#but I'll be RIPPED at the end of it b/c that SDS drill weighs ~12lbs
elephantbitterhead · 2 years
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Speaking of the house, we're redoing the old workshop and ONCE AGAIN it would truly be impossible to overstate my animosity toward the previous owners of this house. For some reason they drywalled this space, but like everything else they did it was half assed & terrible -- lumpy seams, board popping off, etc. TURNS OUT that in addition to looking bad on the surface it also looks horrifying underneath -- there's like 90lbs of adhesive just slopped all over the wall under every sheet. That is so much adhesive. It's insane. There is no plausible justification for that.
There's nothing else holding the drywall up and -- despite the preposterous quantities of adhesive they used -- you can just pop the boards off the walls with your hand because they used foil-backed board like the morons they are. So leaving their shitty drywall in place isn't an option because it's too fragile to support putting anything over it. Although the adhesive isn't doing shit to support the drywall, it's sadly well attached to the wall. So this is our SDS drill's time to shine, I guess. Every now & then you hit a blob that just pops off the wall in one piece & it feels like winning the lottery.
Inexplicably, they actually wrote their stupid names under one of the dinner-plate-sized blobs of adhesive -- as though any sane person would want their name associated with this piss-poor work.
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