#but after wanmin i think i would try to join the crux as like
cadriona · 2 years
6, 10, and 13?
6. when you first think of the fandom, what image comes to mind?
*looks at the genshin fandom on twitter*
*averts eyes*
Ahem, anyhow, I think one of the first images that comes to mind is xiao's splash art since that first banner was uh, An Experience LMAO or the paimon icon of the official twitter i guess?
10. what song do you associate with a ship?
I am pinning all the blame on xy (goldfinchex) for this one but beiguang with 海底 (bottom of the ocean) by 一支榴蓮 (one sprig of durian (??)) for the angsty side, or 魑魅魍魉 by Chalili茶理理 for the au potential!! Then there's For the Dancing and the Dreaming which- also beiguang but also hiccup's parents and ;u;
13. if you could be in the universe of the characters what would you do first?
Go to Liyue harbour if I didn't start there and eat at Wanmin's! Everything else can come after the initial *holy shit* moment and i have a filled stomach lmao
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th3-royalty · 1 year
Xiao My Beloved
Part 3 (Woo y'all waited a while for this one now at the very least I have some clue on what I would like to do for this story)
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 You're here
Okay ok okay, time to cool down not like I just met the love of my life or anything, nope not at all. Except yes! I just did! He was the one and only adeptus XIAO, the sole yaksha, conqueror of demons, protector of Liyue!! Ugh my heart hurts welp time to focus can’t just go off into fantasy land (even if I technically am in a fantasy land how does that work actually…) not the point. I need to figure out a to-do list of things since I am now stranded here and can’t rely on Aether’s kindness forever. 
Get some clothes that actually fit -do I need to have multiple sets or does cartoon logic work here? better not ask and just look-
Meet with Zhongli -wait should that be first??- figure out my situation and try to get some answers though I doubt he has any
Find a job, probably something relatively easy like clerical work, I can do that. Probably not joining the adventurer's guild. I can't stand being outdoors for too long and don’t know how to fight.
Make some friends! Good options would be Yun Jin, Xiangling, Hu Tao, and Xinyan; approach Xiangling or Hu Tao first, most likely to introduce me to the others.
Make XIAO FALL MADLY IN LOVE  maybe leave that one out for now:
For now that list should work oh wait Aethers calling me. “Hey why’d you slow down” “Oh just got a bit too into my thoughts, sorry about that.” “No worries we’re here by the way”. Wow I didn’t even notice did we really walk that far I thought we would have to camp, guess video game logic saves the day again. 
“Hey you hungry?”Aether questions “I know a place to grab a bite”, “Yeah I haven’t really eaten anything since I got here so that’d be nice” sweet if this works he may introduce me to Xiangling then I make friends in Liyue number 1. 
“Come on you two slowpokes Paimon is starving” we both rush forward, rushing past the Milleth guarding Liyue’s gates. After catching up with Paimon we start walking over to what I can only assume is Wanmin Restaurant. As we walk I take this time to look around, Liyue is just as gorgeous in person as it is in the game. I see beautiful buildings with intricate wooden designs, silk flowers and glaze lilies blooming. The sun is setting over the horizon across the sea as you can hear people chattering and the crashing of waves. The Crux seems to be docked. Beidou must be here to see Ninnuang, maybe we will meet Kazuha.  …oh we’re here
“Wanmin restaurant Paimon thinks it may be the best restaurant in Liyue!” “Maybe that hurts Paimon after all we’ve been through” Xiangling walks out of the front door there’s an actual indoor seating area, huh that’s new. “ Hello Aether, Paimon, and oh who is this?” Xiangling asks curiously. “ Hi, I’m (y/n) pleased to meet you” “Oh a new face it’s nice to meet you two”. Aether responds saying “ Ya they're new to Liyue so I decided to show them around” smooth Aether. “OH I’d love to introduce you to some new foods! Have you ever tried Liyuen cuisine?” “No I haven’t” I politely respond to Xiangling, I don’t think Chinese food counts. “Well then obviously you have to! Since you're here and all, sit down, I'll whip up something real quick for you” Xiangling rushes to the kitchen. 
After a while we finished eating “Wow that was delicious thank you Xiangling” I smiled up at her, “oh it was no trouble at all anything for a new friend! A friend of the traveler’s is a friend of mine”Xiangling quickly responds back. “I think we should head home now thanks for the meal Xiangling,” Aether says. “Anytime come back soon okay!” We wave goodbye to Xiangling as we start walking away. 
“So where are you planning to go, Aether?” I obviously know it’s the teapot but I can’t let him know that. “Oh we have a place to stay since we travel all the time, here take this talisman you’ll need it to get it.” After stating that we are all immediately transported to the teapot. It’s so beautiful inside, I gasp just taking in the wonder of it all. “Sorry for the suddenness of it. Anyway, we can stay here for the night and then meet up with a friend of mine who may have some knowledge on your situation. There’s a bedroom right over there you can stay in for the night.” I’m pretty tired so I’m gonna head to bed good night (y/n).” “Goodnight Aether, goodnight Paimon.” I start walking over to the room thinking about everything that happened today, I don’t think this is ever how I would have thought my first day in Teyvat would go. Welp time to sleep.
(A/N sorry for the lack of Xiao in this chapter I really just wanted to set up the next part, so this is really just filler, it's going somewhere I swear)
Taglist: @swivy123, (If you wish to be added to my taglist lemme know!)
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diaxfeliz · 4 years
𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝟗𝟑𝟎
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A Genshin Impact Fanfic
➵ Character/s: Beidou
➵ OC/s: Captain Pix
➵ Warning/s: none, just fluff?
A/N: I guess the universe didn’t will me to properly write, huh. Anyway, this is pretty much just self-indulgence bc I got Beidou and her voice??? I am <333.
What happens when a pirate thinks she owes a rumored Fatui captain a ride home? Nothing. She’s just doing them a favor so the Fatui captain would owe her.
“Captain Beidou, this really isn’t necessary from you — I can just request a ship from home to—”
“Oh, stop being so modest, Sunshine.”
Beidou shoved Pix onto the deck of the Alcor despite their protests saying that she didn’t need to ‘make it up to’ them. Pix was at the Wanmin Restaurant writing a request for a ship after Signora had left with their ship, leaving them in Liyue, when Beidou had accidentally bumped into them, spilling their tea all over their letter. Beidou, thinking it was a proper way to repay Pix, told them she’d personally bring them back to Snezhnaya. Pix really didn’t mind but she was insistent on bringing them home.
“Everyone,” Beidou began, joining Pix’s side as they stood in front of her crew and put a heavy hand on their head because of their not so drastic but Beidou considers to be a drastic height difference. “This is our guest, Pix, and we’re taking them to Snezhnaya. If I hear about any of you tormenting our guest, you can answer to the cold waters, got that?”
There was a resounding ‘yes, Captain’ from the crew before they dispersed to get the ship ready to leave. Pix felt uncomfortable that all of this was being done over spilled tea. Not to mention Beidou going as far as to slinging Pix over her shoulder on their way to the docks.
“You really don’t have to, Captain.” Pix rubbed the back of their neck. “You’re putting the Crux through too much trouble just for me.”
“It really isn’t.” Beidou assured them with a flash of her teeth. “But if you really can’t let go of that,” A smirk replaced her smile. “then consider it as a favor from me to you, which means you” Beidou pressed a finger on their chest. “owe me.”
Pix was confused for a moment, but soon laughed and shook their head. “Fine. Just send me a letter and I’ll do whatever I can in my power.”
“I’ll make sure to remember that, Sunshine.” She winked. 
It’s been a good few hours since they’d left the harbor and night had fallen. Pix sat on a crate that rested by the ship as they scribbled on paper, occasionally stopping to put a finger over their mouth as they thought. Meanwhile, Beidou leaned on the mast and watched Pix fidget in their seat, trying to find a comfortable position as they worked.
Beidou knew who Pix was before she met them. She’s always heard of rumors surrounding her every time she’d be in town, until one day, instead of the townspeople talking about her, they were talking about the Snezhnayan captain in the high ranks of the Fatui. What intrigued her most about this captain is the fact that they’re seen as kind and compassionate unlike any other Fatui visitor they’ve had before. There were even rumors saying that they probably weren’t Fatui, but no one really knows what to believe.
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She caught on to one of their aliases — the Rising Sun, taken from the comparisons their troops always made. According to the rumors, Pix was always compared to a sunrise because of their compassion to their troops. They made them feel like a family and an important part of the organization. It was like feeling the warmth of the sun in the early mornings. Once recruits join Pix’s unit, they don’t leave, they die whether it’s by Pix’s graceful hand or another’s. If they ever do die by the captain’s hand, Pix makes sure to make it swift and painless which shows just how merciful they are.
But Beidou wouldn’t actually know what goes on behind the scenes with their guest. They were only rumors after all. She just liked their alias, deriving the pet name she gave them from it.
“Hey, Sunshine.” Beidou said as she approached them. The captain looked groggy and tired when they looked up at her. “Doing work?”
“Y-Yeah—” Pix winced in pain and put a hand over their head.
“You alright?” Beidou asked with a tip of her head.
Pix chuckled painfully. “Just… just a migraine, I think. That and I think the sea sickness’s getting to me. I can’t…” They scrunched the hair under their fingers. “…get work done.”
“I think you’re just tired.” Beidou said. She took the pen and paper from Pix’s hands and sat next to them. “Maybe a break would help.”
At this point, Pix couldn’t answer because of how nauseous they were from the constant rocking of the boat. Beidou took their shoulders and settled their head on her lap. Pix couldn’t protest and their tired eyes just fluttered closed as they slightly curled themselves into a fetal position. They breathed out slowly as Beidou comfortingly caressed their shoulder.
She chuckled at Pix’s vulnerable state. “Comfortable?”
Pix mumbled something incoherent, but Beidou just took it as a yes. Pix’s clenched fists loosened after a while which was hinting them falling asleep. Beidou brushed away the hair from their eyes and saw them comfortable closed. They’d fallen asleep. The blush Pix constantly had on their face lessened significantly since they met back at the harbor. It was probably from the stress of being left behind that made it so red, but now, it was a soft rose color.
Beidou caressed their rosy cheek with the back of her hand, Pix flinching in their sleep from the contact.
“Father… I’ve already done the reports… Let me sleep…” they grumbled, eyebrows scrunching.
“Sorry, Sunshine.” Beidou mumbled, caressing their shoulder to calm them down again.
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umnvatra · 4 years
take me with you [zhongli]
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fem! reader, fluff.
word count: 2.2k words
warning: contains spoilers of 1.1 story quest, "A New Star Approaches".
notes: wanted to post something before Zhongli's banner officially gets released in game! To my fellow travelers who are pulling for him, goodluck. Ad astra abyssosque. May the archons be with you. I haven't written in a long, long time so i apologize if the fic seems rushed or smth shdjdjsjdj
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The winds on the harbor are as gentle as ever, brushing his hair lightly as he stood waiting. For some reason as always, he couldn't stop his heart from beating fast in his chest, anticipation eating away at him. It gave him the urge to pace back and forth, but he held himself back. It's been awhile since he's felt an emotion this strong before.
The feeling of awaiting someone's return.
Unconsciously, he held a hand up to his chest, where he could feel his own heart beating wildly. Calm, he thought to himself. Well, he supposes that it couldn't be helped. He missed you so, so much after all.
He knew he could not come with you on your adventures. As much as it pained him to part with you, he had a job at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and you had a quest to fulfill. However, on your time away from him, he could not stop feeling anxious, worried, and most of all, melancholic. Your presence was something that he got used to, to the point where going on everyday without you made him feel as if something was amiss with his day.
When the silhouette of The Crux appeared on the distance, he felt his heart beat faster and he finds that he couldn't stop himself from smiling. Finally...
Without thinking, he immediately steps down into the docks of the harbor, awaiting for the ship to set anchor in Liyue.
The sight of you and Paimon's floating figure appears on top of the ship, with Beidou following shortly after. He could see you waving at him enthusiastically from afar, making his smile widen more than it's supposed to. It's silly, of course. How Zhongli himself acted so differently around you.
When the ship drew nearer, it seemed that you couldn't contain your excitement anymore as you immediately climbed the sides of the ship and jumped, your glider spreading its wings as if they were your own. Zhongli couldn't help but chuckle at the surprised exclaim that came out of Beidou and Paimon at your actions, but it didn't seem like you cared. After all, you had your eyes on him. The pixie immediately followed after you dejectedly as the captain couldn't help but break into an exasperated smile.
He came closer to the edge of the dock, spreading his arms out. He already knew your habits. And if so, he knew that at this moment, you wanted him to...
"Catch me!" You shouted, before retracting your glider. As you fell towards him, Zhongli had already readied himself for impact only to catch you on his arms in time. He struggles to regain balance for a little only to have laughter erupt from you both, your arms automatically wrapping around his neck.
After a month, you have finally returned from Inazuma.
"You lovebirds sure missed each other that much, huh?" Beidou teased, stepping out as The Crux anchored. She looked highly amused at you and Zhongli as she made her way towards you both. Zhongli gave her an appreciative smile in return.
"Beidou. Allow me to express my gratitude for escorting [Name] back safely to Liyue," he says, to which the woman playfully rolls her eyes.
"Oh, don't sweat it. Besides, it was fun to bring [Name] aboard the Crux," she says, casting a grin towards you. "She is... a strong spirit. I gotta say, i'm impressed, Zhongli. The electro archon had lifted the Vision Hunt Decree because of [Name] over here."
At that, Zhongli's eyes strayed back towards your face, who now gave him a shy smile. A feeling of pride bloomed in his chest, and he couldn't help but smile warmly down at you. "Indeed, she is."
"Well! I'll be going to get dinner for myself then. I heard that Xiangling will be cooking in Wanmin today. See you two lovebirds," Beidou said. Paimon lets out a sound of dissatisfaction as she places a hand on her stomach.
"Uuuuugh. Paimon is hungry too. I could really really use some food right now," she says, looking towards you for approval. Zhongli sets you down on the ground as you dusted yourself off.
"Right. I'm hungry too," you say before casting a glance at Zhongli. For some reason, you felt shy around him right now. He looked handsome and elegant as ever, and you looked a little disheveled from your trip from Inazuma. Anywho, his beauty is still enough to make you flustered. "Zhongli? Do you want to come with us?"
"Let it be my treat," he says, making you and Paimon look at each other hesitantly. Before any of you can question him, he brings out a wallet that, surprisingly, had mora in them. "I bought mora with me this time."
"Just so you know, i don't have all day," Beidou calls out, catching all three of your attention. You and Paimon look at each other excitedly before nodding.
You intertwine your fingers with Zhongli's, giving it a squeeze. He looks at you then, and couldn't help but notice the new bandages and scratches that were on your body. You smelled like sea salt and the earthy tones of wood, but he did not mind. In his eyes, you still looked as beautiful as ever. Especially when you smile at him so lovingly like that.
"Let's go," you said softly, tugging his arm.
In order to celebrate, Xiangling overdid herself by whipping up a deliciously cooked Adeptus Temptation for you and Zhongli, and Tianshu Meat for Beidou. Paimon gets the to share with you and Zhongli much to her dismay, as she absolutely does not like how both of you dote on each other and feed each other occasionally. The four of you dine together, laughing and conversing with each other with Xiangling constantly popping up to join in on the conversations too. It was quite a strange sight to behold, having the captain of The Crux dine with the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and the Traveler who aided in saving Liyue from Osial.
None of you cared though. Especially Zhongli, who was basking in the present, feeding you food and gazing at your face from time to time. Even with you here, his heart trembles with such longing.
When you're finished eating, Beidou ruffles your hair and laughs at the sight of your pout. "Unfortunately, i have to go and tend to some business now." She sighs. "Sport, take good care of yourself. And you too, parlor man. I'll see you two when i see ya," she says, clapping a hand on your shoulder. Both of you bid her goodbye and watch as she disappears amidst the throng of people in the harbor.
Zhongli takes your hand in his and smiles. "Should we go then, my dear? You look like you need some rest."
You flush at the nickname and nod, squeezing his hand again. Paimon sighs quietly behind you, a hand on her head. Oh bother, here you both go again.
And just like that, you all make it back to the guesthouse where Zhongli stayed in. As soon as the door closes behind him, he eyes each of the scars and fresh bandages on your form.
"...And that's Paimon's cue to leave," she says, looking unamused as she fades into trails of constellations. You let out a light laugh at her comment, making the tall gentleman near you relax visibly at the sound. Perhaps you should apologize to Paimon someday for making her the unintentional third wheel on your relationship.
"How was it?" Zhongli asks, clearly referring to Inazuma.
You squeezed his hand, excitement evident in your eyes as a large smile appeared on your face.
"You wouldn't believe it. Inazuma.. it was... crazy," you said.
He leads you towards the couch as you tell him animatedly about your adventures in Inazuma. Raiden, how her rule affected the people in Inazuma, the technology they had, and about a certain vagrant who turned out to be a Fatui harbinger. He carefully combs and unknots your messy hair with his own fingers, listening attentively to your stories. In his mind's eye, he could picture out your journey in trying, and surviving Inazuma. All the piece of history, the emotions of the shogun herself, and the power of the seemingly innocent Harbinger stood so clearly in his head. By the time you were recounting your battle with the fatui, your voice was already slightly hoarse from the amount of talking you've done.
Your adventures always sounded enjoyable and full of wonder to him. With your goal, you are slowly uncovering each and every mystery there was to find in Teyvat. Although you expressed some sadness about the gnosis of the electro archon, Zhongli kisses the crown of your head tenderly, his actions so genuine that it made you relax immediately.
"You've already done the best you could. I am sure the thought counts to Raiden," he says, drawing soothing circles on your palm. You turned towards him with a smile before suddenly enveloping him into a tight hug. He gets taken aback at first, but he slowly relaxes and hugs you back just as tight. He inhales your scent and holds you close, the emotions that he'd been holding off for so many weeks finally spilling over.
"I... missed you," he says into your hair, voice uncharacteristically vulnerable. You chuckle, the vibrations running through his chest and his stomach.
"I missed you too. You have no idea how much i.. couldn't stop thinking about you when i was in Inazuma," you said, your voice becoming low. "When i was trapped in there, i was afraid for a moment. I thought... i couldn't see you anymore. But then i repelled those thoughts away. I told myself that if i fought hard enough, i could see you again for sure."
He squeezes you. That was certainly a terrifying possibility. One that he only realized on his days apart from you. He almost berated himself from letting you go too easily. After all, he knew how dangerous Inazuma was.
But there was no need to worry anymore, as you returned to him safely. Alive. And healthy.
"I wouldn't want to imagine what would happen if you could not come out..." he confesses. At his words, you run your fingers through his hair in hopes of comforting him.
He wouldn't say that he'd let you go so easily again though.
"I would never let that happen. When i faced off with the harbinger, all i had to think about was my brother... and you," You said, making him break out into a smile again. Empowering. Your words always empowered him. No matter how simple.
"Where is your next destination?" He found himself asking, even though he already had an idea.
You break away from the hug, staring at his intense amber ones.
"I have to go to Sumeru next before the fatui can stir up problems again," you respond, your eyes set in determination. Zhongli nods his head in understanding. Of course the shogun directed you next to the Archon of Wisdom next. It was only natural.
"Then... could you take me with you?" He asks, voice almost sheepish. He looked expectant and openly searched your own reaction, but before you can even respond, he opens his mouth again and the words stumble out. "I find that without you here, i get rather... lonely. I feel that something is amiss— " he pauses, exhaling. Goodness, he wasn't good with expressing his emotions.
"...And i decided that i wanted to take on your journey with you. To fight alongside you, no matter what happens. I want to explore what Teyvat has to offer with you, even if it's dangerous, i- oof —"
He gets interrupted by you enveloping him into an incredibly tight hug that made him feel as if his bones were going to get crushed. Zhongli fidgets uncomfortably, not used to you hugging him this tight when you speak again.
"I thought you'd never ask," you murmur, smiling into his skin. For a long, long time, you'd been worried that you'd have to leave him always just to reach the rest of the regions. Of course you knew that being in a relationship while having a quest such as yours was going to be one full of hardship.
But everything is okay, especially when Zhongli carefully breaks the embrace and cups your face with his hands slowly.
He already made arrangements and talked with Hu Tao. She was willing enough to let him go of his position on the parlor. Leaving Liyue would possibly make him homesick, as he knows no other region like the back of his hand other than it, but he knew that he wanted to go with you no matter what, or where. And he was prepared to take on this journey with you.
It would be of no easy task. He knew an adventure could mean so many things. Joy, rage, curiosity, conflict...
And yet he wanted nothing more than to go with you. And possibly even come with you to your own world.
He leans in, capturing your lips in a slow, sensual kiss that would mark his gratitude.
From the entirety of Teyvat, up until the stars.
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