#but I grew as a writer before and I can do ot again with practice
hummingbirdswords · 2 years
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Christmas Vacation
Part Eleven of the 13 Days of Seventeen Series
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4K+ Words
Writer! Seungkwan
Mentions of cheating, and heartbreak
After your fiancé cheats on you, you decide you need a vacation. A long, cold, mind-numbing vacation far away from everyone and everything you’ve ever known. Instead, you somehow end up sharing a room with a man you have never met before at a snowed-in hotel, but you suppose nothing ever turns out the way you expect it to.
“I’m sorry…. What?”
The lady before you repeated what she had said, an apologetic smile spread over her lips, but once again the words went right over your head. You pressed your eyes shut in frustration- what were you going to do? This was already too much for you.
Finding out that your fiancé was cheating on you was that the worst thing you had ever discovered in your life. And you weren’t sure what was worse… The fact that you had discovered it from walking in on him in the act- or if it was that it was your friend with him.
You had been so sad, so broken that there was nothing you could think or say or do.
You just took the ring off your finger and let it fall to the ground and then you ran.
Maybe that was immature of you. To run. You didn’t talk to your friends or family, you turned off your phone and only packed enough to last you a day.
When you first got behind the wheel of your car, you weren’t sure what you were going to do. You didn’t know where to go, or anything at all. All you knew was that you had to leave. You had to leave right then.
And that driving ended up taking you to where you were going to be going eventually anyway.
Your honeymoon destination was a pretty beach location about a day’s trip away from your hometown. It wasn’t far, but it was beautiful none the less- someplace that you had gone to so many times as a child that it was practically a second home.
God, everything was supposed to be perfect. You were supposed to have walked down the aisle, your dress trailing behind you dramatically while your family smiled at you from the sidelines. Then you would turn and look up at the man standing at the end of the aisle and…
Tears began to well in your eyes and you looked down, your fingers rubbing your eyes carefully. You didn’t want anyone to catch you crying. God, you didn’t think that you could handle that.
“There has to be something you can do,” the man beside you mumbled. “I mean, we both booked this trip ages ago. You owe both of us everything that was promised.” “I know, I know, and I am really very sorry that this happened. I mean we’ve never double-booked before…”
You couldn’t help it, you sniffled a little, turning away from the two standing there with a flip of your hair.
Normally… Normally he would take care of situations like this. You never had to worry because he was always at your side to comfort you and make everything seem okay and now…
The tears started to spill faster, leaving trails of wetness down your cheeks. You began to rapidly wipe the tears off of your face, hoping that somehow it would make the tears stop falling. It didn’t. It just left evidence of your sorrow on your hands.
You heard the man beside you shuffle, and his hand landed soothingly on your shoulder. You turned and looked at him, your eyes red.
You hadn’t taken much time to look at the man that was in this situation with you yet. He was tall, with large cheeks and round eyes. He had rather long dark hair… Or well you supposed it wasn’t long just longer than your ex-fiances had been. He was pretty, that was undeniable, and his facial features were soft.
He reached over with his free hand and carefully took your wrist.
“It’s okay to cry,” he murmured softly. “Would you like me to care of this? You look like you’ve had better days.”
You sniffled again pathetically but shook your head.
“I’m here, I’m here. Just ignore me.”
The man looked like he didn’t want to do that. He also lowered his hand, still holding yours. He stared at you carefully, as if he were looking for something in your eyes. The attention made you squirm, but not because it was unwelcome. You just weren’t… Well, used to it. Your ex… Well, he had stopped really looking at you a while ago.
The tears started to stream down your cheeks again and you turned your head to the side pathetically. You couldn’t face him like this. God, when had you become so pathetic? To just start crying at the simple thought of this stupid man who wasn’t even really a part of your life anymore.
He sighed and swung your arm thoughtfully back and forth.
“Are you alright?” He asked you. The lady at the desk cleared her throat and both you and this strange man looked over at her. She smiled sweetly.
“Since you seem to be a bit emotional why don’t you have your husband work out the arrangements today,” she suggested sweetly. “This is your honeymoon, right?”
The stranger’s grip loosened on you briefly, but it tightened when you choked back a sob, raising your free hand to cover your face.
“He-He-He’s n-n-ot here,” you choked out.
There was a brief moment of silence, in which you just stood there, unable to stop the tears from pouring from your eyes. The two people that you had never met before in your life stared at you, watching as you cried, surely thinking you were pathetic… Until once again that strange man reached out. Now both of his hands were on your wrists, easing both of your hands to your sides.
“Hey, my name is Boo, Boo Seungkwan.”
You stared at him quietly, so he gave you a short smile.
“Why don’t we just share the room?” He suggested. “You don’t seem like the sort of person who should be alone right now, and I promise to take the couch.”
You sniffled but didn’t respond. How could you after all? So much had happened it such a short amount of time, you were hungry, you were tired, you were wondering if you had made a mistake…
Seungkwan turned to the clerk and smiled.
“We’ll both check-in, but I’m still going to need to talk to your manager…”
You had been with your ex for so long that you didn’t really remember not being with him.
He was your high school sweetheart, and you two had dated through freshman year- despite him being a year older than you. You guys quickly fell in love- managed long-distance for a year before you went to college, you both graduated and moved, and finally after years of being totally in love with the man you had met so long ago you were going to marry him.
He had always made you so happy. You had always thought he was the sweetest man that you would ever meet.
And he was handsome, and you were so lucky that he took the time to say hi to you back then-
You turned the shower spray off, tightening your grip on the brass of the shower nozzles. You couldn’t believe this… You couldn’t believe that you weren’t about to spend your first night as a married woman. You couldn’t believe that you were staying in a stranger. You couldn’t believe…
You nervously got dressed and peeked out of the bathroom.
Seungkwan had come back a few hours after getting you two the room and leaving. You weren’t completely sure what he was up to, but you did know that he was being… Strangely considerate. He noticed quickly that you didn’t have much with you and suggested you two go shopping the next day. He was quick to ask you what your favorite kind of pizza was and ordered it without hesitation, and he had already claimed the couch and desk in the room, somehow managing to draw up a curtain around the bed to give you privacy.
He smiled up at you when he saw you standing by the bathroom door and pointed at the pizza box on the nightstand.
“I’ll eat the whole thing if you don’t help me,” he said, a teasing smile crossing his lips. “So come on, don’t be shy.”
You stared at him from the doorway.
“My father would be so angry if he knew what I was doing,” you responded bluntly. “Running away, coming here? Staying with a strange guy.”
“You ran away?” Seungkwan asked, the smile dropping from his lips. You looked away from him, at the ground. It made him clear his throat. “Right. Not my business. I know it’s not really… Decent. But you needed a vacation. I still have things to work on. This is our best option.”
You nodded quietly, but you didn’t move from your spot.
“I know it doesn’t mean much, but I promise not to do anything to you. I want you to rest easy. I wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Boo Seungkwan,” you mumbled back. You looked up at him. “I’ve heard that name before.”
It wasn’t anything crazy notable. Just a small inkling in the back of your mind. Seungkwan grew a little embarrassed by the statement.
“Maybe you’re mistaken,” he mumbled. You turned your gaze more firmly towards him, catching his gaze. He looked a bit like a dear in headlights. Seeming completely off guard by your sudden eye contact. “What happened to you being shy?”
He was a little disgruntled, his eyes dropping your gaze. You huffed and ducked behind the doorway a bit more, letting a pout cross your lips.
“I can’t rest easy when you’re keeping secrets from me,” you mumbled softly. Seungkwan scoffed a little and shifted a little bit.
“Can’t rest,” he mocked under his break. “I’m a writer. It’s possible that you’ve heard of me before, see I came here to write…”
Seungkwan surely said more after that but you didn’t hear it.
Boo Seungkwan, so that’s how you had heard that name before.
He was only your ex’s favorite author… Your sisters’ favorite author… One of the most popular writers in Korea. If your family knew that you had ever met the Boo Seungkwan that would be stumbling over themselves to know even the smallest thing about him. That was for sure.
You stepped fully out from behind the door frame, making Seungkwan stop speaking. He looked at you with wide eyes and you shrugged.
“You said that the pizza won’t eat itself right?”
You had heard a lot about the famous Boo Seungkwan, but one of the things that really stuck the most was that he had written one of the most popular book series’ of your time. It wasn’t yet completed, and everyone had read it and was excited for the exciting conclusion of the series.
It had taken him quite some time to write the last book, it had been almost two years now, and no one was sure why it was taking him so long. It was a pretty big mystery.
You were pretty sure that you had figured it out by now though.
It was like the boy was allergic to focusing, and writing, and well everything that was productive in any way. You watched him as bewildered as he did everything imaginable but what could get him any further in his story.
When you woke up he would already be up cooking in the small kitchenette in the room you shared. He made you pancakes and sausage and fruit salad, and experimented making crepes and other complicated breakfast items.
As soon as you finished eating, he would have a list of things you two should do.
“We can go walking out on the beach!” Seungkwan would exclaim as he pushed you into the bathroom to change. You resisted him only a little bit.
“Didn’t you come on Holiday here to write?” You asked him. He gave you a bright smile.
“Well, I can’t get inspiration by simply sitting in here. Come on we can go out! Explore the world!”
The stereotype with writers was that they were quiet, and introverted and most of the time you would have to agree with that. Most of the writers you had met in the past after all fit that stereotype.
Seungkwan however, took that stereotype and threw it out the window.
He got excited to see everything. Every seashell on the beach, every dog that you passed. He would drag you towards the ocean, and squeal when the water was too cold for his comfort as if he didn’t know, and then when you refused to go into the water with him because… Well because it was something that you didn’t think you should enjoy anymore, he had taken off your shoes and tossed them right into the water.
You stared slack-jawed at the boy standing beside you. His cheeks were red at the physical exertion, a smile spread over his lips.
“What are you doing?” You blurted.
“Getting you to loosen up a bit,” he stated back pointedly. “Want your shoes? You have to go get them.”
You grunted and placed your hands on your hips.
“Do you know what this is? Cruel,” you stated. “I don’t have to put up with this.”
Seungkwan shrugged and looked away from you, his lips turning into a short pout.
“That’s right, that’s right. I forgot you’re too much of a wimp to travel into the water.”
You stared at Seungkwan, your mouth wide open. You couldn’t believe that you were actually falling for this. Your heart was beating fast, even as he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, clearly waiting for your next action. He was just talking to you to make you act. You knew that.
And yet, here you were. You dropped your coat to the ground, feeling the cool December air draw goosebumps up on your arms.
“Alright. Fine.” You charged into the water before Seungkwan could stop you.
As soon as the freezing water touched your ankles, you felt an energy go through your body, one that you hadn’t really felt in a while. Despite the fact that only a total psycho would be in the water right now, a smile tugged at your lips. You waded deeper into the water, letting the waves lap at your ankles.
“What did you say before? Who’s a wimp?” You called out to him. Seungkwan laughed in surprise at you standing out there, his hands coming down to his waist as he blew some air out of his cheeks.
“I stand corrected,” he called. He shook his head in disbelief. “But it’s time to come back now. You’re going to get sick if you stay out there.”
The waves lapped at your knees as Seungkwan spoke. It made your pants stick to your legs, your jeans soaking water up above the waterline. You turned away from Seungkwan and looked out at the waterline laid out before you.
It was so pretty out here in the ocean. You felt, almost untouchable out here. Like nothing could hurt you. Like no one could make you cry if you stayed out in this wet tundra.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Seungkwan called after you. You looked back at him over your shoulder.
“Proving that I’m not a wimp,” you stated pointedly. “Can you keep up with me?”
Before Seungkwan could respond you sucked in a deep breath and dove into the water submerging yourself beneath the clear waters. The cold water instantly shocked your body, making a shiver run through you as soon as you got back above the surface. You waded further away from Seungkwan, laughing at the bewildered expression that was on his face.
He was rapidly removing his jacket and his shirt, calling out to you as if it was dangerous to be out there like this. He followed you into the water, splashing wildly.
“You’re crazy!” He called as he neared you. You laughed and submerged yourself back under the water. Beneath the waves, after all, it was quiet. Everything was more tranquil. You felt like you could have a clear mind, like you no longer had to think about…
Well, to think about…”
Your fingers closed into small fists and you let yourself float motionless in the water. A wave went over your head, making you move at the will of the water. You hugged your arms to your chest.
Suddenly, you didn’t really feel like swimming. You just wanted to… Sit there. You just wanted to exist. In peace.
Before you could stay under there any longer, a tight grip wrapped around your arm, pulling you up above the surface.
“Y/n!” Seungkwan blurted out, looking partially panicked. You coughed, but not because any water had been in your lungs at all. Just because you were a little embarrassed. What had gotten into you? “Are you okay? You were under there for so long.”
You looked up at Seungkwan, surprised by the pure emotion buried in his expression. His eyebrows furrowed; his cheeks red from the cold. His grip didn’t loosen on you either, he pulled you close to him, holding you tightly.
He was concerned. You found that a little strange. Sure you had been together for a few days now, but what did it really matter to him if you suddenly disappeared? Dropping off the planet of the Earth shouldn’t mean much to him, after all, he was some famous author and you were… Well, just some girl.
After this vacation you would have to return to reality. Return to your reality.
“My fiance cheated on me,” you mumbled. Seungkwan’s eyebrows rose suddenly in surprise.
“The only man I have ever loved in my life cheated on me, and we’ve been together for so long I don’t even know what love feels like anymore,” you continued despite Seungkwan’s protests. Tears started to stream down your cheeks. “And I knew everyone would blame me, so I ran and now I’m start to think… Maybe you’re the only one that has ever cared about me in my life.”
Another sharp tremor ran through your body and before you could think through your decision you pushed yourself forward, wrapping your arms around Seungkwan and burying your face in the crook of Seungkwan’s neck. You couldn’t hold back as cold sobs started to wreck through your body.
God you had been wanting to cry for so long about all of this and had been unable to because you were afraid of what Seungkwan would say if he knew too much about your situation. It hurt to think that maybe he would reject you for admitting all this. That he could push you away in the cold water.
But before your thoughts could wander too far into that, he was pulling you closer, his fingers clinging to your soaked clothes.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about that anymore okay?” He mumbled, his words hesitant and careful. “We should get out of the water okay?”
You didn’t respond, so Seungkwan’s grip on you changed. His grip shifted to your waist and he lifted you up, bridal style in his arms. He started to walk you out of the water, his breathing and beating heart the only thing that you could hear before he got you onshore and draped both of the dry jackets over your body.
“Remind me never to tease you again,” he mumbled softly. “Apparently that’s how you almost get sick.”
You didn’t respond to him, just buried your face further within his chest. You didn’t want to have to see the world. You didn’t want to have to see anything honestly.
You didn’t really like depending on people. Even when you were with your ex, before you had any reason to believe that maybe he didn’t love you, you hadn’t really liked depending on people.
It just meant hurting more later on. It just meant owing people. You hated that. You wanted to do things for people because you wanted to, not because you owed them.
So normally, you would never let Seungkwan, or anyone really, drape you in a jacket, and smiled fondly down at you, and carry you all the way back to the hotel. It was embarrassing but the alternative was walking while there were tears in your eyes and even your own stubbornness couldn’t make you make the worst of your current options.
You didn’t speak at all when you guys got back. Seungkwan didn’t make you either. He did however force you to take a shower, wrapping you in a blanket as soon as you got out, turning on the television, and glancing at you while he wrote. You scrunched your nose after the first forty-five minutes of silence. You couldn’t keep quiet for long.
“Stop… Staring at me,” You mumbled uncomfortably. “If you want to make fun of me or something for being dumb enough to fall for-”
“Hey,” Seungkwan interrupted. He lowered the lid of his laptop and turned to face you, a gentle smile crossing his lips. “We all have our baggage. I don’t judge you for going through something traumatic so recently.”
You stared at him blankly.
“How could I?” He asked. “I mean I can’t even write one measly book and that’s all me. Your baggage isn’t even your fault.”
You crossed your legs beneath your body and turned your full attention to him.
“You know what would likely help?” You asked softly. He frowned, and you smiled. “Actually writing.”
He laughed, and stood up, walking over to you. It made you smile a little to see him less tense, and when he took a seat on your bed, only brief hesitation that you knew was probably only linked to your own comfort.
“Are you okay?” He asked you softly. He reached forward, his hand hovering over our head, an action to which you nodded once and leaned forward. He placed his hand on your head with no question after that.
“I’m fine, truly fine,” you assured. “It’s just… Hard not to think about it. I feel like I can’t ever trust anyone again, you know?”
He nodded solemnly.
“I do,” he agreed. “But… I hope that you don’t swear of people entirely. I kind of enjoy your presence. You know that?”
After that break down it was a little easier to let loose. Sure, you still were sad, lost in poisonous thoughts wondering if maybe you had deserved what happened, but whenever you started to drift too far into those thoughts, Seungkwan would drag you right out of the pit.
The adventures he took you on were excuses for you to guilt him into making more progress on his story. Forcing him to write on the rocks at the beach, and at the end of every hiking trail was quite frankly a joy that you loved partaking in.
You couldn’t remember the last time that you had truly enjoyed someone this much and you weren’t complaining about it. Being able to feel okay to joke around with Seungkwan and poke fun at his loud antics was quite frankly a breath of fresh air.
You hadn’t even realized it before but you had been so obsessed with watching yourself and your behavior, making sure that you acted the way everyone expected you to.
Seungkwan just expected you to be yourself.
That made everything a lot easier.
Eventually, the curtain came down in the room, and the bed became a place for you two to watch movies together until two in the morning, until you fell asleep together and you woke up with your head on his chest.
As your time together progressed, Seungkwan started to write more too. You would catch him typing away when you got out of the shower loving the way that he smiled at you when he glanced over at you.
He never let you see anything that he was writing, or let you know how much progress he had made, but every now and then he asked you for some advice. You liked that. You enjoyed being around him.
You found quickly that it was easy to trust him. He had never shown you any reason to distrust him after all, so why should you worry?
“I did it!” You woke up with a start, peeking out from the safety of your covers at the sudden exclamation. You saw Seungkwan was at his work desk, spinning in circles with his computer on. You glanced to the side, noting that it was really early in the morning.
You yawned.
“Kwan, what-”
Before you could finish speaking, Seungkwan had looked back at you, an elate expression stretched over his lips. You weren’t sure that you had ever seen him so happy.
“Finally, finally, my writer’s block has been tossed away!” He exclaimed. He rushed over to you and lifted you out of bed, spinning you in a circle. You laughed in surprise your fingers gripping tightly at his arms.
“What are you talking about?” You laughed. He set you back down on the ground and grabbed you by your cheeks.
“You!” He exclaimed pointedly; his eyes fixed pointedly on you. “You are the cutest, sweetest, most innocent human being that I have ever laid my eyes on. I love you! You’re delightful and your free spirit and unwillingness to let the world drag you down fixed my writers block!”
You were surprised by the sudden exclamation, but before you could form any response to it, he took he pulled you close and pressed a huge kiss right to your lips. You were surprised, and you could tell when Seungkwan pulled away that he was surprised too. His cheeks were red, and he looked a little nervous.
“Uh, wait-”
Before he could take anything back you surged forward and pressed your lips to his. You wrapped your arms around Seungkwan’s neck and dragged yourself closer to him.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you so badly you don’t even know,” you mumbled against his lips. Your lips spread out into a wider smile and you pulled back just enough that you could brush your nose against Seungkwan’s.
“But, isn’t it a little bit-”
“Fast?” You asked with a laugh. “The first day that I met you, we slept in the same room together.”
Seungkwan’s fingers found themselves on your arm, and he quietly tightened his grip on you.
“When I’m with you, I’m happy,” you murmured softly. “No matter what that ends up meaning to you, to me it means that I should keep you in my life.”
You smiled.
“I mean… If that’s okay with you?”
He laughed.
“Of course, that’s okay with me,” he assured. “Don’t worry about anything? That world you left behind. The world I left behind? We’ll change them both okay? Together we will make this work. No matter who opposes us.”
You leaned forward and kissed Seungkwan again.
“Okay.” Getting married at Christmas had been one of the riskiest decisions you had ever made in your life. You supposed you were lucky. Along with cold weather, and a broken heart, the season brought you one another gift. A gift in the form of one Christmas Vacation with Boo Seungkwan.
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haiky-u-lously · 7 years
December 5th: Buying a Partner
For the wonderful @sportyheroesimagines , a holiday present for you. To say thanks for being awesome and sharing all you do. Especially for Haikyuu. Quick background, I started following you for bnha and found out about Haikyuu from you and boy did my friends get chewed out for not introducing me to it before (volleyball is my life and these boys are so freaking lovable). So thank you!!! And you are amazaing.
Character: Sugawara Koushi
Note: you know in movies how there are companies where you can purchase people to do holiday/family events with you and they act like a significant other? That’s what this AU is. Hopefully you’ll like it.
“Put those on, you’re acting like a child.”
You rolled your eyes at the demeaning tone your partner spoke in, “Yea yea, but it’ll get done eventually. You know that.”
They huffed in response.
After more time passed, you still refusing to put on your winter boots, they threw their hands into the air and started to scream. “I cannot believe I have put up with you this long! You are just so stupid! Why can’t you do such a simple task of putting on your snow boots before we leave? It was supposed to be a date night! We haven’t had a good one of those in how long?! God!” Their face was so red, but you knew they weren’t done. You waited for them to continue, sitting down on the step splitting the house entrance and door from the living portion. “You work, sleep, complain about how much you hate things but make no freaking changes, and then when we actually make time to see each other it’s like pulling teeth! Tonight was going to be our make up, the cliche last-chance dinner. And you couldn’t even do that! I’m done! Done!”
Slamming the door shut behind them with the last word, you still made no indication to move.
Less than ten seconds later, the door opened again.
“Wouldn’t even chase after me this time, huh?”
You shook your head.
“Well, I tried.” They gave you a smile, “How was it?”
You smiled lightly back at them, but you were looking down at the ground. “You were great, really. But it just wasn’t believable. My parents know I wouldn’t date anyone who told me what to wear or compared my to a child. Like even the first line I would have lost it in a real situation.”
They tsk’d in response. “Man, and it sounded like such a good gig too. Guess I gotta see if anyone still needs a date for Christmas dinner.”
You apologised again to the person you tried hiring. You’d been telling your parents you’d been in this amazing relationship, but now that the holidays were approaching, they wanted to meet them. And how the hell could you introduce them to someone you made up? By buying a partner and having them act to match all the criteria you had described.
Sounded easy enough, but here you were, the fifth practice break-up run, with your eighth potential partner, and absolutely none of them worked.
Now what were you to do?
You called the agency, ready to throw in the towel. Maybe you could make something up, say they broke up with you because of the sudden pressure, or that you found out they were in a committed relationship and you broke it off. It would be a lot harder because you’d have to spend more time acting hurt or betrayed, but you could figure it out. You were a writer for crying out loud, if you couldn’t make stories believable you’d have a hard time living from now on.
The secretary picked up after the third ring, “King Crow’s escorting service. How can I assist you?”
You smiled to yourself listening to her customer-service voice. “Hey, Kiyoko. It’s me.”
Hearing the smile in her tone, you knew she thought you were calling to share positive news. “(F/N), how wonderful. How was the newest one? Fit your bill?”
At first you shook your head, then realized she couldn’t see you. “No, but it’s okay. I feel bad for wasting your company’s time. I’ll figure it out, and I’ll definitely recommend you all to people I know.”
The voice on the other end went quiet, and you were unsure as to whether she heard you or not.
“Hello?” You asked. “Kiyoko? Are you there?” You pulled the phone away and glanced at the screen. Seeing that the call was still connected you brought it back to your ear. “Kiyoko?”
“Yes, yes, sorry.” She said, sort of breathless. You wondered why, but did not attempt to interrupt. “Okay, (F/N), we have one more that we want to try before you call it quits.”
Beginning with a big sigh, you started to protest. You felt you were just wasting your friend’s time and the efforts her and the others were putting into this business.
“Come on Kiyoko,” You half-cried, “I can’t ask you to keep sending people.”
“Nope, I’m sending him.” You could hear the smile on her face, “Actually he already left and is on his way.”
You dragged your hand down your face, slightly pulling on the puff of skin called your cheeks on the way.
“Please, none of your sulking.” She chided, the motherly side of her coming out. “If you don’t like this one, I’ll stop.”
Relenting, “Promise?”
Her silence acted as a confirmation.
“Fine,” You sighed out. “I’ll talk to you later. We still on for skating next weekend?”
“Yes! Goodbye, (F/N).” She hung up on her end. While you pulled the device away from your face you thought at least you made a good friend out of this whole experience.
___time jump____
An hour later and no one had showed up. You decided it was for the best and put your shoes on, preparing to head to a little ramen shop down the road.
You loved your winter boots. Not only where they your favorite color, but they were extremely warm. And, man, did they do their job in protecting your feet from an onslaught of wet, and cold snow.
As soon as you stepped into the warm environment of the ramen shop, you stomped out the excess snow.A thorough attempt to make your boots last as long as they could.
You were tugging on your jacket, doing a failure of a job at releasing your sleeved arms from its grasp, when you accidently felt your hand jerk and ram into something.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” You half-shouted. “I swear it was an accident.”
The hazel eyes staring back at you seemed to smile. “Don’t worry about it. No harm, right?”
You laughed at his comment, “If you’re sure.” Upon noticing more about the stranger, you saw he was also in the process of removing his coat, and apologizing again, you moved to get out of his way. “Sorry, now I’m standing in your way like a baka.”
He shrugged his shoulders but made no comment.
You wondered about this male. His seemingly silver hair that shined under the lights, his dazzling smile that made you forget about the dread you had felt faced with just minutes before…
Wait...what?! You thought, eyes bulging at the realization that you were no longer extremely stressed out.
Making your way to the counter, you let your eyes wander to their corners. Keeping your gaze upon the stranger.
All throughout your meal.
By the time you were done, you realised the male was doing the same to you. Checking your figure out of the corner of his eyes, half-ignoring his meal, and wholistically ignoring the people around him.
There were chairs between them, so it’s possible those around him were strangers but it also felt strange. You just couldn’t figure out why.
After ordering a refill, you checked your phone. Hearing something hit the counter, you looked up just to see your hazel-eyed stranger take the seat beside you.
Sending you a gentle smile, he spoke slowly. “Sugawara Koushi. Nice to meet you (F/N).”
Eyes bulging, you found yourself at a loss for words. How did he know your name? What was going on? Were you on a prank show right now? Where were the cameras? Was he about to tell you he had a partner? That he wasn’t interested in you at all? Wait, where’d that come from?! You shook out your thoughts, trying to regain some semblance of control over yourself.
“Kiyoko was sure that last one would fail. She said she promised you our best and while I may not be that for every case, I definitely think I can help out in your situation.” The blinding grin he concluded with made your heart skip a beat.
You took a deep gulp of air, “You a PFH?”
He simply nodded before taking a sip of his clear liquid.
“So, you’re what? Here for a job interview?” The tone of your voice was raising. Here you were somehow actually falling for him and he just wanted you to be his next job.
“Yes and no,” He smiled and put his phone down in front of you. “You’re profile says you are looking for someone to pretend to break up with you that can act like this for a bit at first to make it believable with your family, right?”
Nodding at his explanation, you scrolled through the typed notes you saw presented on the screen.
“Well, if we change a couple things,” He smiled as he knocked his shoulder against your own, “You wouldn’t have to pretend about anything.”
You looked up at him, (e/c) locking with hazel orbs. “So you’d really be breaking up with me? But we aren’t even dating. And, it wouldn’t make much sense with all that-” You cut yourself off. Noticing the frown that was deepening itself on your new acquaintance’s face.
“No,” He said clearly. Keeping your gaze locked. His hands found purchase in your own, and you felt a slight squeeze. “I mean, you wouldn’t have to pretend to have a boyfriend.”
Bulging your eyes, and pulling your hand back to cover your mouth, it was obvious you were surprised. “Sugawara-san that… this is your job...you get paid for this...you can’t just say that to someone you met not an hour ago.”
His smile grew, almost to an ear splitting one that had you once again almost forgetting your worries. “Oh, (F/N). We didn’t just meet today.” The wink he sent you made you think there was a deeper meaning to his words.
But, you couldn’t think as to what the silver-haired individual was talking about. “I’m lost.”
Sugawara steadied his expression, “And, it’s Suga.” You nodded to note you heard him, but made no other indication to move forward in your conversation.
“I promise you, (F/N). Today is not the first time we’ve met.” He grabbed your hand in his again, but it was a loose enough hold for you to pull back if you felt the need. “I don’t want to date you for pay. The only way I could think to prove that to you was to make you think we met again outside of the agency.” His cheeky grin told you he hadn’t missed your side glances at him since you’d both sat down. “And, from the looks of things I peaked your interest long before I came to speak to you.”
His pink cheeks hardly compared to the deep rose blush that crept over your ears and facial features. Embarrassed for being caught, by how smoothly he claimed to want to be with you, the fact that his hand was tugging you closer to him and you weren’t resisting, who knew why…
“Please…” The whispered word was the final straw. Before you knew it yourself, you were nodding consent to his plan.
Whatever it was.
____time jump___
You stood outside your parents house. Looking at Suga and checking his tie for him as he seemed to be a nervous wreck.
“What is it Suga?” You smirked at him. “Nervous now that you don’t have a script to follow?”
He just shook out his silver locks.
The door in front of you swung open. It was so sudden and fast paced you slightly jumped.
Not nearly as much as you had when your cousin screamed at the top of their lungs, “SUGA-NII!!!!” He smiled and knelt down to be below eye level of the young teenager. They quickly jumped to hold a hug around his neck.
Your parents soon showed themselves.
Dad arching a brow at the figure of your cousin holding onto someone so strongly. “And who might this be?”
Suga lifted himself off the ground. He sent a smile to your parents as he reached for and held onto your hand.
You mother smiled between you two.
“(F/N),” She said before turning to walk back into the kitchen, “You could have told us it was Suga you were dating. We do actually remember your old childhood friend.
You jaw dropped at her comment, and Suga just laughed at you.
He bobbed your nose and made his way inside after your cousin, leaving you on the porch completely speechless.
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