#but I don't know if rocky mountain soap co does that bc I haven't done that before
sergle · 2 years
shampoo and conditioner question: so ive been trying to find some that is fine on my hair and scalp for Months now and each thing i try ends up sucking so ive decided to just go searching for all/mostly natural shampoos and conditioners bc i think thats the only thing that wont irritate my skin, i was wondering if theres any that u know of and recommend?
hmmmMMM! well, disclaimer: "natural" is a loaded term bc it kinda means nothing so it's hard for me to gauge quality of hair products based on brands using this term, and things that work for my skin might not work for yours, esp if you have an allergy to certain common ingredients. ok disclaimer over!! when I think of non-irritating shampoo and conditioner, I usually think of stuff that's totally unscented, or stuff that's scented with anything except for "fragrance/parfum", like, non-anonymous scent ingredients. Ethique has some good options for gentle hair products! They have solid hair products, so it's bar shampoo and bar conditioner. If you haven't used bar conditioner before I recommend it, it's v fun. They've also got sample sizes, so you can try Leetle Ones! the one I just linked is a pack of the 3 I would most recommend trying, but they come in singles if you don't want the whole pack. downside to Ethique: while a lot of their products ARE good, and I'd recommend them, there are some that do actually include fragrance or parfum, so you have to be on the lookout for that. Aside from that, the other unscented/non irritating products I like are from Rocky Mountain Soap Co! I've tried two of their lotions, and I'm on my second bottle of their unscented conditioner. The ingredients are very bare, and so far I really really like it. They also have an unscented shampoo, which I haven't tried yet, but it looks very promising!!
downside to RMSco: WELL it's more expensive than ethique, mainly. If you're on a budget, you may not like spending $13 on a bottle of conditioner every time you run out. closing notes: If you aren't sure what products are irritating to your skin, and you have time to burn, it could be useful (and maybe fun? if you're a freak like I am) to get out the hair products that HAVEN'T worked for you and go through their ingredients with an ingredient checker app (like ThinkDirty) or website (like EWG Skindeep) and see if there's a common enemy in there, or if there were some sussy ingredients.
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