#but add in urban fantasy witcher job and omg. omg.
futurefind · 1 year
//the sudden realization i could (crudely) fold Sa's 'urban fantasy merc for spn jobs and/or clients' verse as basis for a nasuverse one (just w way more baggage she barely avoids on acct of lookalike mom having worked for The ChurchTM black ups)
The kicker? Nasuverse Sa starts off 'civilian'/Not Believing in MagicTM
"She literally has a magic elemental crafting + bending sword" MHM!!!! :')
(This post brought to you by: idea of urban fantasy merc sa having a black dog spirit puppy adopt her after getting rid of the threat it was trying to guard. She just names it Barghest LOL)
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aurlyn · 5 years
Author Interview
Tagged by the amazing @elfrooted​, thank you! ♥ :)
Name: Aurlyn, Aurlana, Dani, Hey you - with the face.
Fandoms: Dragon Age is my life’s breath. My life just wouldn’t be complete without Alistair in it. And while I currently only post in the DA fandom, I am addicted to reading Supernatural (Destiel) fics and have been known to consume the occasional, MCU, Witcher, Skyrim (pretty much anything someone I respects says - OMG this is good, you must read it!)
Where You Post: When I started, I posted to DeviantArt, FF.net, AO3, (all as Aurlana) and here (as Aurlyn, because Aurlana was already taken... how rude!) ;). I quickly got overwhelmed. Now I post only to AO3 and share those link’s here and on Twitter (when I remember). I have one WIP still on FF that I will update eventually, but I don’t plan on continuing there after it’s complete.
I have a master spreadsheet with links/pairings/etc. for all of my stories if you’d like to see what’s currently on AO3. :) - Yes, I love spreadsheets, I’m not afraid to admit it. Please don’t call an intervention.
Most Popular One-Shot: All That Matters - It received so much love, I eventually added a second chapter making it a happily ever after. The love this piece continues to receive truly astounds me. I am humbled by it and most grateful.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Cocktails and Cheese - At 59 completed chapters and 224k+ words, this Cullistair, Modern AU with Magic is my baby! March 2020 will mark three years since I posted the first chapter. I love to be able to look back and see how far my writing has come since then and I don’t think I will ever get enough of these boys in this wonky hybrid world.
I have the next ten chapter story arc for C&C currently going through edits and will start posting them sometime in the next month or so (by its March birthday at the latest). C&C also has a side collection of fifteen one shots, and an eleven chapter crossover between this universe and the Supernatural Universe - so yeah, what started as a vivid image in a dream, has done a pretty good job of permeating my life. (totally not complaining).
Favorite Story You Wrote: You mean besides C&C and All that Matters? I’d have to say it’s a tossup between Alistair’s Last Rose and the Warden and the Werewolf; two very different ends of the spectrum. Alistair’s Last Rose always leaves me in tears (my ultimate endgame - happiest ever after for Alistair and Cullen), The Warden and the Champion is a peek into the silly side of Daddy Alistair when it comes to tucking his daughter into bed (another Cullistair story, is anyone surprised?).
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Tainted Love, without a doubt! Modeled after @andrastini​‘s video of the same name, but taken to a whole new (even more disturbing) level. But hey, now I can say I’ve actually written Cullistair tentacle porn so.... *shrug*. ;)  (maybe some day I’ll even add onto it, we’ll see).
How You Choose Your Titles: I have to agree with @elfrooted​ on this one, the titles choose me. At some point, during my writing, a phrase or concept jumps out at me and the title is just there... *bam!* (not if I’m looking for it though, never if I’m looking for it - those elusive bastards.)
Complete: I have 45 completed works on AO3 (3 of those I may add onto later - time and inspiration permitting, but nothing in the works as of yet. Their door is just... open to it).
32 of those fics pair Alistair with Cullen (Can you guess where my heart lies?) ;)
8 pair Alistair with a Female Warden
4 of them have Alistair caboodling with Zevran
and only 1 (holy shit, really?) only 1 does not have Alistair in it at all (do you think he’ll forgive me?)
Incomplete: There are four stories on AO3 that are incomplete but will be added to in the near future: Cocktails and Cheese, One Shots in the Cocktails and Cheese Universe, Change of Plan (where Cullen is the HOF), and All the Kisses (which are just ongoing Cullistair drabbles based on my whim and whimsey.
Do You Outline? On my chaptered stories, I do lightly outline. But, I’ve been known to just sit down and start writing too. When my focus gets shot to hell, I know it’s time to go back and outline again.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: The Royal Tantrum is currently in final edits. A one-shot where (post Inquisition) King Alistair is having a really hard day and thankfully his Commander is there to help make him feel better. Currently it’s PG-13, but I really want to make it steamier... we’ll see what I end up with when I’m done chewing it over. ;)
I also have the (last? maybe last?) story arc for Cocktails and Cheese going through edits. It’s called Promises and Proposals and you can guess from the title where this little adventure is going to take these boys. ;)
And finally, during NaNoWriMo last year, I pounded out an original urban fantasy story where vampires, werewolves, dragonkin, & the angel-blooded have a Shrouded Alliance that is sworn to keeps the peace. It has worked for centuries. It’s only when the humans start performing tests on the supernatural world, that things all go to shit. (damnit humans, stop fucking things up!) This little labor of love is currently on ice until I finish posting Promises and Proposals.
Do You Accept Prompts? YES. I love prompts! My 100 word Cullistair kisses are the easiest/quickest for me to fill, but I don’t shy away from longer works either. :)
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: ALL THE STORIES! I honestly get chills just sitting down to write. I only wish my hands could keep up with my brain (and I had more hours in the day, and less distractions, and and and - oh look, a squirrel!) Can’t I just plug in and download my brain all ready? Seriously though, with the projects I have currently so close to being ready to post, I’m trying not to look for future projects and trying to stay focused on the task at hand. (Doesn’t mean that I don’t occasionally fantasize about adding on to Tainted Love and Beautiful Sacrilege, though - I do have slightly twisted darker side to appease too, y’know). ;)
tagging: @gowombat83​, @ponticle​, @earlgreyer1​, @dragonflies-and-katydids​, @tatteredleaf​, @freethemages​, @cullenlovesmen​, @jchb32273​, @geekelfie​, @somanyjacks-writes​, @bluephoenix1347​, @draco-illius-noctis​, @ginnyq​
It’s late and I know there are so many other fantastic writers I’d love to learn more about... so if you see this and want to play along, please feel free! And if I tagged you and you’d rather not, that’s just fine too. :)
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