#but ahem i love this wet napkin man he is
sicc-nasti · 8 months
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If Hacker has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Hacker has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Hacker has no fans, that means I'm dead. Hacker belongs to @kordbot obssesed with this sad little meow meow so dang much
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Heart to Heart
Missing scene from the latest chapter of The Nanny Affair. My MC comforts Sofia after being publicly embarrassed by her father. I hated that scene, and I hate that Sofia is such a one dimensional character. 
Background MC (Luna Stafford) x Sam Dalton, but only if you tilt your head and squint.
Tags: @choices-lurker @paulfwesley @zodiacsign1 @thatysn @ermidc @badchoicesposts @senseofduties @canknot @drakewalker04
Luna can’t enjoy the fact that she’s drinking her salary in fancy champagne, enjoying a rooftop dinner with some of the richest people in the tri-state area. Any other day, this would be a dream come true, but in reality, she’s stuck in a nightmare.
For the past two hours, they’ve been forced to listen to Paolo make snide remarks on everything under the sun from her nannying skills to Sofia’s business acumen. Luna is not a fan of Paolo Russo. He seems like a miserable, stuffy old man whose only joy in life comes from whining and looking down on other people.
She casts a quick glance at Sam. The always poised and out together man looks as bored as she feels. His elbows are on the table, a finger lazily tracing the rim of his champagne flute. Gone are the manners and the fine dining etiquette that’s been drilled into him since infancy.
He looks up, sneaking a glance at her. An easy grin adorns his features as they lock eyes, and she quickly looks away, heat blooming on the apples of her cheeks. It’s rare that Sam is so unapologetic in his flirting with her, especially in the presence of his kids. 
The sound of a knife hitting the stem of a champagne flute is all it takes to pull Luna out of her thoughts. Paolo is standing at the head of the table, waiting on everyone to watch him with rapt attention.
He clears his throat obnoxiously, “Ahem. Thank you all for coming to congratulate my beautiful daughter and her future husband on their upcoming nuptials.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Luna sees Sofia sit up a bit straighter, eagerly awaiting the praise she’s sure her father is going to heap onto her.
“Sofia has been run ragged at Russo Industries for far too long,” Paolo continues. “Now she can finally fulfill her purpose to become a wife and mother. After all, a woman in a position of power in the business world is like an unstable explosive, especially around that time of the month.” The older man turns toward Sam, hoping to get a co-sign on his speech. “Right, Sam?”
Luna clenches her fist tightly underneath the table. She can’t believe the unmitigated fall that his man has. “Did he really just say that?”
Sam turns to her with a mournful expression. “Unfortunately.”
Luna isn’t the only one at the table embarrassed by Paolo’s speech. Sam’s mother Vivian leans over to her husband, whispering harshly. “Mason honey, I thought you talked to him about this.”
“I tried, but you know how it goes with Paolo.”
Luna balks at the scene unfolding in front of her. So they all just let Paolo get away with talking like this? It’s just talk, that they all chalk up to Paolo just being Paolo?
Paolo, the arrogant man, is far too caught up in his own spiel to notice that they’re all openly horrified. He just keeps going. “...A family disarms the bomb! That’s why it’s called a biological clock.”
Luna wants to scream. She wants to hit something. She wants to do anything else but listen to this man continue on with his horribly misinformed and misogynistic speech.
“Finally we’re getting to the good stuff.”
“I predict a Sofia meltdown in three...two…”
The countdown doesn’t have to finish as Sofia all but slams her champagne flute down on the table. The noise startles Luna and she flinches slightly.
“I’ve heard this speech before. I don’t need to hear it again.”
Sofia scrambles, attempting to gather her belongings. Luna notices that her hands are slightly trembling and her eyes are glossy, tears threatening to spill.
Before she can stop herself, she’s opening her mouth, “Actually Paolo, men and women have the same brains. Neurologists have been searching for differences for years, but nothing ever turns up. And this society makes girls lesser than men, which is a gross assumption that’s pushed by men like you.”
The admonishment causes a faint blush to appear at Paolo’s neck. “And what does that have to do with my daughter’s role at Russo Industries?”
Luna shrugs. “Even I can tell she would make a great CEO. In fact, I bet you’ve already seen gains under her management.”
“My daughter’s abilities aren’t in question. It’s a matter of right and wrong. Women belong at home. It’s why you became a nanny, right?”
“Paolo, you are way out of line,” Sam says, his voice taking on an uncharacteristically gruff tone. “I won’t have you speaking to Luna like that.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Luna sees Sofia rush off, heading back into the country club, not sticking around for any more of the conversation.
“It’s fine, Sam,” Luna says. The last thing she wants to do is cause a confrontation. It’d raise too many questions. Why is Sam so quick to defend the nanny and not his own fiancée? “This conversation is done anyway.”
Pushing her seat back, Luna throws her napkin on the table and gets up, leaving behind an awkwardly silent dinner party.
Sofia is a very fast walker, but Luna manages to keep a decent pace behind her, her platinum blonde hair making her an easy target to follow. The older woman heads to the restroom, angrily pushing open the door. Luna weaves through patrons of the club and various waiters carrying trays until she reaches the bathroom as well.
Luna is instantly swept up in just how fancy this restroom is. The lighting is dim, it smells like eucalyptus and mint, there’s soft music playing, and she’s pretty sure the faucets are made of real gold.
It isn’t until she hears a sniffle coming from one of the stalls that she is reminded of the reason she entered the restroom in the first place. Taking a peek under the stall, she sees Sofia’s signature Louboutin heels.
“Sofia, I know you’re in there.”
“Go away,” Sofia orders. Her tone doesn’t have its usual bite or chill. Luna frowns at how small she sounds. “I don’t need you here to coddle me.”
“I can’t do that. My conscience won’t let me leave a sad woman crying in the restroom alone.”
“I’m not crying!”
“Sure you’re not. But my point remains, I’m not leaving until you talk to me.”
A minute ticks by and Luna is met with silence. Sofia is just as stubborn as she anticipated, maybe even more so.
She leans against the marble countertop, careful to not lean against any wet spots. “If anyone knows how you feel, it would be me.”
More silence.
“I’m a black woman in STEM,” Luna continues, not waiting for a response. “I don’t know what it’s like in the business world, but if I got a dime for every time a man, and sometimes other women, told me to not pursue chemistry, I’d probably be able to afford your shoes.”
Luna smiles to herself. Sofia actually responded to her! She’s making progress! “Really. I was told to focus on nursing or a social science, like sociology or anthropology by multiple teachers, classmates and counselors. Not saying there’s anything wrong with those fields, I think they’re great, but that wasn’t the path for me. I’ve always loved chemistry. I’ve had the periodic table memorized since I was in 3rd grade. Thankfully I have parents that support my passion, because everyone isn’t so lucky.”
Sofia scoffs. “Got that right. I got my BA from Yale, I graduated summa cum laude and I went to Wharton for grad school, but let my dad tell it, I simply wasted 6 years and half a million dollars in tuition costs. Those degrees mean nothing to him because he’s the stereotypical, conservative and traditional Italian man. I’m not the correct sex or gender for him. In a perfect world, I’d be the perfect song but instead, I’m his fussy daughter. I’m not supposed to do anything other than get pregnant and cook, and how dare I want anything else out of life.”
“I say this with the utmost respect, but your father is a sexist jerk,” Luna deadpans. “You can yell at me for saying it, but I don’t regret it. And I’m shocked Russo Industries is still standing because I can only imagine the HR complaints and harassment lawsuits against your father over the years.”
“There’s no need to apologize because it’s the truth. My father doesn’t respect me. He doesn’t respect women at all. My mother was never allowed to have an opinion, and mine isn’t all that valued either.”
“I thought taking the initiative and getting engaged to Sam would make him respect me,” Sofia adds. “I wanted to do this in order to prove to him that I’m worthy. I thought he’d see that I’m a go-getter, and I’m ambitious, and I want the Russo family to thrive, but he doesn’t care about the business aspect of the merger like I do. He’s just glad I found a rich husband.”
Another bout of silence falls between the two women, but this time it’s not as awkward as before. it’s almost peaceful. Luna still hears the occasional sniffle, but she doesn’t call any attention to it. Crying is too vulnerable for Sofia to be open about.
“Besides, I don’t know if things will even pan out the way I want them to,” Sofia says. “The boys aren’t that fond of me, and Sam is just so...cold. I’m trying to make this a decent transition, and I’m trying to find out where I fit in that family dynamic, but it’s not working. He didn’t want me around for his birthday, he doesn’t respect my opinion on how to raise Mickey and Mason. More times than not, it feels like he’s counting down the minutes until he has to be in my presence anymore.” The stall door opens up and Sofia steps out. Her eyes are bloodshot and her nose is red and raw. Luna averts her gaze quickly, not wanting to draw too much attention to it.
“I don’t even know if this is worth it anymore. I’m exhausted, and I’m trying to sustain a relationship all by myself. Sam can barely sustain a conversation with me, and my dad isn’t impressed, so what’s the point? What am I doing this all for?”
Luna frowns. Sofia has always seemed so...bold and intimidating, like nothing ever rattled her. But looking underneath the perfectly put together surface, Sofia is just a woman trying to fight and claw for every inch of success, despite the lack of a support system.
“I meant what I said earlier,” Luna says. “I think you’re smart, and I think you’d make an excellent CEO of Russo Industries. And I don’t think you need Sam at your side to do so.”
That shocks Sofia. Her eyebrows shoot up past her hairline at the compliment. “You really think so? You have that much faith in me?”
Luna doesn’t know if she’s giving Sofia this advice because she truly believes in it, or if a selfish part of her wants the other woman to leave Sam alone, so they can finally be together. Her stomach twists uncomfortably at the thought, full of guilt. Does this count as manipulation?
She swallows thickly, pushing down whatever guilt is trying to bubble to the surface and nods. “I do. You don’t need a man to be successful and fulfilled. You don’t need your dad’s approval. And you don’t need to feed into the bullshit cycle of misogyny that your dad perpetuates.”
Sofia walks over to the sink and turns the faucet. After she splashes cool water on her face, she turns back to Luna. “Thank you, I guess. No one has ever talked to my dad the way you did, especially not in defense of me. And thank you for coming in here.”
“You’re welcome. Even the rich and powerful Sofia Russos of the world need 5 minutes to vent and cry.”
“Never mention to anyone that you’ve seen me like this,” Sofia orders sharply. No one, especially people in New York high society, can know that the ice queen herself shows emotion. 
“What happens in the ladies’ room, stays in the ladies’ room. Scout’s honor.”
“Good.” Sofia sighs and straightens herself up. Luna watches the cool facade slip back into place as Sofia fixes her makeup and runs a brush through her hair. Sofia is back to being the poised, elegant woman everyone knows.
Once she’s done, she straightens out her clothes and heads to the door. Hesitating, Sofia lingers by the door. She turns back to Luna, her eyes softer than the younger woman has ever seen them. “You know what? Maybe I misjudged you. You aren’t as bad as I originally thought.”
A soft smile tugs on the corner of Luna’s mouth. “That’s high praise coming from you. I’ll take it.”
Without another word, Sofia sweeps out of the restroom, leaving Luna all alone, the sound of her heels clicking against the floors now an echo. With the presence of the other woman no longer stifling her, Luna lets out a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding in.
She didn’t know what to expect coming in here to comfort Sofia, but now everything feels much more complicated.
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sdmn-edits · 7 years
Miniminter Smut: LA Love
Summary: Could you do an imagine about Y/N and Simon meeting in LA when he's on holiday with the rest of the boys and they just click get chatting and they go out together like to the beach and shopping and stuff and end up kissing and you stay the night (just cuddling not smut if your not comfortable with it lol) and the boys tease in the morning about it but they're happy for you both- idk I thought it would be cute thanks!!💗
Warnings: Pure FILTH, Daddy Kink, swearing.. I think that’s it?
Requested: Yep by a lovely anon (check summary)
Rating: 17+ (smut & swearing)
A/N: Hey, this is my first smut! It is pure filth! I will happily do more if people want it! Please be aware I have never done anything sexual in  my life so this may be complete and utter bollocks so... yeah lol! I’m sorry this took so long as well! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :) <3 (sorry it’s long). Y/FD = Your Favourite Drink Y/D/J = Your Dream Job Y/B/S = Your Birth Stone (Anymore you don’t understand, hmu)
~Beth <3
It was your first ever official outing. Well, ever since your “boyfriend” left you last week for that stupid, mysterious girl in the club. You should. No, you need to forget about him. Today was your day! You’ve been invited to go to meet one of your old-school friends for a coffee. So, that’s what you should do! Go for a coffee and enjoy yourself! You sat up and walked to the bathroom to have a shower, in fact, you’ve got plenty of time – checking your phone, why not have a bath?
You ran the bathtub with your favourite scent and at a nice, warm, soothing temperature. You dipped your toe in cautiously - it was perfect. You stepped in, holding onto the sides, making sure you wouldn't slip and laid down on the throne of bubbles.
/-/-/ Time Skip /-/-/
You get out of the bath slowly, and head for the warm towels on the radiator. You wrap it around your body and flip your head, to put another towel on it and form a turban. You walk out of the bathroom to check your phone. Shit, you've only got half an hour to get ready. You walk towards your wardrobe and picked a nice pair of jeans and a small crop top. You quickly put some panties on and the corresponding bra - not even thinking about it. You quickly run to the bathroom and took your hair out of the turban. You grabbed your hair dryer and start blasting your hair making sure it wasn't too wet. You ran back into your room and grabbed a few bits of makeup. No. Let's go all natural for once. You put the makeup back and quickly got changed. You grabbed your phone and your bag and ran out the door and locked up. You quickly unlocked your car and off you drove to the coffee shop.
/-/-/ At the coffee shop /-/-/
You walked in and looked around for your friend. She was nowhere to be seen. "Oh, she must've been held up by something." You sat down at a table, close to a window so you could see if she was coming. You didn't want to look a loner so you made out you were texting someone, but you were just checking Facebook: Tracy has a new boyfriend - it's the third this month! Tony got married last week. There was nothing new.
*Ahem* "excuse me miss, would you like anything to eat or drink? It's just that you've been sat by yourself for the past 10 minutes and if you don't order anything in the next 5 minutes, I'm sorry but you'll have to leave." You looked down, in embarrassment. "I'll have a Y/F/D to go please." The waitress nodded and left.
You went back on your phone when suddenly, you hear two people laughing. You turn around to see your old-school friend and. Shit. Your ex-boyfriend. "Hey Y/N." Your friend. Well, how could you even call her that now? Shouted, waved and came towards you, her hand interlocked with his. The waitress put your drink on the table and you paid for it. "Hey Y/N, didn't you hear me shout?" Your "friend" said. "Um Nope, I've just realised I've got to be somewhere." You murmur. Your "friend" nodded. Your ex-boyfriend turned to you "You know I'm sorry about what happened. I did tell you that I was drunk and it was a mistake." He said.
"Like I said, I've got to go." You felt tears forming in your eyes. You picked up your drink and stood up, you hastily turned around and *BANG* your favourite drink went everywhere other than the cup, all over a tall and lanky stranger. "I'm so sorry." You grabbed a napkin and handed it to the stranger. You looked up to see a gorgeous pair of sapphire eyes and dusty brown hair. "It's okay. Oh shit, why are you crying?" The stranger asked, thoughtfully. "It's fine. How can I make it up to you?" You quickly ask, wiping your eyes and feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. "You don't have to do anything. I'm Simon." Simon smiled.  "I'm Y/N, you don't sound like you're from around here?" You ask. "Um yeah. I'm on holiday with my mates - I'm from the UK." He chuckled. "Do you want to meet my mates?" He asked. You nodded and followed him to a table full of men. "Yo Simon, what ya done to your shirt?" A man with a snapback on said. "Guys this is Y/N." They all nodded towards you. "Y/N this is Tobi, JJ, Harry, Josh, Ethan and Vik." Simon said, pointing to each of them. He pulled up an extra chair for you. You sat down between him and a dirty blond haired boy, Harry you think his name was.
"So, Y/N? What do you do for a living?". The man wearing a snapback - Tobi, asked. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your thigh. You look up and see Simon talk, however, he's smirking throughout the conversation. "Y/N?" You wake from your daydream. "Sorry, I do..." His hand moves more up your thigh, causing you to bite your lip to hold back the moan building up. "I-I do Y/D/J." You respond.
"Y'know if you bite your lip any harder, you're gonna end up bleeding?" Simon whispers into your ear, making you blush.
"Hey, Y/N? You okay? You've turned a bit red?" JJ commented.
"Yeah Y/N? You okay there?" Simon joined in, his hand shifting closer to your heat. Luckily, Harry wasn't paying any attention to what Simon was doing to you. That's it, you had enough! "I've got an idea! Let's go shopping - since we are near Westfield Century City! Then maybe we could go to the beach afterward?" You suggest.
"Actually, Y/N the boys are busy. Aren't you?" You looked at them, they all nodded quickly, far too quickly, oh well you thought. "Right me and Y/N are going shopping, we'll see you later," Simon said, slipping his hand on your lower back. "Do you want to take an uber or something?" He asks quietly.
"It's fine - my car is just parked there." You said, pointing to your car. You unlocked it and you both got inside.
The journey wasn't too long but it still felt forever. Not because of the heat of LA's hot weather, but because of Simon (not to mention, a guy you've only just met)'s hand traveling up and down your thigh, his ring on his pinky brushing your thigh every time.
As you both approached the shopping centre, his hand slowly stopped. You couldn't help but whimper at the loss of contact of his cold hand on your warm thigh. "Did that feel good baby?" He whispered. You nodded. "Well, you'll have to wait till later to have more fun..." He chuckled.
For the next two hours, you both went in and out of shops. Every so often, he would buy you little surprise gifts.
By the end, you'd bought only a few clothes but Simon added to the collection with two necklaces - one with Y/B/S, one with your initial, one small bracelet, and one Pandora ring. He didn't get much: two t-shirts - one black and one white Adidas shirt and black and red shorts to match.
You both were quite tired by the time you'd finished shopping and it was getting into early evening time. You checked your phone: 5:34 pm. "Hey Simon, do you still fancy going to the beach?" You ask him. He nodded. "Only if you still want to?" He said. You both agreed and went back to your car.
When you arrived at the beach, the sun was just setting. Suddenly, you realised you barely even knew Simon; what he does (career wise), where in the UK he was from etc. Essentially, he was a complete and utter stranger to you and the fact that you, YOU chose to hang out with. What the hell were you thinking?! Your thoughts were interrupted by Simon saying "Hey Y/N, I've had a really great time today. I don't really get out much because of my job, but this has been amazing. I know I've not said much about myself..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "But it's because I don't want you to feel like I'm a complete loser..."
"So what exactly do you do for a living what would make me think you're a loser?" You ask. He looked down, awkwardly. "I'm a..." He mumbles. You looked at him confused. "I-I make videos on YouTube." He manages to mumble out, but still embarrassed by it. He glanced over at you, to see your reaction. In return, you smiled "that's really cool! What kind of videos do you do?" You ask. You saw his face lit up at your response. "I do gaming videos with the guys you saw earlier, each of them have their own channels. We all mainly do FIFA videos except Vik, he does Minecraft. We also do a few football videos on occasion but it's really hard to get everyone together. This holiday took six months planning - you see, we all have different schedules. Like Josh and I are usually awake at the same time. Then we record and edit between 6pm-2am. Obviously, we get snacks like between editing but we mainly supply on RedBull and Frubes." He said you looked over to him. "Sounds fun." You smiled. "The boys and I are having a meal at 7 pm, would you like to come with me? We'd obviously need to change and stuff. So just come back to my hotel - the restaurant is literally part of it." He asked. Wait? Why would Simon want me to come back to his place? As if he had read your thoughts, he turned to you: "I'm sorry, that sounded weird, um the reason I want you to come back to mine. I-it's because I bought you this..." He pulls out Y/F/C  dress, with some silver/gold (whichever goes with Y/F/C) heels, both in your size and a silver/gold clutch bag. "Oh Simon, it's beautiful! Thank you!" You exclaimed. His cheeks turned a rosy pink. You got on your tip toes and placed a kiss on his warm, red cheek. "Thank you so much for everything today." You whispered, smiling in his ear.
You both arrived at the hotel. It was quite a fancy hotel, to say the least. Polished granite floors, chandeliers. It was like something from a movie. You were quite surprised that you haven't seen this grand hotel before - as it is close to your favourite beach.
Simon took hold of your hand and dragged you to the lift. "Come on, we've only got an hour to be ready!" He said, giddily.
You came up to his room and he unlocked it. Well, a room was an understatement, it was an apartment! You've never actually seen an apartment before. It genuinely felt like you were in one of those cliche Hollywood movies! Simon opened the door and let you inside. "Welcome to my home, well for this week anyways." He laughs. "Just put your stuff at the door." He said. "Come on, I'll give you a quick tour." He said, grabbing your hand.
"Right, well that's the tour - this is my room." He said, opening the large wooden doors. The doors creaked open, revealing a rather large bedroom. The walls were all white except one feature wall, where the king sized bed was. He had everything in this room. A walk in wardrobe, an ensuite and a small balcony! "This must have cost lots?!" You exclaim.
"Well we all chipped in so, I guess if I paid for it all by myself, I would have to sell my car." He chuckled. "Anyways we best get ready if we have any chance of eating tonight." He said.
You both quickly got changed. The dress and shoes fitted perfectly! You went into the bathroom to finish up your makeup when a pair of firm hands gripped to your waist. "You look, beautiful babe," Simon whispered in your ear. His hot breath on your exposed neck sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't deny it, he smelled good. Better than good. Amazing. You checked your phone to see what time it was 6:43 pm. "Let's head down to the restaurant." You said.
The drive wasn't too far, only about 5 minutes away.
As the evening meal went on, Simon's hand was doing the same thing as before: moving up and down your thigh. But what you didn't realise, was that he had an evident boner, which you could only think was your fault. "Hey Minter looks like you're getting a bit excited there." You whispered in his ear. No reaction. Well except a small smile appeared on his thin, pink lips. However, it was not enough to spark any movement. An idea popped into your head. "Two can play at that game." You whispered. "What was that?" You hear a voice from behind you say. It was Josh. Simon's hand quickly jumped up, knocking over his drink onto his lap. "Shit!" He said, jumping up. You grabbed a napkin started dabbing it on his crotch. You could see his pupils dilate and his face turn beetroot red. *Ahem* he awkwardly coughed. You got the gist, it was turning him on. You stopped, seeing the smirking faces of everyone around. "Sorry." You awkwardly mumbled. Everyone carried on talking, phew you thought, that was a close one. The evening carried on, the same with Simon's hand running up and down your thigh. You came up with the same idea as before. You placed your hand on his crotch, palming his dick over his black trousers. A small moan came from his lips as he was speaking to Tobi. He bit down on his lips, to stop any more moans from escaping it. "Y/N quit it! Or you'll pay!" He whispered through the conversation with Tobi. Being the cheeky person you were, you carried on but with more force than before. Simon quickly picked up on the fact you were palming him harder. "To make it fair" he decided to move his hand closer towards your heat, slowly and slightly pulling your panties down each stroke. That was it! You were done with his teasing.
"I've got to go." You quickly got up, making Simon jump. "Simon, will you walk me back to my car?" He quickly stumbled up. "Lovely meeting you all!" You said, waving goodbye. The rest of them waved and Simon pulled up his black jeans and took your hand. "I'll see you guys later. I'll probably get an Uber back to the room and I might crash once I've come back, so please don't disturb me with your drunken states, especially you." He added, pointing to Harry. Harry looked up in confusion. "What was that mate?" He slurred, clearly already drunk.
You both walk towards the car park when suddenly he pins you against a wall. "What're you do..." You are stopped by Simon's warm, moist lips on your own. Without thinking about it, you kissed back. "Let's take this back to mine..." He mumbled through the kiss. You both parted and nodded to each other. "Wait, what about your ride?" He looked at you confused. "Well, shit. I don't have a ride - unless I get an uber?"
"Just drive mine." You said, handing him the keys. You both ran towards your car and got in and drove off.
Simon quickly parked up in the car park of the hotel. You both got out of the car, Simon quickly locked it and came round your side of the car. He grabs your hand in a frenzy and pulls you towards the lobby of the hotel. You both slow down as you reach the entrance of the hotel. You both speed walk to the elevator, hand in hand. As you both stepped inside. Simon quickly pressed the floor's button and up you went. Unfortunately for you both, the apartment was quite far up. Simon stood at the opposite side of the elevator to you, in case some of his fans pop up, after JJ did tweet earlier in the week that they were staying at this hotel. Like don't get him wrong, he loves meeting and taking pictures with the fans, he just didn't want anyone to start unnecessary drama about you. "Did I tell you that you looked beautiful tonight? Because you do look really good". He mumbled out. "Something along those lines." You laugh. "Fuck it! Let them all see how much I love you! Create the fuck they want about me loving someone!" He pushes you against the wall of the elevator, your legs naturally wrap around his waist. He attacks your lips with wet kisses. His hands traveling up and down your legs, brushing over your already soaked panties. "So wet for me already baby girl!" You accepted his plea and his tongue slipped into your mouth. Jesus, he's an amazing kisser, you thought to yourself. Just as you were about to slip your own tongue into his mouth, the elevator tannoy announced "Level 4. Doors opening." Simon quickly jumps off you and returns where he was stood before. You straighten your dress and pretend that your texting on your phone. The elevator doors open. "MINIMINTER!" You look up from your phone. "Guys look! It's Simon!" A girl, 13 by the looks of it shouts. You see his reaction. His face is bright red. A mixture of girls and boys, mainly girls came rushing over. He steps out the elevator to greet the fans. He turns around "I'll meet you back at the room, there's a spare key under the plant outside the room. Get ready for Daddy." He whispered before he left. "Why do you have lipstick on?" One girl said. The doors closed before you could hear what his response was.
You finally reached the apartment and got the spare key from under the plant. You open the door, it was pitch black. You took your heels off and put your bag next to it. You had a funny idea. Why not cut the power temporary and he has to come find you?! You thought. It helped that you took that life skills class back in uni where in case of a fire and you need to cut the power temporarily in case it spreads and causes several other fires. You used your phone's torch to find the power box. You found it! You messed about with the wires, it would be cut for just over an hour. You decided it would be quite funny to tease him as well, especially since he's had you flustered all day.
You: Daddy, I'm getting bored.
Simon: Seen, 9:34 pm
You: Daddy, if you're not here by 9:40 pm, it's off.
You: Daddy, I need you now!
Simon: Seen, 9:35 pm.
You: Oh well, I guess I've just gotta finish this by myself then.
Simon: Seen, 9:35 pm.
Just then, the apartment door swung open. You hear a clicking of a light switch. "Y/N! Where the fuck are you?!" You hear him call. Quickly, you ran out of the kitchen, where the power box was and ran into the living room. "Y/N is that you." You heard him call. You couldn't hold back your laughter. "Y/N, this isn't funny!" You hear him shout. "Come find me then!" You call out. You could hear him sigh. "When I catch you, you'll be sorry baby girl." He shouts. You both laugh. You hear his huge feet running, so instinctively you start running. You ran into his ensuite, closed the door and hid behind the shower curtain. "Y/N?!" You could faintly hear him call. "Y/N?! Come on, I give up." You could hear him call, a little louder than before. You could help but laugh. All of a sudden, the door creaked open. Shit. He's found me. You thought. "Baby girl, I know you're in here." He chuckles. You peered out of the curtain. You could see him looking everywhere, then he turned around to the shower. You quickly shut the curtain and held your hand over your mouth. "Found you baby girl!" He said, opening the curtain. He lifts you out of the shower, and places you over his shoulder, like a fireman. "You've been a bad girl." He says and smacks your bum. He's surprisingly strong, you thought to yourself. You both reach the bed and he gently places you down. "So beautiful!" He mumbled through the sloppy wet kisses. Suddenly, he stops. You whimper at the loss of contact. You sit up to see him sat at the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. "What's up?" You ask, curiously. Just then, he picks you up and places you on his lap, you're bum facing up. "I tricked you. Now it's time for your punishment!" He said, unzipping your dress. He places his hand on your bum and massages the cheeks. "Baby girl, I need you to count. Are you ready?" He growled. He slapped your bum cheeks. "Fuck me!" You moaned out. "I don't hear you counting!" He growled. "One." You said. He slapped you again. "Two!" You yelled out. He slapped you again. "Three!" You said. "Aww baby girl, is this too much?" He asked. "No daddy, I've been a bad girl." You whimper from the loss of contact. "I've had enough baby girl, you just look so hot I can't keep my eyes off of you." He growled. You got up from his lap and pushed his chest down, onto the bed. "I'm in control now daddy. If you make a sound, you don't get to touch me." You said, taking off his belt. You tied it round his hands and tied him to the bedpost. As you come back down from the bedpost, you meet your lips with his. You straddled his waist and trailed kissed down his jaw and down the nape of his neck. "Ugh baby girl, please let me touch you." He moans. "Take your shirt off first and I might consider it, oh wait, you can't." You laugh. You unbutton his white shirt, making sure to go extra slow. Once his shirt was undone, you kiss down his chest, down to his pants. "Baby girl stop teasing! I need you!" He moans. You pulled down his pants and boxers down and his erection sprung free. "Please baby girl, I'm begging you." He mumbled. You stood back up and let your dress pool at your legs. His eyes dart straight to your breasts, as you aren't wearing a bra. "My eyes are up here sweetie." You comment. He smirks. "What's so funny?" You comment. "Nothing baby girl." He chuckled. "Good. Well I'm going to untie you now, I would like you to take my panties down with nothing but your mouth." You chuckle. You saw his face lit up. You unbuckled his belt to free him and his hands immediately latch on to your hips, pulling you down underneath him. He trails kisses down your chest to your panties, bites down on them and pulls them down. "My god you are soaking wet for me baby girl!" He mumbled as he licked a strip down your sweet pussy. "So sweet baby girl, shame I have to replace this by my hard dick. But first protection." He laughs. He rolls over to the bedside table and finds the silver packet and rips it open with his mouth and rolls it on. He quickly lines you both up and fills you up. "Fuck baby girl, you're so tight!" He moans in your ear. He gives you a second to adjust. He thrusts into you, wet skin slapping. "You're. So. Fucking. Beautiful." He moans through thrusts. Your fingernails rake up and down his back. You quickly reach your high. "I'm close Daddy!" You moan. "Same here baby girl." He moaned back. With a few more thrusts, you both reached your high and he fell beside you in a hot, sweaty mess. "That was amazing!" You both said, simultaneously. You both laughed and in no time, you were both fast asleep.
You woke up to the sound of JJ "Simon and Y/N fucked! Simon and Y/N fucked!" He sang. You turn to your side, Simon was nowhere to be seen. Just then, the ensuite door opened and out came Simon in just a towel. "Morning beautiful, sleep well?!" He chirped. You nodded. He turned around to go in the walk in wardrobe. "Simon! Your back?!" You shout. "Looks like I did a good job then." He smirked. "You can use the shower if you want." He said. He carried on walking into the wardrobe. You went into the bathroom and you were quickly hit with his cologne. You turn the shower on to a nice temperature and jumped in. Luckily, there was a spare set of toiletries for women in it. You quickly washed your hair and body. You turned the shower off and headed out. You used the spare towel and dried your body and hair with it, then you wrapped it round your body. You came back into the bedroom. "I definitely made my mark." He laughs, insinuating your neck. "Same goes for you, Minter." You laugh. "Here, put these on so we can go get breakfast." He throws you a Sidemen t-shirt and some shorts. The clothes were clearly too big for you but you'd have to make do with what you had. As soon as you put them on, you could feel his eyes on you. "Gorgeous." He mumbled. "I know we haven't like, you know? Got to know you? But I would really like to? And I would like you to be my girlfriend Y/N?" He asked, rubbing his hand at the back of his neck. "Yes, I would Simon!" You said. His face lit up "well we need to get breakfast quick otherwise the guys will get suspicious." and with that, he quickly took your hand and down you went for breakfast.
"'I'm close Daddy'" JJ said, as you both entered the room. "Same here baby girl," Harry responded. The rest of the boys laughed. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. "You lot came back early?!" Simon asked, surprised. "By early, do you mean half past 1 in the morning?" Tobi laughed. "Nah for real Simon, we're happy for you both," Josh said.
/-/-/ Final Note From Me /-/-/
Hi, I know I haven’t written imagines in awhile - it’as ‘cause i’ve been super busy and had a really dry sprout of inspiration. In the future, i’ll defo write more if people want :) <3.
~Beth <3
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