#but also bc ric is like a brother figure and family
disastersteps · 7 months
hmmmmmmm so i think that ruthless!anita working with mortum full time in a au where jules never found them or anita's ortega is ricardo is. now called 'The Mad Scientist's Harbinger' AU.................
its a au where anita never found by ortega or that they were found by ric instead of jules and let's just say, they're more ruthless and only soft for the good doctor--
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seesgood · 5 years
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obviously, with the events of legacies happening and how tvd / to ended, there’s a huge impact on what kind of  relationships all the characters have to one another. some of them i’ve headcanoned / written pretty extensively about in threads ( the twins, stefan’s memory, klaus, etc. ) but!! this is just gonna be a semi-extensive / semi-comprehensive list of where i see caroline’s emotions / relationships with the people who survived the great tvd / to charcter massacre of 2017/2018
alaric.     as far as people from her past go, ric is obviously the one she keeps in contact with most because of the twins. they’re close, and they’re definitely like The Dream Team of supernatural dealings, but they have their issues as well. i don’t imagine he tells her the full brunt of everything happening at the school bc they both know she’d come back instantly and drop all merge-research on the spot if she thought there was a present danger to the twins. so as much as they lean on one another, there’s always a baseline level of lying that goes along with it. i also imagine they have a tendency to fight a lot and butt heads about certain things as well, especially regarding the girls, his attention to them vs the rest of the school / students ( hope ), how to go about lizzie’s illness, josie’s inability to let herself take priority, and anything going on with the school. she worries a lot about him drinking or doing too much without looking out for himself. and while the girls probably know they tried to romance route, it’s pretty obvious that for the most part, they’re a platonic pair. additionally: the twins know nothing about original-ric torturing caroline in season 3, or killing her father. 
bonnie.     as always, bonnie is her rock. they probably stay in contact a bunch, bonnie is the one she goes to for all magical advice and help and where to go / what to try to fix the merge situation. that being said, however, she very much respects bonnie’s need for privacy and separation from mystic falls. there’s probably always going to be a bit of a strain on their relationship because of the stefan / enzo thing, but it’s not something that ever gets too far in the middle of their relationship.
damon.     strangely enough, damon is probably the person she calls / goes to when she needs someone to kinda...snap her back into gear? he’s definitely not one to put a positive spin on things, or sugar coat them. and while they’ll never be best friends, they share a weird closeness of “hey we both lost like 90% of the people we loved most and that sucks.” he’s the one she goes out with on the anniversary of stefan’s death or her mom’s death, and they probably just kinda sit in mutual silence and drink. any time there’s a change in something big at the salvatore school, she’ll probably ask him for his blessing as well, bc she does want everything to be done in stefan’s legacy and damon is the one that knew stefan best. 
elena.     still her best friend, still super close, but she also recognizes that elena probably wants to just go on and live a normal life and start a family and be happy after everything that happened and she respects that. she’ll definitely babysit elena’s kids and help her out when she’s studying for boards and tests and stuff, but she tries her hardest to keep her continued involvement within the supernatural world far, far away from the doppelganger.
freya.     obviously this one is strictly headcanon based bc as far as canon showed, caroline has never met freya, nor knows of her existence. but! it doesn’t mean they’re not networked, and she’s probably called / texted at least once to see if she has any familiarity with gemini magic and if she knows anyone that’ll be able to help break the merge curse. additionally, she’ll keep freya in her speed dial in case something happens with hope and she thinks she needs a visit from a family member.
hope.     the closest way to describe how she feels about hope is to say that she loves her like a daughter, but very much recognizes that hope is not her daughter and in no way has an interest in replacing hayley as a mother figure. nor would she ever try and step into that role. she recognizes and  respects how important alaric is to hope, and she’s not going to try and step into that, but at the same time she’s also 150% there to support the tribrid in whatever she needs. whether it be someone to talk / vent to, someone who can tell her the non-history books versions of her parents / family, or who just kind’ve gets it.
jeremy.     again, they probably don’t talk a whole lot just because she wants to respect his distance from the supernatural community, but at the same time...he’s the closest thing to a little brother she’s ever had so you bet your buttons she’s gonna be a little bit overbearing whenever he’s in town, trying to make sure he’s happy and okay and has everything he needs, etc.
josie.     her literal rock that she “never has to worry about” and yet always worries about for that very reason. she’ll always carve out extra time for josie just to try and remind her that it’s okay to take the spotlight sometimes, and speak up for herself. she’s really, really protective of her and as much as she knows josie is usually fine, she knows that --- much like elena, and herself --- every soft and caring person has their breaking point and josie, at some point, is going to reach hers.
kai.     if that guy ever sets foot within a hundred miles of the twins, she’s going to skewer him and roast him on a spit.
lizzie.     definitely her mini-me, almost to a fault. it’s probably “obvious” to most people that she and lizzie are close, but i imagine they butt heads pretty often because lizzie has a tendency to make some very caroline choices and as much as caroline recognizes that, she’s also not a fan of it. suffice to say, she’s 100% sure liz forbes is rolling over in her grave laughing and proclaiming that karma is a bitch.
matt.     honestly? they probably fall out of touch, which sucks, but also...matt definitely doesn’t seem to have any interest or desire to stick around supernatural creatures, and she definitely respects that. 
penelope.     oh boy, is...probably not a fan of josie’s ex? just out of solidarity? and as much as she appreciates there being someone out there that is 100% looking out for josie’s interests at all times and is 100% team josie she’s not a fan at all of penelope’s methods of tearing down lizzie in the process. not that she’ll ever explicitly show / state it, because she’s headmistress and supposed to be unbiased here, but...yeah. 
rebekah.     fucking fight me on this, i guarantee they’ve met up in paris at least once or twice to go shopping / drinking / dancing to just kind’ve like...retain a sense of normalcy. they still bicker a lot. they’ll literally never stop bickering. but at this point in her life, she’s probably too tired fighting other battles to keep pretending she entirely loathes the original. pls don’t crush my rebekoline friendship dreams.
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