#but I didn’t have anything else to post with the baby journ so you were spared from more angst
cartooncrazyart · 1 year
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Misc Journey doods
[image description: two digital drawings of a tiefling girl. In the first, she is an adult, holding the face of a shorter woman, smiling at each other with their noses touching. In the second, she is a young child, pulling bemused at a bow tied around one of her horns. End ID]
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Do you enjoy watching birth vlogs? I’ve never watched this particular kind of vlog. I’ve seen photo stories of births on Facebook though and while I find women fucking metal for going through childbirth, I’m rather squeamish and I feel like crying when I see the process :((( Would you rather paint on canvas or wood? I’d...rather not paint at all. I’m really not artistic. What regret keeps coming back to haunt you daily? I have this one class that I regret taking this semester just because there were two available sections, and I still ended up in the section with the shittier professor. It’s a pain in my ass every Wednesday and I can’t wait to give a review for this teacher. Do you miss someone? Always, but I’m on depression break at the moment and I just want to be alone for 7 days. If you could cure yourself of one allergy, what would it be? I don’t have any.
Do you know anyone else with your name? I know two people. When I was still applying for AIESEC, I was surprised that there was a sudden abundance of Robyns haha. There’s never any Robyns anywhere. Have you felt like the main character in a book was you? I’m not a big reader, so no. Which country's flag is your favorite? Nepal just because it went ‘fuck it’ on how flags traditionally should look like. What would you be most afraid of happening if you were to visit Africa? Getting arrested??? I’m down for anything but I can’t get in trouble, because I’m a big fucking baby when it comes to crime lmaooooo. Where are you tempted to move to sometimes? Canada. Have you ever hiked a mountain? Nope, but would love to someday. Who seems like they have the perfect life? People who graduate summa cum laude while juggling multiple orgs and have both a tight-knit family and a love life??? How???????? Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? I have. I still have them on my phone.  I don’t see the point of taking nor keeping them if they just make me upset every time I see them but since I have a photo hoarding problem, I can’t bring myself to get rid of them. Do you think it would be a good idea to post photos of negative moments as well as positive? It’s different for everyone. Some might want to capture their negative times to remind them that they went through it and they’re a stronger person now. Some might prefer to block negative stuff from their mind as soon as they overcome it. I’m the latter. What time zone are you in? Idk how the format is...but I use the Hong Kong one. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. ^Why or why not? It’s just something that would make me feel uncomfortable. I don’t even like crying in front of people other than Gab, so even more would I not want something permanent like a photo to capture me crying. Do you like dark blue jeggings or light blue jeggings better? Light blue seems to be the trend recently. What color is the rim of your whiteboard? I don’t own one. Do you have trouble staying organized? I’m generally organized, but there are certain things that I can never seem to maintain, yes; like I can never keep my closet organized. And my school bag. What was the last thing you cried about? I had a short breakdown in the car last Friday because I had to usher for an event and run errands all day while the weather was RIDICULOUSLY humid and I could feel the sweat seeping in my pants for 8 whole hours, and then when Gabie came to visit she didn’t do the one thing I asked her to do. I exploded by the end of the day and gave myself ample time to cry. Funny how the universe works though - in the middle of my episode, the known dogs that roam in my college skipped over to my car. I had some leftover lunch so I fed them and I instantly felt better. Have you ever held a newborn baby? I have, but he started squirming and crying and I almost dropped him onto the ground. I was 9 and I was assigned to watch over the baby. I’ve never held an infant since. Do you know anyone who has twins? Yes. I was surprised to see my classmate from comm research posting photos of her and her twin on Facebook. Would you rather look older or younger than your age? Younger, and that’s how it works so I’m satisfied.  Related story: I went to get my driver’s license renewed a couple of weeks ago. The guy in charge made me fill up a bunch of forms and made me do unnecessary shit in the process (i.e. made me go ACROSS THE MALL to have my ID xeroxed) because he thought I was a student driver and that I was getting my license for the first time. I would have gotten my license SO MUCH QUICKER, but he gave me the process meant for student permits. I was annoyed, but in the end 1) he apologized profusely, and 2) I just took it to mean I look much younger than 21 which I can be happy about. Where do you buy calendars from? I don’t buy calendars because I already have one on my laptop and phone. Do you shop at the dollar store often? We don’t have dollar stores. We don’t even use dollars. What does your name rhyme with? Bitchin’. Are you following in the career path of any family members? As far as I know, no. I think I’m the first to take up journalism. My maternal grandfather’s side are all very...lawyerish and diplomat-ish though, and I guess that’s kind of related to journ and the fact that I’m taking up history, psychology, and political science courses. Have you ever met anyone who talks like a robot? THAT PROF I TALKED ABOUT A FEW QUESTIONS AGO URGH. He’s probably like 25 but I wish he would resign. He’s awful. What is your favorite country in Europe? I don’t have one. Probably one with a lot of history in it. Name something unique about your town. It has a lower and upper part, haha. I’ve never heard anyone else talk about their province and if they live in the lower/upper part of it. Who does all the chores in your home? My mom. She prefers it that way. Do you feel you missed out on a lot as a kid? I believe so. I was exposed to a lot of nasty shit, so while I was pretty privileged and went to a good school, had all the cool toys, and kept up to date with the cool TV shows, I had to grow up earlier than the kids around me. What is your best kept secret (or one big secret you have right now)? Kinda the point of having a secret. Do you have anyone you can tell your secrets to? I know I can trust my friends, but I’m generally most comfortable telling my girlfriend. ^If so, who? ^ Who was that best friend you ever had? If this question was meant to be in past tense, then it would be Sofie. I really, really hope she’s doing well and that she’s happy where she is. Do people appreciate you and accept you for who you are? I hope they do? What color is your laptop? Silver. What class would you like to repeat over again just for fun? Any art studies and history class I’ve taken. I also had this one class where all we did was have oral presentations/monologues, and it was so much fun, even for an introvert. Passed that class like a breeze. It helped that I had an amazing professor who believed in each of us and knew that we all had stories to tell and share. What are five careers you think you'd be good at? Researcher, analyst...anything that entals organization and data, really. Are you thriving in your life right now? We’re all thriving. We all just have our own paces. :) Who do you have moral support from? College friends, Angela, and Gabie. Who encourages you to go after your dreams? There’s this shirt that says “I work hard so my dog can have a better life,” and that pretty much hits the nail on the head. Do you have people in your family who want you dead? Wow. List all the antiques you have in your room. None. What Bratz doll resembles you the most? I’m not sure about resembles because I guarantee you no human being looks like a Bratz doll, but Jade had always resonated with me. She always seemed like the spunkiest one out of the four. Do you have a walk-in closet? No, I’m not really interested in one. What was the last thing you ate? Krispy Kreme doughnut with Nutella filling. What would you do to save money for your wedding? Work my ass off. I absolutely need to have my dream wedding. Have you ever been manipulated, lied to, abused, or controlled? Sure. Are you against plagiarism? ...Aren’t we all?
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purplesurveys · 5 years
have you ever had a conversation with a cab driver? Yeah some of them have tried to talk to me, but I’m really shy so I keep my answers short most of the time and I let them know that I’d rather be quiet. Although there was one time that I got paired with an Uber driver who made it his job to defend Duterte throughout my ride, and it took everything in me not to snap back at him lmao. do you have any shirts from vacation/tourist locations? I don’t really do that haha. I’d rather save photos and bracelets. what is one place you would like to go back and revisit? SAGADA. I went there when I had my heart broken and was in a different place in life, and I was scared and reeling from a lot of things and figuring out what I wanted. Now that I’m a little older, I’d love to go back since the trip helped me out a lot. which would you prefer: a homemade gift, or a store-bought one? A gift is a gift and I’d appreciate either. have you ever hugged a complete stranger? I...don’t think so? We may have been tasked to do it in school, but I’m not entirely sure.
when was the last time you were "under the influence?" Exactly 7 days ago. God don’t remind me hahaha I said some embarrassing stuff in front of my aunts and uncles. how regular of an occurrence is this? Not too often, since I’m really busy with school at the moment. I would most likely drink out after I’ve finished a test that I dreaded or passed a difficult paper. what random acts of kindness have you engaged in lately? I wrote Laurice a two-page, handwritten letter thanking her for making my 2018 better. I mean we were required to write letters for our Santa babies, but I’d classify this as an ~act of kindness~ since I knew everyone would opt to write short letters on a small post-it or print out their letters, so I gave her something she probably wasn’t expecting from me. do you know anyone who has never read the HP books? who? I don’t think so. I read up until the blue book, but I got so bored and I never read the whole thing again. have you ever had a relationship last for a year or longer? You’re looking at three years, my dude. what ended it, or are you still involved? Still involved. what kind of scented lotion is your favorite? I like anything that smells chocolate-y tbh. where's the weirdest place you've stuck your used gum? ??? The only place I’ve put my gum in is in wrapped paper and subsequently thrown in the trash. what's the best time you've had at a high school sports game? Basketball finals are always a hit, whether my batch is playing or not. if you're out late, where are you likely to be? Either Katip because that’s where my school is, or in Ortigas since that’s where Gab’s school is. do you ever visit your mall's arcade (if it has one)? Gabie will never let herself slip by an arcade, so yeah we almost always pass by. when was the last time you had hot chocolate? Months ago...I don’t like hot drinks. shirts with sarcastic sayings: yay, or boo? I’d go for boo for any shirt with any saying on it, but I wouldn’t judge anyone who likes wearing them. if “yay,” do you have a favorite? if you lost the use of your limbs, would you still want to live? This is so insulting to those who miss an arm or a leg lmfaoooooo what's your absolute favorite topic to discuss? Pro wrestling, world history, the royal family, Friends, The Walking Dead before it went south, wedding/family prospects, and idk maybe gossip? HAHAHA I deserve hell. what is your least favorite topic to discuss? Religion. Not even theories or scandals can lure me in. when was the last time you played hide-and-go-seek? I was 10 maybe. where was your favorite place to hide? My parents’ closet, because my sister never checked it out. what is your opinion on psychics? real, or fake? Fake. have you ever watched “are you smarter than a fifth grader?” Yeah there was a Philippine version that aired for a while. how would you rank your "class participation" in school? I’d say it’s pretty good. I never recite but I make up for it by rarely cutting class and always passing stuff and looking like I’m really interested in the lecture, which most times I am anyway. have you ever cut your own hair? how about anyone else's? Never for both. I cut my sister’s hair once but I was 4 and she was 2 so that doesn’t count. what is your favorite holiday treat? Our Christmas tradition is my grandmother making us steaks instead of the traditional hamon and queso de bola, so that has to be my favorite. how many people have you emotionally hurt? ...I wouldn’t know. Seems like a really intrusive/insensitive question there. how many people have you physically hurt? My siblings and cousins hit each other a lot as kids so it’s probably just them? I never hit anyone outside of that circle. were these times intentional, or were they accidents/mistakes? For the physical one it’s for sure intentional, because we wrestled a lot. Plus my sister and I were the only girls, so conflicts were always fixed by smacking each other hahaha. what is the last thing you asked your parents to purchase for you? Potato chips. do you have any buttons or pins on your backpack? Sure. The buttons are there to secure the bag when I close it. if yes, what do they say? Ohhhhh you mean the other type of button HAHAHAHA. No I don’t have that kind of button/pin. what is your favorite kind of lunch meat? I had to look up what this referred to since we don’t eat that here. I don’t have a favorite. do you know anyone who is truly obsessive compulsive? My mom is probably the closest case I could give you. She’ll know if something has been rearranged in the house by a mere inch, and whenever she leaves the house she will check if the front door is locked three times. have you ever been confined to a wheelchair? I’ve never even sat in one. how many “top friends” do you have on myspace? do you like oatmeal? I hate it. My grandma made me eat it for breakfast 2-3 times a week and it felt like eating a dirty rag. I’ve never eaten a bowl of oatmeal since. how many people are on your bzoink friends list? do you enjoy mainstream music, or prefer underground bands? I listen to whatever my ears feel like listening to...I don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to whether they were mainstream or not. how many bands are you “friends” with on myspace? are you friends with more bands than individual people? do you have a library card? do you use it? I haven’t used one since 2005. do you cuddle with your pet (if you have one)? Yes, if he’s not so stinky. do you have any candy left over from halloween? Halloween was nearly three months ago sis. have you heard of paula godspeed? Never heard of her. have you ever made a bzoink friend test? who has the best score on it? do you think that you work better under pressure? I can, depending on the work. or, do you ONLY work under pressure? Sometimes. I dunno for sure, I don’t have one sole routine when it comes to working, and the way I act is always different for every case. what college did you want to attend as a kid? When I was young and delusional I wanted to go to Ateneo (yuck), but over the years I shifted my sights to UP Diliman. My first choice was always journalism. was that still your choice when you grew up? Yes. I still love UP, but now I ask myself why I decided to pursue journ at all.  what sports star or athlete did you aspire to be like as a kid? I didn’t aspire to be like him but I definitely looked up to Shawn Michaels. what has happened to all your old toys? My mom would throw them out after a few months or years, depending on how attached I was to them. when was the last time you shopped at a garage sale? Yeeeeears ago. I don’t drop by those anymore. have you ever thrown popcorn at anyone? Never.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
Is there anyone in particular that you’d like to see and, if so, who is this person? I wish I could visit Gabie’s sisters. One has dengue, and the other has a UTI. I wish I could come over and give them a hug and keep them company. I totally would on a normal day, but their grandmother recently came home from the States to visit and is a complete homophobe and would immediately be suspicious if her granddaughter’s ‘best friend’ came to visit her sisters. Have you been to the movies lately and, if so, what movie did you see? Kinda recently, like two weeks ago. The Killing of A Sacred Deer. Have you ever used a muscle stimulator before and, if so, did it hurt? Nope and I have no idea what that is or what it looks like. Do you hate it when people rudely interrupt you and do you want to hit them? Interrupting me is tolerable at best, but when people do it rudely I would obviously hate it. Yeah wanting to hit them is a given. How many songs have you downloaded in the past week and what’re the genres? I stopped downloading music after I discovered Spotify.
Have you ever owned a pet bird and, if so, what was this bird’s name? We had a chick that we won at a school fair but we never named it. A few years after we had lovebirds we named Michelle and Andy which is super fucking creepy now and I won’t even bother to explain why I picked those names because it’s the cringiest thing. Do you have a friend who’s a complete and total flirt around everyone? Nope, I don’t really make friends with those people. Do you know anyone who’s addicted to drugs and, if so, are you friends with them? No I know no one addicted to drugs. How many times a day do you worry about dying and the afterlife? Worry is not a feeling I associate with either. Have you ever owned a golf cart before and, if so, what color was it? Never owned one, wouldn’t care for one. Do you have a sibling who’s a complete deadbeat and, if so, which sibling is it? I don’t think so. My brother is a little lazy and also performs the poorest academically out of the three siblings, but calling him a deadbeat this early is too much a stretch. Do you think that these questions are a little too personal? Not at all, I’m enjoying them. How often do you get photo comments on Facebook and who’re they usually from? I never post anything on Facebook. The one time I changed my photo publicly got 175 likes though, which I guess is a lot for someone who’s pretty much invisible on the website. Do you know anyone who has a name that you hate and, if so, who is this person? I don’t hate any names. The closest one would be Marielle but that’s only because I dislike someone with that name. I like all the other Marielles I know though so it doesn’t count. Have you ever seen the really old movie The Birds and, if so, did it scare you? Just excerpts. Didn’t really scare me. Do you think kids who smoke at a young age are stupid and naive? I wouldn’t call them stupid, as much as I’m against smoking. They’re kids, must be for various reasons that they’re doing it. And tbh I feel the same about every other smoker; it really just turns stupid as soon as they become an inconsiderate dick about the secondhand smoke like people are breathing in your fucking mess Brayden go smoke in a designated smoking area plz. What’re the color of the curtains in the room you’re in right now? Dirty white. Do you own the new Guitar Hero and, if so, what’s your favorite song on it? I don't keep track of the franchise anymore, plus I was more of a Rock Band girl. How long ago was it that someone you know got arrested and put into jail? I don’t know anyone who is currently locked up. How long ago was it that you last ate Taco Bell and what did you eat there? Must have been seven or eight months ago. I had like a burrito (forgot what it’s called) and nachos. It’s too expensive for me so I don’t get to eat there often. Do you ever take pictures with random people in Walmart or anywhere else? No mainly because we don’t have a Walmart and I don’t understand the significance of taking a photo with someone there, if any. Do you ever make fun of people with disabilities and, if so, why do you do that? Let’s just make this very simple: I’m not an asshole. Do you regret any decision you’ve made in the past week and, if so, which one? Nope. Have you ever done anything dangerous enough to have risked your life? Egh. I’ve held a snake and a crocodile before, but I doubt those count because their mouths were taped. I also like to swim way too far out into the sea, which can be dangerous since I can’t swim all that well despite taking lessons. Both cases aren’t thrilling enough, though. Where’s the farthest place you’ve been from home and why did you go there? Japan. For a brief vacation. Do you ever watch MTV and, if so, what shows do you normally watch on there? I never watched MTV frequently, even when I was younger.  What kind of game consoles do you own and, if you own any, are they in the room with you? PS4, PS3. Both are in the living room. Do you get embarrassed when your parents talk about when you were a baby? No. I was a baby, I wasn’t conscious about anything so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Do you have any friends you’re ashamed to be around in public? Well not ashamed, but it’s always just a little harder to be around my journ blockmates since they’re part of the rich kid sector that I hate so much. They talk about rich kid stuff all the time, talk in straight English, etc., and as much as I love them, they aren’t my type of crowd and I dread whenever I get dragged to the mall with them. I’m much more comfortable with the friends I’ve made from my org, who are much much much simpler and easygoing and don’t obsess about the next pair of Adidas they should buy or what movie to spend ₱500 on next. For context, a normal movie ticket should cost only about ₱200 in the Philippines. /eyeroll Do you consider yourself egotistic, or do people call you egotistic? I kinda am in some aspects. But I also self-deprecate all the time, so I dunno where I fall under. What was the most length you’ve ever cut off your hair and why did you cut it? At one point my hair reached my waist but I had it cut until it was only reaching my collarbones. It got tiring having to deal with hair that long, and I wanted my showers to be much quicker haha. Has anyone ever stereotyped you in a horrible or depriving way and, if so, why? Not personally but Filipinos get enough stereotyping attacks on a daily basis. What’s one food that you absolutely can’t stand eating and why do you hate it? Fruits. I don’t even try to eat them.  What’s one movie you can’t wait to see in theaters or rent? The Incredibles 2!!! Do you have any children and, if so, how old are they? I don’t have kids. How many times a day do you brush your teeth and is that enough in your world? Sometimes once, sometimes twice. Both are enough for me. Do you think you’re going to Heaven or Hell and why do you think this? I believe in neither. I just like to think death is permanent sleep, I don’t want any other consequence after that. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up just talking on the phone? We stayed up til the sun rose. Do you ever make random signs from sticky notes and put them on people? No. Have you ever overcome a disease that was life-threatening and, if so, which one? No. Do you think anyone who’s in the room with you right now is really mean? I’m alone in my bedroom. Is there one thing that you want more than anything you’ve ever wanted? Sure, I guess so.
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