#but I’m having serious trouble believing someone would design a dryer like that
dreams-in-daylight · 2 years
Quick question, are there clothes dryer machines that use an open flame heating element? Should I be seeing flames behind a little square access door???
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arisu-artnfics · 6 years
An Akuma on Konoha - 3
Summary: The class is going to Japan as a last school trip of the year; but what would happen if an akuma attacks when they are arriving and that made them travel to another universe where they meet ninjas and those ninjas are around 17 years old; what would happen, is there will be a reveal or how would they are going back to Paris? Beta by: @rendevok​ & @lily-codie19​ Also on: DA/FF/AO3/FB Original published date: March 29, 2018
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Cover, art by me: *http://fav.me/daxtkrp (February 4, 2017)
Chapter 3: “A small adventure”
Once all the students, teachers, and the principal had been escorted to what would be their new temporary home, the principal gave them a half hour to locate and settle into their respective rooms - or what they thought to be rooms. When the principal saw the blueprints, he thought that the design was weird to have such a spread out distribution. But, he had sworn that what had been confirmed as small houses for one person, was bigger than just a room. Once inside one, his suspicions were confirmed. They were definitely bigger than what he thought. At least they were what they seemed to be - a living space with a bit of everything. The inside was divided into many parts; a personal bedroom, a toilet and bath, a small kitchen and dining room, and a living room. There was even a small laundry room which included an old washing machine, something similar to a dryer, and even an area to hang-dry clothing. On the top floor, Marinette could hardly believe that they were in a different reality, and even less so that they were so easily accepted and distributed into living quarters just like that. She knew that sooner or later she would need to find a way to separate from the group and transform into Ladybug to investigate, because the akuma couldn’t be that far away and she knew very well that she alone had to stop the akuma in their tracks. On either side of the hall, the last six houses were distributed, among them were Naruto’s and Sasuke's houses. Once they had arrived and finished guiding the rest of the people into their respective homes, team seven and Sai went to Naruto’s after he insisted they continue hanging out together like old times.
“Oh c’mon! Don’t tell me that you are not at least a little bit curious to know where they are from or how they came-ttebayo.” “It’s not that Naruto. You can’t just go and introduce yourself just like that to a group of strangers. It doesn’t matter if it looks like they don’t even know where they are - there is nothing sure about them.” “In reality, Sakura, there is one,” Sai interjected. “What?” was her only answer. “Well, in Root, they taught us to not show emotions...” “Mmmm,” said Sasuke, seeing where he was going with his thought. “And then what?” asked Naruto. “Well, simple, Naruto-kun. They also taught us to see if someone was lying through the expressions that are shown.” “What was the conclusion that you came to?” asked Sasuke seriously. “Oh, well, Sasuke-kun... Until now all the people that I had observed while they had been explaining themselves in Kakashi-sama’s office - they spoke the truth. They don’t know where they are, nor how they came, but…” “But?” Sakura asked this time. “A lot look like they were preoccupied and/or scared. Also the word ‘akuma’... that seemed like it was a key part of this situation. It had been mentioned at least once by one of the members of every team - including the last one. One of the students murmured something like ‘About time, stupid akuma ruining everything’.” “What are we waiting for?!! Ttebayo!! We have to find that akuma - whatever it is - and stop it!” “Naruto…” Sakura said, stopping Naruto. “Dobe,” said Sasuke, who was watching the situation. “Naruto-Kun, although what you say could solve this dilemma, I think that akuma was what you and Sasuke-Kun sent back to wherever all these people came from.” “Mmmm…” was the only thing Sasuke said. “I see,” said Sakura, who then turned to look at Sasuke. “Sasuke-Kun?” “Hn? What happened?” “If for now we can’t do much than wait for it to return, what are you going to do?” “…I’ll go to my room.” “Hey, teme, wait! So soon? Don’t you all want to stay a little longer? I insist to go to introduce ourselves!!!!” he said with a smile which was promptly wiped off his face when Sakura sent him flying into the wall by the door with a single hit. “Dobe.” “Buah, Sakura-chan, that wasn’t necessary.” “Well, I’m sorry Naruto-Kun, but I have to return to the tower. I really only came here to guide the people,” spoke Sai, leaving while smiling his typical smile. In the next room over, Adrien was still processing all that had happened. It was becoming more than clear that the blonde and dark haired boys were, respectively, Naruto and Sasuke, and the girl with the pink hair was none other than Sakura. There was no doubt that they had been in front of the current hokage, Kakashi. Since being on the plane, nothing about what he had seen made any sense. One moment, he had been asking himself how to transform and save everyone from the akuma in the plane, but then from seemingly nowhere, Naruto and Sasuke appear. Then the plane was landing and everyone was guided to the emergency exists in a calm orderly fashion. People acted as though it weren’t a catastrophe, as they gathered their belongings. It wasn’t the expected or normal response, but at the very least there wasn’t any imminent danger. “Hey, Adrien,” Plagg spoke, pulling Adrien out of his thoughts. He was mentally noting the exact place where they had landed, because he knew that later or sooner he should return to investigate as Chat Noir. “What happened, Plagg? Do you think we will be brought back home just by stopping the akuma?” “I don’t know kid, but do you have cheeeeese…? I’m starving.” "When no? Look in the small cooler that I stashed inside my suitcase. By the way, you are lucky that they didn’t pass through x-rays, because I could have gotten in serious trouble. You know that, right?” “Relax, that wouldn’t happen.” “How can you be so sure?” “Well… I don’t know,” Plagg said, shrugging, “I’m just hungry. Cheese, please!” “I know, I know...” Adrien grumbled, shuffling around to find the small cooler, opening it, and then extracting a slice of camembert from its container, giving it to Plagg. “I’ll put the rest in the refrigerator that I saw in the kitchen. Don’t even think about eating it all at once, understood?” “Whatever you say.” “I’m serious Plagg, I only packed a small amount of cheese. It wouldn’t be that much of an issue if we were in Japan, because it’s possible to find a replacement. But we are in Konoha. In Konoha. Do you understand me??” “Honestly, no,” Plagg responded after swallowing the cheese slice he was given. “I don’t know what or where Konoha is -- never heard it.” “Of course not, it’s not a real place! We are in the Naruto manga…” Adrien pauses and finds a lost look on his kwami’s face. “It’s fiction Plagg-- fake.” “I know what fiction is, kid. But I noticed that everything here looks unquestionably fake.” “They’re the same thing, Plagg…” “Look, Adrien, you and I saw the akuma in the plane right?” “Yes.” “Well then it’s simple: That akuma is the one responsible for all of this. Don’t ask so many questions that don’t have answers. I know you’re going to search for the akuma sooner or later, right?” Adrien nods. “Then it’s decided…” “Yes, I think you’re right. Thanks, Plagg.” “No problem, kid.” In that moment, Adrien and the rest of the residents of the top level heard a loud thud and left their rooms to investigate. Their given free time had not yet passed and it didn’t seem that the noise had disturbed many others in the building.
“Hey, what do you think that noise was?” Alya questioned. “I don’t know... Hey, look! Nino is here too.” Said, Marinette. “Hey, girls. I’m guessing you two also heard that? I don’t know if that came from Adrien’s room or the other side…” Nino wondered aloud. “From A-Adrien??” Marinette sputtered. “Girl, that’s his room,” Alya informed, pointing to a door along the hall, choosing the precise moment Adrien opened it to investigate. “Hey, hi” Adrien greeted his friends as they walked up to his doorway. “Hey, dude.” Nino greeted back. “If that noise wasn’t from your room… then?” Adrien asked. “I don’t know… wait your rooms? Are you staying on other side?” said Nino. “Yup,” informed Alya, “Mari is in the other one on the end, I’m in the second one and this guy”, Alya points to Nino, “is in that one,” she explains, finally pointing to the one that is to the left of Adrien’s. “Yes, I remember, that's how it was agreed” Said Adrien. “I wonder who lives in the last ones,” said Marinette while looking to where the noise came from. “I think that the leader said something like his ex-students?” proposed Adrien, making a sound as though he didn’t know. Because, it was still a bit complicated to understand how could he had the luck of live right next to none other than Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. “Mmmm… I can’t remember well, but I think Adrien is right.” Right as they were musing the residents of the last two rooms on their floor, Naruto’s door opens, and they were greeted with the scene of a pink haired girl checking the a blonde boy in his head, while a dark haired boy simply observed the situation without a comment or change in demeanor. “Well, without doubt, you don’t have anything, Naruto. Next time don’t be such a loud mouth.” Sakura fumed. “But, I don’t know what I did, Sakura-Chan… I only want to introduce myself.” “Dobe.” “Um…” Marinette shyly interrupted, causing the three ninjas to stop and look to the four teens in the entry. “Oh, look at what you’ve done, Naruto. We had agreed to not cause any trouble but you had to do go and make a huge noise!”
“But, Sakura-Chan…” Naruto tried to protest. “I’m sorry, this idiot slip and fell directly into the wall,” Sakura, explained. “Hey!! That’s not true -dattebayo!” “Datte… what??” asked Alya “Oh don’t pay him any attention… It’s just something that he says… Well, I suppose there is not another way…” Sakura mumbled, proceeding to point to her blond companion.“This idiot over here is Naruto Uzumaki,” Sakura spoke, then pointing to the black haired boy, “Sasuke-Kun and I’m Sakura Haruno.”
“Nice to meet you,” said Alya, observing closely all the actions of the ninjas. “Wait a moment…” she mutters, beginning to pull out her phone only to have her movements halted by Marinette. “I apologize. She is Alya, I’m Marinette,” she explains, moving to point to Nino, “Nino,” she offers, then turns, looking at Adrien, immediately blushing before shaking her head and turning back, finally pointing to him, “and he is Adrien.” “Nice to meet you,” said Sakura “Hey, what’s that? Ttebayo!!!!” said Naruto animatedly pointing to the mobile on Alya’s hand “Wow,” Alya marveled, taking a small step back. “How do you not know what this is?? It’s a mobile, duh.” “A what??” Naruto asked, confused. “A mobile, dobe.” “hey teme and what’s that?” “wait a second, you don’t know was a mobile phone” “wow dudes, that’s really weird” “really? Just that Nino??” “what?” “look” then she puts the video that record on the plane “hey, that’s us teme, look… but how could you do it? It’s like if you had done a report of what happen inside the pla… pla…” “plane?” offered Adrien “yes, that” “so let’s see if I understood… no planes and no mobiles, no video… no technology??” “that’s what it looks like Alya” “wow dudes, that’s sad… tell me at least music??” “music? What’s that?” asked Naruto “Nooooooooooo…” “Nino, no technology means no technology… tragic, I know… but hey my phone works at least” “yeah until it runs out of battery” “nooooh… charger dah” “yeaaaahh… but have you seen the powerpoints??” “yes, there are Japanese, as they advice us to be prepared with adapters” “Japanese?” -repeat it Nino “yap” said Alya “mmm… has sense, although this is Konoha, is based in Japanese things… I supposed” thought Adrien “hey guys I’m still not understanding much of what you are saying… especially those images of the teme and I…” “teme?” Asked Alya “forget it” said Sakura “those two always goes with the dobe and teme… but that’s something just between them, totally irrespective, isn’t it, Sasuke-Kun??” “hn” “ok?” said Marinette “hey right Alya, what was your point with that video?” “oh right, don’t you see it?? Those two were the ones who stopped the akuma” after hearing that the three ninjas stared at Alya making her to stop “Akuma, what’s that?” asked Sasuke seriously “ahh… that…” said surprised Alya “a victim” said Adrien “victim?” asked with the same seriously of before Sasuke “yes,” contribute Marinette “victim of Hawk Moth” “Hawk who?” asked Naruto serious “Hawk Moth, he is the real villain in this situation, where we live, he is in charge of torment the city creating akumas of victims that he possess” “And these victims that you are mentioned, victims of what?” asked Sasuke “Wow dude, how serious you are” “Nino, it’s serious what is happening, and you know it” Adrien answered him “I know, dude, but if we are going to explain what is going on… I don’t know, be at least a bit less serious…” he feels how is observed with extreme seriously and analysis by Sasuke and stop “Well,” said Marinette, noticing the tension that it was creating, “Where were we?” “We were saying what’s an akuma.” Said Sakura “Right” said Marinette “well as I was saying the akumas are victims who are… anyone, to be honest, but only when there is a huge emotion” “Negative, for what we know.” Supported Alya. “Yes, negative,” continuous Marinette ,“Then there is no knowledge of how nor when until it is too late, Hawk Moth simply takes advantage of them and transforms them into akumas -” “- that Ladybug and Chat Noir stop when they break the cursed object, freeing the victim and turning all back to normal.” Concludes Alya. “Mmm… then, in conclusion,” says Sakura ,“Where you live, there is a guy named Hawk Moth that controls akumas that curse the object and in that way, controls victims of with negative emotions and apparently those heroes, if you do consider that, can stop them?” “Mmmm… yes, that’s it.” Answered Marinette. “Yes, but Ladybug and Chat Noir are heroes, we don’t only consider it, they are, right Marinette??” “Yes, including Alya has a blog… that I doubt a lot that you know what’s that.” “Yeah, no idea.” Said Sakura. “Hey dudes, now that everything is clear… I’m still confused.” All turn to see Nino confused. “What was that noise a while ago, exactly?” “Oh, haha,” laughs nervously Sakura, “In reality that was my fault, the dumb of Naruto made me feel mad.” “Hey… but I’m fine I swear dattebayo” “Hn”was the only thing that Sasuke said “Then, he didn’t fail as you said before?”asked innocent Marinette “Nah, he can be dumb, but not that bad… I just exaggerate a bit.” Said Sakura, hitting him a bit in the back. “Don’t mentioned it, Sakura-Chan…” with that Naruto rubbed a bit his back. “Well dudes, now everything is clear… I think that I’ll return to my room…” and with that he turns to go. “Hey, Nino are you still installing yourself??” asked Alya “Yeah… I didn’t think that it would take me so long, less that I would get distracted by a noise of a hit…” “Let me help you” and with that starts walking with Nino to his home “Okay? I suppose I’ll get going too.” Said Marinette “Hey, wait!” Said Naruto, “ the teme, Sakura and I thought on going to Ichiraku to eat ramen.” “Wait a second, Naruto when did we agree? I don’t recall that.” said Sakura “Hn” Sasuke grumbled. “C’mon guys, like the old times! Pleaseeeee?” begged Naruto. “…” sighs Sakura “alright, but first let me go to my house” “Teme?” “…” Sasuke saw Naruto, “Hn… I’ll also go home for awhile, let me know dobe when you get out…” with that he went the next door Marinette observed the situation and noticed Sakura going down. “You don’t live here too?” “Ah? No, no… I’m with my parents…” and with that Sakura leaves. “Well you two are joining us, right??” asked Naruto that he still standing in the door of his home, that make look back to Marinette and Adrien also turns back “Ah? Us??” said Marinette “Well yes you and the other two… if you can… do you think that would be weird if I knock the door and invite them??” “No, I don’t think so,” said Adrien but he noticed that in that moment Marinette was looking down remembering that they only have half hour, “but…” “But?” “I don’t think we can, right, Marinette??” “Ah?? What,” Marinette noticed and assumed the question, “No, I don’t think so… the principal just gave us half hour and almost…” “Oh… but then let’s go now, well while more the better.” Said Naruto. “But Naruto, it’s Naruto right?” Naruto nods. “Didn’t you say to your friends that it was to spend a nice time, like old times?” “Yes, but still, it’s the best with more people. Let’s go! It would be cool and we’ll be back before you guys have to do whatever you have to do.” “I don’t know…” then Marinette saw her phone to see the time and noticed that it had been just 10 minutes. “Hey Marinette…” at this, Marinette looked up. “You know, I think that would be a good idea to explore a bit, don’t you think? I bet Alya and Nino are also thinking the same and though I know that maybe as class president, part of your duties is that the class doesn’t make any trouble, isn’t it? We three are part of the class and we won’t have troubles if you’re with us, right? Also, I can see that you as well have curiously to know more in respect and we know very well that in about…” Adrien looks at the time on his phone. “20 or so minutes, the principal will only give us a long and boring talk about all that we shouldn’t do…” “And that would include ‘don’t go walking around there without the teachers’, right?” said Marinette, surprised of how relaxed she was. “Exactly, let’s Alya and Nino know… or do you need something from your room??” he remembered that Plagg was hidden inside and needed to take him, just in case. “Uhh…” Marinette thinks for a moment until she remembers Tikki, “In reality, I think that I forgot my bag and some money… yes, I’ll be back.” “Oh right, I’ll knock Nino, explain them the situation, go for some money and we’ll meet here?” “Yes,” Marinette replied, a bit shy, “See you.” and with that, she returns to her room. “Perfect,” said Naruto, “just knock when you’re ready.” “Alright.” and with that, Adrien went inside to his room, got Plagg and went to Nino. “Hey, dude,” saluted Nino, “we were about to go looking for you two, Alya insist in exploring before they look after us.” Adrien smiled to that. “I was about to say that to you.” “Ohhh… then tell us, sunshine boy, how are we going to reveal?”   “Haha, well not exactly… or yes, now that you mentioned it… but remember Naruto?” “The blonde one of your neighbour,” Alya saw how Nino looked at her with a pout, “the other neighbour.” That made Nino smile. “Yep, that one.” “Ok, what’s with him?” “In a way, he invited Marinette and me, but extended the invitation to you guys too, to Ichiraku ramen.” Adrien answered. “Ohhhh… then Marinette and you…” said Alya. “Well, yes. You two just left when it happened… also Naruto extended the invitation, saying that the more the better.” “Okay.” Said Alya. “You don’t need to go to your room or something before going?? Mari went for some money.” Adrien gazed in the direction of Marinette’s room. “Nope, I have everything here,” she points to her pockets, “I was about to look for Mari. When I heard the sound for that I simply closed well my door and started walking to here when Mari also got out, closed her door and I asked her if she knew what happened, when she said that no idea was when we saw Nino and then you…” “Ah, I see…” the Adrien noticed Marinette closed her door and started walking to them, “oh Mari are you ready?” “Ah? Um… yes” Marinette replied when she joined them. “Genial, let’s go. Nino? Alya?” “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” said Alya and with that, got out with Nino but joined Marinette to walk next to her while Nino was walking next to Adrien. “Hey dudes… do any of you know what’s ramen??” “Mmm… I’m not so sure, but isn’t it a Japanese soup or something like that??” “But I don’t understand… this is not Japan…” “Good observation, Nino.” Said Alya. “Maybe this place is based off Japan?” Offers Adrien the chewed truth, “sincerity, not even I know how to explain without admitting that we are in a manga.” thought Adrien. “Mmm… maybe.” Analysed Alya. “Well, Naruto said that we should knock when we were ready.” Said Adrien once they had arrived to the ninja door. “Well, what are we waiting for?” Alya animatedly said, “I bet that in the way we can even explore more before the principal even notices.” “But Alya… what if Miss Bustier notices it…” “You did see how annoyed Chloe was, right??” “Argh, don’t remind me.” “To when for real they put all together, it’s going to be more than a half hour, trust me that we had also thought about it, Nino and I while he finished accommodating himself” “Riiiiight.” Said Nino. In that moment, Sasuke appears opening the door as if that was his own house. “Hey, dobe, hurry up. I lost the ambus if you want to eat your stupid ramen in peace for once…” “I’m going, teme… and I told you to not call me dobe… also, how did you open the door?” “Hn… close it well next time.” “Oh? You are here. Hey, teme, why didn’t you tell me that they were here too” “Just hurry.” “Hey, Mari… don’t you think that they sound like they just got married.” Whispers Alya, hiding her mouth with her hand. “Ahh.” was the only reply of Marinette. “C’mon now.” Said Sakura, appearing from behind of the guys. “Sakura-Chan, you came.” “I said I would, wouldn’t I?” “Yes-ttebayo!” exclaimed Naruto. “Hey, why not you go first, so it would be easier for you, right?” “But…” said Marinette “It’s easy. Get out to the right, two blocks straight and then to the left one block.” “Ok…” said Marinette with some worry. “Hey, don’t worry, Mari.” said Adrien, noticing that she was getting nervous again and decide to calm her down, putting an arm on top of her shoulders, semi hugging her. “I told you before - while we are with you, there won’t be a problem. After all, you are the class president, right??” “Yap.” said Marinette while blushing. “Then it’s decided, let’s go.” And with that, Alya gave a small push to Adrien and Marinette, forcing them to walk in that way, even down the stairs. Behind them was Nino and Alya in a similar way. “Well,” said Sakura once the Parisians were out of sight, “Any of you noticed something weird on those four?” “Ah? No, nothing, Sakura-Chan… won’t we go to Ichiraku??” Sakura sighs. “Yes, let’s go.” and starts descending the stairs slow to give some distance to the new ones. “Dobe,” said Sasuke, “Don’t forget to close properly this time.” “Teme…” and with that, Naruto closed the door well. And like that, the three ninjas went to the restaurant, although in a different route. That meant that while the group of Parisians arrived from the left, the ninjas from the right. Adrien was still hugging Marinette who was still blushing, but it wasn’t so clear as the beginning; while Nino hugs Alya and she was getting close to give a small touch on the shoulder a Marinette from behind to animate her. While Naruto contagious by the enthusiasm of the group, he also hugs his friend in the same way, while Sakura simply was observing without surprising of how much had change Sasuke.   “I see that you arrived without any trouble.” said Sakura, once the four were close by. “Yes.” replied Marinette shyly. Alya gave her another small touch in the back. “Cheer up girl, that you are with Adrien.” She whispers. “Alya…” Marinette whispered back. While Adrien was watching the dynamic of the girls, but without hearing them and saw how Nino had taken advantage of the situation to hug Alya closer. Adrien feels some of envy, but also happiness for his best friend. He knows how much he wants to be that close to Ladybug, but for the moment he was happy of being accompanied by his friend, Marinette. Although for him Marinette was also a as good friend, she wasn’t Ladybug, yet he didn’t want to get far from her, because there was something about her that made him feel fine. That and the fact he was with good friends, and apparently, he was making good friends with the cooler ninjas that he even saw, even though had been just in a manga. “I can’t believe that I will try the famous ramen that Naruto likes so much.” thought Adrien once everyone was accommodated in their respective places. “Mmm…” said Alya, analysing the local. “Is it just me or this place is new?” “Ohhh, right” said Naruto “the old man Teuchi had to rebuild it… well a lot had to when they free from the Infinite Taikijutsu.” “From the infinite what?” asked Alya. “Wow dudes, infinite what? How someone free from something infinite?” said Nino “well you see… Sasuke used Susanoo and…” “Naruto, I don’t think that these outsiders in first place know or want to know all the details from the Fourth Shinobi World War, and less know what’s a Susanoo…” “Hn” “Wow wow wow… war? Like fight? Between a lot of people with soldiers and all?” asked Alya. “And what do you mean with four… there had been only two world wars…” “Hey, Alya… shhhh… this is not our reality baby, it’s alright.” Comforts Nino. “Poor Alya, although this world may or not based in Japanese things here had been four big wars and though she is a good reporter and all… not even I can imagine what could feel that had been so much…” thought Adrien. “I’m fine, Nino. It’s just, I never thought that it could be a reality worst than our in history. How much do you think would pass until what I think is now peace, is broken again? In our reality, there had only been two world wars and that’s more than enough to keep the peace. Everyone does the impossible to nothing like that happen even Ladybug and Chat… they fight a big enemy that we are thankful that he is not causing international comfits or more… also is it possible that inclusive appears new heroes to stop him for once and for all…” And Alya noticed that her friends looking at her incredulously. “What? Don’t you think it would be genial? In that way I would have even more material for my blog…” “Alya…” said Marinette. “Forgive her, she is always gets animated when it talks about heroes…” while Adrien chuckles. “Dude” Nino chuckled as well. “Well, ramen to everyone old man-ttebayo.” “If that’s what everyone wants, here are seven plates of ramen and the first round is on the house, because I always feel happy to have new clients and more if they are friends of Naruto.” said Teuchi “WHAAAAAAT?!!!!” said the four teens at the same time. “Yes, kids, there is not a problem. But you have only to promise me that you will spread the word and tell to your friends and come back.” said Teuchi “If you insist…” Said Marinette, a bit shy. “Dude that’s for sure” Nino said enthusiastically. “Oh yes, that doesn’t sounds nothing bad, this place looks cool…” “Yes,” said Adrien, “typical of Teuchi, he had been always so nice to Naruto.” He thought. “Genial, old man.” Said Naruto. “Hn” “Thanks.” said Sakura. Time passed and Teuchi gave them their plates of ramen to each one. Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura were sitting at one side, followed by Adrien, Marinette, Alya and Nino, as how they have been walking. Marinette at the beginning was nervous of sitting next to Adrien, but after a while and see how everyone were eating happily she relaxed - being surrounded by her friends, including the new ones, was helping her a lot. On the other side, Adrien couldn’t believe the luck he was getting. He wasn’t just trapped, for the moment, as he remembers, but without any more preambles trapped in Konoha, he was living very close to the Team Seven that was always his favourite. All were enjoying the soup calmly, when Marinette remembers the small time left that they have. “Uhhh… guys.” Marinette said out of nowhere. “What happened, girl?” “I don’t want to be the party pooper, but…” “We are running out of time, right Marinette?” Finished Adrien, who remembered that he promised about not getting in trouble. “Oh right! Mari, you are right.” said Nino checking the time in his phone. “Mmm…” said Naruto while finishing another portion of ramen. “Oh, it’s true you only have short time. Too bad, we want to take you guys to explore Konoha, I bet that you are dying for it, right?” “Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes! That’s a yes. Though I can’t use the internet here, I know I can still record the adventures that we have here and who knows - maybe we’ll find the akuma and Ladybug and Chat will fight it!” “But that would be a next time Alya… if we can.” “It’s true Alya, Adrien is right. You know very well that Mr. Damocles and the other teachers won’t allow us to go out without supervision again…” Reasoned Marinette. “I agree with Mari. Also, I don’t think that would work again the excuse that she is the class president to save us again…” “Okay, okay… you’re all right, but if that akuma returns and I’m close to it don’t try to stop me.” “We know Alya. You’re the only one that goes running to danger.” said Marinette. “Even when I tell you as Ladybug…” thought Marinette. “Al, you know that you should be more careful, right?” “yeah, yeah, yeah. How many akumas has it been?” Sees that nobody answers her. “Okay, that’s no fair, not even I know. But how many times has something bad happened to me?” “Alya… just because Ladybug can cure everything and return all back to normal means that nothing happens to you, you are not invincible…” “Marinette is right, Alya. You should be more careful.” Commented Adrien. “Trust me, I know it for experience, though I do it to save my lady.” thought Adrien. “He agrees with me!” thought Marinette. “Well, well, as all of you agree,” Alya give Marinette a small nudge to her ribs to bring her back to reality, “I supposed that I would be more careful the next time.” She then smiles wide. Marinette sighs. “Thanks for the food, sir. You didn’t need to invite us all, but your ramen is really delicious…” “No problem kid. Just don’t forget to return soon.”
After saying that, the four return back from where they came, leaving Team Seven who are still eating their ramen. When they were about to arrive the building, Alya was the one who broke the silence that had formed while the four were walking separately together as a group.
“Hey, did any of you also noticed how the cartel apart of have the Japanese, has French just below, like if it was translating it by itself?” then everyone looked at Adrien. “What?” Adrien asked confused. “Dude, japanese?” “Hey, I have chinese lessons.” “Ohhhh right, sorry Adrien.” “it’s alright, but now that you have mentioned that Alya, well, yes. I noticed, but I didn’t think that it was weird or wasn’t it?” “Dude.” “Well, I mean, considering that we are in other reality… Nino.” “Oh yeah… haha.”
With that, they arrived just in time to the building. The principal was about to look for them, when he saw them join the rest of students that had descended, he didn’t give it too much importance and began to say the new rules that would be applied. Although in reality they were more than just repeating the agreement with the parents in the last reunion just before the travel, because Japan or not, they’re still in charge of the students and need to do all that is possible to make sure nothing happen to them.
To be continued... :D :D
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