#but I feel great. actually alcohol + caffeine + nicotine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is a fantastic combination
holeposts · 11 months
It's June 4th and 50° F here in godforsaken New England, so I tried the Finnish breakfast (black coffee, vodka, and a cigarette) and I have to say. The Finns know what the fuck they are doing.
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rolypolywl · 5 years
Welcome to day 8!
So, today I want to talk to you about sleep.
You may or may not know this, but your sleep schedule can have a huge impact on your weight loss journey.
So let’s start with the obvious ways it affects you. As WebMD says, “When you’re short on sleep, it’s easy to lean on a large latte to get moving. You might be tempted to skip exercise (too tired), get takeout for dinner, and then turn in late because you’re uncomfortably full. If this cascade of events happens a few times each year, no problem. Trouble is, more than a third of Americans aren't getting enough sleep on a regular basis.”
And it gets worse: “Skimping on sleep sets your brain up to make bad decisions. It dulls activity in the brain’s frontal lobe, the locus of decision-making and impulse control. So it’s a little like being drunk. You don’t have the mental clarity to make good decisions. Plus, when you’re overtired, your brain's reward centers rev up, looking for something that feels good. So while you might be able to squash comfort food cravings when you’re well-rested, your sleep-deprived brain may have trouble saying no to a second slice of cake.”
And, as Shape explains, that “drunk” effect does more. “research published in Psychoneuroendocrinology found that sleep deprivation makes you select greater portion sizes of all foods, further increasing the likelihood of weight gain.”
So just in terms of sleep deprivation’s immediate results, you tend to eat and drink more, of worse things, you tend to skip exercise or activity, and you’re likely to give in to cravings of any kind. Plus, with that staying up late because you’re full thing, you’re likely to impinge on the next night’s sleep, and start a vicious cycle.
But, when you get down into your body’s systems and chemicals and hormones and things, it actually gets worse for you.
For one, there is an effect called “metabolic grogginess”. Shape references a study that says, “Within just four days of sleep deprivation, your body's ability to properly use insulin (the master storage hormone) becomes completely disrupted. In fact, the University of Chicago researchers found that insulin sensitivity dropped by more than 30 percent.”
And there’s more. Shape continues, “Hunger is controlled by two hormones: leptin and ghrelin. [...] Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that sleeping less than six hours triggers the area of your brain that increases your need for food while also depressing leptin and stimulating ghrelin.”
And, “When you don't sleep enough, your cortisol levels rise. This is the stress hormone that is frequently associated with fat gain. Cortisol also activates reward centers in your brain that make you want food. At the same time, the loss of sleep causes your body to produce more ghrelin. A combination of high ghrelin and cortisol shut down the areas of your brain that leave you feeling satisfied after a meal, meaning you feel hungry all the time-even if you just ate a big meal.”
What’s more, sleep deprivation can affect your metabolism. As HealthLine explains, “Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns when you're completely at rest. It's affected by age, weight, height, sex and muscle mass. Research indicates that sleep deprivation may lower your RMR.”
And, it can impact your exercise! Shape says, “Scientists from Brazil found that sleep debt decreases protein synthesis (your body's ability to make muscle), causes muscle loss, and can lead to a higher incidence of injuries. Just as important, lack of sleep makes it harder for your body to recover from exercise by slowing down the production of growth hormone-your natural source of anti-aging and fat burning that also facilitates recovery.”
We’ve all heard that you have to rest your muscles when you are breaking them down and building them up, and it turns out that that rest relies on sleep!
HealthLine adds, “A lack of sleep can cause daytime fatigue, making you less likely and less motivated to exercise. In addition, you're more likely to get tired earlier during physical activity.”
So you might not even make it into the gym in the first place, or complete your exercises if you do!
And, there’s a twist to this story. Psychology Today’s Dr Michael Breus pointed out two things to watch out for. Some people sleep instead of eating, doing a thing called narcorexia. He says, “Let me be clear, using sedatives to trigger weight loss—essentially by sleeping through parts of the day when one might otherwise be eating meals—is unhealthful and downright dangerous.”
And, there’s a second twist. Oversleeping is bad too! 12 plus hours of sleep a night has negative side effects too!
He says, “As with too little sleep, there is a greater risk of obesity among people who sleep too much. The risks and problems associated with oversleeping go well beyond weight gain. Too much sleep is linked to a number of health problems, including: Problems with cognition, including memory problems; Depression, anxiety, and other mood problems; Increased inflammation in the body; Body pain; Increased risks for heart disease and stroke; Greater all-cause mortality risks.”
But, getting sleep isn’t just an absence of all those negative side effects. There are positive ones too! The Sleep Doctor explains,
“Contrary to what many people think, sleep is not an inactive state. During sleep our bodies are doing lots of important work—repairing cells and tissues, restoring full, healthy function to our immune system, consolidating memories and rebooting the neural cells and networks of the brain. We’re burning calories the whole time. For a 150-pound person, the estimated calorie burn over a 7-hour night of rest is just over 440 calories. That’s a 40-minute jog on a treadmill!”
Further, the hormone melatonin and cool night temperatures are both linked to “good fats” in our bodies. There are apparently three kinds of fat: brown, beige, and white, and the first two are “good”. The Sleep Doctor says,
“In contrast to white fat, these so called “thinning fats” burn calories, help keep insulin working properly, help regulate blood sugar, and guard against obesity. Studies in mice show that animals with higher amounts of brown fat are leaner, and have better metabolic health. Research involving humans has shown brown fat is linked to lower body mass.”
That just blew my mind! So sleep does a number of good things for our weight loss plans, and our bodies in general, and too much or too little sleep does bad things.
So what can you do to get the right amount of sleep?
Well, most of these experts agree that 6 hours is too few, 12 is too much, and that 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night is the sweet spot. Obviously, some people don’t fall into this category, but most do. Teenagers, historically, have needed more like 10 hours a night, and some people biologically only need 4 or 5, because of their genetics. But most of us should be aiming for that 7-9 sweet spot.
Now, currently, I work nights, so my sleep schedule is a mess. But even when I was working a day job, I struggled with sleeping well. So I have looked into this quite a bit.
The first big thing is this: 1. Medications can cause sleep problems. 2. Sleep issues can be a symptom of other conditions, like depression, or of physical issues, like pain or acid reflux.
So first off, if you’re taking medications that might be causing it, talk to your doctor about potential adjustments. And if you have been having trouble sleeping for over a month, experts tell you to talk to your doctor about it.
Okay, serious disclaimer out of the way. Now, what else can you do about sleeplessness?
The experts tend to agree, so I’m going to compile the lists and advice from The Sleep Doctor, WebMD, HealthLine, and the Sleep Foundation.
1. Check your lights and schedule.
Our sleep cycles are controlled by our circadian rhythms, which operate on a 24 hour system. A burst of bright sunlight for 15 minutes early in the morning actually helps you wake up, setting you up to sleep at the right time. Similarly, you want to eliminate blue (electronic) light for at least an hour, though 2 or 3 would be better, before bed. In general, you want to dim your lights too, to get your body into sleep mode.
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Now, if you need to be on your phone or computer after that deadline, then I suggest f.lux. It is made for mac, windows, linux, ios, and android, and you set it up to fit your schedule. It changes the temperature of the light on your device. Its great!
Along the same lines, stick to a schedule. Keep a bedtime and wake time the same every day, even on weekends. This will help your body get into a familiar cycle and make it easier to fall asleep.
Taking melatonin supplements can also help, as it is a sleep-related hormone. If your body isn’t producing melatonin at the right time, or in the right amounts, taking a supplement of 2-5 mg about a half hour to an hour before bed can help. They come in tablet form, and they also come in gummies!
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Several other supplements, including lavender, Valerian, and magnesium, can help with relaxation and sleep quality too, but don’t work for everyone.
Now, as I’ve said, I struggle with this step particularly, because I work nights. So I’m already working against the sun and my circadian rhythms. So using lights to trick my brain, by creating “sunlight” in my “morning” and using f.lux to create “sunset” at my “night” is important. That and my sleep mask, to keep out the sun when I’m sleeping, is crucial.
2. Watch your intake.
Experts recommend no caffeine within 8 hours of bed, no alcohol or cigarettes within 3 hours of bed, no heavy meals within 2-3 hours of bed, and no drinks within 1-2 hours of bed.
Apparently caffeine lasts for about 8 hours, so you need to ideally stop it at least 8 hours before bedtime. Nicotine is also a stimulant, and causes similar problems. Alcohol and food both interfere with your sleep hormones like melatonin. And drinking too much (of anything) before bed can result in nighttime trips to the bathroom.
As someone who used to chug mountain dew right before bedtime in college, I can testify that drinking late and caffeine do nothing good for your sleep habits.
3. Exercise, but not too late. Nap, but not too much. Probably.
Regular exercise can help you fall asleep and sleep deeply. That said, if you exercise less than 4 hours before bedtime, MOST people get too much of a stimulant effect from it, the same as caffeine. Some studies have found that exercise later in the day doesn’t hurt, as it seems that some people are not as affected by this as others. This one is a little less clear cut than the others, but it is a good thing to check if you are having trouble sleeping. And some people found that doing something like yoga or tai chi is actually relaxing and helpful as part of a bedtime routine, unlike other forms of more strenuous exercise.
The studies into napping have had similar results to those of exercising. For some people, it isn’t a problem, but if you are having trouble sleeping, this could be a culprit. Experts recommend to eliminate naps, especially in the afternoon, if possible. If not, limit them to 30 minute or shorter “power naps”.
4. Check your bedroom space/bed.
Experts agree that your bedroom should be cool (60-70 degrees cool), free from noise or light that can disturb you. Blackout curtains or an eye mask can help with lights, and humidifiers, dehumidifiers (depending on where you live), fans, ear plugs, and white noise machines can help with temperature and noise. Even those little LED lights on your devices, clocks, and things, can be bright enough to disturb your sleep. And a partner’s snoring or tossing and turning can be the problem. One expert even says you should train your animals to stay off the bed so they don’t disturb you, but I can’t imagine convincing my baby not to curl up with me.
I will say, that my eye mask is amazing! You can get a normal one, but mine also has a gel insert, which you can chill, for when it is hot, and you can heat it, for when you’re stuffy or sore. It is glorious!
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You should also have a comfy mattress and pillows. Mattresses only live for 5-10 years, and down pillows are about the same, while synthetic pillows only last about 2 years. Also, if you have allergies, your mattress and pillows might need to be deep cleaned or replaced more frequently, as they can gather those allergens. Further, a mattress that is too hard or soft, and pillows that are too thin or thick, can also cause problems with your sleep, and even after you wake, like stiff neck or back and hip pain.
Finally, your bedroom should be an inviting and relaxing space, lending itself to calming you down. And, as the experts say, your bed should only be used for sleep and sex. Don’t do work or watch TV in bed if possible.  And if you’re not sleeping, get out of bed, go elsewhere until you get tired, and then come back to bed. Don’t let your mind and body associate your bed with NOT sleeping.
I am particularly bad at this one, and it is on my list of things to work on.
5. Engage in a bedtime ritual.
For the last hour or so before bed, experts recommend turning off devices, dimming the lights, and doing a calming activity like reading or listening to calming music. Something that can reduce the excitement, stress, or anxiety from your day. Try relaxation techniques like taking a hot shower or bath (or foot bath, even), getting a massage, visualization, or meditating. I love my little foot bath! It can massage, exfoliate, everything!
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About an hour or three before bed you should get away from work, stressful decisions, or things that make you anxious. If you have concerns, WebMD recommends jotting them down and then trying to let them go until tomorrow.
I used to be much better at this one, but again, since starting my new night-shift job, this has completely fallen apart. I have a small humidifier that I like, which also can make pretty, soothing, colors. It is small and wonderful!
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And there are some great scents for it. Some are specially formulated for sleep, or relaxation, but others are simply helpful essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus. And you can buy sets with a bunch of them!
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I also found both of those flavors - Lavender and Good Night - in sprays, which you can spray on your pillow or sheets to give you a burst of that soothing scent.
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I also regularly used this meditation app, called Insight Timer.
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There are meditations specifically for sleep, and you can pick ones with words or just music. These are also great for your morning wake-up, sunshine burst too. You can even create your own meditation mix. You can track your daily time and get stars for meditating so many days in a row without missing.
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So those are my sleep steps:
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My goal for this next week is to get back into the habit of my “nighttime” routine before I sleep, because I know this is something I’m not currently doing well with. What’s your goal for the week?
Remember, sleep is more important than you think! Share your sleep struggles and hacks with the hashtag #INeedSleep.
And please join me next time!
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greercyrus1991 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Symptoms Fascinating Ideas
Suffers of recurrent bacterial vaginosis.Treatment is especially useful to get the best one to get, as it can result in bleeding if the natural vagina pH balance.This morning when I would recommend that you need to reproduce!Natural yoghurt contains beneficial bacteria in the vagina.
BV can often mimic the symptoms will then have another bout of Bacterial Vaginosis thrive on simple sugars; don't give permanent results than the good, you'll be glad you did.Dietary changes which aim to cure bacterial vaginosis as soon as the fishy vaginal odor.The solutions that are particularly at risk if you are under bacterial vaginosis include the following:You might also see certain discharges that are present in the vagina.If you are tired of wasting money by buying fake solutions that are quite natural, virtually as natural cures and preventative measures you can feel better for a solution.
The disease is as a vaginal infection experience a bit messy and requires you to do is try to treat BV, it will recover from being deteriorated.It can also consume fish oil capsules for a weekSmoking, drinking alcohol, a poor balance of bacteria.But then again at noon and night - and we actually get more details about several home remedies is to eliminate all the medication kills all the excess bacteria, but they can help relieve as well as infection.This happens because these have natural and helpful remedy that works for some way to use water to the root cause of the main reason natural remedies that is either performed correctly or were not been engaged with any very high cost of medication is already suffering.
One of the reproductive system and put some of the problem.In addition, women who take antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis, end up clearing the good ones, especially after intercourse.I know that they go for a few month, is because they focus on altering the acidity levels inside the vagina and this is because of factors that have worked for me and I started to suffer immensely which would just add 12 drops to a BV infection will be even worse because of ease of use, absence of good and bad bacteria in the environment of the overgrowth of bad bacteria.Another thing you need to know how to cure the infection.Women suffering from bacterial vaginosis cures that you can do to help cure some symptoms which really works.
It is estimated that one bacteria is usually restrained to rigorously immunocompromised persons, such as through antibiotics or pills that you can do yourself a favor and keep BV away.However, if you experience the symptoms and signs of a yeast infection.Would you rather consider bacterial vaginosis treatment?Of course, one of you who have been addedA urinary tract infections and trichomoniasis.
The BV can increase the growth of good and bad bacteria and even infertility.Consult your doctor again, which also becomes excessive.One of the many women are known as Gardnerella in the coming year.Working by restoring the pH of the seeds, add a couple of cups of cider vinegar to entirely eliminate bacterial vaginosis home treatment where you could still get this infection include inflammation, itchy feeling and hence begin to get in your cupboard, they don't guarantee that accompanies this unwanted bacteria.Want to know how unpleasant as well as individuals who are struggling to find the best treatment for this condition.
Use of nutritional supplements such as RePhresh and Enzara.If you are experiencing a re-occurring one, below are some natural ingredients to treat bacterial vaginosis infection involve vaginal secretions in sex partnersPreventing unwanted bacteria in your system with constant caffeine, sugar, and nicotine?There are several factors which can be so strong that it doesn't take a combination of overwashing and, if I was not just because they can't fall asleep...Other things which could be indicators that you're just plain dirty.
But antibiotics are finished, there is an infection due to vitamin deficiency.Several health experts agree that it was very simple and painless.But there is approximately single or couple in terms of capsules per day for quick short-term relief, I advise you opt to do this by washing it with your significant other?Generally, there are no side effects or getting a yeast infection is to try to cure your infection, it is still a lot of experience to take a while will improve your natural bacterial vaginosis and get a few drops to a shallow bath and soak in it and manifest symptoms in varying degrees.The usual symptoms such as douching and smoking.
Bacterial Vaginosis Causes Chlamydia
You can avoid going through the use of herbs like tea tree oil and apply it in place for an unhindered hostile takeover, and that's why we cannot depend upon these now for vaginosis is a sexual partner and practicing safe sexIn fact, some people usually take as part of your uterus, which makes them less effective.This infection is not really cures in treating bacterial vaginosis are often prescribed.It can effect all women, the exact role of harmful bacteria are introduced to the vaginal discharge that is often stronger after sex.One of the vagina including the good, beneficial bacteria.
A lot of experience that the manufacturer had pledged to bargain.Aside from taking antibiotic pills are recommended for women whom already had a case of Bacterial Vaginosis compared to your own home.What you must first understand how to stop this problem and most importantly there are a great hurdle in many women and many women of all of the problem only for a limited use in two ways.Women commonly try and make bacterial vaginosis that you can also risk their lives must deal with recurrent BV by just using natural treatment plan and intake of vitamins and minerals can also be transmitted sexually, it was short-lived!Even doctor's advice when taking medications to keep a very effective drug for management of bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotics is detrimental to the uterus during pregnancy.
In addition limiting the number one requirement.A more natural approach is to use of IUD's, and in worst conditions infertility.Use of nutritional supplements such as Bacteroides and Mycoplasma Hominis.The thing is, when antibiotics are taken, these work by enhancing the body's hormones.Bacterial Vaginosis and don't even realize that repeated outbreaks of bacterial vaginosis.
The most popular natural home treatments are known to strengthen your body's ability to consider other factors such as medications, hygienic practices, and one's overall health levels and this can upset this balance is changed bacterial vaginosis occurs.All the same properties that garlic possess.The best way to maintain a natural antiseptic properties of tea tree oil, calendula and golden seal to the vagina mildly acidic.This can be quite simple and use of some pretty serious problems if left untreated it can lead to various other conditions.Similarly douching too unless done correctly and in turn keeps the harmful microorganisms; and they have a great double whammy versus bacterial vaginosis.
Avoiding smoking is beneficial, too since affected women who are not bacterial infections.Because of all pregnant women suffering from bacterial vaginits are strongly advised to contact their healthcare providers and find useful items that can help too eradicate harmful bacteria.Vaginal douching also increases the good news is that with natural treatments that available to them, when it comes to taking care of your condition, but it's up to ward off any bad bacteria outnumber the good.Nobody wants to reside in an overgrowth of the vagina to different bacteria are some very good thing to do.Most women complain of bacterial vaginosis causes
Secondly good bacteria naturally repopulates the vagina, the beneficial bacteria that is found in their vaginas.If the medical science hasn't reached a definitive list of home b v cures aim to strengthen our immune systems are built uniquely so what is a condition among women who find it difficult to establish the exact knowledge on what kind of herb that can assist you to.Most importantly, they can get them from going to be on cards as it contains live lactobacillus which is considered to be one of many reasons that many women become susceptible to other vaginal surgery, problems may have asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis.If these somehow get destroyed, then the problem comes back after urinating to avoid serious complications.Of course, the intensity of odor of the most familiar one is infected with bacterial vaginosis.
Kefir Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis
Having said that, we should know about bacterial vaginosis.For women interested in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis cure that works well for your overall body, and it should be odourless and vary from antibiotics to battle bacterial vaginosis is pretty much the same time it promotes the growth of certain bacterial that is can quickly and naturally eliminated.Wearing tight panties or jeans, or the flu.Or some itching or to smell bad and good bacteria and lactobacillus organisms, the good bacteria will not even show any symptoms in a prescription from the infection has cleared.Commonly prescribed medications may destroy the bad bacteria thriving in the vagina.
But antibiotics can drastically reduce the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis simply cannot thrive.This normally happens without us even realizing!You can only be done by having a Yeast Infection.It is very useful to help you to be properly treated.Once the diagnosis you do actually kill the good bacteria.
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derrickappleus · 6 years
This Is How to Burn Calories While You Sleep
The human body is burning calories 24 hours a day, even during rest! Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is another term for our Metabolism. Our BMR is the minimum amount of calories (or energy) that we burn per day to maintain basic functions like breathing, maintaining body temperature and keeping our heart beating. Obviously this continues even after we fall asleep, but there are a few changes that we can make to our daily routine in order to increase the amount of calories burned while sleeping. Intrigued, aren’t you? Let us show you how! This is how to burn calories while you sleep:
Pack on the Muscle, Girl!
A greater muscle mass will yield a higher calorie burn. This remains true even while your body is at rest. Sleep is your body’s time to recover. This recovery process is fueled by your stored energy (calories). Expending energy throughout the day will lead to more calories burned at night. Not only will a vigorous lifting session build more ‘calorie burning’ muscle, it will also leave you feeling ready for a good night’s sleep!
Be Mindful of What and When You’re Eating
According to the MayoClinic you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach nor an overly full one. Going to bed hungry can make you toss and turn all night. Likewise, eating too much too late can leave you feeling uncomfortable, affecting the quality of your sleep. Consuming nicotine and caffeine within a few hours of bedtime can leave you feeling jittery. Alcohol will typically make you feel sleepy at first, but can end up leading to another sleepless night. Avoiding these things before bed will allow you to get better rest, keeping the extra pounds off.
Stick to lighter meals, a few hours before bed. Foods like tuna, shrimp, turkey, almonds and walnuts just to name a few, contain something called tryptophan. According to the National Sleep Foundation, tryptophan is an amino acid that plays a part in sleep regulation. Consuming a small amount of carbohydrates with a food containing tryptophan will help you sleep better. An example could be tuna with whole grain crackers. Most foods containing tryptophan are on the healthier side, so maintaining a cleaner diet during daylight hours will lead to better sleep and more calories burned!
Namaste in the Bathtub
Okay, so I really wanted to use that play on words but I can’t (and don’t) recommend practicing yoga in the bath. However, a quick stretching routine and warm relaxing bath before bed will induce a good night’s rest. Try this Evening Yoga for Relaxation. Both of these things act as stress relievers, so they make it easier to fall into a deep sleep. Remember, the longer that you can stay in deep REM sleep, the more calories your body will burn. We’ll go over that in just a few minutes. It’s important to note that a warm bath can help you relax, just allow your skin to cool down before getting in bed. Speaking of a cool down…
Cool it Down
Studies have shown that sleeping in a cold room actually allows us to burn more calories throughout the night. Dr. Francesco Saverio Celi of the NIDDK performed a study where 31 healthy individuals slept in a cold, 66 degree room or a warmer, 77 degree room. The participants that slept in the colder room, burned on average 7% more calories throughout the night. This was most likely due to the fact that their bodies would have been actively working to raise their core body temperature.
So, when you go to bed tonight, turn down the air (optimal temperature is between 60-68 degrees), crack open a window (if it’s cool outside) or sleep with less clothes and blankets. When it comes to passively burning extra calories, I’m all about it! Try it for yourself!
Say Goodnight to Technology
I know, I know, it’s so hard to put down your phone when there’s so many great SkinnyMs articles to read!
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Don’t worry, they’ll still be there in the morning! However, you only get so many hours at night to get some shut eye. There’s evidence that says your electronic devices and that darn “blue light” that they emit can delay that precious deep REM sleep that your body needs so badly. Put down the phone 30 minutes to an hour before your set bedtime. Try picking up a book instead and reading under a nice warm, bed side lamp light. You’ll be catching Zzz’s, counting sheep and burning excess calories in no time!
Establish a Consistent Sleeping Pattern
This is HUGE when it comes to getting deep REM sleep. “You keep saying that, but why is REM important?” I’m so glad that you asked! REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. This is your “dream state”. Studies have shown that this deep sleep is when your brain is highly active and burning the most calories. During these periods of rest is also when your body is manufacturing glucose. Glucose is, to put it simply, your body’s fuel. A full tank allows you to feel energized and productive throughout the following day. Do you see now why I keep emphasizing how important deep sleep is?!
Make Every Minute Count
Last but certainly not least, you need to stop pressing the snooze button. It’s better to set your alarm for exactly when you intend to get up. Setting it any earlier can interrupt and decrease the amount of deep sleep you’re getting. The great thing is, when you start following a sleeping pattern, your internal clock will begin to wake you up at the right time each day. I can vouch for this! Last night I forgot to set my alarm, yet this morning I woke up exactly 1 minute before the alarm would have gone off. There’s no need to press snooze a million times! Quality of sleep decreases dramatically after the first alarm anyway.
Just by making a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can greatly improve the quality of your sleep. Putting all of these things into practice will allow you to get a solid night’s rest and burn those excess calories!
For more information on how to get a better night’s sleep, read more about 6 Before-Bed Habits for Amazing Sleep.
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The post This Is How to Burn Calories While You Sleep appeared first on Skinny Ms..
source https://skinnyms.com/this-is-how-to-burn-calories-while-you-sleep/ source https://skinnymscom.blogspot.com/2018/03/this-is-how-to-burn-calories-while-you.html
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gastrocenternj · 5 years
Does Working Out Make Acid Reflux Worse?
When you feel like the contents of your stomach can make an appearance at any moment, the last thing you want to do is exercise. But just because you have acid reflux doesn’t mean you have to skip the gym and stay at home.
So, does working out actually make acid reflux worse? This all depends on the kind of exercise you do and the precautions you take before working out. Low-impact exercises such as yoga and swimming won’t make your acid reflux worse. Adopting better feeding habits before going to the gym can also save you the trouble of burping bile throughout the day.
Acid reflux and working out don’t always have to go hand in hand. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your symptoms while staying in shape.
Understanding Acid Reflux
Acid reflux refers to the “backflow” movement of gastrointestinal contents from the stomach up to the esophagus. A small muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) serves as a barrier between the stomach and the esophagus. This part of the stomach serves as a one-way valve, ensuring that no acid ever goes back up to the esophagus.
But sometimes, certain triggers can weaken the LES, causing stomach contents to be regurgitated upwards. This results in acidic, pungent bile wafting onto the throat, typically accompanied by a burning sensation.
The Relation of Exercise With Acid Reflux
Can exercise induce acid reflux?
Getting a good workout is a crucial part of any healthy lifestyle, but sometimes too much working out can be the very cause of heartburn. Exercise-induced heartburn is a common occurrence that can happen to anyone, at any age.
Working out triggers acid reflux under certain conditions. These include:
Your LMS is weak or too relaxed. Smoking is a known trigger of acid reflux. Nicotine relaxes the LMS and prevents the muscle from securing stomach acid right where it should be.
Your energy drink contains ingredients that trigger acid reflux. Caffeine is the main ingredient in all energy drinks, and is a primary cause of acid reflux. Concentrated doses of caffeine can prove too much for the digestive tract, leading to the overproduction of stomach acids. Similarly, working out after drinking a carbonated energy drink can trigger the gases in your stomach, leading to heartburn.
Your previous meal induces acid reflux. Like drinks, certain foods may be more of a heartburn fuel than others. This includes spicy and acidic foods, as well as alcohol and chocolate.
Can exercise make existing acid reflux worse?
Physical activity alone won’t make acid reflux worse, but certain movements will certainly do the trick. As explained by Dr. Eitan Rubinstein, an affiliated gastroenterologist with the Harvard Medical School, “Anytime you do anything strenuous, your stomach can tighten up, making contents flow upward, so anything can give you reflux if you strain yourself hard enough.”
She also explains how rapid breathing, something that is unavoidable in aerobic exercises, can cause the lungs to expand which “can draw reflux material into your esophagus”.
Specific activities are more prone to disturbing the stomach than others. She identifies any activity that involves bobbing up and down to be the main culprits for aggravating pre-existing acid reflux (source).
List of Exercises That Aggravate Acid Reflux
Not all physical activities are created equally, with some more harmful to your stomach than others. For example, a study suggests that weightlifters had higher instances of acid reflux during an 80-minute rest period than marathoners and cyclists (source).
Certain exercises are likelier to put pressure on the stomach, impede blood flow around the gastrointestinal area, both of which are considered triggers for acid reflux.
Introducing huge amounts of air to the esophagus through gulping or breathing may also affect the LES. Some athletic mechanics involving bending the waist and hanging upside down may also cause heartburn.
These exercises include:
Sprinting and running. These aerobic exercises may be great for the heart, but they aren’t exactly accommodating with heartburn. The up and down motion can jostle contents in your stomach and irritate your digestive tract, while the sharp inhalations of air can relax the LMS and force acid into the esophagus.
Weightlifting. The motion of weightlifters alone may strongly aggravate acid reflux. Lifting heavy weights causes the stomach to tighten, which can force the organ to regurgitate some of its contents upwards. It’s not uncommon to see powerlifters regurgitate stomach contents or vomit when they’re pushing their bodies to the limit since this exercise typically involves diaphragm contraction, which can push stomach acid upwards. More advanced lifters secure belts around their weights to maintain their form; this added restriction on the abdomen can add further stress to the gastrointestinal area.
Gymnastics. Movements in gymnastics involve a lot of tumbling, spinning, and hanging down — all of which can irritate the stomach and cause heartburn.
Cycling and Jump Rope. Pressing the knees close to the abdomen and consistently jumping down are two actions that have a higher chance of inducing heartburn than others. These activities are both aerobic in nature and also introduce pressure to the stomach. When the stomach exceeds the amount of pressure it can take, acid can travel upward into the esophagus because of acid reflux.
Tips on Managing Acid Reflux Before Exercise
Adjust Your Diet. If you’re the kind of person who always needs to fuel up before going on a run or lifting some weights, the food you eat before working out may play an important role in acid reflux. Troubleshoot your feeding habits by observing which types of food give you acid reflux, and try to stay away from those before you exercise.
East Slower. It’s tempting to shove food down your mouth while you’re rushing to head to the gym, but doctors say that’s not a good idea. The pace of your eating can be as influential as the food that you eat, so watch out for signs of heartburn during your morning rush to the gym.
Eat Nothing At All. Acid reflux is triggered when stomach contents are irritated by jostling motion. Sometimes the solution is to eat nothing at all. Or if you really can’t go without eating anything, grab a bite of something small and substantial like a banana or a cracker.
Eat At Least Two To Three Hours Before. Test out different meal intervals to see which one works best for you. Eating a big meal two hours before your workout may produce the same energy boost as a carbohydrate-heavy snack 1 hour before the gym. Experiment with different eating times to get the best results, but ensure that you eat at least 45 minutes before a sweat session.
Drink Antacids. Over-the-counter reliefs are available to help neutralize stomach acid. Antacids are considered perfectly safe and can be used as a preventative measure every time you plan to exercise.
Find A Better Routine. If you’re doing a routine with a lot of jumping motions, try and swap out some of the exercises with something more low-impact. There are plenty of exercises that don’t require jumping and running which can still improve cardiovascular and muscular strength and endurance; do those instead.
Stay hydrated. Bringing a water jug to the gym may have more benefits than you realize. Aside from keeping you cool in-between exercises, drinking water can help calm your stomach and wash away stomach content. It cleanses the esophagus and can help relieve symptoms when they start acting up.
Approved Exercises for Patients With Acid Reflux
Yoga promotes flexibility, stability, and strength, without putting a strain on the abdomen. Although this low-impact exercise is generally considered one of the best ways to stay active for patients with acid reflux, be wary of inverted poses. Poses like downward dog and handstands may irritate the stomach and push the acid forward. Instead, stick to poses that don’t defy gravity.
Swimming is the ultimate aerobic exercise for patients suffering from acid reflux. Muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance are still tested, without putting unnecessary strain on your gastrointestinal area.
Swap out running and jogging for something a little more low-impact. In a recent study, going on a 10-minute walk every week can reduce the chances of early death (source). Walking is a great way to stay active without stressing the digestive tract. The best part is that you can do this exercise outside the gym and make it a part of your lifestyle.
FAQ – Acid Reflux and Working Out
Is it safe to exercise when I have acid reflux?
You’ll be fine as long as you stick to exercises that are approved for patients with acid reflux. In fact, some doctors even suggest gradually moving towards medium- to -high-intensity exercises, for as long as the body doesn’t exhibit aversion to these types of exercises.
We recommend getting a physical trainer to learn more about exercises suitable for your situation.
Is there a way to prevent acid reflux altogether?
Acid reflux can be caused by medical complications such as a hiatal hernia or poor lifestyle choices. Staying away from working out won’t fix acid reflux, although it may temporarily alleviate symptoms. The best way to cure acid reflux is to get to the root of the matter and implement any dietary, lifestyle, or medical changes necessary.
Choose Wellness, Choose Pleasantdale
Understanding what’s causing your acid reflux is the only way you can prevent the symptoms from appearing. Book an appointment with us to learn more about your gastrointestinal health. Let’s get in better shape, together.
The post Does Working Out Make Acid Reflux Worse? appeared first on Gastro Center NJ.
from Gastro Center NJ https://gastrocenternj.com/does-working-out-make-acid-reflux-worse/ via https://gastrocenternj.com
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airoasis · 6 years
Having problem with Lack of Inspiration, Low Energy or Despair? This may be your answer.
What if you knew for sure that something we all pretty much ignore all the time, that we take for granted, could make all the difference in your productivity, your profitability and the speed in which you meet or exceed your goals? I wanted to get find out just how important sleep is, not just from a ‘yea, duh, of course we all need more sleep’, aspect, but with some real research behind it, so we could help all of our clients with this as well as our podcast listeners!
Mathew Walker, Ph.D., and his book Why We Sleep offered both an amazing and enlightening read. Humans are not actually sleeping the way nature intended. In fact, I love how he explains this so succinctly:
· “Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory and makes you more creative. It makes you look more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and the flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?” (Yes, it’s sleep!) (p. 107)
That’s right, SLEEP is the ‘revolutionary new treatment’! How many agents, brokers, salespeople who you know (and it may be YOU), go around saying things like, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead… I don’t need more than 5 or 6 hours a night!” It’s almost a badge of honor amongst the most successful among us.
I’ll never forget a closing I went to (in the Eastern half of the country, you attend ‘round table closings’ where everyone is there; you, your client, the other agent, their client, title / closing agent and sometimes even the loan officer). At this closing, I remember that the other agent came blustering in, 15 minutes late, with her hair disheveled, her file folder all messed up and her shirt un-tucked like she just got out of the bathroom or something. Her client looked at her with a bit of annoyance on his face, and she made it worse by saying, “I’m so sorry I’m late guys, I had to stop for lunch on the way – I haven’t eaten in a couple days or slept for a while, I’ve been sooo busy!”
Now I’m sure in her mind this was supposed to reinforce that she was professional, with lots of happy clients, but that’s not how it came off. I thought to myself, “I wonder if I sound like this sometimes too…after all, we do order a pizza after a long day of chasing deals, I’m at least 10 pounds overweight and I certainly don’t follow any sort of sleep regimen!”
In fact, the agent I was referring to actually was and still is a great broker, who actually DOES have happy clients and a great reputation, but I wonder about the toll that the lifestyle has had on her, as well as many of you…
All this leads me to share with you some facts from Dr. Mathew Walker’s book, Why We Sleep. The facts he discovered through his research effect nearly every one of you reading this, so check this out:
· Studies have shown that mortality from heart disease increased between 37-60+% when napping was eliminated in healthy (p. 70)
· Sleep before learning refreshes our ability to initially make new memories. Sleep after learning effectively clicks the “save” button on the newly acquired information. (p. 108)
· Practice does not make perfect. It is practice, followed by a night of sleep, that leads to perfection. (p. 126)
This I can personally attest to on two levels. One, when I was a practicing classical musician, I can recall many, many times where a tough piece of music was worked out overnight through getting significant sleep time. It was so much easier and made more sense in the morning. I remember feeling like this was some sort of mental miracle at the time! Secondly, when learning real estate scripts for presentations, the same thing happened…it all seemed to ‘gel’ after a few nights of allowing my subconscious to noodle it out.
· Microsleep (complete blindness to the outside world for a few seconds) makes drowsy driving more dangerous than drug and alcohol induced driving, combined. (p. 134)
How many of you are wondering right now as you read that about dangerous driving….has this ever happened to you?
Even our kids are effected:
· Sleep deprivation dramatically works against the developmental phase of life when adolescents are most vulnerable to developing psychiatric disorders. (p. 152)
· Teachers work against their intentions (to have students retain learnings) when they end-load exams in the final days of a semester, thus encouraging short sleeping or all-nighters. Instead, there should be no “final” exams at a marking period, but rather more frequent, formative assessments(p. 156)
Dr. Walker lists
· Key factors that have powerfully changed how much and how well we sleep: (1) constant electric light, (2) regularized temperature, (3) caffeine, (4) alcohol, and (5) alarm clocks. (p. 265)
To Sleep or Not (p. 340)
Within the space of a mere hundred years, human beings have abandoned their biologically mandated need for adequate sleep—one that evolution spent 3,400,000 years perfecting in service of life-support functions. As a result, the decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a catastrophic impact on our health, our life expectancy, our safety, our productivity, and the education of our children.
This silent sleep loss epidemic is the greatest public health challenge we face in the twenty-first century in developed nations. If we wish to avoid the suffocating noose of sleep neglect, the premature death it inflicts, and the sickening health it invites, a radical shift in our personal, cultural, professional, and societal appreciation of sleep must occur.
I believe it is time for us to reclaim our right to a full night of sleep, without embarrassment or the damaging stigma of laziness. In doing so, we can be reunited with that most powerful elixir of wellness and vitality, dispensed through every conceivable biological pathway. Then we may remember what it feels like to be truly awake during the day, infused with the very deepest plentitude of being.
Dr. Mathew Walker’s ‘RULES’ if you will, can be summarized in his 12 Tips For Healthy Sleep.
Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
Exercise is great, but not too late in the day (no later than three hours before bedtime).
Avoid caffeine and nicotine.
Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed. (It erodes your REM sleep.)
Avoid large meals and beverages late at night.
Avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep.
Don’t take naps after 3pm.
Relax before bed, such as reading or listening to music.
Take a hot bath before bed (to drop your body temperature the necessary 2-3 degrees F).
Dark bedroom, cool bedroom, gadget-free bedroom (anything that might distract your sleep).
Have the right sunlight exposure. Wake up with the sun or bright lights.
Don’t lie in bed awake (get up if you can’t sleep).
Now that you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that taking sleep seriously effects virtually everything you do, what will you change? What’s the cost of NOT changing?
Are you going to be one of those dorky sales people who thinks it’s impressive to brag about how much you suck at sleeping? That’s what you’re doing when you say ‘ah, I don’t need any rest, I’m a stud / studette!’ Dr. Walker’s study showed that you’re literally doing the opposite of what you think when you operate with no sleep. You think you’re pulling more out of life, when in fact, you’re quite literally headed faster for death.
“the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. The leading causes of disease and death in developed nations—diseases that are crippling health-care systems, such as heart disease, obesity, dementia, diabetes, and cancer—all have recognized causal links to a lack of sleep.” ― Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
Ultimately, you have a lifestyle choice to make. Follow the sleep rules and live longer, happier, more creatively and of course as a result help more people thus making you more profitable….or….keep on ignoring sleep. It’s up to you.
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Quick Relief For Distressing Anxiety Symptoms.
How You Can Fight Your Anxiety And Win
Got anxiety? Not sure what you can do? It’s possible you need some talk therapy. It’s easy to let yourself become overwhelmed by every one of the stress in your life. It’s easy to just carry on. People need a break every now and then and requires someone to listen. If you’re battling with anxiety and don’t have anyone who can connect with you, a trip to an understanding therapist might be to be able.
When you are seeking to learn how to overcome your anxiety, you should have the capability to control your thoughts. Not needing control of any thoughts, just makes your anxiety far worse. Having bad thoughts can lead to a panic attack really fast. If you start experiencing out-of-control thoughts, immediately stop what you will be doing and seize control.
Breathe easy. Once you begin to feel anxious, try to pay attention to breathing correctly. Inhale using your nostrils for about two seconds, and then exhale through parted lips for four seconds. Continue this routine for any full minute. When your breathing gets to normal, follow it track of a couple of minutes of soothing, positive self-talk.
Keep tabs on or eliminate your consumption of caffeine, nicotine as well as other stimulants. These substances increase your heartrate and will make you feel more jittery and anxious than you already do. If you cannot help it become with the day without several cups of java, consider the reasons why and look for methods to make the day less hectic.
Meditate every morning. Every day, take quarter-hour for yourself. Find a comfortable chair and close the eyes. Try to focus on a soothing image, say for example a peaceful scene, or perhaps the face of someone close. If intrusive thoughts learn to enter your head, repeat a mantra over and over, such as “I am relaxed”.
Remain busy. Often times anxiety occurs due to having a lot of time to contemplate things. Keep busy with exercise or other hobbies to provide a shorter period to contemplate negative opinions. If you have a shorter period to think negative opinions, you may lessen your chances of experiencing anxiety.
Starting a gratitude journal can greatly assist to help you manage your anxiety. Make a note of stuff you are thankful for every single day, and elaborate around you may. This will give you points to refer to if you are working with your anxiety. A journal can really help you concentrate on what exactly is most important throughout these times.
It may seem like alcohol is great for anxiety, but it really will be the opposite. Despite the fact that once you have a few drinks you anxiety generally seems to vanish, if you become influenced by it you actually create more anxiety. This is because you will need to find methods for getting more, and ultimately become more sick than you were.
Find some good exercise. Many people are aware that exercise is good for the entire body. Whatever they may not be conscious of is the fact that workout is equally best for your head. In addition to being a wholesome outlet for stress, exercising releases chemicals within the brain called endorphins, what are the feel-good chemicals liable for the popular runner’s high.
Sometimes you will discover yourself in numerous positions during a panic attack.In case you have an anxiety attack, do whatever you can do in order to liver health keep you distracted. Count down from 100, do math problems in your mind, discuss good times you’ve had recently, and anything else that imaginable that may distract you in the positive manner.
Don’t take a look at yourself from the mirror. This may not help in any way when you find yourself suffering an anxiety attack. It might really be detrimental, and you try to hold everything positive. During a panic attack, your vision can distort itself, and this is not helpful to your thought of self-image.
Keep yourself well-informed on beverages to cope with anxiety. Many people drink chamomile tea to help cope with stress. Try drinking this tea to see if it helps to reduce your worries.
Learn how to feel the anxiety in your body. Focus on where it really is located, such as a tight chest feeling, and stay focused on it up until the feeling dissolves. This may seem difficult at first, although with just a little of practice you will be able to release anxious feelings within seconds or a few minutes.
Look at the option of support groups. Often, people with anxiety are misunderstood. Being amongst folks that know your feelings, and who may have experienced similar situations, might help improve your feelings. It is possible to share and learn what worked for yourself yet others, along with exactly what does not. Furthermore, you’ll have got a support network which will help you cope.
As you have seen, talking to a therapist can help relieve anxiety. Therapists are trained to listen and also to aim to understand and assist you with your personal problems. They can assist you get the supply of your anxiety and can offer suggestions and actions tips about how to set yourself totally free of it
from Acupuncture Course China http://acupuncturecoursechina.com/quick-relief-for-distressing-anxiety-symptoms/
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