#but I'm sleepy and I have to catch the plane tomorrow
Quick Thoughts - The Phantom of the Opera - London - May 29, 2023
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to see Phantom in London! The last time I saw Phantom was the last public performance, which was an extremely emotional performance (I wrote my thoughts up here).
The main trio was Jon Robyns, Holly-Anne Hull and Matt Blaker. I’m putting the rest of the post under a read more cut, because it got very long.
I was really thrown off by the tempo of the music. It would be slightly faster than I was used to (which, for the record, I don’t have a problem with!!) but then, for certain lines, the tempo would slow almost to a crawl?? I don’t understand the rational behind it.
Holly-Anne Hull is a lovely Christine. She does have the head in the clouds aspect to her character, which makes you understand why she’d wholeheartedly believe that her father really did send the Angel of Music to her. She has a delicate, ‘floaty’ quality to her soprano. She does live up to the hype.
I saw Matt Blaker as Raoul the previous time I saw the London production. I’m so glad he remains such an awesome Raoul. He had such wonderful details. I especially loved in the dressing room scene, how he says the line “you must change, and I must get my hat - two minutes … Little Lotte.” He starts almost on his way out the door, and he turns, his hand holding on to the door frame and leaning towards Christine (like he’s Gene Kelly in Singin’ in the Rain) to gently call Christine ‘Little Lotte.’ It was so goofy and sincere!
I walked in without knowing much about Jon Robyn’s take on the Phantom. I walked out thinking that he is a perfectly serviceable Phantom. He’s got choices I think are interesting, choices that confuse me, and choices I don’t enjoy. I think if I saw his Phantom frequently, I would probably end up appreciating his characterization more.
Vocally, I would say that Jon Robyns is one of the weaker Phantoms I have seen. There can be a strained and nasally quality that I find distracting. For reasons that I do not understand, his prerecorded singing sounded worse than his live singing. Additionally, I want to note, that his singing got better as the show went on and he did hit all of the money notes with no apparent issue.
But for me, vocals do not make or break a Phantom! Let’s discuss acting choices!
The first lair started off rocky. I prefer my Phantoms to move gracefully and fluidly and Jon Robyns did not deliver on that front. I was disappointed by the lack of details. The cape flip lacked pizazz, it just flopped down on the boat. The movements felt mechanic in the first half.
I did like that during the line ‘touch me, trust me’ Holly oh so slowly brought her hand to the masked side of the Phantom’s face. Jon then covers Holly’s hand with his own and in that moment, you can see how happy he is. When Holly turns her face towards his, Jon quickly turned his face away and pulled her towards the mirror bride.
London doesn’t do the catch anymore? When did this change??? I swear last year, they did the catch?
Just when I was thinking to myself “I don’t recall a Phantom choosing to sing the lines “Damn you! Curse you” in Stranger Than You Dreamt It” he started chuckling????? Like he was the goddamn Joker????? You could have knocked me over with a feather.
After the mask return, Jon’s Phantom made a sudden movement and it made Holly’s Christine flinch. It made me sad, as this moment is usually played almost weirdly-tender.
I just love Matt’s Raoul and Holly’s Christine together. Their All I Ask of You was perfection (weird tempo aside). I really love it when Raouls kiss the hand of Christine when they go down the stairs before the reprise starts, and Matt did it here.
Ok, so the reprise. It’s a lot angrier than I’m used to.  During the bit when Raoul and Christine are singing, Jon made the acting choice to indicate the Phantom’s distress and sadness by using his left hand to hit himself three times on the side of the head in rapid succession (please note this decision; it is a surprise tool we will use for later).
Holly delivered an amazing performance of Wishing. That last note in ‘Help me say goodbye’ was so strong and powerful.
I had no idea what to expect from the Final Lair. I knew Jon Robyns was playing the Phantom with a violent, unpredictable streak, but his Phantom also likes to cry. We got some angry crying in this Final Lair.
Does it make me a bad person that I have to stifle laughter every time the Phantom’s face falls when Christine sings ‘tears of hate’? All of them always go from glee to such despair in 5 seconds.
During the like “why make her lie to you…” Jon made the acting choice to indicate the Phantom’s distress and sadness by using his left hand to hit himself three times on the side of the head in rapid succession (you see!!!! Paralells!!!!)
Matt Blaker coming in with the details. When he is let go from the nose, he did a nose dive to the ground. He was not moving for a good 10 seconds. He only got up because Holly helped him up. AND THEN he goes in to step in between Holly and Jon because he knew he had to protect her!!!! Guys!!!!! We do not deserve Matt Blaker’s Raoul!!!!
Jon did not do a repeated I love you which really surprised me (in a good way!) He instead made the choice to sob into the veil (which is a real mood btw)
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perfectly-imperfect82 · 10 months
Sleepy medicine - Arsenal x reader
"I thought she was going to sleep?" Beth said looking over at Leah with a confused look
"She is supposed to be. I gave her NyQuil" Leah said matching Beth confusion as they saw you make your way further into the room with kyra
"Does she know you gave her that?" Viv asked giving Leah a look who rolled her eyes "no, she wouldn't have taken it if she knew"
"You drugged her?" Katie laughed with giant smile
"No, I just didn't tell her it would make her drowsy" Leah said defensively as Viv and Beth shook their head at Leah and Katie continued to laugh
“I know, I know” Leah said standing and making her way towards you, hoping you will finally listen and go to bed
"Your sick and should be resting" Leah staring at you sternly as you rolled your eyes "you gave me medicine, so I'll be fine" you said finishing with a yawn as Kyra nodded along with you
“We are going to play foos ball if you want to join” kyra said with a big smile
“I’m good” Leah said, sitting in the chair to watch, planing on how she was going to get you to your room once the game was over
Everything felt slow or funny as you continued to lose to kyra. Leah feeling slightly guilty at your confused expression as kyra cheered every time she scored
“I win!” Kyra cheered as you huffed with fake annoyance “rematch tomorrow” said Kyra walked away agreeing
Lia walked into the room and Leah instantly caught we her eyes and nodded towards you. Lia getting the message and heading over
"Lia" you with a smile as she pulled you in hug
"Why don't we go watch a movie?" Lia asked as she raised her eyes at Leah, knowing you were supposed to be resting
"Nope" you said looking up at lia before you walked away
“Where are you going?” Leah asked
“Don’t know yet” you said you continue to walk the halls
You stumbled a bit, only not tripping over yourself due to Leah catching you
"Seriously, we are going to watch a movie and your going to rest" Leah said sternly causing you to release your grip from her arm
"You gave me drowsy medicine didn't you?" You said glaring at her as you finally connected the dots on why you felt fuzzy
"Of course I did, you need to be sleeping so you can get better. Not wandering around like you are right now" Leah exclaimed
"I told you I didn't want the sleepy medicine!" You seethed as you glared her with your arms crossed
"I know and I gave it to you anyways" Leah stated frustratedly as she stared down at you
"Come on, let's get you to bed before get hurt" Lia said cutting them both off as she gently grabbed you hand and started to pull you to your room as you held your glare on Leah who ignored as she followed behind you too your room
“I'm not cuddling with you" you said as you pulled lia to lay next you, instantly cuddling into her side as Leah looked offended and went to say something. Only being stopped but the look Lia gave her before padding the spot next her.  Leah rolling her eyes as she laid down next to Lia and quickly put on a movie
"Kid, you know I didn't do it to hurt you or anything like that right?" Leah asked hesitantly, feeling guilty for giving you sleep medicine without telling you
"I know" you mumbled lifting your head from Lia side before rolling over Lia and squeezing yourself between Leah and her. Taking in both of there warm as you got comfortable and they moved to make room for you.
"Stop fighting it" Lia said gently
"Mhm not" you mumbled as Leah started to gently start tracing your facial features with her fingers, know it was a for sure way to get you to fall asleep
"Stoppp" you whined and you hit Leah hands away as Lia and Leah smiled fondly at you as you fought to keep you eyes open
Lia started to gently run her finger through your hair as they watched you take longer to open your eyes between blinks before they finally stayed closed. You having finally lost the battle to stay awake
"About damn time" Leah mumbled quietly, only receiving a warning look of stay quiet from Lia
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sparkles-oflight · 8 months
Official Visualizer
I was going to post yesterday, but then...last night happened
Synopsis: Kris finds out his sick before leaving for London and Bojan doesn't miss an opportunity to send needy messages The fic doesn't get explicit, but the sexual tension is very much there, so, if you are not into this sort of thing, don't read!
(Yes, I might have read that one phone fanfic in Thailand and wanted to do something similar but more toned down, why do you ask?)
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
Yes, I make Kris call his mom "mama" because I think that's sweet.
In his childhood room, Kris' rest was interrupted by a soft and familiar voice.
- Kris...- his mom slowly opened the door to his room - Have you prepared your luggage?
He opened his eyes.
- Uh...not yet, mama. - he replied rubbing his eyes.
She got closer to the sleepy boy and touched him on the forehead.
- You have a fever.
Fuck. Kris had to catch a plane to London tomorrow. There's no way this was happening.
- Uh... I'm good I can prepare the luggage.
- Maybe it's best if you stay here for a couple of days. What if it's COVID again? You don't want to get your friends sick now, do you?
Well, that's true, he didn't want to get any of them sick - especially the vocalist. Kris' mom knew how to touch her son's heart.
- Okay, fine.
- Great, I'll get you something to eat and medicine. You should probably take a shower afterward. - she put her hand behind his head - You're sweaty.
- Thanks...
She left the room and he reached for his phone.
Kris Guštin: hi everyone Unfortunately, I have a fever, I don't think I'm going to go with you guys tomorrow Nacko: Are you okay? Kris Guštin: I probably just spent too much time in the cold or smth Janči: Well, get better soon Jurček: Get better soon, Kris!
His mom reentered the room with a glass of water and a cheese and ham sandwich.
- Here you go. - he noticed the medicine on the plate she bought.
She smiled at him. He knew deep down she was also happy to have him for a few more days.
- Thanks.
- I'll leave you now. - she smiled, blew him a kiss, and left him.
He looked back at his phone. He opened his private messages and saw Bojan had sent him a photo.
It was just a photo of him with a filter that made his eyes big with the caption "YOU'LL MISS MY BIRTHDAY!?"
Kris took another picture eating this sandwich with a pink filter. The caption was "Yes :)"
He decided to set his phone aside to finish the sandwich. He already got some crumbs on his bed, and he hated it. Maybe focusing on one task at a time was better.
When Kris finished, he picked up his phone again. New Bojan photo. He opened it. ":(" Bojan said while making a sad face.
Kris Guštin: Why are you making :( Kris Guštin: I'm the one who's sick Bojči ♥️: Because I won't be able to see you eat that sandwich next to me :( Kris Guštin: ??? Bojči ♥️: You kinda realize you had a very sexual face in that photo Kris Guštin: ???
Kris wanted to go back and see, but he only sent him as a one-view only photo.
Bojči ♥️: It was the messy hair, the sweat, the slightly open mouth, and the blush Kris Guštin: Bojan Kris Guštin: I'm sick. Bojči ♥️ sent a photo
Kris decided to take the medicine first, leaving just some water in the cup. When he opened Bojan's message, he captioned it with "This was you". He ruffled his own hair and did the pose he described previously but way more exaggerated and provocative.
Kris Guštin: I get it. You're horny. Bojči ♥️: I'm lonely! You left me alone to go to your parents'! Bojči ♥️: I wanted to be your nurse! Bojči ♥️: You'd be healthy in seconds with my special treatment ;) Bojči ♥️: I would have scrubbed your back as you showered! Bojči ♥️: I would check on you all the time Bojči ♥️: I would cook for you too! Bojči ♥️: (okay, I would order delivery, but you know...) Kris Guštin sent a photo
He liked to entertain Bojan's idea. He used the rest of the water to wet his lips and he massaged them with his fingers. He captioned the photo with "You'd like to have your fingers in my mouth, wouldn't you?"
Kris Guštin: It's only a suggestion
Kris could only imagine what Bojan's reaction to the photo was...He was taking too long to reply.
Bojči ♥️: This is unfair Kris Guštin: Well, now I gotta go Bojči ♥️: Where???? Kris Guštin: Shower Bojči ♥️: :D Bojči ♥️: Wait for me! Kris Guštin: Alone
Kris got up and picked up one of his winter pajamas and a towel. He took the phone with him to the bathroom.
Bojči ♥️: I'm going to miss you :( Kris Guštin: I'm only going for a shower Bojči ♥️: And you don't even intend to give me an official visualizer!? Kris Guštin: I'm sure the phone would just be ruined if I took it with me for a shower. Bojči ♥️: maybe :/
Kris undressed himself and he decided to open his phone one last time before taking a shower.
He took a photo of himself in the mirror, slightly leaning in on the sink. The photo was able to capture his upper body at its fullest and it was possible to see a bit - and only a bit - of his hip. Just enough to see his almost non-existent tan line, but nothing else.
"Okay, enough of that", he thought.
He finally turned on the hot water and walked into the shower. God, it felt amazing. He was still wondering how he'd have to find new ticket planes...he probably wouldn't be able to make it until after Bojan's birthday, uh. With the holidays and all...
Kris enjoyed taking that shower, not only because he was sick, but because he was dying to see Bojan's reaction. As soon as he finished it, he cleaned his hands and picked up the phone again.
Bojči ♥️ screenshoted the photo Bojči ♥️: I'M SORRY I SCREENSHOT BY ACCIDENT Bojči ♥️: At least the first 2 times Bojči ♥️: But now I get 5 screenshots of you looking lovely Bojči ♥️ sent a video
Kris opened the video. It was Bojan lying in bed.
- Do you see this empty space!? - he pointed to Kris' side of the bed - THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOULD BE AT! I should be nursing you back to health! But! - he raised his finger - Maybe I'll forgive you if you keep sending me messages like these.
Bojči ♥️: how long is this showeeeeeer Bojči ♥️: don't leave me alone for too long :( Bojči ♥️: OMG YOU SAW THE MESSAGES
Kris noticed he reached the end. Damn, he should have waited longer.
Kris Guštin: This really isn't fair, is it? I'm out here posting myself and you are doing God knows what with my pictures. Kris Guštin: What about me though? Bojči ♥️: Fair? Your beauty is unfair! Kris Guštin: -_- Bojči ♥️: Okay, I'm gonna give you what you want ;) Bojči ♥️: And never up. Bojči ♥️: or let you down Bojči ♥️: or turn around and desert you Bojči ♥️ sent a GIF
It was a Rick roll.
Kris Guštin: I was thinking about giving you a visualizer Kris Guštin: now I won't Bojči ♥️ sent a GIF
It was a drawing of a cat mashing on a table.
Bojči ♥️: gimme gimme gimme Bojči ♥️: a man afteeeer midnight! Bojči ♥️: better? Kris Guštin sent a photo
Bojan definitely knew how to persuade him.
Kris sent a picture of him sitting down with the towel barely covering anything - again, only showing just a bit lower than the tan line - but this time the towel he used allowed him to see almost every detail that mattered to Bojan's eyes.
That wasn't the only captive thing about it. Kris took the photo from a high angle, looking up through his eyelids, he had his mouth slightly opened and his skin and hair were still very much wet.
"Official visualizer", he captioned it.
Bojan didn't reply for a while and Kris noticed he had screenshotted it again.
Bojči ♥️: This is not fair... Bojči ♥️: Anything I could send you could never be as good as what you send me Bojči ♥️: I'm okay, it's just that :(... Bojči ♥️: Why are you so perfect? Bojči ♥️: Why are you, even sick, still being so.... Bojči ♥️: iwdjwdbsjjsbs Bojči ♥️: I'm so lucky :( Bojči ♥️: I date the prettiest and most perfect person in the whole wide world! Kris Guštin: that's very sweet of you. Bojči ♥️: but I have some suggestions ;) Kris Guštin: Oh? Enlighten me Bojči ♥️ is calling...
Idk what to write here...cue fanfiction?
Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: Conspiracy Theories (Alternative Ending)
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
21 - The Ultimate Hunter
Tumblr media
Part 22
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
Snuggling closer into the familiar warmth I fluttered my eyes opened smiling a sleepy grin seeing that Nik was sleeping right beside me since after we got home from the dance last night I was too afraid to not be near him. I shifted around as carefully as possible so I was holding myself up by my elbow on the pillow just watching him. “Staring is rude, little siphon.”
“I can’t help it. You look so peaceful when you’re sleeping.” I smiled, bending my head away, blushing lightly.
He sat upright on the bed holding a hand to the side of my face leaning forward pressing his lips against mine. “So the plan is to pack up everything in the house and then we purchase some plane tickets and off to New Orleans we go.”
“It must be so easy to just snap your fingers and go anywhere in the world. How did I ever manage without you?” I joked rolling my eyes playfully.
He put his hands behind his head, smirking at me. “Very boringly that’s how, love.”
“You are so mean sometimes.” I hit his chest smiling until he vamped me onto my back throwing my hair around holding my hands above my head. “Uh you always take the cheater's way.”
He smiled leaning down kissing me slowly with me feeling him intertwining our hands together when he dropped my wrists. “What can I say, Raelyn, except that bad boys have more fun.” Moving my arms around his neck my fingers tangled in his hair instantly the second he kissed me hearing the bedroom door get thrown opened by someone.
Rebekah frantically said, causing me to separate from the hybrid. “Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me.”
Klaus pointed out not really believing a word she was saying to us. “Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead.”
“He said he wasn’t going to turn. So who the hell gave him human blood?” I asked Nik pushing him off me throwing my legs off the side of the bed.
Rebekah threw her hands away from her sides, still frazzled by whatever had happened. “
Well, he's not. And he's vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He is strong, Nik. Too strong.”
Klaus asked getting up from the bed pulling his boots on for the day. “Where is he now?”;
“He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now.” She warned him looking at me with such a terrified face.
Klaus replied back shrugging on a black jacket over his shirt. “Fine. I'll collect Elena. We'll be on our way. Raelyn and I will have a plane to catch before tomorrow afternoon.”
“Forget Elena! You don't need anymore stupid hybrids.” Bex shouted at her brother. “Don’t you understand that our lives and Raelyn’s life are in serious danger!”
He told her in an annoyed tone. “What I need is protection from Esther's continued assault against us. As for my girlfriend, she is now linked to me so that’s why I am not worried about the history teacher right now. We will have Elena before sunset and be as far away from here as possible.”
“We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nik.” She attempted to convince him.
He replied back refusing to abandon his plan. “I'm not leaving without her.”
“I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own.” He looks at Bex but says nothing. “Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you, see if I care.”
Crossing my arms over my chest I sent him a raised brow. “Are you sure we shouldn’t stay and help take him down. If your mother really turned him into a vampire hunter like your father then he will hunt us down wherever we go.”
“Rae, you don’t have to worry about that. I am immortal and can’t be killed. My father Mikael didn’t kill me and neither will the history teacher. Plus I have you and I’ve seen you do some pretty badass spells that I thought would kill you. Together there is nothing we can’t do.” He bent down on a knee placing a hand on my knee meeting my gaze seeing that I was trying to remain brave but in reality I was terrified.
He rose to his feet about to leave until I grabbed his wrist holding him there. “If you’re thinking of breaking into the Gilbert house. Just know that I am not helping you break in. You should just leave the poor girl alone. But I understand the need for protection.”
Damon looks out of the window and sees Klaus pacing with the newspaper in his hand but he focuses his attention onto me just standing behind him not doing anything. “Klaus wants in. We have to keep him out. And his freaking girlfriend isn’t doing a dang thing to stop him.”
Klaus throws the newspaper through the window. The glass shatters into pieces.Damon ducks down, as well as Stefan and Bonnie. “Get down!”
“Missed me.” Damon challenged him taking the picket that got stuck in the wall behind him and hurls it back at Klaus.
Yet Klaus dodges it and he breaks the second picket into two pieces and throws one of it at him. “Missed me again.”
“Nik, are you insane. You can’t burn the house down with her inside.” I shouted at him seeing that he had managed to come back with a propane tank and a burning newspaper.
Stefan comes up to the front door ordering him. “Put it out.”
Klaus threatened him before he put out the fire, throwing the objects into the grass yard. “Come outside and make me.”
Stefan steps outside. “Elena is not here. Alaric has her and Caroline. He's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him.”
Klaus glared at him intertwining my hand with his hearing my heart beating up quickly at the thought of dying. “Now I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death.”
Stefan huffed in a frustrated tone. “I really wish we could. But unfortunately, if Alaric kills you there's a 1 in 4 chance that we die too.”
Leaning my back against one of the pillars of the porch I side eyed the boys listening to their plans to take down Alaric. “Okay. How about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric, while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety.”
Damon asked, holding one of the fences post that he had thrown into the house over his shoulder. “Huh, that's a great idea. What's to stop me from getting killed instantly?”
Klaus smiled until I hit him in the back with my foot.” Nothing.”
“He’s Caroline’s sire in cad you’ve forgotten. So no letting Damon get killed do you understand me.” I glared at him walking up to my boyfriend. “No matter what we are not putting one of my friends in anymore danger.”
Damon teased the hybrid. “Looks like the siphon doesn’t have to make my point for me because we both know you’ve gone soft for her. “
“I can still skin you alive!” Klaus threatened him by shoving his fangs and wolf eyes to him.
Stefan enters the conversation before things get worse. “This isn't really helping too much.”
Bonnie walks out of the house. “I might have an idea. My mom used a desiccation spell on Michael that immobilized him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric.”
Klaus tilted his head to the side at the witch. “If and might your words inspire such confidence.”
Bonnie stepped up to him not caring that he didn’t have faith in her. “I'll get it. But even with the spell, we need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down, including yours.”
“I can do an invisible spell that way Alaric won’t sense us instantly. Then you all can get the jump on him. I should be able to find Elena and get her out in time.” I clasped my hands together eyeing the hybrid standing beside me who just lightly smirked at me. Yet his eyes fell to the black veins that still remain on her arms.
Klaus came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his chin on my shoulder. “Just so we're clear. The sun sets in about 8 hours. We don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I'll be gone with my girl Raelyn here and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves.”
Holding tightly onto Nik’s right hand we entered the high school where the Salvatore brothers could see that I was siphoning him by our intertwined hands but it wasn’t hurting the hybrid as much as they thought since he had willingly offered. Walking through the hallways I whispered to them. “Damon, Stefan, once you aren’t near me the spell will not work. So you’ll have to hide on your own - Caroline?”
Nik vamped away from me and grabs her from behind covering her mouth with his hand so that she can't scream. “Shhh. It's okay. It's okay. It's me. It's okay. You're safe. We'll save Elena. You go straight home, you stay inside. Do you understand?”
He turned her around to face him until I placed a hand on his shoulder undoing the invisible spell. “Hey Caroline. We’re here to get you and Elena out of here. But you have to go now. “
Klaus asked her, still holding her by her shoulders. “Do you understand me?”
Caroline nods, vamping away from us. “Thank you. Both of you.”
“You need to leave, Rae.” Nik turned to face me looking around to make sure that Alaric wasn’t around somewhere near us. “It’s not safe here for you.”
I baked instantly back to the hybrid. “I’m not going anywhere without you, together forever right. So if you are walking into an almost certain death then I will too. Besides you know I can kick some supernatural ass just like you can.”
“Raelyn, “ He started but cut himself short. “Fine, you’re right, we stick together always. And we will make it out of this together.”
He vamped us as close as we could get hearing Damon shout vamping behind Ric trying to hold him down. “Do it now!” Alaric throws Damon off of him and snaps Stefan's neck, dropping him to the ground. Damon tries to attack Alaric, but he breaks Damon's neck, too.
Klaus appears and thrusts his hand into Alaric's heart making him scream in a loud tone until the pair vamped around the hallway in a fight and Ric managed to knock him down onto the ground being the stronger creature. Alaric stands above him and tries to stake him. “Alaric No! I love - I can’t lose him!”
Elena was holding a Knife to her throat when the three of us turn our heads in her direction . “Stop! Let him go or I'll kill myself.
Alaric told her. “Put it down, Elena.”
“I said don’t hurt him.” I raised my hand sending pain through the teachers mind where he vamped away from him my boyfriend for a moment slamming me against the locker where I was sure he would break my neck but he was back over Klaus in an instant.
Elena declared not lowering the blade allowing me the chance to get to my feet even with barely any strength remaining in me. “Why, because you still need me alive? There's a reason why Esther used me to make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal, so she tied your life to a human one. Mine. That way you have only one life span to kill all vampires and then you'll be gone. So when I die, you die too. That's it. It has to be!”
Alaric thought she was bluffing. “You're wrong.”
“Am I?” Elena begins to cut herself where blood runs down her throat.
But he changed his mind in the next second giving Nik the opportunity to push him and knock the stake away from him. “Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!” Nik managed to grab Elena and I latched my hand onto his forearm vamping away with them.
Once we reached the house I winced stumbling against the doorway in one of the rooms that he was draining Elena of her blood in. “Woah, love. What's the matter. Tell me what's wrong?" Klaus vamped beside me gently holding my arm seeing that my nose was beginning to bleed a little too.
"I think it's my magic. But I don't understand. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen because of our link now." I wiped the blood away with my other arm.
Klaus vamped me to sit down beside Elena coming back with a glass of water in his hand but also offering his wrist. "Which do you want, love. Normal way or blood way?"
"Blood." I croaked out knowing that whatever was wrong it would heal me faster. He bites into his left wrist holding it out to me where I wrapped my fingers around it pushing through the bitter taste until I was starting to feel better.
He brushed hair behind my ear leaving the room for a moment. "There you go, Rae."
"Why are you with someone like him, Raelyn. You’re a snarky girl but nothing like him." Whipping my head around I eyed the girl he was draining of blood. Did I feel bad for her, yes. But at least she has people who care about her.
Getting up from the chair I stood in front of her. "You don't know anything about who he really is, Elena. Just like you don't know anything about me."
"Raelyn, please help me…Tyler." She begged before I saw the werewolf behind me.
Noticing something in his hands, it was a needle filled with some sort of liquid. "What the hell is that, hybrid Lockwood?" I asked, backing into a corner not sure what he was about to do.
"Sorry siphon but we can’t take the chance you'll stop us." He said vamp shoving me against the wall about to poke me in the throat.
Klaus grabs Tyler by the throat when he vamped back into the room and pushes him against a wall. "Goodbye, Tyler." I dropped onto my knees thinking he was about to kill him when Klaus tries to rip Tyler's heart out of his chest, but Tyler twists his arm around. Damon and Stefan come into the room. Damon grabs Klaus's other arm and Stefan thrusts his hand into Klaus' chest.
"Nik - Argh!" I rose to my feet when he started screaming only to drop down on one knee clutching my heart inside my chest in agony beginning to cry heavy tears. Bending my head down I winced sharply seeing that he was starting to turn gray and get veins all over his body by what they were doing. Forcing myself to my feet I removed the linking ring raising my hands up until I grabbed a hold of Damon and Stefan's shoulders siphoning from them. "Magia tollux de terras-"
"Raelyn no!" Klaus shouted, fighting against their grip. He could see the veins turning really black again after she had removed the ring and wasn't siphoning or linked to his life force anymore meaning that her magic could certainly kill her now.
Fighting through tears I kept chanting the spell feeling both brothers grip starting to loosen. "Magia tollux de terras. Magia tollux de terras!"
"Grab her!" Stefan grunted so he and Tyler were the ones holding the hybrid.
Damon vamped forward pushing me against the wall holding me by my throat making me wince. "Damon,...please don't." I begged the raven haired vampire.
"We can't have you in the way." He picked up the needle sticking it into my throat, lowering my body to the floor where I began to hear my own heartbeat inside my chest.
Damon went over to Elena. Stefan and Tyler finally let go of Nik when his body wasn't moving so I raised my hands seeing my vision blur in front of me trying my best to remain awake. "Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus!" Everyone in the room suddenly dropped to the ground by the shock wave leaving the vampire brothers and hybrid to hold their heads with me chanting the spell over and over until I blacked out on the wooden floor.
Waking up a few hours later I frantically looked around snatching the ring, placing it on the ground doing a silent locator spell that transported me to a storage unit. Walking around the unit I heard someone following me where I spun around shoving the figure against the wall meeting Damon Salvatore. "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you right now for what you did to him!"
"Agh…we're trying to save him!" He grunts trying to break free but I clenched my fist tightly more.
Someone vamped at us where I turned my head at the voice seeing Rebekah was back in town. "Because he told me his plans and I went home to find you. But you beat me to the punch, Rae."
"You're a bastard, Damon Salvatore. Now take me to him!" I growled, dropping my hand letting him catch his breath.
Damon, Rebekah and I are about to put the coffin in the trunk of a car but Alaric arrives, catches Rebekah by the hair. Punches her head against the car and then throws her on the floor "Urgh!" She grunted.
Damon rushes toward him but Alaric kicks him and is thrown on the floor too. Raising my hand I sent pain through the teachers head where he vamped in front of me. "You annoying witch. Right after I kill him I'm going to kill you!"
"Well see about that." Shoving my other hand against his chest I bared my teeth chanting a spell that I didn't remember being taught meaning that it must be one of Esther’s spells that I now have the ability to do when I siphoned her magic from her. "Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam nolite corde ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiterrnum."
Alaric grabbed his chest almost collapsing to the concrete floor where I thought he was about to die until he drew the white oak stake from behind his back hitting me upside the head with it where Alaric opened the coffin. “Ah! Klaus!”
Rebekah screams. “No!”
Damon shouted back at him too. “No! Don't!” She gets up and screams but Alaric drives the stake through Klaus' heart.
I forced myself to my feet. I gasped sharply, holding a hand over my heart feeling flames almost inside my chest. Gripping my hands into fists on the hard floor I groaned through tears and anger for what he just did. “Klaus! You just killed the man I love.”
Damon gets up and puts himself in front of Rebekah while she was screaming and crying. Damon is holding her but he's in shock. Klaus's body bursts into flames. Alaric looks at them, takes the stake from the burning body and then closes the coffin. He turns himself toward them. "Next."
Pushing myself to my feet I watched my vision beginning to blur and I was almost not able to stand on my feet. I charged forward, shoving my hand against Alaric’s heart chanting the spell again seeing that the veins grew at a faster rate glaring daggers into his eye. “Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam nolite corde ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiterrnum!”
“No, get off me!” Rebekah cried fighting against Damon watching me seeing that my whole arm was covered in veins but I didn’t pull away. “Raelyn no, he’ll kill you!”
Forcing my hand further against him I grunted feeling blood dripping from my nose until Alaric grabbed me by the throat holding me off the ground then launched me backwards into the pair. Damon grabbed my forearm helping me to stand while holding Bex back with his other. “Rebekah, run. Get Raelyn out of here now. Run!”
“I have to kill him!” I snarled but the blonde original wrapped her arms around me holding me back vamping me away with her.
She grunted in my ear where my whole body went numb in her arms and my heart slowed down. “I can’t let him kill you. Nik wouldn’t let me do that to you - Rae - Raelyn!”
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sweetandabitspycho · 11 months
I did not write this, my wifey wrote it but was scared to post it so I'm here posting it for her!
Please let us know if y'all love it.
Chapters will be released every week. Ps I have no idea about the tags.
"Come On, Hurry Up; We're Going To Be Late," Said A Girl Holding Another Girl's Hand
As They Ran.
"You Know We Don't Have To Hurry, Right?" Said The Other. "I Know, But Can't You See It's The Perfect Timing? The Full Moon Is Set, Plus If We
Don't Hurry, Ram And Joaquin Will Get Bored. You Know How Little Their Patience Is".
With A Sigh, Paris Just Followed Monique As They Ran On Top Of The Overview Hills,
Where Their Two Friends Were Waiting.
When They Reached The Top, They Saw Two Figures Wearing A Suit And A Dress.
"What Took You Guys So Long?" Asked Ram. "This Dress Is Getting Itchy." "Yeah, I
Have To Return These Suits To My Cousin, And My Parents Are Probably Looking For
Me," Said Joaquin.
"Well, I Have To Wait For Paris' Parents To Sleep, So We Can Escape," Argued
Monique. "Let's Just Get This Done, So We Can All Go Home. Monique Has A Plane To
Catch Tomorrow," Paris Said.
"Ok, Then Places Everyone," Ram Instructed As She Took Out A Paper From Inside
Her Pocket. "We Are Gathered Here Today To Celebrate As We Watch-."
"Wait, Wait, Wait, Where Did You Even Get That? It's So Long If You're Going To Finish
That Script. It's Already Morning And Monique Is Already Leaving. Can't We Just Skip
To The Ending?" Joaquin Complained.
"You're Just Jealous Because You Want To Be The One Standing Beside Paris And
Marrying Her," Said Ram, Rolling Her Eyes.
“Both Of You Shut Up. This Is Our Wedding, You Know," Monique Said, Getting Irritated
By Ram And Joaquin's Arguing.
"How About The Two Of You Just Say Your Vows And Exchange Rings? "Ram
"Ok, I’ll Go First. I, Monique Wilson, Promise To Be Always With You No Matter What
Happens, And As Your Best Friend And Your Soulmate, I Give You My Heart And My
Life. I Am Yours In This Life, In Death, And In The Afterlife".
"Wow, That's Romantic And Cringe," Said Joaquin. "Shut Up Joaquin; Now It's Your
Turn, Paris," Said Ram.
"Ok, I, Paris Peterson, Promise To Be By Your Side And Support You No Matter What
Happens, And To Be Your Best Friend And Your Soulmate. I Will Be Yours In This Life,
In Death, And In The Afterlife".
Smiling Ram Then Announced "Now You May Exchange The Rings And Kiss The
"Hold On, Why Would They Kiss? Are They Going To Kiss On The Lips? You Guys
Know That This Is Not Real, Right? And Since You Guys Already Said Your Vows And
Exchanged Rings, Can We Just Go Home Now? I'm Really Sleepy." Said Joaquin,
Ever The Killjoy In Their Group The Three Girls Just Roll Their Eyes At Him.
Monique And Paris Agreed To Go Home Since It Was Already Close To Midnight, And
Monique Had To Leave Early For Her Flight To America.
While They're Walking Home Hand In Hand, Monique Asks Paris If She Will Accompany
Her To The Airport, Which Paris Says Yes To. That Night, Monique Sleeps In Paris'
House Since Both Of Their Parents Know She's There.
The Next Day That Both Monique And Paris Dreaded Came. Monique Couldn't Sleep
Last Night; She Just Looked At Paris' Sleeping Form,
Afraid That If She Fell Asleep, She Would Wake Up In America And Not With Paris. The
Real Reason Why Monique Pushed Their Wedding Is That She Really Loves Paris,
Not The Kind Of Love That You Give To Your Best Friend, But The Kind Of Love That
You Give To The Person You Wish To Be With. To Monique, Their Wedding Isn't Just A
Plaything; She Knows That Even At Her Very Young Age, She's Going To Marry Paris
Someday, Even If Their Parents Wouldn't Agree.
"Hey, What Time Is It?" Asked Paris While Wiping The Sleep From Her Eyes. "I Don't
Know, And I Don't Care," Replied Monique.
"Don't Say That; You Moving To London Means Your Dreams Are Coming True," Said
Paris, Convincing Not Only Monique But Herself Too.
"I Know That It's Just That I Don't Want To Leave You; How About You Come With Me?
That Way We Will Still Be Together," Said Monique.
"You Know I Can't Do That; I Have To Stay Here And Help My Parents Take Care Of
Addie. You Know That Addie Needs More Of Our Attention And Care Because Of His
Condition, Right? Besides, We'll Always Talk On The Phone, And You'll Also Write To
Me, Right? It's Like We're Never Apart. Then, When I Graduate And Get Rich, You
Know I’ll Follow You There. Just Promise Me That I’ll Be Your Best Friend, No One
Else". Paris Said To Monique,
"You're Not Only My Best Friend, You're Also My Wife, So You're Really The Only One
And No One Else". Monique Replied To Paris Which Made Paris Blush.
"Come On, So We Can Have Breakfast And Get Ready To Leave; You Might Be Late
For Your Flight". Paris Said, Rolling Her Eyes At Monique's Statement,
"You Are Really Mean To Me; You Are Sending Me Away As If You Don't Want Me
Anymore Here, My Wife". Monique Said While Playfully Raising Both Of Her Eyebrows
"You're Naughty; Besides, Don't Be So Loud; They Might Hear You; Mom Will Be Angry
Because You Keep Calling Me Your Wife",
"Because It's True, I'm Your Wife," Monique Replied To Paris.
The Two Happily Shared Breakfast; It Was Only Interrupted When Her Parents Picked
Up Monique; They Took Paris With Them To The Airport, But On Their Way To The
Airport, Monique Hugged Paris Tightly; It Seemed That She Didn't Want To Let Go Of
The Latter, Even When They Were Leaving.
Monique Still Didn't Want To Let Go Of Paris; The Two Cried So Much That Day. And
When Paris Got Home She Cried More That She Fell Asleep Crying.
A Few Days Passed, And Monique Kept Her Promise To Paris; She Was Always Calling
On The Phone And Writing.
Monique Always Tells Paris How Her Audition Went. It took Almost Three Months And
Several Auditions Before She Was Accepted To Star In A Movie,
And That's When Her And Paris' Infrequent Conversations Started, Monique Was Busy
With Her Acting Because When Her Movie Was Finished, She Immediately Received
Her Next Project. To Star Again. Then Some Commercials, She Also Starred In A
Series She Had A Minor Role In A Limited Series.
Then Their Daily Calling Routine Went From Every Day To Three Times A Week Then It
Turned To One Until It Stopped Forever. Paris Continues To Write To Monique, But Monique No Longer Answers Her, Unlike
Before, She Always Answered.
The Years Passed,
And Paris Was Still Hoping To Receive A Letter Or A Call From Monique, But It Never
Came. Then Paris' 18th Birthday Came, Monique Promised Her That She Would Come
Home To The America, So They Could Celebrate Her Birthday Together, But The Day
Ended And Monique Didn't Come.
Ever Since Their Parents Died Paris Has Been Taking Care Of Her Sister Who Has
Special Needs.
"Good Morning, My Love!!!" Joaquin Shouted As He Entered His Friend's House,
"It's Still Early, Joaquin, Please Don't Ruin Our Day," Ram Interrupted Him. "Why? I’m
Just Greeting Good Morning To My Love."
"Gosh, Your Love? She May Be Your Love, But Paris Doesn't Even Love You Hahaha,"
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mountttmase · 11 months
I had to take a nap, but here I'm🤭😂
‘When are you home again?’ You asked the moody pixelated face on your phone as you climbed into your cold and empty bed. It was the worst feeling getting inside and not crawling straight into your boyfriend's arms but what with Mason being away with England you hadn’t been able to do so in a few weeks now. OH BABIES
‘Flight takes off tomorrow night, I’ll be home late morning the day after. Will you be at work then?’ he asked you quietly, his sad eyes meeting yours for a second as if he knew the answer already but you confirmed it with a nod. ‘I’ll see you in the evening though, right?’ IM NOT CRYING 😭😭😭
‘Yeah, just sleepy and a bit anxious about the flight tomorrow’ he said, you knew there was more to it than that but he didn’t seem to be in the mood to talk about it. OH LITTLE BABY
‘Wait’ he interrupted and you noticed the shy look on his face ‘can you um, can you stay on the phone? Just till I’m asleep?’ He asked you quietly and your heart melted as you tried not to smile. IM IN TEARS LOZZZ
It had been a tough time for Mason at the moment and you really felt for him as you watched his breathing deepen and his face soften. His move from Chelsea to Manchester had taken more out of him than he’d like to admit and then came his injury that took him longer to recover from than he’d liked, however this trip away with England you thought would have given him a well needed change of scenery. The games hadn’t gone well there either and he’d spent most of his time on the bench. OHHHHH BABY BOYYYY🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂😭😭😭
It didn’t help that the pair of you had been like two ships in the night lately, barely getting to spend more than ten minutes together before bed most nights and it was affecting the pair of you more than you’d like to admit. You knew what Mason needed but the fact you were unable to give it to him was killing you but you were soon snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of Mason's gentle snoring and your heart swelled at the thought of seeing him again soon. THE GENTLE SNORE🤭🤭🤭🤭
You could barely concentrate at work the next day, Masons' little sad face plaguing your mind and before you knew what you were doing you were up and knocking on your bosses door. OH DAYS OFF???
‘You need some time off?’ She asked with a smile and you nodded shyly. YESSS SHE DOES
‘Is it for Mason?’ She asked you sympathetically and you gave her a slight nod. Even though she was your boss the pair of you were pretty open about your personal lives and so she knew who Mason was and the struggles the pair of you had been facing lately. I LOVE HER, CAN SHE BR MY BOSS TOO?
‘Don’t be silly. You’ve been working really hard lately so I think it’s only fair I cut you a bit of slack. And you’re right you don’t ever ask or take the time you need so it’s fine. In fact take the rest of the week off, it’s only a few days extra and we’ve got enough people about to cover’ OMG BEST BOSS IN THE WHOLE WORLD
‘I tell you what, bring me a box of those brownies I like in on Monday and we’ll call it quits’ she laughed and after another ten minutes of catching up you were back to your desk so you could make a quick plan of what needed to be done on the three days left of the week. YOU CAN HAVE 10 PACKS OF BROWNIES
You couldn’t wait to get to bed so you could wake up and be closer to seeing him but you kept looking back to check his flight, smiling to yourself as you watched the tiny plane make its way closer to you. THAT'S SOOOO CUTE AND SOFT AND SWEET
‘Y/n?! You here babe?’ He called as he walked into the living room and you stomped into his view with a huff. HE FIND OUT IMMEDIATELY 😂😭
‘Your car’s still parked up on the drive’ he laughed and you slapped your forehead lightly to your forgetfulness. ‘Why aren’t you at work? Are you sick?’ AHAHHAHA Y/NNN THE CARRRR!!! BUT HE IS A CUTIE🥹🥹
‘No, I took the rest of the week off so we could spend some time together’ you told him shyly and it looked as though he sighed in relief before making his way over to you. You met him in the middle where he pulled you into a much needed hug, both melting into each other as he tucked his head into your neck and breathed you in as he slightly swayed you from side to side. I THINK THATS THE BIGGEST GIFT HE EVER RECEIVED
‘Thank you’ you just about heard him whisper into your neck and you pulled back, catching a glimpse of his glossy eyes that made your heart break. ‘Honestly, thank you, I’ve missed you like crazy’ he breathed as you cupped his jaw so you could stroke his cheeks lightly. OMG I'M LOOSING ALL THE LIQUIDS OF MY BODY
Kisses like this had been rare for the two of you lately and now he was back in your arms you were determined not to let him go. Holding onto the back of his head to let him know you intended to keep him there but you could tell from the way he was holding onto you for dear life that he wasn't ready to let go. OHHHHH🥹🥹🥹
‘You hungry? I’ve made breakfast’ you laughed and he nodded before you pulled him into the kitchen. Sitting him down at the table whilst you plated the pair of you up some food and grabbed his favourite juice from the fridge. CUTIES
‘I’ll clean up in here’ you told him, taking his plate over to the dishwasher before nodding into the living room. ‘There’s a bag for you on the sofa, go get changed’ OHHHH WHAT HAS SHE PLANNEDDDD?
When you were finally done and could join him you couldn’t help but let out a little giggle out at his current state. There he sat on the sofa in a new bright white robe, socks and fuzzy slippers like he was about to go get a treatment at a spa and his ditzy smile made your heart sing as he finally looked at you. AHHAHAHAHAHHA BABYYY
‘Well you’ve been working so hard lately and have been super busy. I thought you could use a little pamper session. I’ve got that face mask of mine you like, little cucumber slices for your eyes, and all sorts’ OMG SPA DAY I NEED THAT
You fished out a white headband for him first. Positioning it securely around his hairline so his hair was all out of his face before reaching for the mask to apply to his skin. He happily sat there with his eyes closed and let you paint it onto him before making him rest his head back so you could place the cucumber slices on his eyes and the fact he was trying to hold back a smile was melting you. THE FACT THAT HE IS LETTING HER DO WHATEVER SHE WANTS...😭😭😭
‘I’ve noticed when you play your hands are always balled up like you’re ready for a fight’ you teased, making him chuckle before putting his cumber back. ‘I think you carry a lot of stress in your hands, you need to learn to relax them. Does it feel nice?’ HIS LITTLE FISTS🥹🥹🥹
‘Really?’ He giggled, never being able to take compliments from you for even the silliest things but you were determined to shower him with all of your affections today. OHHH I CAN HEAR HIS GIGGLE
‘Yeah, they’re nice. I mean we’ve still got work to do on your nails but your skin is super soft’ you told him. Opening up a bottle of clear polish so you could start to paint them for him and you were surprised he let you. HE LET HER PUT NAIL POLISH ON HIM, OMG MY MAN, I WOULD DO HIS MANICURE EVERY WEEKEND
‘I was thinking a shower? Get all this muck off our faces and then we can just have a chilled one? We haven’t managed to watch the new series of sex education yet’ THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE PERFECT PLAN
It was difficult, realising how much time had passed since you’d last seen him like this and touched him in any way but you didn’t want to take it any further right now. Today was about loving on him and showing him how much you appreciated the little moments with him. Physical affection in that way could cone later on. OHHHH🥹🥹
‘Well you said you liked my fuzzy socks that I got the other week? I thought you might like a pair of your own’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH HE IS A BABYYY
‘Stay there, I’ll dry your hair’ you whispered, reaching to plug the dryer in and it didn’t take long for his hair to be fully dry as it was on the shorter side but it felt longer than it had for a while. ‘You growing your hair out again, Mase?’ MY DREAM
‘Thank you’ he whispered as you turned the dryer off and set it down, his cheeks pink as you cupped his jaw so he’d look at you and your chest felt tight with how much love you were feeling for your man. HE IS SOOOO SHYYYY
‘Don’t hide that pretty face from me’ you teased, kissing his forehead and he chuckled lightly. ‘Have I ever told you you’ve got the prettiest smile in the world’ HE REALLY DOES
‘Oh yeah, I put them in the loft for you. I know you hate doing it so I thought I’d just do it for you. Did you need something from them? Sorry I didn’t even think to check’ OHHH SHE IS A WOMAN TO MARRY
‘I’m a big strong girl, Mase. I can do it’ you laughed. ‘I know going in there is your least favourite thing to do so I just thought I’d lighten the load a bit’ SHE IS A BIG GIRL MOUNT
‘Come on, let’s get comfy’ you told him, arranging the cushions so you could lay down and pop your head on them before inviting him to lay on top of you. His head happily resting on your chest as he wrapped his arms around you. Palms flat on your back and warming your skin as your fingers got lost in his hair, stroking over his broad back with your free hand. CAN I HAVE THAT?
You loved it when he fell asleep on you, knowing he felt comfortable and safe with you and you couldn’t help but continue to stroke over the back of his head and trace his ears lightly. Not enough pressure to wake him but just for your own self indulgence as you looked down at the boy who you loved more than anything. OMG THAT'S THE SOFTEST THING IN THE WORLD
‘I’ll get some dinner going in a sec babe’ you told him, a yawn escaping and you managed to shut your mouth before he tried to poke his finger in. ‘I don’t know about you but I’m starving’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH THE FINGER
‘You know I haven’t had this since that night’ he laughed, digging into the pasta dish you’d made him. A replica of what you’d both eaten on your first date and even though you knew it wasn’t exactly the same you were happy with how it turned out. BYEEEE, THAT'S THE PERFECT DAYYY
‘I can clear up’ he told you, reaching for your plate so he could stack it with his. ‘You go get started and I’ll tidy the rest away. You’ve done most of it anyway’ THAT'S MY MAN😌
‘Who are these from, babe?’ You heard Mason ask, turning to see him eyeing up the vase of red tulips on the windowsill and your face broke out into a smile as he looked at you curiously. Mason loved buying you flowers and clearly the thought of someone else maybe buying them for you looked like it had annoyed him but he needn’t have worried. SHE BOUGHT HIM FLOWERS TOO....😭😭😭😭
‘Really? For me?’ He asked, his voice and octave higher than usual. He tried to suppress a smile but you couldn’t stop admiring the way his cheeks were getting pinker by the second. ‘Why have you got me flowers’ OMG LOZ YOU'RE KILLING MEEEE
‘I love them, baby. Thank you’ he told you quietly, squeezing you a little tighter as he slightly swayed you from side to side. ‘No one’s ever given me flowers before’ 😭😭😭
‘I didn’t realise how much I needed a day like this with you’ he told you quietly, a shy smile erupting onto his face for the millionth time that day. ‘I know things have been a bit chaotic recently but you know I love you so much, don’t you’ LOVE YOU MORE
‘You make me happy’ he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before he pulled you into his chest tightly. BYEEE
You had your person back and you knew you’d be fine. EXACTLY
I thought we could all do with a little bit of softness and I’d just LOVE to look after him like that 🥺 and he’d just let you do what you wanted cause he’s happy with the attention
And I wanna buy him flowers 🥺
But thank you so much 🥺 I love reading things back with you it’s my favourite 🥺🩷
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whirlybirbs · 7 years
i absolutely loved ur sub!loki it was amazing and wonderful just like all of your other works, but I'm curious to see how you'd write a dom!loki? because you're grasp on his character is so good I think it'd be cool to see how you'd write it :) thanks!! ur great
this is a continuation of this request – time to get some stress relief, baby. NSFW dom!Loki complete with some aftercare beneath the cut!
this falls in line with the fake!wife reader series!
“Of course you’ll listen,” he purrs, cold hand clutching your throat as he dips to press icy kisses along the side of your neck, “You’ll do exactly what I want, won’t you?”
Beneath his fingers, he feels you swallow. He’s reminded in moments like these how delicate you are.
You haven’t seen this side of him yet – the dominant and possessive side he’s since kept locked away from you. He’s historically been the more submissive partner in the bedroom and for this to change… well, to say you were excited was an understatement.
Your voice is dripping with challenge. “I wouldn’t say ‘exactly’ what you want.”
He’s quick to wipe the smirk straight off your face. He shoves you, turning you to face him. Your back digs into the cold marble of counter. Loki’s gaze is dark. You feel like a piece of meat in the eyes of a hungry wolf.
“I’m sorry?”
And still, you live to push his buttons.
“You heard me.”
His fingers knot in your hair and tug – not too hard, still even locked in a haze of lust, he reminds himself to be gentle. The movement itself is fluid, enough to drop your head back and give him the upper hand. His spare hand fleets between your thighs, riling a breathy moan from you as he presses nimble fingers to your core through your jeans.
Loki is enjoying himself. He trusts you to tell him what you need – and even still, Loki feels confident enough that he might know without you saying so. For him to take the reigns gives you the opportunity to stop thinking. If this week proved anything, it’s that you were far too stressed for your own good.
The dark haired God watches your face twist with pleasure, all before relinquishing his hold and stepping back. His voice is heavy with dominance.
“Bedroom. Now.”
You linger for a moment, only before grinning and moving towards the small bedroom opposite the kitchen. He’s quick to follow, strides catching up to your own as his hand presses to your back. A moment of pause, enough to leave you remembering his gentle touch as well. 
Within a matter of seconds, though, the commanding presence of the Prince is back – pressing you against the farthermost wall. He kisses you hard, hand lingering by your throat before he speaks.
“Fine,” you chide, eyes locked with his own as you begin to worm out of your jeans. Loki’s hand stops you, snatching your wrist and pressing it above your head on the wall. Cold fingers dance up the hem of your blouse and the muscles of your stomach jump.
“If you’re going to be a brat,” he warns, “I’ll have to punish you.”
Loki swears you have his whole heart – the way you smile and nod, pursing your lips like you feel guilty – and the God can’t help but continue his touches. You’re intoxicating, especially with how eagerly you aim to please him. He kisses you then, hands dipping beneath the hem of your satin blouse and relishing in the firey sting of your skin against his hands.
The kiss is violent – gnashing teeth battling for the upper hand. He pulls away and you taste blood. Your not sure if it’s yours of his. You don’t care. His hands shove you backwards into the wall.
His voice is darker this time.
And so you do. You give him something to enjoy from his spot on the edge of the bed. His eyes are locked to the tilt of your hips and curves of your body. Shamelessly, he stares, a prideful smirk glued to his face. Loki can’t believe you’re all his.
He stands, tearing his own shirt from his torso before pointing to the bed. You smile, sweet as ever, and Loki can’t help how his hand moves to slap your bottom as you pass him. 
Your yelp startles him, genuinely, and worry fills his chest as he panics. Loki’s eyes fleet upwards to your own and you can’t help but laugh. The mark is red and angry. 
“Not so hard, my Prince.”
Right. The strength thing.
He surges forward to meet you on the bed, lithe form pressing you into the sheets. His words a muffled against your lips. “Sorry.”
Your fingers curl into his hair, tugging Loki closer. It’s the only reassurance he needs – you’re fine. For a moment, you both battle for the upper-hand and Loki lets you amuse the idea of him relinquishing control. But, with your bare hips rocking against his clothed ones, it’s clear who’s the more worked up out of the both of you.
You nearly come against his thigh, strangling your moans against his lips the entire time.
He seems to notice, perhaps thanks to your whining how far along you’ve come.
And so, Loki sets to proving his title as Silvertongue.
A cold hand presses you to the sheets, eyes locked with your own as he scales down your torso with biting kisses. His mouth latches against a nipple, tongue swirling along it happily as you keen. His teeth suck biting kisses along both breasts – there will be marks, he knows, and the God makes a mental note to tend to them after. 
Your breath hitches, eyes fleeting shut as his hands press your thigh apart. His breath fans across your core and that alone is enough to bring your back off the sheets in a pleasured arch. Biting your lip, you can hardly watch as he presses his tongue against the folds of your center. 
His grin is apparent, especially when your fingers knot tightly in his hair. He pauses, if only for a moment, to speak. “Say my name.”
You open your mouth, and yet his mouth delves back and you’re floored with pleasure once more. Hips lifting, you tug his hair. “Loki!”
He’s far too good at this. You’re stammering, words stuck in your throat and muddled with moans, and just as quick as it began he’s gone. You whine, but he’s upon you in a moment, sweatpants abandoned at the foot of the bed and his cock pressing against the warm skin of your thigh. Loki kisses you then, pressing you into the pillows and enjoying how quickly your hands move to stroke him between the tangle of a kiss.
His hand snatches your chin, holding it tightly as he tries to catch his breath. “Say my name.”
“Loki,” you whimper as his other hand presses your thighs apart. Anticipation draws your hips upwards. Loki grins, cock pressing teasingly against the hot, wet core of your folds. He’s amused.
“Say it. Tell me what you want.”
You whine, mouth falling slack. “L-Loki – my Prince – just fuck me, for God’s sake –”
And he does. It’s rough and angry and hot and the entire time you’re scrambling to battle back against his thrusts. Your hands are braced against the head board, meeting his thrusts with earnest as he drives into your core. It’s wonderful, and Loki is lost in how tight you are and how vocal you’re being – every moan, every whimper, every sigh of his name has him closer and closer to the edge.
It’s not until he presses his hands to your throat and you claw at his hand that he comes hard just as you do – both of you slipping into the white, hot, blinding orgasm. You both collapse against the sheets, huffing heavily as sweat line your brows and linger along the planes of bare skin. 
You’re spent.
Loki, however, knows his job isn’t done. Not yet. Cold fingers dart to your hair, coaxing you out of your sleepy and spent mindset.
Your mouths meet – lazy and sweet – and for a while, you both just enjoy the other’s touch. Loki’s hands feel like ice against your stomach, but it’s a welcome feeling – your muscles are burning.
“How was that for stress relief?”
He says it jokingly, at first, but then he sees the damage he’s done – the column of your throat is lined with deep purple hickies that trail down your torso. Worst of all, the spot where his hands gripped your throat has begun to turn red. Surely a bruise will be there by morning. If Stark or worse Rogers saw any of these, Loki knew you’d be subjected to a very painful level of scrutiny. 
Your voice is hoarse, but your eyes are content. “I’m going to be sore.”
Loki frowns, pressing a worried kiss to your forehead. “Give me a moment.”
He was too rough. Far too rough. You knew it, but still you didn’t mind. Especially not with how gentle his actions now seemed.
He returns moments later after cleaning himself up with a wet cloth to clean you up with – and despite your protests, Loki insists on doing it for you. ‘I made this mess, so I’ll clean it up’, he had chided through your laughter. 
Your muscles burn, and you stretch slowly as he returns back to bed beside you. Loki presses a long kiss to your brow and you can’t help but tuck yourself close to him. Sleep tugs at you, but the ever-present tingle of his fingers keep you awake.
“What are you doing?”
He looks like a deer in headlights, caught in the act. His fingers glow gold.
“Your bruises – I was a bit rough,” he mumbles, “I don’t want you sore or embarrassed tomorrow.”
Your chest swells, shaking your head. “Is it because it looks like you abused me?”
“In all honesty…” Loki offers sheepishly, “… yes.”
You laugh and nod, slipping back against his chest and waving a lazy hand. “Do what you have to. I trust you.”
Loki’s chest swells and he hums, fingers curling into your hair. “And I love you.”
“I love you too, Loki.”
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