#but alas in the winter i am. constantly stressed. power is back on for now but i have space heaters blasting
threnodians · 6 months
(muffled screaming) power outages are great
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The Prophecy
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Summary: Min Yoongi is the first in line for the throne in Infernum. He is the only child of Hades, the current King of Infernum and Min Yoo Jung, the goddess of harvest and spring. A long time ago, a prophecy have fallen upon Infernum and Paradisus which promises the demise of two realms in the hands of a creature that many believes to be a mortal. With Hades gone in search for a solution, Yoongi had to fill in his father’s position as a regent. And for the longest time, everything is going smoothly ignorant to his mother’s feelings.
So, when his mother, the goddess of spring had forced him to spend some time with her on Earth after ignoring her and her feelings for 15 years, he had no choice but to obey her. 
Now, the prince of Infernum is back on Earth and he met a pink haired waiter who looks like heaven and smells like sin. And all of a sudden, he was reminded by the prophecy:
Beautiful as the creature may be, fire doesn’t burn, ice doesn’t freeze, water doesn’t drown and lightning doesn’t destroy.
 Warnings: Implied smut, crude language, ignorant author
Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4  Chapter 5
Chapter 1
When Yoongi opens his eyes, he finds himself on some park near an unknown river. He grumbles as he glares at the sun shining up above with white puffy clouds and blue sky. It’s a beautiful day with birds chirping and flowers begins to bud. It was the first day of spring and everything is coming back to life after 3 months of hibernation. He glares at the sun in disdain as his senses slowly return to him. The silver haired man groans and forces himself to sit upright. His brows creases as the wetness at the back of his black shirt slowly makes its presence known. It has gotten wet due to lying on the grass (presumably wet due to melted snow).
Frankly, Yoongi is man who has 10:1 ratio of what he couldn’t stand to what he can. And being wet is one of the things he cant stand.
             “I’m going to kill Namjoon.” He seethes as memories of being pushed into the loophole flashes through his cold, bluish grey eyes. Yoongi had a small dispute with Namjoon before he was so rudely interrupted by his own advisor.
‘You need to settle things with Suran. Things are really looking bad for her and if you don’t help her, she might really get turned against this time.’ Now, how many times have Yoongi heard this? Thrice in a span of 5 years. Suran have always managed to make things alright again when given time. So why is this time any different? ‘Also, you need to visit your mother on time, this year. I can’t handle her wrath last year when you decided to bail at the last moment. How many years has it been since you last saw her? 17? 20?’ His advisor patiently reminded him for the umpteenth time this week. Yoongi was at the end of the thin and fragile rope known as his patience. If he ever hears Namjoon bringing up his mother again for the 132,510th time, he swears in his father’s name that he will end Namjoon himself.
‘You know I can’t help it. I am a regent until my father returns.’ Yoongi said and the blonde man next to him sighs dejectedly. Yoongi knows that the stress of managing a kingdom hasn’t only taken a toll on him but on his advisor as well. He knows that Namjoon means well and is trying to help him make wise decisions but he is a prince to his people first. ‘I am sure Suran can come and pay us a visit here herself and I haven’t been visiting my mother for only 15 years. Don’t exaggerate it, Namjoon and I’m sure it feels like only what? 6 months have passed-‘
‘9 months.’ Namjoon corrected.
‘Right, 9 months have passed and it’s not even that long and my mother will understand. Now, call the members of the council for a meeting. I need to speak with them urgently about your birth home. I hear it’s worse this time round. It had really gotten down to -310 degrees and my demons are freezing over there.’
‘You don’t need to worry about Athara. What you need to worry is about your position on Earth. Suran can’t keep filling in for you. The dhampirs and the ghouls are going berserk and Suran’s army can’t hold up against them any longer. The dispute is very bad, Yoongi. They are going against the pact and they are going to have Suran’s head if you’re not going to do anything.’
‘I am going to do something and I am going to Earth as soon as I’m done with my duties here. You’re not helping by having this conversation with me.’ Yoongi creased his eyebrows as he wonders when did Namjoon learn to talk back to his words while the said blonde demon glares at the prince as he tries to ignore the loud voices inside his head to hit the royal highness square in the face for being so stubborn. But he obviously decides against it for he knows Yoongi isn’t kind enough to let him pass with just half his bones broken.
‘Your duties as a prince will never stop.’ Namjoon tries again. He is truly worried for the things going on in the world above them and he is getting desperate and frustrated that Yoongi doesn’t seem bothered. ‘You need to get up to the surface.’
‘I don’t see why you’re so worried. We have Jungkook up there.’ Yoongi said despite knowing how his little brother enjoys the bloodshed and war. He knows that Jungkook is own version of Ares and the golden boy has never let him down before so he doesn’t understand why this is any different. But before Yoongi could even say more, a loophole appears before his feet and Namjoon flashes him a smirk.
‘Say hello to Queen Yoo Jung for me.’    
The silver-haired adolescent with fair skin rips the green grass off the ground as he tries to control his temper so the grass in his palms down burst into flames. I ought to change my advisor. He thought spitefully. This isn’t a great start for him. For one, he isn’t completely sure where he is, as he just thought of wherever his mother might be with hopes that the loophole will bring him to where she is. But vagueness isn’t what loopholes obey to and he ended up in a park where humans are found lingering around. Great. He rolls his eyes. Yoongi takes in a deep breath despite how uncomfortable the wet shirt feels like clinging onto his skin is and he couldn’t deny that he actually does like the clean air right after winter. After all, he couldn’t deny what his other half is made from.
Yoongi is the first-born child of Hades, the King of Infernum and his mother, Min Yoo Jung, the goddess of spring. He is the only heir and first in line to the throne which he has been taking for a while now that his father had embarked on a journey many moons ago with his brothers Zeus and Poseidon to find their father, Kronos.
The reason behind their impromptu journey is that a prophecy was bestowed upon them like lightning on a beautiful, peaceful night. Cassandra of Troy was visiting Apollo’s Temple one night when the tales of the future flashes against her irises. She described the disaster as a sea of flames engulfing Paradisus – Olympus to be exact and in the middle of it all is a creature who has the features of a mere mortal. The fire was so strong that even Poseidon’s water couldn’t tame it as it burns everything that stand in its way whereas Zeus’s lightning did little to no damage against the mortal. Upon seeing the raging fire, angels have tried bringing the ice from Infernum’s Athara but alas, the ice melt against the raging fire. It was total chaos as bright orange and amber burns in Cassandra’s eyes. And as Paradisus burns to death, Infernum freezes up for there is no Paradisus without Infernum and vice versa. She’s seeing the end of both Paradisus and Infernum and it all ended in the hands of the said creature.
She had summoned Hermes that very night and told him of the final prophecy she saw before killing herself in the temple of a God that she resents with her whole existence. She has decided that she will not take sides and there’s a wicked voice in her head which did not belong to any of the goddesses that taunts Cassandra to let the gods who have done no justice to her and her people die. Hermes had flown back to Paradisus in a haste and barged in the Zeus’s golden chateau in the heart of Paradisus – Olympus as soon as he got there. Once the message was relayed to Zeus, he had called for an emergency meeting one so big that it includes the King of Infernum himself.
Yoongi was still young when he followed his father, Hades to Olympus for weeks with no end. Yoongi didn’t do so well in the friend department but still to make a friend in Olympus who was shunned for not being beautiful. Nevertheless, he still remembers the chaos and the hushed voices of older gods and goddesses who are constantly whispering about the prophecy wherever they go in fear for their lives.
Beautiful as the creature may be, fire doesn’t burn, ice doesn’t freeze, water doesn’t drown and lightning doesn’t destroy.
And everything went to shambles from there.
Massacres and the strong stench of blood lingers in the air for a long period of time due to selfishness and fear. Even so, the gods knew they couldn’t cower in fear and the massive and groundless massacre for long hence, the three most powerful gods went to search for an answer from their father.
Yoongi stares off the distance as he tries to figure out where he was sent to but to no avail. He just couldn’t pinpoint where he is. He tilts his head to the left a little in frustration as he sighs until two older women jog past him. He was sure he had memorized every page of that Geography book Jungkook had made personally and sent him before coming here. It was impossible that he couldn’t recognize any of these buildings from his little brother’s professional photographs.
“Another one wasted? What a disappointment.” One of them nudges the other.
“I wonder what’s to happen to the younger generation for they dye their hair in odd colours then go to parties and get wasted all night.” The other woman scoffs in distaste. Upon hearing them, Yoongi immediately stands up and gave them a smile before looking into their eyes. And almost immediately, he sees the few things that troubles them – being old, financial issues and family feuds.
“Good morning, grandmothers. It truly baffles me how you can badmouth a stranger who is trying to relax when your children are basically living off of your pension money on liquor and grade C coke.” He said with a polite tone. He was feeling less annoyed now that he knows where he is. He even bowed to them before leaving as he hears some insults were thrown his way but he blatantly ignores them. The deep yellow was starting to radiate above their skin says it all – they were embarrassed and Yoongi have already attacked their biggest weakness. Nothing else that may come out of their mouth that is worth his wasted time.
So, for his own crude amusement, Yoongi decides to indulge himself in the scenery before him as he ignores the curses that comes out of the women’s mouths. Although there is no place like home, he is still amazed with how fast Korea is developing over the past few years that he wasn’t able to accompany his mother. Speaking of his mother, he should have known that she would have chosen Korea despite there are 194 other countries in the world. She must have chosen Korea this time to see the cherry blossoms for she was summoned to Paradisus last year by her mother, Demeter for something his grandmother might have wanted. The mother-daughter pair have never let him in any of their discussion for Demeter used to tell him that it was something only the Divines would understand. It used to annoy the living shit out of Yoongi when he was younger hence not seeing his grandmother up till now. But it’s not like Demeter had even remotely tried to talk to him, anyways.
Yoongi buries his hands in the pockets of his black leather jeans as he lets his body guide him to the apartment where he believes his mother resides. Seoul in his eyes is a beautiful city. It has a different feeling from he was in Tokyo, Singapore, London or New York. He likes deceiving Seoul is. While the exterior is clean, scenic and prepossessing, the interior is squalid, grotesque and appalling.  And despite how amusing weaponry smuggling and drug lord wars are in Yoongi’s eyes, he finds himself at home amongst the two-faced everyday civilians he encounters.
As soon as he steps out of the park, he becomes more aware of the putrid air – the smell of sex, hypocrites, jealousy and failure thick in the air. Yoongi is a clairvoyant type of demon whereby he can ‘see’ feelings through colours despite not being able to hypnotize people the way Namjoon easily can with a snap of his fingers. He sees deep red of lust radiating from teenagers and adults alike, deep blue of sorrow and purple of avarice on men and women in suits. It is very rare for him to find other colours on adolescents and elderly alike. But with children, they indulge him in other colours like white which represents innocence, gold that represents intense happiness and pastel pink that are soothing to the eyes due to their pure love.  
As he was zoning out, he found himself outside of his mother’s apartment as he stares at the number on the brown door. He sighs as he punches in the 6-digit password – 814519 as it flashes green, chimes a little and an unlock sound was heard. He pushes the handle downwards and steps in the apartment. To his surprise, his one and only mother was standing in front of the door with a ridiculously huge smile on her features. Yoongi sighs at the sight as she pulls him into a hug. “If you were here, why didn’t you open the door for me?” Yoongi mumbles as he accepts his mother’s warm embrace. His mother, Yoo Jung or more commonly known as Persephone or Jachongbi, is a tan woman with locks that reminds him of the golden rays of the sun during a bright sunny day. Yoongi, on the other hand is ivory skinned. He is, according to his mother a complete copy of Hades. The only thing he physically inherited from his mother is her greyish blue eyes.
“You’re freezing!” Yoo Jung exclaims as she hugs her son tighter. Yoongi rolls his eyes. He’s always freezing. That’s what he and his father is. Despite ruling Infernum which in normal and common belief is supposed to be on fire, it’s actually quite cold but the fire burns hotter than it normally does. When Yoo Jung lets go of her son, she pats his cheeks as her eyes water. “It’s been a while since I last saw you.” She whispers and Yoongi sighs.
“Mom you know I’ve got no choice. Dad is gone-“
“I know, I know. With your father gone, you’re the regent. I know. But cant I miss my own son? You don’t visit me anymore.” Yoo Jung said, frowning.
“But I’m here now.” Yoongi tried and Yoo Jung smiles at her son before ruffling his hair. The said woman begins to ask too many questions at once like ‘have he eaten’ or ‘is he tired from the journey’ and ‘when is Namjoon coming’ all of which is ignored by Yoongi. He just wants to rest now that he’s on Earth but instead of going straight to his shared bedroom with Jungkook and Namjoon, he went towards the old brown piano nearby his mother’s balcony where she has her plants planted in pots. He runs his finger across the wood but never the keys. He has been dying to touch the piano ever since he had no time for it but now that he’s actually touching it, he fears that he’s already forgotten the notes. And so, he turns away from the piano and steps outside.
As a child, Yoongi learns how to create life like his mother does and did his best to learn every single type of flora there is even the ones present in the human world. “You still have these?” Yoongi asks as he touches the soft petals of the tuberose. The flower reminds him of sunsets because it starts with a deep purple from the dark green stem that slowly turns into dark red and pink before it turns into orange and ends with yellow tips.
“The Neoleas? You know your brother can’t sleep well without them.” Yoo Jung said softly as a memory of the past flashes before her eyes. The tragedy didn’t only physically affect Yoo Jung but Yoongi as well. For the sake of keeping the atmosphere light, he forces himself to focus on other things like:
“Is that why we have a smaller version of a peach tree here?” Yoongi asks in amusement. “You spoil him too much.” The heir of Infernum plucks a peach off the small tree and eats it. Of course, the plants that were planted by her hands always turn out scrumptious for she is the goddess of spring and plants befitting to be the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest.
“I spoil all my boys.” Yoo Jung said in defence. “Which reminds me, I made some lamb skewers for both you and Jungkook in the fridge. I’m sure there’s plenty for the both of you and Namjoon so don’t quarrel over it.” Yoongi makes a face. Quarrel? Over lamb skewers? What are we? 7? “I know what you’re thinking, Yoongi. Although I don’t think the three of you resembles children, but your actions always speak louder.”
“What are you talking about?” Yoongi scoffs, offended.
“The last time I made too little, the house was reduced to ashes.”
“Honestly, that was all Jungkook.” Yoongi said in a matter of fact-ly tone.
“Yeah? Then mind justifying yourself why I vividly remember you biting Namjoon’s burnt hand while Jungkook was eating is own tail?” Yoo Jung asks, hands on her hips as she dares her son try to win the debate.
“It was still Jungkook.” Yoongi mumbles petulantly while the goddess of spring can only shake her head and sigh at her son’s behaviour.
“Anyway, there’s some japchae in the fridge for Jungkook’s dear friend. Do remind the boy to take them over for his friend before it turns bad, will you?” Yoo Jung said as she heats up the bulgogi she made earlier in case her son decides to stop by.
The demon prince, now clad in a black leather jacket found himself wandering in the streets of Seoul once again on his red and black Streetfighter. He just wants to discover the city a bit more for it clearly had changed since the last time he came. It’s obvious that it had gotten more modern now. Yoongi makes a stop at the red light and all of a sudden, a bitter but calming aroma of coffee hits his olfactory and he can’t help but reminisce the time he spent with a human girl named Yaksoku. Yaksoku is your everyday girl who has troubles with her skin and hair. She was a crossbreed between a Korean mother and a Japanese father – hence the name, Yaksoku which rhymes with promise in both Korean and Japanese. Her skin isn’t very fair and her looks are mediocre but she managed to captivate his attention with her luscious black hair that reminds him of the night sky at 3 in the morning and her warm brown eyes that resembles the coffee he likes so much.
Yaksoku, the human girl who captured Yoongi’s attention is someone with dreams of opening up a café. She used to take odd jobs (which eventually leads to their fateful encounter) and one day, with Yoongi’s help, she was able to turn her dreams into a reality. Yoongi isn’t a saint, no. He told her that she needs to trade her soul for it and she agreed without hesitations even if it meant sleeping with him. He used to think that she’s foolish to sell her soul for something that he hasn’t even given her but when he saw the determination in her eyes, he isn’t sure if her decision is foolish anymore.  
He doesn’t know why he stayed true to his end of the deal to help her build the café but he did and he built it from scratch. And he unknowingly gained Yaksoku from it as she did not only give him her body and soul but an unbreakable bond built on trust and friendship. It wasn’t as though he loved her and vice versa but they feel at lost when the other isn’t by their side – much like when you miss your best friend after not seeing them after 30 minutes. But being regent is harder than Yoongi have originally thought and the Fallens have begun questioning him of Yaksoku and he ended up leaving after giving her soul back to her.
While he is lost in his thoughts, his body brings him to Yaksoku’s café – the Promise café. He doesn’t want to admit to anyone but seeing her for the first time in a few years made him excited. The white haired prince isn’t even sure if she wants to see him again after all these years after he left but he knows that his best friend isn’t one to leave him. He can proudly say that he knows her all too well.
Yoongi has strains his neck as subtly as he can to steal glances inside the café for a woman’s silhouette with hopes that it’s Yaksoku. He knows that her necklace might already be glowing as an indication of his arrival but he still wants to sacrifice his neck to search for his best friend. When he couldn’t find her, he hastily parks his bike and hops down. As soon as he enters the shop, the air conditioning immediately hits his skin and he welcomes the chill and the lustful eyes that comes with. It is no secret that Min Yoongi is blessed with good looks as females and males alike ogle shamelessly at the demon prince whenever he struts past them as the said demon barely gave them a glance while minding his own business. Yoongi makes his way to corner next to the cactus he had Yaksoku get when she first opens the café as he emits a don’t-bother-me aura when he finally makes eye contact with the humans who are still staring at him. He sees how some avert their eyes as the colour changes from red to yellow – a colour of embarrassment or cowardice.
To Min Yoongi, humans’ feelings are a fickle thing. The colours they emit changes so fast and soothing, pastel colours he often sees in children are rarely ever present on adults as the usual two colours he often sees is the deep, smothering red surrounding men which represents their insatiable lust and the disgusting green that reminds him of a swamp or the slime on Leviathan’s back surrounding the women which shows him their envy and jealousy.  
There is a 10:1 ratio of the things Yoongi hates to the things he likes here on Earth. Amongst the few things that he undoubtedly like is his mother’s cooking, alcohol, drugs, cigars, fruitless deaths, pretty things, lots of filthy sex and coffee. So, when a pink haired waiter coming his way with a scent that goes well with the bitter aroma of coffee in a loose white shirt, Yoongi found himself salivating. Suddenly, he doesn’t know what he’s salivating for anymore – the boy or the coffee. He couldn’t deny that the boy is drop dead gorgeous with a scent that makes him hungry for more. But what catches him off guard is the fact that there is a thin white light radiating above the boy’s skin – something that Yoongi has never encounter on a grown man for it represents innocence.
“May I take your order?” The boy asks, offering Yoongi a menu as to which the prince declined. He already knows what he wants, after all.
You, Yoongi thought cheekily as he smirks to himself. But he wouldn’t do that to his best friend even if the one who catches his eye looks like heaven and smells like sin. “Black coffee. That’ll be all.” Yoongi said as the pink haired boy bows slightly before taking his leave. Yoongi’s blue eyes follows the boy till he disappears behind the door that separates them and the kitchen.
While the white-haired prince waits for his long-awaited reunion with Yaksoku and his hot cup of coffee, his eyes trail to a certain pair of red eyes that have been blown out with lust. Yoongi holds her gaze as she submits to him with just a look before lowering her a head a little. Yoongi immediately knows that the girl sitting across the table is an ally of Asmodeus’s or her species is more commonly known as a succubus whose greatest sin is lust. He takes notice of the two men next to her, with their hands up and below her skirt no doubt giving her the release she probably had begged for. Now, Min Yoongi is no saint and he, too would do anything to sate his needs by any means possible even if he has to fuck them in the middle of the café but he would be damned if he let himself get controlled by a mere human as he watches the little succubus leads her two play things out the café before giving him a small and subtle bow.
Min Yoongi isn’t a patient man which is why he was baffled himself that he was able to wait for Yaksoku to turn up until the shop closes. The pink haired waiter whose name is Jimin (he learned it after his third cup of coffee and a ‘it’s on the house!’ peanut butter and chocolate flavoured cake) told him that it is past the closing time. Yoongi knew it was closing time nearly 2 hours ago but he didn’t want to believe that Yaksoku didn’t want to come see him but when Jimin had say it, he couldn’t deny the feeling of utter betrayal. Did Yaksoku not want to see me? Is that why she didn’t come? Yoongi couldn’t help but have these toxic thoughts as he braves himself to ask about Yaksoku only to find out that she had passed away a little over 2 years and that Jimin is her grandson. The little piece of information shocked Yoongi greatly. While he was busy with his duties, he forgot that a year to him is equivalent to 20 years in the human realm and if he was aware that at least 3 years have passed in his realm, in the human world, a grand 60 years have passed. Yoongi was shocked beyond words, mostly angry that she had died so easily despite only 60 years have passed.
Humans are indeed weak and pitiful. Yoongi thought in distaste before giving Jimin a 50 dollar bill and took off before Jimin could hand him his change. To anyone who knows Yoongi would already know that the prince had sped off to Aphrodite, the most famous brothel in the red district. He was immediately greeted by Ken or more known as Asmodeus as he was given a glass full of his favourite wine, a room and two of the Aphrodite’s favourite Angels. Once Min Yoongi got his hands on them, he didn’t let go of the Angels even for a breath or for a thought as he used their body for his own pleasure.
Whimpers turn to moans and eventually screams of pain and agony was heard from the room. Yoongi paid no heed to their begging and pleas to stop as he chases his own pleasure. Yoongi’s grand, black wings make its appearance as it rips through his skin and his black shirt once he does. It was so large and so beautiful that for a split second, the angels thought he’s a God but when they meet Yoongi’s unforgiving eyes, they knew he was far from it.
Once he was done, he calls out for Ken whom he knows has been outside of the door, hesitating to enter the room while he had his way with the Angels as he takes out a cigar from the drawer and casually lights it up. The prince of Infernum have only gotten his best friend’s death out of his mind but now another person has creeped in his mind.
When Ken steps in the room and carry his Angels out of the chamber, his jaw drops in awe. The headboard has smashed to pieces, the satin of the bed sheets is torn and feathers all over the floor from the pillows. Ken finally snaps out of his trance when he hears his Angels whimper in pain. He looks at them with emotions devoid in his red eyes – a common feature for Asmodeus and his underlings - as he watches his Angels scramble to cover their body with the torn and soiled satin sheets. The prince has broken them, was the only thing that he can think before helping them out.
“You better leave before Jin finds out what you’ve done to his angels.” Ken said after bringing the second Angel out. Yoongi, on the other hand makes no haste move to cover up as he blows a puff of smoke and downs another bottle of liquor.
“Bring me another one of these.” He said, completely ignoring Ken.
“I’m serious, Yoongi. Leave before Jin finds out.” Yoongi pauses for a moment as he looks at Ken. Yoongi hates being bossed around by anyone including his own mother but he couldn’t blame Ken for being anxious. After all, the demon who gains strength by the fulfilment of one’s carnal desires are torn apart between respecting his prince and maintaining a beneficial friendship with the owner of the club, Jin.
Now, Kim Seokjin or more known as Jin is a friend of Yoongi’s and the son of Aphrodite. He, in Yoongi’s eyes has mommy issues thus naming his infamous brothel after his mother, the goddess of beauty and pleasure. And much like Yoongi, Jin only has a few things that he loves and amongst which is the club, his Angels, his friends and Kim Namjoon. Yoongi sighs as he lays on bed. “Fine, don’t give me another bottle. I’m leaving. I’ll pay your Angels twice the amount for their services tonight.” Yoongi groans as he sits up on the bed. He retracts his wings with a groan. It hurts having them out since it pierces through his skin and it hurts even more getting them back in because it’s not comfortable for him. Ken offers to carefully dab Yoongi’s bloodied skin with a warm towel as he offers kisses down Yoongi’s neck and at the skin where his wings popped out. “Kiss me one more time and I will fuck you into this mattress, Asmodeus.” Yoongi threatens with his real name as the other demon chuckles. Although Ken knows Yoongi doesn’t play around when he calls him by his real name, he couldn’t feel threatened. How is he supposed to feel threatened when all he hears is a promise of a good time?
“You said it like it’s a threat.” Ken coos, kissing Yoongi’s lips, silently daring the prince of Infernum as Ken’s red eyes shine a little in the dim light.
“I have time to spare. If it’s a fuck you want, you know I’ll give it to you.” It is no secret that Yoongi and Ken have fucked before. Gender and species have never been an obstacle to Yoongi although he does have a personal favourite and for a long time, he enjoys copulating with a human most.
“Please do. Don’t hold back this time.” Ken has his tongue out and drag it along Yoongi’s collarbone as the prince chuckles deeply. His eyes are devoid of white sclera as he stares Ken down.
“Alright. But you’re doing all the work.” Yoongi said as he gets comfortable on the bed. He continues to smoke on his cigar as he watches Ken takes his own pants off. The demon then got on his knees and kisses Yoongi again before taking his dick in his hands as he strokes it up and down. Ken’s other hand pushes his own black hair back.
“As you wish, Your Highness.” Ken whispers as he places his knees in between Yoongi’s thighs.
“You don’t have STDs or anything like that, do you?” Yoongi asks, blowing a puff of smoke into Ken’s face.
“You wound me, Your Highness. You can’t get any of those humanly diseases and so can’t I.” Ken replies, feigning hurt.
“It’s always a good idea to be safe, Ken. Who knows who else have fucked your tight little asshole.” Ken moans wantonly at Yoongi’s words as he feels his prince’s dick thicken in girth as it begins to slowly stand tall.
“Only humans, Your Highness. Clean humans.”
“Very well then. Serve me.” Upon Yoongi’s verbal green light, Ken sinks down to Yoongi’s full length. Yoongi closes his eyes at the surprisingly wet and tight asshole but when he opens his eyes, the one bouncing on his dick no longer takes the form of Ken. If it werent for his voice, he would have believed his eyes.
“I live to do just that.” Ken whispers, knowing full well that he now looks like someone Yoongi has been wanting. Though Ken doesn’t know whom, Yoongi surely does. He would have been damned if he ever forgets his pink hair.
Chapter 2
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