#but I had to do Something
captainhysunstuff · 9 months
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@unofficial-deathnotetober 2023 Day 8: Minor Character
I still hate that bratty kid from L's Monster Speech clip. Linda does, too.
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nezumidou · 1 year
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Together either way.
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jungwookjins · 2 years
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happy rie day!!
[id: two gifs of rie from kpop group onlyoneof on stage at their concert at zepp haneda tokyo. he is moving to the music and waving to fans. the stage lights are dark blue and indigo. /end id]
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apocaelypsearch · 2 years
i’ve deleted my jay halstead, wilds multi & bridgerton oc blog.
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sofilandstuff · 2 years
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Heyyy new comic
this is not a salt\hate comic just me being funny.. I hope
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justafan873 · 3 years
I’ve just sent a polite message explaining a situation (aka complaining about something and I’ve waited for over a year to do so), and now I’m really nervous thinking that someone is gonna get angry at me or something  🙃
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esspurrr · 4 years
theres no way an hr office would still be open and making calls to potential interview candidates at 6:40 at night right.
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ieattaperecorders · 4 years
So we’ve done Slaughter, Corruption, Stranger, Buried and End. Eye is obviously last. Here are my predictions for the other domains:
Lonely - On one hand you might think Martin’s gonna get lost and Jon will have to find him, but I doubt it because we’ve already done that story once. So I figure either it’s gonna be something softer, like Martin feeling discomfort and the two of them getting through it together, or else the Lukas family is there and Jon’s like “hey Martin what’s that you said about smiting” and he wipes out an entire bloodline.
Dark - No fan favorite avatars since Manuela is still trapped in Helen and the rest of the church is dead or scattered. It’s just real fucking dark there.
Flesh - Jared Boneturn’d is there and he’s got 1,000 eyes growing out of him like a parasitic infection because Jon’s “weird” rib fucked him up with its Looking Energy. (That’s what you get for mixing eye imagery with body horror, Jared.)
Web - Annabelle Cane is frustratingly not there but she leaves a series of insulting notes for them to find.
Desolation - Jude Perry is there and she’s so pissed off. She hated the Eye so much and was so smug about how her god was cooler and going to destroy the world, and then Jon DID THE THING SHE WANTED TO DO WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO DO IT. The cult fails their apocalypse and this nerd comes up like a sleep deprived Elle Woods all "what like its hard?" Put the Eye in charge of everything and the Lightless Flame can only exist under its rule, and he didn’t even want to do it!!  The insult!! The indignity!!
Spiral - Helen rolls out a welcome mat and it’s like the beginning of Willy Wonka except with much, much, much more screaming.
Vast - Simon Fairchild has not changed in even the slightest way.
Hunt - Daisy and Basira are having a really sad gay tragic ending and Martin and Jon look at them like “whoa hope we don’t have one of those”
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codewordpumpkin · 4 years
I HUMBLY REQUEST LIZZINGTON FLUFF (18. "I’ll walk you home." + 16. "Take my jacket.") teeheeteehee :)
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Turning around to bid them goodnight, Elizabeth was surprised to see that Red had already stepped out and was rounding the car to her side.
“I’ll walk you home.”
“My building is right across the street, Red.”
“The streets are not what they used to be, Elizabeth. Very dangerous. You never know if some maniac will jump out of  the bushes, or if a mad squirrel will fall from a tree, or if—“
“You made your point,” she laughed, lightly swatting his arm, “now, let’s hurry before a mad squirrel attacks us.”
“Excellent idea, Lizzie, but first…” Before she could think to stop him, he swiftly removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Take my jacket.”
“Red, I’m fine—“
“Humor me.”
With an exasperated huff, she tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow, wordlessly accepting his truly unnecessary offer.
Contrary to his wild claims, the streets were very much deserted, allowing them to cross the road as though they were simply enjoying a leisurely midnight stroll. It was nice, she thought. Peaceful. The quiet curtain of night offered an illusion of privacy, and even the normally harsh white of the lamps appeared to glow in an almost golden hue, warming the path just for them.
“I actually had a fun time tonight.”
“Did you think you wouldn’t?”
“It’s not what I usually expect when it comes to undercover missions,” Elizabeth said dryly, subtly leaning into him as they reached the sidewalk. “I mean, the Syrian Embassy? Wujing? The Kings’ Auction? That time—“
“You’ve made your point, Elizabeth.” His low chuckle heated her flesh more than his expensive coat. “Now, you should go inside before you catch a cold.”
She hadn’t even realized they’d reached the entrance.
“Speaking of cold,” she gently clasped his hand, only to grip it tight when she felt his cool skin, “you’re freezing!”
“Yes, I must admit, that seems be happening quite frequently nowadays. I think my age is getting to me, Lizzie. The slightest indication of wind leaves me shivering. Sometimes, I’ll get the most horrendous cold that lasts days upon miserable days, and—“
“I still have the wine you brought me last week.”
“Really? I thought it would all be gone by now.”
“You gave me six bottles, Red.”
“Did I?”
“Yes,” she smirked, opening the front door, “now, would you like to come upstairs and share a bottle with me? Or would you rather risk catching a horrendous cold and being miserable for days and—”
“I thought you’d never ask, Lizzie.”
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aamaryst · 5 years
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Yato Day ~
happy birthday to the idiot god who owns my heart
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daeriann · 5 years
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thank you, Opportunity
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toasterpastries · 6 years
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i did a quick sketch of viper from @viiperfish— go over and check them out :3 (ps if you’re seeing this i luv u and ur beautiful art)
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kranamuffins · 6 years
Goodbye Old Friend
I’m really going to miss you.
There are so many things i regret. I tried to make your life easier. Sometimes helping you was my only motivation for getting out of bed at 3 in the afternoon. I tried to make sure you were bathed and stayed clean. When they decided that wet food was too expensive I bought you cans and snuck them to you when they weren’t watching. I couldn’t afford to take you to the vet, to get the thing growing on your leg looked at. I was out of the house for about 3 years, and while I was they left you out. No shots. No attention. No walks. When I came back.. I’m sorry I left. I hadn’t known that trying to be a functioning adult would hurt you too.
You were a “family pet” they wouldn’t let me take you with me. Even after I moved back in they wouldn’t let the others. I wish I could have done more for you, done what you needed. Then one of my sisters came, and she took you. and you were warm, and inside, and cared for. They gave you love and attention. they gave you what you needed. they built you back up to some semblance of what you were before, but you were old. you couldn’t hear, you could barely see. they took you to the vet.
“it’s probably an infection, we’ll give her some medicine.” the medicine didn’t work. They took blood, they tested for everything. It was what I had thought it was the very first time I gave you a bath after moving back in. It was effecting your quality of life. It was hurting you, and I couldn’t help you. I didn’t try hard enough.
So they made the decision. They told the family, they explained everything, and my sister had you put down, and I wasn’t there for you. even at the end, I had failed you again. I loved you, you were my family. You had been our family since middle school when you and your mom followed my sister home one day.
And she brought you home again. and today we buried you in the pet garden with your mother. I just wanted you to know, that I did love you. I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to make life easier for you. I shouldn’t have left. I didn’t know they would treat you like that. You don’t know how much I hate myself right now, sitting here on my soft warm bed. You are 100 ft away, sitting in the cold hard ground. and I don’t know if I can distract myself, like I did when gumball (cat) got hit by a car.
And I miss you, and I love you..
I love how you had to stop and smell everything, sometimes twice. I love how your bay sounded so much better than the beagle next door. How you snuggled in for pets, your big eyes when you begged for food. How you took 0 shit from any of the cats. I love you molly, and I’m going to miss you. more than you know.
I’m sorry...
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shatinn · 7 years
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Merry Creedmas 2017 to all the AC fans and my dear followers
( no you can not use it elsewhere. Like or reblog. Thank you ) 
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nemo-namikaze · 7 years
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A late LATE night Killer Queen.
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Alyadrien Week Day 4: Chat Noir x Miraculous wielder Alya!
So... this ship may have grown on me. A lot.
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