#but I'm also jumping so fast between different trains of thought that it's disorienting and hard to keep track of what's going on
thethingything · 2 years
for the last couple of days our brain has kind of felt the way it does when we've not had any caffeine and our ADHD gets really bad and we start getting distracted all the time and having racing thoughts and being generally unhinged, except we've been drinking energy drinks so I know it isn't that.
our psychosis definitely started flaring up as well because we've had the usual stress induced hallucinations we get (usually just spiders and little orbs of light. it's whatever) but also really intense paranoia over how people perceive us, but it's combined with the racing thoughts and we keep just rambling and jumping from one thing to another while freaking out about doing exactly that.
so yeah anyway if I talk to anyone and it looks like I'm typing stuff really frantically or it doesn't make sense properly, that's probably why. I just felt like this was worth clarifying in case anyone noticed and wondered what the hell was going on
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aerascreamer · 5 years
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A body without a heart
Part 1: Stranger
An Apex Fanfic
Fandom: Apex Legends
Genre: General Fic
Word count: 2854
Warning: violence and death mention.
Read here too (highly recommended because phone Tumbler screw my text format):
New season, new competitor.
But this time, "the new guy" couldn't be more different than any of the Legend.
Revenant never interacted with anyone, leaving the dormitory early to go we don't know where.
And if he has to talk to someone, it's either with anger or despises.
The first game of the new season is gonna be full of surprises
Note: based on this idea that I brainstormed a lot
Part 2
The repetitive hits of Artur's beak on their cheek woke up Bloodhound nested in a hammock.
Above the treetops, the sky blushed in various shades of white, orange, pink and peach as the sun went up, while the fresh wind pushed the scent of the forest to the hunter's nose who detected mushrooms, moss, and flowers.
Disconcerted to find themselves in the middle of the branches and leaves, they remember in flash images to have sneak out of the dormitory late at night.
Speaking of which, the hunter could see one of the windows between two dead trees.
"Is Revenant behind it, staring in my direction?" They thought, gently petting the crow, listening to him singing along the other birds.
Since the robot joined the Apex Games, an oppressive atmosphere enveloped the place, leaving the hunter in constant disturb.
It prevented them from sleeping on their two ears so they decided to guard the corridors, sometimes all night and at the cost of poor reactivity the following day.
But with the new season right around the corner, they needed as much rest as possible...
Fortunately, they could count on Wraith's sixth sense or Crypto's surveillance drone to keep an eye on everyone.
"Yes, you'll have holly berries later. Also, you need to do more exercises or you're gonna get fat."
The growls coming from the spaceship's motor echoed in all the rooms of the vehicle.
Tension ruled over the Legends' soul, as they approached the arena World's Edge.
With Lifeline's help, Bloodhound clipped their jetpack on their back right before Octane interrupted them.
"Sure you haven't seen my protection glasses?"
"No Octane, it's the third time you asked me."Bloodhound replied.
"Wait you lost them again?"
Lifeline raised one of her eyebrows with a judging glare.
"I... Guess?"
Both looked at the roof of the dropship in exasperation as the daredevil ran back to his room turned upside down.
"Come on I need them now! We're dropping in one minute!!" He exclaimed while stamping on his feet.
"You know what, take my spare ones and leave me alone." The hunter offered as they headed to their quarter.
They quickly grabbed the glasses in their wardrobe and tossed them at the young man.
"Nice! Thank you compadre!"
"Warning, drop zone ahead!" The IA lady announced.
Time has come... the new season has begun.
The new competitors started at the screens hanging in the middle of the ship, hoping to be matched with a veteran fighter like Bangalore or a trustworthy support like Lifeline.
Some faces lightened, others bit their lips.
Bloodhound headed to the descendant platforms, soon joined by Pathfinder.
"Hi, Bloodhound! I'm glad to have you on my team this time." The MRVN greeted, rising his hand.
"Me too felagi."
Although his personality showed friendliness, Pathfinder enjoyed fighting in the arena and his precise shots made him an opponent to never underestimate.
The frozen wind whirled around the Legends as the platforms pierced through the clouds.
"The hunt begins. May the gods bless you."
Out of nowhere, a scarlet figure landed with a loud bang between the two Legends.
It stretched its long smooth arms and looked at the MRVN.
"Revenant! Ready for your first match? I'm sure you-"
"Save me your breath, I work in silence." The newcomer reprimanded with a sharp tone.
He turned his head briskly to the hunter and stared at them with intensity, as he did with everyone.
Although his metal face didn't express any emotions, Bloodhound felt a deep rage and feeling of envy boiling underneath.
Revenant took the time to discover the arena before nosing-down, leaving a sad-screened Pathfinder behind.
The hunter tapped on his shoulder with compassion before the two jumped right into the red silhouette's diving trail.
The shadow of the Harvester projected its darkness on a totally devastated Capitol City.
Stunned by the damage caused to the landscape, Bloodhound couldn't keep their eyes away from the giant scar opened by the lava fissure scorching the earth.
Some buildings in which the hunter used to fight looked like they collapsed from the inside with fires still not extinct, saturating the air of ashes and dust.
The grey clouds filtered the light that shaded the sky in red, gold and orange, darkening the atmosphere.
Nevertheless, Revenant dived headfirst into the lost city, his tall figure blending almost perfectly into the chaos.
As Bloodhound landed next to him on top of a building standing with courage, the red shadow looked below at a supply bean in the middle of an open field.
"I'm going that way. Don't even think about following me." He warned
"Got it !" The robot went downstairs, oblivious to the bright eyes following his movements.
Watching Revenant dropping, Bloodhound asker themselves how their teammate ended up so full of animosity, especially compared to the blue robot...
Nobody knew where he came from. He popped in the Games like a ghost, without knocking at the qualifier's door.
"Do you need a Sentinel Bloodhound?, Pathfinder asked from a lower level.
"Yes, please."
Revenant moved with silence and fluidity through the grass of a hill.
Following a few meters behind, Pathfinder and Bloodhound discussed the MRVN's journey to find his creator and what he learned on the way.
"And that's why he taught me how to cook Leviathan's meat, the robot concluded, walking with stiff movements.
"Interesting story. It reminds me of that hunt where I took down a Prowler."the hunter remembered.
"A Prowler?! They're really dangerous!"
"Yes but this one was pretty old and lost a paw unfortunately"
A gunshot cut the hunter in their story.
Two enemy squad exchanged fire behind the hill.
Pathfinder took his Peacekeeper and checked his grapple.
"What should we do friends?"
"Let's get closer to have a better view of the situation first"
But without consulting his teammates, Revenant darted in the direction of the fight.
"Wait!" the blue robot turned his to the hunter.
"Follow him." He grappled away.
Bloodhound ran as fast as they could, reached the top of the hill and observed the battlefield through their sniper scope.
Quick and stealthy, Pathfinder already knocked two members from one of the squads behind a large boulder and finished the last opponent with a punch, sparing any unnecessary injuries.
Close to a small house, Revenant fought each member of the second squad at the same time.
Ignoring the bullets hitting his chest like unpleasant mosquitoes, he grabbed a contestant's head, slammed it into a wall, rushed to catch his frightened teammate in order to cut her throat before punching the last member to the ground.
He fought and killed the targets with professional precision, trained... or even created for it without a doubt.
Moving naturally in the battlefield with ease, he glanced at each defeated enemies with an air of superiority, as if they stepped too far into his territory...
A new apex predator has taken the lead in his first try.
A leaf cracked under someone's step.
A fatal mistake.
Bloodhound immediately faced the new opponents coming in their back.
They shoot, hit a disoriented Mirage in the chest and rushed to cover.
Switching for their R-99, they climbed on top of a tall rock and emptied a magazine on Gibraltar who carried his fallen teammate to safety.
Taking the opportunity, Wraith sneaked behind the hunter.
They grabbed her arm, stopping the kunai before it pierced their chest.
She pushed their leg and the two fall on the grass.
Restoring their balance, Bloodhound leaped on the skirmisher and knocked her out.
"One squad... down..."
they panted
"Good job, " Pathfinder congratulated, "We're getting closer to the cham- Oh no! The Ring is closing!"
The hunter saw the giant wall of fire approaching quickly in their direction.
They hissed and started running right away, Pathfinder waiting for them.
Further away, Revenant's blood-red silhouette got smaller and smaller the further he ran.
A hundred knives pierce their lungs with sand rubbing their throat.
Their glasses clouded like in winter, while the breathing mask failed to provide enough oxygen to sustain the prolonged effort.
Bloodhound abruptly got grappled and pulled towards Pathfinder, who took them under his arm before they blacked out.
Part 2
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