#but also ever since really starting to like my OCs ive started to reevaluate the value of fanart?
I’m this close to just modelling my own desmond/descole model to mess around with but I unfortunately don’t know how much effort I am willing to put into fanart anymore asdfghj </3
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burtfromohio · 4 years
This is a bunch of OC stuff
Big long post, will take energy to get through. Enjoy.
Nessalyn Aradath
     Born to Joselyn Aradath and a father who is not in the picture. After Joselyn had Nessalyn, she moved from her home (in an underwater city I’m sure exists) to Elmville in Solace to have a better life with her daughter and to decrease the chances of seeing her slimy ex.
     Nessalyn (Ness) grew up in a very suburban non exciting environment. Her mom let her go to Aguefort because she thought adventuring would let out any pent up energy and curb any teenage rebellion. In school, Ness completed her freshman year as a fighter who wields a trident then multiclassed wizard with ice spells as her go to (because of the aesthetic). Also because of aesthetic I think she fuses her focus into her trident so she can cast from it. After graduation, Ness wanted to continue adventuring through college and go into a career that includes adventure; however, her mom convinced her to “choose a sustainable career choice”. Ness went to a four year university and became an accountant after college. She felt fine with it mostly, but after getting out of a very bland relationship, she knew she had to reevaluate her life.
     While cleaning and redecorating her living space, she finds her old trident and decides to screw what anyone says and start adventuring again. She’s kept up her health and endurance so she thinks she can go back into it but she’s really rusty with magic and combat stuff (see rust condition in the players handbook I’m not writing lol). She takes all her money and puts a lot of it in a bag of holding to hide it and goes out into the ocean to, at 26, start life over and become a pirate because what else do you do as a semi aquatic with pent up aggression.
     She makes her pirate living by taking jobs from non water breathers on Leviathan to dive for treasure. She of course skims a little treasure to keep for herself in her bag of holding that no one knows she has as she keeps many bags on her belt, delivers the treasure after which she is paid her cut.
     She does find her way to The Gold Gardens and meets Garthy (bc that’s why I made her in the first place) and after some fanfiction worthy stuff and time they become really good close friends. I like to think Garthy confides in her as much as she confides in them.
Side notes:
Ness gets her name from my usual screen name plus Triton naming conventions
I use my regular voice (standard american accent) for her just a bit more mature and optimistic sounding i guess
This is me if i could be a cool pirate almost mermaid and friends with everyone at the Gold Gardens especially Garthy
     Born to an neglectful orc mother she doesn’t really remember and a shitty triton father she remembers only slightly with great hatred. When she was very young, her mother gave her to her deadbeat father to take care of which he did for like a month then dropped her off where he thought was the most civilized place in the middle of the ocean that was close and convenient. He was wrong and left the young child to fend for herself on Leviathan. He kind of just dropped her on the lowest, closest stoop from the ocean which ended up being The Bilge.
     She hid in the dark until she was brave enough to head out where more people were to find help. She was treated incredibly poorly. In fact, when asked what her name is, her answer is “the only thing anyone has called me is ‘a filthy street urchin’. Makes sense,”. She did catch a glimpse of fighting especially from the Row and the Ruction and learned that the only way to survive was to be able to fight and hide and steal. She slept in only the darkest parts of Leviathan and sometimes had to hideaway in the ocean. She stole two gorgeous scimitar (gold hilt, black blade)from a ship with no detection. She classifies as a fighter and rogue.
     She stalks in the shadows and has at least a little info on everyone in Leviathan. Her dream is to sink the whole place down but with powerful people like Ayda and Garthy calling Leviathan home, she wouldn’t dare act on her desire.
     Urchin did once try to reach out to Garthy but upon seeing the gorgeous people who wandered about in The Gold Gardens, she assumed they would turn their noses up at her like most people did and assumed that about Garthy as well because those people were the type of company they keep.
     She has gathered info to try to track her mother and father down and confront them by stealing various documents and records from all over Leviathan and any significant ships. She doesn’t find her mother that way but she did find her father or at least his name.
Side notes:
Urchin has a real name read below
I use a kind of british accent for her voice (think Karliah Skyrim) with a little more idk cockney in there
This is just a really good idea i had and not me at all
The two now women do eventually have a chance encounter while Nessalyn hides in the Bilge from some people she screwed over. Urchin wants absolutely nothing to do with anyone and she knows base information about Ness (not her whole name tho), the optimistic new pirate wannabe who captured the heart of Garthy and everyone at The Gold Gardens. Ness is surprised at this and Urchin is surprised that Ness gives her the time of day since no one has ever spoken to her at length. When Ness asks her name she uses the quote above. Ness then vows to become Urchin’s friend because why not. Urchin hates this but maybe deep down likes it because she’s never had a friend and craves the affection she never had. After much persisting from Ness and repeat visits to talk, Urchin opens up about her shit family and how she has found some key info on her father and his whereabouts. Turns out his name is Syrus Aradath and he is held up in some sleezy underwater city that I’m sure exists. Ness is taken aback because that’s her last name (also to Urchins surprise since full names aren’t important unless they belong to powerful people)but doesnt know much about her father’s side of the family. All she knows is the one thing her mom had mentioned when she was worked up. Something about having to leave her two timing dirtbag husband who cheated on her when he was supposedly on a business trip but really he went to visit an orc. Then the final piece comes together with that memory and Ness is elated that she figured out that they are in fact half sisters with Ness being a little older though Urchin does not know her exact date of birth (Ness offers to share her birthday bc she’s cute like that). Urchin isn’t excited but in time warms up to the idea. They do forge a sisterly bond. Urchin finally meets Garthy and feels bad that she assumed they were going to be like mean or something. The two embark on a journey to confront their shit father and they do and tell him off and its cathartic and whatnot in the way that their father lives a deserved shitty life in an undersea hovel with many people mad at him for one reason or another. He truthfully claims he has no other children and Urchin gets the info on her mom, Valra Head Smasher, and goes off to confront her by herself for closure purposes. She does find her and sees that she leans more on the side of traditional orc (tough and mean). Her mom tells her that she was very small and weak when she was born and didn’t deserve a name that was fully orcish so she named her something kind of orcish but leaning more towards her weakling father’s heritage or something. Her real name is Korhal Aradath. Valra commends Urchin’s bravery of tracking her down and confronting her.
thats what ive got :p
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