#but all of that dissolving when its etho in front of him
lorephobic · 2 years
went thru my own blog and saw my old sotf2 posting and started going crazy again
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
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"And you'd hate me too if I was ever honest- I got used to the secrecy! It's safer in the In-Between…" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 34 - “Ashes (Ren, Sniff)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
"Oh, I'm so selfish; punish myself with the soul-crushing knowledge I willingly lost it... Know I'll regret it and die just a little- it's what I do best sitting right in the middle..."
Ren washes Debbie the Slime Dragon in exchange for a ride to Phantom Dragon territory (to rescue Martyn). PiglinMyNose bottle-feeds baby foxes. Also, SnifferMyFeet says good-bye to Etho and heads out on his own.
AKA, the one where Sniff sets boundaries and everything will be okay.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Mild content warning for baby slimes suckling from mama dragon
Renthedog - Wolf (Tamed)
Status: Flattery turned up to 11
Engineer, neurobiology teacher, and conservationist
💙  🧡  💚
It's with a grand flourish that Ren strolls through the hollow beneath the massive, twisting roots of the Slime Dragon's custom tree. Funny place. There's straw all over the dirt and slime dripping from the tree branches. Slimes don't take up space… That's one thing you can say about them. They ooze, collect, dissolve, and pull themselves together again. With all that surface area, it's a wonder they don't lag the place out. Ren thrusts his arms in the air, tail beating back and forth as he struts straight into the center chamber.
"And how are the two most gorgeous ladies in New Star tonight? … Wait a moment. Where's Charlotte?"
Then he has to duck as Debbie's tail nearly clips him on the head. She's resting on her side, glaze-eyed, with her paws flopped in front of her. Ren scampers forward in the straw, moving out of easy swatting range, and gets a full look at her belly. She's not a long dragon, but one of the bigger, rounder ones. Chunky would probably be the correct word - the way that slimes are thick and chunky - but perhaps not the most polite. Black scales cover her nose, legs, and sides (running all the way to the tip of her tail), but the ruff that circles her neck and runs down her spine gleams with blue and green goop.
The last section of her tail is purple-pink, as are a few massive talons. Belly's goopy too. Ren's hung around Debbie often enough that he no longer jumps when dark splots (vague eyeballs) drift through her slimy bits and study him from the safety of their mother's membrane. A few slimes rest around the area - mobs and hybrids alike; one of the mobs hops forward and nuzzles his foot - but Ren does his best not to stare. Even when he can feel eyes burning on the back of his neck. Hybrids watch him from the branches. Not everyone plays the turf war games.
Debbie whuffs through her nostrils, but doesn't offer a straight answer for the Charlotte question. Her tail swings up like before. Again, Ren sidesteps and leans his head far enough to the side that it grazes harmlessly above. It swings its way back around, this time lower, but he hop-steps without looking. Debbie's got patterns. All dragons do. Ren moves past her hind paws, which lie half-curled in the dirt. They flex.
Ah, there's her belly. Hungry newborn mouths push against her, and Ren lifts his brows. Spawnlings still too young to lose their lens caps push each other with their hands, blindly crawling and whining with their gaping, muted mouths for places to suck. Debbie's a special case- she doesn't really, like… have teats? Just that slimy stuff, so they can put their mouths anywhere.
But here's the weird part. Slimes aren't the only babies under the tree tonight, and Ren's eyes go narrow as he takes in the invasive species. Foxes - little brown newborns with pink mouths - whine and wiggle in front of a hybrid sitting near Debbie's armpit. Do dragons have armpits? She kind of does, speckled with more clumps of goo.
"Right- one at a time, you- you precious gifts, you angels- OW! One at a time," the hybrid is saying. Ren recognizes him instantly, though he's not had a lot of conversations with the man. Several large buckets of milk sit beside him; he's filling a goat horn cup that drips out its narrow bottom end. Did he just have that nanny outfit on hand?
"PiglinMyNose! I shouldn't be surprised to find you serving your dear mother in her time of need." Ren glances again at the resting dragon. Debbie never did give him verbal acknowledgement. She must be a little hazy right now, maybe drained from the nursing effort. He walks closer, every step careful. He likes to think he befriended Debbie long ago, but you should never let your guard down around dragons. They could bite at any time.
She is letting him get close, though. Ren bends to pick up a spawnling that's facing the wrong direction, bracing itself on one hand and sucking on its other fist. New arrivals are bigger on a server, fed by actual player energy, but in this dimension, they're all too young for skins. Or walking. Gotta put some girth on, y'know?
He doesn't dare lift the spawnling to his shoulder, but Lizzie taught him how to move them without upsetting dragons. He keeps the spawnling near the ground, taking slow steps, and sets it down by the lower part of Debbie's belly, near the hind legs. D'you think Debbie works like mammal dragons, where the teats closer to the rear provide the most milk? Hm.
Pig yips again as another fox bites him. They all want their turn licking drips from the goat horn cup. Some kits have milk-dotted mouths. Others are still bare. Ren kneels beside him, less careful lifting fox mobs from his lap than he was with the skinless slime hybrid. "Yeah, yeah," Pig mutters. "I got chased out of the turf war, so I'm babysitting now."
"Where's Charlotte?"
"Think she went to bother Scott?" Gesturing at the milk, he adds, "Like- I think she said something about not producing enough milk because of the raid? Is that how it works?"
"Oh, she can't den down." Yes, that would be a problem. He asked Etho about this once- a research project for his Education back in the early days. Something like… "I think when foxes breed in the wild, they stay in the den with the kit until it's an adult. That probably means they gather berries before they den down? Maybe Charlotte couldn't find enough food."
"Well, they like milk," Pig remarks, lifting a squirmy kit in his hand. He rotates it like a fruit he's about to eat, then brings the goat horn cup to its mouth. The kit laps at the tip, catching all the milk it can, while the other two dozen or so kits keep nipping or swatting at each other, or else crawling over him. Two are chewing on his apron. Three dozen? Maybe more. "Ow! Yeah, yeah… You'll all get your turn. But you're not endearing yourselves to me. I don't care how cute you are- you make me sick."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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pingutats · 3 years
For the “ways to say i love you” prompts, 43 please!
thank you for the request! from this list, prompt 43: "I picked these for you."
warnings: none! this is just fluff!
word count: 1.8k
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This is definitely Harry’s domain.
Y/N hugs her shoulders as she stands in her bedroom-turned-dressing-room, staring at the rack of expensive clothes that have been left for her. Through the door, she can hear the noise of the crew bustling around her living room. This house has, of course, been the site of many Harry-hosted parties that had packed in a lot more people than there are present here today — despite that, this smaller group is threatening to become overwhelming for her.
She’s doing this for Harry. A couple of months ago, he was approached by AnOther Magazine to do a big feature with them — a kind of sequel to the one that he did when they were still called Another Man — and he’s been pouring his heart and soul into it since then. It feels like every single day, he’s been off chatting with a writer or meeting with the creative director. He dragged boxes out of storage to rifle through for mementos of his life as a solo artist last week. Y/N knows that some of their friends have been interviewed to talk about Harry. She’s pretty sure Stevie Nicks is one of them.
The centrepiece, though, is a photoshoot more intimate than he’s ever shared before. In the same way that the shoot set in his hometown years ago illustrated where he came from before he rocketed to stardom, this one will reveal who he is underneath all the make-up and glamour of fame.
Harry as he exists in private: in his home, with his girl, sharing this image of himself for the very first time.
Y/N was apprehensive at first — hell, Harry was too — but they’ve discussed it at length. He’s always been a private man, but his ethos is that honesty is integral to his art. He sings in detail about her in his music and puts that into the world with minimal censoring. This magazine feature, at its core, is just another artistic venture. He doesn’t want to hold back. When she understood it like that, it was easy for her to agree.
Her conviction that this is an important thing to do for Harry doesn’t stop the nerves, though. She’s never been a model, or even remotely a figure of interest beyond her connection to Harry. It’s his limelight that she’s stepping into. She can’t help but feel nervous about it.
The first outfit she’s wearing is a boldly patterned dress, custom-made by Gucci at Harry’s request. This isn’t the first time she’s wearing something this expensive (there are no compromises on fashion when you’re with Harry) but it still makes her feel like a fish out of water. She holds the hanger at arms-length for a moment, vaguely anxious that she might have put on weight since the fitting and it won’t fit her anymore, then carefully slips it off. She steps into it gingerly and shrugs it over her shoulders, then reaches behind her to pull the zip up as far as she can reach. She stands in front of the mirror and looks at her reflection, frowning.
Her make-up, which was done earlier, is colourful and dramatic. The point of this home shoot is to show the dichotomy between Harry’s celebrity persona and his private life, illustrated through the elaborate costuming inside their relatively normal home. She doesn’t recognise herself in it.
There’s a knock at the door, startling her out of her thoughts. She whips around, back straightening. “What is it?”
“Can I come in?” It’s Harry’s voice, and just those four short words in his gentle tone are enough to dissolve some of her anxiety.
She takes a deep breath, steadying herself into a calmer headspace. “Yeah,” she answers.
He opens the door discreetly and slips inside, careful not to reveal her to the people in the living room while she’s not properly dressed. She appreciates his caution. Although he’s apparently comfortable enough to walk around near-strangers half-naked—he’s only wearing his boxers right now—she definitely isn’t.
“Everything alright, darling?” he asks. Every step that brings him closer puts her more at ease. She’s always been an anxious person, but he’s like a drug to her. From the very first time they met, he’s been the person she feels most natural with. They just work. Things feel right with him.
She smiles at him. It’s a weak stretch of her lips, but a smile nonetheless. “Yeah. Can you zip me up, please?”
“Of course.”
She turns back around to face the mirror and reaches behind her head to pull her hair out of his way. His fingers are warm against bare skin of her back, finding the zipper and dragging it up, his knuckles brushing against her skin more than is probably necessary. He fixes the way the straps sit over her shoulders with the same attention to detail that she’s seen his stylists give for him a hundred times before. His lip is tucked between his teeth as he does so, glancing from the mirror back to her, his face the image of concentration.
Finally satisfied, he takes a step back and rakes his gaze up and down her figure. “Y’look gorgeous.”
She shrugs, staring at herself. “Thanks, H.”
“I mean it.” He plants a kiss on her cheek, holding her by the waist as they look at each other through their reflections. “Pretty dress for a pretty girl.”
Heat rises in her face and she drops her gaze to the floor. “Now you’re doing too much.”
He shakes his head. “‘M not. Promise I’m not.”
She hums, appraising their reflection with a frown. Even in his underwear, Harry is Harry, and she… She feels like she’s playing dress up in someone else’s wardrobe, dipping her toes into someone else’s life. Harry is at ease in a place like this but she certainly isn’t.
Harry seems to sense this. “Something the matter?” he asks her gently.
“No, just —“ she wrings her hands in front of her, searching for the words. “I don’t feel like me.”
He furrows his brow. “I know what you mean. ’S weird when you do all this—” he flutters his hand around the room, at the rack of clothes and towards the door where they can hear someone giving directions to shift the couch slightly to the left “—just to get a photo done. And I know you’re not used to it.” He squeezes her waist gently. “But you look beautiful. Just like you always do.”
She can’t suppress a small smile at that, bumping her head against Harry’s shoulder with a quietly mouthed, “Thank you.”
He turns his head to kiss her hair, then releases his grip on her waist and moves over to the rack of clothes. “But did y’see…” He bends down to pick up a plastic container marked Look 1 from the shelf at the bottom. He opens it up to reveal various pieces of jewellery inside, and delicately picks out a couple pieces with nimble fingers. “I picked these for you.”
They’re her earrings. More specifically, they’re the earrings that he gave her for their first anniversary. A couple of dangling pearls—he’d bought them during his obsession with the gems. They’re a sweet memento of that time of their lives, of the honeymoon phase that felt like it lasted forever, that never really fizzled out even to this day. They’re her favourites.
She realises her mouth has dropped open. “When did you sneak those in?” she asks.
He shrugs, smirking. “I have my ways. I’m sneaky.” He returns to his previous position standing behind her, nudging her hair behind her ear with his knuckles. “May I?”
She nods, trying not to shiver as his fingers brush against her ears.
“There we go,” he says, stepping back. “Is that a bit better?”
The girl in the mirror looks familiar now. Despite the make-up and the dress, she can see herself. The same face, framed by the same earrings, that has accompanied Harry through all sorts of days and nights. Today is just another one of those things. Something they’re doing, together, and isn’t that all she wants, for them to do everything together?
Being with Harry is a dream she never wants to wake up from. They’ve built a paradise together and now they get to share a tiny part of it with the world—not for the world to share in it, but to see just how beautiful it is.
There’s a little part of Y/N that hopes it makes the rest of the world jealous. They should be, she thinks.
“It’s perfect, H,” she tells him, glancing over her shoulder so she looks at his real face, not just his reflection. “Honestly. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” He looks proud of himself—his eyes are shining and his dimples are on display as he looks her up and down once more. “It’s all you.”
Y/N mirrors him, her gaze travelling down his body. She bites her lip.
Harry seems to remember suddenly that he’s only in his underwear—his hands fly to cover his thinly-clothed privates and he looks at her, his mouth open in a sly grin. “This is not the time,” he scolds, his shoulders shaking as he suppresses laughter.
Y/N rolls her eyes, grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him to turn around. “Go get dressed, you dork.”
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The suit that Harry wears is made out of the same material as Y/N’s dress, bright and bold colours. The photographer is accomodating of her nerves as he has them sit on the couch. The window is wide open to allow the natural light to illuminate their faces, and the Y/N can feel the warmth of the sun on her face. The sky is a brilliant blue. It’s a perfect day.
“Okay, look this way,” the photographer tells her, drawing her attention from the window to the camera. “A little closer, Harry.”
Harry shifts over, his thigh pressing against hers. His hand comes to rest on her knee, then lifts suddenly as if he’s remembered something. “Hang on a minute,” he says to the photographer, holding up a finger.
He twists around to face Y/N and carefully sweeps her hair back over her shoulder, tucking it behind her ear to ensure the pearl earring is on clear display. She smiles at him, which he returns in a quick unspoken exchange of gratitude and care.
“Alright,” Harry says, settling back to face the photographer. His hand finds Y/N’s and he squeezes it. “We’re good.”
The camera clicks and the flash goes off. Their hands remain joined on Harry’s lap.
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hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, a reblog & any kind of message would be really appreciated. i'm open to any requests, from the prompt list linked above or from your own imagination, which you can send here. all my other writing is linked on my masterlist. have a lovely day!
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I know you wrote a drabble where Scott is almost sacrificed at Dogwarts and wanted to ask if you could write a version of that where he actually is sacrificed.
okay so this one is an alternate ending to this one, so it’ll start off the same and branch out into a different ending. read it first/save it for after if you want a happier version lol
author’s note: due to my severe discomfort surrounding decapitation, i’ve altered the method of killing slightly
lives at the start of this fic: Jimmy - red, Scott - green, Ren - red, Etho - yellow, Martyn - green
cw: blood, strangulation
just a reminder: please do not tag as shipping :)
Scott is starting to regret letting the Dogwarts trio take him and Jimmy back to their base, but he can’t exactly back out now. It’s his own fault, really, for asking if there’s anything else he can do to support Dogwarts from a distance, rather than putting up their banner.
He shoots a sideways glance at Jimmy, who seems even more nervous than him. Scott resists the urge to reach out and take his hand.
Finally, they arrive at Dogwarts. Scott is more than worried to see that a new platform with torches surrounding it on all four corners has sprung up in the middle of the carrot field. It looks innocent enough but something about it gives it an ominous vibe.
Unfortunately, this is exactly where Ren leads Scott.
“What is this?” Scott asks warily, putting one foot on the step up.
“This is the Altar of the Black Heart,” responds Ren ominously. “For Dogwarts to truly achieve full power, it requires a sacrifice. The blood of an outsider.”
Scott’s eyes widen as he realises what this means. “Whoa, whoa, hold on a second!”
He backs away a few steps but bumps into Etho, who takes hold of him in a surprisingly strong grip.
Jimmy starts forward with a gasp but Martyn grabs him and pushes him down, holding him in place. “Scott!” Jimmy cries uselessly.
Ren stands on the hill just above the altar as Etho drags Scott into place and tries to hold him down. Scott struggles against Etho’s grip, causing Etho to backhand him across the face.
Blood trickling out the corner of his mouth, Scott coughs and tries to fend Etho off again.
“I’d stop resisting if I were you, Scott,” comes Martyn’s cold voice.
Scott glances over at him. His heart freezes as he finds Martyn holding a sword to Jimmy’s neck. “No!” he gasps. “Don’t!”
“Then hold still.”
After a moment, Scott squeezes his eyes shut and falls still, letting Etho push him to his hands and knees in the centre of the altar.
“Scott…!” croaks Jimmy. “No…!”
Scott forces himself to meet Jimmy’s terrified gaze. “It’ll be okay, Jimmy,” he whispers, just loud enough for Jimmy to hear. “Just stay strong for me, okay? Stay strong.”
“A sacrifice must be made!” announces Ren, spreading his arms to the skies. “Do the honours, Etho.”
Etho nods and raises his axe.
Jimmy looks away, starting to hyperventilate. He can’t watch this.
Scott closes his eyes.
The axe comes down hard and buries itself in the small of Scott’s back, the tip piercing his heart and killing him instantly.
Smajor1995 was slain by Etho
Jimmy starts to scream and doesn’t stop. His eyes are fixed on the spot his husband just was seconds before, tears streaming down his face. Tears of terror, of grief, of anger.
Something snaps inside him.
“Take Solidarity to the dungeon,” Ren orders. “We’ll deal with him later.”
But as Martyn starts to move, Jimmy reacts lightning fast and kicks him in the stomach with unbelievable strength. Martyn staggers back in shock and pain, allowing Jimmy to snatch his sword and slice cut after cut in his former friend’s body, not stopping despite the screams. His lust for blood has finally been awakened and he WILL avenge his husband.
InTheLittleWood was slain by SolidarityGaming
He spins round to find Etho charging at him with the axe that had killed Scott. Seeing his husband’s blood still dripping down the blade sends Jimmy completely over the edge.
His swing has so much force behind it that it knocks the axe cleanly out of Etho’s hand. Before Etho can recover, Jimmy shoves him to the ground and kneels on his chest, his hands wrapped around Etho’s throat. His eyes are so flaming red that they’re practically glowing, teeth bared in an animal-like snarl.
THIS is the person who killed his husband. Jimmy will make him pay.
Someone is trying to pull him off Etho but the bloodlust increases a red lifer’s strength and stamina, and they can’t budge him. The smell of blood is making Jimmy dizzy and disoriented, but all he knows is that he wants to kill. No, he NEEDS to kill. His desire to maim and murder is so strong that it’s all-consuming, growing inside him like lava escaping a volcano, rising up until it’s about to explode outwards and destroy everything in its path.
“STOP!” Ren’s voice yells desperately.
Jimmy doesn’t. He can sense that Etho is almost dead, and every instinct in his body is driving him forward to finish the job.
This voice causes Jimmy to freeze and slowly release Etho, blinking against his red vision as he looks around wildly for its owner.
A hand touches his shoulder, then hugs him from behind. The cool, smooth arms… the scent of strawberries… the gentle heartbeat…
“S-Scott?” Jimmy croaks.
“It’s me, Jimmy,” whispers Scott. “I’m here.”
Jimmy slowly turns around and finds Scott’s face looking back at him. It… It really is him.
He pulls Scott into a tight hug, clutching him like his life depends on it. All the pain and anger and terror melts away, leaving only love.
Still holding Jimmy tightly, Scott carefully moves him away from Ren and a freshly-yellow Martyn as they dash to the semi-conscious Etho’s side.
“We’re even,” he says firmly. “A life for a life. There’s no need for further bloodshed.”
Ren glares back at him, but his expression softens slightly as he registers what Scott’s saying. “Really? You’d be satisfied leaving it like this?”
“Well, of course we’d still be enemies,” responds Scott. “But I want to call a temporary truce. I don’t want anyone else to die, not even any of you.”
After a moment, Ren glances over at his right hand man. “It’s your call, Martyn. You’re the one who died.”
Martyn considers Scott’s words on his own for a moment, before glancing up and happening to make eye contact with Jimmy. All traces of the bloodlust in Jimmy’s gaze are gone, replaced only with the eyes of the person Martyn used to be close friends with all those years ago.
“I accept your olive branch,” he says.
Ren nods and addresses Scott and Jimmy: “Then you two may leave this place in peace.”
“Come, Jimmy,” Scott murmurs. “Let’s go, quickly. Before they change their mind.”
Jimmy dithers as Scott takes hold of his hand and starts pulling him towards the exit. “S-Sorry, Etho,” he says awkwardly. “Sorry, Martyn.”
“Come on.”
Scott practically drags Jimmy to the gate and out of Dogwarts, only slowing down once their walls start to appear in front of them. Jimmy stays silent, letting his husband lead him.
Finally, they get into their base, which is where Jimmy takes the lead and pulls Scott into the former’s house, shutting the door for privacy.
“Jimmy, what-,” Scott starts.
“Let me see the scar,” says Jimmy seriously. “Please.”
After a moment, Scott turns around and lifts up the back of his shirt. A clean, straight mark running down his back shows Jimmy exactly where the axe entered his body. He gently traces the line with the tips of his fingers.
“I told you this would happen,” he says hoarsely. “I said they’d do this to you but you didn’t listen!”
Scott huffily pulls down his shirt and takes a few steps away. “I know, Jimmy. TRUST ME, I know! You’re just lucky they decided to go for the green lifer, not the red.”
“LUCKY?!” cries Jimmy. “Did you SEE me back there?! I murdered Martyn and nearly choked the life out of Etho!”
“Yeah, I did! I set my spawn right outside the walls before we went in and it’s lucky I did or you might’ve kept going and gotten yourself killed in the process! I can’t believe fear for your own life is what finally triggered your bloodlust.”
“What?!” Jimmy stares at him with wide eyes. “You think THAT’s what happened?”
Scott frowns at Jimmy’s reaction. “Well… I DID, but…”
“There’s a reason I’ve stayed back and tried not to get involved in any of your stupid conflicts, you know! I NEVER wanted to kill. EVER. But when they sacrificed you right in front of me, I felt the desire to rip Martyn and Etho apart like a predator with its prey. THAT’s what triggered my bloodlust, Scott! They killed you and I wanted them to suffer like they made you suffer!” Jimmy’s voice breaks and he dissolves into tears. “My bloodlust was triggered by the need to avenge you. And to make sure they never hurt you again.”
His heart breaking, Scott pulls Jimmy into another hug, letting him cry into his shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” he murmurs. “I never considered how traumatic that whole thing must’ve been for you. How are you holding up?”
Jimmy coughs, trying to clear his throat. “B-Better now. Please promise me we won’t ever go there again, though.”
Scott rubs Jimmy’s back soothingly, feeling Jimmy’s heart still pounding in his chest.
“I promise.”
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