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go-to-the-mirror · 2 years
god i hate when the moral nuance podcast has moral nuance, smh
Anyway! Happy magiversary, first of all, I'm drawing some stuff for it :3, and secondly welcome to my ramble for episode 155. There were some words that were good, and some that was rambles. Enjoy.
BASIRA Hmm. London’s what, 600 square miles? ARCHIVIST 607. BASIRA (Sighs) Whatever.
I like to think that he just knew that without the Ceaseless Watcher. Know it all prick <3.
ARCHIVIST So I guess we’ll want to look out for a pair of homeless serial killers now. I’ll add it to the list.
I love him your honour <3. Like at a certain point you're going to start not taking All Of The Attempted Murders so seriously, and Jon Jarchivist Sims has hit that point about seven times already. He is going through it.
BASIRA I’m trying to convince her to go after them. To, uh… Hunt them. ARCHIVIST Why? BASIRA Because I’m not going to lose her. ARCHIVIST She goes hunting again, you might anyway. BASIRA And if she doesn’t, she might die. ARCHIVIST Something you’re fine with in certain other cases, and something she’s made peace with.
THANK YOU, JON. Bloody hypocrite. Murder's fine, but nightmares? Oh, that's not allowed. And yeah, Jon fucked up, and he hurt a lot of people, but Christ, so did Daisy, and they had the same bloody agency in it. Daisy killed people - people who didn't deserve to die, she's culpable in that, and Basira's not admitting it because it makes her culpable for enabling Daisy. Which she is, she knew Daisy killed people, only saved Jon because he was her friend, said that she should have let Daisy kill people.
ARCHIVIST (Sigh) Statement of Tova McHugh regarding their string of near-death experiences. Original statement given December 3rd, 2002. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, the Archivist.
(deadpan) Diversity win. The person who killed a bunch of people to extend their life canonically uses they/them pronouns.
And that’s not money from some trust fund. I mean sure my parents loaned me the money to start, but I built my business up from the ground, and we now provide jobs for almost 700 people.
(stares directly into the camera)
I'm not even going to comment on that. "not money from some trust fund" "my parents loaned me the money to start"
Ok, Tova, ok.
Sorry, I’m just… aware of how this story makes me look and I don’t want you to think I’m some selfish monster grinding people up just to extend my own ghoulish life. I’m trying to do good.
I can see the parallels and I do not like it.
If we shove my feelings towards Jon to the side for one moment, I can see the similarities between him and Tova, and how he would see himself in Tova. No matter how I try to spin it, Jon has been hurting people. He's been forcing innocent people - and even if they weren't innocent, it's still fucked - to relieve the worst moments of their life, not only once, but every night, with a new and spooky observer. That's horrifying, that's horrible.
Sure, it's not killing people, and he recognised that what he was doing was wrong, so it's not really on the same level as Tova, I feel, but still, I can understand why he'd see himself in Tova, and I can understand what I think we're meant to see in this.
It's one thing to hear a statement from a victim - an important part in realising that Jon has fucked up, but it's quite another to hear one from someone like him, justifying their awful actions under the guise of doing good. Maybe they (sing.) are doing good, maybe he is, but that does not erase all the people they've (pl.) hurt to get there.
I had to live, I couldn’t die, not then. We were on the verge of closing a deal that would provide fresh water to impoverished communities in a dozen developing countries. Without me, it would fall through.
Mate, killing is not the bloody answer. Sure, they might be doing good in the world, but they don't deserve to live more than anyone, they're killing people - actual living people. That's wrong. Sure, you're allowed to kill to protect your own life, but... it's wrong. They're not doing anything to hurt them, it's wrong. I just think it's wrong.
An old woman, frail and shivering, staring out of the ducks over the water, empty bread bag by her side. If only I could have explained it to her, I’m sure she would have understood. She might even have agreed. But I couldn’t talk to her, and I needed to live.
She needed to live. She deserved to live, everyone deserves to live, and it's wrong to make that choice for someone who you don't even know. It's understandable, what Tova did, but it's their responsibility to not value their life above everyone else's so much that they actually kill someone. That's wrong.
"I needed to live." The old woman was just a person and by saying your ("useful") life is better than someone else's ("useless") life is... bad. It's really bad. Like, uh, yeah content warning for
I thought I’d solved it. If anything else like that happened, I knew what I needed to do.
So, she was going to do it again. Good lord.
This time I sought out a homeless man. Young and strong, though his life was clearly over as he tried to destroy himself through drinking. I followed him into an alley, and his liver gave out, just at the moment the EpiPen was pushed into my leg.
Ah, that homeless initiative, huh. But, of course, their (sing.) life is worth more. /s
God, they (sing.) suck as a person, like what the hell. That's awful, that's horrible.
I do find myself hating them, quite a bit. Good lord.
I made a decision. One I am deeply ashamed of, but I honestly thought it was for the best. I couldn’t keep living like that in the shadow of death, of what I had to do to keep going. One sacrifice, I thought. Just one, from someone with their entire life ahead of them. I took a newborn.
I don't even know what to say. How the fuck are they able to lie to themself so much as to think that killing - what is it now - four people - is good? Is going to "help the world as a whole," god damn them. God damn them.
Like, how do you even do that? Egotistical piece of shit. Believing their life is of so much more value than the people they kill to keep on living.
It was a baby born to poverty, one whose life I thought would bring it pain, and I believed it would be the last I would ever need to do.
Oh, right, classism.
Also like, their language. "One whose life I thought would bring it pain," that's eugenics. That is literally eugenics.
Eventually I realized it had nothing to do with age or health. It was about connection. About joy. The more friends, family, loved ones the person has, the further out the terror of sudden death spreads from me. The longer it keeps me alive.
Fear soup, the fear of death is mixed in with a lot of other things. The Dark, the fear of that oblivion, absence of light, or warmth, of life. The Desolation, in this case, the fear of losing someone to the cruel hands of death or whatever. This is also a desolation statement. Nice hill to die on.
I’m 40 now, and I have taken the life of beloved mothers, respected professionals, pillars of the community. But I have done so much good with my life, I’ve reached further helped more people than they ever could have.
FUCK THEM. I don't even know what to say to that.
I’m not saying how I live is right, or good, but it is the position I have been put in, and a decision I have to make. I never wanted to weigh up the value of a life, to set it on the scales against my own, but that’s a choice that I am forced into. And it is one I will continue to make.
They suck as a person and I want to throw them with a rock.
What is the value of a life? Is it something that can be quantified, put down as numbers, good deeds, bad? And when your life your existence is at the cost of doing harm, what then? I’ve - (laughs) I’ve saved the world, the whole world. Does that give me the right to take what I need to survive?
Great question! I don't know. I don't have an answer? Maybe? No? It's not a definitive yes, I mean... No. No. That's not an option. He's gonna have to die, that's... the only good option, that's not a good option, that's the only option that isn't hurting people that could have been relatively uninvolved.
I don't think anyone should make that decision for you, but you have a responsibility as a person to not kill people for your own gain, that's important.
The needs of the many is greater than the needs of the few only can really work when you're not saving yourself under the guise of helping more people.
If I'm going to be consistent, I'm going to say that no. Jon should stick to old statements, and let himself die when he dies, because he doesn't deserve the trauma of other people. But... I like him a lot, okay.
This relisten is really making me pull away from being a Jon apologist, hate it for that. /hj
I find myself hating her, her callous self-deception. But am I so different? Daisy’s chosen to resist in her own way, knowing full well it might take her life in the end, Melanie too. I respect them for it, but I - I don’t know if I can follow their path. I suppose I have a way out now. One that wouldn’t even kill me, at least, I hope not. And yet here I am still. Am I a coward? I just… what if they need me? What if.
What would I do? Hell if I know! Probably the same as what Jon did, I'd hurt people, hate myself, hurt people, hate myself in a cycle, and I'm not sure at this moment if I'd do it, if I'd blind myself and possibly die, or not and live as something I hate? I mean, like, it's not even an impossible situation. Maybe he is a coward, maybe I'd be too. But... I don't know. I don't know, I don't know, I just don't know.
This is a situation where for most of the time the way out was dying. This is a situation where there is a way out that'll leave Jon vulnerable, both cause I don't think being newly blind is great for general survivability when things are literally out to get you and because he won't be an avatar anymore, he won't have those abilities that while he hates make him less helpless. Of fucking course he told Gerry he liked that he could compel people, it's some of the only control he's had in this whole situation. This is a situation where the two ways out are death, and maybe death, definitely helpless against the many many things that want him dead.
That's a difficult decision.
MELANIE Thanks for telling me, by the way. It didn’t look like it was easy for you.
MELANIE You won’t need to. I’ve - I’ve made a few arrangements, and… (shaky breath) it’s going to be okay. Honestly. I think it is. I - I can’t be a part of this anymore and if this is the price, then I think I’m okay to pay it.
I'm so happy for her <3
MELANIE (Inhale) It’s - it’s the rest of you I’m worried about. ARCHIVIST We’ll be fine. Always have been. MELANIE (Scoffs lightly) Not always.
alexa play sense, sensibility by ajj
what if i wanted them to be ok, what if i wanted it to be okay, what then?
jonny why
ARCHIVIST We’ll miss you. MELANIE (Wryly) Wish I could say the same. ARCHIVIST (Quietly) Yeah.
MELANIE (Deep breath) No. I’ve got this. But if you, um… If you could… In five minutes, I would appreciate it if you could call me an ambulance.
I'm happy for her. I just wish she could get out forever, you know? Live all happy like with her girlfriend, not live through the apocolypse.
Well done Melanie, well done.
Well, um, yeah. That's it really. Shambles.
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nickersonageney99 · 3 months
Nickerson Insurance Agency
Auto Insurance 
Shop around for the best deal on car insurance in the Connecticut cities of Waterford, Stonington, Groton, New London, and Norwich. 
Numerous daily activities in southern Connecticut are dependent on roadways auto insurance agency near me Even if you don't drive very much, you should still have enough insurance to cover things like errands, job commutes and autumn foliage tours in New England. 
Several factors, such as, but not limited to, extreme fatigue, diversions, and fast driving, increase the likelihood of accidents involving modern city drivers. Any drivers who live in your home should be covered by your vehicle insurance policy. Do not hesitate to contact a seasoned insurance agent for help in customising an existing policy to suite your needs. 
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The local, long-standing firm Nickerson Insurance is relied upon by drivers of all ages and ability levels. In the event that you have recently purchased a vehicle, are considering changing insurance providers, or are concerned about the safety of a young driver in your household, our friendly and informed customer service representatives are available to assist you. 
Feel free to contact Nickerson Insurance at any time for driver's licence or auto insurance needs. Possible sale items include the following: The following are some benefits: Numerous advantages are yours to enjoy with this coverage, including reduced prices on new cars, pet insurance, discounts for students and good students, low mileage, groups, OEM, and accidental airbag deployment. Moreover, there are savings for new clients, the option to pay bills automatically or in full, reimbursements for deductibles that are about to expire, assistance with payment gaps in vehicle loans or leases, and reduced prices for vehicle and home insurance. 
When Things Go South, How Can I Forgive? 
After an accident, a lot of people are afraid their insurance rates will go up. When you renew your insurance policy, you can ask your provider to "forgive" certain incidents without increasing your premiums by adding the Accident Forgiveness endorsement. The stability of your insurance payment should put your mind at ease. 
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Get in touch with us if you are looking for a Connecticut insurance provider to protect your valuable possessions. In order to provide you with the individualised attention you deserve, we must attend to all of your needs. Our diverse product line has allowed us to successfully meet the insurance needs of our valued customers. Anyone in the Waterford, Connecticut area looking for affordable vehicle insurance should definitely give Nickerson Insurance Agency a call. As a local supplier of car insurance, we take pride in offering competitive rates without sacrificing quality of service. 
Getting auto insurance is a smart move. Nickerson Insurance Agency is the go-to car insurance agency for drivers in Stonington and Waterford, Connecticut. Get in touch with us first anytime you require car insurance so you can drive stress-free.
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nickersonagency2c · 6 months
Nickerson Insurance Agency
Auto Insurance Policy Protection
When it comes to auto insurance, residents of Waterford, Stonington, Groton, New London, and Norwich in Southern Connecticut have many alternatives.
Insurance agent near me
The majority of individuals in southern Connecticut rely on their cars for many elements of their daily life. Comprehensive auto insurance is essential if you drive to and from work, run errands, and engage in recreational activities like seeing the picturesque New England coast or taking in the fall foliage.
On congested highways, accidents are more likely to happen when other drivers drive carelessly, too quickly, or without paying attention. An informed insurance agent is an excellent choice if you need assistance determining what kind of insurance policy would protect your family in the event of an accident.
All ages and ability levels of drivers are protected by the reputable local company Nickerson Insurance. Our helpful and knowledgeable customer care agents are here to help you with all of your insurance needs, whether you're looking to buy a new car, want to add more coverage for your family, or are just thinking about making a change.
Nickerson Insurance offers quick and affordable auto insurance as well as driver's licenses. Please feel free to contact a US insurance agent near you to receive a comprehensive list of all the discounts, which include discounts for energy-efficient hybrids or electric vehicles, membership in motor clubs, pet coverage, prices for new cars, home and auto insurance bundles, credits for going-away deductibles, discounts for coverage gaps in auto loans or leases, discounts on discounts for new customers overall, and many more. Take a look at our discounted pricing! We are cutting the cost of gas for students and rewarding excellence with discounts.
Here are a couple such examples: Airbags: A Risky Utilization 1. After the manufacturer's shipment
What is the connection between forgiveness and accident claims?
If you're worried that an accident could result in higher insurance costs, you're not alone. Your auto insurance provider may "forgive" the accident and not raise your premiums if you choose the Accident Forgiveness option when renewing your policy. Fear not—your insurance rate will not be impacted in the slightest by this.
What Happens When My Deductible Is Fully Deducted?
Families may experience significant financial strain following an automobile accident. If you are concerned about the expense of an accident, you might want to consider lowering your deductible. Any potential financial load can be managed with this approach.
Does a Loan or Lease Require Gap Insurance?
When financing or leasing a car, Nickerson Insurance Agency provides loan and lease gap insurance to safeguard your finances. Coverage will make up the difference if the market value of your car is less than the total amount owed on your loan. With its assistance, happiness and financial stability are within your grasp.
Have you ever thought about purchasing a number of items in bulk in order to save money?
Find out if bundling your renter's insurance, house, condo, or auto insurance can save you money. On the other hand, is there a way to optimize the effect of your financial decision? You can obtain a significantly lower insurance rate if you can combine two necessary requirements.
One option available to you is full coverage fleet insurance:
Our locally owned and run insurance business is known for its excellent customer service, reasonable rates, and comprehensive coverage for all drivers and cars. Working with us would be the best option. We have maintained contact with reputable personal insurance providers because of their reasonable rates, dependability, and ease of use. We are confident that our auto insurance packages are unmatched because of our affiliations with prestigious companies like Affordable Auto Insurance Company and Car Insurance Brokers in Waterford, CT.
The most dependable and reasonably cost auto insurance is provided in the Waterford, Connecticut region by Nickerson Insurance Agency. As you compare quotes for auto insurance, our dedicated staff is available to help you in any way. As one of the most reputable insurance providers in Waterford, Connecticut, we take great pride in offering competitively priced comprehensive auto coverage. Our service area includes Waterford, Stonington, and the entire state of Connecticut. Our experts are here to address any inquiries you may have about auto insurance.
We will go above and above to safeguard Connecticut residents' most valuable assets in addition to offering insurance. Our first goal is to give you individualized service that is tailored to your unique needs. Given that each driver is different, we provide a variety of coverage options to accommodate their needs. Nickerson Insurance Agency offers reasonably priced auto insurance in the Waterford, Connecticut area and beyond. As a reputable neighborhood vehicle insurance company, we work hard to keep costs down while offering top-notch support.
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Rate negotiations for auto insurance are not permitted. Visit Nickerson Insurance Agency in the Waterford and Stonington, Connecticut areas for dependable and affordable auto insurance. With us for your auto insurance, you may drive without worrying.
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nickersonagency1b · 6 months
Nickerson Insurance Agency
It is imperative for drivers to confirm that their insurance is current. Respectable auto insurance firms can be found in a number of southern Connecticut localities, including Waterford, Stonington, Groton, New London, and Norwich. There are a lot of auto owners insurance companies in Southern Connecticut. Having comprehensive coverage auto insurance helps protect you when driving, whether you're running errands, traveling to work, or taking in the breathtaking fall foliage in New England. Distracted driving events appear to be more likely in locations with high traffic volumes. Insurance brokers provide customers with the knowledge and support they need to protect themselves and their family from potential risks.
Insurance agency near me
No matter your driving experience, Nickerson Insurance is a dependable local company that can get you the coverage you require. Whether you are looking to buy a new automobile, want to increase the coverage for your family, or just need to make small adjustments, our friendly and informed customer service representatives are here to help you with all of your insurance needs.
Reasonably priced plans for your car and driver's license are available at Nickerson Insurance. We invite you to visit as soon as possible because we offer a great assortment of clearance items. Numerous discounts are offered, such as new customer promo codes, savings on electric or hybrid cars, motor club member discounts, pet insurance, new cars, vehicle and home insurance bundles, credits for moving expenses, coverage gaps in auto loans or leases, and new customers relative to others. Nobody can beat our bulk discounts! A gas discount is one of the perks given to pupils who continuously exhibit extraordinary accomplishment. Consider how frequently issues occur with brand-new products. Why do consumers frequently look for reasons to assign blame or come up with fixes when they have issues? After an accident, a lot of people fear that their insurance rates would increase dramatically. To keep their renewal rates low, some insurance firms "forgive" clients who have a history of accidents. Your insurance premiums will stay the same. How can I pay the deductible and then renew my policy? Car accidents can cause devastating financial losses for a lot of families. People who worry about being able to pay for unplanned medical bills might want to look into a plan with a lower deductible. This approach can be used for any kind of financial problem. Is gap insurance something I have to take with me when I sign a lease or a loan? Nickerson Insurance Agency provides loan and lease gap insurance to safeguard your finances when you finance or lease a vehicle. The gap between the loan balance and the car's market value can be covered by insurance. With its assistance, you can attain happiness and financial security. When making a large purchase, how often do you search for discounts and sales? Obtain several rates for various insurance policies, including renters', home, auto, and condo insurance. I was hoping you could offer some guidance on how to increase the visibility of my money movement. By fulfilling two key requirements at the same time, you'll increase your chances of receiving a competitive insurance quote. It makes sense to consider getting fleet comprehensive insurance: Our family-run insurance company offers affordable rates, a large selection of products, and friendly, competent staff as reasons to pick us. Cooperation could benefit both parties. You can easily locate reputable personal insurance businesses because to their user-friendly, cost-effective, and dependable services. Because we partner with respectable businesses in Waterford, CT like Affordable Auto Insurance Company and Car Insurance Brokers, we can assure you that our fleet insurance solutions are unparalleled. If you're looking for affordable car insurance in the Waterford, Connecticut region, visit Nickerson Insurance Agency. Our representatives can assist you with quote comparisons for auto insurance at any time of the day or night. Affordable, comprehensive auto insurance is something we take great pride in offering as one of Waterford, Connecticut's most reputable insurance companies. We now include Stonington and Waterford in our expanded coverage area, which now includes the entire state of Connecticut. For any questions you may have about auto insurance, our team of professionals is here to help.
Insurance agent near me
If we lose, everything we own will remain in the warehouse, and our insurance would be worthless. Our top priority is to give you specialized service that meets your particular needs. There are many options available to drivers; they can choose the one that best suits their requirements and budget. For reasonably priced auto insurance in the Waterford, Connecticut region, visit Nickerson Insurance Agency. When compared to our rivals, we provide comprehensive auto insurance packages at the most affordable rates. Vehicle insurance premiums are fixed. Visit Nickerson Insurance Agency for dependable and reasonably priced auto insurance in the Waterford and Stonington, Connecticut areas. We promise that your auto insurance coverage will protect you from all possible road hazards.
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nickersonagency2b · 7 months
Insurance agent near me
How to Keep Your Auto Insurance Policy Reputable auto insurance providers may be found in abundance in the southern Connecticut communities of Waterford, Stonington, Groton, New London, and Norwich.
Insurance agent near me
For daily transportation, most people in southern Connecticut rely on their cars. Regardless of whether you're traveling to and from work, running errands, or taking pleasure in leisure pursuits like visiting the stunning New England coast or fall foliage, you cannot get by without comprehensive auto insurance.
Careless driving, speeding, and lack of attention are among the factors that enhance the risk of accidents on packed roadways. Since insurance agents are qualified experts, you can choose the best products to safeguard your loved ones by consulting with them.
Any driver can obtain trustworthy coverage from Nickerson Insurance, a nearby company, regardless of experience level or age. Whether you need insurance for a new car, additional coverage for your family, or just a change, our friendly and competent customer care agents can assist you with any of your insurance needs.
You may easily and simply obtain both a driver's license and auto insurance with Nickerson Insurance. If you'd like a detailed list of our many discounts, let us know. There are countless instances of discounts: new customer discounts, energy-efficient electric or hybrid cars, motor club membership discounts, pet insurance, new car prices, home and auto insurance bundles, credits for moving expenses, coverage gaps in auto loans or leases, overall discounts for new customers, and many more. Check out our discounted pricing! We are cutting costs for students and offering gas savings as a reward for excellent work.
Here are a few instances: Hazards Associated with Airbag Operation 1. Following receipt of the item from the producer
Why do humans assign blame for accidents to others and why do they forgive?
It's normal to worry that an accident could result in higher insurance costs. Several insurance firms offer to "forgive" accidents and not raise prices if clients pick this option when they renew their contracts. You can be confident that this won't have any effect on your insurance cost.
What Takes Place After My Deductible Is Used Up?
A car accident often leaves many families facing serious financial difficulties. If you are worried about the possible financial consequences of an accident, you might want to think considering lowering your deductible. No matter how much money is involved, this strategy can manage it.
Is Gap Insurance Required for Loans or Leases?
Nickerson Insurance Agency provides loan and lease gap insurance to help you safeguard your finances whether you're financing or leasing a vehicle. The difference between the amount of your loan and the car's market value will be covered by insurance. With its assistance, you can attain contentment and financial security.
Do you ever consider the potential savings while making many purchases at once?
Look into the potential of combining your renter's insurance and auto insurance plans to receive a better deal. If you can turn things around, would your financial choice have greater significance? If you simultaneously fulfill two significant conditions, your insurance rate may decrease.
You should consider getting comprehensive insurance for your fleet:
Our family-owned insurance business prides itself on offering low rates, excellent customer service, and extensive coverage. Collaborating with us is the optimal choice. Because of their affordable prices, trustworthiness, and user-friendliness, we have maintained relationships with trustworthy personal insurance companies. Because of our relationships with respectable companies in Waterford, Connecticut, like Affordable vehicle Insurance Company and Car Insurance Brokers, we can declare with confidence that our vehicle insurance packages are distinct.
Nickerson Insurance Agency provides reliable and reasonably priced auto insurance to consumers in the Waterford, CT area. Our committed staff is available to assist you 24 hours a day if you need assistance comparing auto insurance quotes. Being one of the top insurance providers in Waterford, Connecticut, we are happy to provide reasonably priced, all-inclusive auto insurance. All of Connecticut, including Waterford and Stonington, is included in our service region. We have a team of professionals ready to help you with any questions you may have about auto insurance.
We shall use every effort to guarantee the protection of Connecticut residents' most precious possessions in addition to our insurance offerings. Our top priority is to give you specialized service that meets your particular needs. Since every driver is unique, we give a range of coverage alternatives to meet their individual needs. Nickerson Insurance Agency offers customers in and around Waterford, CT and beyond affordable auto insurance. Being the top local provider of auto insurance, we're dedicated to providing affordable rates together with top-notch service.
The cost of auto insurance cannot be negotiated. Visit Nickerson Insurance Agency for dependable and reasonably priced auto insurance in the Waterford and Stonington, Connecticut areas. You can drive with confidence knowing that you have auto insurance.
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goldiers1 · 2 years
BNP Paribas: A Global Banking Giant in North America
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  BNP Paribas is a French multinational banking group and one of the largest banks in the world. On 23rd of May 2000, BNP, France’s leading deposit bank, and Paribas, an international investment bank merged. The bank has since grown to become a global force with nearly 190,000 employees and operations in 65 countries. In America, BNP Paribas is number 34 on the Federal Reserver list of commercial banks and provides services to more than 2 million customers across the country. They have over 3,500 employees and the bank is the 5th largest global securities custodian and overseeing assets of over $13 trillion.  
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BNP Paribas branch. Photo by BNP Paribas.  
An Overview of BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas is an international banking group that operates on five continents. The bank’s core business includes retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, asset management, insurance, and private banking. In America, BNP Paribas offers services such as retail banking, corporate finance, asset management, capital markets, and treasury services for clients ranging from individuals to large corporations. The bank also offers specialized products and services tailored to meet the needs of its wide range of clients including business owners, entrepreneurs, and high-net-worth individuals. The company’s American operations are divided into two divisions: U.S.-based regional banks and international offices located outside the U.S., including London, Singapore, and Hong Kong. As one of the largest banks in the world with an extensive global network of subsidiaries and branches, BNP Paribas is well-positioned to serve clients around the globe with tailor-made solutions for their specific financial needs. In addition to its traditional banking services, BNP Paribas also provides a wide range of innovative digital offerings such as mobile payments via Apple Pay or Google Pay; online account opening; real-time access to accounts; online money transfers; automated savings tools; personalized spending advice; budgeting tools; payment reminders; investment advice; credit score tracking; fraud protection systems; personal loans and more.  
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Paris France - BNP Paribas. Photo by Onasill Bill. Flickr.  
History and Growth of BNP
In the early 1820s, Louis-Raphaël Bischoffsheim and his brother Jonathan Raphaël revolutionized banking in Europe by founding private establishments across Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels and Paris. The origins of BNP are rooted in the second banking Revolution. The bank was first established as Comptoir national d'escompte de Paris (CNEP), which was founded on 7th of March 1848. The bank grew through a series of mergers throughout the late 19th century which eventually lead to the formation of BNCI. In 1863 CNEP merged with Banque de Crédit et de Déposit des Pays-Bas while simultaneously collaborating with other prominent financiers to create the home of modern European finance - The Banque de Paris headquarters near Opera at 3 rue d'Antin which was founded in 1869. In 1872, the banking industry underwent a consolidative transformation with the emergence of Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas. This major financial institution was created through the joining forces of two distinct banks: Banque de Paris and Banque de Crédit et Dépôt des Payys- Bas. A new era had been ushered into Europe's economy!  
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Souscrivez pour la victoire, Banque Nationale de Crédit. Photo by Halloween HJB. Flickr.  
20th Century
In 1913, Comptoir d’escompte de Mulhouse established a French subsidiary in formerly German-controlled territory called Banque Nationale de Crédit (BNC). BNC quickly expanded its network by acquiring various local banks and later merged with the international merchant bank Banque Française pour le Commerce et l'Industrie. However, due to excessive risk taking during the 1930s recession, it became insolvent. In 1932, Alfred Pose took the reins as CEO of Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie (BNCI) at a mere 33 years old. BNCI quickly set itself apart through advanced commercial momentum and its revolutionary 'back offices', which revolutionized transaction methods in 1934!   Post WWII and Reconstruction Following the end of World War II, banking law was reformed to distinguish between merchant and investment banks versus commercial ones. As part of this effort, two major French institutions - CNEP and BNCI - were nationalised by the government in hopes to stimulate economic recovery. While both operated as deposit banks post-nationalisation, they took different paths: while conservative in nature, CNEP stayed steady over time; on the other hand BNCI focused take a more aggressive approach with its strategy including marketing campaigns such as becoming first bank advertise via radio (1954) plus offering new financial products like personal loans (1959) or open-ended mutual funds SICAVs (1963).   Further mergers In 1966, a historic business move was achieved when the Minister of Economy and Finance merged BNCI with CNEP to form Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP). This merger created France's leading bank. It would not have been possible without necessary collaboration between Chairman Henry Bizot from CNEP and Chief Executive Officer Pierre Ledoux from BNCI who were able to bridge their contrasting corporate cultures for this monumental success. In the late 1980s, BNP began its foray into a global network of strategic partnerships and investments. Their reach extended from France to Eastern Europe as part of preparations for the emergence of European single market in 1992. During this period, they rose to prominence by financing two significant projects: Eurotunnel (1986) and Disneyland Paris (formerly known as Euro Disney -1992). Unlike many other banks that fell victim to financial shockwaves during 1991's property crash, BNP persevered with conservative management practices which ensured their survival throughout those turbulent times.  
Overview of Services Offered
The bank offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to the needs of both individuals and businesses including lifestyle banking, retail banking, corporate and commercial banking, private banking, asset management, insurance services, and investment banking. Let's take a look at what BNP Paribas has to offer.   Retail Banking Services BNP Paribas provides a variety of services for individual customers such as credit cards, debit cards, personal loans, mortgages, and car loans. Customers also have access to online banking services where they can check their account balances and make payments or transfers. In addition to these core products, the bank offers online trading services as well as savings accounts with competitive interest rates.   Corporate and Commercial Banking Services For businesses large or small, BNP Paribas provides tailored financial solutions designed to meet their specific needs. From working capital financing to foreign exchange transactions and trade finance services, the bank has everything you need for your business. The bank also offers cash management services which allow companies to optimize their cash flow and manage their finances more effectively.   Investment Banking Services BNP Paribas provides comprehensive investment banking solutions from mergers & acquisitions advisory to equity research & analysis. The bank’s team of experienced professionals can advise clients on complex transactions such as leveraged buyouts or initial public offerings (IPOs). Additionially, the bank also offers debt capital markets advice for corporate issuers looking for innovative ways to raise funds from the capital markets.  
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Annike Beck at the 2017 BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells. Photo by mirsasha. Flickr.  
BNP's Presence in America
The bank has established a network of offices in 11 major cities including New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, and Washington D.C. They also have two major subsidiaries that are based out of New York; corporate and investment bank BNP Paribas Securities Services (BNPP SS) and asset management firm TCW Group. Furthermore, they offer an array of products ranging from corporate banking solutions to asset management services for individual investors as well as large companies. Also, through their Corporate & Investment Banking division, they provide financing solutions such as equity investments and debt capitalization for companies wishing to grow or expand into new markets. BNP Paribas also seeks to leverage technology to better serve their customers’ needs by offering innovative digital solutions such as mobile banking apps and online trading platforms. Furthermore, they have invested heavily in research & development, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP). These technologies are helping them create more intuitive customer experiences while also providing insights into customer behavior that can help them better tailor their offerings and services accordingly. Finally, as part of their commitment to sustainability, they have set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all aspects of their operations by 2030 – 50% from 2005 levels – which will include investing in renewable energy sources such as wind power. This is especially important given how much the U.S. has committed to combating climate change under President Biden's administration.  
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PayPal and BNP Paribis. Photo by iliveisl. Adamptions by THX News.  
Expansion Strategies in America
The company has been making its mark on the global banking sector for many years, thanks to its innovative strategies and commitment to providing top-notch services. Recently, BNP Paribas has set its sights on America, with plans to expand its presence there. To better understand why BNP Paribas has chosen to focus on America as part of its expansion strategy, it's important to look at some of the key factors that make this an attractive market. Firstly, the US is home to some of the most sophisticated financial markets in the world and offers considerable growth potential. It is worth noting that the US economy is incredibly large and diverse; this means there are plenty of opportunities for companies like BNP Paribas to tap into new areas and markets. Furthermore, America is a highly competitive market which necessitates that companies like BNP Paribas develop creative strategies if they wish to succeed.   Increasing the Banks Profile Through Partnerships To achieve these goals, BNP Paribas has already implemented several initiatives designed to increase its presence in America. One such initiative was a partnership with PayPal; this allowed customers who use PayPal’s digital wallet service (PayPal Credit) to access their money more quickly via direct transfers from their bank accounts held by BNP Paribas. This partnership not only allows customers quicker access to their funds but also serves as a way for BNP Paribas to increase brand recognition among American consumers. Additionally, BNP Paribas recently announced that it would be launching a new mobile banking app specifically designed for American customers called “BNP Everywhere”. This app will allow users from all over the country to access their banking information from anywhere at any time using their smartphone or tablet device. The app will also feature various other features such as budgeting tools and rewards programs which will help customers manage their finances more effectively while earning rewards points along the way.  
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BNP Paribas reception through a large window. Photo by BNP Paribas.  
Challenges Faced by BNP
For decades, BNP Paribas has been one of the most successful financial institutions in Europe. But as we enter into a likely recession in 2023, the bank faces difficult challenges. Without proper planning and strategy, BNP Paribas could find itself in a precarious position. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the current challenges facing BNP Paribas going into the recession.   The Impact of Interest Rates on Financial Institutions One of the biggest challenges for any financial institution is navigating low-interest rates. This has meant that banks have less incentive to lend money to customers, which can be damaging to their bottom line. Additionally, it can make it difficult for banks to make a profit from their investments. This is particularly true for BNP Paribas, as they are heavily reliant on investment banking services and therefore are more likely to be impacted by low-interest rates than other banks.   Increased Regulation Regulation is another major challenge that BNP Paribas is likely to face going into the recession. Banks must adhere to strict rules and regulations when it comes to lending money and managing customer accounts, as well as complying with anti-money laundering laws and consumer protection measures. As new regulations come into effect, it can be difficult for banks like BNP Paribas to stay compliant while still providing good service to customers.   Recent News BNP Paribas closed today the sale of its retail & commercial banking activities in the United States conducted through its subsidiary Bank of the West, Inc to BMO Financial Group, as announced January,18 2023. Final financial impacts of the Transaction were communicated on February 7, 2023, together with the publication of BNP Paribas 2022 Annual Results. The bank continues it's gradual expansion plans in the US with a recent announcement about opening a branch in Miami, Florida.  
BNP Paribas has been working hard to expand its presence in America and is taking the necessary steps to ensure it will continue to be successful despite upcoming economic challenges. The bank has implemented several initiatives such as a partnership with PayPal, launching a new mobile banking app specifically designed for American customers, and increasing its focus on investment banking services. These strategies are helping BNP Paribas stay competitive while also allowing the company to remain compliant with various regulations. Ultimately, these efforts should help BNP Paribas maintain success even during challenging times ahead.   Sources: THX News, Bloomberger Law, IDE Jetro, Wikipedia & BNP Paribas. Read the full article
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Solar energy Essex
Solar power for Solar panels for home
Solar panels for home in London Solar power starts with the sunlight. Photovoltaic panel (also referred to as "PV panels") are made use of to convert light from the sunlight, which is made up of particles of energy called "photons", into electrical energy that can be made use of to power electric loads. A solar panel can be made use of for a variety of applications consisting of remote power systems for cabins, telecom devices, remote sensing, as well as naturally for the manufacturing of electrical energy by domestic as well as business solar electrical systems. In a well-balanced grid-connected solar installation setup, a solar array produces power during the day that is after that made use of in the home in the evening. Internet metering applications allow solar generator proprietors to get paid if their system generates even more power than what is needed in the home.
Utilizing PV panels is a really useful way to produce electrical energy for lots of applications. A solar electrical system is possibly less expensive by lowering your electrical energy expenses as well as can provide power for upwards of 3 decades if properly kept. With the development of global environment change, it has become more vital that we do whatever we can to lower the stress on our environment from the emission of greenhouse gases by lowering your carbon footprint. Solar panels have no relocating components as well as call for little maintenance. They are ruggedly constructed as well as last for decades when properly kept. Last, however not least, of the advantages of photovoltaic panels as well as solar energy is that, once a system has paid for its initial installation expenses, the electrical energy it generates for the rest of the system's lifespan, which could be as long as 15-20 years depending on the high quality of the system, is cost-free! Costs for photovoltaic panels has decreased substantially in the last number of years. This is great since, integrated with suitable rewards, NOW is the best time ever before to invest in a solar energy system. And consider this: a solar energy system ahead of time costs concerning the like a mid-sized car! Obviously, you would certainly require to contrast the price of a solar installation versus the financial advantages of the reduction in electrical energy use from the power utility grid. A solar firm sell photovoltaic or PV panels as well as provide solar panel installation along with photovoltaic or PV cleaning as well as repair service solutions. The solar firm will have the ability to encourage you concerning solar electrical energy, readily available solar tax credits or solar loans amongst various other points. Space is a crucial factor to consider. The typical rooftop solar system size is around 3-4kW as well as this will usually occupy around 15-20m2 roof covering area. An unshaded, South facing roof covering is perfect for optimal electric result. East or West facing roofing systems might still be considered, however North facing roofing systems are not recommended. A system facing East or West will produce around 15-20% much less energy than one facing straight South. Any nearby buildings, trees or chimneys might shade your roof covering as well as have a adverse impact on the performance of your rooftop solar system. Solar PV panels are considered 'allowed developments' as well as frequently don't call for planning authorization. If you're planning to set up a solar PV system in your house, you have to register it with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
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Solar panel installations London
Solar energy for Solar panel for home
Solar panel for home in London Solar power begins with the sunlight. Photovoltaic panel (likewise referred to as "PV panels") are used to transform light from the sunlight, which is made up of particles of power called "photons", right into electrical power that can be used to power electric loads. A solar panel can be used for a wide array of applications consisting of remote power systems for cabins, telecom equipment, remote sensing, and naturally for the manufacturing of electrical power by residential and business solar electrical systems. In a healthy grid-connected solar installment arrangement, a solar array produces power during the day that is then used in the residence during the night. Web metering programs allow solar generator owners to earn money if their system creates more power than what is required in the residence.
Using PV panels is a really sensible way to create electrical power for many applications. A solar electrical system is possibly less expensive by decreasing your electrical power bills and can provide power for upwards of 3 decades if correctly kept. With the arrival of international environment change, it has actually become more important that we do whatever we can to lower the stress on our atmosphere from the emission of greenhouse gases by decreasing your carbon footprint. Solar panels have no relocating parts and require little upkeep. They are ruggedly built and last for years when correctly kept. Last, but not the very least, of the benefits of solar panels and solar power is that, once a system has actually spent for its first installment expenses, the electrical power it creates for the rest of the system's life expectancy, which could be as long as 15-20 years depending upon the quality of the system, is free! Prices for solar panels has actually lowered significantly in the last couple of years. This is terrific since, integrated with suitable incentives, NOW is the most effective time ever before to invest in a solar power system. And also consider this: a solar power system in advance costs about the same as a mid-sized car! Certainly, you would certainly need to contrast the expense of a solar installment versus the economic benefits of the decrease in electrical power usage from the power energy grid. A solar firm sell photovoltaic panels and provide solar panel installment in addition to photovoltaic cleaning and repair service services. The solar firm will be able to suggest you about solar electrical power, available solar tax obligation credits or solar loans among various other points. Space is a essential consideration. The ordinary roof solar system dimension is around 3-4kW and this will typically occupy around 15-20m2 roofing system location. An unshaded, South facing roofing system is optimal for optimal electric outcome. East or West facing roofing systems could still be thought about, but North facing roofing systems are not suggested. A system facing East or West will yield about 15-20% much less power than one facing directly South. Any type of nearby structures, trees or chimney stacks could shade your roofing system and have a adverse impact on the performance of your roof solar system. Solar PV panels are thought about 'allowed growths' and frequently do not require planning consent. If you're preparing to set up a solar PV system in your home, you need to register it with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
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Best solar panels for home in London
Solar power for Solar near me
Solar near me in London Solar energy starts with the sunlight. Solar panels (also called "PV panels") are used to transform light from the sunlight, which is composed of particles of energy called "photons", into electricity that can be used to power electrical loads. A solar panel can be used for a variety of applications including remote power systems for cabins, telecommunications tools, remote sensing, and obviously for the manufacturing of electricity by property and industrial solar electric systems. In a healthy grid-connected solar installation setup, a solar array creates power during the day that is after that used in the home at night. Internet metering programs allow solar generator proprietors to get paid if their system generates more power than what is required in the home. Using PV panels is a really practical way to produce electricity for numerous applications. A solar electric system is potentially less expensive by minimizing your electricity costs and can provide power for upwards of three decades if effectively kept. With the introduction of worldwide climate change, it has actually become more crucial that we do whatever we can to reduce the pressure on our atmosphere from the discharge of greenhouse gases by minimizing your carbon impact. Solar panels have no moving parts and call for little upkeep. They are ruggedly constructed and last for years when effectively kept. Last, however not least, of the advantages of photovoltaic panels and solar power is that, once a system has actually paid for its first installation expenses, the electricity it generates for the remainder of the system's life-span, which could be as high as 15-20 years relying on the top quality of the system, is free! Rates for photovoltaic panels has actually decreased significantly in the last number of years. This is excellent because, incorporated with applicable rewards, NOW is the very best time ever before to invest in a solar power system. And consider this: a solar power system ahead of time costs concerning the same as a mid-sized car! Naturally, you would need to compare the price of a solar installation against the economic advantages of the reduction in electricity usage from the power energy grid. A solar business sell photovoltaic panels and provide solar panel installation in addition to photovoltaic cleaning and repair service solutions. The solar business will certainly be able to recommend you concerning solar electricity, readily available solar tax credits or solar loans among various other things. Space is a essential consideration. The average roof solar system dimension is around 3-4kW and this will normally take up around 15-20m2 roof covering area. An unshaded, South facing roof covering is suitable for optimal electrical result. East or West facing roofs could still be taken into consideration, however North facing roofs are not suggested. A system facing East or West will certainly produce around 15-20% less energy than one facing straight South. Any kind of nearby structures, trees or chimneys could shade your roof covering and have a unfavorable effect on the efficiency of your roof solar system. Solar PV panels are taken into consideration 'allowed advancements' and typically don't call for planning consent. If you're preparing to set up a solar PV system in your home, you should register it with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
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nickersonageney99 · 7 months
Nickerson Insurance Agency
Auto Insurance
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Accidents involving modern urban drivers are more likely due to variables such as driving while distracted, extremely tired, and going at fast speeds. Your own auto insurance should cover any family members who have valid licences. An experienced insurance agent is available here to assist you with tailoring an existing policy to your specific requirements.
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The local, long-standing firm Nickerson Insurance is relied upon by drivers of all ages and ability levels. In the event that you have recently purchased a vehicle, are considering changing insurance providers, or are concerned about the safety of a young driver in your household, our friendly and informed customer service representatives are available to assist you.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Republicans Rally Against Impeachment Trial, Signaling Likely Acquittal for Trump (NYT) Senate Republicans rallied on Tuesday against trying former President Donald J. Trump for “incitement of insurrection” at the Capitol, with only five members of his party joining Democrats in a vote to go forward with his impeachment trial. By a vote of 55-to-45, the Senate narrowly killed a Republican effort to dismiss the proceeding as unconstitutional because Mr. Trump is no longer in office. “I think it’s pretty obvious from the vote today that it is extraordinarily unlikely that the president will be convicted,” said Senator Susan Collins of Maine, one of the five Republicans who voted to proceed to trial. “Just do the math.” It would take two-thirds of senators—67 votes—to attain a conviction, meaning 17 Republicans would have to cross party lines to side with Democrats in finding Mr. Trump guilty. If they did, an additional vote to disqualify him from ever holding office again would take a simple majority.
Foot of snow blankets parts of Midwest, disrupts travel (AP) A major winter storm dumped more than a foot of snow on parts of the middle of the country while another system blanketed areas of the Southwest, disrupting travel for a second consecutive day Tuesday and shuttering many schools. Several coronavirus testing sites closed Monday and Tuesday in Nebraska and Iowa, as both states saw 12 to 15 inches (30.5 to 38.1 centimeters) of snow in places. At least 4 inches (10 centimeters) of snow was expected through Tuesday across most of an area stretching from central Kansas northeast to Chicago and southern Michigan. National Weather Service meteorologist Taylor Nicolaisen, who is based near Omaha, said up to 15 inches (38 centimeters) was reported in spots between York, Nebraska, and Des Moines, Iowa. He said it’s uncommon for the region to get more than a foot of snow from a single storm, and it has been decades since some cities saw this much.
As variants spread, countries pursue new round of travel restrictions (Washington Post) Governments around the world—including those of the United States, Britain and New Zealand—are moving to impose stricter travel limitations in a bid to slow the spread of new coronavirus variants that experts warn are more contagious. President Biden confirmed Monday that he would extend a ban on travelers from Brazil, the United Kingdom, Ireland and 26 other European countries. Visitors from South Africa will be banned from entering the United States starting Saturday. New Zealand, which has been lauded for its handling of the pandemic, may keep its borders closed to visitors for “much of this year,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said. The new U.S. restrictions come as several countries reconsider eased travel polices amid worry over virus variants that can make people sicker, spread faster and, in some cases, compromise the effectiveness of vaccines.
Biden and Putin Agree to Extend Nuclear Treaty (NYT) President Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia avoided a renewed arms race on Tuesday when they formally agreed to extend the last remaining nuclear arms treaty between their countries. But White House officials said Mr. Biden also confronted the Kremlin leader over the poisoning of an opposition activist and a hacking of government and private computer networks in the United States. It was the first call between the leaders of the world’s two largest nuclear powers since Mr. Biden’s inauguration. But it was being watched as much for its tone as its substance: Mr. Biden vowed during the transition to make Russia “pay a price” for the hacking, and his administration, in its opening hours, demanded the release of Aleksei A. Navalny, whose arrest on Jan. 17 prompted protests last weekend across Russia that resulted in more than 3,000 arrests. The call was, in essence, the opening act of what promises to be a deeply adversarial relationship between the two leaders, and most likely the sharpest turn in American foreign policy since President Donald J. Trump left office one week ago.
‘Lying is a thing presidents do’ (The Media Today/CJR) Adam Serwer, of The Atlantic, reminds journalists and the public that “Biden will lie to you,” because lying is a thing presidents do. “The press and the public should resist the temptation to assume that the Biden administration will always be on the level, or that its dishonesties can be forgiven because Biden’s predecessor wielded falsehood with such abandon,” Serwer writes. “Already, Biden has sought to mislead the public by setting expectations for vaccinations that experts have said are too modest—which will allow the president to declare his approach a great success if the goal is exceeded.”
Calm returns to Dutch cities after riots, with police out in force (Reuters) With shops boarded up and riot police out in force, it was relatively calm in Dutch cities on Tuesday night after three days of violence during which nearly 500 people were detained. In several cities, including the capital Amsterdam, some businesses closed early and emergency ordinances were in place to give law enforcement greater powers to respond to the rioting, which was prompted by a nighttime curfew to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The Netherlands’ first curfew since World War Two was imposed on Saturday despite weeks of falling infections, after the National Institute for Health (RIVM) said a faster-spreading variant first found in England was causing a third of cases. A hospital in Rotterdam had warned visitors of patients to stay away, after rioters tried to attack hospitals in various cities. In Amsterdam on Monday, groups of youths threw fireworks, broke store windows and attacked a police truck, but were broken up by a massive police presence.
The World Is Dependent on Taiwan for Semiconductors (Bloomberg) As China pushes the world to avoid official dealings with Taiwan, leaders across the globe are realizing just how dependent they’ve become on the island democracy. Taiwan, which China regards as a province, is being courted for its capacity to make leading-edge computer chips. That’s mostly down to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world’s largest foundry and go-to producer of chips for Apple Inc. smartphones, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. Taiwan’s role in the world economy largely existed below the radar, until it came to recent prominence as the auto industry suffered shortfalls in chips used for everything from parking sensors to reducing emissions. TSMC’s chip-making skills have handed Taiwan political and economic leverage in a world where technology is being enlisted in the great power rivalry between the U.S. and China—a standoff unlikely to ease under the administration of Joe Biden. Taiwan’s grip on the semiconductor business—despite being under constant threat of invasion by Beijing—also represents a choke point in the global supply chain that’s giving new urgency to plans from Tokyo to Washington and Beijing to increase self-reliance.
Indonesian volcano unleashes river of lava in new eruption (AP) Indonesia’s most active volcano erupted Wednesday with a river of lava and searing gas clouds flowing 1,600 meters (5,250 feet) down its slopes. It was Mount Merapi’s biggest lava flow since authorities raised its danger level in November, said Hanik Humaida, the head of Yogyakarta’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center. After morning rain, ashfall turned into muck in several villages, where the sound of eruption could be heard 30 kilometers (18 away). Police and rescue services told miners to cease work along rivers but no one was evacuated. The 2,968-meter (9,737-foot) volcano is on the densely populated island of Java and near the ancient city of Yogyakarta. It is the most active of dozens of Indonesian volcanoes and has repeatedly erupted with lava and gas clouds recently.
Amid crisis, Hezbollah ‘bank’ a lifeline for some Lebanese (AP) When Lebanon’s financial meltdown began in late 2019, Hassan Shoumar was locked out of his dollar savings like everyone else in the country as banks clamped down with capital controls. But the young engineer had an alternative. He could still pull out the dollars in his account at the al-Qard al-Hasan Association, the financial arm of the militant Hezbollah group. Stepping in where the state and financial institutions have failed, Hezbollah is providing a vital lifeline for some Lebanese. In the country’s wrecked economy, everyone is desperate for hard currency and liquidity as the local currency plummets in value. At commercial banks, depositors stand in line for hours and fight with managers in vain to access their dollar savings. Most banks have stopped giving loans. But at Hezbollah’s al-Qard al-Hasan people can take out small, interest-free loans in dollars, enabling them to pay school fees, get married, buy a used car or open a small business. They can also open saving accounts there. With poverty rising across Lebanon, Hezbollah provides its community with low-cost schools and hospitals and distributes heating fuel to the poor. Hezbollah continues to pay its fighters and employees in its institutions in U.S. dollars, while everyone else gets their salaries in Lebanese pounds, which lost about 80% of their value in the crisis.
Missiles over Saudi Arabia (Times of London) Iran-backed militias in Iraq are feared to have opened a new front against Saudi Arabia, after a second suspected drone attack in less than four days over the capital Riyadh. A double blast was heard above the city on Tuesday morning. Witnesses said there appeared to have been some kind of missile interception. A similar incident on Saturday was initially blamed on the Houthis, the Iran-backed rebel group fighting the Saudi-backed recognized government in Yemen to the south. However, the Houthis denied it, although they have claimed numerous previous attacks on Saudi cities during the six-year war. Instead, a new militia based in Iraq issued a statement of responsibility. The Alwiya al-Waad al-Haq, or Brigades of the Righteous Promise, said the attack had been “launched solely by Iraqi hands”. An online news channel close to Iran-backed groups in Iraq said the attacks were intended to make Saudi Arabia the “playground of missiles and drones” and that it would become a target of the “resistance” from both north and south.
France says it bombed an ‘armed terrorist group.’ Witnesses say it was a wedding. (Washington Post) The men gathered for a wedding, they said — one more somber than those of the past. Strict rules have warped life in their central Mali village since the extremists invaded: no music or dancing. No mingling with women. Smoke a cigarette and get beaten. Parties, even conservative ones, invite punishment, so they wanted to celebrate quickly in a remote field, according to two guests. Grilled mutton and beef were about to be served when bombs fell from the sky. “We heard what sounded like a plane and then a loud noise,” said one guest, a 46-year-old teacher. “Suddenly there were wounded people everywhere. Body parts everywhere. What happened on the afternoon of Jan. 3 is hotly disputed. The French military took responsibility for an airstrike near Bounti in the Mopti region, saying in a Jan. 7 statement that a pair of Mirage 2000 fighter jets had dropped three explosives on “a gathering of armed terrorist group members” in an area known to be rife with them. The French armed forces said the airstrike killed about 30 men — all militants. But villagers say there was a tragic misunderstanding: Only men were in the field because extremists had banned socializing with women. Guests provided testimony that aligns with reports from Human Rights Watch and a Malian group that conducted an investigation into the airstrike. Those probes concluded that 19 civilian men — some in their late 60s and 70s — died in the blasts.
Ugandan election aftermath (Foreign Policy) Opposition leader Bobi Wine accused President Yoweri Museveni of using the military and the police “to oppress his opponents and to suppress our rights” after he was freed from 11 days of house arrest following disputed elections on Jan. 14. Museveni was declared to have won Uganda’s presidential election earlier this month, winning roughly 59 percent in an election judged by the United States as fundamentally flawed. Wine’s campaign team will decide whether to contest the results of the presidential election and have until a deadline of Feb. 2 to do so.
Pew: How COVID-19 Changed Faith (CT) “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James, the brother of Jesus, didn’t have a global pandemic in mind when he wrote these words in the opening chapter of his biblical epistle to “the 12 tribes scattered among the nations.” But as the coronavirus closed churches worldwide, a global survey of more than 14,000 people has found that few lost faith while many of the most faithful gained. Today, the Pew Research Center released a study on how COVID-19 affected levels of faith this past summer in 14 countries with advanced economies: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. “In 11 of 14 countries surveyed, the share who say their religious faith has strengthened is higher than the share who say it has weakened,” noted Pew researchers. Overall, a median of 4 out of 5 of each country’s citizens said their faith was more or less unchanged. Leading the pack in strengthened faith: the United States. Americans were three times more likely to report their religious faith had become stronger due to the pandemic: 28 percent, vs. a global median of 10 percent. Next came Spaniards (16%) and Italians (15%), whose nations were two of the worst hit during the coronavirus’s deadly outbreak in the spring.
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Home solar in London Solar energy begins with the sun. Solar panels (likewise called "PV panels") are utilized to convert light from the sun, which is composed of particles of power called "photons", into power that can be utilized to power electrical loads. A photovoltaic panel can be utilized for a wide range of applications consisting of remote power systems for cabins, telecom equipment, remote sensing, and also certainly for the production of power by residential and also industrial solar electric systems. In a well-balanced grid-connected solar installation arrangement, a solar array produces power throughout the day that is after that utilized in the residence during the night. Net metering apps allow solar generator proprietors to get paid if their system generates more power than what is required in the residence. Making use of photovoltaic panels is a very sensible way to produce power for several applications. A solar electric system is possibly less expensive by decreasing your power bills and also can provide power for upwards of three decades if appropriately preserved. With the advent of international climate change, it has ended up being more important that we do whatever we can to lower the stress on our environment from the discharge of greenhouse gases by decreasing your carbon impact. Solar panels have no moving components and also call for little maintenance. They are ruggedly built and also last for years when appropriately preserved. Last, but not least, of the benefits of photovoltaic panels and also solar energy is that, once a system has paid for its initial installation costs, the power it generates for the remainder of the system's life expectancy, which could be as long as 15-20 years depending upon the top quality of the system, is free! Rates for photovoltaic panels has decreased substantially in the last number of years. This is wonderful due to the fact that, combined with appropriate rewards, NOW is the most effective time ever to invest in a solar energy system. As well as consider this: a solar energy system in advance costs regarding the like a mid-sized vehicle! Certainly, you would need to compare the expense of a solar installation against the financial benefits of the reduction in power usage from the power energy grid. A solar business market solar panels and also provide photovoltaic panel installation as well as solar cleaning and also repair work solutions. The solar business will have the ability to recommend you regarding solar power, offered solar tax obligation credits or solar loans amongst various other points. Area is a essential factor to consider. The typical roof solar system size is around 3-4kW and also this will usually take up around 15-20m2 roof location. An unshaded, South facing roof is perfect for optimal electrical output. East or West facing roofing systems can still be considered, but North facing roofing systems are not advised. A system facing East or West will produce about 15-20% much less power than one facing straight South. Any type of neighboring buildings, trees or chimneys can shade your roof and also have a negative influence on the performance of your roof solar system. Solar PV panels are considered 'permitted advancements' and also usually do not call for preparation permission. If you're planning to set up a solar PV system in your home, you need to register it with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
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arlenenewbrand · 5 years
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Please see ourPrivacy Noticefor details of your data protection rightsThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailA new lagoon complete with a surf school which could create hundreds of new jobs is to be built in Cheap Fake Yeezys landlocked Birmingham.Audacious plans for the new development have been unveiled by London based Emerge Surf which is hoping to win back from planning chiefs for its 25 fake yeezys for kids million project.If given the green light, the complex would be built on 15 acres of land west of Coleshill town centre and would house a wave generating system which would allow people to enjoy surfing just seven miles from the city centre.Called Emerge Surf Birmingham, it will also have an outdoor heated swimming pool, hub building, skateboard track, shop, caf and fitness studio.(Image: Sunday Mirror)West Midlands Growth Company said it expected the facility to attract 250,000 visitors a year, inject up to 21 million into the local economy annually and create the equivalent of 100 full time jobs.The project has the backing of pro surfers and former Olympic javelin thrower Tessa Sanderson and it is hoped that interest in the sport will be increased by surfing inclusion in the Olympics for the first time next year.UK and fastest water park slides opened near Birmingham by strongman Eddie Hall2 swimming pools and other fantastic reasons to join Ladywood Leisure CentreSubject to planning approval by North Warwickshire Borough Council, construction is set to start this year and be finished by spring 2021.Steve Price, founder and chief executive of Emerge Surf, said: "It an incredibly exciting time in the development of surfing."The mental and physical benefits of the sport are increasingly understood and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will hugely increase levels of interest and participation."In parallel, the significant strides made in wave pool technologies have the potential to make the sport accessible to all."Our vision is to not only provide a world class surfing experience for surfers of all levels but also a wide range of complementary activities."We are proud to be developing the UK most landlocked wave park.Read MoreSwimming in BirminghamBirmingham AirportBrits travelling to Spain issued with alarming warning by Foreign OfficeTourists will routinely head abroad to the sun kissed European holiday hotspot, with Brummies favouring resorts like Benidorm, Alicante and the Canary IslandsNational ExpressCouple had sex on National Express booze fuelled coach journey from hellPassengers banned from travelling with National Express after claims brazen young couple engaged in sex while a large gang boarded with open beer cans and hurled abuseCrimePolice shooting of armed man fleeing in underpants was 'reasonable and proportionate'Duane Thomas has been sentenced to six years and four months in prison. 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Use code Reddit15 for 15% off any order at Rope Lace Supply. The only caveat to this is the style layout. BlackBerry launched the Passport in late September, and brought it to India the same month for Rs. The Dare County C D Landfill, Manteo Transfer Station and Buxton Transfer Station, the Manteo Recycle Yard and the Rodanthe Recycle Center will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.
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globalfunds6-blog · 5 years
Take the VIP Approach to Investments With HULT Private Capital
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Mutual Funds
Integrity. Passion. Boldness. Exclusivity.
These core values have been monumental behind the success of HULT Private Capital’s VIP approach to capital investments since their doors opened back in 2008. Today HULT  still take center stage as an international boutique firm with over 60 employees and a firm grip on the secure alternative investment market
Mutual Funds
It’s this adherence to quality of mission; to well-calculated, robust investments that elevate HULT’s efforts above the rest. This gives power to why both founders, Lewis Hill and John Williams, have been able to achieve great returns during the European financial collapse of the last decade. And it’s for all of these aforementioned reasons that HULT Private Capital  invite you to work with some of the most sophisticated private investors in the industry. By invitation only.
HULT Private Capital, investments cover: bank guaranteed investments, UK property investment, loan notes, and food commodities and energy. Think of HULT as the complete solution to all of your investment demands.
Its time to invest wisely. Wealthy investors who have 250k or more, that are looking to broaden investments and amplify returns can do so and more as part of the elite HULT Private Capital Members Club. A fully tailor made and individual, private service with a number of benefits associated with a private concierge but on a different level.
The VIP Effect
Private equity firms are a dime a dozen — it’s true. They boast potential returns, push portfolios, and promises that can’t always be kept. All in an effort to drive the success of their own businesses above all else.
HULT Private Capital, place the value of a relationship on a pedestal. Investments are by invitation only — ccentred  on trust, transparency, and deliverability. In short what they say they have proven to do. HULT work towards the long-term of both the firm and the client’s goals with a focus on investing across industry verticals. Additionally, these industries are primarily dominated by tangible assets; capable of providing stable returns over time.
This exclusive investment group operate two types of investments: alternative asset secured or bank guaranteed.
The latter involves UAE bank-backed holdings capable of performing at upwards of 5% capital guaranteed. Asset backed alternative investments, provide a similar security but often perform upwards of 8-12% per calendar year. HULT cater towards the needs of our mid-tier investors and high net worth clients and to be a part of their elite investment group you must apply. Rare is it seen that an investment company  focused on delivering have the power and ability to turn down investors that do not suit their distinction.
The difference lies in what they do. The difference is HULT Private Capital.
A Step Above the Competition
As we’ve already mentioned, you have a choice when it comes to not only the investments you make but the firm managing them. Over the last decade, HULT Private Capital have proven themselves to be one of the best, most reliable investment houses across Europe, UAE and China.
They outshone competitors, like FJP Investment, and partnered with affiliates of the highest esteem. These affiliates include: Barclays, Zurich, Coutts, Aviva, Santander, and bradesco — to name just a few.
The growth of their business is a direct reflection of the growth experience across their client’s investments. It is their confidence in what they do, helping each and every investor to achieve and exceed their financial goals, that truly makes HULT Private Capital the right choice when for effective capital management.
Blending Tradition With Innovation
HULT continue to look into the future, whether in relation to their creative portfolios or initiatives in sustainability, the need for innovation is always near. Their foundation may be built on time-tested methods and experience, but it’s their ability to build upon this through innovative portfolios that progress the business forward.
Their team — spread across offices in Munich, London, Dubai, and Hong Kong — is built on powering people. HULT have masterminded together some of the sharpest, most challenging brains in the market to constantly propel and evolve the potential of their elite clientele.
At the helm are the founders. In partnership, they have merged methods and built an internationally-recognized boutique firm with over 340 million(£) assets under management. They understand that investors are no longer after the typical, making their experience in the alternative investment market and fund creation prime for providing atypical solutions.
Final Thoughts: HULT Private Capital Offers a VIP Approach to Investments
Choosing a private equity firm is just as much about fit as it is potential earnings. Partner with a team that sees you as more than your bank accounts — a team that embraces your personal visions as their own.
HULT Private Capital is that team. They bring tried and true experience to the table with fresh ideas that work.
If you’re ready to explore how everything at HULT is designed to ensure the success of your wealth, now is the time. High Net-worth and Sophisticated investors exclusively. Contact their team today.
Media Contact Company Name: IFLT Media Group Contact Person: Sam Lane Email: Send Email Phone: +44 20 8123 5164 City: London Country: United Kingdom Website: https://www.hultprivatecapital.com
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Can WEALTH be engineered? – HULT Private Capital
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Mutual Funds
Integrity and Passion.
These core values have been monumental behind the success of HULT Private Capital’s tailored investments since their doors opened back in 2008. Today HULT still take centre stage as an international boutique firm with over 60 employees and a firm grip on the secure alternative investment market.
Mutual Funds
It’s this adherence to quality of mission; to well-calculated, robust investments that elevate HULT’s efforts above the rest. This gives power to why both founders, Lewis Hill and John Williams, have been able to achieve great returns during the European financial collapse of the last decade. And it’s for all of these aforementioned reasons that HULT Private Capital invite you to work with some of the most sophisticated private investors in the industry.
“HULT Private Capital has returned £5.5m of investors capital plus £1.5m of interest making a total of £7m paid back on “just” Property Loan Notes’s over the last 12 months.”
HULT Private Capital, investments cover: bank guaranteed investments, UK property investment, property loan notes, food commodities and energy. Think of HULT as the complete solution to all of your wealth management needs.
Its time to invest wisely. Wealthy investors who have 250k or more, that are looking to broaden investments and amplify returns can do so and more as part of the elite HULT Private Capital Members Club. A fully tailor made and individual, private service with a number of benefits associated with a private concierge but on a different level.
Tailored Investments
Private equity firms are a dime a dozen — it’s true. They boast potential returns, push portfolios, and promises that can’t always be kept. All in an effort to drive the success of their own businesses above all else.
HULT Private Capital, place the value of a relationship on a pedestal. Investments are by invitation only — centred on trust, transparency, and deliverability. In short what they say they have proven to do. HULT work towards the long-term of both the firm and the client’s goals with a focus on investing across industry verticals. Additionally, these industries are primarily dominated by tangible assets; capable of providing stable returns over time.
This exclusive investment group operate two types of investments: alternative asset secured or bank guaranteed.
The latter involves UAE bank-backed holdings capable of performing at upwards of 5% capital guaranteed. Asset backed alternative investments, provide a similar security but often perform upwards of 8-12% per calendar year. HULT intentionally cater towards the requirements of sophisticated and high net worth investors to be a join their VIP Investment Club. To do so is not easy and you must apply or be recommended.
Rare is it seen that an investment company focused on delivering have the power and ability to turn down investors that do not suit their distinction. The difference lies in what they do. The difference is HULT Private Capital.
Leading the Field
As we’ve already mentioned, you have a choice when it comes to not only the investments you make but the firm managing them. Over the last decade, HULT Private Capital have proven themselves to be one of the best, most reliable investment houses across Europe, UAE and China.
They outshone competitors, like FJP Investment, and partnered with affiliates of the highest esteem. These affiliates include: Barclays, Zurich, Coutts, Aviva, Santander, and bradesco — to name just a few. The growth of their business is a direct reflection of the growth experience across their client’s investments. It is their confidence in what they do, helping each and every investor to achieve and exceed their financial goals, that truly makes HULT Private Capital the right choice when for effective capital management.
Power by Innovation: Key to Growth
HULT continue to look into the future, whether in relation to their creative portfolios or initiatives in sustainability, the need for innovation is always near. Their foundation may be built on time-tested methods and experience, but it’s their ability to build upon this through innovative portfolios that progress the business forward.
Their team — spread across offices in Munich, London, Dubai, and Hong Kong — is built on powering people. HULT have masterminded together some of the sharpest, most challenging brains in the market to constantly propel and evolve the potential of their elite clientele.
At the helm are the founders. In partnership, they have merged methods and built an internationally – recognized boutique firm with over 340 million(£) assets under management. They understand that investors are no longer after the typical, making their experience in the alternative investment market and fund creation prime for providing atypical solutions.
Final Thoughts
Choosing a private equity firm is just as much about fit as it is potential earnings. Partner with a team that sees you as more than your bank accounts — a team that embraces your personal visions as their own.
HULT Private Capital is that team. They bring tried and true experience to the table with fresh ideas that work.
If you’re ready to explore how everything at HULT is designed to ensure the success of your wealth, now is the time. High Net-worth and Sophisticated investors exclusively. Contact the VIP team today.
Media Contact
Company Name: IFLT Media Group
Contact Person: Carter Wright
Phone: +44 20 8123 5164
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
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