#but I love when fessor cries
empresskaze · 2 years
Sicktember day 19 & 20, Whining/Crying & Cold sweat
He didn't remember exactly what part of the nightmare shocked himself awake at 1am but Gabriel’s heart beat hard against his chest. Panting for breath, his head whipped around looking for his partner but sadly the bed beside him lay empty.
Swallowing hard, Gabriel cleared his throat and brought his shaking hand to his face, aware of the sweat beads running down his damp face.
He tried taking a few deep breaths to calm himself but the air stuck in his dry throat causing him to cough. Gabriel’s eyes filled with tears as he pushed the remaining images flashing through his mind away, willing happier times to form as he covered his face with his hands.
Gabriel’s heart nearly burst hearing Liam’s voice break the silence.
"What’s wrong?"
He felt the bed dip as Liam sat next to him.
"Nightmare." Gabriel croaked out while sucking in a hard breath. He sniffled, wiping his eyes with his pajama sleeve.
Liam cupped Gabriel’s pale face. "What can I do?"
Gabriel patted the bed with his hand and took hold of Liam tightly as he climbed in.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Liam asked gently.
"No." Gabriel whispered, burying his face into his partners hoodie. More tears fell as he wept softly for a while then finally fell back asleep in Liam’s arms.
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empresskaze · 7 years
Describe your oc meme for Gabriel. 4, 7, 10, 22, 23 and 25.
Thank you, I adore my Fessor and love talking about him
 4: their insecurities
Gabriel is a walking insecurity! He’s very insecure about his health, his allergies, his life in general. Only time he’s 100% confident is when he teaches and becomes Professor Herondale.
7: how they like to dress 
Button up shirt, bow tie, suit jacket and pants for school. (I patterned his look after the 11th Doctor, so patches on the jacket coat). He wears 3 piece suits too (cuz I LOVE vests) has a pocket watch. Casual is about the same though he’ll sport a sweater vest or cardigan instead of a jacket. But he’s very classy.
10: their fashion sense 
Old timey college professor meets math nerd XD.  Gabriel has really no sense of fashion, he wears what he likes and is comfortable with. I designed him that way.
22: what they’re like on two hours of sleep 
Oh goodness he’d be a mess.  He’d probably sleep through his alarm and then be running crazy around his apartment worried he’d be late for class.  He’d be exhausted the whole day and probably fight falling asleep in class or in his office later on.
23: how they act when they’re sick 
Gabriel keeps to himself when he’s sick IF he can. He’ll stay inside, call off his class, stay in bed with a book or his kindle. Hopefully Liam would come and visit and take care of him, which he’d love but he’d also feel guilty that Liam would have to clean the apartment (he’s not a neat person, whereas Liam is a neat freak). Gabriel always feels guilty when he’s sick since his immune system isn’t good, he feels he lets everyone down.
25: why you enjoy them 
Oh god, well it’s because I tailored Gabriel especially for me.  I gave him everything I love about the fetish and wrapped it in an older (42), grey haired sensitive sweetie, who is flawed and adorable and quirky and cries at the drop of a hat. Like I said I love suits and 11th Doctor who thats why he dresses like that.  Gabriel is my insecure side. I love him so much, he’s my fave OC and probably always will be.
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