#but I *was* just kind of nebulously weepy on and off for days. weeks?
cesium-sheep ยท 5 months
we already talked about it in september and it was an option then for him and the cats and I to stay here for a while while she ran out ahead with a cheap furnished studio. there is no reason that can't be an option in march if it needs to be. I probably won't really be medically stable enough to move and start all over again by june anyway.
I'm very sad and it's all very hard and all I can do is sit here and watch and try to steer her right even though she can't hear me. I just wanna get to be together with my partners and not have to move all the fucking time. that's all I want out of this. (and access to doctors who won't actively make me worse I guess.) but she has Career Aspirations that we're supposed to facilitate however we can, that might put the two of them in different places again.
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