#but also he was like so impressed by how mich the judges loved nongnong hahahaha
rqs902 · 5 years
I randomly started watching ep 1 of idol producer on the TV in my living room while cooking dinner, and one of my roommates (who is a goofy Caucasian boy who proudly claims he has never eaten Chinese food) walks in to eat his dinner, starts watching, starts calling Nongnong “the kid who looks like he’s 8 years old” and gets so caught up in it, that when ep 1 ends, he’s like “you better put that back on the tv!” And so I put on ep 2, and they start revealing the 24 hr rankings and he’s like “who got #1?! Why don’t they tell you??” And then he asks me “was it the kid who looks like he’s 8?” And I was like “well he’s the only one you remember from ep 1, so he’s number one in your heart” :^)
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