#but I do not want to see your toca life house
So my sister is a toca life kid now, which is fine but if she asks me if I want to see her toca life house one more time I might just scream
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Present day House Ideas To suit your needs
toca life world modern mansion
After leaving a parental home most people strive to build one other new world, and often think that how this works out and what possibilities will be taken. A lot of now fear, and some just can't wait going buy all new homes. However , not the whole thing can be bought in store. You will want the ideas. Perhaps the interior features you might probably get some sort of inheritance, and some judgements will be made by some - perhaps the original owners, but the space itself. Anything it is, but what you may will need to adapt to their particular needs. May not be in a position to replace the floor surfaces, walls, ceilings and stairs, but more than likely can provide that much back to you need to repaint and also move to another site. You may need to change that doors or even your windows program; you may need to build a extension, the installation of this cabinet, to build up the bathroom. Even if the project will be to teach you to start alone, do not be tired! If you know what final results you want to achieve, you might easily find as part of your neighborhood carpenter or even carpenter to make the necessary work for you. It all depends upon your choice, and possibility will be a lot: anyone in your decision to show something about anyone, your partner or a person's parents. Future prospective clients may seem a bit difficult, but you must be ready to them - not alone in their new house at the start-up, nonetheless always, even when copy your other internet sites or maybe transform prevailing home decor as your health circumstances, needs or simply income. Questions at all times arise, but you can even find the answers.
toca life world modern mansion
I recall many years ago, when ever arranged in a brand-new house, someone said: "Home is do not comfortable until the surface has a carpet. inches And in a sense it was subsequently true. Flooring melted sound and gives all the islands completeness of feelings, even when the room is located only a few floor coverings and sofa blankets. And, of course, a product special has a cutting edge carpet smell -- it is just as concerned with the new car stink. However , the last 20 years, the mats in the entire floor, advanced home has displaced popularity. Imagine any kind of modern restaurant, of which recently have been: it truly is unlikely you will see floor coverings. First became widely used in coarse linens surfaces: they are an unique and neatly, by using ethnic motifs, however , difficult to clean and additionally uncomfortable for naked feet. They speedily became unfashionable the moment difficult to clean in addition to designers began to work with hard flooring: fire wood panels, stone along with marble. Now a diverse selection of wood and wood imitation surfaces is available and some citizens are trying to get the outdated floor boards out of used material storage area areas and build sites. At the same time had become more and more popular piece of rock, bricks, tiles and perhaps the smooth gravel. The floor fits beautifully into bathrooms and also rooms with warm floors. But at present, everything changes once again. Return to color, and turn into popular in massive, colorful "designer" floor covering with colorful, present-day painting, reminiscent of the bottom lay a portrait.
We all know that when travelling to move to another host to residence or getting a new property, much of our decision may have an effect on the most unusual material. An interesting window, perfectly or unusually wonderful ceiling moldings or even doors are sometimes issued to the specificity from place and helps it be more attractive - and when you are going to be a a number of rip and grab down for far more space, try not to get shot of them home features, which at first drawn to you to this spot. If the door can be too small, you might consider replacing all of them with a folding, slippage, or even glazed. Advanced front door traditional fakeness can provide a variable effect. Intriguing will be the unexpected places upward windows, uncommon model of frames or pieces of furniture. A special attraction definitely will always have unusual patterns such as round home windows, and colored or simply patterned panes. If your main house is not a very special window, should not sad. A small drive to help create a completely new window in the site where the most attractive additional lighting, and will eventually not be problematic to re-adjust your frame. If this still fails, watch out the window interior design: slat blinds, bead curtains, fine, ancient lace, or even picket blinds will be in a position for an original replacement of the standard curtains. Think about using frosted wineglass - it will offer an opportunity to distance by itself from the curious stares of strangers, basically without reducing a flow of brightness.
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des-det-fo · 6 years
Hehe i really like this kind of tag games
Nickname: Desd and Sa with friends (which is short for Sara... but like... super short)
Height: Around 150? Maybe 153? Yeah I'm short
Time: 2:09 am
Favourite song/band: Pink Floyd definitely. As for my favourite song, probably Time or Wish you were here (big emotional sorry) I also really like The Beatles (Strawberry fields forever is 👌)
Song stuck in my head: as of now, Everybody loves me (I KNOW but it's just because of an animation I saw and i couldn't stop watching it.. it was so good). Other songs that were stuck in my head for days were Two Time by Jack St(etc..surname that i can't write) or Blonde Hair/Black Lungs by Sorority Noise
Last movie I watched: Hmm i never really watch movies, it probably was Midnight in paris or, if it counts, i watched some episodes of The chilling adventures of Sabrina
Last thing i googled: This game because i can't remember all the things i have to say haha (before that the translation of an italian word because I'm stupid and i couldn't remember how Pronome (pronoun) was written in English)
Other blogs: Well there's my main @/desdetfo or also @/positive-inazuma-doodles but nobody is requesting anything soo i guess I won't really post anything until someone needs a doodle
Do i get asks: Hmm not really, unless i make an ask game or ask people to request some doodles (ask me... stuff if you want.... i love talking..). I got some asks about my url around the time the Alexa meme went viral (some people said my name reminded them of despacito)
Why did I choose this url: Desdetfo is a word in my dialect and this is my ina sideblog so i added the -
Following: how do u see that... sorry im dumb i can't find where i can see the following count
Dream trips: THE NETHERLANDS (big childhood dream), Ireland again (Dublin is... so good), London. Oh and many Italian cities
Favourite food: Pasta with fish ragù (lmao that word sounds so wrong in an english sentence) and Pistachios. Dark chocolate also gets lots of uwus
Instruments: Hmm i can play the guitar, bass, ukulele and like.. 1/2 serious songs in the piano (string instruments are the BEST ). Well the plastic middle school flute too if it counts haha. I really want to learn to play the Sax or some smaller instruments like the Ocarina or the Lire (I wish i could find some cheap ones but life is hard 😯😯) sorry I'm a big music nerd
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Languages: Italian and English, i did French in middle school but I remember like.. 3 words (sorry Mar)
Most iconic song: I want to break free was a big song in my life hehe, also apparently my father used to sing me Asereje as a lullaby so uh yea (i dont even like it but it's just a big icon)
Random fact: Uh i can move my left foot's pinky alone??? Random fact are always weird haha. I also have super small hands which is unfortunate because playing the bass is hard ⬇⬇
Zodiac: Sagittarius as my sun sign, Pisces as the moon sign
Favourite fruit: Pistachios, peaches and Bananas
Seasons: Late spring is... the best... not too warm, not too cold. You can wear a skirt and something light to cover your shoulders. Perfect season to be honest. And Late summer too is very nice!
Scent: Scented candles, perfumes, fresh and washed clothes, bonfire, oh and hospitals (i hate it... but i like it... its somehow nostalgic)
Colour: Green, Pink and yellow! Big love (orange too sometimes!!)
Animals: Froggies, snakes or cats. Turtles too sometimes?
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Coffee usually, Tea in the afternoon
Average hours of sleep: 7? 8? If i could i would sleep more. How do yall sleep so little time... i could sleep for the whole day lmao
Favourite fictional characters: well you already knoe my favourites from inazuma (i made that 11 favourites post). I really like Amalia from wakfu (hmm sometimes i also hate her... but I love her.. aah), the WKTD worst girls since Eve (Jupiter is a big fave and relatable gal), Dave Strider and Jake English from Homestuck (tho Tavros, Dirk, John and Jane are some of my favourites too) and uh Finn and FP from adventure time
Year in which this blog was made: 2018? Around May
Hogwarts house: I'm not a big Harry Potter fan but my friends made me do the test and I got Hufflepuff! Funky yellow kids are cool
Favourite artists: Mar and Toca's cartoonish styles are my favourites, (@/hidadeis and @/jounetsulovers), @/pir8, @/kirigirikin from instagram and @/narutosmom from instagram.
Whew that was long!! Thank you @inazumafocus for tagging me!
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electroma89 · 6 years
binch, quiero todas esas preguntas del ask owo
Me mataste con lo del binch xD
You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
“hey sexy gurl”
What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
a 5 years relationship
If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
of course, he’s against drugs, so something very serious is going on if he starts doing drugs
Is your last name longer than six letters?
G-O-N-Z-Á-L-E-Z (8 letters)
Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
a long time ago, yes
What does your last received text say?
“puta oh” (something like “oh fuck”)
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
i haven’t been counting, but in 5 years it must be a lot
Where was your last kiss at?
the street
When is the last time you saw your sister?
i don’t have siblings
What do you drink in the morning?
a glass of water first thing in the morning, then chocolate milk or tea with milk at breakfast
Where did you sleep last night?
in the pines, in the pines… ok no, in my bed
Do you think relationships are hard?
like relationships in general? no
If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
yeah, but nothing major, there hasn’t been much exciment this year (which is ok considering 2017 and 2016 were fucking hell, but I’m starting to get bored)
You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
not at all, do not disturb
Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
cloudy but not rainy, sunny but not too sunny
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
no D:
Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
that’s the plan, i don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow, but my intentions are going on with this relationship
Does anyone like you?
i mean i hope so, or this past 5 years would have been really akward
Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
Is the last person you kissed gay?
well he isn’t straight that’s for sure
Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
absolutely, i think everyone know someone like that
Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
no, i don’t like them
In the past week have you cried?
no, but i’ve been pretty stressed about life and existencial crisis
What breed was the last dog you saw?
a mix between poodle and maltese (my baby grandpa)
Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
out, of course, what kind of question is this
Have you ever kissed a football player?
no, not my type
Do you think you’re old?
in days like this, when everything fucking hurts, yeah, but most days i think i’m young, running out of time but still young
Do you like text messaging?
yup, better than phone calls *cringes*
What type of day are you having?
lame lazy day, that kind of day when you go “meh”
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
yup, pretty seriously
Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
after 5 months of cold weather i’m kinda desperate for some warm (not hot tho)
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
“opposite sex” huehuheuhue (intersex laugh in the distance), there’s a lot of people who mean the world to me
Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
Are you a simple or complicated person?
i think we’re all pretty complicated
What song are you listening to?
none, i’m watching a movie, the last song i listened was “stargazer” by rainbow
When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yes, if i don’t mean it i don’t say it
Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
i think you fit this description, fam
What made you start liking the person you like now?
i could be myself around him, relaxed and authentical
When did you last receive a text message?
like 10 min ago? 15?
What is wrong with you right now?
oh BOY, i don’t wanna go into details here, but there’re quite a few things that could be better right now
How well do you know the last female you texted?
mmm not that much, i watched her videos and we talk a bit through DM, she seems nice
Does anyone disgust you?
pfff, racists, bigots, xenophobes, aphoraphobes (is that a word in english? it means you hate poor people), that kind of “people”
Would you date someone right now if they asked?
if my bf ask me, then yes
Are you in a good mood right now?
very neutral i must say
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
besides my family? i think it was my bf
What color shirt are you wearing?
white shirt under a black and white pullover
Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
yeah, everyday pretty much
Anyone you’re giving up on?
Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
i always can, it’s hard and it sucks but if it’s necessary i do it
Do you like rain?
if i’m indoors then yes
Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
no, i also drink
Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
a few times
Do you like to cuddle?
depends on my mood, but mostly yes
Are you shy?
at first
Do you get along with girls?
Have you dated the person you texted last?
we still are
What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone, my glasses (on my face)
If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
bring it on
Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
i’ve been 5 years doing this, fam
Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
for the last time, YES
The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
forehead and cheeks and i love it
Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
idk how to answer this, i went to a kawaii fair and i was overwhelmed, i bought a skull cup and it’s cute af
How old are the last three people you kissed?
they’re all my age, older by a few months
Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?
pay, but my mom do my nails and i do her skincare routine
Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?
do i have to choose? zebra print is more bearable then
Do you have any stickers on your car?
Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?
idk who luke byran is, so i pick lil wayne
Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?
android, my apps are always compatible with my phone, and they have good cameras too you cowards
When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?
oh jesus, a long time ago, now i only eat homemade pizza
Do you like diet soda?
i don’t like soda, period (i only drink soda when i eat fast food, but i always drink like half of a cup, or i ask if they have juice)
What color are the walls in your room?
a hideous light blue i hate with a passion (i’m changing it next month thank god)
Are you 16 or older?
god this ask list are so mean, i’m 28 ok? TWENTY EIGHT *sobs*
Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?
no, but my cousin does, says is pretty good
Do you have a job?
i do a few things here and there, but i need something stable like RIGHT NOW, economy is fucked up as shit in my country tho, so things are like a bit HUGELY hard
What are your initials?
Did you ever have braces?
i have braces RIGHT NOW
Are you from the south?
yes, i’m from the south… SOUTH AMERICA BITCHES!
What does your last status on facebook say?
i don’t use facebook lol
Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
no, i really hope he’s doing ok
Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?
gymnastics when a was a little kid
What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
jesus, was it the fifth wave? i don’t remember, oh but i’m gonna see bohemian rhapsody in november and I CAN’T WAIT FAM
Do you smoke?
no, and i’ve never tried
Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?
flip flops of course, i don’t like pain
Is your phone touch screen?
Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?
Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?
i prefer the sea, but lakes and pools are cool too
Have you ever made out in a car?
…Had sex in a car?
Are you single or in a relationship?
What were you doing last night at midnight?
falling asleep
When’s the last time you saw fireworks?
new year’s eve
Do you like the camera on your phone?
fuck yes, i love the pics i take
Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
yeah, when i was a teen
Have you ever passed out from drinking?
just once, is not nice, so i avoid reaching that point
Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
i said i don’t use facebook, but no, i wouldn’t be, that’s ridiculous
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
Name your favorite Kesha song:
i don’t know any, i think i’ve heard “praying”?
Do you have any tan lines right now?
with this weather? lmao, my skin hasn’t seen sunlight in like 5 months
Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
i wouldn’t wear cowboy boots, period
This was super fun, fam. Ahora te toca.
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android-for-life · 4 years
"Two Googlers on resetting expectations for life at home"
Like many people, Googlers Alan Mclean and Jennifer Daniel are navigating their new at-home lives, finding ways to work while also parenting their two young children. The couple are working from their home in the Bay Area, where they’re taking shifts parenting and creating a remote office from...wherever they can find some room. 
I recently had the chance to “sit down” (via Google Meet) with them and talk about our relationships with technology during stressful times, how they’re personally handling all the changes and also, why playing "Animal Crossing" is a totally acceptable coping mechanism.
Alan, you’re a Product Designer on the Digital Wellbeing team, and Jennifer, you’re the Creative Director for emoji. But how would you describe your job to someone who doesn’t work in tech?
Alan: There’s an official answer, which is “I help people balance their relationship with technology,” but…
Jennifer:🚨Ugh, corp speak!! 🚨What did you tell our neighbor?
Alan: I told him I’m trying to help people get more rest and have a healthier life. 
Jennifer: Yes! Hmm, for me I guess I usually say I make little smiley faces. :-)
What do your days right now look like? 
Alan: Typically the day before, we both check-in on our calendars and look to see where we might need coverage from the other. If we both have meetings, we’ll throw a tablet in our kids’ faces with a mix of educational (and not so educational) games. Lately our son has really taken to playing chess so he’ll practice digitally and we play together on a physical board. 
Jennifer: Our daughter enjoys the books that read out loud with her, and Toca Kitchen. They both love ”making food” that makes the characters get sick.
In terms of day to day, we divide and conquer by keeping it fluid. Sometimes I cover the morning routine which has settled into a relatively stable pattern now: breakfast, walk the dog with the kids, writing, reading and drawing time, punctuated with video meetings.
The afternoon, depending on our work schedule, includes science experiments (tin foil boats or paper airplane contests), some outside time, yoga (Cosmic Kids Yoga is great!), TV (Science Max is a hit), more tablet time and then dinner. 
Alan: I usually make up some work time in the evening once the kids go down.
What is your home office setup like? 
Alan:We live in a small home—950 square feet, two bedrooms—with twin 5-year-olds and an eight-month-old Husky puppy, so there isn’t much of an office. In general, we move around the house and try to be out of earshot. Sometimes I work in the kitchen, other times on our front steps, once from the kids’ bunk beds.
Are you able to create some work-home boundaries? 
Alan: Trying to avoid working where you sleep is a big one. Don’t do what we’re doing right now...which is working from bed. 
Jennifer:Sometimes that isn’t really possible. The bedrooms and bathroom are the only rooms with doors! For me, it’s less about creating a physical boundary and more about a mental one. I don’t work early in the morning or in the evening anymore. That’s MY TIME.
Alan: I think the challenge right now is that it’s hard to reinforce boundaries when you’re in the same place all the time. In the past we used context clues like walking to the bus or the BART or whatever, or there were subtle hints when a meeting was about to end. But you don’t really have that anymore. So trying to avoid working where you sleep…
Jennifer: But, I work from the bedroom, and I sleep in the bedroom. That works for me 🤔.
Working from bed works for you?
Jennifer: I’ve spent most of my life in small apartments, I guess I just got used to it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alan:I also think maybe the norms of what “balanced” means has changed. 
Jennifer:Yeah, just be forgiving of yourself. It took awhile but I really had to recalibrate and give myself permission to not live up to my previous expectations as an employee, as a mother and as a partner. I also have to make it clear to others to not expect the same out of me. As much as I try to project that I am fine, I am not fine.
I’ve personally seen my screen time and news consumption skyrocket; have you?
Alan:I’m definitely more of the news addict; I’m also lying in bed looking at an endless stream of things to worry about. I think a bit of an insight for me is that there’s a couple reasons why you might do that, and part of it is that you might want to feel some light version of control over what’s happening. And of course the net effect of that is that you might feel incredibly anxious. That’s my personal experience with screens lately. What about you, Jen, what about your doom-scrolling?
Jennifer:I love that you call it doom-scrolling, did you just make that up?
Alan:No, no, definitely not. 
Jennifer: Not to make this just about parenting, because this is also very much about work, but I am having flashbacks to new parenthood. When I became a parent, I got extremely efficient at my job. I don’t have time to doom-scroll! That would be a luxury! I have things to do, I got people to take care of. And, just as important now as it was then, I need to find time where no one needs me 😉. These days I’m playing "Animal Crossing." And I love it; it is screen time, unquestionably, but it’s a very specific kind of screen time as it is clearly not work-related. Now that Alan mentions it, maybe playing video games is also an expression of seeking control and stability in an unknown time? But, instead of doom-scrolling I plant cute flowers and little animals come visit me 🌼🌻🌸🐰🐻🐿🐙.
What else are you adding to your routine? Anything else to help find some balance? 
Alan:For me, I know that the end of my day and the end of my use of my phone is occurring when I put a podcast on at night. Or ambient music. For me, that’s a really strong signal and I try to do it every night. For some people, that might be putting your phone in a box or charging it. I like the audio cue because that way you’re experiencing some stimulus without interacting with the screen. But I got that from Jen; I used to be like, “Why are you putting a podcast on at night? It’s time to go to bed… and doom-scroll for two hours.” 
Jennifer: I just listen to podcasts so I don't have to listen to my own thoughts as I fall asleep. Otherwise I'd be up all night 🤣.
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How are you keeping your kids entertained?
Alan: We just got tablets—prior to that we hadn’t experienced the liberating power of having educational apps and games with our kids before 😉. 
Jennifer: When the tablets arrived, I felt like I was not being a great mom but the kids say I'm really good at technical support 😛. I need to remind myself that being a quote-unquote good mom is not related to screen time. I can’t disguise my stress from the kids, I’m doing my best. Now, go watch some "Octonauts."
Alan: I’ve been taking the kids to the beach on the bike. 
Jennifer:Bonus! No one else is in the house! I get to stay home and be alone! I definitely need some time for myself. 
Are there any surprise “silver linings” you’ve experienced?
Jennifer: I'm getting to really be with my kids in a way that wasn't possible before; I used to only see them in the morning and the evening. Age five is really cute.
Alan: The transition to two full-time jobs simultaneously has been incredibly difficult, although our colleagues have been really supportive. But we’re both struggling with the desire to be the best possible parents and employees we can be. That feeling was always there, but with the lack of boundaries, it’s exacerbated. One thing that’s especially nice these days is seeing colleagues’ kids jump on video conference calls. It’s a nice reminder of what everyone is dealing with.
Right now, we all have to be compassionate with ourselves, and also with our colleagues and friends. Coming late to meetings, missing emails, things like that, are OK right now. We sort of just need to be empathetic and flexible for a little while. 
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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la-fufa-blog · 5 years
rock band
 La Zinara 777.- Está trabajando como una verdadera burra pareciéndose a --- Los Damn Yankees --- para llevar a la cúspide en --- El Siglo 21 --- a --- El Pheri Sánchez --- rock band originario de --- La Colonia Pantitlan --- y celosamente protegida por todos los miembros de la pandilla de --- Los Nazis de Neza --- que la tomaron como la madrina oficial para representar a esta delincuente organización y que culpa tiene la gallina que cumplas años déjala tranquila.
 Y --- se dice por ahí que --- El Pheri Sánchez ---con la bandota serán los nuevos autores del cambio musicalmente hablando así como lo hicieron --- Los Beatles --– allá por el año de 1964 y que --- Los Monstruos de Liverpool --- cambiaran el punto de vista de toda la humanidad rompiendo todos los récords habidos y por haber como la moda en el vestir, el amor por los semejantes, la psicodelia, la comunicación directa con --- El mismo Dios --- y terminando por crear --- El Gran Movimiento Hippie --- que se desparramo por todo el planeta para demostrarle a todo el mundo como una sociedad anti higiénica pudo vivir en paz rechazando la guerra mientras que --- Los Illuminatis --- manipulados por --- Los Reptilianos --- comenzaban la otra.
  Y --- el reto que tiene --- El Pheri Sánchez --- es el de acabar con el reinado de --– El Elvis Presley –-- la espectacularidad de --– El Michael Jackson --– y aplastar a --- a la cuarteta más poderosa de inglaterra --- y de todo el mundo --– Led Zeppelin –-- en donde los boliquetes se van a poner a peso porque para lograrlo se van a tener que morder un huevo y la mitad del otro y si todavía les añadimos al maestro de maestros --– El Ludwing Van Beethoven –-- la velocidad endemoniada de --– El Antonio Vivaldi --– los rezos sagrados de --– El Johan Sebastián Bach –-- y la música astronómica de --–El Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --– sí que va a estar muy crabrón hacerlo, pero al final nos los echaremos al plato ya lo verán ustedes, según dijo la vocero de --- La Black And White Records .
   Y --- pero como dicen los estudiantes de --- La Biblia --- simplemente jamás nos imaginamos que --- El Jehová --- iba a seleccionar para cada uno de sus profetas de los últimos tiempos a un elemento que no pertenece a --- La casa de Dios --- y mucho menos que proviene de la casa de la-blacky, pero como los caminos del señor son extraños y misteriosos --- A lavado y Engrasado sea El Señor y que le cambien su Mofle cito para que ya no tire aceite por el carter como lo hace tu mama cada 28 días con orejas --- no hay problema, porque según todos los elementos de la banda de rock dicen que contamos con el formato musical de --- Los  Parabramanes --- los escritos secretos de --- El Bután --- que los encontró --- La Golondrina Viajera --- en una casualidad Checoslovaca, y todas las obras literarias inéditas que escondían --- Los Tibetanos --– de los músicos de antaño en las viejas pagodas abandonadas por --– Los Atlantes --– y no por --- las cremas del américa --- porque son tan maletas como --- Las Chivas del Guadalajara --- que se las robo --- La Gioconda de Mi Nezota --- en el mercado negro/amarillo de --– La China–-- y solamente para darse el gusto de vencer a todos los rockeros más peligrosos del globo terráqueo.
   Y --- por ahí de paso pisotear a los rolling stones porque en el momento que despidieron al matemático del ritmo --– El Mike Taylor –-provocaron su propia debacle y todo fue porque le tenían mucha envidia al chavo de 18 años que llego para enseñarles cómo se toca la guitarra y que dios los perdone porque todos sabemos que solo hubo dos buenos músicos en la pedrada y el otro era el hermoso de --- El Bryan Jones --- pero que uno de ellos ya no están entre nosotros para contarlo.
  Y… sin embargo nos queda un buen recuerdo de --- Los Ángeles California --- dice --- La Zina 777 --- que ahora está viviendo tranquilamente en --- El Distrito Federal --- y recordando cariñosamente a --- Nueva York --- pero déjenme en paz dijo --- La Tranxxx Vestti One --- se los suplico que me dejen en paz que yo con nadie me he metido jamás tan solo estoy tratando de vivir en la felicidad y que quieren ustedes de mi si el destino me dijo que no yo sé que la vida es así porque así se la hicieron a --- Dios --- o es la mera representación divina de --- La Diosa Afrodita --- envuelta magistralmente en un cuerpo masculino y no como todos se lo imaginan en --- La Ruleta Rusa --- al más puro estilo de --- El Boy George --- de --- El David Bowie --- y de --- El Marilyn Mason --- y el amor perdido de… y en donde estás corazón que no oigo tu palpitar amor de mis amores de –-- El Freddie Mercury --– y te amo papacito en donde quiera que te encuentres.
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MANAGERS La Linda Hamilton – Lahelen Montana La Miranda Congales – La Zina Rankikonovick TELEFONOS ( +52 ) 55 324 600 24 – 55 35 62 94 80 CORREOS ELECTRONICOS [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PAGINA OFICIAL https://la-fufa.tumblr.com/ CORREO POSTAL THE BLACK AND WHITE RECORDS Calle 2 Priv. Porfirio Díaz # 16 Col. Pantitlan Delegación Iztacalco México Distrito Federal 08100 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
La Zinara 777.- Is working like a real donkey looking like --- The Damn Yankees --- to take to the cusp in --- The 21st Century --- to --- El Pheri Sánchez --- original rock band from --- La Colonia Pantitlan --- and jealously protected by all members of the gang --- Los Nazis of Neza --- who took it as the official godmother to represent this criminal organization and what about the chicken if is your birthday leave her alone.
And --- it is said that --- El Pheri Sánchez --- with the big band will be the new authors of the change musically speaking as --- The Beatles --– did back in 1964 and that --- The Liverpool Monsters --- will change the point of view of all mankind by breaking all the records that have been made and by having fashion as clothing, love for others, psychedelia, direct communication with --- The God Himself --- and eventually creating --- The Great Hippie Movement --- that spread across the planet to show the whole world how an anti-hygienic society could live in peace by rejecting war while --- Illuminatis --- manipulated by --- The Reptilians --- began the other.
And --- the challenge --- El Pheri Sánchez --- has, is to end the reign of --– El Elvis Presley –-- the spectacularness of --– El Michael Jackson --– and crush to --- The England's most powerful foursome --- and around the world --– Led Zeppelin –-- where the pens will be put on weight because to achieve this --- El Pheri Sánchez --- will have to bite a bolt and half of the another and if we still add to the teacher of teachers --– El Ludwing Van Beethoven –-- the demonic speed of --– El Antonio Vivaldi --– the sacred prayers of --– El Johan Sebastián Bach –-- and the music Astronomical of --– El Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart --– yes, it will be very crap to do it, but in the end we will throw them to the plate and you will see it, according to the spokeswoman of --- The Black And White Records.
And --- but as the students of --- The Bible --- say, we simply never imagined that --- The Lord --- was going to select for each of his prophets of recent times an element that does not belong --- The house of God --- and much less that comes from la-blacky company, but as the ways of the Lord are strange and mysterious --- To wash and Oiled be The Lord and change his Mofle quote so that no longer throw oil through the carter as your mom does every 28 days with ears --- no problem, because according to all the elements of the rock band they say we have the musical format of --- Los Parabramanes --- the secret writings of --- The Bhutan --- where found it by --- The Traveling Swallow --- in a Czechoslovakian coincidence, and all the unpublished literary hidden work of --- The Tibetans --– of the musicians of yore in the old pagodas abandoned by --– Los Atlantes --– and not by --- the creams of el america --- because they are as suitcases as --- Las Chivas del Guadalajara --- that stole --- La Gioconda de Mi Nezota --- in the black / yellow market of --– La China –-- and just to indulge of beating all the most dangerous rockers on the globe.
And --- by the way stomping on the rolling stones because at the moment they fired the mathematician of the rhythm --– El Mike Taylor --- who provoked their own debacle and it was all because they were very envious of the 18-year-old guy who arrived to teach them how to play the guitar and God forgive them because we all know that there were only two good musicians in the rockest and the other was the beautiful one of --- El Bryan Jones --- but that one of them is no longer among us to tell.
And… yet we have a good memory of --- Los Ángeles California --- says --- La Zina 777 --- who is now living quietly in --- El Distrito Federal --- and affectionately remembering --- New York --- but leave me alone he said --- La Tranxxx Vestti One --- I beg you to leave me alone that I have never gotten to myself, I'm just trying to live in happiness and what about you want from me if destiny told me no way, I don't know that life is like that because they did it to --- God --- or it is the mere divine representation of --- The Aphrodite Goddess --- masterfully wrapped in a body masculine and not as everyone imagines in --- The Russian Roulette --- in the purest style of --- El Boy George --- of --- El David Bowie --- and of --- El Marilyn Mason --- and the lost lost love of ... El Freddie Mercury --- and where are you heart that I do not hear your love beating from my love and I love you daddy wherever you are.
0 notes
anneedmonds · 5 years
Life Update: End of the Baby Era
A fleeting break from tradition with this life update because I’m going to be talking mostly about me. My favourite subject. (Joke: I hate talking about myself unless I’ve had too much wine. In fact, I tend to stop people in their tracks when they try to ask me what I do for a living – I usually tell them that I work with computers and they are too bored to ask more!)
I’m talking mostly about me because I feel as though I’m at a weird old juncture in my life, one that has me wondering who the hell I am and what an earth I’m going to do next. I think that shopping for Angelica’s school uniform triggered it all off, this sense of being a bit lost and wondering about what the future holds, but in fact it’s a strange feeling that’s been bubbling away beneath the surface ever since we made the big move to Somerset.
I think it stems from being the sort of person that always has to be doing something, planning the Next Big Thing, working on a project, being so busy that I live in a state of perpetual low-key chaos and stress. Having two babies quite close together (18 months apart, not planned that way!) has been the most intense time imaginable, especially with work being the most busy it has ever been, and I think I worry that when school starts in September, and Ted starts a few mornings at nursery, I won’t quite know what to do with the extra time.
Actually that’s a lie; if I was entirely honest, my problem with September and the new starts is that I am forced to evaluate the era that is just about to come to a close. The baby era. I find myself tentatively asking myself how did I do? Could I have done better? In those rare moments of quiet, when I just sit and mull things over, I wonder whether I worked too much or should have worked more, whether I should have pulled in more help to save my sanity or turned down more jobs in order to be a completely full time Mum. I tick off the things I didn’t do: I haven’t taken them swimming once. I didn’t make gingerbread with them and get it all over the floor. I didn’t get enough photos of me with babies perched on my hip, or me asleep in a tangled nest of sheets with a newborn spreadeagled on top of my chest. I ask myself whether I was ever really present, in the moment, because I really can’t remember much at all.
I could do a huge list of the things we have done, including almost daily trips to the zoo and adventure park, walks with the dog, holidays in the car to Cornwall and Devon and London and Dorset, crazy chases around the house every afternoon (it’s a great house for running and hiding), discos, picnics, dressing up, shop games, hotel games, vet games, hospital games, early wake-ups every morning, drawn-out bedtimes every night, middle-of-the-night cuddling sessions, countless dribbles of Calpol over the bedsheets, endless tense exchanges between the adults as to where the in-ear thermometer is and who had it last…
I’ve been away from home for less than 2.5 percent of the time I’ve been a Mum, but I still fret that I could have done better and that I would do it better if I did it all over again. Maybe that’s why some people have another baby (I’m not, don’t get excited!), because there’s always the feeling that next time you will finally get it right.
Well. That was borderline depressing wasn’t it? Sorry about that! I don’t actively regret any part of what I did during the baby stage, I’m just sad that it’s pretty much over. It’s like a klaxon has sounded to tell me my time is up.
“FNARRRRRRR! Put down the flour, mothers! You’re about to make homemade play-dough, or bake cookies for the first time, but it’s TOO BLOODY LATE! You want to take them for a walk instead of plonking them down in front of Peppa Pig so that you can print, sign and scan the mortgage documents in peace? TOO LATE! They’re old enough to just amuse themselves anyway! They don’t need you anymore and they wouldn’t go on a walk with you anyway unless you bribe them with sweets! FNARRRRRRR!”
Talking of bribery, Angelica has cottoned on to the whole you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours system remarkably well. Maybe she will grow up to be a negotiator. Or a politician. (God.) Either way, she knows the value of her cooperation, especially when Ted is kicking off about his apple not being cut in the correct manner (ie: not cut up at all, he likes them whole, but he carries the bloody thing about for an hour and the dog almost always ends up getting it off him so I usually try to make him eat it chopped up in a bowl and he hates it) and there are two things that she has firmly planted on her demands list: games on the iPhone and sweets from Daddy’s retro sweet shop box.
Mr AMR got a huge box of sweets for his birthday last month and they’re all retro chews and sherbet dips and so on from the seventies and eighties – Angelica is obsessed. It’s like another world, one where Pom Bears and organic dried apple rings don’t exist. The games on the iPhone thing has had to be curbed, for the moment, because she got really into playing on these Toca Boca apps that let you play at being a vet or a train driver or a doctor. They’re a bit like Sims but for toddlers and she gets really immersed, carrying supplies through the hospital and visiting the patients and feeding them their lunch. She started waking up early just so she could ask to play on my phone, so that has been nipped in the bud. The phone games started as a lazy thing because I could go back to sleep for half an hour and she just carried out her doctor rounds, probably doing things like administering morphine and delivering tricky babies and amputating gangrenous legs using a selection of power tools. But the games are no more. It’s too early. Both in the day and in life.
I say that officially, in case Mr AMR is reading, but unofficially I let her play at grooming the Toca Boca horses last night when I was trying to wrestle Ted into his back-to-front Gro Bag and stop him from throwing his mattress out of the cot.
Ted has become Hulk Ted Smash over the course of the last month. Not only does he thrash about in his sleep, knocking into the bars of the cot so that it sounds as though a minotaur is trying to ride through the wall of the house, he likes to dismantle his sleeping arrangements over and over again between the hours of 7 and 9pm. It used to be that he stripped himself, did a wee on the mattress and then called for help, but now he is trapped in his back-to-front sleeping bag (thanks for that tip, readers!) and can’t unzip it, so he amuses himself by taking off the sheets and folding the mattress in half (actually quite a phenomenally difficult thing to achieve) and then sticking both legs through the bottom slats. Before calling for help.
Whoo, bedtimes are still the most testing time of the day. I think (still) that it’s because you really feel as though you’re finally owed a bit of a bloody break, thanks very much, and your brain sees 7pm (or whatever time, 5pm would be idea, hohoho) as the cut-and-dry deadline for any child-related shenanigans. The other night, when Ted was still going at it with his mattress-bending at 9.15pm I ended up bellowing this is Mummy’s time now! I’m not available! 
He just stared at me blankly and said, “ham?”
Ted is saying “ham” a lot at the moment. I have no idea why, other than that he really likes ham. But the more he says it, especially in answer to completely unrelated questions, the more we all laugh and the more he thinks it’s funny. He’s chatting away like the clappers, now, and if I read a story to him he copies every single word. Which is sweet, but at the same time it makes it really hard to read – it’s like having an echo that makes no sense.
In other news, Ted did something the other day that was both highly convenient and potentially disastrous, all at the same time. I knew something was up because things had gone quiet in the living room and then, when I called him, he said “coming Mama!” and arrived in the kitchen holding his (very full) nappy between forefinger and thumb. He had done a poo, carefully taken off the nappy pants and walked to the kitchen without dropping any of the poo onto the floor. To be frank, it’s almost more than I can do and I’m thirty-six years older than him. Not that I wear nappy pants, you understand.
Oh God, I must dash! Angelica has had her taster morning at school and I’ve just realised that the time they’ve said to pick up is actually the time when they’ll be coming out of the gates! Not like in nursery when you just saunter in between x time and y time and everyone’s all chilled out and “here’s a painting with some twigs and dirty feathers glued to it, it’s a duck, yes that’s an acorn representing its one eye”. I have a drawer full of those paintings. Ah, such excruciatingly happy days, tinged with such anxiety that time keeps flying by too fast! Why is being a parent such a bloody emotional rollercoaster?
The post Life Update: End of the Baby Era appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Life Update: End of the Baby Era was first posted on July 3, 2019 at 3:35 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Life Update: End of the Baby Era published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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A Power Of New Apple iPad Mini Use Cases And Performance Of Its Features
Apple's new £399 iPad mini has almost all the features of the iPhone XS, at half the price. If you have demanding software requirements, then it is a tablet, but what you want is suitable for hands, lab coats or cars. Apple has done the usual farmer work here, and there aren't many other small and powerful tablets on the market. This makes the 2019 iPad mini the editorial choice for small high-end tablets.
iPad Mini Use Case
Who is the iPad mini? From now on, this will color my judgment. I would say that it is not for those who want a "cheap iPad" or a "cheap tablet." Have a better cheap iPad for your kids to play Toca Boca games - the sixth generation 9.7 inch iPad and the cheaper basic use tablet.
However, if you look around, there are a lot of iPad minis doing business. Smaller tablets are suitable for car racks, as point-of-sale systems for receiving restaurant orders, writing prescriptions at the bedside, getting signatures from FedEx packaging, or for augmented reality - the lens market checks its Zillow status. The iPad mini is for those who stand up while holding a tablet, and those who don't want to pay for the iPhone and the service plan for each device.
Design And Pencil
This iPad mini looks a lot like the previous iPad mini version. It measures 8.0 x 5.3 x 0.2 inches (HWD) and weighs 10.5 ounces. It is available in grey, rose gold or silver. The 64GB model is priced at £399 and the 256GB model is priced at £549.
It has a large top and bottom border, a Lightning port, a dual speaker at the bottom and a SIM card slot. There is a physical home button with Apple's simple, accurate Touch ID fingerprint sensor. It can be easily held in one hand. The design worked, but it started to become obsolete.
The screen is a bit different. It is still a 7.9-inch laminated LCD with 2,048 x 1,536 pixels. But this time around the Apple added True Tone, which changed the white point according to the ambient light.
The iPad mini has a maximum brightness of 559 nits, which is significantly brighter than the old iPad, almost identical to the fifth-generation iPad and the 11-inch iPad Pro. Apple adjusts the screen very strictly. In all their cases, blue and red are definitely lit, green is just a desaturated touch, and yellow is slightly red. Compared to Samsung's Galaxy S10 screen in natural mode, the color is similar to the ideal distance, but red is more accurate.
This is the first iPad mini to support the official Apple Pencil or Logitech Crayon. We are talking about the first generation of pencils, although the Lightning port on the back, and the cylindrical body can be rolled - not a better second-generation model with inductive charging and a flat side.
For the iPad mini, the pencil is a bit too long and the ratio is quite. Its pressure and tilt sensitivity are clearly visible in applications like Procreate, and its responsiveness is great for taking notes, but for simple tasks like signing, you should get a cheaper capacitive pen. It's worth mentioning that when I compare the pencil here with the second-generation pencil on the 11-inch iPad Pro, I can definitely see the difference. The iPad Pro's 120Hz refresh rate makes the digital ink look smoother; the pencil on the mini (and the pencil on the sixth generation iPad) has a little delay.
Like other iPads and iPhones, the new mini runs iOS 12.2; we have iOS 12 comments to learn more. iOS 12.2 has a series of small-scale improvements on the base version 12, but the most important thing is to support Apple's new streaming service. I have been writing this article a few days before the release. Does this mean a complete overhaul of Apple's music and video applications? We will see it soon.
In any case, iOS 12.2 will also appear on all other current iPads, and older iPads will also appear on the iPad mini 2. The biggest difference between this mini and old models is performance. Apple has jumped from the last mini A8 processor to A12, wow. The A8 in the iPhone 6 has already exceeded half of its life. It may be supported by two other generations of operating systems, but third-party developers are no longer targeting it. On the other hand, the A12 is the latest chip with at least four years of service life.
The performance difference between A8 and A12 is very funny. In the Antutu system benchmark, the iPhone 6 scored 80,620 during the test. The iPad mini has 373,092. On the Geek bench multicore, the pure CPU benchmark, the fifth-generation iPad received 4,494. The sixth generation iPad received 5,934. This gets 11,548. (These results are very similar to the iPhone XS Max, and they don't have the 2018 iPad Pro with the enhanced A12X chipset.)
It's not just about the CPU; the image signal processor has been significantly boosted as well and there's a special machine-learning unit, so things like bar code scanning and object identification will go speedily.
Rendering a movie in iMovie also shows the difference in power. Boiling a minute of 1080p footage down to 360p on the iPad mini takes 5.4 seconds; it takes 10.21 seconds on the A9-powered iPad, and it will take even longer on an older mini. And of course, the older mini doesn't support the Pencil, which requires an A10 processor.
The iPad mini primarily uses 802.11ac Wi-Fi to connect to the internet. Speeds are fine, but nothing special; in testing I actually found the signal to be a bit weaker than on the 9.7-inch iPad.
The mini comes with a 12w power adapter, which charges it pretty slowly; I only got to 20 percent in half an hour. You can speed up charging by using a USB-C PD adapter and a USB-C-to-Lightning cable, but they don't come with the tablet.
The iPad sports an 8-megapixel rear camera and a 7-megapixel front camera. Both record 1080p video at 30 frames per second. Compared with the fifth-generation iPad's 8-megapixel camera, images taken with the main camera are aggressively sharpened, bringing out more details but also more noise. Low-light images are also stippled with noise from a somewhat straining sharpening algorithm, but aren't otherwise much better than shots from the earlier iPad. It's clear that the differences here aren't in the camera, but in the image signal processor.
The front-facing camera of course has a lot more pixels than the previous iPads, but they aren't necessarily better pixels. You get more detail, but it's kind of grainy, noisy detail.
The front-facing camera, meanwhile, is for video calling with devices that have high-resolution screens, and it does a good job at that.
And if you're a real estate agent, sure, houses will look fine in photos taken with this tablet. But you can't think of this camera as the one you should use to take photos at your next birthday party. Use your iPhone instead.
Left to right: iPad Pro (11-inch), iPad, iPad mini, iPhone XS Max
Comparisons And Conclusions
This year's iPad mini and the new iPad Air are basically bigger and smaller versions of each other. Here's how it steps up: The existing iPad (just called iPad) is for all of your basic tablet needs. The iPad mini is for people who specifically need a smaller, lighter tablet. The iPad Air is for if you intend to run apps that will be too slow on the iPad, or if you're crazy about Apple's keyboard case. The 11-inch iPad Pro (or the more expensive 12.9-inch model) is a primary creative machine, especially for people who intend to use the Pencil.
The mini shines when you need a tablet that runs powerful applications, but is still handheld. That could be in many enterprise contexts, such as retail, navigation, logistics, law enforcement, education, or real estate. It's much easier to hold up a mini for AR viewing applications than to hold up a larger iPad.
If you have an existing iPad mini of any generation that's been acting sluggish, it's because the processor is just too old for today's apps. I understand the reluctance to get a new device that looks the same as your old one, but the processor change makes the 2019 iPad mini more than a worthy upgrade. And for anyone who wants an iPad, but finds the £329 model a little unwieldy, you now have an excellent alternative. The iPad mini is a versatile tablet, and our Editors' Choice.
 If you are looking for a tablet repair centre in the UK, then visit Tabletrepairer.co.uk offering same day repairs and while you wait tablet repairs.
For more details, visit Tabletrepairer.co.uk
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darlingsteps · 6 years
Things to do with kids in any part of the world
Things to do with your kids in any part of the world: USA, Europe & Beyond
No matter where you are in the world, you don’t need a lot of money or extravagant things to make children happy and have fun. I’m a pure example of this. Here are some ideas to get your juices flowing:
Build a tent
Seriously, who buys those pop-up store tents anymore? (I’m not judging, I used to own them lol) When you have a small living space or live out of a suitcase like us, you have the luxury of having All. The. Things. amiright?
So, trust me, kids will much rather build their own tent with extra bedsheets, pillowcases, fabrics and chairs of all sorts.
Have bunk beds? Ohhh those are the best and bring back so many memories! #hello
Make cookies
(at least in my household) kids want IN on whatever you’re doing. Haha, My youngest child will harass my life to ‘help cook’ until I say yes. Obviously, I should be sterner and not give in (what the heck am I teaching her by giving in right? I know. moving on) but in this case, I adore the cuteness of a teeny tiny human with a cupcake for a face, trouting along to beg me to cook. How can I resist? So I now schedule time for the girls to cook. And what’s more fun than mixing, tasting and squishing!
Arts and crafts
This is my inner creative alter ego wanting to pry itself out. I LOVE arts and crafts (don’t be fooled, I’m by no means crafty or good haha) I enjoy it, and I promise if you let go of perfectionism you will too. Honestly, you don’t even need ‘a plan.’ Go to your craft store, i.e., any dollar store, and stock up on anything even remotely crafty, even if you think you won’t use it. Head straight to the stationary section, then head to the home/garden isle, after the tool and auto isle (you need something reasonable to hold all this crap, food aisle (for cheap dry goods. think beans, rice, and oats) and finally the kitchen isle for plastic cups, foil, etc. and those paper plates you’ll need for those maracas.
Make playdough
Why on Gods green earth is playdough SO DAMN EXPENSIVE???!!! Okay, I’m sorry for yelling. #Imdone. I’ve never purchased playdough for the girls because we afford it and when we could, why the heck would I pay that much anyway? And for the bargain shopper mamas reading this before you go on to tell me I can buy them in bulk, on sale, from said dollar store…I wrote above- here are my thoughts: my kids must be one a kind because these boogers go on to ‘make’ me food creations of all types and mix the playdough in all kinds of ways to make colors I didn’t even know existed. (and I’ve tried those cheaper ones and my goodness- NO THANKS) Kids enjoy cooking (see note above) and making messes, it’s a win-win. Plus it’s super easy, all types of recipes available online. So no excuses. (and no it doesn’t take that long. #aintnobodygottimeforthat
Have a Treasure Hunt
This is sooo fun. Honestly, it doesn’t need to be, and it gives you time to just sit down. Ah. You can hide anything from candy, new pencils, notes, etc. (Think the birthday section at a said dollar store) Play dress up we only have girls, and it goes without saying that they enjoy dressing up. (see toy section of any dollar store. do you see a pattern here lol) But I can only guess that boys would enjoy dressing up as well as it is a great pretend/imaginative play. Make pizza Let me start off by saying that if you don’t like pizza, I don’t know we can be friends. Ok just kidding maybe lol I don’t think I’ve ever met a kid but doesn’t like pizza and this is indeed such a versatile and cheap thing to make that there isn’t any excuse for you not to make it and it’s a lot of fun. I grew up pretty poor, and pizza for us consisted of a slice of white wonder bread cheap no-frills pasta sauce and a slice of what was supposed to be cheese. Then we popped it in the oven for a few minutes watching it until the cheese got ever so slightly burned and dug in. Do everyone in your family a favor and make the dough from scratch is pretty simple or you can just buy it one from the store it’s still a lot of fun!
Fly a kite (create a kite)
So self-explanatory and kids love it so go get one and get to your local park already if you don’t have a kite , crafts to the rescue! It is super easy to make, and they work!
This is one of my favorite pastimes, so I feel kind of selfish writing it but our kids loved it, and I think it’s because we are both from big cities in you don’t see stars are often and when you think it’s the one you realize that it’s just a helicopter. Enjoy the little things
Listen to books
Another guilty pleasure here but I’ve posted this love answer my children, and it’s always a good time. There are a few ways you can do this if you’re looking for free options the best way is to download the Overdrive or Libby app and entering your details and library card details, and you get to listen to audiobooks for free. If finances are no burden for you then audible is such an excellent option, and they have pretty much anything you could look for. Except The gruffalo…they don’t have that anymore because Julia Donaldson wants to do stick to print books…ok I digress. Haha. Another more affordable option is the Scribd app. it’s pretty amazing because you pay a small fee of about 5 to 8 books of month, and you get to listen to an unlimited amount books the downside is that you don’t keep it, so it’s kind of like a music subscription you get all the music you want while you’re paying subscriber otherwise you lose all your stuff.
  Read books
Same advice as above^
Make a play
Piggybacking off of the dress up here….our girls could do this all day long. Like seriously. They have. They do.
Keep all and any extra boxes you can get your hands on… The bigger, the better. (Invest in a good x-acto knife) < you’ll need this for the never-ending requests to make doors, windows and “secret exits.”
Build a snowman
If you’re in a climate where it permits this, don’t let the beauty of snow pass by because it’s bitterly cold. Trust me. I understand the struggle. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t last and the memories will.
Does this really need a caption?
Train or bus ride
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re in NYC, London, Paris, or your tiny small town that’s barely making Google maps…if there are buses or trains, use em. Kids love this stuff.
Free workshops
Don’t underestimate your local library. They always have fantastic free workshops going on where all the is required is a simple registration.
Farmers market
This is such a great way to immerse yourself where you are. If you’re traveling like us, this allows you to see and meet new people. Engage in the culture and get fresh produce, food, and knick-knacks.
Make musical instruments
Here I am with the craft stuff again! If you’re like us and travel like it’s your second job, then this is a good one. Music is good for the spirit, and you wouldn’t believe how easy it is to use common household things to make instruments out of.
Have a parade
When you’re done making said instruments^ Be super silly and have a parade! Storm and stomp around the house and have fun. (Be mindful of the hour of course if you live above anyone)
Bubble bath
I can’t quite remember, but there was a time/age where our girls didn’t always get along so well. And the only time where there was a sense of peace was when they were taking baths. Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of simple water, soap and “toys” (I wrote that in quotes because I despise bath toys and much prefer temporary toys like plastic water bottles, used up lemon juice containers, etc)
Children do mimic what they see. Obviously, this can be a good and bad thing. In this case, it’s alright. Many times throughout the day you can find me lost in thought #heyfellowinfj and wait for it: bird or human watching
The girls love seeing birds up close and analyzing their attributes. Have your kiddos try this!
Make confetti
Kids love to make messes so let them! Grab any old magazines, newspapers, leaflets, flyers, and pieces of scrap paper you no longer need and cut them up. You can simply put them through the shredder (this adds to the fun, but obviously watch out for those little fingers and blades) or cut shapes snowflakes, etc. Then toss them in the air and roll around in it and have a confetti party!
Outdoor sport
One of the joys of many sports is that you can travel with said instruments. Any game that involves a ball can fit in your luggage once deflated. Cricket is super lightweight, and the ball is small. Frisbee is a fantastic choice. It can get tricky with tennis as rackets tend to be heavy and bulky. (But relatively cheap to purchase)
Sidewalk drawing
Chalk is typically cheap anywhere you go and works on almost any sidewalk/balcony! If you have a private area you’re using, bring out the hose, a bucket or a bowl of water to wash away the drawings and begin fresh the next day.
Nature freedom!
Go to a museum, café, library or bookstore.
To find free museums, type “free museum, city” into your browser of choice….Same with the others.
Fire station
This may differ wherever you go, but in the US, most firefighters are happy to speak to children when they drop by to have a look but do call first to verify! (To avoid disappointment) We’ve never had an issue, but you never know.
Sing & dance
So I almost felt a bit hypocritical writing this one because I loathe doing both in public. Yes, even in front of my own family haha! But, I assure you, if you’re the same way, take it slow and do it scared! You’ll be glad you did. The easiest thing to do is go to YouTube and find some kid dance channels (maybe search for kid choreography) and let the magic happen. We also use a Toca Boca dance app!
Learn a language
After a certain amount of time traveling (it’s been years for us) your kiddos will grow to love languages. Naturally, as humans, especially little humans, we love communicating. And there’s no better way than completely immersing yourself into another one’s culture: language and all.
I realize this specifies toddlers in the heading. However, these activities can be easily adapted and enjoyed by older children as well. My kiddos are in the 10 and under range (as an example.)
What do you do for family fun? Tell me below!
The post Things to do with kids in any part of the world appeared first on Darling Steps.
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yourmusicaboa-blog · 6 years
Poesia Acústica #3 -  Capricorniana
Verso 1: Sant :
Eu tava doido pra cantar pra ela nosso som Que escrevi ontem pensando no amanhã E hoje eu tô aqui despreparado Preocupado com tudo ao redor As pernas tremem, a boca não abre e não dá nem pra me mover Talvez se eu tivesse ensaiado mais Talvez se eu estivesse um pouco mais firme Talvez esse borbulho no estômago signifique que nós combine E nem precise de mais canções além dos sons de voz enquanto converso contigo Mas eu não consigo e tudo que eu não te digo aqui deusa É que ontem eu pus no verso Que eu tava doido pra cantar nosso som, escrevi ontem E hoje eu tô aqui doido pra cantar pra ela Nosso som, nosso som
Verso 2: Thiago Mac :
Ana Capricorniana, nesse final de semana Desculpa mas não quero ver você partir Amanhã acordo cedo, corre aqui não tenha medo O morro todo hoje quer te ver você sorrir Quem é que tem coragem pra falar de amor? Quem é que tem coragem de ser o que não é? Fiz essa aqui na laje, esse fundo é montagem Me diz o que cê quer pra aliviar essa dor Fui de peito aberto pra fechar contigo Seu mundo tava escuro, eu fui o seu farol Escolhas são escolhas, cê tem seus motivos Mas quem quer viver na sombra não espera o sol Cê sabe que a vida é um tecido fino Pois a qualquer momento pode se rasgar Talvez não seja nada, seja só o destino Era simplesmente a hora de tudo acabar
Refrão: Thiago Mac e Maria :
Meu quarto ainda tem seu cheiro, de vazio eu entendo Esvaziou o coração e sem ter explicação me arrancou de dentro
Verso 3: Thiago Mac :
Ana Capricorniana, você acha que me engana Desculpa mas não quero ver você partir Vai embora com minha blusa, só pra deixar outra sua Ninguém pode saber que você teve aqui Quem é que tem coragem pra falar de amor? Quem é que tem coragem de ser o que é? Fiz essa no meu quarto, minha casa não tem laje E a única montagem é seu sorriso sem cor, amor Seu sorriso sem cor, amor Seu sorriso sem cor
Verso 3: Lord :
Já não sei quantas vezes arrumou as malas Amamos e brigamos mil vezes ao dia Nem lembro quantas vezes procurei palavras Pra te mostrar aonde nós dois juntos chegaria Não sabe como eu corro pra cuidar de tu Mas é verdade eu não cuido nem de mim eu sou um louco Mas tudo porque eu gosto de sentir o gosto Da gente brindando muito e dividindo pouco Eu sagitariano e ela escorpiana Ela bate e ama, ela toca e mama Era pra ser mais um romance, mas nós dois faz drama Antes da parte do pornô que a gente faz na cama E o mais sinistro é que tu sabe que elas me quer E eu sei que eles te quer, mas nós dois só se quer Cantando a nossa música, transando num hotel A gente chora, porque eu preciso ir embora Me chama de bebê que hoje eu vou beber a água do seu corpo E a gente vai começar tudo de novo Nós vamo acordar juntin', eu e você juntin' Vem, vem, vem que hoje nós vamos queimar no nosso fogo Que todo tempo do mundo ainda é pouco Pra eu cantar o samba que eu fiz pra te ver sorrir
Verso 4: Choice & Maria :
Ah se você voltasse ao momento do impasse Pensasse melhor e não se precipitasse A um passo do precipício, se tu não me empurrasse Imagina se fosse um começo tão doce que deliciasse sua boca E trouxesse um sentimento lindo, ai se cê se... Seria tão bom, eu teria o meu bem debaixo do edredom Dispensaria o harém Preta você tem noção do que você tem? Me deixa no chão por favor, vem com amor e carin' Que assim vou também E se você voltasse ao momento do impasse e pensasse melhor? A um passo do precipício, ai se cê se...
Verso 5: Choice :
Ela só finge que me ignora Fala que agora namora um cara que usa blazer e dirige um Corolla Mafioso tipo barra pesada Até me disse da grana que controla Também disse que não tá preocupada que tá preparada se chegar a hora Tempo passa, telefone toca, eu atendo e digo É o chefe Tempo passa ninguém fala nada logo eu penso que se dane que isso é um blefe Novamente o telefone toca só que eu ignoro não era esse o jogo? Rio e comemoro, mas por dentro choro não é isso que nós merece! Andando sem rumo me acostumo com as sextas-feiras Vendo em segundos, reflexos de uma vida inteira Você perdendo tempo com esses caras fracos que cansam na primeira Eu transando com mulheres experientes tipo Susana Vieira Amor, falo muito sério e por mais que eu saiba pretinha tu ama bobeira E todas essas coisas serias que você me dizia e eu levava na brincadeira Talvez tenha sido sua culpa de não entender muito bem minha maneira Mas eu penso que nunca foi obrigação de ninguém entender minha maneira
Verso 5: Choice & Maria :
Mas se um fim me traz um novo inicio o começo se tornou vício Aquariana, aquariana Isso é tão difícil, mas já faz parte do meu oficio Adeus, ó libriana, ó libriana
Compositor: Choice, Lord, Sant e Tiago Mac
Poesia Acústica #3 - Capricorniana 
Verse 1: Sant:
I was crazy to sing to her our sound. What I wrote yesterday thinking about tomorrow And today I'm unprepared here Worried about everything around Legs shake, mouth does not open and it can not even move me Maybe if I had rehearsed more Maybe if I was a little firmer Maybe this bubble in the stomach means that we combine And I do not even need more songs. beyond the sounds of voice as I converse with you But I can not and everything I do not tell you here goddess Yesterday I put on the verse That I was crazy to sing our sound, I wrote yesterday And today I'm crazy here to sing to her. Our sound, our sound
Verse 2: Thiago Mac:
Ana Capricorniana this weekend Sorry, but I do not want to see you go. Tomorrow I wake up early, run here do not be afraid The hill today wants to see you smile Who has the courage to talk about love? Who has the courage to be what is not? I made this here on the slab, this background is montage Tell me what you want to relieve this pain. I was open-minded to close with you. Your world was dark, I was your beacon Choices are choices, you have your reasons But who wants to live in the shade does not wait for the sun You know that life is a fine fabric Because at any moment it can tear Maybe it's nothing, just the destination. It was simply the time for everything to end.
Chorus: Thiago Mac and Maria:
My room still has its smell, of empty I understand It emptied the heart and without explanation ripped me out
Verse 3: Thiago Mac:
Ana Capricorn, do you think you're wrong? Sorry, but I do not want to see you go. You're leaving with my blouse, just to leave another one of yours. No one can know that you had it here. Who has the courage to talk about love? Who has the courage to be what it is? I did this in my room, my house has no slab And the only montage is your colorless smile, my love. Your colorless smile, my love. Your colorless smile
Verse 3: Lord:
I do not know how many times have you packed your bags We love and fight a thousand times a day I do not remember how many times I searched for words To show you where the two of us together You do not know how I run to take care of you. But it's true I do not take care of myself I'm crazy But all because I like to taste Of people toasting and sharing a lot I Sagittarian and she Scorpio She hits and loves, she plays and she It was supposed to be another romance, but we both make drama. Before the part of the porn that we do in bed And the most sinister thing is that you know they want me And I know they want you, but we both just want to Singing our music, having sex in a hotel We cry because I have to leave. Call me baby that today I'm going to drink the water of your body And we will start over again We'll wake up juntin ', you and me juntin' Come come come that today we're going to burn in our fire That all the time in the world is still short For me to sing the samba I did to see you smile
Verse 4: Choice & Maria:
Ah, if you came back to the moment of impasse I thought better and did not rush One step away from the cliff, if you did not push me Imagine if it was such a sweet start. that would please your mouth And bring a beautiful feeling, that's if you know ... It would be so good, I would have my good under the comforter I would have dispensed the harem Black do you have a notion of what you have? Let me down, please, come with love and carin ' So that's how it goes too What if you went back to the impasse and thought better? Just a step away from the cliff, here you ...
Verse 5: Choice:
She just pretends she ignores me. He says that now he dates a guy who wears a blazer and drives a Corolla Heavy Barrel Mafioso You even told me about the money you control. Also said that you're not worried. What are you prepared to do if it's time? Time goes by, telephone rings, I answer and I say It's the boss Time goes by, nobody says anything so I think damn it's a bluff The phone rings again, and I ignore it. Was not that the game? I laugh and celebrate, but inside I cry this is not what we deserve! Walking aimlessly I get used to Fridays Seeing in seconds, reflexes of a lifetime You wasting time with these weak guys that get tired in the first I fucking with experienced women type Susana Vieira My love, I'm very serious And as much as I know, my darling loves you And all these serious things that you told me and I was kidding Maybe it was your fault. of not understanding my way very well But I think it was never obligation nobody understands my way
Verse 5: Choice & Maria :
But if an end brings me a new beginning the beginning became addiction SpanishSpanish-EnglishEnglish This is so difficult, but it is already part of my job Goodbye, or Libriana, or Libriana
Composer: Choice, Lord, Sant and Tiago Mac
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meduelesluegoexisto · 6 years
Shiraki - 1999-2003
1. Post Student Syndrome Prospects of a new life, planning, cash in, cash out Weigh every step I take Live up to every expectation that rests on my shoulder And now I talk to the mouth of some lost soul that never matched up to his own And I wonder how many careers are based on true motivation. Are mine true enough to make it through time I’ll serve mine and already apologize for failing I dare you to say you live the life you dreamed of Consequences first, step out of line, severe damage for sure, think it over first. 2. Copycat
I keep hearing what was said long before Synchronized mouths a copy of dim light Is what remained The worst has still to come, But you don’t know and you never will No gods, no masters Your revolution is not much more Than a piece of paper Tell me whom are you fooling Don’t expect me to strife on your side No progression made 3. Robot Wars Robot wars, no remorse, metal bloodshed Robot wars, shred to pieces, ripped apart total devestation Killing is the game, robot wars the name Two warriors, battleground, till the end All hail to SHIKARI, all hail to ROBOT WARS Let the battles start Death machinery Robot wars Let’s do some damage Dead metal, Mathilda, Sgt.Bash, Robot wars 4. …And Just When I Thought I Had It All Figured Out Made a blueprint for my own reassurance Funny, how everything seems to be falling apart When the most precious of thoughts is proven wrong Made a blueprint to cut out my insecurities Now I can only question the need of trying to structure my life Never thought that anyone Could break down this fortress And leave me in ruins like this And I can only ask myself, was It worth, rationalize thoughts, Can I, can I… What is love, is this love Can I love, will I love… 5. Written In Some Depressive Mood This room is too small I hate this room, it’s not mine I hold the key but there’s no keyhole, no exit It’s like a rope tightened around my neck Forced to swallow, choking Another 25 years tied down on these restrictions Just the thought Break the burden Kill that thought My own noise
6. Encounters Standing on behalf of the crowd Thinking where did I bring myself and you ask What’s the threat? I keep running into disillusion It’s hard not to be cynical Alternative nation inhibited By leaders and followers Who do you identify with? Don’t you know You have to choose sides Let the cleansing begin Be sure to wear the right stigma All I believed in faded away Are my expectations too high Or are you afraid of recognition And admit it at the same time My hero died today and I held the knife Walked right into it If this is the current state Of evolutions, count me out My hero died today And I should have seen it coming… 7. You Know So Well What did I say? What did I do? This view of mine will probably never fit in What did you say? What did you do? Oh, you know so well how I should succeed Please go Set things straight in your own pathetic world first Shut up and stay out of mine
8. Fuel
This is my st(h)atement
What won’t regress my motivation
Is my own reversion
Of the herds of know-it-alls
That seems to surround me daily
Setting fire to settled structures
The present order until there’s
No more now and here
Fear down the monuments
Burn their churches
I feed on you, you give me reason to
I love to despise
For the hope
A better day
I feed on the hate you sow
9. In Existence
Did the thought of seeking beyond the boundaries of our enclosing existence ever cross your mind?
We get a fix on
greed and consumption
trained into perfection
living an assumption
We are deceived in our loves, fights and motivations
I truly wish that we just could all see through the blinds
create your own existence
10. The Kids Shouldn't Be Playing With Fire
Integrity seems really hard to hold on to when integrity can be bought and sold
if you can't live up to your won set of values, why bother?
stop trying making up excuses, it's obvious you're willing to sell yourself out,
why even speak of politically awareness when the only policy is you
can't start a fire as long as the consequences won't outgrow the level of giving it a serious thought, oh no, imagine!!
this is your policy of me only suited up till here a policy of me only valid now and here tell me, tell me wait, nevermind your story, I bet it will fit into your pathetic little world, you've justified it all haven't you? kids shouldn't be playing with what they don't know how to handle, leave your policy at home, so it's there where I can burn it down 11. Tekila Step into a never ending circle that feels so familiar, never asking for a direction, lead me into your love this time, I just know it's for real this time. this is how you make me feel this time, not gonna let it go recognition this scene looks so familiar I've played thsi part before it's the one where I lost my lines the director shouted "cut" and I kept talking and even though I can't remember the words it must have been the right script and if you ever wondered why, I can't stop, can't get enough? I want you to feel, I want you to be here, feel your presence and I love to love you 12. Attitude Would it make a difference if you'd be born with your mouth stuffed? you talk so much it makes no sense at all just plain repetitions. waht have you got to add? an advertisement of something i'll never be a part in the name of shut up and play a culture of apathy fuck it, not afraid to say fuck it you won't save the day fuck it this must come really hard fuck it please tear us apart your interpretation of a so called open mind means nothing more but blind acceptance of a goal justifying the means, your attitude mistaken for an opinion. to me you're nothing but scared
13. Dead Men
What makes this anger grow
frustration building up inside of me
the inability of getting through to you
a blind acceptance of the role they assigned to you
have you ever wondered who told you what to do?
Dead men
A heart at twenty, a mere consumer at thirty, when did you stop feeling like you did?
your heart didn't stop beating, you didn't stop breathing, still it seems to me as if everything just quit
Such a sad story that's meant to be so unreal but the laughter remains rather dimm playing your role as I'm watching you sliding away. what's left?, your prospects, your future?
Anger builds inside of me, I wish I could light the fire, make you realize and live again.
I wish I set the world alight, make everyone see, hear and feel, I wish I could
14. Morning Wood
See me here
drowning in
some self created form of misery
Nothing else seems to matter at all, nothing of any relevance, will release me from here
hit me hard, then cut me deep, it might just hurt or put me to sleep
please last for another day, comforts me more than it should, gives me the relief, the need more than anything would
Caught up in self reflection, swallowed with appreciation
nothing else seems to matter at all but even I realize that I'll have to
Wake up
Nothing of any relevance matters here, self reflection, appreciation comforts me, then I'll wake up again
15. Utopia Dismantled
Life reduced to a concrete wish. Simplification of our wants and needs and eventually transformed into an ultimate attempt of forcing patterns upon us. Don't think we'll think for you. Satisfaction gained out of emptiness. Our homes as the imagination of the circle of demise we're in. Concrete = freedom. Trapped into a steel caged. Life's being decided for you.
Nevermind the wealth your bathing in, we'll turn it into mud for you, but don't fear, your smile never fades in this utopia especially build for you. You'll never see. You'll never realize
16. The Last Thing
Bless myself with this fucking gift of saying the right thing when it's need to be said.
So well thought, almost real, one day and I'll start believing it myself
Bless myself being so goddamn rational, so much sense when the damage is already done
And even though, I must say that it does make sense to me, it feels like shit
The last thing I ever wanted to hear that it's probably the best for the both of us
These words are me, I know but I swear I didn't have to use ‘em
These words are mine, I know but I hate it, them coming out of my mouth
A price I was more than willing to pay to keep me from drifting from you or me
17. Biela
Toca Biela
Viva la Biela
La Biela es nuestra vida!
(Listen up!
Play Biela
Long live Biela
Biela is our lives!)
18. Fall on Proverb (Unbroken Cover)
My hands are open
Can`t you see them being burned
This faith is the deepest
You could ask for what`s remembered
With the guilt wrapped around our necks
That`s right I just stopped what I didn`t start
I missed the chance that will never come
Better to regret what I have done
I`d give anything just to forget
A smile so worthwhile
But you can only rent it
My hands are open
19. Ons Land (Our Country)
Welvaartsstaat Nederland, ons knus cultuurtje, ons kikkerland
Toppunt van onnozelheid, alleen heet het hier gezelligheid
Met z'n allen voor de buis, kijken naar het koningshuis
Toppunt van onnozelheid, alleen heet her hier gezelligheid
We doen niet moeilijk, het hoort erbij, we kijken al uit naar de dag
Waar zij gaan, zullen wij staan, wapperend met orange vlag
We doen niet moeilijk, het hoort erbij, her huwelijk van de eeuw
Hoe kun je niet verlangen naar het wuiven van haar hand
De herinnering dat we leven, leven in een geweldig land.
(Welfare state Holland, our comfy little culture, our frogland
Pinnacle of silliness, except here it's called cosiness
Everybody in front of the box, watching the royal house
Pinnacle of silliness, except here it's called cosiness
We're not being difficult, it's all part of the game, we're looking forward for the way
Where they'll go, is where we'll stand, waving the orange flag
We're not being difficult, it's all part of the game, the wedding of the century
Where they'll go, is where we'll stand, proud as we are of the lion
How could you not long, for the waving of her hand
The reminder that we live, live in a wonderful land.)
0 notes
theradiodude · 7 years
In chronological order (by year) of single release, I give you the Miami High Playlist -- otherwise known as a musical journey through my life -- as a work in progress. Sugarhill Gang, The - Rapper's Delight Hall & Oates - I Can't Go for That Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight Soft Cell - Tainted Love Sugarhill Gang, The - Apache After The Fire - Der Kommissar (theDALE Radio Edit) Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 - The Message Hall & Oates - Maneater Toto - Africa Toto - Rosanna Yaz - Don't Go Billy Joel - Uptown Girl Men Without Hats - Safety Dance (Remix) Naked Eyes - (There's) Always Something There to Remind Me Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart Billy Ocean - Caribbean Queen (No More Love On the Run) Debbie Deb - Lookout Weekend Glenn Frey - The Heat Is On Hall & Oates - Out of Touch Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah!) Laura Branigan - Self Control Philip Bailey & Phil Collins - Easy Lover Shannon - Let the Music Play Bangles, The - Walk Like an Egyptian Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) Level 42 - Something About You Miami Sound Machine - Conga Mr. Mister - Broken Wings Phil Collins - Sussudio Scorpions, The - Rock You Like a Hurricane Sly Fox - Let's Go All the Way Wham! - Everything She Wants Afrika Bambaataa - Looking for the Perfect Beat Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain Exposé - Come Go With Me (Shortened 12-Inch Mix) Falco - Rock Me Amadeus (American '86 Mix) Genesis - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight Huey Lewis & The News - Hip To Be Square Miami Sound Machine - Bad Boy Steve Winwood - Higher Love Swing Out Sister - Breakout Buster Poindexter - Hot Hot Hot (Radio Edit) Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine - Rhythm Is Gonna Get You Los Lobos - La Bamba Steve Winwood - Valerie (Remix Version) Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine - 1,2,3 (Remix) Stevie B. - Dreamin' of Love Double Trouble & The Rebel MC - Just Keep Rockin' (Original Sk'ouse 12-Inch) Gloria Estefan - Get On Your Feet Young MC - Bust A Move Poison Clan - Dance All Night Alannah Myles - Black Velvet Snap! - The Power Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart 2 Unlimited - Get Ready For This Black Box - Strike It Up C+C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat (feat. Freedom Williams) Michael Jackson - Black or White (No Intro) Snap! - Rhythm Is a Dancer Chaka Demus & Pliers - Murder She Wrote Captain Hollywood Project - More and More (7" edit) Reel 2 Real - I Like To Move It (feat. The Mad Stuntman) (Radio Edit) Tag Team - Whoomp! (There It Is) Ace of Base - The Sign Real McCoy, The - Run Away Shawn Christopher - Make My Love (theDALE Radio Edit) Blackstreet - No Diggity (feat. Dr Dre & Queen Pen) Corona - Rhythm of the Night Faithless - Insomnia Method Man - All I Need (feat. Mary J. Blige) (Razor Sharp Remix) Skee-Lo - I Wish (Radio Edit) Amber - This Is Your Night Angelina - Release Me (Radio Mix Show) Audio Adrenaline - Free Ride Busta Rhymes - Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check Charli Baltimore - Money (theDALE Radio Edit) Daft Punk - Around The World DJ Laz - Esa Morena Everything But the Girl - Missing (Todd Terry's Club Mix) La Bouche - Be My Lover (US Version) La Bouche - Sweet Dreams Mon A Q - Stay In Love (7-Inch Dance Radio Mix) Natural Born Chillers - Rock the Funky Beat No Mercy - Where Do You Go Planet Soul - Set U Free Quad City DJ's - C'mon 'N' Ride It (The Train) Robert Miles - Children Ghost Town DJ's - My Boo Audio Adrenaline - Blitz (feat. The O.C. Supertones) Brian McKnight - You Should Be Mine (feat. Ma$e) B-Rock & Da Biz - My Baby Daddy Chumbawamba - Tubthumping Freak Nasty - Da Dip Jocelyn Enriquez - A Little Bit of Ecstasy Lil' Kim - Not Tonight (Ladies Night Remix) (feat. Angie Martinez, Lisa Left Eye Lopez, Da Brat & Missy Elliott) Luke - Raise The Roof (Party Time Version) (feat. No Good But So Good) MC Lyte - Cold Rock a Party (Bad Boy remix) (MC Lyte main version) Montell Jordan - Get It On Tonite Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize (Radio Mix) Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems Puff Daddy & Ma$e - Can't Nobody Hold Me Down Robyn - Do You Know (What It Takes) Rockell - In a Dream Savage Garden - I Want You Sneaker Pimps - Spin Spin Sugar Timbaland & Magoo - Luv 2 Luv U (Remix) Tito Nieves - I Like It Like That Lathun - Freak It Usher - You Make Me Wanna.mp3 Beenie Man - Middle Of The Night (feat. Tanto Metro) Beenie Man - Romie Aaliyah - Are You That Somebody? Ace Of Base - Cruel Summer Ayla - Ayla Part 2 Backstreet Boys, The - Everybody (Backstreet's Back) Big Pun - Still Not a Player (feat. Joe) Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine (Radio Edit - No Phone Call) Busta Rhymes - Dangerous Busta Rhymes - Turn It Up (Remix) / Fire It Up Deborah Cox - Nobody's Supposed to Be Here (original version) Destiny’s Child - No, No, No, Part 2 (feat. Wyclef Jean) Dru Hill - How Deep Is Your Love (feat. Redman) (Radio Edit) Elvis Crespo - Suavemente Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank (Radio Edit) Ian Van Dahl - Castles in the Sky K.P. & Envyi - Swing My Way L.O.X., The - Money, Power & Respect Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz - Déjà Vu (Uptown Baby) (Clean Version) Ma$e - Feel So Good Missy Elliott - Sock It 2 Me (feat. Da Brat) Monifah - Touch It (Radio Edit) Outkast - Rosa Parks Puff Daddy - Victory (feat. The Notorious B.I.G. & Busta Rhymes) (Clean) Rob Zombie - Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Mix) Robbie Williams - Millennium (Radio Edit) Robyn - Show Me Love (Radio Version) Sonique - It Feels So Good (Radio Edit) Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You (Radio Edit) Beenie Man - Who Am I (LP) 702 - Where My Girls At? Alice DeeJay - Back in My Life Apollo 440 - Stop The Rock ATB - 9PM (Till I Come) (Original Radio Edit) Backstreet Boys, The - Larger Than Life Blaque - 808 (Remix) Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time Christina Aguilera - Genie in a Bottle Citizen King - Better Days Clubbed to Death - Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation) C-Murder - Down For My... (feat. Magic & Snoop Dogg) (Clean Version) Counting Crows - Hanginaround Darude - Sandstorm Destiny's Child - Bills, Bills, Bills Fragma - Toca's Miracle Groove Armada - I See You Baby (Shakin' That Ass) (Fatboy Slim Radio Edit) Jordan Knight - Give It To You (Miami Booty Bass Edit) JT Money - Who Dat (feat. Solé) Knowdaverbs - The Syllabus La Rissa - I Do Both Jay & Jane Lauryn Hill - Doo Wop (That Thing) LEN - Steal My Sunshine Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of...) Marc Anthony - I Need to Know (Pablo's Miami Mix Radio Edit) Memphis Bleek - Is That Your Chick (The Lost Verses) (feat. Jay-Z, Twista & Missy Elliot) (Radio Edit) Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight) Outkast - B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad) Outkast - Ms. Jackson Santana - Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) Smashmouth - All Star Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride (Philip Steir Remix) Vengaboys - We Like to Party Will Smith - Miami Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Live Remix) Furthermore - Fluorescent Jellyfish (Fluorescent Jellyfish Album Version) TLC - No Scrubs (Clean) Fatman Scoop - Be Faithful (Original Mix) 98 Degrees - Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche) Aaliyah - Try Again Alice DeeJay - Better Off Alone ATC - Around The World (La La La La La) Azzido da Bass - Dooms Night (Timo Maas Radio Edit) Daft Punk - One More Time (Short Radio Edit) Debelah Morgan - Dance With Me Destiny’s Child - Jumpin’ Jumpin’ Destiny's Child - Independent Women Pt. 1 DJ Jurgen - Higher & Higher (Radio Edit) DMX - Party Up (Edited) Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre (feat. Eminem) Eiffel 65 - Blue Jagged Edge - Let's Get Married (ReMarqable Remix) (feat. Jermaine Dupri & Rev Run) Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight Knowdaverbs - God Is Big Limp Bizkit - Take A Look Around (Clean) 'N Sync - Bye Bye Bye 'N Sync - It's Gonna Be Me Nine Days - Absolutely (Story Of A Girl) P!nk - Most Girls P!nk - There You Go Samantha Mumba - Gotta Tell You Santana - Maria Maria (feat. The Product G&B) (Radio Mix) Third Eye Blind - Never Let You Go Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honor Or Humanity Mary Mary - Shackles (Praise You) Madonna - Music Trina - Pull Over (Radio Version) Aaliyah - We Need a Resolution (feat. Timbaland) Britney Spears - Boys Christina Milian - AM to PM Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger Dee Dee - Forever DJ Encore - I See Right Through to You DMX - Who We Be Janet Jackson - Someone to Call My Lover (So So Def Remix) (feat. Jermaine Dupri) Janet Jackson - Son of a Gun (Original Flyte Time Remix) (feat. Missy Elliott) Jennifer Lopez - I'm Real Jennifer Lopez - Play (Clean) Joe - Stutter (feat. Mystikal) (Double Take Remix - Allstar Extended Version) Lasgo - Something Ludacris - Rollout (My Business) (Clean) Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott - Get Ur Freak On OceanLab - Clear Blue Water (Above & Beyond Progressive Mix) Outkast - So Fresh, So Clean (Radio Mix) Tamia - Stranger in My House (Thunderpuss Radio Edit) Toya - I Do!! Train - Drops of Jupiter U2 - Beautiful Day Destiny's Child - Bootylicious Willa Ford - I Wanna Be Bad 'N Sync - Pop (Radio Version) Smashmouth - I'm A Believer Relient K - Sadie Hawkins Dance Tree63 - Treasure Tree63 - Joy Tree63 - Look What You've Done Tree63 - 1*0*1 Tree63 - Worldwide Aaliyah - More Than a Woman Angie Martinez - If I Could Go (feat. Lil’ Mo & Sacario) Brandy - What About Us? Britney Spears - Boys (Co‐Ed remix) (feat. Pharrell Williams) Daniel Bedingfield - Gotta Get Thru This Dirty Vegas - Days Go By (Radio Edit) DJ Sammy & Yanou feat. Do - Heaven (Sammy & Yanou radio edit) DMX - X Gon' Give It to Ya (Edited) Elvis vs. JXL - A Little Less Conversation Eminem - Lose Yourself (Clean Edit - Quick Intro) Gigi D’Agostino - I'll Fly With You (L'amour Toujours) Grits - Ooh Ahh iiO - Rapture (Riva Radio Edit) In-Grid - You Promised Me (Tu Es Foutu) Jennifer Lopez - Jenny From the Block (Track Masters Remix feat. Styles P. & Jadakiss [The L.O.X.]) Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You (feat. Clipse) Kylie Minogue - Can’t Get You Out of My Head Linkin Park - In The End LL Cool J - Luv U Better Ludacris - Move... (feat. Mystikal) (Radio Edit) Ludacris - Saturday (Oooh! Ooooh!) (Radio Edit) Maroon 5 - Harder To Breathe No Doubt - Hella Good No Doubt - Hey Baby (feat. Bounty Killer) Overseer - Horndog (Radio Edit) Snoop Dogg - From tha Chuuuch to da Palace (feat. Pharrell) (Clean) Pink - Get The Party Started Tree63 - The Glorious Ones Beyoncé - Naughty Girl Beyoncé feat. Jay-Z - Crazy in Love (single version) Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body Lil Kim - The Jump Off (Super Clean) Linkin Park - Nobody's Listening Ludacris - Stand Up (Edited) Lumidee - Never Leave You Michelle Branch - Are You Happy Now? Missy Elliott - Gossip Folks (feat. Ludacris) Missy Elliott - Work It (Hybrid Clean Edit) Outkast - Hey Ya Outkast - The Way You Move (Radio Mix) Paul Van Dyk - Nothing But You (feat. Hemstock & Jennings) (PVD Radio Mix) Sean Paul - Get Busy Switchfoot - Meant to Live The River Cry - Cry Me a River UKNY - I'm In Heaven (feat. Holly James) (Jason Nevins Presents...) Blu Cantrell Feat. Sean Paul - Breathe (Rap Version) (hurricān edit) Benny Benassi Presents The Biz - Satisfaction (Radio Edit) Airmen of Note, The - I'll Be Home for Christmas
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maudehedin182-blog · 7 years
You Drive And Learn With Driving And Educational Games
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Are you having trouble with your driving? Well, we have here a very unlikely sort of prescription for you. Start playing games. It has been scientifically proven that playing car games can help you drive better in real life. This is the finding of a research carried out to identify whether playing a driving game has any positive or negative impact on a persons driving skills. The research selected a random group of drivers and tested them for factors like driving skill, response time, alertness, etc. Some individuals were then asked to play popular car games daily for some days, while others were not. The tests post experiment found that those who played driving games had better response time and alertness. So if you want to become a better driver all you have to do is start playing games. Isnt that unbelievable? To obtain best results get a car-racing game-pad. This game-pad features a driving wheel and a couple of pedals for accelerator and clutch. If youve got the moolah, you can spend on a force-feedback wheel and have hours of fun playing car games. Remember not to spend all your time on racing games, and include some tamer versions which also have parking games. In fact there are some car simulations available that specifically target making driving as real as possible. You see a first-eye perspective of the road, complete with on-coming traffic. You can also select between different driving conditions. Many car games also feature varying road conditions like rain, snow, etc. These driving games help you understand how to drive differently among these conditions. According to some experts, it would be a good idea to expose everyone who applies for a driving license to a car driving simulation before they drive an actual vehicle. The car simulation should have parking games, and also educate the driver about traffic signs and rules. So now youll have to wait for the traffic light to turn green not only in your real life, but also in car games. The experts have also recommended this therapy for those who have trouble obeying traffic rules. Most of these individuals feel that its fun to go too fast, or to break the signal. By exposing them to car games that penalize them, or have negative points for breaking rules, they can be trained to follow traffic rules better. Whod have thought that driving games can help people be better citizens? But its true! If youve got children in your house, get them a good quality car simulation. One which emphasizes proper driving instead of running people over, or racing while breaking everything in the way like some car games do. These days there are so many car-games available, with realistic cars, roads and driving conditions that youll never be bored playing driving games. Just buy a disc from the market, pick up the joystick, and youre all set to be a better driver thanks to the driving games. Remember, dont get lost in driving alone. Play some parking games too.
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Are you having trouble with your driving? Well, we have here a very unlikely sort of prescription for you. Start playing games. It has been scientifically proven that playing car games can help you drive better in real life. This is the finding of a research carried out to identify whether playing a driving game has any positive or negative impact on a persons driving skills. The research selected a random group of drivers and tested them for factors like driving skill, response time, alertness, etc. Some individuals were then asked to play popular car games daily for some days, while others were not. The tests post experiment found that those who played driving games had better response time and alertness. So if you want to become a better driver all you have to do is start playing games. Isnt that unbelievable? To obtain best results get a car-racing game-pad. This game-pad features a driving wheel and a couple of pedals for accelerator and clutch. If youve got the moolah, you can spend on a force-feedback wheel and have hours of fun playing car games. Remember not to spend all your time on racing games, and include some tamer versions which also have parking games. In fact there are some car simulations available that specifically target making driving as real as possible. You see a first-eye perspective of the road, complete with on-coming traffic. You can also select between different driving conditions. Many car games also feature varying road conditions like rain, snow, etc. These driving games help you understand how to drive differently among these conditions. According to some experts, it would be a good idea to expose everyone who applies for a driving license to a car driving simulation before they drive an actual vehicle. The car simulation should have parking games, and also educate the driver about traffic signs and rules. So now youll have to wait for the traffic light to turn green not only in your real life, but also in car games. The experts have also recommended this therapy for those who have trouble obeying traffic rules. Most of these individuals feel that its fun to go too fast, or to break the signal. By exposing them to car games that penalize them, or have negative points for breaking rules, they can be trained to follow traffic rules better. Whod have thought that driving games can help people be better citizens? But its true! If youve got children in your house, get them a good quality car simulation. One which emphasizes proper driving instead of running people over, or racing while breaking everything in the way like some car games do. These days there are so many car-games available, with realistic cars, roads and driving conditions that youll never be bored playing driving games. Just buy a disc from the market, pick up the joystick, and youre all set to be a better driver thanks to the driving games. Remember, dont get lost in driving alone. Play some parking games too.
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gessvhowarth · 7 years
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What It's Like To Live In London's Little Portugal
Vauxhall is better-known as the site of the MI6 headquarters, rather than its vibrant Portuguese community. Photo: Rob Fahey. Exit Vauxhall tube station and you're confronted with the orange high-vis jackets of TfL's workforce digging up the roads and re-laying the road around Vauxhall Cross. But negotiate the roaring traffic you'll emerge onto South Lambeth Road where there's respite among the Portuguese restaurants, hairdressers and delicatessens which have gathered here over the last 30 years, earning the area its nickname 'Little Portugal'. As we wander from Vauxhall to Stockwell, a rumble of laughter erupts from Portugal Café and Tapas Bar, where a group of middle-aged men are dining. Locals can be heard conversing in their mother tongue — the area is popular among African, Latin American and other Portuguese speakers. This country gave me everything. Portugal hasn't given anything to me. That's why I stay here. - Antonio Lopes But casting a shadow over this tight-knit community are cranes and scaffolding, which signify the arrival of luxury apartments, including what will be the UK's tallest residential brick tower. Like a lot of London, this is an area in flux. It concerns a community that rarely gets a mention in mainstream media and is hardly referenced in London's narrative beyond the popularity of Nando's and its famed peri peri chicken. Antonio Lopes, owner of Fumeiro, a small restaurant attached to a store selling authentic Portuguese goods says he feels torn between his English and Portuguese identity. "When I watch football and England are playing against Portugal — always I'm half and half, believe me," he says. "I like England to win as well, you know — because this country gave me everything. Portugal hasn't given anything to me. That's why I stay here." But making a new life in London hasn’t been easy; Lopes went through a divorce and suffered a stroke he attributes to the stress of a seven-day working week. When he arrived in the area 30 years ago there was only one Portuguese restaurant, on a street lined with dilapidated shops. O Fumeiro at 52-54 Wilcox Rd, Vauxhall. Photo: Google Maps As we talk over a counter laden with bolo rei — a Portuguese crown-shaped Christmas cake encrusted with colourful, dried fruit — Lopes continues to serve a regular stream of customers who mouth their 'obrigados' and 'tchaus' before departing. There are over 35,000 Portuguese speakers living in Lambeth alone, making it the second-most spoken language in the borough. When you live outside your home country, there is often a deep desire to stay connected to your roots, to your language and to your culture. - Catarina Demony Lambeth attracts young people of working age from the UK and abroad, particularly those countries severely affected by the Eurozone crisis. With this influx of new arrivals in search of employment, it's little wonder so many of the older generation voted for Brexit. 51% of the population is aged between 20 and 44 — around 163,000 people — while 28% are aged between 25 and 34. But it's the latter group who are increasingly defining the character of the area. Catarina Demony is a switched-on 23-year-old and co-director of Little Portugal, a website for collecting and disseminating the stories of people living and working in the borough, which launched as a reaction to the outcome of the EU referendum and the sharp increase in hate crimes against minority groups. Catarina interviewing Natasha, a young Portuguese woman working in a radio station in Lambeth for Little Portugal. Photo: Ana Có (2016) Demony agrees that Portuguese stories are underrepresented in the media and in narratives about London generally. "To be completely honest, I think there are still some stereotypes about what a Portuguese person looks like, and what a Portuguese person does," she says. "Back in the 60s and 70s, when Portuguese immigrants first arrived in London escaping an authoritarian government, they were looking for a better life. Jobs in construction work or cleaning were common. Even though some Portuguese people still work in those industries, the community has progressed, and now London is also home to Portuguese-speaking CEOs, activists, politicians and businesspeople." The website provides a space for their stories. Originally from Lisbon, Demony moved to London in 2011. She says: "When you live outside your home country, there is often a deep desire to stay connected to your roots, to your language and to your culture. And this was our way to do it." Similarly, despite his admission that Portugal gave him nothing, Lopes doesn't want his children to lose touch with their Portuguese heritage, shelling out a small fortune on Portuguese language tuition for them. Mount Anvil is building the UK's largest residential brick tower block on South Lambeth Road The future of this community is uncertain. Hoardings that read 'Move up in the world' and '#VauxhallVibes' line this stretch of road, promising an aspirational lifestyle inaccessible to most who already live here. Once upon a time Vauxhall's vibe was rooted in working-class culture; when the Lambeth Walk, a song taken from the 1937 musical Me and My Girl, inspired a dance craze recognised around Europe as the exaggerated way a cockney struts. (See 1939 version below). Now the street market of Lambeth Walk Road, the heart of Cockney London has gone and #VauxhallVibes is another way of advertising a club lounge, spa, pool, gymnasium and 24-hour concierge. Mount Anvil, the developer who made a tidy £25m profit in 2015, is building towering apartments in an area where lack of affordable housing means 55% of homeless households are placed in temporary accommodation outside of the borough. Lopes is worried about the impact of development and the new Nine Elms tube station on his business. "The people who buy these flats are not me or you — it's people who have a lot of money to spend. Maybe it will be better for me, maybe not. If the rent gets too expensive then the Portuguese community will go away from here, believe me." But not back to Portugal. "Maybe they will move out to the Norwood or Croydon area because it's cheaper to live over there," Lopes says. According to the Lambeth State of the borough 2016 report: “Vauxhall is the gateway to one of Europe’s largest regeneration zones, with 25,000 new jobs and 20,000 new homes coming to the Vauxhall, Nine Elms and Battersea area.” Source: Nine Elms London Demony echoes Lopes's sentiments, explaining how when Portuguese immigrants first arrived in London in they were concentrated in areas such as Notting Hill. "But gentrification rapidly made that area way too expensive," she says, "so they moved to Lambeth, particularly to Stockwell. But now history is repeating itself. Lambeth is becoming more and more expensive, and the Portuguese community (as well as other immigrant communities) is being pushed out to areas like Croydon." Rent in Lambeth has risen by 31% since 2011. In 2015, you would need a salary of £70,000 to afford a house in a borough where the average income is £45,000. Jose Rodrigues owns Grelha D'Ouro with his partner Sandra Pranto. Photo: Kyra Hanson (2016) However, Jose Rodrigues, who owns Grelha D'Ouro with his partner Sandra Pranto, is more optimistic about the changes. Portuguese pop music blares from the multiple television screens; it's Monday and so far we're the only customer. In five years, says Rodrigues, the restaurant's rent has gone up by £9,000. Does he worry about new development pushing people out? "No," he replies. "It's going to be better for this area because it will be busier than before. "Of course, everything is going to be more expensive, and the rent is going to be high, but I think people moving here will use the local restaurants. Of course, high rent means I must put the prices up a little bit. But I think I will survive because we've always had regular customers." We communicate through Sandra, who translates our questions and her husband's answers. It becomes apparent that many first-generation immigrants still struggle with English, often the first diagnosis of a closed community. However, the government is funding an Anglo-Portuguese bilingual school, which is due to open in 2018. Equally it's a community eager to share its food and vibrant culture — in very generous portions, if you show an interest. Casa Madeira The best time to experience this community's hospitality is at the weekend — as long as you book in advance. Last Saturday all generations came together under the railway arches at Casa Madeira to eat, dance and enjoy each other's company. Couples swayed to singer and keyboardist Sergio Campos, and by the end of the night the dance floor was a writhing throng of sequins, lace dresses, antlers and racy Santa outfits. Even the teenagers were up on their feet – albeit while clutching their mobile phones. A typical Saturday night at Casa Madeira. Photo: Kyra Hanson (2016) We hadn't arranged to meet, but by chance, manager Antonio Luis recognised us at the bar and began telling me about Madeira Patisserie over drinks he insisted on paying for. "Madeira London is one of the biggest sellers of the pastel de nata, on average producing 20,000 per day which are sold for retail and wholesale." His family established the café here in 1988, when the railway arches were mostly occupied by car repairers and garages. Now the business encompasses a restaurant, bar, shop and a couple of cafés. South Lambeth Road and Albert Embankment haven't yet been homogenised by the Prets and Costas that have spread like wildfire elsewhere. (Thankfully: Portuguese coffee is much nicer.) During our visit, staff recommended speaking to their friends, who were more often than not former employers; Antonio Lopes worked in Luis Delhi for 15 years before opening Fumeiro; Jose Rodrigues was a chef for four years at A Toca on Wandsworth Road before taking over Grelha D'Ouro, and so on. This gives the place a warmth and friendliness that only exists among a community with deep-seated connections to each other and the area. Long may Little Portugal remain. Follow@LPortugalLondon on Twitter.
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puchi79 · 7 years
  Easter is gone, you have survived your first days at work and a coaching course. How are you going to reward yourself? That’s a good one, but, what am I thinking? I life in Movieland, right? Easy then, let’s make it a double bill.
That’s what I thought last Friday in front of the Kingston’s Odeon listings…I worked it out and chose two random films. I knew for sure that I wanted to watch “The zookeeper’s wife” and I threw into the mixed a film that I didn’t know anything about “Rules don’t apply”.
First one, as I found out later tells another story (it says based on true events at the very beginning) about Howard Hughes. Is there really a necessity for this after Scorsese’s Aviator? The premise of the film is a couple that meet under extraordinary circumstances. A girl arrives to the place where all your dreams come true or Hollywood. And she gets picked up by a chofeur. We learn that she has been rewarded a grant by Howard Hughes. What for? Go figure…
Then I connected the dots and realised why Warren Beatty had been at Picture House giving a talk and now I understand why. But my surprise after 2 long hours and 7 minutes (far too long). He wasn’t there just to talk about the debacle at the Oscars (partially I think it was his fault, ’cause he did realise that something was clearly wrong and still he went on, giving the envelope to the poor Faye Dunaway, who could only read what he was pointing for her…La La land, lol). He directed, produced, wrote  and starred in the film, pretty much a megalomaniac move. OK, the film has its struture with a beginning and ending but what’s in between has little sense. On top of things, Annette Bening is part of the cast.
Veredict: totally forgettable and a personal interpretation on how Howard Hughes spent his last years and if he had descendents or not.
Thank Goodness, I had a second option which I knew from the very beginning (The zookeeper’s wife) it was the right one. You must hink, here we go again with another film about the Holocaust. Sometimes I wonder and I make myself the same question when it comes to the Civil War in Spain. But I have come to terms with this dilemma. Humans need to express their feelings to overcome a difficult situation. And when it comes to the WWII, there must be so many untold story that one more adds the extra personal bit.
The film opens up with a description of what Jessica Chastain’s character life is within the zoo (animals troting alongside while she rides a bicycle, smily faces, joyful life) and when the war arrives (a headline tells you that it’s September the 1st 1939) how that changes. In a way, you are expecting the worst and it happens but it’s not that awful. I’m still deciding if it was just another Holocaust film or that it stays that objective so tears don’t flourish. The only certainty is the great performances actors offer during the film. Specially one of my favourite redheads, Jessica Chastain (along with Julianne Moore and Amy Adams). And also, a worrying thought concerning Daniel Brühl because it seems that he can only play ugly nazi characters. Right? Inglorious Basterds and now this one?
I will leave it up to you if you decide to go and see any of these films.
La Semana Santa ya queda lejos en el retrovisor, has sobrevivido a tus primeros días en el trabajo nuevo y te has marcado un curso de coaching. ¿Cómo vas a recompensarte? Esa es una buena pregunta, pero, casi ni me lo pienso, ¿no? Vivo en Movieland, ¿verdad? Fácil entonces, vayamos a casa.
Eso es lo que pensé el viernes pasado delante de la cartelera en el Odeon de Kingston… Me lo pensé y elegí dos películas al azar. Sabía que quería ver “La casa de la esperanza” y por la hora, sólo había una película antes, que me daba tiempo a ver: “La exceción a la regla”.
Esta última, como descubrí más tarde cuenta otra historia más (dice que basada en hechos reales) sobre la vida de Howard Hughes. ¿Era realmente necesario semejante ejercicio después de la mayúscula película de Scorsese (“El aviador” por si acaso…)? Todo es un poco confuso, porque la película empieza contándote en flashback la relación entre una pareja fortuita que forman un chico y una chica cuyp nexo de unión es la relación laboral que tienen con el susodicho. Ella, prácticamente una niña grande que  llega al lugar donde todos los sueños se hacen realidad (o Hollywood, para los entendidos). Cada día la recoge un chófer particular. A medida que avanza la trama, sabemos que a ella “le han concedido una beca, ejem, o algo parecido por todos los talentos que posee (hasta aquí puedo leer, pero ya os imagináis por dónde van los derroteros…) y que parece que sólo Howard Hughes aprecia.
A medida que avazaba el metraje (2 horas y 7 larguísimos minutos), se me encendió la bombilla y me di cuenta de por qué Warren Beatty había estado en Picture House dando una charla. No, no fue para aclararnos el bochornoso incidente de los Oscars (mi amigo Santi y yo todavía le culpamos). Seamos sinceros, claramente se dio cuenta de que algo iba mal y,  aún así, siguió con la pantomima, plantándole el sobre a la pobre Faye Dunaway, para que el mundo la culpase a ella, aún a sabiendas que el sobre que tenía en la mano ponía “Mejor Actriz – Emma Stone – La la land”. Casi juraría que tapó todo excepto el nombre de la película para que regordearse luego con un “No intentaba  hacerme el gracioso”. No contento con semejante hazaña, dirige, produce, escribe y protagoniza esta película, megalomanía en estado puro. De acuerdo, la película tiene su estructura con un principio y un final, pero lo que está en medio tiene muy poco sentido. Y, como no es suficiente con regalarse esta película, su señora, Annette Bening forma parte del reparto.
Veredicto: totalmente olvidable y una interpretación personal de cómo Howard Hughes pasó sus últimos años y si llegó a tener descendencia o no. Ahí queda eso.
Menos mal que me guardaba un as en la manga con la segunda elección de la tarde. Aunque también tengo que advertir a los lectores de que me temo que es otra película sobre el Holocausto. Con ello no quiero decir que no merezca la pena, simplemente constatar el hecho. A veces me hago la misma pregunta cuando se trata de la Guerra Civil en España. Pero, después de debatir las dos posturas (otra película más en plan coñazo u otra historia más que necesitaba ser contada) he llegado a un acuerdo: los seres humanos necesitan expresar sus sentimientos para superar una situación difícil. Y, cuando se trata de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, debe haber tantas historias no contadas que una más no cansa, sino que ilustra el horror de la situación que se vivió y lo peor a lo que ha llegado el ser humano. Parece que no aprendemos…porque la cosa se repite en Siria, Palestina y un largo etcétera, por no citar África… en fin, volvamos al cine, ¡que me pierdo!
La película no tiene ni trampa ni cartón. Te plantea la situación en el Zoo de Varsovia antes, durante y una vez que acaba la guerra. El nombre de la película en español no puede ser más acertado (en inglés es mucho más aséptico – “La mujer del dueño del zoo” o algo así) “La casa de la esperanza”.  No pretende ser sensacionalista y muestra hasta donde puede llegar el amor hacia los animales. Ella está divina, incluso con acento polaco y todo en inglés… Tan factual es, que te planta el subtítulo de la fatídica fecha del 1 de septiembre de 1939. Todos sabemos lo que pasó aquel día, el resto ya es historia. De alguna manera, esperas lo peor y sucede pero no es tan horrible como habías imaginado (es que hay muchas películas en la memoria). Aún sigo dándole vueltas a lo de si es otra película más o no, pero al final, cayeron lágrimas. Lo que significa que la película me llegó (no tanto como “El lector”, pero, como diría mi madre, ¿qué película no me toca la fibra?). Personalmente, me quedo con las actuaciones de todos los actores. En especial, la de Jessica Chastain, una de mis pelirrojas favoritas que hasta gasta acento polaco en inglés y todo (junto a Julianne Moore y Amy Adams). Eso sí, yo si fuera Daniel Brühl, me preocuparía, porque al pobre no dejan de encasillarle en papeles de nazi asqueroso. El tipo de personaje que le cae mal a todo el mundo. No sé, debe ser que tiene cara de mala persona. Primero “Malditos bastardos” y ahora esto.
En fin, que lo dejo en vuestras manos. Eso sí, tengo curiosidad por saber si pensáis que es otra película más sobre el Holocausto o que tiene personalidad. Os espero en el próximo sueño.
  “About last Friday night” – “Ocurrió el viernes pasado” Easter is gone, you have survived your first days at work and a coaching course. How are you going to reward yourself?
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darlingsteps · 6 years
Things to do with kids in any part of the world
Things to do with your kids in any part of the world: USA, Europe & Beyond
No matter where you are in the world, you don’t need a lot of money or extravagant things to make children happy and have fun. I’m a pure example of this. Here are some ideas to get your juices flowing:
Build a tent
Seriously, who buys those pop-up store tents anymore? (I’m not judging, I used to own them lol) When you have a small living space or live out of a suitcase like us, you have the luxury of having All. The. Things. amiright?
So, trust me, kids will much rather build their own tent with extra bedsheets, pillowcases, fabrics and chairs of all sorts.
Have bunk beds? Ohhh those are the best and bring back so many memories! #hello
Make cookies
(at least in my household) kids want IN on whatever you’re doing. Haha, My youngest child will harass my life to ‘help cook’ until I say yes. Obviously, I should be sterner and not give in (what the heck am I teaching her by giving in right? I know. moving on) but in this case, I adore the cuteness of a teeny tiny human with a cupcake for a face, trouting along to beg me to cook. How can I resist? So I now schedule time for the girls to cook. And what’s more fun than mixing, tasting and squishing!
Arts and crafts
This is my inner creative alter ego wanting to pry itself out. I LOVE arts and crafts (don’t be fooled, I’m by no means crafty or good haha) I enjoy it, and I promise if you let go of perfectionism you will too. Honestly, you don’t even need ‘a plan.’ Go to your craft store, i.e., any dollar store, and stock up on anything even remotely crafty, even if you think you won’t use it. Head straight to the stationary section, then head to the home/garden isle, after the tool and auto isle (you need something reasonable to hold all this crap, food aisle (for cheap dry goods. think beans, rice, and oats) and finally the kitchen isle for plastic cups, foil, etc. and those paper plates you’ll need for those maracas.
Make playdough
Why on Gods green earth is playdough SO DAMN EXPENSIVE???!!! Okay, I’m sorry for yelling. #Imdone. I’ve never purchased playdough for the girls because we afford it and when we could, why the heck would I pay that much anyway? And for the bargain shopper mamas reading this before you go on to tell me I can buy them in bulk, on sale, from said dollar store…I wrote above- here are my thoughts: my kids must be one a kind because these boogers go on to ‘make’ me food creations of all types and mix the playdough in all kinds of ways to make colors I didn’t even know existed. (and I’ve tried those cheaper ones and my goodness- NO THANKS) Kids enjoy cooking (see note above) and making messes, it’s a win-win. Plus it’s super easy, all types of recipes available online. So no excuses. (and no it doesn’t take that long. #aintnobodygottimeforthat
Have a Treasure Hunt
This is sooo fun. Honestly, it doesn’t need to be, and it gives you time to just sit down. Ah. You can hide anything from candy, new pencils, notes, etc. (Think the birthday section at a said dollar store) Play dress up we only have girls, and it goes without saying that they enjoy dressing up. (see toy section of any dollar store. do you see a pattern here lol) But I can only guess that boys would enjoy dressing up as well as it is a great pretend/imaginative play. Make pizza Let me start off by saying that if you don’t like pizza, I don’t know we can be friends. Ok just kidding maybe lol I don’t think I’ve ever met a kid but doesn’t like pizza and this is indeed such a versatile and cheap thing to make that there isn’t any excuse for you not to make it and it’s a lot of fun. I grew up pretty poor, and pizza for us consisted of a slice of white wonder bread cheap no-frills pasta sauce and a slice of what was supposed to be cheese. Then we popped it in the oven for a few minutes watching it until the cheese got ever so slightly burned and dug in. Do everyone in your family a favor and make the dough from scratch is pretty simple or you can just buy it one from the store it’s still a lot of fun!
Fly a kite (create a kite)
So self-explanatory and kids love it so go get one and get to your local park already if you don’t have a kite , crafts to the rescue! It is super easy to make, and they work!
This is one of my favorite pastimes, so I feel kind of selfish writing it but our kids loved it, and I think it’s because we are both from big cities in you don’t see stars are often and when you think it’s the one you realize that it’s just a helicopter. Enjoy the little things
Listen to books
Another guilty pleasure here but I’ve posted this love answer my children, and it’s always a good time. There are a few ways you can do this if you’re looking for free options the best way is to download the Overdrive or Libby app and entering your details and library card details, and you get to listen to audiobooks for free. If finances are no burden for you then audible is such an excellent option, and they have pretty much anything you could look for. Except The gruffalo…they don’t have that anymore because Julia Donaldson wants to do stick to print books…ok I digress. Haha. Another more affordable option is the Scribd app. it’s pretty amazing because you pay a small fee of about 5 to 8 books of month, and you get to listen to an unlimited amount books the downside is that you don’t keep it, so it’s kind of like a music subscription you get all the music you want while you’re paying subscriber otherwise you lose all your stuff.
  Read books
Same advice as above^
Make a play
Piggybacking off of the dress up here….our girls could do this all day long. Like seriously. They have. They do.
Keep all and any extra boxes you can get your hands on… The bigger, the better. (Invest in a good x-acto knife) < you’ll need this for the never-ending requests to make doors, windows and “secret exits.”
Build a snowman
If you’re in a climate where it permits this, don’t let the beauty of snow pass by because it’s bitterly cold. Trust me. I understand the struggle. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t last and the memories will.
Does this really need a caption?
Train or bus ride
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re in NYC, London, Paris, or your tiny small town that’s barely making Google maps…if there are buses or trains, use em. Kids love this stuff.
Free workshops
Don’t underestimate your local library. They always have fantastic free workshops going on where all the is required is a simple registration.
Farmers market
This is such a great way to immerse yourself where you are. If you’re traveling like us, this allows you to see and meet new people. Engage in the culture and get fresh produce, food, and knick-knacks.
Make musical instruments
Here I am with the craft stuff again! If you’re like us and travel like it’s your second job, then this is a good one. Music is good for the spirit, and you wouldn’t believe how easy it is to use common household things to make instruments out of.
Have a parade
When you’re done making said instruments^ Be super silly and have a parade! Storm and stomp around the house and have fun. (Be mindful of the hour of course if you live above anyone)
Bubble bath
I can’t quite remember, but there was a time/age where our girls didn’t always get along so well. And the only time where there was a sense of peace was when they were taking baths. Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of simple water, soap and “toys” (I wrote that in quotes because I despise bath toys and much prefer temporary toys like plastic water bottles, used up lemon juice containers, etc)
Children do mimic what they see. Obviously, this can be a good and bad thing. In this case, it’s alright. Many times throughout the day you can find me lost in thought #heyfellowinfj and wait for it: bird or human watching
The girls love seeing birds up close and analyzing their attributes. Have your kiddos try this!
Make confetti
Kids love to make messes so let them! Grab any old magazines, newspapers, leaflets, flyers, and pieces of scrap paper you no longer need and cut them up. You can simply put them through the shredder (this adds to the fun, but obviously watch out for those little fingers and blades) or cut shapes snowflakes, etc. Then toss them in the air and roll around in it and have a confetti party!
Outdoor sport
One of the joys of many sports is that you can travel with said instruments. Any game that involves a ball can fit in your luggage once deflated. Cricket is super lightweight, and the ball is small. Frisbee is a fantastic choice. It can get tricky with tennis as rackets tend to be heavy and bulky. (But relatively cheap to purchase)
Sidewalk drawing
Chalk is typically cheap anywhere you go and works on almost any sidewalk/balcony! If you have a private area you’re using, bring out the hose, a bucket or a bowl of water to wash away the drawings and begin fresh the next day.
Nature freedom!
Go to a museum, café, library or bookstore.
To find free museums, type “free museum, city” into your browser of choice….Same with the others.
Fire station
This may differ wherever you go, but in the US, most firefighters are happy to speak to children when they drop by to have a look but do call first to verify! (To avoid disappointment) We’ve never had an issue, but you never know.
Sing & dance
So I almost felt a bit hypocritical writing this one because I loathe doing both in public. Yes, even in front of my own family haha! But, I assure you, if you’re the same way, take it slow and do it scared! You’ll be glad you did. The easiest thing to do is go to YouTube and find some kid dance channels (maybe search for kid choreography) and let the magic happen. We also use a Toca Boca dance app!
Learn a language
After a certain amount of time traveling (it’s been years for us) your kiddos will grow to love languages. Naturally, as humans, especially little humans, we love communicating. And there’s no better way than completely immersing yourself into another one’s culture: language and all.
I realize this specifies toddlers in the heading. However, these activities can be easily adapted and enjoyed by older children as well. My kiddos are in the 10 and under range (as an example.)
What do you do for family fun? Tell me below!
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