, 졸려 /ah, jol-lyeo/ (=Oh, j’ai sommeil !) » Et soudain, ma sœur a ri en me disant : « C’est drôle, tu viens de dire que 졸려(tu avais sommeil) ! » ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ Today, early in the morning, while going out for a walk with my sister,I said to myself: “아, 졸려 /ah, jol-lyeo/ (=Oh, I’m sleepy!)“ And…
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