#but also It's March™️ so im sure thats why im still panicky ab everything
bunnyb34r · 6 months
Oh thank god, inventory ISN'T the week I get back, so I actually have ab 3 weeks time to get ready... but like 80% of my shit is already tagged bc I was blitzing through it yesterday in a mad dash to finish everything by friday. I think I just have the nike shitë and the clearance shit I dont wanna deal with sgdgdggd but anyway I'm so relieved I don't need to scramble to get it done 😭
Last inventory we only got 2 weeks to prep, in past years it's [always] been 2 MONTHS, but corporate was like nahhhh we dont need you guys wasting months for this pfft two weeks. Well guess who had a horrible inventory and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars last year :)
I'm hoping my brain will shut up now but I'm still in stress mode so idk
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