#but Krit getting to live happily
flameishstudios · 30 days
Krit got a happy ending, they got to be happy with their family, they didn’t end up doomed by the narrative
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talkingbl · 3 years
Tropes/Plots I want to see more of
In no particular order, I want to see more:
Fish Out of Water. This trope literally provides the best starting point for character growth, natural conflict, and a conventional love story with a spicy twist. 1000Stars/ATOTS was a decent showing of this trope (and actually the only live action BL I've seen employ it). Really want to see a humanoid alien try to assimilate to earth-faring human life like the one from JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable.
Mafia. I'd really like to see specific actors play cutthroat Mafia heirs with arm candy.
Single Parent. SPOILER FOR MANNER OF DEATH. This is one of the best tropes ever to me for the potential emotional rush alone. Some of my favorite BLs would be instantly better if one of the main characters had a child and some of my favorite BL characters would be better if the plot of the show they were in called for a single parent main. ATOTS' Phupha as a father is suddenly not a dumbass. MIR's Frame is probably not a you-know-what if he's worried about a girl he just knocked up (before anyone yells at me, I understand the issue with this line of thought). MOD's Bun and Tan end their story happily when they legally adopt That instead of inducing Bun's trauma response with that fucked marriage proposal (the proposal can still happen, just not in that way and enhanced by them becoming an official family).
Sex work. I love a good story about/showcasing the realities of sex work. The ways in which its harmful to many and empowering for some, necessary for others and an experiment for a few, makes it such a dynamic trope to employ. Long ago I read a really good AU where our protagonist and his friends all worked in a brothel. He met a rich mafioso and fell in love. It was great. Anyway, a story like this pretty much requires good acting. If it's Thai, I'm automatically casting PP Krit and Gun ATP.
Divorced/Exes. I already had a vague AU prompt for this trope lol. But the idea of exes reuniting has strong subversive energy. It provides an unconventional way by which we can get to know the characters, which is already interesting on its own. Add in a broken home trope and this is a recipe that wins every time (with the right writing of course).
Character with disability and character without disability. Just for the representation this could be awesome. I read a really good one shot about a guy who was deaf and a guy who was hearing who met in an unconventional way and went out on a date. The creative ways through which they had to communicate and the subtleties of nonverbal communication leaving the reader to connect the dots was literary genius.
Revenge. Read a good story about a guy who wanted to murder the president of his fictional country for the indirect death of his mother and worked his way up society's ranks just to get into the same room as the president. He then fell in love with the president and the president's underling before actually murdering the president. Didn't like other aspects of that story but the bare bones written here could make for an interesting live action, edited, adaptation.
Time warp. You know those AUs where one character is in 1999 and the other is in 2019 and they magically talk to each other through some decrepit online chatroom or by writing notes to each other in a magical book? That but set in South Korea. I don't have a lot of faith in Thai BL studios to pull it off but if they could, I nominate Nadao and would love to see Fiat Pattadon (in 1999) and JJ Chayakorn (in 2019) finally get their shine.
(more of a genre but) Thai Fantasy or Sci Fi Adventure. Preferably either a Thai Game of Thrones-esque low fantasy, an apocalyptic scenario, or space adventure. I think Sweden or the US LGBT and BL industries could pull one off very well budget-wise. Also could be interested in a high fantasy Lord of the Rings type show/movie with humanoid elves and hobbits and fairies and whatnot living amongst humans in some hierarchical society.
Victorian Era Royalty. Think Cutie Pie but they're all blue bloods (not just corporate royalty) and live sheltered, high-society lives.
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
@latrodectal: i was upset for YEARS when they didn’t bring back any x5s in season two but then i learned about them initially intending to kill off syl and krit and was like “okay maybe it was for the best at least now i can make up lives for them like maybe jondy’s a fashion photographer” (kidding i make up that they came back to find max when she and alec got exposed and they made their stand at terminal city) anyway i love the x5s with my whole heart
omg right like if that’s the level of respect they’re gonna serve up max’s siblings, as purely lambs to the slaughter for an easy emotional gutpunch they can keep it
I’m honestly eternally upset that they completely dropped max’s search for her siblings. i get that all of her reunions wound up like. completely fucking her up. wildly jace wound up being the most overall positive encounter, and she wasn’t even an 09 escapee. and I can do my own headcanons about how max was retraumatized at manticore after s1 and just couldn’t even think beyond the problems directly in front of her. but god?????? the fact she apparently never saw brin again even tho they were in the same fucking place? that syl and krit completely disappeared even tho lbr it would have made a lot of sense for them to become eyes only informants? and never seeing any of her other siblings, 09 escapees or not just....... lol I haven’t gotten to s2 in my rewatch yet but I have a feeling I’m gonna get aggravated
BUT I’M WITH YOU I’m just gonna daydream that all her other siblings made their way to terminal city and somebody even found brin and made her come with them to live happily ever after etc
it’s what we personally deserve
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
@princeescaluswords tagged me in a fanfic ask meme, and I’m loling at how few of the questions I can actually answer, because I swear I’ve literally forgotten more fandoms than most people will ever have. And I’ve probably written a good couple million words of fanfic all in total....
I know with just my first fandom alone, Roswell, I was in that one writing regularly for about three years and wrote and published probably a million words between the six or so ‘big fics’ I wrote......21 Down topped out at just over 200K, my Paradise Lost trilogy was probably a little longer as I think Genesis and Exodus were both around 80K and Revelations was probably closer to 100K. Riders of the Storm was around 120K.....Passage to Dawn I never actually finished because I scrapped it halfway through and started over.....and my revised version left off at around 50K I think, but the previous version before that had gotten up to 100K......and then I honestly can’t remember the names of my other two big fics at the moment, lmfao, I just know I had one more that was an amnesia trope fic and one that was....oh! Never mind, just remembered. The Long Dark Night of the Soul was one of my shorter ones, probably somewhere between 60-80K.
But yeah, that was just my first fandom alone......but fandom was a little different then, like in the sense that nobody was really writing posts about meta or episode or character analysis......Roswell fandom existed almost entirely on various messageboards and linked sites created by the community. It was years before Ao3 of course, and while ff.net was around, Roswell was one of those fandoms that just never congregated around it......people posting Roswell fics on ff.net were the outliers, the majority of fandom was centered around sites like roswellfanatics.net, crashdown.com and my personal site/board of choice to hang out and post at, polarattraction.com. I’m pretty sure all of those sites have been defunct for years, and I wish I’d done a better job of saving some of my own fics at least, lol. But point is, the fandom was geared just towards the writing and consumption of fanfic more than anything else......so if you were writing something, it was either a fic itself, or a comment on somebody else’s fic, lol. 
Anyway, was just reviewing my various past fandoms, the ones I could remember, and thought of Dark Angel fandom, which I haven’t thought of in forever. Which is kinda funny to me, actually, considering my focus in DA fandom was pretty much exactly my focus in Batfandom - the found family feels.
LOL. Like, I was never one of the better known writers in DA fandom given that my focus was not really the same as most of fandom’s. DA fandom was largely split into two camps locked in eternal ship war - Logan/Max and Alec/Max. I had by this time ‘evolved’ to the point of looking at this and just snobbishly intoning “I do not care for the Straightness of this all and thus I choose to Abstain from the conflict” so there was that at least.....but yeah, thing was, personally, I was in Dark Angel fandom for the found family feels. Max’s eternal search for her siblings she’d been raised with but lost track of when they escaped from Manticore as children.....like that was the good stuff, that was what drew me in and kept me under lock and key until I’d banged out a good couple years’ worth of constant fic writing about her and her siblings before I moved on.
But while Max’s search for her siblings was the catalyst and central plot of the first season of Dark Angel, fandom pretty much only ever took off with the introduction of Alec in the second season, when it became an either/or choice between Alec and Logan. And with most of the second season moving away from Max’s search for her family to focus more on the larger big-picture plots, combined with the fact that most of Max’s siblings never actually made an appearance onscreen.....understandably, they didn’t end up occupying too much of a role in most of fandoms’ fics or interests.
Anyway, like I said, I churned out a shit ton of DA fanfic in a pretty short period of time....my single most popular fic was probably one about transgenics racing to find a cure when they realize they’d been genetically engineered to all ‘expire’ by a certain age, since their creators had no use for genetically engineered super-soldiers past the prime of their lives.
But my personal fave bits of writing, and the series I reeeeeeally regret not saving and wish I could find again, like, there was this one series of one-shots (ranging from a couple thousand words long to some that were about 20-30K long) written about each of Max’s siblings.....all fifteen of them, lol. Jondy’s was the first one I wrote, and one of the first things I wrote in that fandom, and then I just added new stories to that particular series up until Jack’s, the very last one a couple years later....which I THINK was the last thing I ever wrote/posted in that fandom.
And since we only ever met about half of these characters on the show, and most of them only for an episode each, for the most part they were blank slates and the equivalent of writing OCs......and so I’ll always have a soft spot for my time in DA fandom solely because of how many people told me my version of Max’s various siblings was like, the definitive version for them and what they based their own fics or takes on her siblings on. Swoon. Like, that’s my favorite kind of compliment, especially in fanfic writing.
So that series was my Big Thing even if it wasn’t my most popular or well-known fic, and the various stories in it were weird and whimsical and largely experimental. Because part of the point of fic writing for me instead of writing original fic is its like....fanfic is often the place where I just get weird with my writing and try new things even just stylistically. See what works and what doesn’t, etc.
Anyway, kinda curious if there’s anyone out there who was in Dark Angel fandom at all to any degree, or if any of these sound familiar or if anyone remembers reading them.
Like, so Jondy was Max’s sister who we never met in canon but Max talked about often as being her favorite sibling, and her story in this series was called “Little Lightning Girl.” In it she was a stripper slash vigilante, who used her job to take note of predatory guys who then she preemptively scared away from her coworkers or ran totally out of town. I forget how it went exactly, but that one was written as though it was all her stream of consciousness, and she had to my mind a kind of chaotic, whimsical sort of nature, so there was something in there like: 
“Call me little lightning girl, for I’ve lightning in my veins. My hair is always frizzy, my steps all flicker-shimmy-shake. But when I strike, boom, clap, I’m thunder in reverse - by the time you hear the rumble, its already too late. That was you hitting the ground. Don’t hurry getting up. I can wait.”
And then Zane’s story was called “Zen and the Art of Not Breaking Your Customer’s Fucking Face (remember, its bad for business).”
Brin’s was “I Wasn’t Born Yesterday (but yesterday, I remember being very small).”
Zack’s was “Rules For When The Sky Is Falling (and this time it isn’t your fault).”
Syl’s was “The Kind of Girl You Bring Home to Meet Your Parents (when you’ve got the kind of parents that need killing).”
Ben’s was “They keep telling me I’m crazy (I say its the world that’s gone mad).”
Tinga’s was “A Storybook Kind of Princess (with a Grimm kind of happily ever after)” and Krit’s was “The Good Die Young, So Boy, You Better Be Bad.”
Kavi’s was “I Never Learned How To Play Ball (striking out comes naturally).”
Vada’s was “Chase Me To The Desert and Watch Me Live, I Bet I’ll Thrive (you better believe I was born to survive).”
And then Seth’s was “All Her Brothers’ Keeper (you keep your secrets and I’ll keep the watch).”
And though technically not escapees with the rest of them, I am anal and a completionist, so of course I had to write ones for Eva, Jack and Jace too. 
Eva’s was “Big Sisters Know Best (so when I say I’ll die for you, just say thank you and live).” 
Jace’s was “Leopards Never Change Their Spots (but why worry about my 5% leopard when I’m 10% shark). 
And Jack’s was “Shelter The Innocent (but don’t look at the boy without shelter and say that boy, he’s no good).”
Anyway, been randomly thinking about those today now. Well, not randomly since I can follow the train of thought that led me to thinking about them, but you know what I mean. Its just kinda funny to me that I do remember those particular stories so well when there’s entire other fandoms I can barely remember writing in at all. And DA fandom wasn’t even one I was in all that long, ever knew too many other people in, or like....idk. I definitely, definitely have written much more well read and frequently commented upon stories than that fairly random little series of almost-OCs, but for some reason it stuck around in my head a lot longer and a lot more clearly than a ton of other stuff.
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aromoji · 4 years
kritchary and kimney for that ship ask game?
when I started shipping it if I did: I basically created the ship lmao
my thoughts: Ok full dislosure I took the idea from the “All or Nothing” post about an ace and pan person living together and fleshed it out. (And they were roomates!)
What makes me happy about them: They actually have substance to them besides their identities being the punchline of funnyman humor.
What makes me sad about them: Kims parents are like mine. They pull the plug on anything Kim needs if he doesnt do what what their parents want. In this case, they refused to break up with Brit when his parents found out that they were dating (they dont know he’s nonbinary tho, and continue to refer to Kim as “she” but they do complan about Kim’s masc apperance). As a result, his parents stopped paying their tuition and they had to drop out of college. Britney (although she admits she should have thought this out more)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: havent made any fanfic yet hdhdhh but
things I look for in fanfic: uuhh none because I havent written any of them hffdfgdh but if i did it would probably be the little forehead smooches Kim gives Brit before theyre about to perform, or just making Brit feel better.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Honestly, no one for Brit because I dont see her with MJ  (their personalities clash) or Mina or Queenie (both are aro), and obviously not Zach or Krit (she’s a lesbian, theyre gay and her dating either of them would more or less be misgendering them)
My happily ever after for them: They become super famous and Kim proposes to Brit like they promised her when they were dating in high school.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Kim/Brit
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Kisses! Lots of them!
when I started shipping it if I did: I basically created the ship lmao
my thoughts: I’m aiming for a slow burn relationship for them?
What makes me happy about them: Zach gets to have a happy ending!
What makes me sad about them: It’s a slow burn ;-;
things done in fanfic that annoys me:  Well, I obviously dont want Zach romancing  Kritanta with the intent of “healing him”. Healing should be something Zach does on his own.
things I look for in fanfic: hurt comfort fics are the best :D
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: ...there are literally no other men in this cast fhjfhjdshfjh
My happily ever after for them: They just end up together, tbh
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Krit/Zach
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Kritanta loves cooking for Zach and Zach secretly enjoys the food they make.
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