#but all I can see is Reid fishing for an earnest conversation about how they feel for each other
homerjacksons · 3 months
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inhanf-archived · 4 years
22. masturbation
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Squares/Prompts used:
#kinktober2020 22. masturbation
Warnings: Smut
Pairing/s: Emily Prentiss x Reader x Spencer Reid
Authors Note: This is a sequel to the piece I wrote for day 4 of Kinktober which can be found here.
Word count: 1368
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Spencer had let 20 minutes pass just to be safe before grabbing the keys and climbing from the SUV. The lobby was mercifully empty of any blonds and he made his way to the stairs, desperate to make sure he didn’t have to be in close quarters with JJ again tonight. He was steadfastly refusing to think about the comment she had made about Emily and how she knew about her photography skills. Spencer couldn’t deny that Em was skilled, he’d recognised the lingerie Y/N had been wearing in the first photo she had sent him from a day last month when she and Emily had been playing with a camera. The photos were a different quality to the ones she had teasingly sent him before, those had been selfies and while they had the desired effect the portraits Emily had taken had captured a different side of Y/N.
Reaching his room Spencer slid the key card into the door and pushed it open, removing his bag from across his body and fishing his phone out. Dropping the satchel into an armchair he flopped down onto the bed and found your messages. You’d sent him three today, the first a black and white shot of you rolling silk stockings up your thigh, lace underwear and the straps of suspenders standing out against your skin, your face relaxed, a slight smile playing on your lips. You weren’t fond of being in front of the camera, there had been more than a little wine consumed during your little photoshoot. The message you’d attached read ‘thinking of you and how you removed these x’
Spencer had managed to stifle the groan the message had elicited when he first read it earlier that day, covering it with a cough and turning towards the map, willing the blood to leave his cock as speedily as it had rushed there. The second photo came a few hours later and it was a good thing you hadn’t sent it first. Taking his leave from the squad room to head into the men’s room Spencer only opened the message when he got into a stall. It was exquisite, another black and white masterpiece. You were on your back, resting against pillows on the couch, your head was thrown back and your face awash in ecstasy. You had one hand at your bare breast, pulling at your nipple. The other was cupped around your sex, your leg was bent obscuring exactly what you were doing but that made the picture more erotic in his eyes.
Thankfully the men’s room was empty, Spencer had no hope of concealing the whispered groan of expletives he exhaled as he read your latest missive. ‘Recreating this right now, miss you both x’ Spencer sighed and leaned back against the wall, head tilted back as he tried to calm his racing heart and settle his throbbing cock. Once he wasn’t at risk of revealing his arousal to the entire department he sent back a quick message saying he loved and misses you too and he’d call later.
Now it was later, and Spencer had no idea of what to send you. He didn’t want to ignore the theme of your conversation, looking back over the images had his cock straining against his slacks again and he fully intended on dealing with it properly this time. It was then that a knock on the door both startled and saved him, he knew Emily’s knock and why she had come. Once he had let her in she had taken one look at him and shook her head with a grin. ‘She’s good, our girl. Been sending me some too.’ Emily handed him her phone and sat on the edge of the bed to take in his reaction.
The photos Emily had received were a million miles from the teasing sensual theme of the ones you’d sent him. You had sent her a series of images of toys you had, seeking her opinion on what you should choose. The last message you’d sent was a short video clip. You’d balanced your phone on the bathroom shelf and though your head was out of the frame the rest of your body was exposed, wet and writhing in pleasure. You were leaning against the shower wall, one leg propped up and the showerhead between your thighs, water directed at your cunt. Spencer’s eyes went wide and Em nodded. ‘There’s sound with that one that nearly had me getting the jet back to DC.’ ‘I can imagine.’ Spencer commiserated and flipped back down on the bed with a frustrated groan.
Emily lay back, a low chuckle reverberated in her chest. ‘How bout we send her something of our own?’ Spencer looked up into her earnest eyes, her grin wide and her pupils dark with lust. ‘What did you have in mind?’ he inquired, softly brushing her dark hair off her shoulder and letting his hand rest on her waist. Emily closed the space between them, pulling Spencer’s body against hers and capturing his lips in a passionate kiss, pouring all the frustration their shared girlfriend had created into the action. His hand slid to cup her ass and she moaned into the kiss, breaking away from him as quickly as it had begun. ‘No sex at work, boundaries. Boundaries.’ Em was saying it more to herself but Spencer nodded in agreement as he caught his breath.
Leaning over him Em picked up his phone and opened up the camera. Spencer went to sit up but she gently pushed on his shoulder so he fell back again. One eyebrow arched as she snapped a picture of him and typed a short message. She had already hit send and gotten up to leave before his mind could catch up with what had happened. By the time she reached the door his phone was ringing, your name flashing up on the display. Emily winked and blew him a kiss and with a whispered ‘enjoy!’ she left his room. Picking up the phone and sitting back against the pillows Spencer swiped to answer the call.
‘Hey, handsome. How’re things on the west coast?’ He could hear the sound of the fridge door closing and could see you grabbing a bottle of water as you always did before heading to bed. ‘Frustrating. The case is only beginning to break now and I’ve been distracted most of the day.’ ‘Distracted eh? Whatever could have done that?’ He grinned. Your playful innocent act was a very good way to get him to play along and you knew it. ‘Well I’ve had a slight blood flow issue, things keep getting redirected.’ ‘Sounds like a big problem to work around.’ You were practically purring into the phone and somehow Spencer’s dick got even harder at this. Reaching down he undid his belt and slid his trousers down enough to relieve the pressure against his thickened member.
‘Taking the problem in hand Dr Reid?’ He laughed at this, his fingers manoeuvring his sensitive cock free of his boxers and wrapping loosely around his distended shaft. ‘Mm-hmm.’ He murmured and groaned as he moved his hand lazily up and down his length. You cursed softly at the sounds he was making, your own fingers navigating the elastic of your underwear and sliding down to nestle between your wet folds. Witty quips and seductive lines escaped both of you as you lost yourselves in the sounds the other made. He could hear how wet you were as your fingers worked your cunt and you could hear the slide of his hand along his cock as he worked it in time with your heavy breathing.
Your orgasm peaked first and you cried out his name, your phone beside you on speaker as you rode the pleasurable waves. ‘Shit Y/N I’m gonna...’ his sentence rolled into a wrecked groan followed by a few softer moans as he spilled his climax onto his shirt, his hand slowing as pleasure turned to overstimulation. You were both panting and giggling from the rush of endorphins as you lay in contented silence, on opposite sides of the country but together in your shared climax.
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