#but also because I want ppl to not bitch at me for ewww you write gross stuff
avenger-hawk · 2 years
Hi Hawk, I've been following your blog for a while. I'm also a writer with an interest in "problematic" subjects, some of which come from personal trauma, others just because I find them hot. Who knows why we like the things we like? The point is, I'm very disturbed by the social justice trends in art and creativity. In a real world scenario, if we can't write about things that aren't "approved of", then we're all fucked. It's hard enough to make art without fear of censorship. 1/2
2/2 I’m worried about the repercussions of this type of thinking. If you take away problematic subjects, what do people expect stories to be about? The real world is extremely problematic. This just shows me that most of these "woke" people are very young, but unfortunately their morals have a real-world impact on the kind of media we consume. I’ll end my rant now. Thanks for defending your right to like whatever you want. I hope you can keep writing, because your prose is very beautiful.
Hi and thanks for appreciating my writing.
I think that this moralistic trend in fiction killed fandom culture already. These ‘woke’ fans are young, yes, and extremely ignorant. They ignore that not only the real world is very problematic so with certain things they’ll have to coexist with and with others they’ll (we’ll, as humans) try or should try to change things but it’s impossible cause decisions are in the hands of corrupted governments and dictators who don’t give a shit about human rights or environment, so in this shitty world we live in, where people get killed for the color of their skin, where people are killed in shellings because their country is invaded with a pretext, fiction, be it problematic or not, doesn’t matter anything, even less than in a peaceful world where things are all ‘unproblematic’.
Because it’s fiction and fiction should be a safe place to explore things we are interested in even if (or precisely because) they’re dark and dangerous so we wouldn’t do them in real life, or to elaborate certain things, traumas or whatever, or to just enjoy weird stuff.
It’s extremely offensive imo to start moral crusades against a pairing or some fanwork, or to have all these long ass discourse things about some injustice in the fictional world, when in the real world real injustice happens, real r*pe, real genocide happen. And now I feel this even more and I hate fandoms even more because they’re disconnected from reality, or, they engage in some online activism thing abt the current trends, because there are trends for activism too, and they apply them in fiction. Idiots, just do some real activism in the real world instead.
For me it’s too late for everything, because when I was younger and not active in fandoms I remember how much ‘problematic’ stuff there was everywhere and how people either enjoyed it or ignored it. btw I hate the word ‘problematic’ so much, and only now I’m starting to use it, and this is a victory for them too. I remember how when I started being active in the Nar fandom there were little little problems about this, and I see how it is now instead, where people self-censor themselves and their creative works so the 90s% of content is boring and stupid, 5% is ok and 5% is ok but the author apologizes so much that makes it less cool with their words. I see how my fics in the beginning received positive feedback, then less and less, with more hate because how dare I, or with justifications for liking them, as if it’s not only a guilty pleasure but a real sin to atone for.
Like you said, their ‘morals’ have an impact on the media we all consume, so we’ll have more and more ‘wholesome’ boring flat stuff...about s*x and relationships (especially when it’s about lgbt+ fictional stuff...I get that maybe for some life is so shitty that they want only ‘wholesome’ content but for others it’s ok to consume different stuff? I speak for myself and my gf for example, but there are more like us), while violence is always ok. So we’ll keep on having serial killers crime stuff because for some reason they are never included in the problematic stuff even if they indulge in problematic stuff but in the end they catch the bad guys (like Criminal Minds, which idk if it’s still ongoing. I kinda like the characters but I find the way they show serial killers/s*xual maniacs things very disturbing) or those shitty super violent things like The Walking Dead, which was so disgusting but somehow it was ok? Idk. As long as there was no ‘age gap’ or ‘problematic relationship’ cannibals and extreme violence is ok.
I think there is no turning back, not for now. Our generation of fan creations is fucked. We can continue writing, drawing, whatever but we’ll have less and less appreciation because the trend is against us. I can keep on shamelessly admitting what I like but I’ll be more and more cornered in a pit of shame and immorality by puritans. Until I, we (not you specifically but we creators of problematic content) will get tired, bored of this and we’ll grow out of the fandom. Also because like you said they are very young, so they have more time and less ideas of their own, their biggest pasttime in fandom is not creating anything, it’s politicing creators, who, on the other hand, have less time because they are older and because they spend it creating stuff.
It’s a lost battle.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What shirt you’re wearing now? my old Mickey tee  Last video you watched on yt?
I’ve felt like on drugs watching it <3
Who is the tallest person you know and how tall are they? my ex classmate Z.B. is but no idea how tall exactly, I’ve been “dating” him in pre-school which is even more funny when you know that me and N.A. were the shortest kids (and still are petite adults) What are you listening to? Natural by Imagine dragons
How do you get songs out of your head? listen smth else or wait for it to pass? Have you seen all the High School Musicals? I don’t think so, I know I’ve watched at least one because my sister forced me to but I hate musicals and Zac buffoon is no good Do you dress appropriately for your age? no What song reminds you of summer? many  Do you like your neighbors? nah Has a bird ever flown into your window? chimney, don’t worry, it survived Do you have nicknames that are longer than your actual name? sorta, could say so
What did you do today? visited gastrologist Do you like to sleep a lot? kinda, would say so Have you ever been in a class that you thought you were too smart for? oh well... Who was the last person you apologized to? my gf because I wasn’t able to write back as I wasn’t feeling well and was a little busy Would you ever get a pet tarantula? nope, I’m not scared of it but feeding spiders is gross and also my current partner has a phobia so no point of getting a pet like this Do you charge your cell phone every day? yeah Do you use tumblr? <I dislike ppl who say “what’s tumblr” as a response to questions like this because those surveys weren’t made in here so chill> Don’t you hate when people stare at you? ugh... Do you have a secret you’ve never told anyone? I do not Are you Jewish? I am not Does anyone copy the things you do? some ppl used to and yet been bullying me for what I was doing - stupid Is your dad still alive? luckily
Are you OCD about anything? you either have ocd or not, you can be obsessed about smth but then it’s not a disease, I might have this mental problem but it’s more likely just my BPD 
What breed of dog are you the most similar to? pug? Is anyone madly in love with you? hmm...
Are you over-protective of anyone? possibly ^^” Would you say cancer rates are on the rise? it seems  Do you have a good memory? it’s complicated How do you normally pose in photos? not... normally XD Are you looking forward to tomorrow? knowing that my sis won’t come? more than I did an hour before, sorry not sorry Will you hug anyone tomorrow? my parents obviously Could you name all 50 states off of the top of your head? no way When was the last time you were scared? always, more or less What’s your favorite song by Rihanna? Bitch better have my money - dunno why Do you have a pretty eye color? it’s fine in my opinion What’s your favorite Mel Gibson movie? despite him being an ass irl I was a huge fan of his old movies Do you ever put ketchup on your cereal? umm... what? hmm... Do you hate the person who last texted you? we’re in a relationship Do you ever wear plaid? at times Where are your parents at the moment? dad’s working and mom’s asleep Are you procrastinating as we speak? drying my hair, drinking water, responding to my father’s text and going to sleep Do people ever make you smile stupidly at the computer? yup Do you take painkillers? nope
Have you ever hugged someone you didn’t know? for example - there were those women in heart costumes on valentine’s day who were giving away lollipops and they hugged me  Do you think God actually exists? I believe so Who did you last give a piggyback ride to? to J.N. and P.N. brother D.N. Did you know that a banana is actually a herb? wtf Do you like little random facts like that? love Who was your favorite Beatle? Paul What’s the ugliest trend you’ve ever seen? can’t choose only one
Do you say ‘legit’? nah
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? tried, failed, gave up
Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? my dad and @jonasz-cat Would you ever date a friend’s ex? hell no Do you think Ke$ha is good or no? I don’t listen to her music Are you talking to anyone right now? online
Where did your last hug take place? home
What did your last text message say? jest akuratny :)
which of these prints did you last wear: animal print, striped, checkered, plaid, floral print, polka-dotted, argyle, or houndstooth? floral print (and plaid)
out of you and your friends, who is the pickiest eater? ME
is your room cleaner now than it was a week ago? mhm :3
who was the last person you picked up at the airport? -
What’s your favorite color of shoe? it doesn’t matter much
Do you post music on your facebook? yup What do you think about people who don’t have facebook? they should unless they’re old Would you rather go to school or have a job? job gives money so... Take pics with phone or actual camera? depends If you could paint your bedroom walls any color what would it be? I wanna a vintage wallpaper tho Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? vanilla Camping or going to the mall? mall Swimming or Hiking? hiking Do you collect stickers? I got ‘em as gifts for my scrapbook and didn’t use  Stuffed animal, flowers or chocolates? stuffed animal Pizza or pasta? pizza Italian or Mexican food? italian Do you walk around barefoot in your house? ewww, yuk Do you have a ring on your ring finger? not rn What band shirt would you wear? my fav bands of course What band shirt would you not wear? guess... What do you think about cigars? remind me of Aquarius from my book 
Pencils; Mechanical or Traditional? traditional
Does it weird you out when people much younger than you, hit on you? creepy Is there anyone you know is into you right now? :D Do you tend to want what you can’t have? I want health  What are you most confident about, physically? pfft What are you most self-conscious about, physically? my skin Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship? sigh...
Is it wicked hard for you to sleep when its hot in your room? it’s harder
Do you ever think people are just saying dramatic things to get attention? there are human beings who act this way 
Are you easily offended? I’m sensitive but not the worst?
Is most of your email spam? D: 99,99%
Do you laugh at the expense of others? when they “deserve” it
do you have any bruises? on my knee which is weird as I barely ever get any and I didn’t hurt myself lately would you consider yourself a drama queen? to some extent when you were little did your mom ever sing to you? from what I remember ever feel like you don’t belong? because that’s true does your printer need ink? black
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