#but I'm getting IDEAS and idk I'm feeling nostalgic for the 2000s
reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
oh no! I'm getting plot bunnies for a byler 13 going on 30 au!! should I write it???
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sillyuin · 3 days
Giving svt random songs from my hilarous playlist
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(Note: Okay, this idea came to me at 12 am, this is solely shitposting purpose. That being said, let's get started.)
Cheol: Teresa - Yungblud
This song gives me a similar vibe to "me" by him, I can imagine Cheol siging Teresa by Yungblud while doing a live (in a doubtful state of sobriety)
Jeonghan: if we... - slchld ft. oceanfromtheblue
A chill, not much else to say. Also half of the song is in korean so it'll be easir for him to understand.
Joshua: don't be so hard on your own beauty - Yeule
Acoustic guitar, chill sound. If Joshua plays a cover for this song I'd literally cry cuz is one of my comfort songs.
Jun: comfort chain - instupendo
I can imagine him zoning out listening to his song on loop (I do it).
Hoshi: Don - Miranda!
For my latin people. MV is so random and the dance is so hilarious.
Wonwoo: kiss me before u go - Will Hye ft. Jess Benko
Wonwoo is lowkey a sad boy and you can't change my mind, so I gave him one of the saddest (also one of my favourite) songs I ever heard.
Woozi: the day i met you - Arvnd
idk why but this song gives me vibes that is something he would like to listen. No lyrics, just a beautiful piano.
Dokyeom: you can't live there forever - The world is a beautiful please
My most personal comfort song for my most personal comfort person (I feel that if he listens to this song would cry SO bad)
Mingyu: Familiar patterns - Pup
Listens to Green Day so he is lowkey emo, so I'm giving a very emo song to him.
The 8: ruined snowy day - Sewerslvt
Idk why but this song is so peaceful and nostalgic that I think it fits him so well.
Vernon: Welcome to the black parade - My chemical romance
He's emo and you can't change my mind. I bet he likes those pop-punk songs that were very popular in the 2000's.
Seungkwan: kuusou mesorogiwi - Yousei teikoku
He likes Dreamcatcher so in my canon head he is low-key a metal head. Wanted to give him a Babymetal song, but I think this one fits better.
Dino: freaks - surf course
I don't even know if he likes this kind of music, but nothing of this has sense at all (I won't complaing for a rock-star Dino tho)
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sadbitchfangirl · 10 months
Tumblr on desktop feels weird, but also "pRofeSsiOnAL/ProDuctIve" compared to mobile app, if that makes sense. Like you know those nostalgic early 2000s films where friends would update their blog statuses regularly via desktop instead of texting. That's what it feels like. Also I have been drafting an idea that i've had for a stranger things/ eddie munson x (poc) reader fic for a MINUTE. And when I say minute I mean probably almost a year, because I keep getting ideas for dialogue & pivotal plot moments but i'm having trouble with the build-ups & character interactions. But I feel that there's not at all enough representation for my black/POC girlies. Idk i'm just chatting at this point, but to the writers who see this, if it's not too much, can you give me beginner's writer advice pls? I'd really appreciate anything.
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Watching Danny Phantom in 2021, part 1
I've been feeling fairly nostalgic and sappy lately, just like I do every October/November (maybe it's the shorter days and longer nights? idk), so I decided to revisit a series I haven't thought about in a long time: Danny Phantom.
I didn't watch a lot of Danny Phantom growing up; I was vaguely familiar with the show, but (1) it just didn't resonate with me the way Code Lyoko did, and (2) I didn't have friends who were really into it at the time like I did with Ben 10. However, I was quite familiar with the Danny Phantom fandom, mainly due to crossover fanfics - and seriously, with the attention to detail in these fics, it was very clear to me just how much the DP fandom loved their series.
So - since as a lifelong Code Lyoko fan, I'm very much aware how nice it is to see a newcomer discover a show you thought everyone had forgotten about - I've decided to share some thoughts on my experience so far (I'm partway through season 1):
Mr Lancer must have been such a fun character to write, he's amazing.
Gulliver's Travels, I love him.
He's not perfect - he's no Principal Bump - but it's clear he genuinely cares about his students' education and that's such a breath of fresh air compared to the typical teacher characters I'm used to.
Sam and Danny are so adorable together and I can't believe I didn't get into this ship sooner.
They're called "Amethyst Ocean", if I understand correctly? Something to do with eye color?
Either way, I desire more fanfics of these two.
I feel kinda sorry for Vlad.
To clarify: I'm not defending any of his actions.
He's incredibly toxic and that's putting it lightly.
I'm just sorry that he let his obsession with Maddie (and with exacting revenge on Jack) cloud his judgement so much; it's clear he could've lead a fairly happy life if he just accepted the past and moved on.
He likes to paint himself as the victim, yet he's only the victim of his own ego.
Anyway, enough about him.
Jazz is a total mood.
Also, changing the status quo mid-season? In my early 2000's animated TV show? It's more likely than you think™.
Granted, I was kinda spoiled on that by JelloApocalypse's excellent "So This Is Basically..." series, which I discovered four years ago when I was on a big Miraculous Ladybug hype...
...but still, this is impressive.
Speaking of Miraculous Ladybug, the witty banter in all the episodes so far has been amazing and it makes my inner Chat Noir leap for joy.
Why does Tucker?
Not anything in particular, just why does Tucker?
"Biggest thing since MP3s" - that line aged gloriously.
Unlike me. I feel old.
Speaking of which, remember when PDA stood for Personal Digital Assistant and not Public Displays of Affection?
I do.
Like I said, I feel old.
Technus is great.
The contrast between technology-based ghost powers and having no idea about anything modern (especially slang) is just glorious.
And his monologues - man, his monologues. He's such an icon.
Vlad may be the most intriguing villain so far, as a foil to Danny sharing a similar backstory, but Technus is certainly the most fun.
No, I'm not biased towards tech-based villains as a fan of Code Lyoko, I don't know what you're talking about.
I will probably expand on this list as I continue watching.
I'm really looking forward to meeting Dani eventually - I remember her from a crossover fanfic I read ages ago and she seemed like an intriguing character with a lot of potential.
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 6 Costume Reveals (Predictions and Rankings) Part 2!
Hello everyone! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer, where I, Ana, recap every single episode of The Masked Singer, including when they reveal our beloved costumes, which is what I am doing here! Actually, this is part 2 of this revealing costumes saga, so if you wanna see part 1, link is below ⬇️
So yeah, go see that post for the first 10 costumes that were revealed with my thoughts, some predictions/dream casting action, and how I rank them… and now let’s get started with the costumes and more of that action! (Preface= I still don’t know how many costumes are in total, so by the end of this post, I may have a better idea, I’m still not too sure).
* Also, in between this part and the last one, the sneak peak episode was revealed and we got to see the first clues so I will be putting them down for these costumes and updating them for the previous ones!
1. Skunk 🦨
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Thoughts: I really like this costume, it is very reminiscent of flapper girls and I feel like someone older & a legendary celebrity is under that mask because it's so poised and elegant kind of like flower from season 2 or bee from season 1.
Predictions: Again, I am gonna predict that this is a legend in the music world, perhaps older & female, similar to Bee (Gladys Knight), Flower (Patti LaBelle), and Mouse (Dionne Warwick). So, for dream casting, I'm going to go between Liza Minelli, Tina Turner, or Diana Ross.
First Clue: Elvis Presley (maybe someone related to him or who knew him or sang one of his songs famously or is also from Memphis)
Ranking: 8/10
2. Caterpillar 🐛
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Thoughts: It’s a super cute costume, reminds me a bit of the llama, if it were cuter tbh. The colors are super cute, very nostalgic to like toys from the 90s or early 2000s which I really like. It’s adorable, it has braces and everything, I really like it. Some people say there are 2 people under there, but I don’t think so.
Predictions: I think this might be a male actor, singer, or Broadway performer…. From the first clue provided, I am gonna dream cast a guess here and it would be Todrick Hall (this is not an official guess just a dream cast one… I haven’t heard it sing just yet)
First Clue: Taylor Swift knows him!
Ranking: 8/10
3. Jester 🃏
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Thoughts: This one is probably my least favorite costume of the bunch. I get what they were going with it, like a Joker from a deck of cards, but it is really weird and creepy looking. It also looks like the belly is just a pillow under there, it doesn’t look super thought out, similar to Raccoon from last season. I’m also not a big of fan of like horror movies so it just doesn’t speak to me honestly.
Predictions: I think this might be a male actor or based on the clue, my mind went to someone from the Bachelor. Also, half of me thinks it might be an action star like Danny Trejo last season. Dream cast I would say I would like to see Bruce Willis (since his daughter was on the first season), Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Danny DeVito.
First Clue: A bouquet of roses 🌹
Ranking: 2/10
4. Pepper 🌶
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Thoughts: This one reminds me of the Jalapeño from Quien es la Mascara (which is the Mexican version of The Masked Singer) but it’s a female version of it instead, which I kinda like. It is a little haphazard because the head doesn’t go super well with the dress but maybe it’s because I cannot stop thinking about the Mexican male version. Nevertheless, it’s a cool costume, super spicy (ugh now I am doing the pun thing… I promise I’m done)
Predictions: Idk about this one since there weren’t any first clues for her… but I am gonna go off the cuff again and say maybe a YouTuber or another type of influencer, like dream cast wise a Liza Koshy, Maddie Ziegler, or Rosanna Pansino.
Ranking: 9/10
5. Pufferfish 🐡
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Thoughts: Woah… I legit just saw this one in the most recent preview for the show. It looks really funny with the lips, like puffer fish, but the lips puff out, I see what you are doing there Masked Singer. I like it though, it is very cartoon like but I think that’s the look they were going for. The arms are a bit weird tho, I can’t tell tho because it spun around and for a split second we saw the costume (this was a screenshot I took of that split second lol).
Predictions: I think this one might be female, for some reason a younger person comes to mind, similar to like Jellyfish or Kitty from previous seasons, someone younger whether it be an influencer, athlete, or artist of some kind (actor or musician or dancer) idk…. they didn’t give us any clues about this costume, but from this photo with them taking a lot of photos of her makes me think influencer or model specifically so that’s where I am gonna go when dream casting. So, dream cast wise, I am gonna go between Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, or Kendall Jenner.
Ranking: 8/10
6. Mother Nature 🌬
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Thoughts: Ooh, this one is super cool, they just revealed this one too after the preview. I like it a lot, it’s very realistic looking but also elegant at the same time. Even though the face is a tiny bit scary, the rest looks really cool and I like the idea of a Mother Nature costume.
Predictions: I am gonna go singer for this one, female is my guess. So, dream casting over here, I would like to see Alesia Cara, Jennifer Hudson, or maybe one of the girls from Little Mix/one of the former members of Fifth Harmony.
Ranking: 9/10
So, that's it! The total for contestants this season is 16 costumes! So, yeah, the premiere is on September 22 and 23 which is about 8 days away, so I will see you guys there! Comment below your favorite (and maybe even least favorite) costume and what you are most excited for this upcoming season! Bye guys, see you in a bit over a week.
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